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Many news reports show us schools who lack books, chairs, pencils and even classrooms at times! Is it
so hard for the government to provide students with their own set of books when the government
officials themselves can afford to own about ten or more houses each costing at least one million pesos?
Another factor which proves that the Philippines has a poor system of education is that the government
fails to give the proper support to several skilled and talented young Filipinos. Sure the government
hands out scholarships to several intellectually gifted students who excel in subjects like Math or

What about students who are gifted in other aspects though? Education is not limited to the four
corners of the classroom. Rather, education refers to a general sense of learning wherein knowledge,
skills and habits are transferred from one to another through different forms of teaching and training. I
was lucky enough to be chosen as a member of the Buglas Youth Leadership Program wherein
fourth year high school students from all over Bacolod are invited to join a series of activities which
promotes leadership and nation- building.

One of the participants of the program was a student of Bacolod City National High School, a
public school. This participant talked to me about the school not giving them enough support when
joining contests, specifically the ABS-CBN Newscasting Competition. As a student of the University of St.
La Salle, I was blessed with a terrific opportunity to improve when my school assigned me with teachers
to serve as coaches. My friend from Bacolod City High told me that none of their teachers offered help in
preparing for the competition.

Not even the slightest critique of the way he reported was given. So now we have to ask, what if this
person had the potential to be one of the best journalists in the country? By not offering their
support, the school took away this student’s chance of growth or development in a certain field.
When a person’s chance for growth is taken away, his opportunity of attaining greatness is taken down
with it. I think the same goes for all other sports and literary events. Often, students are not
given the right support in order for them to achieve the best possible versions of themselves.

To make things simple, the government is not doing enough. A different approach must be taken for our
country’s educational system because, if things stay the same, we can’t expect better things for our
country in the future. In order for our country to progress, education can’t just be free. Students,
whether in public schools or private, must be assigned with teachers who want to teach. Teachers
cannot just come to class, write words on the black board and expect students to immediately absorb
the information without any other formal discussions.
The people chosen to teach in schools must truly have a passion for passing on what they know to
students. These people must also be open to any situation because there will always be students
who don’t immediately understand a certain topic in class. In short, our country’s teachers have got to
love what they do because when students see the fire in a teacher’s eyes when explaining a certain
lesson then these students, in turn, develop a passion for learning.

When our country’s youth become passionate about learning then they will develop a sense of
awareness in our country and, hopefully, this sense of awareness will push the next generation of
Filipinos towards change. A change not just in the framework of our education, our government or our
nation, but rather, a positive change in the outlook of Filipinos on life. With any luck, Filipinos will
develop views inspired by nationalism wherein their focus will not just be centered on individual
improvement, but the improvement of their entire country as well.


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