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The Challenges of Modular Blended and Online Learning to Senior High School

Students at NMSCST

Research Thesis
Presented to
The Faculty of Junior High School
Northwestern Mindanao State College
of Science and Technology
Labuyo, Tangub City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements of the subject

Caryl R. Aliño
Leogin D. Agustin
Dino Christian C. Daniel
Milyn Mae A. Palgan
Arnold Jay A. Liwagon
Wenabel O. Fiel

May 2021
Approval Sheet

This research study entitled “The Challenges of Modular Blended and Online
Learning to Senior High School Students at NMSCST” prepared and submitted by
Group 1 et, al. 2021. In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Grade-10 Galileo in
Junior High School Department has been examined and recommended for acceptance
and approval.



APPROVED by the thesis committee on oral examination with the grade of .

Panel of Examiners

ACCEPTED and APPROVED in Partial Fulfilment of the requirement for the

Grade-10 Galileo in Junior High School Department.


Title : The Challenges of Modular Blended and Online Learning to Senior

High School Students at NMSCST
Researchers : Caryl R. Aliño
: Leogin D. Agustin
: Dino Christian C. Daniel
: Milyn Mae A. Palgan
: Arnold Jay A. Liwagon
: Wenabel O. Fiel
Instructor : Shianne Grace C. Mañego
Grade : Group-1 in Grade-10 Galileo at Junior High School Department
Course Code : Research 10
School Year : 2020-2021
This study aimed to explore the distinctive roles of trust and emotional needs, that
the Senior High School Students in NMSCST face from their learning modality despite
covid19, and to know what type of modality they aggressively prefer to comprehend the
challenges between modular blended learning and online learning.
A method applied to this study is a qualitative method of research. Used to examine
the opportunities and The Challenges of Modular Blended and Online Learning to Senior
High School Students at NMSCST and how it affects or how effective it is to their
studies and daily life. It focuses more on the "what" of the research subject rather than
the "why" of the research subject. An excellent example of a qualitative research method
is interviews that generate qualitative data through open questions like “what learning
modality they prefer the most?”. Researchers must have to dive deep to understand the
challenges of modular blended and online learning to senior high school students at
NMSCST, which is good to exercise and improve critical thinking skills for new ideas
for greater advancement and competitiveness. In all circumstances have been considered
this study simply implies that the students are seemingly feel motivated upon taking up
the face-to-face learning modality.

The researchers would like to express their sincerest thanks and gratitude to those
who have help them in making this study a reality.
Specially, the researchers are grateful to the following:
God Almighty, first and foremost, praise’s and thank to for his showers of blessings
throughout the entire research work to complete the study successfully.
Ms. Shianne Grace C. Mañego, the instructor for the motivation and good
suggestions to make the study a success. An instructor who supports. Researchers could
not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for the study.
Panelists, who have patience, enthusiasm and immense knowledge to guide the
researchers on completing and improving the thesis.
Parents, for their love and prayers, caring and sacrifices for educating and preparing
for their child’s future. Thanks to their understanding and continuing support to complete
this research work.
Last but not the least, researchers would like to extend their appreciation to those who
could not be mentioned here but have well played their role to inspire them behind the

The Researchers

This piece of work

Is whole heartedly
Dedicated to parents, teachers, instructor
Who gives us knowledge
Classmates, love ones and friends
Who are always extending their hands
With their full support and encouragement
To the Alma Matter,
the Northwestern Mindanao State College
of Science and Technology
Most especially to the Almighty Father
For the gift of life, hope and faith in order to
Complete this project
Because to all of you we successfully made it.

