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Ad-Dawaa’ J. Pharm. Sci.

3 (2)

The Aphrodisiac Activity Of Ethanol Extract Bungkus Stem (Smilax rotundifolia L.) On
The Fertility Of White Male Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

Kiki Rizki Handayani1, Ayu Wulandari2*, Niluh Puspita Dewi3, Monica Sandra Makatang1
Department of Phytochemistry, Bachelor in Pharmacy, STIFA Pelita Mas Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Department of Pharmacy, Diploma in Pharmacy, STIFA Pelita Mas Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Departement of Pharmacology, clinical and community, STIFA Pelita Mas Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Whatsapp Number : 0812-4080-3341


Aphrodisiac is a substance that can increase stamina, libido (sexual desire) and fertility or male fertility. This study
aims to determine the secondary metabolites contained in the stem of the bungkus plant (Smilax rotundifolia L.), to
determine the aphrodisiac activity of the administration of the bungkus plant stem extract on the fertility parameters
of male white rats (Rattus norvegicus). This study used an experimental method with a modified post-test
randomized controlled group design using 15 male white rats and 30 female white rats which were divided into 3
treatment groups with a ratio (1:2), each group consisted of 5 male and The 10 females were the normal control
group (NaCMC 0.5 %), the positive control group (X-Gra 51.37 mg/kgBB), the control group the test sample of
bungkus plant stem extract (Smilax rotundifolia L.) with a dose of 200 mg/kg. kgBB. The data obtained were
analyzed using the SPSS statistical test. The results of this study showed that the plant stem extract contained
secondary metabolites of flavonoids, saponins and strong antioxidants. The administration of bungkus d stem
extract (Smilax rotundifolia L.) with a dose of 200 mg/kgBW showed a difference in the percentage value of the
pregnancy index and a significant effect on the fertility index value

KEYWORDS: Aphrodisiac, stemf (S.rotundifolia L.), Fertility

Infertility or failure to produce offspring after one year of marriage and regular
intercourse without safety equipment (Awounfack et al, 2018), often creates problems for
married couples because it can cause psychological stress, reduced self-confidence, abuse,
divorce, loss of respect from the family. big (Awounfack et al, 2018). Infertility affects both men
and women. Causes of male infertility are found in 50% of childless couples (Parandin et al,
Infertility in men can be associated with sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction,
reduced libido or sexual desire (Apriliani, 2019; Hasbullah dkk, 2019). The increasing number of

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men seeking help to overcome sexual dysfunction has expanded pharmacological research on
sexual performance (Watcho et al, 2007), some developed countries have chosen expensive
treatment therapies whereas developing countries generally use herbal remedies which are
believed to have potential as aphrodisiacs.
Aphrodisiacs are substances or natural ingredients, drugs, herbal supplements that can
increase sexual arousal (Sulistiawan, 2017). Aphrodisiacs are stimulants that can increase libido
or sexual desire and affect the continuity of reproductive activity, restore damaged tissue
function and help regulate neuroendocrine so that it increases sexual desire which is influenced
by the mind. Hormonal or nervous imbalances, reproductive tissue disorders can affect fertility
or male fertility (Dutta et al, 2018). Most plants have pharmacological principles, which can be
used as alternative treatments for various diseases, one of which is the Smilax rotundifolia plant
(Awounfack et al, 2018).
Smilax rotundifolia is considered a pest in the form of a shrub. Smilax rotundifolia is a
vine that propagates up to a height of 12 m. The flowers of the Smilax rotundifolia plant have
dioecious flowers, namely flowers that have separate stamens and pistils in other flowers, so this
plant can be classified as a plant that has sexual dimorphism (Isik et al, 2014). Bungkus plant
(Smilax rotundifolia L.) in Indonesia is a plant that is widely cultivated in Papua which is known
to be used as a virility drug (Firawati, 2018).
According to a previous study conducted on the aphrodisiac properties of the methanol
extract of Smilax myosotiflora tuber, it was shown that S. myosotiflora methanol increased the
fertility of male white rats by reviewing the parameters of mating index, fertility index,
pregnancy index, libido index and live fetus index (Hilmi et al, 2013). Previous studies on the
aphrodisiac effects of the methanolic extract of Smilax kraussiana root showed that the root
extract of Smilax kraussiana caused an increase in Intromission frequency, erection frequency,
penile erection, and ejaculation latency (Nwafor et al, 2017). Research on African Smilax
(Smilax anceps Wildd.) has been used in West Africa as an aphrodisiac and diuretic for venereal
disease (Van et al, 2012).


