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It is undeniable that hiring more female employees in technology companies still remains controversial in our society.

In fact, companies should hire more women in technology because of some following reasons.

First of all, companies hiring more women may increase their innovation. Particularly, male often seen as the main

workforce in technology, their idea may be similar and have a common standartd. Therefor, hiring women give new

perspective on ideas that will change men’s ideas. Additionally, female employees are easier to approach female

consumers than men. Because they are women, they understand the thoughts and consumption needs of other

women. This is reason why they can help to design products for women. The fact that women make up 85 percent of

consumer purchases. This shows that approaching female consumer is an important task for companies to promote

their profit.

Another reason for this issue relate society and benefits. Jobs will help women take care of their life, such as single

mother or mothers who support their family. Todays, both men and women should have their own income and take

responsibility for family, so women also need jobs that include major men like tachnology. Furthermore, women can

be inspiration for young girls, they can encourage girls to study for jobs in technology. Images of successful women

will become the goal for young girls to aim. Hiring more women in technology jobs in particular, and in all jobs general

will reduce gender discrimination, and become equality.


The given table illustrates the varriation in many economy class travelers rated different in-flight services in 2006.

Passengers include male and female in two age group, 25-45 and more 45.

Overall, it is clear that attendant service are considered the most important feature with passengers aged 25-45, while

passengers who were 45 and over ranked seat/leg room was the most concerned feature when they took plane. It is

also noticeable that both two age group had different thought about the least important feature, when the younger

considered that meals/drinks and the older thought that movies/in-flight entertainment.

Looing at the chart more closely, more one third passengers both male and female aged 25-45 considering attendant

service was the most important feature. For the older counterparts, near a half passengers aged 45 and over

considering seat/leg room was the top feature to concern about. It is noticeable that the figure for both male and

female in two age groups giving their opinion about different features were similar. The figure passengers aged 25-45

rating movies/inflight entertainment the top priority was 25 and 28 respectively. This figure was far higher than that of

the older counterparts, only at 4 in both gender.

The similar propotion also was witnessed in the figures about seat/leg room with 25 females and 27 males aged 25-

45 regarded it as the most important one while there are 22 males and females aged 45 and over considered that

meals/drinks. The number of female passengers aged 25-45 rating this feature was 18, almost doubled that of male

passengers, just at 10.


The picture illustrates how a storage space is produced from concrete canvas.

Overall, the process includes eight main stages, staring with concrete canvas manufacturing and ending at finishing

setting up and putting storage ( newly built) into use.

Manufacturing of concrete canvas is the first stage. This material, known as concrete canvas, is comprised a multi-

layer combination, with water-permeable top layer and PVC layer is done in the bottom surface to make it bacome

water proof. In the middle of two layers, a dry concrete mix is introduced into a three-dimensional fibre matrix. After

that, the material are ready to use and could be delivered to construction site in the covered roll ( 1 meter long) and

flexibly handled by spreading on the ground.

To the unfolding, one end of the material is pegged and the other end is attached to a truck with a rope. Next, this

truck will slowly drag concrete canvas out in a line until totally unfolded ( long 10 meters). In the next stage, a pump is

used to inflate canvas to form a dome. After the canvas is totally formed ( high 2,5 meters), concrete canvas are ready

to be pumped. During the water pumping, water are fully saturated into the material. After 20-14 hours, the final

storage are ready to use.


It is undeniable that studying history still remains controversial in our society while some people hold different opinion

on that issue. I agree with the idea that of history is a valuable source of information for us.

There are several reasons why people think that history has no benefits to today’s life. First of all, people are less

spontaneously drawn to the subject and more doubtful about the purpose of studying history. One reason for this is in

society that people expect education to serve useful purpose making human life to become better. However, the

function of history can seem more difficult to define than those of other fields like medicine, technology, building, etc.

The products of historical study are less tangible, sometimes less immediate than those that stem from other

disciplines. Additionally, history does not appeal to general public. They are full of numbers and events, they not

contain dramatic plots or unreal tails which appeal readers and learners.

Nevertheless, I believe that there are some possible reasons to support the view that people studying history. Firstly,

history is a valuable source of information, it helps us to understand people and societies in the past. Particularly,

history offers a storehouse of information in all fields of life: war, law, society, technology,… We can know about

experiences in the past to understand the ifluence of technology innovative; historical information provide resources to

formilate laws about human behaviours. Date from the past is the most vital evidence to figure out complex species in

our social setting. Only through history, people can use begin to comprehend the factors that cause change. Another

reason can be mentioned that history is useful in the world of work. Most student who studies history use their training

for broader professional purposes students of history find their experience directly relevant to jobs well as further study

in fields laws or public administration. Furthermore, students study history also develop their research skill, the ability

to find and evaluate sources of information or the means to identify and evaluate diverse interpretations. These skills

will be highly valued by employers.

Basing on all above-mentioned analysis and opinions, it could be concluded that though there are some undeniably

reasons of studying history, I believe that studying history can bring us a large number of valuable information.
It is undeniable that in some parts of the world, it is increasingly popular to research the history of one’s own family

gained enormous publicity in the past few years. While such development brings certain benefits, I believe that

drawbacks are far more significant.

On the one hand, there are certainly some advantages of researching the history of one’s own family. First of all,

studying the history of one’s own family is the most obvious use of history, because it provides some fact of genealogy

and a basis for understanding how the family has interacted with larger historical change. Additionally, histories that

tell the family story emphasizing distinctive features are ways to understand family value and it also provide inspiration

to the next generation following.

Nevertheless, I think there are some possible reasons to support the view that researching the history of one’s own

family can be a negative trend. Particularly if family has a bad past or has relatives entangled in social evils, it will

affect the work of the next generations, especially those who want to work in state agencies. Furthermore, it can recall

old-fashioned customs that have been eliminated or concepts that are no longer consistent with current social moral


Based on all above-mentioned analysis and opinions, it could be concluded that researching the history of one’s own

family could lead to both positive and negative consequences. However, I am of the opinion that its advantages are

shadowed by the grave disadvantages.

It is undeniable that learning about history still remains controversial in our contemporary society. While some people

suppose that life it is preferable to history is a valuable source of information for us, others agree with the idea that

studying from the past offer no benefits to today’s. From my perspective, there are strengths and weaknesses with

both ideas.

There are certainly some advantages of studying from the past offer no benefits to today’s. First of all, history does not

appeal to general public. Because history has full numbers and events so many people do not remember exactly what

happened and it is not appealing as romantic stories, dramatic plots. Additionally, people are less spontaneously

drawn to the subject and more doubtful about the purpose of studying history. In a society, the product of historical

study is less tangible and sometimes it less immediate than those that stem from other disciplines.

Nevertheless, I think there are some possible reason to support the view that life it is preferable to history is a valuable

source of information for us. Particularly, history helps us understand people and society. For example, historical

information can provide resources to formulate laws about human behaviors. Furthermore, history can also

contributes to moral understanding like provide a terrain for moral contemplation and provide inspiration for the next

generation following.

Based on all above-mentioned analysis and opinions, it could be concluded that learning history is important.

However, I believe that the important thing is We must know how to apply and use it properly

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