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19 September


Time: 8:00PM- 09:30PM

Zero To Hero

Careerwill App

1. Gaurav earns `800 per day. After some weeks, he earns `960 per day. What is the percentage
increase in his daily earnings?
xkSjo izfrfnu `800 dekrk gSA dqN g¶rksa ds ckn] og izfrfnu `960 dekuk 'kq: dj nsrk gSA mldh nSfud
vk; esa fdrus izfr'kr dh o`f) gqbZ\
(a)18% (b)20% (c)16% (d)14%
2. The population of a town increased from 268000 in 2007 to 375200 in 2010. What is the percentage
increase in the population of the town in three years?
,d dLcs dh tula[;k 2007 esa 268000 ls c<+dj 2010 esa 375200 gks xbZA rhu o"kksZa eas dLcs dh tula[;k esa gqbZ çfr'kr o`f)
fdruh gS\
(a)40% (b)32% (c)30% (d)28%
3. What is to be added to 15% of 180 so that the sum is equal to 20% of 360?
180 के 15% में ककतना जोडा जाए, कक योगफल 360 के 20% के बराबर हो जाए?
(a) 40 (b) 60 (c) 50 (d) 45
4. 0.08% of 120% of 50,000 is equal to _______?
50,000 dk 120% dk 0.08% _____ ds cjkcj gSa
(a) 480 (b) 48
(c) 4800 (d) 4.8
5. The value of 18% of 15% of of 3800 is:
3800 के 25/9 के 15% के 18% का मान ज्ञात करें ।
(a) 285 (b) 582
(c) 583 (d) 385
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
6. The value of 17𝟐% of 3𝟒% of 33𝟑% of 7200 is:
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
7200 के 33𝟑% के 3𝟒% के 17𝟐% का मान ककतना होगा?
(a) 7.65 (b) 11.68 (c) 13.65 (d) 9.65
7. What is 34% of 12km?
12 fdyksehVj dk 34% D;k gS\
(a) 40,800 cm (b) 4,08,000 cm
(c) 4,080 cm (d) 408 cm
8. The time duration of 1 hour 45 minutes is what percent of a day?
1 घंटे 45 मिनट की सिय अवधि एक दिन का
ककतना प्रततशत है ?
(a) 7.218% (b) 7.292%
(c) 7.435% (d) 7.378%
9. 5% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as ______
a dk 5% = b rks 20 dk b% ____ ds cjkcj gksxkA
(a) 20% of a/2

BY Gagan Pratap
(b) 50% of a/20
(c) 50% of a/2
(d) 20% of a/20
10.If x% of a is the same as y% of b, then z% of b will be
𝒚𝒛 𝒛𝒙
(a) % of a (b) % of a
𝒙 𝒚
𝒙𝒚 𝒚
(c) % of a (d) % of a
𝒛 𝒛
11.If x% of y is 150 and y% of z is 300, then the relation between x and z is:
यदि x का y% 150 है और z का y% 300 है , तो x और z का संबंि है :
(a) z = x (b) z = x/3
(c) z = x/2 (d) z = 2x
12. If 49% of X = Y, then Y% of 50 is:
यदि X का 49% = Y है, तो 50 का Y% इनिें से ककसके बराबर होगा।
(a) 40% of Y (b) 24.5% of Y
(c) 50% of X (d) 24.5% of X
13. If 60% of a number is equal to three-fourth of another number, what is the ratio of the first number to
the second number?
;fn ,d la[;k dk 60% nwljh la[;k ds rhu&pkSFkkbZ ds cjkcj gS] rks igyh la[;k vkSj nwljh la[;k dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
(a)3 : 7 (b)2 : 5 (c)7 : 3 (d)5 : 4
14.If m% of m + n% of n = 2% of (m × n), then what percentage of m is n?
यदि m का m% + n का n% = 2% (m × n) है , तो m का ककतना प्रततशत n है ?
(a) 50% (b) 75%
(c) 100% (d) Cannot be determined

15. If 91% of A is 39% of B, and B is x% of A, then the value of x is:

यकि A का 91%, B का 39% है और B, A का x% है तो x का मान ककतना होगा?
𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝟕𝟎𝟎 𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝟓𝟎𝟎
(a) (b) (c) (d)
𝟑 𝟑 𝟑 𝟑
16. If 60% of (x- y) = 45% (x + y) and y = k% of x, then 21% of k is equal
;fn (x- y) dk 60% = 45% (x + y) gS] vkSj y = x dk k% gS] rks k dk 21% fdruk gksxk\
(a) 1 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 3
17. Two numbers X and Y are such that the sum of 18% of X and 8% of Y is one-third of the sum of 22%
of X and 36% of Y. Find the ratio of X and Y.
nks la[;k,¡ X vkSj Y bl çdkj gSa fd X ds 18% vkSj Y ds 8% dk ;ksx X ds 22% vkSj Y ds 36% ds ;skx dk ,d&frgkbZ
gSA X vkSj Y dk vuqikr Kkr dhft,A
(a)2 : 5 (b)3 : 11 (c)3 : 8 (d)8 : 3

BY Gagan Pratap
18. What is (0.08% of 0.008% of 8)1/9 ?
(0.08% of 0.008% of 8)1/9 dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.64 (c) 0.08 (d) 0.2

𝟐𝟓% of (𝟓𝟎% of 𝟑𝟎% of 𝟏𝟓𝟎)

19. is equal to:
𝟒𝟎% of 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟎
𝟐𝟓% of (𝟓𝟎% of 𝟑𝟎% of 𝟏𝟓𝟎)
…………. के बराबर है।
𝟒𝟎% of 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟎
(a) 0.825% (b) 0.25%
(c) 0.625% (d) 0.225%

20. If 25% of 400 + 35% of 1260 + 27% of 1800 = 1020 + x, then the value of x lies
यदि 400 का 25% + 1260 का 35% + 1800 का 27% = 1020 + x है, तो x का िान _________ के
बीच होगा।
(a) 6 to 10 (b) 0 to 5 (c) 11 to 15 (d) 16 to 20
21.78.5%of 640+36% of 785- ? = 𝟐𝟗 × 𝟐𝟏
a) 173 b) 143 c) 151 d) 176

22. If 1.7% of 800 × 2.5% of a = 382.5, then the value of a is:

;fn 1.7% of 800 × 2.5% of a = 382.5 gS] rks a dk eku D;k gksxk\
(a)1075 (b)1100 (c)1125 (d)1150
23. Find the value of (16.4% of 1095) – (3.5% of 324).
(1095 dk 16.4%) – (324 dk 3.5%) dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(a)169.75 (b)165.2 (c)166.5 (d)168.24
24. If a% of 240 is c and c% of a is 117.6, then the value of a + c is:
यदि 240 का a% ,c है और a का c%, 117.6 है, तो a + c का मान ज्ञात कीदिए।
(a) 238 (b) 144 (c) 260 (d) 196
25. If the word PHOTOGRAPH is spelt with ‘F’ in place of ‘PH’, then
what would be the percentage reduction in the number of letters?
;fn PHOTOGRAPH शब्ि esa PH ds LFkku ij F fy[kk tkrk gS rks v{kjksa dh la[;k esa fdrus izfrशr dh deh
gksrh \
(a) 20% (b) 18% (c) 10% (d) 25%
26. What is the percentage increase in the number if it becomes 6 times the original number?
यदि कोई संख्या, िूल संख्या से 6 गुना हो जाती है तो संख्या िें ककतनेप्रततशत की वद्
ृ धि होगी?
(a) 60%
(b) 16.67%
(c) 600%

BY Gagan Pratap
(d) 500%
𝟒 𝟓
27. If two numbers are in the ratio 𝟓 : 𝟔, then by what percentage is the first number more or less than the

second number?
𝟒 𝟓
;fn nks la[;k,¡ : ds vuqikr esa gS] rks igyh la[;k] nwljh la[;k ls fdrus çfr'kr vf/kd ;k de gS\
𝟓 𝟔
(a)4% less/de (b)4% more/vf/kd
(c)20% less/de (d)18% less/de
28. By what percentage 74% of 1894 is more than 39% of the same number (correct to two decimal places).
1894 का 74%, उसी संख्या के 39% से ककतने प्रततशत अधिक है
(िशिलव के िो स्थानोंतक सहीउत्तर िीजजए)?


