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This project is based on the idea of maintaining maximum utilization and minimum loss of available
energy. The plenty of solar energy available during the day time is stored in a solar cell and the stored
energy is used to glow the street lights during the whole night. Also the system provides a power saving
mode of operation by adapting the method of automation. A dark sensor and a light sensor provides the
automatic “ON”/”OFF” facility to the street lights, so that it will glow automatically when it is
required(i.e. when the surrounding will be dark) and it will be turned “OFF” automatically if sufficient
light is available in the surrounding. Again the auto intensity control mechanism has been applied by the
help of a microcontroller to control the light intensity of the luminaries as per the requirement. Hence the
loss of energy due to unnecessary glow of the street lights can be avoided.

Due to rapidly increase urban sector in India large volume of energy is required for it shows the answer
is Renewal Energy in the form of Solar Energy which is presently used in urban sector of India whether
it’s used for domestic as well as the corporate sector. Now a days Light Emitting Diode (LED) based
lamps are replacing the High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps are used in the urban street light, thus
intensity control is possible by pulse width modulation based on sensing the movement of vehicles. In
the present text, in lighting the street light, as the vehicle moves the intensity goes on increasing for the
few lights ahead and as it is passed away the intensity goes on reducing. This paper gives the basic ideas
about the control the intensity of street light by the programmable micro controller to reducing as well as
save the energy; as a result the programmable micro controller was engaged to provide different
intensity at different condition.
The gradually growing requirement of energy and the limited resource of traditional energy has become a
challenge for both developed and developing countries. For this reason, in policy makers’ agenda, energy
efficiency and sustainability are given the first priority for any project to be installed. Solar street lighting
system is an effective way to reduce power consumption and CO2 impact on the environment with the
maintenance of the safety standards of the road. Electric street light consumes 114 TW h annually, leading
to the emission of 69 million tones of CO2. By PV (Photovoltaic) effect the solar radiation can be directly
converted into electrical energy. This energy is stored in a rechargeable battery and supplied to the
luminary when it is required to glow. The system is designed to provide an automatic control facility. This
control may be of three types. First one is optical control method, by using light/dark sensor the street
lights can be automatically turn “ON” in the evening after dark turn “OFF” automatically after dawn in
the morning, but the night street lighting is too bright and also wastage of energy. Second one is the time
control method, in which the light will be glow time to time automatically as per the adjustment and the
third one is the time-optical control, in which the lights will glow automatically from time to time with
automatically controlled intensity. Thus the unnecessary power wastage is reduced up to a large extent.

With the intensification of energy crisis all over the world, all the countries are looking for the way to
solve this serious problem. One way is to search the new energy and take advantage of the renewable
energy. Another way is to exploit the new energy-saving technologies to reduce energy consumption, and
improve utilization efficiency of energy. Solar energy is the most direct, common, and clean energy on
our planet we have already found until now. Total solar energy absorbed by the Earth is about 3,850,000
exajoules (EJ) in one year, which is even twice as much as all the non-renewable resources on the earth
found and used by human being, including coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium etc. The solar resources can
be seemed inexhaustible. LED is a solid state semiconductor device which can convert electrical energy
into visible light. It is characterized with small size, low power consumption, long service life,
environmental protection and durance. The spectrum of the LED is a mostly concentrated in the visible
light spectrum, so it has a high luminous efficiency which can be described as the great reform in the solid
light source. This essay briefly describes the solar led street lighting system. It uses the solar radiation
energy to charge the battery with the solar panel during day time, and offer energy to the LED light
equipment at night. This system has a double advantage in both utilization of new energy and energy-

Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving
technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaic’s, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten
salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis.

It is an essential source of renewable energy, and its technologies are broadly characterized as
either passive solar or active solar depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy or
convert it into solar power. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic
systems, concentrated solar power, and solar water heating, to harness the energy. Passive solar
techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or
light-dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.

The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect sphere of
hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core, radiating the energy
mainly as light and infrared radiation. It is by far the most important source of energy for life
on Earth. Its diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers (864,000 miles), or 109 times that of Earth,
and its mass is about 330,000 times that of Earth. It accounts for about 99.86% of the total mass of
the Solar System. Roughly three quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen (~73%); the rest is
mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements,
including oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron.

Solar irradiance is the power per unit area received from the Sun in the form of electromagnetic
radiation as reported in the wavelength range of the measuring instrument. The solar irradiance is
measured in watt per square metre (W/m2) in SI units. Solar irradiance is often integrated over a
given time period in order to report the radiant energy emitted into the surrounding environment
(joule per square meter, J/m2) during that time period. This integrated solar irradiance is called solar
irradiation, solar exposure, solar insolation, or insolation.

Irradiance may be measured in space or at the Earth's surface after atmospheric absorption
and scattering. Irradiance in space is a function of distance from the Sun, the solar cycle, and cross-
cycle changes. Irradiance on the Earth's surface additionally depends on the tilt of the measuring
surface, the height of the sun above the horizon, and atmospheric conditions. Solar irradiance
affects plant metabolism and animal behavior.

Worldwide growth of photovoltaic is extremely dynamic and varies strongly by country. As of 2020,
there are at least 37 countries around the world with a cumulative PV capacity of more than one gig
watt. By the end of 2019, a cumulative amount of 629 GW of solar power was installed throughout
the world. By early 2020, the leading country for solar power was China with 208 GW, [ accounting
for one-third of global installed solar capacity. By the end of 2016, cumulative photovoltaic capacity
increased by more than 75 gig watt (GW) and reached at least 303 GW, sufficient to supply
approximately 1.8 percent of the world's total electricity consumption. The top installers of 2016
through 2019 were China, the United States, and India. The available solar PV capacity in Honduras
is now sufficient to supply 12.5% of the nation's electrical power while Italy, Germany
and Greece can produce between 7% and 8% of their respective domestic electricity consumption.

After an almost two decade long hiatus, deployment of CSP resumed in 2007. However, the design
for several new projects is being changed to cheaper photovoltaic. Most operational CSP stations are
located in Spain and the United States, while large solar farms using photovoltaics are being
constructed in an expanding list of geographic regions. As of January 2017, the largest solar power
plants in the world are the 850 MW Longyangxia Dam Solar Park in China for PV and the
377 MW Ivanpah Solar Power Facility in the United States for CSP.

Our national economy can be helped by solar power. The more people who opt for solar, the more
needs will be for companies to install solar panels. This creates additional jobs for skilled workers,
and consequently keeps the economy growing.