The Researchers
TITLE PAGE…..…………………………………………………………………….….i
APPROVAL SHEET………………………………..……………………………….…ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………vi
LIST OF TABLES……………………………...……………………………………...vii
LIST OF FIGURES………………………..…………………………………………...ix

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………...3
Schematic Diagram………………………………………………………………….3
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………4
Scope and Limitation………………………………………………………………...4
Significance of the Study……….………………………………………………….....5
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………..5
Review of Related Studies…………………………………………………………..6
Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………..8

Research Design…………………………………………………………………….11
Research Environment………………………………………………………….…..11
Research Respondents……………………………………………………………....11
Sampling Techniques…………………………..…………………………………...12
Research Instruments……………………………………………………………….12
Data Gathering Technique………………………………………………………….13
Statistical Treatment………………………………………………………………..13
Data Analysis and Interpretation………………………………………………...14
Summary of Findings……………………………………………………………17
Conclusions and Recommendations……………………………………………..18
Working References………………………………………………………………19
References of Review of Related Studies………………………………………...20
References of Review of Related Literature……………………………………...21

Table 1………………………………………………………………………………….14
Table 2………………………………………………………………………………….16

Schematic Diagram……………………………………………………………………….3
Academic Performance………………………………………………………………….14
Responsibilities as a Student…………………………………………………………….15
Learning Modality Preferred…………………………………………………………….17


Society today, technology education has been experiencing rapid change because of
the pandemic we're all facing now. It must be changed to keep up with our ever-changing
world of work, where occupations are here today and gone tomorrow. The modular
approach is an emerging trend in educational thinking that shifts the traditional
instruction method to an outcome-based learning paradigm. Modules are based on
dividing the curriculum into small discrete modules or units that are independent.
Face-to-face learning is a type of instructional method where the course content and
learning material that taught in-person to students. Who allows for life as an interaction
between the learner and the instructor? The learners will benefit from a greater level of
interaction with their fellow students. Online learning is an education that takes place all
over the Internet, also referred to as "e-learning," among the others. Online learning is a
type of "distance learning" - the umbrella term for any wisdom that occurs
across distance and not in a traditional classroom. Despite all the challenges the
education sector is facing, adjusting to blended forms of learning in response to
the pandemic, the world's battle cry is that learning must continue and never let this
pandemic destroy student's future. Education is the social institution in which the society
provides its members with the necessary knowledge, including basic facts, job skills, and
cultural norms. Education's essential benefits are that it improves personal lives and
helps society run smoothly. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak of respiratory illness cases. And this is very
dangerous and way too risky for our health, especially for the students who have weak
immune systems; never let this stop students from their dreams and a beautiful future.
Having an education in your area helps people think, feel, and behave to contribute to
their success and improve their satisfaction and community. Also, education develops a
human personality, thoughts, dealing with others, and prepares people for life
According to Mulford et al., 1995, after a slow start in the middle schools,
individualized instructional module labs are now quickly developing into high schools,
according to the suppliers who make them. Moreover, to the world economic forum
COVID-19 action platform et al., 2020, the covid-19 has resulted in schools shut
worldwide. Education changed with the remarkable rise of e-learning, where teaching is
undertaken remotely on digital platforms. Increasing the retention of all pieces of
information and taking less time defines the changes of coronavirus caused might be here
to stay. Furthermore, to Watson, John et al., 2008 North American council for online
learning think of "Online learning" as a subset of distance learning (in which the students
and the teachers separated), in which the delivery and the communication are achieved
primarily through the uses of computers connected by the Internet. However, online
learning can be either distance learning or blended learning. Still, education that
combines online and face-to-face delivery is not merely a theory but is already being
developed and implemented by schools throughout the country and the world. In some
cases, it might be underway for several years, yet some schools call this method of
teaching a "Blended," while others call it "Hybrid,"
The first paragraph talks about the advantages and purposes of modular blended and
online learning despite covid19. In contrast, the second paragraph talks about what other
authors say about the challenges and importance of blended and online learning despite
covid19. Evaluating this study can transform from usually face-to-face to blended and
online learning despite covid19 as well-embraced students' future in the new normal, and
more research is necessary to apply to this study.
The new normal is gradually the increased use of online and modular blended
learning tools. The Covid19 pandemic has turned over a new way of learning. For many
educational conspiracies, this is a substantially new set of education that had to adopt.
This study plans to survey some Senior High School Students in Northwestern Mindanao
State College of Science and Technology to comprehend the challenges between
modular blended learning and online learning. This study explores the multidimensional
and distinctive roles of trust and emotional needs that the students face with their
knowledge despite covid19 and to know what type of education they aggressively prefer.
Blended and online learning, despite covid19, has challenges.
Conceptual Framework
This study's main idea is to influence students on how modular blended and
online learning challenges despite covid19 became connected to the future.

