Structure Fomr, Indirect Speech

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Language Variation:

Sociolect/Social dialect: avariety of a language used by people belonging to a

particular socal class. The speakers of a sociolect usually share a similar
socioeconomic and/or education back ground. Sociolects maybe classed as high or
low in status.
For example:
He and I were going there (higher sociolect)
Im’n me goin’ there. (Lower sociolect)
Phương ngữ xã hội / xã hội: một loại ngôn ngữ được sử dụng bởi những người thuộc một tầng lớp soc ial cụ thể. Những người nói

của một xã hội học thường chia sẻ một nền tảng kinh tế xã hội và / hoặc giáo dục tương tự. Xã hội học có thể được phân loại là cao

hoặc thấp về địa vị.

1.3 Speech act theories:

Structural forms General communicative functions

Declarative (khẳng định, tuyên bố) Statement (trần thuật)
You wear a helmet.
You are standing infront of the TV.
Interrogative (nghi vấn) Question.
Do you wear a helmet? do you have to stand infront of the TV

do you have to stand infront of the TV?

Imperative (mệnh lệnh) Command/request

Wear a helmet!
Move out of the way!

You’d make a better door than a function as requests)

The form of speech: Indirect or Direct.
The structural form: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Imperative (mệnh lệnh)
General communicative functions: Statement; Question; Command/request
make a better door than a window.
We can use the form of speech and structural form to express general functions.


1 It’s cold outside. (direct)
2 I hereby tell you about the weather: (direct)
3. I hereby request of you that you close the door. (Indiect)
4. You are standing in front of the TV.
5. Do you have to stand in front of the TV?
6. Move out of the way!
7. You’d make a better door than a window.
(all these sentences function as requests)

3. Experessives are those kinds of speech ackt that speaker fell. They express
psychological satements. Statement of pleasure, paint, likes, dislike, joy, or
4. Directive are those kinds of speech acts that speaker …someone else to do
something. They express what the … They are commands, orders, requests,
suggestions …positive or negative.
5.Commissives, are those kinds of speech ackts that th … to commit themselves to
some future action. They … Threats, rufusals, pledges, an they can be perform.. alone
or by the speaker as a member of a group.
The feature, marker of declare sentence: the oder of the word,
The sentens cence give information of statemen.
Think the situation you say that sentence
Direct and indirect sentence.
Suddently the husband appeared.
In this case, he
Declarative form mệnh lệnh thức

1.3. Speech act theorie.

Performative Hypothesis:
Giả thuyết biểu diễn:

I herreby Vp you that U..

You’re going! ( I tell you Y-G)
You’re going ( I request confirmation about Y you Y-G)
You’re going ( I ask you if Y – G)
I’ll see you later. (=A)
( I predict that) A
(I promise you that) A
{I warn you that} A
Interrogative raise not falls

Illocutionary act can be performed through the below utterance

I’ll see you late
Are the act imlicit (hàm ý) or explicit (Rõ ràng)
What should be done to make the acts explicit.
I Promise you that I’ll see you later.
đó là tôi đang bận, tôi sẽ về muộn …
No sign to promise,
I will see you late ( promise) warnding.
The verb that động từ gọi tên hành động một cách hiển ngôn gọi alf động từ hữu hình
(hiển ngôn)

1 locutionary (act hành vi tạo lời).(phonetic act + alinguistic act + a referring

A speech ach has 3 components: 1 locutionary act (hành vi tạo lời” (vỏ bề ngoài của
ngôn ngữ)
2 illcutiongary act” Là thành tố quan trọng nhất hành vi ở lời. hành động ngôn
3 Perlocutionary act: hành vi sau lời, hành động sau lời the effect of what we

Performative verbs
Is a verb that explicitly names the illocutionary act being the performed
Eg Predic, promise, warn in the below example

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