1. Renewable Energy Source-

Among all the benefits of solar panels, the most important thing is that solar energy is a truly renewable
energy source. It can be harnessed in all areas of the world and is available every day. We cannot run out
of solar energy, unlike some of the other sources of energy. Solar energy will be accessible as long as we
have the sun; therefore sunlight will be available to us for at least 5 billion years when according to
scientists the sun is going to die.
2. Reduces Electricity Bills-
Since you will be meeting some of your energy needs with the electricity your solar system has
generated, your energy bills will drop. How much you save on your bill will be dependent on the size of
the solar system and your electricity or heat usage. Moreover, not only will you be saving on the
electricity bill, there is also a possibility to receive payments for the surplus energy that you export back
to the grid. If you generate more electricity than you use (considering that your solar panel system is
connected to the grid).
3. Diverse Applications-
Solar energy can be used for diverse purposes. You can generate electricity (photovoltaic) or heat (solar
thermal). Solar energy can be used to produce electricity in areas without access to the energy grid, to
distill water in regions with limited clean water supplies and to power satellites in space. Solar energy
can also be integrated into the materials used for buildings. Not long ago Sharp introduced transparent
solar energy windows.
4. Low Maintenance Costs-
Solar energy systems generally don’t require a lot of maintenance. You only need to keep them relatively
clean, so cleaning them a couple of times per year will do the job. If in doubt, you can always rely on
specialized cleaning companies, which offer this service from around £25-£35. Most reliable solar panel
manufacturers’ offer 20-25 years warranty. Also, as there are no moving parts, there is no wear and tear.
The inverter is usually the only part that needs to be changed after 5-10 years because it is continuously
working to convert solar energy into electricity and heat (solar PV vs. solar thermal). Apart from the
inverter, the cables also need maintenance to ensure your solar power system runs at maximum
efficiency. So, after covering the initial cost of the solar system, you can expect very little spending on
maintenance and repair work.
5. Technology Development-
Technology in the solar power industry is constantly advancing and improvements will intensify in the
future. Innovations in quantum physics and nanotechnology can potentially increase the effectiveness of
solar panels and double, or even triple, the electrical input of the solar power systems.


1. Cost-
The initial cost of purchasing a solar system is fairly high. This includes paying for solar panels,
inverter, batteries, wiring, and for the installation. Nevertheless, solar technologies are constantly
developing, so it is safe to assume that prices will go down in the future.
2. Weather Dependent-
Although solar energy can still be collected during cloudy and rainy days, the efficiency of the solar
system drops. Solar panels are dependent on sunlight to effectively gather solar energy. Therefore, a
few cloudy, rainy days can have a noticeable effect on the energy system. You should also take into
account that solar energy cannot be collected during the night. On the other hand, if you also require
your water heating solution to work at night or during wintertime, thermodynamic panels are an
alternative to consider.
3. Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive-
Solar energy has to be used right away, or it can be stored in large batteries. These batteries, used in
off-the-grid solar systems, can be charged during the day so that the energy is used at night. This is a
good solution for using solar energy all day long but it is also quite expensive. In most cases, it is
smarter to just use solar energy during the day and take energy from the grid during the night (you
can only do this if your system is connected to the grid). Luckily your energy demand is usually
higher during the day so you can meet most of it with solar energy.
4. Uses a Lot of Space-
The more electricity you want to produce, the more solar panels you will need, as you want to collect
as much sunlight as possible. Solar PV panels require a lot of space and some roofs are not big
enough to fit the number of solar panels that you would like to have. An alternative is to install some
of the panels in your yard but they need to have access to sunlight. If you don’t have the space for all
the panels that you wanted, you can opt for installing fewer to still satisfy some of your energy needs.
5. Associated with Pollution-
Although pollution related to solar energy systems is far less compared to other sources of energy,
solar energy can be associated with pollution. Transportation and installation of solar systems have
been associated with the emission of greenhouse gases. There are also some toxic materials and
hazardous products used during the manufacturing process of solar photovoltaic systems, which can
indirectly affect the environment. Nevertheless, solar energy pollutes far less than other alternative
energy sources.

This second type of thermal solar power technology concentrates the warmth of the Sun’s rays
using collectors to heat a transfer fluid (gas, oil or molten salt, for example) to a high temperature.
The fluid heats a network of water, which produces steam and drives a turbine (mechanical
energy), thereby generating electricity.

Heat from the Sun’s rays is collected in large power plants where flat or curved mirrors are
installed over vast areas. The technology is best suited to countries where the sunlight is intense,
for example in desert regions.


Automatic solar street lights are gradually replacing widely used traditional public street lights. They
have a crystalline silicon solar battery to supply power, a maintenance-free controlled battery to store
electricity, a ultra-bright LED lamps as light source. And they are controlled by a smart charging and
discharging controller.
Solar lighting solutions are made up of a LED lamp, for optimal illumination, a solar panel, to capture
sun rays, a storage battery, a solar street lamp controller, a lamp pole and so on. The main products are a
single crystal silicon and a polycrystalline silicon solar panel, a powerful LED source, a controller set in
the lamp pole , a storage battery, a valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) battery and gel battery (put
underground or some certain incubator).
The solar panel, under the control of the intelligent controller, collects solar energy and converts it into
electricity when sunrays hit solar cells. The storage battery is charged by the solar battery in daytime,
and then it powers the LED lamp in nighttime. Controller plays a very important role in protecting
storage battery from being overcharged or over-discharged.
Solar street lights are known for being efficient and effective light sources in different parts of the world.
Nevertheless, apart from the manufacturers and the distributors, only a few people know the solar street
light working principles. Moreover, they know that they produce light at night, but cannot explain their
components. They have photo-voltaic panels that are responsible for absorbing solar energy, which is
then stored in batteries as electricity, to power the solar street light system at night.
Most solar street lights are always installed on lighting structures. They are made of rechargeable
batteries. Photovoltaic panels of these street lights are responsible for charging these batteries. At night,
the charged batteries power LED or fluorescent lights. Moreover, as far as the solar street light working
principle is concerned, some of them have sensors that enable the solar panels to automatically turn and
off when they sense outdoor light with the assistance of the source of light. Most of them are meant for
working at night.


