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Prep 4
KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Unit: KII4018

Course Name: Prep 4

Assessment Tool: Assessment

Student must fill this section:

Student Name:

Student ID:
Privacy Release “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing,
Clause: assessment validation & moderation Process”
“I declare that:
 The material I have submitted is my own work;
Authenticity  I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I
Declaration: used in the production of my work;
 I have given references for all sources of information that are not my
own, including the words, ideas and images of others.”
Date: 19/02/2023
Student signature:

Assessment Completion Status

Attempt Satisfactory Non-Satisfactory Date

Initial attempt  

2nd attempt/Re-
assessment  

Feedback to student:

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Information for Student:

 All work is to be entirely of the Student.

General Information for this assessment:
 Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
 Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
 Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided or follow the word limits as instructed.
 For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc. The student must attach its own
work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
 All assessment tasks must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
 If the Student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.
 All assessments must be submitted online. Login to and follow the subject link to submit your
assessments. Note that the hard copy of the assessments will not be accepted.

Re-assessment of Result& Academic Appeal procedures:

If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of
appeal to the Operations Manager. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement
of the new term.
Re-assessment Process:
 An appeal in writing is made to the Operations Manager providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
 Operations Manager will delegate another faculty member to review the assessment.
 The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
 If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the
lecturer/trainer in charge and the Operations Manager OR if need be an external assessor.
 The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will be
deemed to be final.
 If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external
mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
 Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that subject.  
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of
assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.
Academic Appeals
 If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal through academic appeals
handling protocol.
 To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the KII- Request for Appeal of a Decision form with all other
supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website. The completed Request for Appeal form is to be
submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Kingsford International Institute (KII), Level 6, 128-136 Chalmers St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Email:
 The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Operations Manager and submitted within seven days of notification
of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
 If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit.
 In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a medical certificate in support of a
deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical
 The decision of Operations Manager will be final.
 Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as detailed in the students’
complaint / grievance policy.

“I understand all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment”

Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Pre-assessment Checklist
Your assessor will go through the assessment for this unit. It is important that you understand this assessment before
taking on the questions and tasks. To confirm that you have been given this overview, we ask you to complete the
following Pre-Assessment Checklist.
You are required to carefully read each checklist item provided below and tick either ‘Y’ to confirm your understanding
or ‘N’ if you disagree. In case you disagree with an item, please provide your reason under the ‘Comments’ column.
When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This acknowledges that your
Trainer/Assessor has discussed all of the information with you prior to undertaking this assessment.

Pre – assessment Checklist Comments

Y N I, the student, understand the purpose of the assessment.

I understand when and where the assessment will occur, who will
Y N
assess and in what format the assessment will be submitted.

Y N I understand the methods of assessment.

Y N I understand what resources are required to complete this assessment.

Y N I understand the performance level required for each assessment event.

I understand that it must be my own work. I have been explained and

Y N understand the serious consequences in case this work is found

Y N I understand the process if I am deemed not yet competent.

Y N I understand the feedback process and the appeals process.

The assessor has discussed with me if I have any special needs and if
Y N
so, what arrangements have been made.

Student Full Name Student ID Student Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)


Welcome to KII4018 Prep 4! This KII unit covers the following unit/s of competency.

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

This Assessment Task covers the following unit of competency:

KII subject code KII4018 KII subject name Prep 4

Unit of competency SITHCCC013 Unit Title Prepare seafood dishes

code: SITHCCC014 Prepare Meat dishes

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook a
range of fish, shellfish and meat dishes following standard recipes. It requires the ability to select,
prepare and portion fish, shellfish and meat dishes and to use relevant equipment, cookery and food
storage methods.

The unit applies to cooks working in hospitality and catering organisations. This could include
restaurants, educational institutions, health establishments, defence forces, cafeterias, kiosks, cafes,
residential caterers, in flight and other transport caterers, and event and function caterers.

It applies to individuals who work under the guidance of more senior chefs. They demonstrate
autonomy and judgement to complete routine activities and take limited responsibility in known
and stable contexts within established parameters.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the
time of publication.


Assessment Tasks and Instructions

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in
elements and performance criteria of this unit:

• culinary terms and trade names for ingredients commonly used in the production of different seafood and
meat dishes
• contents of stock date codes and rotation labels and their implication for food quality standards
• characteristics of different seafood and meat dishes

• appearance and presentation

• classical and contemporary variations
• freshness and other quality indicators
• nutritional value
• service style
• taste
• texture

• quality indicators for seafood and meat dishes

• cookery methods for seafood and meat dishes
• dressings, sauces and garnishes seafood and meat dishes
• mise en place requirements
• appropriate environmental conditions for storing seafood and meat products to:
• ensure food safety
• optimise shelf life
• safe operational practices using essential functions and features of equipment used to produce
appetisers and salads.

Place/Location where assessment will be conducted

Kingsford Kitchen

Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, calculator, Recipe card templates, recipes relevant for the unit SITHCCC013 and SITHCCC014
recipes and ingredients.

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to address each question in this assessment.

Once you have completed all questions, check all responses and calculations and attach all recipes and the
workflow-plan to this portfolio
Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.