Senior High
School Types of learning
Students -modular blended Challenges
-online learning
-face to face learning

Disadvantages Advantages

Knowledge construction
Self-regulation Technology quality
Workload management
Interactions COVID-1
Struggles 9

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram

Each of its principles is useful for destruction and advantage to the students' future
and knowing the Challenges of Modular Blended and Online Learning to Senior High
School Students at Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology.
Through the help of questionnaires with multiple questions that may foretell further
information, the researchers know where to focus on their study to improve and add
more details.
Statement of the Problem
1. Do they feel like a student with these types of learnings despite covid19?
2. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;
a. Year Level
b. Course
c. Age
3. How are the types of learning a challenge to their life?
4. How often did they struggle?
5. How often did they fight for their future nowadays?
6. How do these types of learning give an advantage to a student's knowledge?
7. How do these types of learning have disadvantages in a student's life?
8. How do the students have enough technology quality?

H1: There is a difference between students having the face-to-face class than
modular blended and online learning.

Scope and limitation of the study

This study focuses on Modular Blended, and Online Learning Challenges to Senior
High School Students at Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and
Technology. This data collection is intended only for the Senior High School
students of Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology,
Labuyo, Tangub City, the School Year 2020-2021. This scope will be conducted
online with the help of social media. Researchers will do this study by encoding the
data gathered from the students' survey and can be used as a reference to provide a
shred of evidence. The respondents' answers will answer the advantages and
disadvantages of knowing how they deal with their studies even in a pandemic.
Significance of the study
This study would provide necessary information that could lead to a greater
understanding of what learning types do the Senior High School students in
Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science & Technology incline. Through
this study, everyone will know how these learning types affect the students
positively or negatively.

Definition of terms
➢ The right or desirable quality or feature
➢ Benefit or gain resulting from some course of action.
➢ A harmful or undesirable quality or feature
➢ An unfavourable, inferior, or prejudicial condition that brings loss or
damage, especially to reputation, achievements, and unusually difficult
Modular Blended
➢ An educational approach that combines the online educational materials
and the opportunities for interaction online with traditional
place-based classroom methods, with some student controls element
over time, place, path or pace.
Online learning
➢ Education takes place over the Internet, and they often referred to as
"e-learning." However, online learning is just one type of "distance
learning" - the umbrella term for any wisdom that takes place
across distance and not in a traditional classroom.
➢ It involves courses offered by the postsecondary institutions that are
100% virtual and excluding massively open online courses. Online
learning, or the virtual classes offered over the Internet, is contrasted
with traditional methods taken in brick-and-mortar school buildings.
Review of Related Study and Review of Related Literature

Review of related studies

According to Jakarta et al., on July 21, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic took the world by
surprise. Globally, everything has stopped. Projects have a delay, workplaces are closed,
and schools shut down. The world seems to have ground to a halt because of the novel
coronavirus. Only time will tell whether online classes will be a good substitute for regular
courses. If they are, there will be a rise in online educational programs and online
universities. The challenges in blended modular learning help students understand
scheduling and staying on top of their work since they will not force them to go to school
with homework. Still, instead, it's just a date posted on google classroom. Especially for
students who are just starting online, they might think, "Well, that due date's not until some
point in the future." But ultimately, it's up to you to know when to start working on the
assignment and make sure you have enough time to finish it.

Moreover, Ryan et al., 2016, Online learning is defining in contradistinction to

face-to-face learning. The most prominent feature is the absence of a physical classroom,
which replaced web-based technologies offering good opportunities. The out-of-class
learning independent of time, place, and points out that "in the context of higher education,
the phrase online understanding is often interpreted as referencing courses that are offering
altogether online; " Typically, the online learning setting is launching through so-called
learning management systems (LMS) or virtual learning environments (VLE) such as
Moodle and Blackboard.