Distilled water, aluminum foil, ammonia, 2 N hydrochloric acid, concentrated
hydrochloric acid P, sledgehammer yarn, cloth yarn, bisturi (no. 10, 23 and 15), Dragendorf LP,
96% ethanol, Fecl3, handscoen, HCL, concentrated H2SO4 , cotton, label paper, chloroform,
magnesium P, mask, methylene blue, 0.5% Na CMC, 10% Nacl, plastic bungkus, simplicia

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powder Smilax rotundifolia L., styrofoam, 15 male white rats and 30 female white rats , tissue,
vaseline and X-gra.
Preparation of Test Materials
Bungkus stem samples (Smilax rotundifolia L.) were obtained from Mount Mungker,
Terong Village, Kec. Dlingo Kab. In Bantul, DIY, the bungkusped stems were collected and then
sorted wet, and washed with running water to remove the roots and other impurities adhering to
the bungkusped stem samples. Furthermore, chopping is carried out, namely the material is cut
into small pieces and then dried without direct sunlight (aerated) until the sample dries. The
dried stems were sorted dry and ground to a fine powder.
Manufacture of Bungkus Stem Ethanol Extract
The manufacture of bungkus stem extract was made by the maceration method. 800
grams of bungkus stem simplicia powder was put in a maceration vessel using 2 maceration
vessels, each containing 400 grams of powder then dissolved using 2 liters of 96% ethanol
solvent in each vessel until all simplicia was submerged (± 2.5 cm from the upper limit of
simplicia). Maceration was carried out for 3x24 hours in a room protected from sunlight and
occasionally stirred to prevent saturation. The filtrate obtained was filtered using filter paper,
then concentrated using a rotary evaporator (temperature 40oC-60oC) and evaporated in a water
bath to obtain a thick extract of bungkus stems and then the percentage yield was calculated.
Phytochemical Screening Test
Phytochemical screening test is used to detect the presence of secondary metabolites
based on their group and also as initial information to determine the class of chemical
compounds that have biological activity from a plant in the form of simplicia or extracts. Tests
were carried out on the class of saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins which were carried
out qualitatively with a color reaction or precipitation.
Fertility Test
15 male white rats and 30 female white rats were adapted separately for 7 days in the
laboratory by being adequately caged at normal ambient temperature and given standard feed
and drinking and weighing the rats. Administration of test and comparison preparations for 30
Days (Hilmi et al, 2013). Administration of test and comparison solutions once a day for 30
days. After 30 days of administration of the extract, the estrus cycle was determined in female
white rats by means of vaginal swab. After confirming that the female white rat has entered the
estrus phase, the female white rat is ready to be mated. After that, each male rat was transferred
to a separate cage, then the female rats (1:2) were added every 3 hours a day for 14 days. Sperm

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smears in the vagina of female rats were performed after a test time of 3 hours. The day sperm
was detected in the vaginal swab of female mice was considered as day 0 of gestation. The
female rats were dissected on the 21st post-fertilization day. Testing the fertility of male white
rats can be observed from several parameters, namely:
1. Mating Index: Number Of Males That Make Any Of His Female Partner Sperm Positive
Within 14 Days / Total Number Of Males Involved In Mating × 100.
2. Fertility Index: Number Of Days Elapsed Until The Male Rats Had First Fertilized Its
Female Partner.
3. Libido Index: Number Of Sperm Positive Females / Total Number Of Females Involved
In Mating × 100.
4. Pregnancy Index: Number Of Pregnant Females / Number Of Sperm Positive Females ×
5. Litter Size Index: Number Of Pups Per Pregnant Females Can Vary Within Group From
0-17. Non Pregnant Females Were Assigned As 0, If Any, In The Control Group Were
Also Included