Information for students:

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Observation of the student’s performance in a simulated working environment.

 Your assessor must complete the observation tool below whilst observing you perform the required task.
 Your assessor will use the observation tool during the demonstration and record accurately what they have
observed you do in accordance with the observation checklist and detail the observable behaviours.
 All parts to this assessment must be completed
 The assessment tool describes the assessment tasks and criteria for assessment, and are used to record your
observations and outcomes of on the simulated job assessment tasks.

The assessment day

 Your assessor will brief you on the task for approx. 30 minutes prior to commencement of this assessment
 Your assessor will observe you performing the required tasks as noted in the instructions. Assessment
must take place in a safe environment.
 After or during the observation, your assessor will ask a series of verbal questions for discussion as a
means to identify any gaps.

At the end of the assessment your assessor will take 30 minutes to provide you with feedback regarding the
observation. You should use this opportunity to ask as many questions and discuss any opportunities for

Your assessor will explain the following to you before commencement of the observation assessment.

 You will be required to demonstrate all observations as specified in the task instructions below.
Demonstrations will consist of a number of tasks a worker would perform in their role on a daily basis
 This assessment may consist of a number of tasks based on the job environment
 You will be observed demonstrating the necessary skills. In accordance with the observation checklist.
 You can ask questions to clarify the requirements of the task/s if required. However, your assessor is no
able to show you how to perform the task
 You must, receive a satisfactory result for each part of this assessment to be successful in this task
 This assessment will be finalized once all records are collated and revised. A debrief will be provided at
the closing meeting
 Feedback will be provided after the observation

Your tasks:
Please be reminded as well that you need to attach your photo before, during and after the kitchen
operation/ session. Minimum of 3 photos per dish.
In addition to the demonstration, you are also required to complete the following templates listed below. The
templates are provided to you in appendices 2
 A completed Workflow plan template (appendix 2)
 A completed Standard recipe card template (appendix 2)
 End of service procedure (appendix 2)
 Use the recipes provided to you and complete the template for each variety to serve 6 customers.
Copy the provided template as you require.

You are required to complete all questions and tasks for this portfolio. All tasks and exercises are based on
the theory content and recipes contained in your workbook/ online unit.

The information you provide in this portfolio may be followed-up with questions from your trainer before
the final practical assessment. It is therefore essential that you have sufficient knowledge to explain and
substantiate all information you provide in this paper.
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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Workflow plan:

Use the attached workflow plan template and copy as required. You are required to prepare the workflow
plan that encompasses making “Seafood” and “Meat dishes”.

1. You are to plan the preparation for the following selection of “Seafood” and “Meat dishes” using 4
different methods of cookery:

o Use the recipes provided to you and complete the template for each variety to yield 4 serves
each. Copy the provided template as you require.
o Provide a suitable sauce or dip, and garnish for each type.
o List all equipment required to prepare your selection and how each piece is safely used in the
preparation process.
o Suggest 3 different service vessels which could be used to serve your selection.
o Draw a lay-out plan for a platter which could be used to serve your selection, considering
varieties, colours, sizes and shapes.

2. For the selected dishes, perform the following

a. Use the provided recipe for each dish and list the production steps including specific cuts
employed and dressings used.

b. List the garnishes to be used and the service vessels for presentation.

3. Choose 4 different dishes that covers “Seafood” and “Meat dishes” each category
4. A group of elderly people have asked you for healthy, nutritious options for a function “Seafood”
and “Meat dishes”.
5. List 3 options for both “Seafood” and “Meat dishes” and “Seafood” and “Meat dishes” which
meet these criteria and outline the main nutritional aspects for each.
6. Use “standard recipe template card” to calculate the ingredient cost.

7. List the hygiene requirements which must be followed during production and storage of your
appetisers, salads and dressings to ensure food safety. This needs to include cleaning at the end of
the shift and storage provisions and details for labelling.

8. Write a workflow plan for the tasks listed above in readiness for service for a dinner function to start
at 7 PM (Your shift starts at around 1 PM).

Practical Demonstration

For this assessment you are required to prepare “Seafood” and “Meat dishes”. You must demonstrate
that you have the skills and knowledge to:

• Select ingredients for “Seafood” and “Meat dishes”

• Select, prepare and use equipment based on the selected recipe.
• Portion and prepare ingredients
• Cook “Seafood” and “Meat dishes”
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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

• Present and store “Seafood” and “Meat dishes”

• Clean work area, and dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products.

