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Planet Malia Trismergius is the central world in the Othrys Sector

The planet is divided into multiple regions. The principle 2 divine cults on Malia are the Cults of Hermes
and Hades. The world was the central domain of Thanatos during the war with the Titans. Hermes and
Hades forces defeated Thanatos and claimed the full domain from Death. The planet prior to this had
historical associations with both Gaea and Orcus

The Space Elevator

The Space elevator region is home to spacers, as well as the techs for the spacers. It is primarily a human
domain and is mostly a cosmopolitan (albeit Laborer centric) region. The principal Shrine to Apollo was
located here.

The Orbital Ring

Above the world is an Orbital ring. It is the main home for the elites of human society. The best artisans,
the best technicians, the richest people, and the elites. The cult of Hermes dominates the region.


The upper archology region. Almost exclusively human in composition. The main temple to Hermes and
Hades are both located here. As is the center of the government. The governments main task has been
to try to create a post scarcity economy. The Hadean and Hermetic cults both speak to this being an
immoral act.

The Cult of the Queen of Dreams [ who is worshiped there as Emeraldas, The cult of Moradin, and the
cult of Hephaestus have members that support it most of all. If the fullness of the planet was allowed to
vote their would be broader support.

Iron Ring:
This is the home to the skilled tradesmen and laborers. This is the region where non human species are the
most common to encounter. Dwarves have come to dominate the trade and labor guilds as well.

Ring of Bronze:

This is the region where unskilled and slave laborers live. Indentured servants are also primarily living in
this region. This region is a strong mixture of non-human species. The majority swings back and forth
between human and non-human species.

This region was the center of the cult to Hekate. But that cult has been in abeyance for many centuries.
There are rumors of “The Cult of the Extinguished” that seem to be of noteworthy concern. Cults to the
Titans rise up here from time to time. The Titans speaking to the voices of the oppressed. The Cult of
Ares once was prominent in this region. And many speak to the fact they may be there in secret. “War
never dies, it merely slumbers.” As the Aresian mysteries speaks to.

The Mud:

The Mud is where the poorest of the poor live. The people here are slaves, people who run away from
debts (owed to the Hadean and Hermetic cults), Criminals, prisoners of war, and refugees. No one knows
how many people live in the Mud. The Mud was once home to the cults of Gaea, Rhea, and Cybele. The
cult of Demeter that was on the world was small and were stationed in orbit.

The cults of Athena and Hermes have expeditions digging into the mud. Orcus was a Titan or Primordial
of death who had a cult of significance in Ancient days.

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