The solar street lights use solar energy, a form of the renewable energy. These days it is common to see
the solar street lamps along the sides of roads. The solar street lights comprise of, which absorb the solar
energy during daytime. The photovoltaic cells convert solar energy into electrical energy, which is
stored in the battery. At the nighttime the lamp starts automatically and it consumes the electricity
already stored in the battery. During the day time the battery gets recharged and the process keeps on
repeating every day.
Solar street light working principle is easy and simple. Solar street lights have photovoltaic cells that are
responsible for converting the sunlight’s radiation into electricity. The device’s semiconductor materials
facilitate the process of conversion of solar energy into electricity. The energy conversion process is
known as the “photovoltaic effect.” The electrical energy is stored in the solar batteries. If the
illumination decreases to 10lux, the circuit voltage of approximately 4.5V will be opened by the solar
cell board. Then, the amount of voltage value moving from the battery to other parts of the street light
system will be determined by the charge and discharge controller. Moreover, the charge and discharge
controller is also known for protecting the battery.
Solar LED lights: LED stands for light emitting diode. LED comprises of the chemical compound that
gives of the light when direct current (DC) from the battery passes through it. Solar LEDs are available
from number of companies in different sizes, shapes and styles. The life of LED is usually very high
extending up to 50,000 hours. The LEDs require very little current hence the solar panels of smaller
sizes are required for the solar lights with LED lamps.
In the street light we have the charge controller circuit which charges the battery at the day time by solar
panel and by conventional power at night. This switching between conventional and solar occurs
through the relay action. The relay action is done by two NOT logic operated transistor through LDR.
Photoconductive device LDR (Light dependent resistor) whose resistance changes proportional to the
extent of illumination, which switches ON or OFF the LED during day and night and also dusk to dawn
operation is done.
This process of energy conversion is generally called the “Photo voltaic effect”. It is also known
as solar cells, or “photo voltaic cells.” With the help of photo voltaic solar cells made of the principle
effect of solar panels during the day. The received electrical energy stored in batteries. At night when the
illumination reduced to 10lux.Then Solar cells board open the circuit voltage of about 4.5V.Then charge
and discharge controller is used to detect movement of the voltage value. Charge and discharge
controllers are generally used to protect the battery.


Every solar street light system consists of several core components. This functional off-grid system
depends on the quality of each component, the technology used in the system and the management of the
solar street light over time. Choosing the right smart solar street light specification is not an easy task,
therefore you need to know all the system design nuances before discussing the technical proposal with
a solar street light company.
There are many components involved in creating a commercial solar street light system. What
components are used to manufacture the system can make or break a system over time. Here is a quick
overview of what components are used in most typical solar street light systems. Note that not all
manufactures use the same components in their solar street lighting systems .
4. LDR

Solar panels are those devices which are used to absorb the sun's rays and convert them into electricity
or heat.
A solar panel is actually a collection of solar (or photovoltaic) cells, which can be used to generate
electricity through photovoltaic effect. These cells are arranged in a grid-like pattern on the surface of
solar panels.
Thus, it may also be described as a set of photovoltaic modules, mounted on a structure supporting it. A
photovoltaic (PV) module is a packaged and connected assembly of 6×10 solar cells.
When it comes to wear-and-tear, these panels are very hardy. Solar panels wear out extremely slow. In a
year, their effectiveness decreases only about one to two per cent (at times, even lesser).
These days, solar panels are used in wide-ranging electronic equipments like calculators, which work as
long as sunlight is available.
However, the only major drawback of solar panels is that they are quite costly. Also, solar panels are
installed outdoors as they need sunlight to get charged.


You don’t need to know exactly how solar panels convert sunlight into electricity to make a solar
purchasing decision. However, understanding how a solar panel will perform is key to determining
how much you can save with your solar energy system.

There are several factors that influence how effective a panel is at converting sunlight into
electricity. These are the four most important to understand:

Solar panel power ratings-

All solar panels receive a nameplate power rating indicating the amount of power they produce
under industry-standard test conditions. Most residential and commercial solar panels on the market
have power ratings in the range of 250 to 400 watts. A higher power rating means that the panels
are more effective at producing power.
The nameplate rating represents the power output under ideal conditions, which most solar power
systems won’t experience for more than a few moments at a time. However, solar panel ratings are
useful as a way to make consistent comparisons between panels.

Power tolerance-

As solar panels are manufactured, some unavoidable variations that impact power output are
introduced. Power tolerance indicates how the power output of a solar panel might differ from its
nameplate rating. They are typically expressed as a plus-or-minus percentage. For example, a 250-
watt panel with a +/= 5% power tolerance could actually produce anywhere from 237.5 watts to
262.5 watts under ideal conditions (as 12.5 watts is 5% of 250 watts). A narrower power tolerance
range is preferable to a wider one, because it represents more certainty. Power tolerances should be
viewed in tandem with solar panel ratings.

Solar cell efficiency-

Solar panel efficiency represents how effectively a solar panel can convert solar radiation (e.g.
sunlight) into electricity. The most efficient solar panels commercially available today have solar
panel efficiency just under 23%. The graphic below shows how dramatically solar panel
performance has improved over time.

A higher solar panel efficiency rating means a panel will produce more kilowatt-hours of energy per
watt of power capacity. Because one high-efficiency panel can generate more electricity than a
similarly sized panel with a standard efficiency rating, efficiency is particularly important if you
have limited roof space and large energy bills.

Temperature coefficient-

Although solar panels are designed to love the sun, high heat can actually reduce a solar panel’s
capacity to generate power. The temperature coefficient quantifies how a panel’s power capacity
decreases at temperatures higher than 77°F, which is the standard temperature at which tests are
2. LED Lights:-
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that emits light
when current flows through it. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes,
releasing energy in the form of photons. The color of the light (corresponding to the energy of
the photons) is determined by the energy required for electrons to cross the band gap of the
semiconductor. White light is obtained by using multiple semiconductors or a layer of light-
emitting phosphor on the semiconductor device.

LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light sources, including lower energy
consumption, longer lifetime, improved physical robustness, smaller size, and faster switching.
LEDs are used in applications as diverse as aviation lighting, fairy lights, automotive headlamps,
advertising, general lighting, traffic signals, camera flashes, lighted wallpaper, horticultural grow
lights, and medical devices.


 Long life. The components of an LED and the way that they generate light significantly
extend the lifespan of these bulbs.
 Energy efficiency
 High brightness and intensity
 Exceptional color range
 Low radiated heat
 Reliability
 Instantaneous illumination
 Directional lighting
A brief overview of the different types of batteries that may be used in solar electric and backup
power systems.

Lead Acid-

The common automobile batteries in which the electrodes are grids of metallic lead-containing
lead oxides those change in composition during charging and discharging. The electrolyte is
diluted sulfuric acid.

The new AGM Battery technology has made a huge impact on lead-acid batteries, making it one of
the best batteries to use in solar electric systems. Learn more about AGM batteries here.