According to Piccoli, Ahmad, & Ives et al., 2001. The quality of learning management
system content for learners can predict good performance in e-and blended learning
environments and lead to learner satisfaction. On the whole, low-quality technology yields
no satisfaction by users, and therefore the quality of technology significantly affects
satisfaction. Continued navigation through a learning management system increases use
and is an indicator of success in blended learning. The efficient use of the learning
management system and its tools improves learning outcomes in e-learning and blended
learning environments. The two most significant advantages to online learning are where
one is the flexibility of the schedule. With that comes a certain level of discipline because
you have to decide when temp you're going to watch the lecture, when temp you're going
to log on and read the content, and when temp you're going to do what's outlined in the
syllabus. If you miss something, you can quickly go back and re-watch recorded lectures.

According to Goyal and Tambe et al. (2015), learner satisfaction with a learning
management system can be an antecedent factor for blended learning effectiveness noted
that learners appreciate the module's contribution to their learning. They showed positivity
with it as it improved their understanding of the course material. Improved knowledge is
also noted through sharing study material, submitting assignments, and using the calendar.
Learners in the study found modules to be valuable educational tools. The online learning
environment relies on computers connected to the Internet. Responsibilities for learning
shift primarily to learners. To this end, the teacher's role is to guide learners using various
online strategies while providing them with clear instructions to assignments or tasks that
complement and ultimately accomplish the established course learning objectives. In an
online course, there is 100% online course delivery with little or no face-to-face sessions.
By contrast, blended learning is a mix of face-to-face teaching and the online approach.
Students in such a course have the convenience of learning and revising at their pace, but
each student has the benefit of interacting in face-to-face sessions. Blended learning,
therefore, provides the best of both worlds for students and lecturers alike. Participants are
granting the face-to-face class's hands-on experience and the convenience and flexibility
of the online environment.

Furthermore, to Delone & McLean et al., 2003, as students participating in the

home-learning program, the online school was confusing to adjust to as we had not been
prepared through simulations or practices beforehand. Students reported the
home-learning program to be even more stressful than regular classrooms. Some of the
common reasons for this went along the lines of: "Normal classes may have been difficult,
but having friends makes it so much more manageable and less stressful. Online classes
take out the benefits of having friends to socialize with and being stuck alone with nothing
but assignments." Although schools' closing doesn't have a silver lining like
home-learning programs where students can still learn, the actual sufferers of the
government order of school closings are the students in less fortunate situations are in
schools not well-funded. Those students lack the devices and internet access to participate
in online classes, and the schools cannot teach online.

Review of related literature

According to Secretary Briones and the education ministers from different countries, June
19, 2020, think the necessary choice before us is this – COVID-19 will be with us for some
time, a year, and likely longer, until they found a vaccine... We cannot afford to keep
schools closed for such a long time. It has a significant long-term impact on our children. It
inflicts a tremendous social and human cost. Studies have shown that it can set students
back for many years, even into adulthood. So, we must try our best to save the school year
by keeping schools open but safe. As part of the Philippines' short- and long-term
strategies, Secretary Briones introduced the Basic Education Learning Continuity
Plan (BE-LCP) as a guideline for the department on delivering education during the
COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of all learners,
teachers, and personnel of DepEd. "The first principle that we adhered to and which we are
committed to, in compliance with the President's directive, is to protect the safety, health,
and well-being of our learners, teachers, and personnel and to prevent further transmission
of COVID-19. But at the same time, we want to ensure learning continuity. Our battle cry
is learning must continue," Briones said.

Furthermore, Ong Ye Kung et al., 2020, despite the challenges the education sector faces,
there were good things from non-face to meet strategies. But school systems in many
countries need to adjust to the blended forms of learning in response to this pandemic, by
using Internet, TV and even the radio, as an alternate platform for students to gain some
access to the education resources."

Moreover to, Bernard et al., 2014; Halbert et al., 2014; González-Gómez et al., 2016;
Israel et al., 2015; Northey et al., 2015; Southard, Meddaugh, and Harris et al., 2015) have
compared face to face learning to online learning and blended learning to try to define
which of the formats provides the highest learning outcome and creates the most satisfied
students. The main idea will be, sum up, the results developed by these studies and discuss
some of the limitations of comparative studies of teaching formats. The literature
reviewed, teaching and learning influence more than teaching format alone as many other
factors play significant roles. However, definitional questions do not seem to haunt the
terms but usually 'face-to-face learning' than 'online learning' and the same way they do
'blended learning.' Their meaning appears to that more or less agreed with it.

