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Please describe your character:

It is a woman, though the instructions are to not refer to the prisoner as a woman or a man. She is
somewhere in her 20s or 30s. Its hard to tell as she has not been groomed or bathed properly. Her black
hair is a tangled/curly/wavy mess. Her body shows bruises and cuts from beatings from the guards. The
guards are not allowed to know her name. They are not allowed to talk to her. If she has any illness that
could risk killing her however a medical specialist comes down to treat her. Because the instructions are
that she needs to live to suffer. Her deep slate blue grey eyes stand out. If any guard says the eyes look
like the old kings eyes they are transferred from the guard duty and sent to a frontier garrison.

The late King Simon was a good ruler, known for being particularly wise and farsighted. His heir later
became King. King Julian’s mother was married to King Simon in settlement of a peace treaty. Rumors
continued that Queen Alexis had an illegitimate child. Those rumors are purported to be what caused her
suicide [ though some suggest she was killed]. Julian soon had a stepmother and a ‘Brother’ Prince
Morgan. Morgan’s mother came from a junior line of the royal family, a second cousin of the king. The
truth of course was Morgan was his sister. There was a conspiracy to try to raise Morgan as a Prince to
remove Julian by advisors of the King’s who knew the truth….Queen Alexis had lain with another man
and Prince Julian was not the lawful king. Morgan was trained to be a noble King to administer the
kingdom…. but Julian was trained to be a schemer and a plotter. He discovered the secret of Morgan and
had her arrested and her allies in the palace executed. Julian had Morgan thrown into the deepest
dungeon in the Palace. Her Punishment would be to live and see him rule. Had her conspiracy worked she
would likely have been married off to someone else….but the inequities of the reign of Julian are such
that the Nobles might be willing to accept a Queen.

Morgan does what she can to keep her body fit…. which is a challenge…. She recites Poems, Plays, and
sings songs. Recounts bits of information about the kingdom in her mind to keep her mind sharp. She
also knows the Evidence against Queen Alexis and the Usurper Julian remains safe out there. Her fear is
Julian will bring her to the throne room finding that last bit of evidence. The Royal Confessor knew of the
plot to hide her as a Prince….and he was assigned to a monastery. The Confessor sent word to her
through a doctor one time when she was sick to let her know that God’s Justice would see to her. And if
she could survive Man’s justice might as well. Nobles outraged by King Julian who could use the rightful
heir to King Simon to bring Justice back to the land. Julian knew before the death of his mother the truth,
that he was not the rightful king, and he takes pleasure in Morgan’s captivity.

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