Industrial-type batteries can last as long as 20 years with moderate care, and even standard deep
cycle batteries, such as the golf car type, should last 3-5 years. Intermediate batteries, such as the
S460 and other batteries made by Surrette should last 7 to 12 years.

Lithium -

Lithium batteries have many advantages over traditional battery types. They have an extremely
long cycle life and high discharge and recharge rates. Learn more about Lithium batteries here.


1. Low efficiency - may be as low as 50%, typically 60-65%. Very high rate of self-discharge
2. high gassing/water consumption
3. High internal resistance means you can get large voltage drops across series cells.
4. high specific weight/volume
5. can reduce the overall efficiency of the solar system as much as 25%


As you consider your solar-plus-storage options, you’ll come across a lot of complicated product
specifications. The most important ones to use during your evaluation are the battery’s capacity &
power ratings, depth of discharge (DoD), round-trip efficiency, warranty, and manufacturer.
Capacity & power-

Capacity is the total amount of electricity that a solar battery can store, measured in kilowatt-hours
(kWh). Most home solar batteries are designed to be “stackable,” which means that you can include
multiple batteries with your solar-plus-storage system to get extra capacity.

While capacity tells you how big your battery is, it doesn’t tell you how much electricity a battery
can provide at a given moment. To get the full picture, you also need to consider the battery’s power
rating. In the context of solar batteries, a power rating is the amount of electricity that a battery can
deliver at one time. It is measured in kilowatts (kW).

Depth of discharge (DoD)-

Most solar batteries need to retain some charge at all times due to their chemical composition. If you
use 100 percent of a battery’s charge, its useful life will be significantly shortened.

The depth of discharge (DoD) of a battery refers to the amount of a battery’s capacity that has been
used. Most manufacturers will specify a maximum DoD for optimal performance. For example, if a
10 kWh battery has a DoD of 90 percent, you shouldn’t use more than 9 kWh of the battery before
recharging it. Generally speaking, a higher DoD means you will be able to utilize more of your
battery’s capacity.

4. LDR:-
A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is also called a photo resistor or a cadmium sulfide (CdS) cell. It
is also called a photoconductor. It is basically a photocell that works on the principle of
photoconductivity. The passive component is basically a resistor whose resistance value decreases
when the intensity of light decreases. This optoelectronic device is mostly used in light varying
sensor circuit, and light and dark activated switching circuits. Some of its applications include
camera light meters, street lights, clock radios, light beam alarms, reflective smoke alarms, and
outdoor clocks.

The snake like track shown below is the Cadmium Sulphide (CdS) film which also passes through
the sides. On the top and bottom are metal films which are connected to the terminal leads. It is
designed in such a way as to provide maximum possible contact area with the two metal films. The
structure is housed in a clear plastic or resin case, to provide free access to external light. As
explained above, the main component for the construction of LDR is cadmium sulphide (CdS),
which is used as the photoconductor and contains no or very few electrons when not illuminated. In
the absence of light it is designed to have a high resistance in the range of mega ohms. As soon as
light falls on the sensor, the electrons are liberated and the conductivity of the material increases.
When the light intensity exceeds a certain frequency, the photons absorbed by the semiconductor
give band electrons the energy required to jump into the conduction band. This causes the free
electrons or holes to conduct electricity and thus dropping the resistance dramatically (< 1 Kilo

A motion sensor (or motion detector) is an electronic device that is designed to detect and measure
movement. Motion sensors are used primarily in home and business security systems, but they can
also be found in phones, paper towel dispensers, game consoles, and virtual reality systems. Unlike
many other types of sensors (which can be handheld and isolated), motion sensors are typically
embedded systems with three major components: a sensor unit, an embedded computer, and
hardware (or the mechanical component). These three parts vary in size and configuration, as
motion sensors can be customized to perform highly specific functions. For example, motion
sensors can be used to activate floodlights, trigger audible alarms, activate switches, and even alert
the police.

6. POLES:-
It is a support or the backbone of the solar street light, where the lights is placed and the
combination of both the lamp and the pole are placed beside the streets.

The cable is used to interconnect the LED, solar panel and battery box which is fixed on the top of
the pole. This cable is used to connect a Photovoltaic module to the controller, controller to the
lamps, and battery. The size and length of the cable depend on the current being carried to the LED
lights and the height of the pole. The assembling of the entire solar LED street light system can be
connected using all the above components which use solar energy to give the power to the LED
lamps fixed on street poles.
There are four major circuits are used with proper functioning.

1. Power Circuit

2. Charge Controller Circuit

3. Switching Circuit between Conventional and Solar

4. Dusk to Dawn Operator Circuit


There is an increasing demand for Solar Street lights these days and for obvious reasons. One important
reason is overall cost savings in the long run, and the other is efficient lighting. The solar LED light
system as the name suggests converts energy from the sun into electricity and is easy to install and gives
high intensity LED output. It is not necessary to switch on or switch off the solar LED’s light manually.
These lights automatically operate from night until morning. In this article, we would discuss some of
the top solar energy uses, applications and examples.


In fact, solar street lighting is the best and cheapest option in locations where AC power is too costly or
tricky to install. With different types of solar powered street light fixtures available, everything from a
single sign to multiple lights on a municipality street can be covered. This also includes lanes, public
areas, pathways, security lighting, perimeter lighting, roadways and streets within government units.
Such market shifts increase the need for solar street light installations everywhere, including government
entities, embassies and municipalities
Municipalities and other corporations are also benefited from this solar street lighting as many
municipalities are still in dark during nights so planning of solar street lights is the best, easiest and
power saving mode of lighting.


The Solar LED lighting system has exceptional storage system which allows 3 days continuous
illumination without any recharge. Industrial areas are bigger in size; therefore, they take a large amount
of electricity for outdoor lighting. While installing these solar lights, the cost for electric wires will
reduce and maintenance cost will lower. Have a look at some of the Commercial Solar Lighting
Services we offer.
Plus, with solar lighting, there is never an electric bill!
Solar outdoor commercial lighting may, in fact, be the most economical choice including for parking
lots, roadways, shelters, pathways, perimeter security, storage areas, and temporary lighting.
In addition to saving on electricity costs, solar outdoor commercial lighting also saves on maintenance
costs. Unlike traditional commercial outdoor lighting, solar commercial outdoor lighting is virtually
maintenance-free because the batteries require no water or other regular service. And, when properly
integrated into a light fixture, or luminaries, the LED lights used in solar lighting have a lifespan of more
than 12 years.