As stated by, Adams, Randall, and Traustadóttir, 2015; Pellas and Kazandis, 2015;
González-Gómez et al., 2016. The face-to-face learning format is characterized as
"traditional" by many authors, referring to the fact that this is the format with the most
extended history of the three designs and concerning which online and blended learning
represents a modern or innovative intervention. Generally, the meaning of it derives from
an understanding of an instructional format that may involve some physical classroom and
all participants' synchronous physical presence (i.e., the teachers and the students). A
study emphasizes that even though in-class use of computers and educational technology
does not affect the definition of the face-to-face format to change it into blended learning.

According to Berenson, R., Boyles, G., & Weaver, A. et al., (2008). Emotional
Intelligence as a Predictor of Success in Online Learning. The International Review of
Research in Open and Distributed Learning. As students increasingly opt for online
classes, it becomes more important for administrators to predict potential academic
success levels. This study examined several factors to characterize successful online
college students, including emotional intelligence (EI), persistence, personality, Age,
Gender, and previous online experience among students attending a community college.
Males had significantly higher EI than females. It was unrelated to age, personality,
number of semesters completed, a study program, and students' previous online
experience. Conclusions were that there might be a profile of the booming online student
that could use in marketing, advisement, quality assessment, and retention efforts.

This chapter discusses the Research Design, Research Environment, Research

Respondents, Sampling Technique, Research Instrument, and the Data Gathering

Research Design
A method applied to this study is a qualitative method of research. Used to examine
the Opportunities and The Challenges of Modular Blended and Online Learning to
Senior High School Students at Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and
Technology and how it affects or how effective it is to their studies and daily life.
Qualitative research is a type of research method that involves collecting and analyzing
non-numerical information or data to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It is
helpful to gather profound insights into a problem or generate new ideas. This
methodology focuses more on the "what" of the research subject rather than the "why" of
the research subject. Researchers must have to dive deep to understand the concepts,
which is good to exercise and improve critical thinking skills. An excellent example of a
qualitative research method is interviews that generate qualitative data through open

Research Environment
This study planned to be conducted online, with the respondents of Senior high
school students of Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology
(NMSCST), Labuyo, Tangub City, considering that the equipment, composed of 50
questionnaires in a document type or soft copy as instruments and other materials for the
study were available in doing the project.
Research Respondents
The respondents of this research included 50 purposive students from Senior High
School in Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology (NMSCST),
Labuyo, Tangub City.

Sampling Techniques
Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling,
is a form of non-probability sampling in which researchers rely on their judgment when
choosing respondents through social media to participate in their study. Researchers use
purposive sampling when they want to access a particular subset of people, as all
participants of a study are selected because they fit a particular profile in a specific
school. Participants of a study will be selected if they fit a particular profile. This
sampling is a method that requires the researchers to have prior knowledge about the
purpose of their studies so that they can properly select and approach eligible

Research Instruments
The instruments that are supposed to be used are as follows:
1. Researchers-Made Online Survey Questionnaire: an instrument containing
questions about students having challenges of modular blended and online learning and
several other aspects will be asked to achieve the goal of this research.
2. Topic: The topic will be evaluated by the respondents through their answers based on
the questionnaire. A particular subject that you discuss or write about with your
3. Cellular Phone: a phone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over
a wide area, without a physical connection to a particular person.
4. Internet: an electronic communication network that connects computer networks and
organizational computer facilities around the world.
5. Social Media: websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or
to participate in social networking, the most common way to survey in this time of the
Data Gathering Technique
The researchers will select 50 students to act as the respondent for the study.
The researchers will ask students online and followed by forwarding the questionnaires.
Then researcher will discuss the direction on how to answer the questionnaire and
provide assistance to the respondents that will be approach online and explain why the
researcher conducted the study and what is the purpose of the study. The result will be
collected and respond to an immediate need and actions for the existing practices. All the
data needed for this study will be gathered base on the respondent answers, right after the
respondents answered the designated questions prepared in the questionnaires.

Statistical Treatment
The researchers used Minitab to process the data and to understand the challenges of
modular blended and online learning to Senior High School students in Northwestern
Mindanao State College of Science and Technology. It conducted an assortment of
statistical calculations. These can be found beneath the main menu option of Stat. Each
division also has subcategories.