29. The difference between 80% and 65% of the same number is 135. What is 49% of the same number?
,d gh la[;k ds 80% vkSj 65% dk varj 135 gSA ml la[;k dk 49% D;k gksxk\
(a)539 (b)392 (c)490 (d)441
30.A number which, when increased by 16% becomes 1914. The number is :
एक संख्या जो, 16% बढ़ने पर 1914 हो जाती है । यह संख्या है:
(a) 2220 (b) 1650
(c) 2010 (d) 1780
31. Find the sum of money which when increased by 15% becomes `19,320.
og /kujkf'k Kkr dhft, tks 15% c<+kus ij `19,320 gks tkrh gSA
(a)`16,800 (b)`16,000 (c)`17,000 (d)17,800
32. When a number is increased by 216, it becomes 140% of itself. What
is the number?
tc fdlh la[;k dks 216 ls c<+k;k tkrk gS] rks ;g Lo;a dh 140% gks tkrh gSA og la[;k D;k gS\
(a) 540 (b) 756
(c) 450 (d) 675
33.If 85% of a number is added to 75, then the result is the number itself. The number is:
यदि ककसी संख्या का 85% ,75 िें जोडा जाता है , तो पररणाि स्वयं वही संख्या है। संख्या है
(a) 500 (b) 400
(c) 300 (d) 700

BY Gagan Pratap
𝟏 𝟏
34.If 58 % of a no. is substracted from itself we get 640. Find 131 % of the Original number?
𝟑 𝟒
यदि ककसी संख्या का 58 % उस संख्या से घटाया जाता है हिें 640 मिलता है। िूल संख्या
का 131 % ज्ञात करें ?
a) 1848 b) 2016 c) 2268 d) 1638
𝟐 𝟏
35. If 66 % of 75% of one-eighth of a certain number is 179, then 33 % of
𝟑 𝟑
three-fourth of that number is :
;fn fdlh तनजचचत la[;k ds 1/8 ds 75% ds 66 % dk eku 179 gS] rks mlh la[;k ds rhu&pkSFkkbZ dk
33 % fdruk gksxk\
(a) 537 (b) 716
(c) 787.6 (d) 859.2
36. If a positive number 'k' when multiplied by 30% of itself gives a number which is 170% more
than the number 'k', then the number 'k' is equal to:
/kukRed la[;k 'k' dks tc mlds 30% ls xq.kk fd;k tkrk gS] rks çkIr la[;k] la[;k 'k' ls 170% vf/kd
gksrh gS] la[;k 'k' dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(a)9 (b)5 (c)6 (d)7

37. The difference of two positive number is 1020. If 7.6% of the greater number is 12.4% of the smaller
number, then the sum of two numbers is equal to:
िो धनात्‍मक संख्‍याओं का अंतर 1020 है। यदि बडी संख्‍या का 7.6% छोटी संख्‍या का 12.4% है , तो िोनों
संख्‍याओं का योगफल ............... के बराबर होगा।
(a) 3250 (b) 4250 (c) 4520 (d) 3520
38. The sum of two numbers is 520. If the bigger number is decreased by 4% and the smaller
number is increased by 12%, then the numbers obtained are equal. The smaller number
िो संख्याओं का योग 520 है । यदि बडी संख्या िें 4% की किी हुई है और छोटी संख्या िें
12% की वद्
ृ धि हुई है , तो प्राप्त संख्याएं बराबर हैं। छोटी संख्या है
(a)280 (b)210
(c)240 (d)300
39. Anuja owns 66𝟑% of a property. If 30% of the property that she owns is worth ₹ 1,25,000, then 45% of
the value (in ₹) of the property is:
अनुजा के पास ककसी संपत्ति का 66𝟑% है । यदि उसके पास िौजूि संपत्ति के 30% की कीित ₹ 1,25,000 है,

तो संपत्ति के 45% की कीित (₹ िें) ज्ञात कीजजए।

(a) 2,70,000 (b) 2,62,500 (c) 2,81,250 (d) 2,25,000

BY Gagan Pratap
40. If house tax is paid before the due date, one gets a reduction of 12% on the
amount of the bill. By paying the tax before the due date, a person got a reduction
of ₹ 2,100. The amount (in ₹) of house tax paid was:
तनयत ततधथ से पूव,व गह
ृ कर का भुगतान करने वाले को बबल की रामश पर 12% की छूट मिलती है । एक
व्यजतत को तनयत ततधथ से पूवव भुगतान करके पर ₹2,100 की छूट मिली। भुगतान की गई गह
ृ कर की
रामश (₹ िें) ज्ञात करें ।
(a) 21,000 (b) 15,400 (c) 25,000 (d) 17,500
41. Two numbers are respectively 25% and 65% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers
िो संख्याएं, तीसरी संख्या से क्रिशः 25% और 65% अधिक हैं। उन िोनो संख्याओ का अनुपात तया होगा?
(a) 25 : 42 (b) 16: 17 (c) 16: 19 (d) 25: 33
42.Two numbers are less than a third number by 30% and 37% respectively. The percent
by which the second number is less than the first is
िो संख्याएँ क्रिशः तीसरी संख्या से 30% और 37% कि हैं। वह प्रततशत जजसके अनुसार
िसू री संख्या पहले की तुलना िें कि है
(a)10% (b)7%
(c)5% (d)15%
43. Two number are 90% and 75% lesser than a third number. By what
% should the first number be increased so that it becomes equal to the
second number?
nks la[;kvksa ,d rhljh la[;k ls 90% vkSj 75% de gSA igyh la[;k esa fdrus % esa o`f) dh tkuh pkfg,
rkfd og nwljh la[;k ds cjkcj gks tk,\
(a) 250 (b) 200
(c) 150 (d) 100
44.If first number is 𝟖 % less than third number and ratio of second and third number is 15:16
then average of first and third number is how much percent less/more than second
पहली संख्या तीसरी संख्या से 8 % कि है तथा िस
ू री संख्या और तीसरी संख्या का अनुपात 15:16 है
तो पहली संख्या और तीसरी संख्या का औसत िस
ू री संख्या से ककतने % कि /अधिक है।
(a) 2.66% (b) 2.22%
(c) 3.333% (d) 2.45%
45. The volume of the water in two tanks, A and B, is in the ratio of 6: 5. The volume of water in tank A is
increased by 30%. By what percentage should the volume of water in tank B be increased so that both
the tanks have the same volume of water?
िो टं ककयों A और В िें पानी की िात्रा का अनुपात 6: 5 है। टैंक A के पानी की िात्रा िें 30% की वद् ृ धि कक
जाती है। टैंक B के पानी की िात्रा िें ककतने प्रततशत वद्
ृ धि की जानी चादहए कक िोनों टं ककयों िें पानी की
िात्रा सिान हो जाए?
(a) 56% (b) 18% (c) 15% (d) 30%