You should cook a range of “Seafood” and “Meat dishes” for at least 6 different customers {Role-played
by people nominated by your Assessor} within commercial time constraints and deadlines.
1. You are required to be in clean and full chef uniform during the demonstration and bring along a
workflow plan in a hard copy format.
2. You must identify and confirm the food preparation requirements from the menus and recipes provided
to you. Check the number of serves your trainer had asked you to cook. The number of serves may vary
from the standard recipe you have been provided with.
3. You are required to calculate the quantity of ingredients to match the number of serves you are cooking.
This will require your numeracy skills to calculate the quantity and number of portions.
4. Identify and select ingredients from stores according to each recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation
requirements. You should also locate and read date codes and rotations labels on food products before
selecting them.
5. You must check perishable ingredients to ensure there is no spoilage and contamination.
6. Identify and select all the required routine and specialised equipment based on the type and size
required for the task.
7. Assemble all equipment and check for cleanliness. Use safety and hygienically according to
manufacturer instructions.
8. Sort and assemble ingredients according to the sequence of the recipe.
9. Complete the mise en place, including:
a. Weighing and portioning ingredients according to the sequence of the recipe.
c. Cleaning and cutting ingredients as required using basic culinary cuts according to culinary
standards and make sure you reduce wastage while cleaning and cutting ingredients.
d. Safely store usable by products and discard by products
9. Make sure you take into account any food preferences or dietary restrictions while cooking for your
10. Cook each item according to the recipe in a logical, planned and safe manner using relevant cookery
methods for “Seafood” and “Meat dishes”. You should also determine appropriate cooking times and
temperatures based on the recipes.
11. Prepare “Seafood” and “Meat dishes”
12. Select and add right accompaniments to the dishes.
13. Ensure you taste finished product before plating, and adjust taste, texture or appearance if required.
14. Present the dishes to your trainer.
15. When presenting your dish, you must check appearance and ensure that:
 looks visually attractive in terms of balance, colours and contract and without any greasy marks or

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

 Dips and sauces are according to standard recipes and regional variations, if any
 Appropriate garnish is used.
 Warm plates are used for warm and cold plates are used for cold foods.
 Service ware is clean and not damaged.
16. After you finish your presentation to your assessor you must store the food items at the appropriate
temperature and under the correct storage conditions in order to maintain quality, freshness and
customer appeal, and to minimise wastage and spoilage.
17. Ensure that re suable by products are stored correctly and future use.
18. During and after completing the food preparation, you should maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of
equipment using appropriate cleaning agents and apply proper safety procedures.
19. You must then clean and tidy the kitchen according to the cleaning schedule and ensure that all ins are
taken out before you leave.
Note: Take pictures of your completed work and include them in your Assessment before uploading in

Recipes to be used: Appendices 1

1. Thai fish cakes served with aioli, mixed salad and lime wedges
2. Garlic Prawns served with pilaf rice, chopped parsley and lemon
3. Pork medallion in cream mushroom sauce with blanched asparagus
4. Osso bucco served with mashed potato and buttered vegetables finished with
lemon rind and chopped parsley

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Thai fish cakes

Yield: by pair= 2 portions

Ingredients Quantity
Firm white fish fillets, boneless, skinned 300 g
Red curry pastes 1 tbsp
Fish sauce 1 tbsp
Egg 1
Brown sugar 1 tsp
Snake beans (or green beans), finely chopped 150 g
Kaffir lime leaves, spine removed, finely chopped 2
Lime, cut into quarters 1
Vegetable oil for deep frying
Presentation: Serve with aioli, salad greens and lime wedge.

Step Method
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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

1 Place fish, curry paste, fish sauce, egg and sugar in a food processor.
Blend until well combined.
2 Transfer to a bowl and add beans and kaffir leaves. Stir to combine.
3 Shape mixture into patties. Place on the prepared tray and refrigerate. This
allows the dish to rest and not to be chewy after it has been cooked.
4 Deep-fry prepared fish cakes in batches for 5 minutes until golden and
cooked through. Drain on absorbent kitchen paper.
5 Serve with aioli, salad greens and lime wedge.

Additional accompaniments can include cucumber relish or sweet chili sauce.

Garlic Prawns

Yield: by pair= 2 portions

Ingredients Quantity
Green Prawns 300 g
Cooking Oil 20 ml
Garlic, crushed 2 cloves
Onion, finely diced 20 g
Cream 100 ml
Lemon Juice ¼ pc
Chopped parsley 5g
White wine 20 ml
Rice pilaf See attached recipe
Presentation: Serve with rice pilaf, chopped parsley and lemon slices.

Step Method

1 Peel, clean and devein the prawns, leaving the tail fin on.
2 Heat the oil in a frying pan and sweat the onions and garlic until soft.
3 Add the white wine and reduce, then add the prawns.
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4 Add the cream to the pan, bring to the boil and simmer to reduce.
5 Remove the prawns when they are cooked and continue reducing the sauce. Place
the prawns on service plates with the rice.
6 Add the lemon juice to the reducing sauce and continue to cook until the sauce
thickens. Adjust seasoning. Add the chopped parsley to the sauce and pour over the
prawns. Serve at once.

Rice pilaf

Yield: by pair= 2 portions

Ingredients Quantity
Butter 80 g
Onion, finely chopped 40 g
Long grained rice 150 g
Stock (chicken/ vegetable) 360 ml
Bay leaf 1 pc
Garlic clove, peeled 1 pc
Cayenne pepper 5g
Parsley, chopped 10 g

Step Method

1 Melt half the butter in a suitably sized deep-sided pan. Add the onion and cook
without colour (sweat).
2 Add the rice and cook until all the grains are coated with butter and it takes
on a glassy appearance.
3 Add the boiling stock, season and add the bay leaf, garlic and cayenne.
4 Bring to the boil, cover with a buttered cartouche and a lid and cook in a preheated
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oven at 180 °C for 12 minutes. Check to see if the rice is tender and al dente.
5 Remove the bay leaf and garlic clove. Add the chopped parsley.
6 Lightly fork the remainder of the butter through the rice and correct seasoning.
7 Serve as an accompaniment to meat dishes.