Table.1 Phytochemical Test Results of Ethanol Extract of bungkus Stem
Test Reactor Observation Results
Formation of a brick red +
Alkaloid Test Dragendolf LP
orange yellow precipitate
Concentrated HCL and Occurrence of yellow- +
Flavonoid Test
Mg . metal orange color
Saponin test Shake + HCL N Foam occurs +
Formation of dark blue +
Tannin Test 10% NaCl solution + FeCl3
Note: (+) contains the class of compounds being tested

Table 2. Fertility Test Results

Control Group
Normal Positive
Parameter Stem (200 P value
X-gra® (51.37
NaCMC 0.5% mg/kgBW)
mg/kg BW)
(n=5) (n=5)
Mating Index 100 100 100 -
Fertility Index 3.22±1.09 1.6±0.54 2 ±0.53 0.003< 0.05
Libido Index (%) 50 50 80 -
Pregnancy Index 60 80 100 -

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Live Fetus Index 100

100 100 -
Note: (z)= Kruskal-Wallis test. (y)= descriptive analysis. ±= Standard deviation. P < 0.05 =
Different. P > 0.05= Not different. Different subscript letters in one column showed significant
differences between groups (p < 0.05).

This study aimed to determine the aphrodisiac activity of the administration of ethanol
extract of bungkus stem (Smilax rotundifolia L.) on the fertility of male white rats (Rattus
norvegicus) at a dose of 200 mg/kg body weight. The plants used were identified with the aim of
ensuring that the plants used were of the true bungkus stem species (Smilax rotundifolia L.).
The bungkus rods were extracted using the maceration method using 96% ethanol as a
solvent. The viscous extract obtained after solvent separation was carried out using a vacuum
rotary evaporator and 46.30 gram thick extract was obtained with a yield percentage of 5.78%.
The maceration method was chosen because it prevents damage to the compounds contained in
the bungkus stem extract. Then a phytochemical screening test was carried out to determine the
content of compounds contained in the ethanol extract of the bungkus stem. The results of the
phytochemical screening test showed that the ethanol extract of the bungkus stem contained
compounds, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and alkaloids. The results of the phytochemical
screening test can be seen in table 1. This is in line with research (Dasuki et al, 2012). that plants
of the genus Smilax such as Smilax myosotiflora contain alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins,
and coumarins. This study used a male white rat (Rattus norvegicus) as a test animal which is a
type of rat that is commonly used for research. Rats are used as test animals because they have
genetic similarities, biological characteristics similar to humans. The selected rats are male white
rats, this is because male white rats can provide more stable research results because they are not
influenced by the presence of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy as in female rats.
This test was carried out by researchers using test animals to determine aphrodisiac
activity in the administration of bungkus plant stem extract (Smilax rotundifolia L.) on the
fertility of male white rats which could be observed on several parameters such as mating index,
fertility index, libido index, pregnancy index and index. live fetus. The results of the normality
and homogeneity test showed that the data on the fertility index parameter were not normally
distributed and not homogeneous, so the test was carried out using the Kruskal Wallis test.
Meanwhile, the mating index, libido index, pregnancy index and live fetus index were analyzed
descriptively. The results of descriptive data analysis showed that the parameters of the mating
index and the live fetus index did not show a significant difference. Meanwhile, the pregnancy
index parameters, libido index, and fertility index showed significant differences.
The pregnancy index is the number of pregnant female rats when compared to the
number of sperm-positive female rats (Hilmi et al, 2013). In this study, the calculated data were