BY Gagan Pratap
46.If 25% of half of x is equal to 2.5 times the value of 30% of one-fourth of y, them x is
what percent more or less than y?
;fn y ds ,d&pkSFkkbZ ds 30% dk 2-5 xq.kk eku] x ds vkèks ds 25% ds cjkcj gS] rks x, y ls fdrus प्रततशत
de vFkok vfèkd gS\
𝟏 𝟏
(a) 33 % more (b) 33 % less
𝟑 𝟑
(c) 50% less (d) 50% more
47.If 60% of a number is 120 more than 20% of the number, then 28% of the number is less
than 𝟑𝟑 % of the number by:
यदि ककसी संख्या का 60%, संख्या के 20% से 120 अधिक है , तो संख्या का 28%, संख्या के
𝟑𝟑 % से कि है :

(a) 12 (b) 14 (c) 15 (d) 16

48.The income of A is 24% more than the income of B. By what percent is the income of B
less than the income of A?
A की आय B की आय से 24% अधिक है। B की आय A की आय से ककतने प्रततशत कि है?
𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝟔𝟎𝟎
(a) % (b) %
𝟕 𝟐𝟗
𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝟔𝟎𝟎
(c) % (d) %
𝟑𝟏 𝟑𝟏

49. If A's salary is 60% more than B's salary, then what percentage of B's salary is
less than A's salary?
यदि A का वेतन, B के वेतन से 60% अदधक है , तो B का वेतन A के वेतन से दकतने प्रदतशत कम है ?
(a) 47.7% (b) 37.5% (c) 33.3% (d) 45%
50. A's salary is 38% more than that of B's. What percentage (correct to one decimal place) is B's salary
less than that of A's?
A dk osru B ds osru ls 38% vf/kd gSA B dk osru A ds osru ls fdrus çfr'kr ¼n'keyo ds ckn ,d LFkku rd 'kq) eku½ de
(a)28.6% (b)25.7% (c)27.5% (d)26.8%
51. If A’s income is 60% less than B’s income then B’s income is what percentage more than that of A’s
यकि A की आय, B की आय से 60% कम है तो B की आय, A की आय से ककतने प्रकतशत अकिक है?
(a) 40% (b) 80% (c) 12% (d) 150%
52.If income of A is 45% less than B, then combined income of A and B is how much % more
than A?
यदि A की आय B से 45% कि है | तो A तथा B कक कुल आय A कक आय से ककतने % अधिक है ?
a) 177.77% b) 163.52%
c) 181.81% d) 156.84%
BY Gagan Pratap
53.A water pipe is cut into two pieces. The longer piece is 64% of the length of the pipe. By
how much percentage is the longer piece longer than the shorter piece?
एक पानी के पाइप को िो टुकडों िें काट दिया जाता है । लंबा टुकडा पाइप की लंबाई का 64%
है । छोटे टुकडे की तल ु ना िें ककतना प्रततशत लंबा टुकडा है?
(a) 77.77% (b) 81.81%
(c) 36% (d) None of these
54.A number is increased by x%; to get back to the original number, it is to be reduced by
एक संख्या िें x% की वद् ृ धि हुई है ; िल
ू संख्या पर वापस जाने के मलए, इसे कि करना
(a) x% (b) %
𝟏𝟎𝒙 𝒙
(c) % (d) %
𝟏𝟎𝟎+𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎+𝒙
55.A and B are two fixed points 5 cm apart and C is a point on AB such that AC is 3 cm. If
the length of AC is increased by 6%, the length of CB is decreased by
A और B िो तनजचचत बबंि ु 5 सेिी अलग हैं और C, AB पर एक बबंि ु है यदि AC=3 सेिी।
यदि AC की लंबाई 6% बढ़ जाती है , तो CB की लंबाई कि हो जाएगी?
(a) 6% (b) 7%
(c) 8% (d) 9%

56.A is 25% more than B and B is 40% less than C. If C is 30% more than D, then by what
percent is A less than D?
A, B से 25% अधिक है और B, C से 40% कि है । यदि C, D से 30% अधिक है , तो
A, D से ककतने% कि है ?
(a) 4 (b) 1.5 (c) 5 (d) 2.5
57. If A is 40% less than B and C is 40% of the sum of A and B, then by what percentage is B greater than
यदि A, B से 40% कि है और C, A और B के योगफल का 40% है , तो B, C से ककतने प्रततशत अधिक है ?
𝟏 𝟏
(a) 60 (b) 40𝟖 (c) 56𝟒 (d) 36
58. A is 75% less than B and C is 75% of the difference between A and
B. C is what percentage more than A? (CPO 2019)
A, B ls 75% de gSA C, A o B ds chp ds varj dk 75% gSA C, A ls fdrus izfrशr vfèkd gS\
(a) 125 (b) 100
(c) 75 (d) 90
59.The income of A is 25% more than that of B and the income of C is 65% less than the
sum of the incomes of A and B. Income of C is what percent less than the income of A?

BY Gagan Pratap
A की आय B की तल
ु ना िें 25% अधिक है और C की आय A और B की आय के योग से
65% कि है C की आय A की आय से ककतने प्रततशत कि है?
(a) 28 (b) 32
(c) 35 (d) 37
60.If A is 28% more than B and C is 25% less than the sum of A and B, then by what percent
will C be more than A (correct to one decimal place)?
यदि A, B से 28% अदिक है, और C, A और B के योग से 25% कम है, तो C, A से दकतने प्रततशत
अदिक होगा ( एक िशमलव पूर्ाांक के दनकटतम)?
(a) 33.6% (b) 32.2%
(c) 43% (d) 28%
61. The income of X is 42% more than that of Y and the income of Z is 45% less than the sum of the incomes
of X and Y. By what per cent is the income of Z less than the income of X (correct to one decimal place)?
X dh vk;] Y dh vk; ls 42% vf/kd gS rFkk Z dh vk;] X vkSj Y dh vk; ds ;ksx ls 45% de gSA Z dh vk;] X dh vk;
ls fdrus çfr'kr de gS ¼n'keyo ds ,d LFkku rd lgh½\
(a)5.9% (b)6.7% (c)6.3% (d)5.6%
62. The income of X is 15% less than that of Y and the income of Z is 60% less than the combined income
of X and Y. By what per cent is the income of Z less than the income of X? (Correct to one decimal place)
X dh vk;] Y dh vk; ls 15% de gS vkSj Z dh vk;] X vkSj Y dh la;qDr vk; ls 60% de gSA Z dh vk;] X dh vk; ls
fdrus çfr'kr ¼,d n'keyo LFkku rd½ de gS\
(a)12.6% (b)14.7% (c)14.9% (d)12.9%
63. If A’s income is 40% of B’s income and B’s income is 24% more
than C’s income, then by what percentage is C’s income more than A’s
;fn A dh vk;] B dh vk; dk 40% gS vkSj B dh vk; ] C dh vk; ls 24% vf/kd gS] rks C dh
vk; A dh vk; ls fdrus izfrशr vf/kd gS\
(a) 104.2 (b) 75.6 (c) 50.4 (d) 101.6
64.A is 30% more than B and C is 18% less than the sum of A and B. By what percentage is
C more than A (correct to one decimal place)?
A, B ls 30% vf/kd gS vkSj C, A vkSj B ds ;ksx ls 18% de gSA C, A ls fdrus çfr'kr vf/kd gS ¼,d
n'keyo LFkku rd iw.kkZafdr½\
(a)44.7% (b)40.9% (c)45.1% (d)48.4%
65. A, B and C are three numbers. A is 45% more than C, and B is 20% less than the sum of A and C.
Approximately by what percentage is A less than B?