Pork medallions in mushroom cream sauce

Yield: by pair= 2 portions

Ingredients Quantity
pork medallions 2 x 120 g
Pepper, salt to taste
Flour enough to coat
Butter 30 g
Mushrooms, sliced 100 g
Dry white wine or sherry 35 ml
Cream 150 ml
Asparagus 200 g
Presentation: Serve with blanched asparagus.

Step Method

1 Using a meat bat, flatten out the pork to an even thickness, about 5 mm and season.
2 Lightly coat the pork in flour.
3. Place the butter in a pan over heat. When the butter is just starting to brown, shallow-fry the pork
quickly to a light brown on both sides.
4 Remove the pork and set aside to keep warm.
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5 Add the sliced mushrooms and sauté for about a minute.

6 Drain excess fat from the pan and then deglaze the pan with the wine or sherry and reduce by half.
7 Add the cream and reduce gently to the correct consistency. Correct the seasoning.
8 Return the pork to the pan to reheat.
9 Serve the pork onto a preheated plate and coat with the sauce.

Osso bucco

Yield: by pair= 2 portions

Ingredients Quantity
Veal knuckles, 3 cm thick cut 4 pcs 300 g
Flour, seasoned 50 g
Butter 25 g
Oil 15 ml
Onion diced 50 g
Garlic cloves, crushed 2 clove
Tomato paste 30 g
Beef stock 250 ml
Dry white wine 100 ml
Bouquet garni 1
Chopped parsley 10 g
Lemon rind, grated ½ pc

Step Method

1. Dust and coat the veal with flour.

2. In a heavy-based frying pan, heat the butter and oil and fry the veal until lightly colored. Remove
them from the pan and lay them out in a suitably sized braising dish (brassiere).
3. Sweat (cook without color) the onion and garlic in the frying pan, add the tomato paste and mix
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4. Deglaze the pan with the wine and reduce by 1/3.

5. Add the beef stock and mix all ingredients. Pour the liquid over the veal to half cover the meat.
6. Add the bouquet garni and bring to the boil. Cover and cook in a preheated oven at 180 °C for 40
minutes. Check consistency, turn the meat over and return to the oven for a further 30 minutes or
until the meat is just cooked.
7. Serve the meat on preheated plates. Garnish with lemon rind and chopped parsley.

Mashed potato

Yield: by pair= 2 portions

Ingredients Quantity

Desiree Potato, washed & peeled 300 g

Salt for boiling water
Butter 30 g
Cream 50 ml
Dill 25 g
Chives 25 g

Step Method
1. Place potatoes in a medium saucepan, cover with cold water. Add salt to pan. Bring to the boil,
then simmer, uncovered, for about 10 minutes or until tender.
2. Drain potatoes, return to dry pan. Cook potatoes over low or residual heat, 30 seconds, to remove
moisture, shaking the pan to ensure they don't stick to the base.
3. Mash the potatoes using a masher or ricer, or push them through a sieve into a large bowl, using
the back of a wooden spoon. Stir in butter until combined.
4. Heat milk in a small saucepan or in the microwave until just below boiling. Gradually add hot milk
to potato, beat with a wooden spoon until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.

Buttered Vegetables

Yield: 10 portions (by pair)

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Ingredients Quantity
Carrot, washed & peeled 100 g
Green Beans, washed & tailed 100 g
Yellow Capsicum, washed & diced 100 g
Cherry Tomato, halves 100 g
Salt and pepper to taste
Butter 20 g

Step Method
1. Blanch all the vegetable and set aside
2. In a frying pan, turn up the heat into medium. Melt half of the butter and add all the vegetables.
Season to taste. Then turn off the heat and add the remaining butter.

Appendices 2 Prep.No. ___4_ Week No.____1__


Unit code:

Note: You are required to complete this workflow plan for each skills Demonstration session and submit this
plan to your trainer at the end of each session as evidence for marking.

Student Name: Aarati Thapa

Student Id: 20220109
Unit name and Code: Seafood

Date of Skills Demonstration: 19/01/2023

Equipment required for each Dish Notes:

 You must identify and select appropriate knives and other equipment for each dish.

 You must confirm cleanliness for each equipment before use.

 You must assemble the equipment and use safely and hygienically during preparation.

 Your trainer will confirm your knowledge and skills to operate these equipment effectively as per standard operating procedures

 You must select and identify suitable knife for precision cuts.

 You might require sharing some large equipment e.g. Ovens, salamander students will have access to 2 burners per students) One
equipment might be used for multiple dishes, please list the equipment under each item, also indicate which equipment is suitable for
cooking method and equipment specifications e.g. over can be gas oven, induction or Combo oven.
 You must follow environment friendly practices while using equipment

 You must maintain the condition of equipment while operating and make any minor adjustments if required.

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

 You must report any fault or hazard identified in the equipment and rectify it if safe to do so.

