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American Inside Out Evolution Upper intermediate

Unit 9 Test
Name Karina Moreno Gonzalez Score ______/50

Describing places

1 Underline the correct words.

a) Dominic is a big fan of contemporary / run-down / tough architecture.

b) Los Angeles is a big city, with urban / important / sprawling suburbs stretching for miles.
c) Some of the best modern buildings are very hideous / space-age / semi-derelict.
d) Redevelopment programs are happening in many of the city’s eccentric / post-industrial /
run-down areas.
e) A lot of contemporary architects are using metallic / post-modern / urban finishes for their

(5 points)

Time expressions

2 Complete the sentences with the words/phrases in the box. There are two extra

as soon as at that moment by during earlier previously throughout while

a) For long periods throughout the length of her childhood, Linda was very lonely.
b) As soon as the door slammed, I knew I was trapped.
c) I met my first husband while I was studying in Italy.
d) Sometime during the movie, Leo fell asleep.
e) The building had previously been a hospital.
f) At that moment, Martin realized his life would never be the same again.

(6 points)


3 Match the verbs (a–e) with the nouns (1–5) to make collocations.
American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 9 Test
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a) set up 2 1) a patent
b) develop 5 2) a company
c) come up with 4 3) a search
d) apply for 1 4) an idea
e) conduct 3 5) a prototype

(5 points)

Past modals of deduction

4 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the words in parentheses.

a) It’s possible that I made a big mistake. (might)

I might have made a big mistake.
b) Perhaps Stonehenge was a royal tomb. (may)
Stonehenge may have been a royal tomb.
c) I’m sure she didn’t drive to work today. (couldn’t)
She can’t drive to work today.
d) It’s possible that the church walls were painted by Giotto. (could)
The church walls could have been painted by Giotto
e) The palace was definitely built here in the 12th century. (must)
The palace must have been built here in the 12th century.
f) I’m not sure they’re home. Perhaps they are on their way to the airport by now.
They’ve probably left home by now. / They’ve probably left for the station by now. (left)
g) It’s impossible that that was my jacket.
That can’t have been my jacket. (not be)
h) I am expecting a call from Sheila. The phone is ringing now.
That must be Sheila. (be)

(8 points)

look, seem, appear

5 Underline the correct words.

a) Look at that star! Does it appear as if / look / seem to be brighter than all the others?
b) Kiera is seeming / appearing / looking very pleased with herself these days.
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c) Has anybody ever told you that you look just like / seem just like / look just as your brother?
d) What happened? You and John seemed / looked like / looked to be getting along so well.
e) It looks as / seems to be / looks as though it’s going to snow tonight.
f) It looks / seems as though / appears to be a lot of people are going to be there tonight.
g) Nora looks as / seems / appears like a nice person, don’t you think?

(7 points)

Language for Life

6 Match the beginnings (a–d) with the endings (1–4) to make sentences.

a) The plug is 2 1) clicks off.

b) Make sure you turn it 3 2) behind the refrigerator.
c) You have to turn 4 3) counterclockwise.
d) Press the button until it 1 4) it off after you’ve used it.

(4 points)

7 Read the text and underline the best words to complete the sentences.

a) Leonardo da Vinci had many diverse talents / was an interesting person / was a doctor.
b) After his apprenticeship, Leonardo became an artist’s model / became a painter / was
employed by Verrocchio.
c) Leonardo worked for many kings and queens / in many countries / for rich patrons.
d) The Mona Lisa is famous because it’s a good painting / it is enigmatic and mysterious / it
shows Leonardo dressed as a woman.
e) Leonardo’s notebooks contain self-portraits / ideas for inventions / many paintings.
Almost 500 years after his death, Leonardo da Vinci is a man who continues to fascinate the world. He was a
scientist, inventor, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, and sculptor. He is widely thought to be one
of the greatest artists in history, and possibly the most talented man ever; the ultimate Renaissance man – a genius.

Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 near Florence, Italy. We do not know a lot about his early life, but at the age of
fourteen he was apprenticed to the painter, Verrocchio, a successful artist working in Florence. Here, Leonardo would
have learned the skills of painting and drawing, as well as sculpture. While working with Verrocchio, it is thought that
Leonardo might have been the model for a statue of David, and an angel in a painting.
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By the time he was twenty, Leonardo had qualified and set up his own workshop, but he continued to work with
Verrocchio. During the next period of his life, he worked in Milan, Venice, Florence, and Rome, and became famous,
working mainly at the court of Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan. Leonardo spent his last years living in France, working
for King François I of France.

It is for his paintings that he is best known. His most famous masterpieces are probably the Mona Lisa and The Last
Supper. The Mona Lisa is an intriguing painting, showing a woman with a mysterious and captivating smile. Some
people think it might have been a self-portrait of Leonardo himself, dressed as a woman.

Leonardo actually painted very few pictures. Most of his inventions and scientific ideas can be found in the many
notebooks he kept. He designed a helicopter and a tank, hundreds of years before these inventions became reality.
Although he left behind a body of work in his paintings, journals, notebooks, and sketches, we know very little about
his private life except that he never married, and was a vegetarian. We don’t even know exactly what he looked like.
But one thing is certain, through the legacy of his art, his extraordinary imagination and vision endures.

(4 points)

Syllable stress

[Track 19]

8 Listen and underline the stressed syllable in each word.

a) biology
b) biological
c) genetics
d) scientific
e) mathematical

(5 points)

[Track 20]

9 Listen to a radio call-in show about North American buildings. Are these sentences
true (T) or false (F)?

a) Richard thinks the survey must have been done in Boston. F

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b) Richard is a fan of modern architecture. F
c) Richard thinks the Absolute Tower looks like a fat man. T
d) Kathy thinks the Empire State Building is ugly. T
e) Kathy thinks Graceland should have been mentioned in the survey. T

(5 points)

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