White Paper Devlopment Exposition

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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

So, in the planning of my white paper assignment, I first went through the book that I chose and I
basically got all the background information the book included and then I just compared that to the
things that I thought that was the most important And that what stood out the most which was the
meaning behind a “cherry”.

First Draft (for peer editing)

For the first draft of this assignment, I gathered all the information that I took out of the book at the
beginning of my planning and basically Reviewed it. To decide what information, I wanted to include
in my white paper final.

Second Draft (for your packet)

For the second draft, I basically edited all the information that had errors in it and I included the links
for the pictures I included the citations I also started to edit how the document looked itself such as
editing the pictures, the colors, and the fonts, and the way I included the information.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

For my final draft, I actually deleted the entire document by accident, so I had to gather what
information I already had and what information I remembered to put into the final document. This
was my biggest struggle because I knew I had to pull it together and finish the assignment, but it
threw me back and I also got a relatively bad grade but it’s definitely a lesson learned. To have a
backup plan if something were to happen. I hit the undo button and everything else, but it would not
work so I had to gather what information I already had and remake my entire document for the
White Paper. This happened about an hour before I was turning my white paper in, I was going in to
make edits and the entire document was deleted an hour before it was due.

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