Part A: Menu Details

Name of Dish No. of List equipment of correct type and size,

required for dish. (Provide all the
equipment being used for all the task
including knives)

Dish 1 2
Thai fish Cakes Bowl, measuring cup, plates, pot,
Dish 2 Steamed blue eyes 2 Bowl, measuring cup, plates, pot,
Dish 3 Prawn cocktail Pot, Bowl, pan
Dish 4 Mussels Provencal Measuring scale, bowl, pot, pan
Dish 5

Dish 6

Dish 7

Dish 8

Time Tasks Equipment specification and
cooking method (Include all
the cooking methods
equipment specification and

Prep list

pm Kitchen instruction

1. Place a fish , curry

paste , fish sauce,
3 : 40 Thai fish cake egg and sugar in a
pm food processor.
Blend until well
2. Transfer to bowl
and add bean and
kaffir leaves. Stir to
3. Shape mixer into
patties. Place on the
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prepared tray and

refrigerate. This
allow the dish to
rest and not to be
chewy after it has
been cooked.
4. Deep fry until
golden brown.
1. Trim the fish.
4:35 2. Put the lemon juice
pm Steamed blue eye with ginger and ginger and let
it to be marinate
for 15 minutes.
3. Heat the sesame oil
and peanut and add
garlic till pale
4. Put the garlic and
oil mixture into
bowl and stir to
5. Fry the sesame seed
until golden brown
and add them to
ginger /garlic
6. Add the fish sauce
and soya and mixed
all ingredients well.
7. Sprinkle the ginger
mixture evenly over
the fish and wrap
each fish cutlet
using aluminum
8. Place the package
into pre-heated
steam for 15
minutes just to
cook fish.
Served with salad and
lemon slices.
1. Lightly poached
5:40 Prawn cocktail prawn and allow to
pm cool for in iced
2. Drained the water
and cooked prawn.
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Served with slices of

tomato and lettuce.
6:50 Mussels Provencal 1. Place the live
pm mussels into salt
water for 15
2. Wash the mussel’s
3. Place washed
mussels into a pan
with shallots, wine,
fish stock, parsley,
and a seasoning.
Cover the pan and
simmer for 15
minutes until
shells open wide.
4. Remove the pan
from the heat and
Allow for cool.
5. Continue to simmer
to reduce the
cooking liquid by
about one-third.
Knead the butter
and flour together
to form a beurre-
manie gradually
whisk in the beurre
manié. Pass the
liquid through a
fine strainer into a
clean pan and
return to a simmer.
Add the tomato
6. When the mussels
are just cool
enough to handle,
separate the shells
at the hinge joint,
retaining only one
shell per mussel
remove the mussel
flesh from the shell
and any remaining
beard. Gently
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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

replace the mussel

back into the shell.
7. To serve, dress the
mussels neatly on
service plates. Pour
a little of the
thickened cooking
liquid over each
mussel and sprinkle
with chopped

Plates, dressing,
7:50 pm Food plating and dressing

Kitchen cleaning Mop, dish washer, soap


End of Service Procedure: Cleaning/ Sanitation

Task Task (e.g. cleaning floor or Tools used for cleaning Explain the Cleaning
equipment/dishwasher/stove etc.) (e.g. Detergent) method/process

Wiper, cling food

Dry cleaning Keep all the remaining
food well sealed and
kept at the proper

Floor mopping Mop bucket, 1. Pick up all the

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squeeze, soap, dust waste from the

picker floor.
2. Fill water and soap
in bucket and mop
floor by putting wet
floor sign.
Use squeeze if needed.
Pick up all the
Stove Soap water, materials from the
squeeze, wiper table and use soap
water on squeeze on
table and then wipe.
List three (3) Environmental consideration while using above equipment

1. Turn off the stove when not in use.

2. Use the food quantity correctly.

3. Minimize the usage of water.

Identify and report any faults or safety issue in equipment or rectify if safe to do so

Fault Reported
Things to remember

 Use logical sequence for the tasks in both mise-en place and cooking  Some recipes may require
 Times are for guidance, may vary depending on the recipe/s adjustment
 “Clean as you go” will save
you time

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Appendices 2 Prep.No. ___4_ Week No.____3_


Unit code:

Note: You are required to complete this workflow plan for each skills Demonstration session and submit this
plan to your trainer at the end of each session as evidence for marking.

Student Name: Aarati Thapa

Student Id: 20220109
Unit name and Code: Meat

Date of Skills Demonstration: 02/02/2023

Equipment required for each Dish Notes:
 You must identify and select appropriate knives and other equipment for each dish.

 You must confirm cleanliness for each equipment before use.

 You must assemble the equipment and use safely and hygienically during preparation.

 Your trainer will confirm your knowledge and skills to operate these equipment effectively as per standard operating procedures

 You must select and identify suitable knife for precision cuts.

 You might require sharing some large equipment e.g. Ovens, salamander students will have access to 2 burners per students) One
equipment might be used for multiple dishes, please list the equipment under each item, also indicate which equipment is suitable for
cooking method and equipment specifications e.g. over can be gas oven, induction or Combo oven.
 You must follow environment friendly practices while using equipment

 You must maintain the condition of equipment while operating and make any minor adjustments if required.