BY Gagan Pratap
A, B vkSj C rhu la[;k,¡ gSaA A, C ls 45% vf/kd gS] vkSj B, A vkSj C ds ;ksxQy ls 20% de gSA A, B ls yxHkx fdrus
çfr'kr de gS\
(a)25% (b)26% (c)35.2% (d)25.4%
66. Number B is 17.5% less than number A, while number C is 22.5% more than number B. If the value of
C is given as 8085, what is the value of A?
la[;k B, la[;k A ls 17.5% de gS] tcfd la[;k C, la[;k B ls 22.5% vf/kd gSA ;fn C dk eku 8085 fn;k x;k gS] rks
A dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(a)7800 (b)7750 (c)8000 (d)8100
67. of a number A is 22% of a number B. The number B is equal to 2.5% of a third number C. If

the value of C is 5500, then the sum of 80% of A and 40% of B is:
,d la[;k A dk ] la[;k B ds 22% ds cjkcj gSA la[;k B, rhljh la[;k C ds 2.5% ds cjkcj gSA
;fn C dk eku 5500 gS] rks A ds 80% vkSj B ds 40% dk ;ksx fdruk gksxk\
(a)88 (b)75 (c)48 (d)66
68. A is 120% of B and B is 65% of C. If the sum of A, B and C is 121.5, then the value of C – 2B +
A is:
A, B dk 120% gS vkSj B, C dk 65% gSA ;fn A, B vkSj C dk ;ksx 121.5 gS] rks C – 2B + A dk eku
(a)14 (b)35 (c)24 (d)39
69.A is 20% less than B and C is 30% more than D. If D is 25% less than A, then which of the
following is true?
A, B से 20% कि और C, D से 30% अधिक है । D, A से 25% कि है , तो तनम्नमलखित िें से
कौन सा सत्य है?
(a) B = 0.39C (b) C = 0.78B
(c) B = 0.78C (d) C = 0.39B
70.A is 20% more than B, B is 25% more than C, C is 60% less than D and D is 20% more than E.
Based on the above information, which of the following is true?
A, B की तुलना िें 20% अधिक है , B, C से 25% अधिक है , C, D से 60% कि है और D, E से
20% अधिक है । उपरोतत जानकारी के आिार पर, तनम्नमलखित िें से कौन सा सत्य है ?
(a) D is 60% less than B
(b) E is 28% more than A
(c) A is 40% less than D
(d) C is 24% less than A

BY Gagan Pratap
71. Weight of A is 20% more than weight of B, whose weight is 30% more than weight of C. By how
much percent weight of A is more than weight of C?
A dk otu] B ds otu ls 20% vf/kd gS] ftldk otu C ds otu ls 30% vf/kd gSA A dk otu] C ds
otu ls fdruk çfr'kr vf/kd gS\
(a)69 (b)56 (c)44 (d)35.89
72. Avinash has 20% less coins of different countries than Gaurav has. Gaurav has 40% more such
coins than Chetan has. By what percent the number of coins which Chetan has is less than the
number of coins which Avinash has? (correct to one decimal place)
vfouk'k ds ikl] xkSjo dh rqyuk eas fofHkUu ns'ksa ds 20% de flDds gSaA xkSjo ds ikl] psru dh rqyuk eas
,sls gh 40% vf/kd flDds gSaA psru ds ikl flDdksa dh la[;k] vfouk'k ds ikl flDdkas dh la[;k ls fdruk
çfr'kr de gS ¼n'keyo ds ,d LFkku rd lgh½\
(a)10.6 (b)10.5 (c)12 (d)10.7

73. If (x+20)% of 250 is 25% more than x% of 220, then 10% of (x+50) is what per cent less than 15%
of x?
यदि 250 का (x+20)%, 220 के x% से 25% अधिक है , तो (x+50) का 10%, x के 15% से ककतने प्रततशत
कि होगा?
𝟏 𝟏 𝟐 𝟏
(a) 𝟏𝟑 𝟑 (b) 𝟖 𝟑 (c) 16𝟑 (d) 33𝟑
74. If decreasing 110 by x% gives the same result as increasing 50 by x%, then x%
of 650 is what percentage (correct to the nearest integer) more than (x – 10)% of
यदि x% से 110 घटकर 50, x% बढ़ने के समान पररणाम िे ता है , तो 650 का x% ,780 के (x – 10)% ls
दकतने प्रदतशत (दनकटतम पूणाांक तक सही) अदधक‍है ?
(a) 12% (b) 17% (c) 14% (d) 18%

75.If decreasing 180 by x% gives the same result as increasing 60 by x%, then x% of 410
will be more than (x + 20)% of 210 (correct to two decimal places):
;fn 180 esa x% dh deh djus ij vkSj 60 eas x% dh o`f) djus ij leku ifj.kke izkIr gksrk gS] rks 410
dk x%, 210 ds (x + 20)% ls fdruk vf/kd gksxk ¼n'keyo ds nks LFkku rd lgh½\
(a)36.57% (b)37.57%
(c)31.67% (d)39.46%
76. If (3x–10)% of 150 exceeds x% of 300 by 15, then by what per cent is (2x+5)% of 220 more than (x+10)%
of 250?

BY Gagan Pratap
;fn 150 dk (3x–10)%, 300 ds x% ls 15 vf/kd gS] rks 220 dk (2x+5)%, 250 ds (x+10)% ls fdruk çfr'kr vf/kd
(a)28.4% (b)35% (c)24.2% (d)32%
77. If x% of 190 is 15 less than (x+10)% of 180, then (x+30)% of 90 is what per cent more than x% of 150?
;fn 190 ds x% dk eku] 180 ds (x+10)% ls 15 de gS] rks 90 ds (x+30)% dk eku] 150 ds x% ls fdrus çfr'kr vf/kd
𝟐 𝟏
(a)16𝟑% (b)25% (c)20% (d)17𝟑%

78. If (x+10)% of 300 is 57.5% more than x% of 250, then 15% of x is what percentage less than 20% of
;fn 300 dk (x+10)%, 250 ds x% ls 57.5% vf/kd gS] rks x dk 15%, (x+13) ds 20% ls fdrus çfr'kr de gS\
𝟐 𝟏 𝟐 𝟏
(a)46𝟑 % (b)44𝟑 % (c)48𝟑 % (d)42𝟑 %

79. For a number, greater than one, the difference between itself and
its reciprocal is 20% of the sum of itself and its reciprocal. By how much
percentage (nearest to an integer) is the square of the number less than
its cube? (CHSL 2018)
एक से बड़ी ककस़ी संख्या के लिए, उस संख्या और उसके व्युत्क्रम का अंतर, उस संख्या और उसके
व्युत्क्रम के योगफि का 20% है | संख्या का वगगफि, इसके घनफि से ककतने प्रततशत (पूर्ाांक के
करीब) कम है?
(a) 12 (b) 18
(c) 29 (d) 33