The Solar LED street lights are also very easy to install. By the help of these lights, the risk of accidents
is minimized as there are no external wires needed for electric connections. These lights can be installed
easily in the remote roadway or highway where there is no electricity. The LED Streetlight provides
clear visibility for the pedestrian and drivers. High-quality illumination LED light system beautifies
urban area at night without polluting the environment.
Using LEDs instead of paint opens up a whole new world of options. Road and parking lot lines, verbiage, and
signage now become flexible and customizable. With embedded sensors, the intelligent road can use the LEDs to
warn drivers of impending danger, such as a large rock in the road or wildlife. Safety can also be enhanced by
making the road lines more visible, especially in dark, foggy, or stormy conditions.

The LED lights in Solar Roadway panels can be used in many different ways to create modern
traffic management systems. The flexibility of having lights instead of paint creates options never
before possible. Because Solar Roadways® are intelligent; they can enhance the safety of citizens.
This intelligence is expressed mostly through the LEDs. It’s the way the panels communicate with
drivers and pedestrians. Crosswalks will flash and tell drivers to slow down when a pedestrian is
present. Highways will warn drivers of wildlife around a curve. Roads will create detours when
there is an accident. LEDs can turn red when a fire truck (or EMS vehicle) is leaving its station on a


Solar lighting systems are beneficial for park and playground lighting needs as it helps to light
signs, trails, pavilions and parking lot. They are independent of the grid, so they can be installed
anywhere in the park where there is a need for proper lighting. These lights provide safety for
children who play after dark and also to the officials in order to secure the area during the night.
These days, most of the cricket or football matches are held at night time due to several reasons. So
Solar LED lights are installed in the stadium or playgrounds that can provide high power lighting
inside the field. For any sport, Playground needs high power lighting, called floodlight which can be
achieved by the solar panel at low cost and minimal maintenance.

Parks and playgrounds are a great place to gather with friends and family. From just playing on
playgrounds to running around on a field, to walking down trails and relaxing in nature, there are so
many things to do at parks. Most parks close around dusk, but there are ones that like to stay open a
little later. Proper lighting should always be installed in parks; however, there isn’t always electric
available. That’s where solar lighting systems come in to play.

Timing is key to determine how long the lights need to operate. If the park closes at dusk, having

the lights on an hour or two after dusk ensures that anyone still working on leaving can see. If the

park is open later, the lights can provide additional safety and security for people visiting the park

after dark. The lighting can also provide additional safety for parks department personnel that need

to secure the area at night.


Schools, colleges and universities around the world are now going solar. With a lot of accessible

areas where these institutions can install solar street lights, ranging from bus shelters and signs to
parking lots, students can often learn firsthand about the various advantages of solar powered

lighting systems.

Many Airports are equipped with solar lights because they are easy to install with no conventional

electricity cost. These LED lights are installed at the runway and are portable. On the other hand,

the maintenance is needed only once in 7 years. These lights are used for safe Aircraft operations at

night time.

Solar powered security lights are illuminated by solar energy which is converted into electric

energy. As a result, these are a practical choice for security purpose, as without electricity they can
operate at night because the sun provides needed energy during the day. These lights automatically

turn on when it senses any motion. These Solar Street lights are Pollution free lights. Only the cost

of the initial investment is high when compared to the conventional lights. And only dust, snow, and

moisture can hinder the energy production. These lights are not a practical option for every

application because the cost is on a higher side.


 Environmental friendly- Use of solar lights can play a major role in reducing the carbon
footprints which are created from non-renewable sources. When the use of solar and other
renewable energy will increase then only the problem of exhaustion will decrease from the
 Cost effective- As these lights are dependent on the sun, you will be saved from paying money
to the electricity provider every month. Initially it might seem a bit expensive but gradually it
will cover up the costs within a few months and give long-term benefits.
 Imperishable source- Since solar energy is unlimited; you will never be away from utilizing it,
if you are staying in a place where there is sunlight.
 Less maintenance- You can be free from worrying about the maintenance of these lights. Apart
from cleaning and doing few check-ups there isn’t much to do to ensure its longevity.
 Available in wide ranges- Solar lighting techniques have developed over the years. Today you
will find wide choice of solar lights with different sizes, types, styles, features etc. These ranges
are not only to suit the functional purpose but look wise also they have improved a lot.
 Energy-saving, pollution-reducing, money saving- Global awareness of the importance of
becoming more resource efficient and environmentally friendly has taken hold, and this
awareness grows stronger every day. Compared with traditional street lighting, solar street
lighting uses solar energy—completely renewable with no consumption of fossil—or any type
of—fuel. Intelligent control, easy construction - Solar lighting systems are controlled by built-
in intelligence which requires no manual operation, making them safe and economical. The
whole construction process is simple and time-saving, while maintenance is infrequent and easy.
 No cable-laying work or complicated power facilities needed- Commercial power lighting
project is complicated in procedure, involving foundation work of cables ditch digging, cable
pipe laying, cable threading inside pipes and ditch landfill, which needs a lot of labors.. Each
lighting system is an independent individual, no need of cables laying and electric equipment,
both cost-saving and labor-saving.
 No cable costs, no cable theft- For remote areas which cannot be covered by commercial power,
the cost of laying cables and installing electricity is extremely high. In addition, cable theft can
occur. If this happens, the whole power supply will go down.
No interdependency weaknesses- Traditional electricity means an extremely high level of
interdependency—cable connections mean that problems in one area can affect many; one
problem can even affect the whole power supply system! This will never, ever happen with solar
lighting, as each is an independent power generating system.


 Expensive than conventional lights- These lights are bit expensive compared to other
conventional street lights, which is the main reason behind not opting for solar street lights.
 Risk of theft since its non-wired- Since these lights are wireless and costly, the risk of theft is
high compared to regular street lights.
 Frequent checking when placed in extreme weather conditions- When placed in extreme
weather conditions like snow or dust, there are chances of moisture getting accumulated
horizontal PV-panels leading to reduced or full stoppage of energy production.
 Replacement of batteries- Like any other components, rechargeable batteries also get exhausted
they must be replaced a few times within the lifetime of the fixtures.


