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From: Jennifer Dasher

To: Steam Manager

Steam’s gaming platform is widely used by gamers across the world. Part of this platform involves the
installation process of purchased material. This letter is to call attention to the usability of installing
games on Steam’s platform. While the system itself does contain a way of installing new content onto
users’ computers, there may be people who need a breakdown of these steps to aid in their ease of use.

That is why I am reaching out to request an additional instructions packet to show our users how to
efficiently install their games, specifically through the Windows 11 system. I suggest creating an
instruction packet with images along with written instructions to aid those who may be new to our
platform. A usability test will be performed to provide feedback on how effective these instructions are
and give some insight into how our users feel about our system’s process.

These instructions can hopefully assist our users and possibly bring more interest to our system if users
feel more comfortable and confident in their ability to install their games. This benefits the company by
possibly bringing in more users, by showing we care about how easy it is to download and use content
on our platform and how we value our users’ opinions.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Dasher

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