80. A, B and C are three positive numbers such that A is 70% of B, and B is 40% of C. If the sum
of all three numbers is 336, then 15% of the sum of B and C is:
A, B vkSj C rhu /kukRed la[;k,¡ bl çdkj gSa fd A, B dk 70% vkSj B, C dk 40% gSA ;fn rhuksa
la[;kvksa dk ;ksxQy `36 gS rks B vkSj C ds ;ksxQy dk 15% Kkr djsAa
(a)42 (b)44 (c)48 (d)32
81.There are two numbers, when first number is increased by 160%, the obtained number is
86 less than second number and if the first number is increased by 110 then the obtained
number is 200 less than the second number. Find out the sum of two numbers?
िो नंबर हैं, जब पहली संख्या िें 160% की वद्
ृ धि हुई है , तो प्राप्त संख्या िसू री संख्या से 86
कि है और यदि पहली संख्या को 110 बढ़ाया जाता है , तो प्राप्त संख्या िस ू री संख्या से 200
कि है।िोनों संख्याओं का योग तया है ?
a)570 b)590 c)600 d)550

BY Gagan Pratap
82. Salaries of B, C , D and E are in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 respectively. Their salaries are increased by
20 percent, 30 percent, 40 percent and 50 percent respectively. If the increased salary of D is `560,
then what is the sum of the original salaries of B, C, D and E?
B, C, D vkSj E ds osru Øe”k% 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 ds vuqikr esa gSaA muds osru esa Øe”k% 20 izfr”kr] 30 izfr”kr] 40
izfr”kr vkSj 50 izfr”kr dh o`f) dh xbZ gSA ;fn D ds c<+k gqvk osru `560 gks] rks B, C, D vkSj E ds ewy osruksa dk
;ksx fdruk gS\
(a) ` 1400 (b) ` 1260
(c) ` 1560 (d) ` 1820

83. The income of A is 30% less than the income of B and the income of B is 137.5% more than that
of C. If the income of A is Rs. 28500 less than that of B, than income (in Rs.) of C is:
A dh vk;] B vk; ls 30% de gS vkSj B dh vk; C dh vk; ls 137-5% vf/kd gSA ;fn A dh vk; B dh
vk; ls # 28]500 de gS] rks C dh vk; (Rs.esa ) Kkr djsAa
(a)40000 (b)50000 (c)48000 (d)36000
84. The income of A is 45% more than the income of B and the income of C is 60% less than the
sum of the incomes of A and B. The income of D is 20% more than that of C. If the difference
between the incomes of B and D is `13200, then the income (in `) of C is:
A dh vk;] B dh vk; ls 45% vf/kd gS vkSj C dh vk; A vkSj B dh vk; ds ;ksxQy ls 60% de gSA D
dh vk; C dh vk; ls 20% vf/kd gSA ;fn B vkSj D dh vk; ds chp varj `13,200 gS] rks C dh vk; ¼`
es½a Kkr djsAa
(a)75,000 (b)73,500 (c)72,500 (d)72,000
85. A,.B and C divide a certain sum of money amount themselves. the average of the amounts with
𝟐 𝟏
them is Rs 4520. Share of A is 10 % more than share of B and 33 % less then share of C. What
𝟑 𝟑

is the share of B (in Rs)?

A, B vkSj C, fdlh fuf'pr jkf'k dks vkil esa forfjr djrs gSaA muds ikl dh jkf'k;ksa dk vkSlr ` 4,520
𝟐 𝟏
gSA A dk fgLlk] B ds fgLls ls 10𝟑% ls vf/kd gS vkSj C ds fgLls ls 33𝟑% de gSA B dk fgLlk ¼` es½a
Kkr djsAa
(a)3500 (b)5976 (c)3600 (d)9384

BY Gagan Pratap
86. The income of A is 20% less than the income of B and the income of C is 70% of the sum of
incomes of A and B. The income of D is 25% more than the income of C. If the difference
between the incomes of B and D is `23000, then wht is the income (in `) of A?
A dh vk;] B dh vk; ls 20% de gS vkSj C dh vk;] A vkSj B dh vk; ds ;ksxQy dk 70% gSA D dh
vk;] C dh vk; ls 25% vf/kd gSA ;fn B vkSj D dh vk; ds chp varj `23,000 gS] rks A dh vk; ¼` ea½s
Kkr djsAa
(a)32000 (b)25000 (c)26000 (d)28000
𝟕 𝟏𝟏
87.If a student multiplied a number by instead of , then find the% error in the calculation?
𝟏𝟐 𝟏𝟔
यदि कोई छात्र ककसी संख्या को के बजाय से गण
ु ा करता है , तो प्राप्त उिर िें % त्रदु ट ककतनी
𝟏𝟏 𝟕
𝟏𝟔 𝟏𝟐
होगी ?
a) 16.16% b) 15.15%
c) 13.13% d) 11.11%

88.The price of sugar has decreased by 15%. By what percentage can a person increase the
consumption so that there is no change in the expenditure?
चीनी की कीित िें 15% की किी हुई । कोई व्यजतत ककतने प्रततशत उपभोग बढ़ा सकता है
ताकक व्यय िें कोई पररवतवन न हो?
𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝟑𝟎𝟎
(a) % (b) %
𝟐𝟑 𝟏𝟕
𝟓𝟎 𝟐𝟎
(c) % (d) %
𝟑 𝟑
89.A person increases his consumption of sugar by 42.84% because the price of sugar is
reduced by x%. Find x? (expenditure remains Constant)
एक व्यजतत अपनी चीनी की िपत िें 42.84% की वद् ृ धि करता है तयोंकक चीनी की कीित
x% से कि हो जाती है । x=? (व्यय तनरं तर रहता है )
a) 32% b) 35% c) 30% d) 28%
90. Rice is now being sold at ₹ 29 per kg. During the last month, its cost was ₹ 25
per kg. By how much percentage should a family reduce its consumption, so as to
keep the expenditure the same as before? (correct to nearest integer)
वतविान िें जजस चावल को ₹ 29 प्रतत kg की िर से बेचा जा रहा है , त्तपछले िहीने उसका िूल्य ₹ 25 प्रतत
kg था। ककसी पररवार को अपने चावल की िपत को ककतने प्रततशत तक कि करना होगा, ताकक व्यय पहले
के सिान रहे ? (तनकटति पूणोक तक सही)
(a) 14% (b) 13% (c) 15% (d) 12%

91.The price of rice falls by 35%. How much extra quantity of rice can be bought with the
money that was sufficient to buy 104 kg of rice previously?

