Psychologicalcontractogl 343

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Yesenia Salazar

OGL 343
Natasha Harris
3 April 2022
Psychological Contract
A. After reviewing Chapter 3, in Osland, Kolb, and Rubin’s Organizational Behavior: An
Experiential Approach, what was your Learning Style Type (e.g., active, concrete, reflective,
abstract)? Were you generally balanced or was there a general dominant style? (10 points) Given
that this course focuses on the nature of teams in the contemporary workplace, comment on your
strengths and weaknesses with respect to working effectively in an organizational team
environment (see Exhibit 3.4, etc., in chapter 3). (6 points) Tell a story or two from your life that
illustrates some connections between your learning style type and some of your past or current
behaviors when working with others in an organizational or social context (6 points).
(Type your 300-word response here)
After reviewing the experiential approach in Chapter 3 of Osland, Kolb, and Rubin’s
Organizational Behavior, I discovered that my Learning Style Type is well balanced between
two of the learning styles presented in this chapter. My learning style fluctuates between
divergent and convergent and is reflective of my abilities to change perspectives based on the
situation I am dealing with. Reflecting upon who I am as a leader has allowed me to make these
connections and identify how I adapt to learning as I lead others. Every day that I work at
Starbucks, I provide meaningful connections with the partners I work with and as well as the
customers I see daily. I want my partners to feel that I am truly invested in who they are and how
they can continue to grow from within. Having the opportunity to understand who I am working
with enhances the chances of strengthening their capabilities and developing them into the
potential they stand for and that I recognize in them.
A story that comes to mind that illustrates the connection between my learning style and
some of my past/current behaviors when working with others in an organizational/social context,
is once when I was first transferred to the store that I currently work at. Prior to transferring and
promoting, I did not feel that I fit in at my first store. I simply showed up to work to do my job
and leave. Feeling like the new kid at school hindered me from working well with others, and
acquiring the skills and tools that I would eventually learn later. Not speaking up put me in a
situation where I did not think I would be able to change my perspective of working for
Starbucks, and if I had made the right decision. The day I finally spoke up as to what I needed to
not feel this way anymore, was the right boost and inspiration I needed to later develop as a
leader. Shortly after, the opportunity came knocking on the door and here I am practicing
everything I have learned so far in how I lead others.
B. Think about what you just learned from the reading and reflect back on a significant social
learning experience from your past (an experience that involved working with others in some
sort of organizational, group, or team manner). Think about what you can apply to set yourself
up for success in this class as you reply to these items: What are your personal goals for the
course? To increase self-awareness? To learn theories and concepts? To fulfill a requirement? To
get a grade? To apply learning in your job or life? Some or all of these or something else? (6
(Type your 300-word response here)
Thinking about what I have just learned from reading and reflecting on a significant social
learning experience from my past has enabled me to think about how I can apply what I have
learned to set myself up for success in this class. For a long time, I had no idea how effective I
was going to turn out as a leader once I was finally given the chance to step into the role of a
Shift Supervisor at Starbucks. The road to becoming a great leader was rough at first, but I was
able to adapt and learn quickly to my advantage. I can recall all the moments where I had to stop
and think about how I was going to achieve the growth that was expected from me. Although I
was perfectly capable of mastering my role with time, the entire process was intimidating to me
as I had only been with the company for 10 months. This really empowered and motivated me to
want to set goals to be successful in the role I am fulfilling.
My personal goals primarily for this course are to become an effective leader through
self-awareness, adapt to new perspectives in terms of leadership and learning new
theories/concepts, and lastly to stay on top of myself by prioritizing my schoolwork over
everything else in efforts to receiving a good grade. In the past, not setting these goals put me in
a place where I was not able to be successful in class, my role as a supervisor, and as a person.
Knowing this, I was aware I needed to shift the perspective and put some goals in place. These
goals will put me on the path to success not only for my role as a leader, but also in this class. I
know that I will be able to be successful if I follow these goals and will have acquired the right
skills in preparation for future classes.

You’ve already made a series of life decisions that led you to join this class. Now, based on your
thought processes associated with these prompts (and the nature of this course), craft a
personal contract statement that includes your decision to participate in the course. Just a
sentence or two capturing your intention of committing to full participation (hopefully!) and/or
anything you’d like to state succinctly that serves as your personal intention as you embark on
this new adventure in OGL 343. (6 points)
As a student at Arizona State University who is part of the Organizational Leadership
program, I promise myself that I will uphold the goals I have set for myself to achieve ultimate
success and learn from participating throughout the next 8 weeks (about 2 months) of class.

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