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Jl.Senopati No.77, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Quotation Date : Expired Date : Quotation Number :
16 Feb 2023 02 Mar 2023 OT.SO.23.15731
Prepared for : Your Sales Representative :
PT Bank Mandiri Taspen Dimas Permadi

Dear PT Bank Mandiri Taspen ,

We are glad that you are choosing Otten Coffee as your professional coffee consultant. We aim to provide the best coffee
solutions for you. In response to the inquiries we have received, we are pleased to provide the following detailed
information :

No. Picture Product Name Qtty Price @ Disc @ Total

1 Aceh Gayo Atu Lintang 200g Kopi Arabica 120 BKS 74,000 0 8,880,00

Produk bersertifikasi Halal MUI dengan nomor: LPPOM SU-

09120016311121 FREE: 100 menu kopi (pdf), klik di sini

Kapan kopi sebaiknya dikonsumsi setelah tanggal roasting? Silakan klik di sini untuk mengetahuinya.

2 Lintong Onan Ganjang 200g Kopi Arabica 120 BK 84,0 0

S 00 10,080,0

FREE: 100 menu kopi (pdf), klik di sini

Kapan kopi sebaiknya dikonsumsi setelah tanggal roasting? Silakan klik di sini untuk mengetahuinya.

3 Solok Selatan 200g Kopi Arabica 120 BK 75,0 0

S 00 9,000,0

FREE: 100 menu kopi (pdf), klik disini

Disarankan konsumsi kopi setelah hari ke 14 setelah tanggal sangrai untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih
maksimal, baca disini alasannya.
Page 1 of 2
Total Gross 27,960,0

Total 27,960,000

Terms & Conditions :

1. Pricing is inclusive of PPN 11%
2. Pricing is exclusive of With-Holding Tax (if applicable)
3. All prices stated above are subject to change without prior notice, we do not hold any products mentioned here, unless there is agreement signed by both parties.
4. We offer 12 months limited warranty of all electrical, mechanical parts and workmanship of the machine, with the warranty exclusions as below:
a. On any of the rubber seals, gaskets or O’rings as these are perishable items that need to be changed on a regular basis.
b. Damage or failure due to hard water and scale build up within the machine.
c. All damage caused by carelessness and/or human error, accidental damage or vandalism.
d. If the client, an employee or any other third party (person or service company) open, adjust, repair or modif y the machine.
e. The cracking, shrinkage or warping of any wood components due to the characteristics of wood.

Payment :
Bank Transfer
PT Otten Coffee Indonesia
Bank : BCA (IDR) - Acc.Number : 006 999 3666
Bank : Mandiri (IDR) - Acc.Number : 102 00 8899669 6

Delivery Date : 20 Feb 2023 jam : 19.00

pengiriman ditanggung Customer
DP 50% total : RP 13.980.000 .-
Pelunasan Ketika ingin dikirimkan pada
Tanggal 20 Feb 2023

Accepted by Customer

Name :
Position :

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