BY Gagan Pratap
चावल की कीित िें 35% की धगरावट आती है। ज्ञात करें उतने ही रुपए िें चावल की ककतनी अततररतत
िात्रा िरीिी जा सकती है जो पहले 104 ककलो चावल िरीिने के मलए पयावप्त था?
a) 42kg b) 45.5kg
c) 56kg d) 52kg

92.x is inversely proportional to y. If x is increased by 37.5 % then find % change in the

value of y?
x, y के व्युत्क्रिानुपाती है । यदि x को 37.5% बढ़ाया जाता है , तो y के िान िें % पररवतवन हैं?
a) 27.27% b) 33.33 %
c) 45% d) 31.25%

93. Due to some crisis, some people from state A migrated to state B and
thereby the population of the second state increased by 19.96%. however, at a
later stage, all of them returned to state A. Then by what percentage did the
population of state B decrease?
कुछ संकट के कारर्, राज्य A से कुछ िोग राज्य B में चिे गए और इस तरह दस
ू रे राज्य की जनसंख्या में
19.96% की वद् ृ धि हुई। हािााँकक, बाद के चरर् में , वे सभ़ी राज्य A में िौट आए। कफर राज्य B की जनसंख्या
में ककतने प्रततशत की कम़ी आई?
A) 19.96
B) 16.64
C) 18.24
D) 17.54
94.In a triangle base is increased by 66 %, then by how much % height should be reduced
such that area of triangle remains constant?
एक बत्रभजु आिार िें 66 % की वद् ृ धि की जाती है। इस प्रकार बत्रभज
ु का क्षेत्रफल जस्थर रहने
से ककतनी% ऊँचाई कि होनी चादहए?
a) 60% b) 40%
c) 30% d) 45%
95.The price of a commodity is increased by 36% and the quantity purchased is decreased
by 30%. What is the percentage increase/decrease in the amount spent on the
एक वस्तु की कीित िें 36% की वद् ृ धि हुई है और िरीिी गई िात्रा िें 30% की किी हुई
है । वस्तु पर िचव की गई रामश िें प्रततशत वद्
ृ धि / किी तया है?
(a) 6%, Increase
(b) 4.8%, Increase
(c) 6%, Decrease

BY Gagan Pratap
(d) 4.8%, Decrease
96.Basir’s working hours per day were increased by 15% and his wages per hour were
increased by 20%. By how much percent did his daily earnings increase?
clhj dk dk;Z&le; izfrfnu 15% c<+ x;k gS vkSj mldk osru çfr ?kaVs 20% rd c<+ x;kA mldh nSfud
vk; fdrus प्रततशत rd c<+ xbZ\
(a) 35 (b) 38
(c) 36 (d) 40
97. The price of oil is increased by 20%. However, its consumption
decreased by 18 %. What is the percentage increase or decrease in the expenditure
on it?
rsy dk ewY; 20% rd c<+ tkrk gS fdarq bldh [kir 18 % de gks tkrh gSA bl ij O;; esa fdrus प्रततशत
o`f) vFkok deh gqbZ\
(a) Decrease by 1%
(b) Increase by 4%
(c) Increase by 2%
(d) Decrease by 2%
98.The price of petrol is increased by 28%. A person wants to increase his expenditure by
22% only. By approximately what percent should he decrease his consumption?
पेट्रोल की कीित िें 28% की वद् ृ धि हुई है । एक व्यजतत अपने व्यय को केवल 22% बढ़ाना
चाहता है। लगभग ककतने प्रततशत तक उसे अपने उपभोग िें किी करनी चादहए?
(a) 5.3% (b) 4.7%
(c) 4.9% (d) 5.1%
99.If the price of petrol increases by 19% and Sunitha intends to spend only an additional
12% on petrol, by what percent should she reduce the quality of petrol purchased
(nearest to an integer)?
यकि पेट्रोल की कीमत 19% बढ़ जाती है और सुनीता पेट्रोल पर के वल 12% अकतररक्त खर्च करने का इरािा रखती है, तो उसे
ककतने प्रकतशत पेट्रोल की िरीि (एक पूर्ाांक के करीब) को कम करना पडेगा?
(a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 6
100. The price of diesel is increased by 26%. A person wants to increase his
expenditure by 15% only. By what percentage, correct to one decimal place, should
he decrease his consumption?
डीिल की कीमत में 26% की वृद्धि हुई है। एक व्यद्धि केवल 15% तक अपना खर्च बढ़ाना र्ाहता है। दकस
प्रदतशत तक, एक िशमलव स्थान पर सही, क्या उसे अपनी खपत कम करनी र्ादहए?
(a) 7.2% (b) 9.5% (c) 8.7% (d) 6.5%

101. When the price of a commodity increased by 23%, a family reduced its consumption in such a
way that the expenditure on it was only 5% more. By what percentage has the family reduced the
consumption of the commodity (correct to one decimal place)?

BY Gagan Pratap
tc fdlh lkexzh dh dher 23% c<+ tkrh gS] rks ,d ifjokj bl lkexzh ds miHkksx dks bl çdkj de djrk gS fd bl lkexzh ij
fd, tkus okys O;; esa dsoy 5% dh c<+ksrjh gksrh gSA ifjokj us lkexzh dh [kir esa fdrus çfr'kr dh deh dh gS ¼n'keyo ds ,d
LFkku rd lgh½\
(a)14.2% (b)15.2% (c)15.8% (d)14.6%
102. Price of tea has increased by 20% but I have decided to increase my expenditure
towards tea by 15% only. By What percentage should I reduce my consumption (correct to
one place of decimal) in order to be able to maintain the same level of expenses towards
चाय की कीित िें 20% की वद् ृ धि हुई है लेककन िैंने चाय के प्रतत अपने िचव को केवल 15%
बढ़ाने का फैसला ककया है। चाय के मलए िचों के सिान स्तर को बनाए रिने िें सक्षि होने
के मलए िझ
ु े अपनी िपत (िशिलव के एक स्थान पर सही) को ककतने प्रततशत कि करना
(a) 5.4 (b) 4.2
(c) 5.6 (d) 4.8
103. Price of petrol increase from Rs.60/liter to Rs.75/liter. How much should the
consumption of petrol be reduced (in %) so as to increase expenditure by only 10%?
isVªksy dh dher 60 #@yhVj ls c<+dj 75 #-@yhVj gks tkrh gSA isVªksy dh [kir dks fdruk de ¼% es½a djuk
gksxk rkfd c<+k gqvk [kpZ dsoy 10% jgs\
(a) 12.5 (b) 20
(c) 15 (d) 18

104. When the price of sugar increased by 53%, a family reduced its
consumption per month such that the expenditure on sugar was only
19% more than the earlier one. If the family consumed 38.7 kg sugar
per month earlier, then what is the reduction in consumption of sugar
per month?
tc phuh ds ewY; esa 53% dh o`f) gqbZ ] rks ,d ifjokj us bldh ekfld [kir dks bruk de dj fn;k fd vc
phuh ij gksus okyk O;; igys dh rqyuk esa dsoy 19% vf/kd FkkA ;fn ifjokj esa igys phuh dh ekfld [kir
38.7 kg Fkh rks phuh dh ekfld [kir िें fdruh किी हुई gS\
(a) 8.6 kg (b) 8.4 kg
(c) 8.7 kg (d) 8.1 kg
105. Due to increase of 32% in the price of pulse, a person reduces his consumption in
such a way that his expenditure increases only by 10%. If he consumes 150kg of pulse after
the price has increased then how much pulse was consumed by him initially?