 You must report any fault or hazard identified in the equipment and rectify it if safe to do so.

Part A: Menu Details

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Name of Dish No. of List equipment of correct type and size,

required for dish. (Provide all the
equipment being used for all the task
including knives)

Dish 1 2
Pork medallions Pan, pot, bowl, cutleries, measuring
Dish 2 Grilled sirloin steak 2 Measuring scale, pot, pan, bowl,
chopping board
Dish 3 Lamb schnitzel Chopping board, pan, pot,
cutleries, plates
Dish 4

Dish 5

Dish 6

Dish 7

Dish 8

Time Tasks Equipment specification and
cooking method (Include all
the cooking methods
equipment specification and

Kitchen description/ prep list distribution

Pork medallion
1. Using a meat bat,
flatten out the
pork to an even
thickness, about
5 mm
2. Lightly coat the
pork in flour.
3. Place the butter
in a pan over
heat. When the
butter is just
starting to

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4. shallow-fry the
pork quickly to a
light brown on
both sides
Remove the pork
and set aside to
keep warm.
5. Add the sliced
mushrooms and
sauté for about a
6. Drain excess fat
from the pan and
then deglaze the
pan with the
wine or sherry
and reduce by
7. Add the cream
and reduce
gently to the
Correct the
8. Return the pork
to the pan to
9. Serve the pork
onto a preheated
plate and coat
with the sauce.

4:30 Grilled sirloin steak 1. Preheat the bar grill,

one side on full heat,
pm one side on half heat.

2. Trim the steak of excess

fat and flatten to an
even thickness.

3. Rub the steak with oil

and place on the hottest
side of the grill to seal,
turning once to make
sure that it is sealed on
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both sides.

4. Season the steak with

salt and pepper and
then finish cooking the
steak on the slightly
cooler side of the grill
turning only once. Cook
to customer preference
and serve

6:30 1. Using a meat tenderizer,

pm Lamb schnitzel flatten out the lamb to
an even thickness
2. Crumb the escalope's
by dipping into the flour,
egg wash and
3. Place the butter and oil
together in a heavy-
based frying pan and
heat until the cooking
medium is hot. You can
test this by dropping a
few crumbs into the pan
and seeing if they sizzle
4. Place the crumbed lamb
into the pan, best side
down first, and fry until
golden brown. Turn the
schnitzel, using a pair of
tongs to avoid piercing
the flesh, and continue
to fry until a golden
brown color is reached
on that side.
5. Remove the cooked
lamb from the pan and
place it on absorbent
paper to drain.
6. To serve, neatly place
the lamb on pre-heated
service plates. Serve
each schnitzel with the
prepared lemon slices,
mixed salad and
hollandaise sauce.

8:30 Plates, cutleries, bow

pm Food dressing and plating

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

End of Service Procedure: Cleaning/ Sanitation

Task Task (e.g. cleaning floor or Tools used for cleaning Explain the Cleaning
equipment/dishwasher/stove etc.) (e.g. Detergent) method/process

Wiper, cling food

Keep all the remaining
Dry cleaning food well sealed and
kept at the proper place.

Floor mopping Mop bucket, Pick up all the waste

squeeze, soap, dust from the floor.Fill water
picker and soap in bucket and
mop floor by putting wet
floor sign.
Use squeeze if needed.
stove Pick up all the materials
Soap water, squeeze, from the table and use
wiper soap water on squeeze
on table and then wipe.
List three (3) Environmental consideration while using above equipment

1. Turn off the stove when not in use.

2. Use the food quantity correctly.

3. Minimize the usage of water.

Identify and report any faults or safety issue in equipment or rectify if safe to do so

Fault Reported

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Things to remember

 Use logical sequence for the tasks in both mise-en place and cooking  Some recipes may require
 Times are for guidance, may vary depending on the recipe/s adjustment
 “Clean as you go” will save
you time

Appendices 2 Prep.No. ___4_ Week No.___4


Unit code:

Note: You are required to complete this workflow plan for each skills Demonstration session and submit this
plan to your trainer at the end of each session as evidence for marking.

Student Name: Aarati Thapa

Student Id: 20220109
Unit name and Code: Meat

Date of Skills Demonstration: 09/02/2023

Equipment required for each Dish Notes:

 You must identify and select appropriate knives and other equipment for each dish.

 You must confirm cleanliness for each equipment before use.

 You must assemble the equipment and use safely and hygienically during preparation.

 Your trainer will confirm your knowledge and skills to operate these equipment effectively as per standard operating procedures

 You must select and identify suitable knife for precision cuts.

 You might require sharing some large equipment e.g. Ovens, salamander students will have access to 2 burners per students) One
equipment might be used for multiple dishes, please list the equipment under each item, also indicate which equipment is suitable for
cooking method and equipment specifications e.g. over can be gas oven, induction or Combo oven.
 You must follow environment friendly practices while using equipment

 You must maintain the condition of equipment while operating and make any minor adjustments if required.

 You must report any fault or hazard identified in the equipment and rectify it if safe to do so.