1.) Count and Percent List the particular values in a column and count the number of
times each value occurs.

2.) Mean The average number of a dataset. To find an average, you sum all of the
numbers and then divide by the number of items in the data set
Analysis and Interpretation of Data
In this chapter, the results of the study are presented and discussed. The aim of the
study, is to comprehend the challenges between modular blended learning and online
learning despite of COVID19. These aspects were described in the previous chapter that
presented the methodology used in the study.

Table 1: The Data Gathering

Sources of data
Direct • Primary data Real doing surveys
• Primary sources Results of interview
Indirect • Secondary data Information about the challenges and struggles of
• Secondary sources students with their learning modality
Personal information such as grade level and age
Online • Internet sources Websites
• Social media To find respondents despite of COVID19
In making this study, the researchers need to gather sources needed to complete the data.

The following tables are the result of the entire survey:

Figure 2: Academic Performance

This bar graph is the result of first five questions related to academic performance of
Senior High School students in Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and
Technology. The result shows that, 98% would still prefer face to face rather than
modular and online learning system from their own experience and 2% who don’t prefer.
16% think that both online and modular class have the same impact of learning they get
when they’re at school and 64% don’t think. 86% feel that modular blended and online
learning have a big impact on their learning and 14% don’t feel about it. 56% think that
this pandemic will affect their education towards their future and 44% don’t think of it.
58% find it thrilling every time they answer their module’s/activities and 42% don’t find
it thrilling.

Figure 3: Responsibilities as a Student

This bar graph is the result of two questions related to responsibilities as a student of
Senior High School students in Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and
Technology. The result shows that 82% always personally answer the activities given by
the teacher/s, 16% sometimes and 0% who never personally answer it. 14% states that
they always fully understand the topics or lessons during or after discussion/reading their
modules, 74% sometimes and 12% never fully understand it.
Figure 4: Behavior

This bar graph is the result of two questions related to the behavior of Senior High
School students in Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology.
The result shows that 34% always feel exhausted because of modular blended and online
learning methods of study, 62% sometimes and 4% never feel exhausted. 44% states that
they feel struggled behind modular blended and online learning, 56% sometimes and 0%
never feel struggled.

Table 2: Learning Modality

Modality Results Percentage
Face-to-Face 47 94%
Modular 2 4%
Online 1 2%
This Pie graph and table shows that
among the 18 grade-11 Stem and 32
Grade-12 Stem who participated in our study.
94% of them prefer face to face learning, 4%
of them prefer modular learning and 2% of
them prefer online learning.
The result shows that almost all of
Senior High School students in NMSCST
would prefer face to face learning modality.
Figure 5: Learning Modality Preferred

Summary and Findings

The primary objective of this research was to identify the Challenges of Modular
Blended and Online Learning to Senior High School students at Northwestern Mindanao
State College of Science and Technology. The study was carried out with 50 respondents;
18 students from Grade 11 and 32 students from Grade 12. The teachers used Modular
and Online Learning Method to both Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. The Data that
were collected from the survey with 10 questions wherein the researchers conducted.
Based on the results, most of the Senior High school students in Northwestern Mindanao
State College of Science and Technology preferred the Face-to-Face learning modality
than Modular and Online learning Modalities.
Conclusion and recommendations. This chapter contains the summary of the
findings, conclusions drawn by the researchers in the variables treated in the study and
the recommendations based on the results of the findings.

Based on the overall findings the following conclusion is stated:

1: This study gradually shows that the Senior High School students in NMSCST would
strongly settle themselves by choosing face to face learning modality rather than
acquiring the modular and online blended learning.

2: The study demonstrated that most of the students feel exhausted whenever they take
their modules and online classes.

3: In all circumstances have been considered this study simply implies that the students
are seemingly feel motivated upon taking up the face-to-face learning modality.


After a thorough analysis of data, the following recommendations are formulated: 1.