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processed descriptively, the results showed that male white rats given a bungkus plant stem
extract (Smilax rotundifolia L.) at a dose of 200 mg/kgbw showed a difference when compared
to normal control and positive control, which means an increase in the number of rats. males
whose females were pregnant when compared to female rats that were sperm positive. The
percentage value of the control stem extract was 100% and the normal control was 60%, so the
administration of bungkus stem extract could affect the fertility index 1.6x (100/60). while the
positive control was 80%, the X-gra administration could affect the fertility index 1.3x (80/60)
when compared to the normal control (NaCMC). Based on this, it shows that the administration
of stem extract has aphrodisiac activity that affects the fertility of male white rats. When
compared with previous studies, the ethanol extract of the stem bungkus (Smilax rotundifolia L.)
at a dose of 200 mg/kg with a percentage of mating index of 100% was not better than the
methanol extract of Smilax myosotiflora because it had the same percentage value of 100%
(Hilmi et al, 2013).
The libido index is an increase in sexual arousal which is indicated by the number of
female rats that are positive for sperm from the total number of females involved in mating
(Hilmi et al, 2013). In this study, the calculated data were processed descriptively. The results
showed that male white rats given a bungkus of plant stem extract (Smilax rotundifolia L.) at a
dose of 200 mg/kgbw showed a difference when compared to normal control and positive
control. The percentage value of the control stem extract was 80% and the normal control was
50%, so the administration of bungkus stem extract could affect the fertility index 1.6x (80/50).
whereas in positive control by 50%, X-gra administration can affect fertility index 1x (50/50)
when compared to normal control (NaCMC). When compared with previous studies, the ethanol
extract of the bungkus stem (Smilax rotundifolia L.) at a dose of 200 mg/kg with a libido index
percentage of 80% was better than the methanol extract of Smilax myosotiflora tuber because it
had the same percentage value of 50% (Hilmi et al, 2013).
Fertility index is the increased sexual ability of rats which can be seen from the faster
male rats can make female rats sperm positive when compared to normal controls. Positive
sperm is the number of days that passed until the vagina of female white rats detected sperm
(Hilmi et al, 2013). In this study, it was found that male white rats that were given a bungkus
plant stem extract (Smilax rotundifolia L.) at a dose of 200 mg/kgbw showed a decrease in value
when compared to normal control and positive control can be seen in Table 2. The
administration of bungkus plant stem extract (Smilax rotundifolia L.) with a dose of 200
mg/kgbw statistically showed a significant difference which was indicated by the value of Sig.
(0.003 < 0.05) so that the fertility index parameter shows aphrodisiac activity that can affect the
fertility of male white rats. This is in accordance with previous research on methanolic tuber

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extract of Smilax myosotiflora which showed that there was a decrease in the value of the
fertility index (Hilmi et al, 2013). The aphrodisiac activity that affects fertility on this fertility
index can be attributed to the antioxidant properties of plant extracts (Dasuki et al, 2012).
Antioxidants can increase spermatogenesis and synthesis of steroid hormones such as
glucorthyroid, androgens, and estrogens so that they can improve mating performance in male
rats (Brinkhaus et al, 2000). The stem of the bungkus plant (Smilax rotundifolia L.) contains
strong flavonoid and antioxidant compounds. The content of flavonoids as antioxidants can
increase the viability of sperm exposed to free radicals so as to prevent male infertility.
Flavonoids can also increase sperm count by preventing damage to the spermatozoa membrane
which causes disruption of the spermatogenesis process (Musfirah et al, 2016). In addition to
antioxidant properties, aphrodisiac activity on fertility can be influenced by the hormone
testosterone. The hormone testosterone serves to stimulate the development of reproductive
organ activity. The hormone testosterone in collaboration with FSH and LH has an effect on the
process of spermatogenesis, sperm maturation and increases the excretion of fructose by the
seminal vesicles as the main nutrient for spermatozoa Some compounds that can affect
testosterone are flavonoids, saponins and steroids (Sulistiawan, 2017).
The ethanol extract of the stem of the bungkusped plant (Smilax rotundifolia L.) contains
secondary metabolites, namely flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, and tannins and has aphrodisiac
activity that affects fertility, which is indicated by the difference in the percentage of pregnancy
index and the value of the fertility index which is significantly different.
The author would like to thank the Pelita Mas College of Pharmacy Palu for funding the research
The authours declare that there are no conflicts of interest

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