Part A: Menu Details

Name of Dish No. of List equipment of correct type and size,

required for dish. (Provide all the equipment
being used for all the task including knives)
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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Dish 1 2
Osso bucco Chopping board, bowl, measuring
scale, cutleries, plates
Dish 2 Herb crusted rack of lamb 2 Measuring scale, chopping board,
bowl, cutleries, thermometer
Dish 3 Roast leg of pork Thermometer, chopping board,
Dish 4 Pan seared kangaroo Chopping board, bowl, cutleries,
thermometer, bowl
Dish 5

Dish 6

Dish 7

Dish 8

Time Tasks Equipment specification and cooking method
(Include all the cooking methods equipment
specification and usage)

Kitchen description/ prep list distribution

1. Dust and coat the veal with flour

pm Osso bucco 2. .
In a heavy-based frying pan, heat the
butter and oil and fry the veal until lightly
colored. Remove them from the pan and
lay them out in a suitably sized braising
dish (brassiere).
3. Sweat (cook without color) the onion and
garlic in the frying pan, add the tomato
paste and mix together.
4. Deglaze the pan with the wine and reduce
by 1/3.
5. Add the beef stock and mix all ingredients.
Pour the liquid over the veal to halfcover
the meat

6. Add the bouquet garni and bring to the

boil. Cover and cook in a preheated oven
at 180 °C for 40 minutes. Check
consistency, turn the meat over and return
to the oven for a further 30 minutes or until
the meat is just cooked.

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7. Serve the meat on preheated plates.

Garnish with Lemon rind and chopped

1. Prepare the lamb racks by trimming and

removing all fat and sinew between the rib
bones. Scrape the entire exposed surface
4:30 Herb crusted rack of lamb of each rib with the tip of a boning knife
pm until the bones are smooth.
2. Trim the layer of fat over the main meat
area to approximately 1 mm. Score the
trimmed fat in a crisscrossed trellis fashion
to a depth of approximately 2 mm.
3. Season the meat, brush with oil and seal
all surfaces on a grill or in a hot fry pan.
Set aside to cool slightly.
4. Spread a layer of mustard over the fat side
of the meat, taking care not to get any
mustard on the exposed bone.
Mix the breadcrumbs and chopped herbs
(chives, parsley, basil, oregano and
rosemary) together. Firmly press the
mustard coated surface into the herbed
crumbs until a thick layer adheres to the

5. Lay the racks on the bottom of a roasting

dish with the crumb side uppermost.
6. Baste the surface of the racks with
clarified butter and place in an oven
preheated to 180 °C until the lamb is rose/
medium and the breaded crust has firmed
and browned.

7. To serve, make four wreaths out of the

watercress and place one in the center of each
plate. Position the racks in the center of each
wreath and serve with a sauce.

5:20 1. Remove the bone from the leg of pork.

pm Roast leg of pork Open the boned leg out to form a
rectangle of even thickness. You may
need to trim meat from one area and move
it to another to do
2. To make the stuffing, place the butter and
onions into a sauté pan and sweat the
Place the fresh breadcrumbs into a bowl
and add the sweated onions and butter,
fresh and dry sage and orange rind. Mix all
ingredients together well and season to
taste. Add more breadcrumbs or liquid as
3. Arrange the stuffing in a line lengthwise
down the middle of the opened out leg.
Evenly and tightly roll the leg meat around
the stuffing and truss using butcher's net
or string.
4. Place the mirepoix and leg bone in the
bottom of a roasting dish as a trivet.
Position the boned and trussed leg of pork
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on the trivet and baste liberally with

cooking oil. Rub salt over the rind to help
make the crackling crisp.
5. Start to cook in a hot oven at 230 to 250
°C for the first 25 minutes to seal the meat,
basting frequently. Gradually reduce the
heat to allow the joint to continue to roast
without it becoming over-colored. Allow
approximately 35 minutes cooking time for
every 500 g or about 3½ to 4 hours. If
using an electronic meat probe. the core
temperature must reach a minimum of 80 °
6. When the meat is cooked, remove it from
the pan and set aside to rest in a warm
position for 20 to 25 minutes.
7. While the meat is resting, make a jus
using the wine, stock, corn flour and the
juices and sediment from the roasting pan.
8. To serve, remove the trussing string from
the meat. Using a sharp carving knife,
slice the meat following the directions
given in the resource. Allow approximately
160 g of meat per serve. Position the meat
neatly on the service plate, with a little
crackling. Pour a little just lie over the
meat and serve with appropriate
vegetables and apple sauce.

7:55 1. Mix the thyme, basil, garlic, salt, and oil

pm Pan seared kangaroo Medallions together in a flat dish. Put the kangaroo
medallions into the marinade and turn
them until they are well coated
2. To make the caramelized onions, melt the
butter in a sauté pan, add the sliced onion
and cook until they soften slightly. Add the
brown sugar and vinegar and cook slowly
until the onion starts to brown and
caramelize. Keep warm.

3. Remove the meat from the marinade,

taking care to keep as much of the herbs
sticking to the meat as possible, while
draining the oil.