BY Gagan Pratap
िाल के िूल्य िे 32% की वद्
ृ धि के कारण एक व्यजतत अपने उपभोग िे इस प्रकार किी करता है ताकक
उसके िचव िे केवल 10% कक वद्
ृ धि हो यदि िल्
ू य बढ्ने के पचचात वह 150kg िाल का उपभोग करता
है तो ज्ञात ककजजये प्रारम्भ िे उसने ककतने kg िाल का उपभोग ककया था?
a) 180kg b) 175kg
c) 190kg d) 200kg
106. A reduction of 20 % in the rate of sugar enables Sudhir to get 6 kg more sugar for Rs 960.
What is the reduced rate of sugar per kg?
phuh ds ewY; esa 20% dh deh gksus ij] lq/khj dks 960 #- 6 fdyksxzke vf/kd phuh feyrh gSA phuh dk çfr
fdyksxzke ?kVk gqvk ewY; fdruk gS\
(a)Rs. 35 (b)Rs. 36 (c)Rs. 32 (d)Rs. 40
107. A reduction of 15% in the price of wheat enables a housewife to buy 6 kg more for `2,720.
The reduced price of wheat per kg (in `) is:
xsgwa dh dher esa 15% dh deh ,d x` dks `2,720 eas 6 kg vf/kd xsgwa [kjhnus esa l{ke cukrh gSA xsgwa
dh çfr fdxzk- ?kVh gqbZ dher (` esa) fdruh gS\
(a)75 (b)68 (c)70 (d)65
108. Price of rice is decreased by 25 percent and therefore a person
cna purchase 30 kg more rice in the same expenditure. If expenditure is `5400, then what was the original price of
rice per kg?
pkoy dk ewY; 25 izfr”kr de gks tkrk gS] blfy, ,d O;fDr mrus gh [kpZ esa 30kg vf/kd pkoy [kjhn ikrk gSA
;fn [kpZ `5400 gS] rks pkoy dk izfr kg okLrfod ewY; D;k Fkk \
(a) `90 per kg (b) `75 per kg
(c) `60 per kg (d) `50 per kg
109. Due to 25% fall in the rate of eggs, one can buy 2 dozen eggs more than before by
investing Rs.162. Then the original rate per dozen of the eggs is :
अंडों की िर िें 25% की धगरावट के कारण, कोई भी 162 रु तनवेश करके 2 िजवन ,अधिक अंडे
िरीि सकता है। कफर प्रतत िजवन अंडे की िूल िर है:
(a) Rs.22 (b) Rs.24
(c) Rs.27 (d) Rs.30
110. The government reduced the price of sugar by 15%. By this a
consumer can buy 7.4 kg more sugar for Rs1258. The original price per
kg of sugar is?
सरकार ने चीनी के िूल्य को 15% घटा दिया इसके कारण एक ग्राहक 1258 रु िें 7.4 ककलो ग्राि चीनी
अधिक िरीि सकता है तो प्रतत ककलो ग्राि चीनी का प्रारं मभक िल्
ू य तया है ?

BY Gagan Pratap
a) Rs25.5 b) Rs30
c) Rs27 d) Rs28
111. Price of a movie ticket in Z square mall is decreased by 1% but total revenue
collection is increased by 83 % because sitting capacity was increased. If sitting capacity
is now increased 350, Then find how many seats were increment in cinema hall?
Z स्तवायर िाल के मसनेिा हॉल के दटकट िल्
ू य िें 1% किी कर िी गयी सीटो की संख्या बढ़ाये जाने के
कारण कुल राजस्व िें 83 % की बढ़ोतरी हुई । यदि वतविान िें सीटों की संख्या 350 है । तो ज्ञात कीजजये
की ककतनी सीटे बढ़ाई गयी?
a) 161 b) 151
c) 153 d) 175
112. When the price of an item was reduced by 35%, then its sale was increased by
x%. If there is an increase of 17% in the receipt of the revenue, then the value of x
will be:
जब दकसी वस्तु की कीमत में 35% की कमी की गयी, तब उसकी दबक्री में x% की वृद्धि हुई । यदि राजस्व
प्राद्धि में 17% की वृद्धि होती है , तो x का िान होगा:
(a) 84 (b) 80 (c) 60 (d) 75
113. When the price of an item was reduced by 20%, its sales increased by x%. If there is an
increase of 25% in the receipt of the revenue, then the value of x is:
,d oLrq dh dher 20% de djus ij bldh fcØh x% c<+ tkrh gSA ;fn jktLo dh izkfIr esa 25% dh
o`f) gksrh gS] rks x dk eku Kkr djsAa
(a)53.84% (b)55.75% (c)56.25% (d)61.5%
114. The price of an article is reduced by 30% but the daily sale of the article increased by 35%. The
net percentage effect on the daily sale receipts is:
fdlh oLrq ds ewY; eas 30% dh deh gksrh gS] ysfdu mldh nSfud fcØh esa 35% dh o`f) gksrh gSA nSfud fcØh dh çkfIr;ksa ij 'kq)
çfr'kr çHkko D;k gksxk\
(a)6𝟐 % increase/o`f)
(b)5𝟐 % increase/o`f)
(c)5𝟐 % decrease/deh
(d)6𝟐 % decrease/deh

115. If the tax on a commodity is diminished by 20% and its consumption increased by 15%, the
revenue decreases by:
;fn fdlh oLrq ij dj eas 20% dh deh dh tkrh gS vkSj mldh [kir esa 15% dh o`f) dh tkrh gS] rks jktLo esa fdruh deh

BY Gagan Pratap
(a)8% (b)12% (c)10% (d)6%

116. The population of a village is 12960. 7/12th of them are males and the rest
females. 45% of the males are married. All marriages are monogamous and married
people have their spouses living with them. What is percentage of females are
एक गााँव की जनसंख्या 12960 है। इनमें से 7/12 भाग पुरुष और शेष मदहलाएं हैं। 45% पुरुष दववादहत हैं।
सभी दववाह एक पत्नीक हैं और दववादहत लोगों के साथ उनके जीवनसाथी रहते हैं । दववादहत मदहलाओं का
प्रदतशत दकतना है?
A) 45% C) 60%
B) 63% D) 72%
117. In a village, the production of food grains increased by 40% and the per capita
production of food grains increased by 27% during a certain period. The percentage
by which the population of the village increased during the same period is nearest
एक तनजचचत अवधि के िौरान एक गाँव िें , िाद्यान के उत्पािन िें 40% की वद् ृ धि हुई और प्रतत व्यजतत िाद्यान
के उत्पािन िें 27% की वद्
ृ धि हुई। उसी अवधि के िौरान गाँव की जनसंख्या िें ककस (तनकटति) प्रततशत िें वद् ृ धि
(a)16 (b) 13 (c)10 (d) 7
118. A man’s annual income has increased by Rs.1.2 lakhs but the tax on income that
he has to pay has reduced from 12% to 10%. He now pays the same amount of tax as
before. What is his increased income (in Rs. lakhs)?
,d O;fDr dh वात्तषवक vk; esa 1-2 yk[k # dh o`f) gksrh gS ijUrq vk; ij yxus okyk dj 12% ls 10% gks
tkrk gSA vHkh Hkh og mruk gh dj nsrk gS ftruk igys nsrk FkkA mldh c<+h gqbZ vk; ¼yk[k # esa½ fdruh gS\
(a) 8.4 (b) 7.2
(c) 9.6 (d) 6
119. A man’s annual income has increased by Rs 2.6 lakhs but the tax
on income that he has to pay has reduced from 17.1% to both
the cases 35% of the income is tax free. What his initial income (in Rs
lakhs) if he paid equal taxes in both cases?
,d O;fDr dh okf’kZd vk; 2.6 yk[k :- ls c<+h gS] ysfdu ml vk; ij VSDl] ftldk mls Hkqxrku djuk gS og
17.1% ls 13.3% rd de gks x;k gSA िोनों ही िशा िें 35% आय कर ित ु त है og vc igys dh
rjg gh dj dk Hkqxrku djrk gSA mldh प्रारं मभक vk; ¼yk[k : es½a D;k gS\
(a) 9.1 (b) 10
(c) 8.4 (d) 6.8
120. A man's annual income has increased by 4.5 lakhs but the tax rate
on income that he has to pay has reduced from 26% to 20%. He now
pays 12000 more income tax. What is his increased income (in lakhs)?
एक व्यजतत की वात्तषवक आय ₹4.5 लाि बढ़ जाती है , लेककन आय कर 26% से 20% हो जाता है भी उसको
12000 रुपये अधिक आयकर िे ना पडता है । बढ़ी हुयी आय ज्ञात करें ?

