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may Get ready! 0 Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1. What tool can be used to hold things in place 2. What can be used to stick components to a surface? Reading @ Read the webpage. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1. _ An electronics technician uses cooler spray to expose faulty hardware. 2 _ Anelectronics technician tests circuitry with a magnet. | 3 — Super glue is used to secure work to a table | or bench. Eee Vocabulary Product Use © Match the words (1-8) with the definitions Glue gun Multipurpose fastening for everyday (A-H). needs ee 1 — naphtha 5 _ bench vis | Super glue Rapidly bonds glass, metal, plastio, > ne penal ee re —aeoho 6 _ heatsink grease Alcohol Removes oil, grease, and grime 3 — clip lead 7 — heat-shrink tubing Naphtha Lifts grease and dit from any 4 —alue gun 8 _ stereo microscope ____- ae A a chemical solution used as a cleaning agent Magnet Drives current through metal cols B a deve thet magnfies mages Bench vise Secures projects to a work bench melts plastic glue to attach wires to component Stereo Maghifies images up to 200 fsrlaced wed D a lubricant that stops components from Clip lead Uses aligator cps on both ends overheating Cooler Rapidly cools hardware and E a short wire used to create an electrical current spray exposes faulty electrical connection | component: eee enone F a petroleum product used to remove dirt from Heatsink Lubricates and protects many surfaces grease overheat ere a G a clamp that holds wood or metal in place Heat-trink Securely pais wresToming To ee ae tubing contous and edges 2 plastic tube that shrinks in diameter when heated BIBLIO LE @ Read the sentence and choose the correct word. 1. The electronics technician secured the wire to the chip with magnet / super glue. 2 The computers fauity wiring was exposed by the freezing naphtha / cooler spray. 3. The clip lead / bench vise clamped the stereo to the work table. @ @ Listen and read the webpage again, What can be used to get a very detailed image? Listening @ G Listen to a conversation between a store clerk and a customer. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F), 1 _ The man knows what he needs to buy. 2 _ The woman is familiar with types of electronics cleansers. 3. — Alcohol is safe to use on all electronics Wires and tubing. @ @ Listen again and complete the conversati Clerk: Welcome to Classic City 1 oO Supply. How may | help you? Customer: Hi | have a 2 . What do | use to clean wires? Clerk: A product with naphtha easily Customer: What about an alcohol solution? Clerk: Well, alcohol sometimes 4 Wires and tubing, so | recommend naphtha. It is used on many products. Customer: | didn't know that. In that case, | need to5 some naphtha. Clerk: It's a great cleanser. It works 6 on wiring projects Customer: Great, thanks for your help. DARIO ECHANDIA Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then switch roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH A: Welcome tc What do I use I think ... ‘Student A: You are a store clerk. Talk to Student B about: © what he or she needs ‘© your recommendation ¢ why another product is not needed Student B: You are a customer. Tak to Student A about what product you should buy. Writing © Use the webpage and the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the customer feedback form. er Teg eee en Oona Feedback Form What did you purchase? Did you get help from an employee? Y / N Was he or she helpful? If so, please explain. este eee mr Erca Get ready! @ Before you read the passage, talk about as these questions. Now hold the Soldering iton in one hand. Hold a 1. What are some sobleting tools? long piece of Aue eee oreenng contains flux. This Keeps surfaces clean and aids 2 What does a solder sucker use to remove olf solder? r jomponents together. Touch BUT Melor a ialoi¢-5 10 = eam UMM Mem CO Ue) Ele Reading @ Read the instructions on using a soldering iron. Then, mark the following statements BUT ot] iy]- ecole -1ae-\ ana Oe atmo CoC Roe as true (T) or false (F). eas reenter ul auale ee = CC 1 _ Its important to clean the flux before Undo mistakes using a desoldering iron. A solder soldering. sucker PSS Ce NT RO ue eel 2. __ Pull away the soldering iron before puling tae a7 Selo UT a] 6 -RC ee 98 away the solder. ee elu sielel-g ee OANA cee A “ ick remo Peer 3 _ A solder sucker or a solder wi mistake. Vocabulary @ Read the sentence and choose the corte’ word. 1 I need to bond / remove these two piece together. 2 How many components / tips does the have altogether? ae 3. Dont heat plastic, or it will bond / melt! mac @ Place the words below under the correct heading. word) LEAR ere rere aaa Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then switch roles. Bae eas solder desoldering iron tip soldering iron solder wick — flux Is everything all right solder sucker vacuum pump Ive melted some .. How does it... 1 Equipment to join components 2 Equipment to remove mistakes 3 Parts of equipment © @ Listen and read the instructions agai What does flux do? Listening © @ Listen to a conversation between a tutor and a student. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 _ The student has made a mistake. 2 _ The student has used a desoldering tool before. 3 _. The tutor tells the student to use solder wick. @ @ Listen again and complete the conversation. Tutor: Is everthing allright? Have you bonded your 1 together correctly? Student: No, Ive made a mistake. Ive melted some 2 in the wrong place. Tutor: Don't worry, Just use a 3 remove it Student: Oh really? | haven't used one before. Tutor: Well, this is a solder 4 : Student: How does it work? tool to Tutor: It has a5 pump inside. Let me show you what to do. ‘Student: Thanks for 6. ‘Student A: You are a student. Talk to Student B about: the type of mistake made ‘@ what tool is used to fix it ‘@ how the tool works Student B: You are a tutor. Talk to Student A about what he or she needs to do to fix the mistake. © Use the instructions on using a soldering iron and the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the tutor's assignment. 15

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