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Regarding three other questions controversy still rages.

possess. The enlargement of farms, and in Scotland the

of prize; but in 1659 a commission of councillors of state

into the general peritoneal cavity. If increasing collapse

preserved by Blith and Hartlib, who are referred to below.

is the illusive character of many of its finer elements---for

m. W. of Larnaka and 6 m. E. of Limassol, among sandy

married about 1349. In 1361 he married Margaret, countess

the occasions would be rare in which the requisite temperature

engagement of a very feeble kind took place on the 10th of

written by Charlemagne in verse, in which he styles Adrian

since this disk becomes the less harmful with au increasing

adaptation does exist in other cases. The yak of Thibet cannot

Alexander came in sight of the broken train which still clung

Gurma---were entered from all sides by rival British, French

he acted temporarily as Viceroy of India. (M. G. D.)

After he was defeated by the Christians at Alhandega

sovereign. The general assembly consists of the whole body of

was the second son of James II., king of Scotland, by his

shot. By casting the projectile point downwards and forming

took up his residence at the court of Antigonus Gonatas,

of the Alpine chain. In France and Italy the system is badly

uncertain that the influence of their leaders was not entirely

seized by his adherents; the amir's troops were defeated some

task of reducing the enormous mass of observations of the moon

of which, without the consent of or notice to his landlord,

hurried to the Danube at Rakhovo, transported on his yacht to

more historical than the oath of Santa Gadea, tells of how

An important nucleo-proteid is haemoglobulin or haemoglobin,

command of the Ashanti expedition 1873-1874, and was made a

it is difficult as yet to arrive at generalizations which are

numerous letters to his friends in England, to Arno, bishop

Coronation Office of the kings of England, where it occurs

courts, where counsel are not excluded by statute. They may

Letters from Prison were an earlier Cardiphonia than John

British ambulance wagons are built very strongly to stand

the introduction of the centrifugal cream separator, and was

need it diminish our estimate of his genius. It was,

of a numismatic and lapidary erudition, elegant in itself,

high admiral, the Grand Duke Alexis, on the 13th of March 1904,

1892 70,626,658 23.1 1,628,464,000 39.4

16th century Paracelsus gave a new direction to alchemy by

newspapers, especially the Boston Gazette, over a multitude of

and establishing cordial relations with France. With regard

lone quays at which the American and East Indian liners are

1895. Between these two occurrences came the disastrous

improved. Under the system of slave labour which existed

make the accountant-general the assistant of the financial

shrine. As the extant sources do not define the term,

is first and foremost to deliver safely at their destination

To compute the results to be expected from new projects, it

species of Oedogonium minute male plantlets, known as dwarf

drew in his left wing so that it should as far as possible

interesting amongst recent alloys is Conrad Heusler's alloy

The ancient Canopic mouth of the Nile (now dry) was 12 m. E.

developed, wherein the series and the position within the

Austria and other countries in Europe, as well as in some

system). The rays with an angle of aperture smaller than

John XXIII., pope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1415

Acetone '' 2500

with it take root in the ground. Alluvion never attached at

ducats in exchange for their confiscated lands; the duke of

cell is joined to the negative of the next by burning or

B.Q. Bene quiescat, Bona quaesita.

prepared by the action of alkyl iodides on the primary amines,

containing carbon dioxide; or by precipitating them with

concessions of Spain came too late. In commerce it had to

The amoeba may grow out irregularly into blunt lobes, the

years, and on the dissolution of their power it passed

Arakan, and the history of that country centres in it. In

Owing to the nature of the country, communications are not

reign. The mis-government and financial straits of the

Island, and the troops penetrated inland as far as Newborn

for the construction of a British railway through his

limitation to that function of sensuous perception which we

in the Kit-Cat Club, and brought thus and otherwise into

In Hindu law, as in nearly every ancient system, wills

restoration which the Alhambra has endured, it remains the

a view to bring him over to their cause. The concluding

believed by Hahn to have formed the core of the pre-Hellenic

that the pleasures of imagination (which arise originally

primarily to the solar gods Amenre of Thebes and Raharakht of

Pollina, the ancient Apollonia, are the remnants of a

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