BY Gagan Pratap
(a) 17.5lakh (b) 15.5akh (c) 18.5lakh (d) 16.5lakh
121. The rate of income tax increases from 15.2% to 20.9%.due to this Gaurav had to
pay 5.55% more tax than previous year. but simultaneously income of Gaurav also
decreases by 18400 Rs. find income of Gaurav last year ?
आयकर की िर 15.2% से बढ़कर 20.9% हो जाती है। इसके कारण त्तपछले वषव की तुलना िें गौरव को 5.55%
अधिक कर का भुगतान करना पडा। लेककन साथ ही साथ गौरव की आय भी 18400 रुपये घट जाती है।
त्तपछले साल गौरव की आय का पता लगाएं?
a)79200 B)72900 c)92700 d)97200

122. In a triangle height is increased by 37.5% and base is increased by 45.45%. then find
the percentage increase in area of triangle?
एक बत्रभज ु की ऊंचाई िें 37.5% और आिार िें 45.45% की वद् ृ धि हुई है। कफर बत्रभज
ु के
क्षेत्रफल िें प्रततशत वद्ृ धि ज्ञात कीजजए?
a)200% b)100% c)125% d)150%
123. If the diagonal of square is decreased by 45%. Find the % decrease in its area?
यदि वगव का त्तवकणव 45% कि हो जाता है। तो उसके क्षेत्र िें % किी तया है?
a)75.50% b)69.75%
c)70.25% d)62.5%

124. Initial length of a rectangular box is 20cm. This box is remade such that its length
is increased by 30% but its breadth is reduced by 20%.if area is increased by 100 cm2
then find new area of box?
,d vk;rkdkj fMCcs dh vkjafHkd pkSM+kbZ 20 cm gSA bl fMCcs dks nksckjk bl çdkj cuk;k x;k fd bldh yackbZ
30% c<+ xbZ ijUrq pkSM+kbZ 20% de gks xbZ vkSj {ks=Qy esa 100 cm2 dh o`f) gks xbZA fMCcs dk u;k {ks=Qy
D;k gS\
(a) 2400 cm2 (b) 2200 cm2
(c) 2500 cm2 (d) 2600 cm2
125. In a cuboid, if length is increased by 63.63% and breadth is decreased by 41 %, then
by how much % the height should be changed that the volume remains constant?
एक घनाभ िें अगर लम्बाई 63.63% बढ़ जाती है और चौडाई 41 % कि हो जाती है , तो ऊँचाई ककतनी
% बिलनी चादहए कक आयतन जस्थर बना रहे ?
a) 3.81% b) 4.09%
c) 4.76% d) 5.65%
126. If the area of a square is decreased by 19%, then the diagonal of the square is
decreased by:
यदि ककसी वगव के क्षेत्रफल िें 19% की किी हुई, तो वगव के त्तवकणव िें हुई किी ज्ञात करें ।
(a) 10% (b) 15% (c) 5% (d) 12%

BY Gagan Pratap
127. The radius of a cylinder is increased by 120% and its height is decreased by 40%.
What is the percentage increase in its volume?
एक मसलेंडर की बत्रज्या 120% बढ़ जाती है और इसकी ऊंचाई 40% तक कि हो जाती है।
इसकी आयतन िें प्रततशत वद् ृ धि तया है?
(a) 180.6% (b) 212.8%
(c) 190.4% (d) 175.4%
128. If the radius of the cylinder is decreased by 20%, then by how much
percent the height must be increased, so that the volume of the cylinder
remains same? (CGL 2017)
;fn csyu dh f=T;k esa 20% dh deh dh tkrh gS] rks mldh Å¡pkbZ esa fdrus प्रकतशत dh o`f) djuh pkfg, rkfd
csyu dk vk;ru leku jgs\
(a) 44 (b) 36.25
(c) 56.25 (d) 62.5
129. Base of a right prism is square. If each side of this square is increased by 30%
and its height is decreased by 40%, then find percentage increase/decrease in its
एक प्रिज्म का आधार वर्ााकार है। यप्रि इस वर्ा की ित्येक भुजा में 30% की वृप्रि की जाती है और इसकी ऊँ चाई में 40% की
कमी की जाती है, तो इसके आयतन में िप्रतशत वृप्रि/कमी ज्ञात कीप्रजए।
(a)1.4% (b)0.9% (c)1.2% (d)1.6%

130. The radius of a spherical balloon is inflated from 3.5 cm to 4.9 cm by pushing air into it. What
is the percentage increase in the volume of the original balloon?
एक गोलाकार गुब्बारे िें हवा भरकर उसकी बत्रज्या को 3.5 cm से 4.9 cm तक बढ़ाया जाता है । िूल गुब्बारे के
आयतन िें होने वाली प्रततशत वद्ृ धि ककतनी है ?
(a)74.4% (b) 73.6% (c) 173.6% (d) 174.4%

131. The radius of a sphere is increased by 140% By what percent will its volume
,d xksys ds O;kl dks 140% vf/kd dj fn;k x;k gSA mldk vk;ru fdrus izfr'kr vf/kd gks tk,xk\
(a) 1282.4% (b) 1382.4%
(c) 274.4% (d) 174.4%

132. Volume of a sphere is increased by119.7 % when its radius is increased then find
% change in TSA of sphere?
एक गोले का आयतन 119.7% बढ़ जाता है जब इसके बत्रज्या को बढ़ाया जाता है , तो गोले के वरप्रष्ठ के
क्षेत्रफि में % पररवतगन ज्ञात करो?
a) 61.29% b) 69%
c) 96% d) 82.25%

BY Gagan Pratap
133. Volume of a cylinder is increased by 43% when its height is reduced by 15 % then
find % change in CSA of cylinder?
एक बेलन का आयतन 43% बढ़ जाता है जबकक इसकी ऊंचाई को 15 % कि ककया जाता है तो बेलन के
वक्रप्रष्ठ के क्षेत्रफल िें % पररवतवन ज्ञात करो?
a) 15% b) 13%
c) 10% d) 12%

134. If the radius of the cylinder is increased by 25%, then by how much
percent the height must be decreased, so that the volume of the cylinder
increases by 32% only ?
;fn csyu dh f=T;k esa 25% dh o`f) dh tkrh gS] rks mldh Å¡pkbZ esa fdrus प्रकतशत dh deh djuh pkfg, rkfd
csyu dk vk;ru के वल 32% बढे \
(a) 14.73 (b) 16.65
(c) 15.52 (d) 15.76

135. If the height of the cone is increased by 40.625%, then by how

much percent radius of base must be increased, so that the volume of
the cone increases by 260% ?
;fn शंकु dh Å¡pkbZ esa 40.625% dh o`f) dh tkrh gS] rks mldh आधार f=T;k esa fdrus प्रकतशत o`f) djuh
pkfg, rkfd शंकु dk vk;ru 260% बढे \
(a) 62.5 (b) 60
(c) 56.25 (d) 58.33

BY Gagan Pratap

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