In our working model, we have used components like solar panels, batteries, capacitors, IR
sensor, microcontroller, resistors, diodes and led lights.
The solar panels trap the solar energy directly from the sun and the energy trapped by the solar
panels may not be the same always so we have placed a capacitor which will maintain the energy
to the required amount to charge the batteries. The excess of energy which is trapped by the panels
will be stored in the capacitors and will be used when required. When the batteries are charged the
charge is passed through the IC’s which is connected to the microcontroller. The IC’s are
connected to the microcontroller so that it will provide 5V voltage for the working of the
microcontroller. The microcontroller is connected to several varibale resistors and diode and
switches and then connected to the artificial street light. Between the connection of the IC’s and
the microcontroller the circuit is connected to the IR sensor which is used so that when some
moving object or vehicles passes through it the intensity of the street light will increase
automatically and will soon get decreased when not in much use. This helps in saving of energy
and smart use of solar street lighting. There are LED indicators in each of the circuit done so that
when it glows it indicates the the circuit is working and if in case the LED does not glow it is a
indication that there is some fault in the circuit. There is also a LED indicator in the IR sensor
which indicates when a moving body or a vehicle passes through it and it also indicates that the IR
sensor is working perfectly. The circuit ends with the artificial street light where there is a LED
that glows when the circuit is complete. The intensity of the light depends on the charge stored by
the batteries and the functioning of IR sensor. This circuits and the model represents the solar
street lighting in the miniature form that is done with the working and the principle behind it.


There are several components that can be used in a solar street light model. Here are some of the
components that we hav eused in our model.

1. Solar Panel
2. Solar Rechargable Battery
3. Capacitors
4. IR Sensor
5. Resistors
6. Microcontroller
7. Diodes
8. MOSFET and Switch
9. LED Lights
10. Interconnecting wires

Solar panels are those devices which are used to absorb the sun's rays and convert them into
electricity or heat.
A solar panel is actually a collection of solar (or photovoltaic) cells, which can be used to
generate electricity through photovoltaic effect. These cells are arranged in a grid-like pattern on
the surface of solar panels.
Thus, it may also be described as a set of photovoltaic modules, mounted on a structure
supporting it.
When it comes to wear-and-tear, these panels are very hardy. Solar panels wear out extremely
slow. In a year, their effectiveness decreases only about one to two per cent (at times, even
Most solar panels are made up using crystalline silicon solar cells.
The solar panels we have used is a connected assembly of 18×4 solar cells.


Lead Acid- The common automobile batteries in which the electrodes are grids of metallic lead-
containing lead oxides those change in composition during charging and discharging. The
electrolyte is diluted sulfuric acid.

The new AGM Battery technology has made a huge impact on lead-acid batteries, making it one of
the best batteries to use in solar electric systems. Learn more about AGM batteries here.

Industrial-type batteries can last as long as 20 years with moderate care, and even standard deep
cycle batteries, such as the golf car type, should last 3-5 years. Intermediate batteries, such as the
S460 and other batteries made by Surrette should last 7 to 12 years.

In our model we have used 2 laed acid battery each of 6V nad 4.5 AH.

A capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It is a passive electronic
component with two terminals.

The effect of a capacitor is known as capacitance. While some capacitance exists between any two
electrical conductors in proximity in a circuit, a capacitor is a component designed to add
capacitance to a circuit. The capacitor was originally known as a condenser or condensator. This
name and its cognates are still widely used in many languages, but rarely in English, one notable
exception being condenser microphones, also called capacitor microphones.

In our model we have used two capacitors. One for storing the energy and maintaining the fixed
energy required to charge the batteries the rating of the capacitor is 1000 µF , 4v.

The other capacitor is used to stotre energy of the IC’s that prove the microcontroller with 5V foe
thye working of the microcontroller which is rated as 100 µF,2V.


An infrared (IR) sensor is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared radiation in its
surrounding environment. Infrared radiation was accidentally discovered by an astronomer named
William Herchel in 1800. While measuring the temperature of each color of light (separated by a
prism), he noticed that the temperature just beyond the red light was highest. IR is invisible to the
human eye, as its wavelength is longer than that of visible light (though it is still on the same
electromagnetic spectrum). Anything that emits heat (everything that has a temperature above
around five degrees Kelvin) gives off infrared radiation.

There are two types of infrared sensors: active and passive. Active infrared sensors both emit and
detect infrared radiation. Active IR sensors have two parts: a light emitting diode (LED) and a
receiver. When an object comes close to the sensor, the infrared light from the LED reflects off of
the object and is detected by the receiver.

In our model we have also used a IR sensor instead of motion sensor which works when any
moving object or any vehicle passes through it anf it triggers the microcontrollr to increase the
intensity of the light and the light again automatically goes down when there is no use. This helps
to save energy and also acts as a smart solar lighting system.


A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a

circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels,
to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses. High-
power resistors that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as heat, may be used as part of
motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as test loads for generators. Fixed resistors have
resistances that only change slightly with temperature, time or operating voltage. Variable resistors
can be used to adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing
devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity.

Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are ubiquitous
in electronic equipment. Practical resistors as discrete components can be composed of various
compounds and forms. Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits.

In our model we have used both variable resistance as well as resistors for electrical resistance and
smooth conduction of the electrical circuit.

We hve used resistors of 3,4,5 kiloohms and variabke resistance upto 10 kiloohms. We have used
them in both the circuits in the microcontroller as well as the main circuit. The variable resistance
is used in the IR sensor and the microcontroller circuit.


A microcontroller (MCU for microcontroller unit) is a small computer on a single metal-oxide-

semiconductor (MOS) integrated circuit (IC) chip. A microcontroller contains one or
more CPUs (processor cores) along with memory and programmable input/output peripherals.
Program memory in the form of ferroelectric RAM, NOR flash or OTP ROM is also often
included on chip, as well as a small amount of RAM. Microcontrollers are designed
for embedded applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used in personal computers or
other general purpose applications consisting of various discrete chips.

In modern terminology, a microcontroller is similar to, but less sophisticated than, a system on a
chip (SoC). SoC may include a microcontroller as one of its components, but usually integrates it
with advanced peripherals like graphics processing unit (GPU), Wi-Fi module, or one or
more coprocessors.

In our model we have used a ATMEGA 16A microcontroller which is used as a chip which is
programmed in such a way that it conrolls the on and off and the intensity of the light. Whenever
there is any movement in the IR sensor it is triggered in the microcontroller and the
microcontroller reacts to it by increasing the intensity of light as required and it also auomatically
goes down when not in use.


A diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts curret primarily in one direction
(asymmetric conductance); it has low (ideally zero) resistance in one direction, and high (ideally
infinite) resistance in the other. A diode vacuum tube or thermionic diode is a vacuum tube with
two electrodes, a heated cathode and a plate, in which electrons can flow in only one direction,
from cathode to plate.

In our model we have used diodes for the smooth functioning of the circuit and when the cureent
passes through the diode it gets forward biased and thus helps in the correct working of the circuit.


The metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET, MOS-FET, or MOS FET), also

known as the metal–oxide–silicon transistor (MOS transistor, or MOS), is a type of insulated-
gate field-effect transistor that is fabricated by the controlled oxidation of a semiconductor,
typically silicon. The voltage of the covered gate determines the electrical conductivity of the
device; this ability to change conductivity with the amount of applied voltage can be used
for amplifying or switching electronic signals.

