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Title: The Legend of Makato and the Cowrie Shell

Music: Traditional gamelan music

Narrator: Once upon a time, on a small island in the Philippines, lived a
young boy named Makato. Makato was poor, but he was kind-hearted and
always knew how to help others. One day, he decided to go for a walk in
the forest and found a group of monkeys who were mourning the loss of
their home. Makato decided to help them and built a new home for them. In
return, the monkeys gave him a magical cowrie shell that could grant any
wish he desired.
(Enter Makato with the cowrie shell)
Makato: Wow, this is amazing! I can wish for anything I want.
Narrator: Makato was so excited that he spent the entire day thinking
about what he wanted to wish for. When the sun started to set, he fell
asleep, still holding the cowrie shell in his hand.
(Enter the monkey king)
Monkey King: Hello, Makato. I am the monkey king, the leader of the
monkeys. I see you have a magical cowrie shell.
Makato: Yes, I do.
Monkey King: Be careful with that shell, Makato. It can bring you joy or
cause you great harm.
Makato: What do you mean?
Monkey King: Wishes come with a price, Makato. If you're not careful, you
might end up losing more than you gain.
Makato: (confused) What should I do?
Monkey King: Just remember to be grateful for what you already have and
use the cowrie shell wisely.
Narrator: Makato was deep in thought as he walked back home. The monkey
king's words stayed with him, and he realized that he had been focusing
too much on what he didn't have, instead of being grateful for what he
had. He decided to put the cowrie shell away and focus on helping others.
(Enter a group of villagers)
Villager 1: Makato, please help us! Our crops are dying, and we don't
have enough food to feed our families.
Villager 2: Please, Makato, we don't know what to do.
Makato: Don't worry, I'll help you.
Narrator: Makato worked hard to help the villagers. He dug a well and
irrigated the fields, and soon the crops were growing again. The
villagers were amazed and grateful for Makato's help.
Villager 1: Thank you, Makato. You saved our village.
Villager 2: We are forever in your debt.
Narrator: Makato was happy to help and realized that he didn't need the
cowrie shell to make a difference in the world. He decided to give it
away to someone else who needed it more.
(Exit Makato with the cowrie shell)
Narrator: And so, Makato learned the valuable lesson that true happiness
comes from helping others and being grateful for what you have. The
legend of Makato and the cowrie shell has been passed down for
generations, reminding people to be kind and selfless.
(Exit all characters)
Music fades out.

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