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Fighter When you reach certain levels in this class, the size of

your Brawler dice increases: at 5th level (d6), 11th level

(d8), and 17th level (d10).
Tavern Brawler
Saving Throws. Some of your techniques require your
The taste of ale-soaked floorboards is a familiar flavour target to make a saving throw to resist the technique’s
to Tavern Brawlers. Whether they’ve been thrown to the effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
ground in a glorious takedown, blocked an improvised
weapon with their teeth, or tackled a foe into a pile of Technique save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
flailing limbs, Tavern Brawlers cherish the memory of your Strength modifier
every scuffle that hasn’t been knocked out of their brains.
Though most inns and pubs decry barroom brawls as Brawler Techniques. The techniques below use your
unnecessarily damaging and expensive affairs, celebrated Brawler dice. Creatures more than one size larger than
carpenter and philosopher Lottaw Ood proposed that you automatically succeed on any saving throws or con-
without the constant kerfuffles, woodworkers and the en- tested checks against these techniques’ effects.
tire lumber industry might collapse. In fact, more shrewd Bind. When you make an unarmed strike with a free
carpentry guilds have opened “Brawl-Inns”; taverns with hand against a creature you are grappling, you can
dedicated brawling areas and a microtransaction econ- expend one Brawler die to force an additional con-
omy that encourages fighters to purchase chairs with tested grappling check instead of an attack roll. On
which to clout their fellow patrons. a success, you deal the strike’s normal damage plus
additional damage equal to one roll of your Brawler
Barroom Wrestler
die and the creature is restrained until the grapple
3rd-Level Tavern Brawler Feature
ends or you use one of the hands you have grappling
Brawler Dice. You’ve learned techniques that are fueled the target for something else.
by special dice called Brawler dice, which are d4s. You Chokehold. While you have a humanoid restrained
have a number of these dice equal to twice your profi- (for example, by your Bind technique) you can use
ciency bonus. You regain all your expended Brawler dice an action to expend one Brawler die and attempt to
when you finish a long rest.
Dan Phat

cut off the creature’s blood supply. The creature must

make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it

CHAPTER 7 | Classes 709

takes damage equal to two rolls of your Brawler die
plus your Strength modifier and immediately begins
to be strangled until it is no longer restrained by
Strangulation & Suffocation
you. On a failure, it takes half as much damage and Strangulation is a new concept introduced for
doesn’t begin to be strangled. this subclass and acts like a less extreme version
A creature that is being strangled remains conscious of suffocating. In both cases, when a creature be-
for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution gins to be strangled or begins suffocating, it can
modifier (minimum 1), and falls unconscious at the act as normal for a number of rounds equal to its
start of its next turn. A creature that is made uncon- Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At
scious in this manner regains consciousness if it takes
the start of the creature’s turn after this period
any damage. If you continue to choke a creature
has elapsed, the creature falls unconscious.
beyond this point, it begins suffocating. If you
release the creature, it remains unconscious for 1d20 The difference between being strangled and suf-
+ 10 minutes.
focating is that when a suffocating creature falls
Smash. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon unconscious it also drops to 0 hit points and is
attack with an improvised weapon, you can expend
dying, and can’t regain hit points or be stabilized
one Brawler die to deal additional bludgeoning,
until it can breathe again, whereas a strangled
piercing, or slashing damage (GM’s decision) equal
to one roll of your Brawler die. The object takes an creature remains unconscious for 1d20 + 10 min-
equal amount of damage, possibly destroying it. utes, and wakes if it takes any damage.
Takedown. When you make an unarmed strike Chokehold Example. On initiative count 10 of
against a creature you are grappling, you can expend
round 1, the Tavern Brawler (TB), who has a thug
one Brawler die to force an additional contested
restrained, uses the chokehold technique on the
grappling check instead of an attack roll. On a
success, you deal the strike’s normal damage plus thug. The thug fails its Constitution saving throw
additional damage equal to one roll of your Brawler and begins to be strangled. Because the thug has
die as you throw the target to the ground where it a +2 Constitution modifier, it has 2 rounds to act
lands prone. before it falls unconscious. On initiative count 15
of rounds 2 and 3, the thug tries and fails to break
the TB’s grapple, meaning it stays restrained and
3rd-Level Tavern Brawler Feature
continues to be strangled. On initiative count 15
Your familiarity with patrons of bars and inns has left of round 4, the thug falls unconscious at the start
you adept at sensing their motives. You have advantage
of its turn and immediately begins suffocating.
on Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion checks against
If the TB continues to maintain the grapple and
creatures that have been drinking.
thus keep the thug restrained, the strangulation
Tavern Tussler continues. On initiative count 15 at the start of
3rd-Level Tavern Brawler Feature round 6, the thug would succumb to suffocation,
You’ve learned to use whatever weapons might be close at drop to 0 hit points, and begin dying.
hand, often surprising foes with your ingenuity. You are
proficient with improvised weapons and your unarmed
strikes and improvised weapon attacks can deal damage Twisting Grapples
equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier on a hit. This 7th-Level Tavern Brawler Feature
damage die increases when you reach 5th level (1d6),
You can attempt to grapple a creature as a bonus action
11th level (1d8), and 17th level (1d10) in this class.
on your turn, and you have advantage on attack rolls
Improviser. You can pick up an object within your you make against creatures you are grappling. In addi-
reach as part of the attack you make with that object. In tion, when you successfully apply the grappled condition
addition, the first time you make an attack with an im- to a creature, you can choose to painfully twist, dealing
provised weapon you picked up on that same turn, that bludgeoning damage to the creature equal to a roll of
attack scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. your unarmed strike die plus your Strength modifier.

