Assignment #4

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Activity 1. In this part, you are once again required to elaborate your answer
thoroughly on the questions below:

1. How is technology a mode of revealing?

-Technology can be understood as a mode of revealing in the sense that it brings tight new
possibilities for understanding and interacting with the world. By creating new tools, machines,
and systems, technology opens up new ways of perceiving and experiencing reality.

2. Why should technology be questioned?

-Technology should be questioned because it is not a neutral force, but rather a product of
human values, interests, and power relations. As such, technology can have unintended
consequences that may harm individuals, societies, or the environment.
Social and ethical implications

Environmental impact

Equity and access

Explain why Heidegger manifest the calculative thinking towards

meditative thinking?
-Martin Heidegger was critical of what he called "calculative thinking," which he saw as a way of
understanding the world that reduces everything to a means to an end. Calculative thinking
involves breaking down complex phenomena into simple, quantifiable elements and
manipulating them to achieve a predetermined goal.
According to Heidegger, this way of thinking is limiting and ultimately leads to a loss of meaning
and a sense of disconnection from the world. He believed that the dominance of calculative
thinking in modern society had led to a devaluation of other ways of understanding the world,
such as meditative thinking.

Describe technology as a means to an end, and technology is a human

- Technology can be understood as a means to an end in the sense that it is a tool or a system created by
humans to achieve a particular goal or solve a problem. For example, a computer is a technology that is
designed to process and store information, while a car is a technology that is designed to transport
people or goods.
However, it is important to recognize that technology is not a self-contained entity but rather a product
of human activity. Technology reflects the values, interests, and goals of the people who create and use
it. Moreover, technology is shaped by social, economic, and political factors, such as cultural norms,
market forces, and government policies.

Activity 2. Heidegger's questioning the technology brought a big realization on

flourishing technology, especially nowadays. All of us seem dependent on the presence
of technology. However, we cannot cover or hide the truth that there are ways already
that technology brought both positive and negative effects on humanity. In this activity,
you require to draw conclusions or write your perspectives about this matter. Again, I
will supply the first item, and you will continue the rest.

1. Flourishing of technology could be bad or good depends on the person using it.
Utilizing technology would be beneficial when there’s a demand for food,
medicine, especially if there's pandemic, etc. to survive. But when it is utilized to
create destruction to humanity and the environment, that’s when it became
terrible. All these, it depends on one's person's action in flourishing technology.

2. It is clear that technology has brought significant benefits to society, such as increased
productivity, improved communication, and better healthcare. However, there are also
negative effects, such as job displacement, social isolation, and environmental

3. One of the main concerns regarding technology is its impact on employment. While
automation and artificial intelligence have the potential to increase efficiency and
reduce costs, they also lead to job displacement and contribute to income inequality.

4. It is important to approach technology with a critical perspective, considering both its

potential benefits and risks. This requires thoughtful consideration of ethical and social
implications, as well as responsible decision-making by individuals and organizations.

5. Ultimately, the goal should be to use technology in a way that promotes human
flourishing and sustainability. This requires balancing economic, social, and
environmental considerations and being mindful of the impact of technology on
individuals, communities, and the planet.

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