4. Place the medallions on a pre-heated hot

frying pan) to seal on each side for 1
minute. Turn the heat down to continue
cooking to no more than medium /
5. To serve, place a portion of caramelized
onion in the center of the heated service
plates and neatly arrange two medallions
per portion on top. Garnish as desired

8:50 Food plating and dressing


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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

End of Service Procedure: Cleaning/ Sanitation

Task Task (e.g. cleaning floor or Tools Explain the Cleaning method/process
equipment/dishwasher/stove etc.) used for
Wipe Keep all the remaining food well sealed
r, and kept at the proper place.
Dry cleaning cling

Floor mopping Mop Pick up all the waste from the floor. Fill
bucke water and soap in bucket and mop floor
t, by putting wet floor sign.
squee Use squeeze if needed.
stove Pick up all the materials from the table
Soap and use soap water on squeeze on table
water and then wipe.
List three (3) Environmental consideration while using above equipment

1. Turn off the stove when not in use.

2. Use the food quantity correctly.

3. Minimize the usage of water.

Identify and report any faults or safety issue in equipment or rectify if safe to do so

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Fault Reported
Things to remember

 Use logical sequence for the tasks in both mise-en place and cooking  Some recipes may require
 Times are for guidance, may vary depending on the recipe/s adjustment
 “Clean as you go” will save
you time

Standard Recipe Card

Name of dish:     #:
Total Cost:     Portion size:  
Portion Cost:     Sale Price at  
( Food Cost)

Sales Price     Cost %    

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Weight Actual
Item Specification kg/l/Unit Cost per kg/l/Unit cost



Prepare the following dishes to the criteria set out below:

Dish to be prepared & Method(s) of Major food Accompaniment

Preparation process cookery applied groups used

Sauce/ Starch/
Vegetable/ Garnish
Not Yet

Dish 1:
baking Roundish

blanching Shell fish

Recipe name:
Thai Fish Cakes boiling Molluscs

No. of serves: braising Beef

deep-frying Pork 1. Time
 Prepared within
commercial time grilling Lamb 2 Aioli
constraints and deadlines
poaching Game 3 Salad Greens
 Reflected required
quantities to be
roasting vegetables
 Demonstrated portion shallow frying Other:
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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

control procedures (pan-fry, sauté or stir- ____________

 Responded to special fry)
customer requests and
dietary requirements steaming



Dish 2:
blanching Roundish

boiling Shell fish

Recipe name: Garlic prawns
braising Molluscs

deep-frying Beef 1. Rice Pilaf

No. of serves:
2________________ grilling Pork 2 Parsley

poaching Lamb 3 Lemon slices

 Prepared within
commercial time roasting Game
constraints and deadlines
 Reflected required shallow frying vegetables
quantities to be (pan-fry, sauté or stir-
produced fry) Other: Prawn
 Demonstrated portion
control procedures steaming
 Responded to special
customer requests and stewing
dietary requirements

Dish 3:
blanching Roundish

boiling Shell fish

Recipe name:
braising Molluscs
Rice pilaf
deep-frying Beef
No. of serves:
2________________ grilling Pork

poaching Lamb 1. Prawn

 Prepared within
commercial time roasting Game 2 Parsley
constraints and deadlines
 Reflected required shallow frying vegetables 3 lEMON
quantities to be (pan-fry, sauté or stir-
produced fry) Other:
 Demonstrated portion ______Rice___
control procedures steaming ___
 Responded to special
customer requests and stewing
dietary requirements

Dish 4:
blanching Roundish

boiling Shell fish

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

braising Molluscs
Recipe name: Osso Bucco with
mashed potato and buttered deep-frying Beef
grilling Pork
No. of serves:
________________ poaching Lamb 1. Lemon rind

roasting Game 2 Parsley

 Prepared within
commercial time shallow frying vegetables 3 Beef stock
constraints and deadlines (pan-fry, sauté or stir-
 Reflected required fry) Other:
quantities to be ____________
produced steaming
 Demonstrated portion
control procedures stewing
 Responded to special
customer requests and microwaving
dietary requirements

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

Dish 5:
blanching Roundish

boilsing Shell fish

Recipe name:
No. of serves: Beef
________________ deep-frying
 Prepared within
commercial time Lamb
constraints and deadlines
 Reflected required Game
quantities to be
produced vegetables
shallow frying
 Demonstrated portion (pan-fry, sauté or stir-
control procedures Other:
 Responded to special ____________
customer requests and steaming
dietary requirements


Note: Check list for the assessor in marking has been integrated in Moodle for each student
assessment. Please be reminded as well that you need to attach the photos before, during
and after the kitchen operation/ session which is a minimum of 3 photos per dish

End of Service Procedure: Cleaning/ Sanitation

Task Task (e.g. cleaning floor or Tools used for cleaning (e.g. Explain the Cleaning
equipment/dishwasher/stove etc.) Detergent) method/process

List three (3) Environmental consideration while using above equipment

1. Turn off the stove when not in use.

2. Use the food quantity correctly.

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KII4018 Prep 4 Assessment 2

3. Minimize the usage of water.

Identify and report any faults or safety issue in equipment or rectify if safe to do so

Things to remember

 Use logical sequence for the tasks in both mise-en place and cooking  Some recipes may require
 Times are for guidance, may vary depending on the recipe/s adjustment
 “Clean as you go” will save
you time

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