Innovate a harmonious relationship in dispersion through the learners and the educators 2.
Establish a good communication online between the students and teachers concerning
about their modules and online classes 3. Upon interpreting this study, it requires a prior
knowledge and a proper understanding towards the idea that has been stated. 4. Exert this
study as a keystone for another related quest to be done.
Working References
Mulford et al., 1995, after a slow start in the middle schools, individualized instructional
module labs are now quickly developing into high schools, according to the
suppliers who make them.
World economic forum COVID-19 action platform et al., 2020, the covid-19 has resulted
in schools shut worldwide. Education changed with the remarkable rise of e-learning,
where teaching is undertaken remotely on digital platforms.
Watson, John et al., 2008 North American council for online learning think of "Online
learning" a distance learning (the students and the teachers separated), delivery and
the communication are through computers connected by the Internet.

References of Review of Related Studies

Jakarta et al., on July 21, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise.
Globally, everything has stopped. Projects have a delay, workplaces are closed, and
schools shut down.
Ryan et al., 2016, Online learning is defining in contradistinction to face-to-face learning.
The most prominent feature is the absence of a physical classroom, which replaced
web-based technologies offering good opportunities.
Piccoli, Ahmad, & Ives et al., 2001. The quality of learning management system
content for learners can predict good performance in e-and blended learning
environments and lead to learner satisfaction.
Goyal and Tambe et al. (2015), learner satisfaction with a learning management system
can be an antecedent factor for blended learning effectiveness noted that learners
appreciate the module's contribution to their learning.
Delone & McLean et al., 2003, as students participating in the home-learning program,
the online school was confusing to adjust to as we had not been prepared through
simulations or practices beforehand.

References of Review of Related Literature

According to Secretary Briones and the education ministers from different countries,
June 19, 2020, think the necessary choice before us is this – COVID-19 will be with
us for some time, a year, and likely longer, until they found a vaccine...
Bernard et al., 2014; Halbert et al., 2014; González-Gómez et al., 2016; Israel et al., 2015;
Northey et al., 2015; Southard, Meddaugh, and Harris et al., 2015) have compared
face to face learning to online learning and blended learning to try to define which of
the formats provides the highest learning outcome and creates the most satisfied
Adams, Randall, and Traustadóttir, 2015; Pellas and Kazandis, 2015; González-Gómez
et al., 2016. The face-to-face learning format is characterized as "traditional" by
many authors, referring to the fact

Name: (optional) Gender : M F

Year Level: Age:
Strand: Date:

Directions: Put check ✔ in the table to define your answer.

1. Do you find it thrilling every time you answer your module’s/activities?
2. Do you think that this pandemic will affect your education towards your future?
3. Does modular blended and online learning have a big impact on your learning?
4. Do you think that both online and modular class have the same impact of learning
you get when you’re at school?
5. From your own experience would you still prefer face to face rather than modular
and online learning system?


6. Do you fully understand your topics or lessons during or after
discussion/reading your modules
7. During the activities given by the teacher/s, do you personally
answer your activities?

BEHAVIOR Always Sometimes Never

8. Do you feel struggled behind modular blended and online
9. Do you feel exhausted because of modular blended and online
learning methods of study?

10. What type of learning modality would you prefer?

Face to Face Modular Online
Name : Caryl R. Aliño
Age : 16
Birthday : August 18, 2004
School Year : 2020-2021
Address : Purok 6, Labuyo, Tangub City
Gender : Female
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name : Leogin D. Agustin
Age : 16
Birthday : November 15, 2004
School Year : 2020-2021
Address : Purok 1, Prenza, Tangub City
Gender : Male
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name : Dino Christian C. Daniel
Age : 16
Birthday : November 7, 2004
School Year : 2020-2021
Address : Purok 6, Labuyo Tangub City
Gender : Male
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name : Milyn Mae A. Palgan
Age : 16
Birthday : February 6, 2005
School Year : 2020-2021
Address : Purok 7, Lorenzo Tan, Tangub City
Gender : Female
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name : Wenabel O. Fiel
Age : 17
Birthday : July 29, 2003
School Year : 2020-2021
Address : Purok 1, Labuyo, Tangub City
Gender : Female
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Iglesia Filipina Independente
Name : Arnold Jay M. Liwagon
Age : 16
Birthday : July 2, 2005
School Year : 2020-2021
Address : Purok 2, Aquino, Tangub City
Gender : Male
Citizenship : Pilipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Assembly of God

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