In our model we have used both MOSFET and a switch, although MOSFET also works as a
switch these are necessary elements in a circuit which helps in smooth working of the circuit and
also for completion of circuit.


Street lighting is a particularly critical concern for public authorities in developing countries
because of its strategic importance for economic and social stability. Inefficient lighting wastes
significant financial resources each year, and poor lighting creates unsafe conditions. Energy
efficient technologies and design can cut street lighting costs dramatically (often by 25-60%);
these savings can eliminate or reduce the need for new generating plants and provide the capital
for alternative energy solutions for populations in remote areas. These cost savings can also
enable municipalities to expand street lighting to additional areas, increasing access to lighting in
low-income and other underserved areas. Most solar panels turn on and turn off automatically by
sensing outdoor light using a light source. Solar streetlights are designed to work throughout the

Many can stay lit for more than one night if the sun is not available for a couple of days. Older
models included lamps that were not fluorescent or LED. Solar lights installed in windy regions
are generally equipped with flat panels to better cope with the winds. Latest designs use wireless
technology and fuzzy control theory for battery management. The street lights using this
technology can operate as a network with each light having the capability of performing on or off
the network.

Components required for smart solar street lighting are:-

 Smart off the grid controller
(there is on-grid solution, but for the sake of simplicity we will talk about off-grid alone)
 Motion Sensor
 Temperature probe
 Software solution


Smart Off-Grid provides a way for off-grid systems to be monitored, managed and controlled

Built-in, low-cost wireless communications in solar, wind and hybrid-powered devices send
critical data to a cloud-based management system in real-time.

By remotely managing and controlling solar, wind and hybrid-powered systems, Smart Off-Grid
technology reduces installation and ongoing maintenance costs by up to 80 percent. The system
owner and Clear Blue Technologies’ service center are alerted if there is a risk of an outage, for
instance, due to a forecast of prolonged bad weather, and they can proactively take action to
resolve and prevent the issue without having to send out a field engineer. This makes off-grid
technology a more reliable and cost-effective solution for lighting, telecom, security systems and
other critical infrastructure.


Motion sensor-A motion sensor (or motion detector) is an electronic device that is designed to
detect and measure movement. Motion sensors are used primarily in home and business security
systems, but they can also be found in phones, paper towel dispensers, game consoles, and virtual
reality systems. Unlike many other types of sensors (which can be handheld and isolated), motion
sensors are typically embedded systems with three major components: a sensor unit, an embedded
computer, and hardware (or the mechanical component). These three parts vary in size and
configuration, as motion sensors can be customized to perform highly specific functions. For
example, motion sensors can be used to activate floodlights, trigger audible alarms, activate
switches, and even alert the police.
Temperature probe-A temperature probe is a type of temperature sensor. There are many different
types of temperature probe and these are used for different applications across a whole host of

Some temperature probes can measure temperature by being placed onto the surface. Others will
need to be inserted or immersed in liquid to be able to measure the temperature. Often, temperature
probes will measure the change in voltage and convert this into a format which can be monitored by
the user.

Temperature probes can be either standard configurations or bespoke and made to order by the
customer. The standard types tend to be used for more common applications for example; within the
medical industry, whereas bespoke temperature probes are often used for very specific applications,
such as in Motorsport or Engineering.

Software/Remote Management System (RMS) gives you the power to monitor, manage and pro-
actively maintain off-the-grid street lights over the Internet. Forecasting and load management
enable you to set up and change lighting profiles in real-time, with dimming and motion detection to
ensure LED lighting 365 days, regardless of weather conditions.

• 24/7 Monitoring and Control -

People need validation of the benefits from using off-grid solar street lights. A dedicated remote
management software for proactive monitoring and control enables users to manage all aspects of
the lighting system and keep track of the amount of money and energy saved each month Smart
technology is a powerful mechanism for optimizing lighting intensity, brightness and performance
to significantly increase the energy efficiency of solar street lights.

• Increased Battery Life Cycle -

The battery of each solar lights off-grid system is the most critical part with the biggest probability
of failure over longer periods of time. Batteries usually last only up to 3 years and replacement cost
is estimated at 600-800 USD per unit. Cloud-based software charging profiles and life cycle
management will increase battery longevity by 40%. Delivering the right amount of charging power
into the battery reduces maintenance and replenishment costs. Installation of temperature sensors in
each battery in the system will provide instructions as to which charging profiles should be used in a
given period of time.

• Reduction in Maintenance Costs-

Cloud-based smart technology eliminates 80% of the ongoing maintenance costs of solar street
lights via proactive online monitoring. Real-time monitoring together with customizable email or
text messaging in case of failures reduces reaction time and improves monitoring flexibility. If the
solar street light cannot be repaired remotely and physical inspection is needed, the fact that you
know the type of failure and the exact malfunctioned unit in real-time, reduces your allocation of
resources, time and costs for repairs dramatically.

• Weather Predictability - 365 Days of Solar LED Light-

Integration of different weather forecasting services into the remote management software provides
possibility to optimize current energy consumption in advance to account for bad weather events.
Predicting low energy periods increases the solar street lights autonomy by 50%. Smart algorithms
capture weather repetition patterns over distinct periods of time, which will enable you to increase
even more your off-grid system autonomy and make additional savings through optimizing your
light performance. Solar street lights without smart technology have no more than 3-5 days of

• Motion Sensors and Dimming Functionalities - Conserving Solar Energy-

Motion detection allows for a unique possibility to set lighting schedules based on your specific
preferences at different times during the night, including motion detection for pedestrians or
vehicles. The main objective is to conserve energy during the night. Using automatic dimming
functionality and motion sensing, the city of Barcelona achieved 30 percent energy savings across
the urban lighting system.

For years we have used the conventional street lights in urban and in rural areas, however, with the
innovation in technology and the awareness of climatic changes has helped in the advancement of
solar lights. This article will compare solar led light with the normal street light and will help one to
see as to why it is important to upgrade to using solar .

Comparison of solar street lights to conventional street light:-

1. Installation:-

Solar street lights – It is quick, easy and also cheap to install. The pole is powered with PV panels,
led lamp, controller and inbuilt battery which makes it easy to install.

Conventional Street lights – The installation process is a little complicated as there is a

tremendous amount of trenching and cable required to connect to grid lines. A large number of
workers are hired which adds to the enormous cost and is also very time-consuming. Also, need a
battery box to store heavy batteries.

