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SJD ASSIGNMENT 3 DONALD THABANG MOPONYA 18212778 1.The difference between a criminal case and a civil case is that criminal cases are cases that has something to do with crime when they come to court e.g a person is taken to court because she is accused of a crime.The judge, and sometimes a jury, must consider the evidence presented during a trial to decide whether the accused is guilty or innocent.Most crimes and their punishments are described in the Criminal Code of Canada. Some crimes involve other people, including assault,murder,sexual assault, and identity theft whereas tn civil cases, a person or an organization asks a judge to settle a civil problem, such as a problem concerning an inheritance, problem involving a contract, or a family problem, such as divorce or custody of children.A person can also ask a judge for compensation for damage suffered because of someone else's fault. This type of case is called a “civil responsibility” case. For example, if someone sues a plumber for poor repair work that caused a flood in her kitchen, the judge can order the plumber to pay money to compensate her for the water damage. 24 2.1 It is a civil case and the case will be heard in the High Court. 2.2 It is a civil case, the case will be heard the Magistrate court. 2.3 It is a criminal case, the case will be heard in the High Court. 2.4 It is a civil case the case will be heard in the Magistrate court. 2.5 It is a civil case the case will be heard in the Magistrate court. 3. Negotiation is when parties reach to an agreement to sort out their differences where they try to negotiate on a way forward to find a mutual agreement. Meditation is when parties try and agree to find common grounds to negotiate and reaching a mutual agreement through someone who may not be affected by the decisions to be made e.g like a mediator or a third party but the decisions would not be made by them but to help the parties involved to see each point of view case in both perceptions Arbitration is where parties find an independent third party to listen to their cases and make a decision on their behalf, in which the parties would be bind by the decision made by the arbitrator. Meaning the decision made by the arbitrator is final and binds the parties which must be accepted and followed by the parties in question.All three differ because with the negotiation and meditation both don't have the power to make the decisions on the behalf of the parties unlike with the arbitration which makes the final decision.

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