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Picture of Cherry blossom tree-

{The Blooming of a Cherry}

- The unknown history that lay beneath

By- Raven Register

Table of content

Abstract Abstract....................................................................................... 1

Cover page....................................................................................1

History of the “Cherry” Blossom................................................................................ 3

Diseases that can affect the flower negatively.......................................................... 4

What can we do to protect the flowers................................................................ 5

Why should we protect a flower with a meaning like this? …............................................ 6


Sources/ work cited................................................................................................ 7

Quote- ….............................................................................................................. 7
Figures 1-3

Figure 1 -
Japanese Cherry blossom flower tree in Japan (2014)

Figure 2-

Dead Japanese cherry blossom tree that had been infected with diseases caused by natural causes including insect

Figure 3-

Prunus serrulata 'Kanzan' or 'Sekiyama'. It is one of the most popular cherry tree cultivars in Europe
and North America. One of the cultivars was selected for the British Award of Garden Merit.
The History of “Cherry” Blossom- The cherry blossom is a very
popular flower worldwide A cherry blossom, also known as a Japanese cherry or Sakura, is
a flower of many trees of the genus Prunus or Prunus subgenus. Cerasus. Wild species of
the cherry tree are widely distributed, mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. [4][5][6] They are
common in East Asia, including China, Korea, and especially in Japan. They generally refer to
ornamental cherry trees, and not cherry trees that produce fruit for eating.”[7][8] The cherry
blossom is also considered the national flower of Japan.This is why it is so known and popular
many people think that the flower orginaed in Japan in reality the cherry blossom is from the
Himalayan mountians of china[9]”
This flower came with a very special meaning dating back to the origin of what cherry meant people look at the word cherry as being a fresh start or something very

special like the saying “With a cherry on top” Some origins in cultures found it to be a sense of purity in a sexual way by meaning “new” or “untouched”. The founding

In Japan until the Tang dynasty

of this flower came about in the Himalayan Mountains of China as stated above and they did not arrive, “

more than 1,100 years ago.” Many people nowadays know the flower by being called a
“Japanese cherry blossom”. The flower and meaning itself held a very special place in people's
hearts and minds because everyone in the Japanese culture looked up to the flower as a sign of
relief, purity, and healing.

Japanese Cherry blossom flower tree in Japan (2014)

Diseases that can affect the flower negatively - “ Silver Leaf This
fungal infection enters cherry blossom trees through small perforations in the branches
after pruning and infects the leaves and the wood of the tree” in addition to another
disease that can cause harm to the tree are “ Black Knot As the name suggests, this
disease makes itself known by tell-tale black knots on the branches of your cherry

These Japanese cherry blossom trees can also suffer from “Crown Gall Cherry
blossom trees can also experience something known as crown galls— which is a
common bacterial infection in the trees lifespan which is relatively known for
developing on the your tree's crown, roots, or trunks. A gall negatively affects the your
trees life span by altering its DNA. The bacteria known as Agrobacterium tumefaciens
transfers T-DNA into the plant’s genome, leading it straight to the disease. This issue
can and will over time create spongy, white growths, which darken to tan or brown as
the disease progresses. If left untreated, the tree may become stunted or even die”.

Another hurtful disease is known as the Cherry X Disease

This disease is also “Also known as the cherry buckskin disease, this disease can come
s from phytoplasma organisms usually spread by leafhoppers from the ground. You can
identify this disease in the tree by the pale, in the leathery fruit produced by the cherry
blossom tree. Cherry X disease is fatal to the tree, so in order to keep it you’llup you’ll
want to remove any trees with this infection or early signs of it to prevent the spread of
theis contagious disease.e”.

Dead Japanese cherry blossom tree that had been infected with diseases caused by natural causes including insect invasion.
- What can we do to protect the trees and the flowers once they have
grown out? If you happen to come across a Japanese cherry blossom tree that
seems abandoned, you should water it only during a drought. “Cherry blossom trees
do not require much care after planting. They will receive enough water from the
natural environment, so only water them during extremely dry periods of the

Prunus serrulata 'Kanzan' or 'Sekiyama'. It is one of the most popular cherry tree cultivars in Europe and North America. One of the cultivars
was selected for the British Award of Garden Merit.

Why should we protect a flower/tree with a meaning like this? -

We should protect this tree because it has a very influential
meaning, and it symbolizes a time of renewal. It also gives
out beauty in addition to being the essence of the moment.
Japanese cherry trees can also be a fast-growing shade trees
for small spaces in households. Also, by doing research, I found
that the Japanese tree has a susceptibility that can also make pest
specimens short- lived.
The Beauty of the historical flower in Japan -

To conclude-
The history of this flowering tree and the meaning behind it has a lot of meaningful history
and we should be thankful and address the problem the tree may have in its span of life.
This represents so much from life to death to beauty and to elegancy you could never go
wrong with it. The weight this tree and “cherry” meaning holds is amazing and a complete
game changer for people who actually take the time to observe and research the entire
background of its meaning.

“In general, sakura, cherry blossoms, represent the impermanent nature of life. Not only is
the beauty of the flowers short and sweet, the trees themselves are also short-lived. But
there are contradictory meanings as well. Cherry blossoms symbolize both birth and death,
beauty and violence. They are a central motif in the Japanese worship of nature, but they
have also historically signified the short but colorful life of the samurai. Sakura emblems
also adorned the planes of kamikaze pilots during World War II.”

The history of this flowering tree and the meaning behind it has a lot of meaningful history
and we should be thankful and address the problem the tree may have in its span of life.
This represents so much from life to death to beauty and to elegancy you could never go
wrong with it. The weight this tree and “cherry” meaning holds is amazing and a complete
game changer for people who actually take the time to observe and research the entire
background of its meaning.

Meaningful Quote-

“The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back
hundreds of years. In their country, the cherry blossom represents the fragility and
the beauty of life. It's a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but
that it is also tragically short.”
Words of wisdom

By - Homaro Cantu

Work Cited-
Cherry Trees in Japanese Folklore - Brooklyn Botanic Garden (
Cherry blossom - Wikipedia
History of the Cherry Trees - Cherry Blossom Festival (U.S. National Park Service) (
Cultural Significance of Cherry Blossoms | Sakura Hanami | Live Science
Cultural Significance of Cherry Blossoms | Sakura Hanami | Live Science
The Surprising History of Cherry Blossoms | Time

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