2. Maintenance:-

Solar street lights – The panels convert solar power into electricity due to which there is no
additional electricity cost. It is also quick and easy to charge the batteries. For example, a battery
can get fully charged within 5 hours and then can run for the next 12 hours. Extreme weather
conditions even during cloudy days do not affect the functioning of the lights. They are designed as
dust and water proof. Once they are installed, they are good for the next 5 years.
Normal Street lights – The batteries used in these street lights need a lot of maintenance. From
time to time, the batteries need frequent water topping which adds to the labor cost. And since the
poles are connected with electricity it becomes very expensive to maintain a street light with high
electricity cost.

3. Safety:-

Solar street lights – Since the poles are wireless and are not connected to electricity cables, it is
very safe as there are no external wires protruding and there is no threat of an accident.

Conventional Street lights – Safety is very low. Since there are a lot of wires involved and they are
connected directly with electricity it becomes very unsafe as one can get electrocuted and there are
high chances of a short circuit. Workers also face a threat of strangulation during the installation

4. Environment:-

Solar street lights – Another great feature of the solar light is that there is a special kind of lens
used to maximize light which helps in automatically adjusting the brightness level based on the
battery voltage and the running time. In turn, this increases the battery backup time. This special
feature enables it to be environment-friendly as it helps in eliminating carbon footprints and gives
out clean energy from the sun. Hence, there is no energy cost and no light pollution.

Normal Street lights – It uses grid power which is nonrenewable energy and cannot be replenished.
There is a lot of carbon dioxide produced which is harmful to the environment. High sodium lamps
or metal halide lamps are used for light which contains mercury and is toxic to the environment.
And since the light from these traditional street lights is exposed sideways into the atmosphere,
there is a high threat of light pollution.

5. Visibility:-

Solar street lights – The LED’s in the poles are colored to reach the desired CRI (color rendering
index) to resemble sunlight. And so the LED fixtures used in the solar lights provide better visibility
at night almost like the visibility provided by the sun during the daytime.

Conventional Street lights – The light from the high-pressure sodium lamps and the metal halide
lamps are yellow and makes it very difficult for one to see. These lights are very low in CRI and
also cannot provide the type of lighting that is required for a normal human eye to distinguish
colors. The glare from these lights also becomes a cause for poor visibility and can end up in
accidents for both the drivers and the pedestrians during the night.

The installation of solar street light is much easier and convenient. The components can be easily
integrated on site and mounted on pole to provide illumination for the area. There is no need of
laying down of cables as in the case of grid power. Still, they are majorly used in rural areas and not
in urban areas.

“India has today close to 300 million people who have no access to electricity and they have to
depend on wood fire or kerosene for their lighting needs. Through solutions such as solar lighting,
we believe that we will be able to bring far less expensive, healthier and environmentally friendly
lighting to this large population. This solar mission driven jointly by the government and the private
sector can really help in taking the Prakash Path initiative to all of rural India where electricity is
unavailable or erratic.” –Harsh Chitale, CEO of Philips Lighting in South Asia.

Exacting requirements made for a challenging tender process, but Philips came out on top, winning
two major separate LED solar street lighting contracts for UPNEDA (Uttar Pradesh New and
Renewable Energy Development Agency) and MANIREDA (Manipur Renewable Energy
Development Agency). The focus was energy conversion based on new and renewable energy

The two projects will provide more than 76,000 solar LED street lights across 800 villages in Uttar
Pradesh and across the main areas of the state capital as well as small towns and villages of

Through the installations, NEDA, the nodal agency of Uttar Pradesh is required to light up the
villages in two phases under Dr.Ram Manohar Lohiya Samagra Gram and Janeswar Mishra Gram
Yojana, a government funded scheme monitored by the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.

The nodal agency of Manipur, MANIREDA required installation of 1,400 f 43W solar street
lighting systems in the main areas of state capital as well as small towns and villages. The main
challenge there was logistical, executing the project in a hilly terrain. For MANIREDA, Philips is
providing the 43W, 3500 lumen Solar LED Street Lighting System. The system is customized as it
involves battery mounting on a pole capable of withstanding strong winds. It also incorporates a
state-of-art MPPT (Maximum Power Point Charging) charge controller which delivers high
efficiency battery charging even under dynamic weather conditions

Prakash Path - Government program to bring into focus the huge energy saving potential of LED
lighting technology. The scheme is a vision of the honorable Prime Minister that, converting 100%
of India’s lights can save us 20,000 MW of power consumption and help us make reliable power
available to every citizen of India.

Although solar lighting is being easily accepted across the world, developing economies in Asia and
Africa will enjoy the main benefits of this technology. The governments in these nations are
focusing primarily on the development of infrastructure, which has made providing centralized grid
electricity financially challenging for them as it requires high capital, extensive workforce, and time
to develop an entire transmission and distribution infrastructure. This, as a result, has compelled
these countries to prefer solar lighting. The continual deployment of solar streetlights in these
countries is likely to propel the overall market in the near future.
Smart solar street lights use renewable energy sources, installation is quicker, they costs less to
repair and maintain and have a longer service life than traditional on-grid lights. In addition to
sustainability and easy deployment, the financial benefits are huge. The investment in smart solar
street lighting is truly worthwhile and will generate high returns in the future.
So far from the discussion, the effectiveness of the proposed street light model can be considered as
a best proposal from energy saving point of view. It is not only the way to save energy but also an
idea to make a proper utilization of available solar energy which is radiating everyday without being
used. Though the initial investment is very high, still it can be considered as to be economic if we
will think about a long term period, because we are using here the solar energy, which is available
free of cost. Hence after the installation no more payment is to be given regarding electricity. Also
the automatic solar street light system is completely Noiseless, Smoke-free and free from fire
hazards. Hence it will not only save the electricity bill but also will illuminate the path in an eco-
friendly way.
Currently, the initial investment in solar LED street light system remains a major problem.
However, the efficiency of the solar cells is increasing, while the price is decreasing. At same time,
the efficiency of the LED light is in a rapid increase, but the prices are lower. So following
development of the outdoor lighting technique, the solar LED street light system has shown us it
will have promising application and infinite vitality.
For these reasons our project presents far more advantages which can overcome the present
limitations. The project has scope in various other applications like for providing lighting in
industries, campuses and parking lots of huge shopping malls. This can also be used for lighting at
rural places where there is electricity crisis.
To conclude, solar street light have not been adopted so far as dependable substitute for traditional
street lighting due to the fact that they have not represented a reliable source of power. Today, with
the help of smart technology, we are able to transform solar street lights into standardized lighting
solution demystifying its bad reputation from the past.

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