Uncanny Technique Wrecking Ball. When you move at least 10 feet di-
10th-Level Tavern Brawler Feature rectly towards a creature immediately before making
an attack as part of the Attack action, you can forgo
You can add double your proficiency bonus to contested the attack to expend one Brawler die as you throw
Strength (Athletics) checks you make. When you make your entire body at your target. Make a Strength
an ability check to grapple a creature or to escape a grap- (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Dexter-
ple, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. ity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check (its
choice). If you succeed, the target takes bludgeoning
Tavern Regular
damage equal to two rolls of your Brawler die plus
15th-Level Tavern Brawler Feature
your Strength modifier, and you both land prone.
Years spent anticipating conflict in inns and taverns has
given you a preternatural danger sense. You have advan-
tage on initiative rolls, and you gain proficiency in the Weapons for Tavern Brawlers
Insight skill. If you have this proficiency from another
For weapons that can augment a Tavern Brawl-
source, you can add twice your proficiency bonus to
checks you make using that skill. er’s arsenal, check out claws, knuckle dusters,
and spiked cesti in Chapter XX. To give a Tavern
As a bonus action on your turn, you can make a
Brawler access to magical damage, you can give
Wisdom (Insight) check against a creature you can see.
+1/2/3 variants of any of these weapons; reskin
On a success, you learn the creature’s disposition towards
you, such as whether it means you harm, views you as a the magical effects of other items (such as a
friend, or wants something from you. flame tongue) to apply to these weapons; or give
them the common-rarity brawler’s wraps (see be-
Grandstand Performer low) which transform the damage from grapples,
18th-Level Tavern Brawler Feature unarmed strikes, and improvised weapons into
When you roll initiative and have no Brawler dice re- magical damage.
maining, you regain two Brawler dice.
You learn new techniques that use your brawler dice.
Piledriver. When you have a creature restrained (for Brawler’s Wraps
example, by your Bind technique) and take the Wondrous item, common
Attack action, you can forgo two of your attacks While you wear these wraps, whenever you deal bludg-
to expend one Brawler die in a complex crushing eoning, piercing, or slashing damage with an unarmed
manoeuvre. The creature must make a Dexterity strike, improvised weapon, or a technique that uses
saving throw. On a failure, it takes bludgeoning Brawler dice, that damage is magical.
damage equal to two rolls of your Brawler die plus
your Strength modifier and is stunned until the end
of your next turn. On a success, it takes half as much
damage and isn’t stunned.
Throw. When you have a creature grappled and take
the Attack action, you can forgo one of your attacks
to expend one Brawler die and force the creature to
make a Strength saving throw as you attempt to
launch it. On a failure, you throw the creature hori-
zontally away from you in a straight line up to 30
feet if it is a smaller size category than you, 20 feet
if it is the same size as you, or 10 feet if it is one size
category larger than you. The creature collides with
the first solid object or creature in its path, causing
both targets to take bludgeoning damage equal
Chaouki “Ciao” Titouhi

to one roll of your Brawler die plus your Strength


CHAPTER 7 | Classes 711

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