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Monday, November 19, 2012

Dear CEO/Executive Director, Developmental Services Agency,

Recently you received a letter from the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) regarding the
research our company, R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd., is conducting on the ministry’s behalf. The intent of the
research is to gather descriptive information about the people who receive MCSS-funded non-residential
supports from developmental services agencies.

Your agency will complete an online survey for individuals who:

have a developmental disability

reside in Ontario
are at least 18 years of age
are receiving ministry-funded DS non-residential services and supports (or are open or active on an
agency caseload to receive services) by your agency at the time that you are responding to the survey.

DS non-residential services and supports are those funded under the below ministry detail codes:

DS Caregiver Respite Supports (9130)

DS Community Participation Services and Supports (9131)
DS Specialized Services - Adult Protective Services (8888)
DS Professional or Specialized Supports (9132)
DS Employment Supports (8871)
DS Self Managed Support – Direct (9134)*
DS Self Managed Support – Indirect (9136)*
Vocational Alternative Supports (8868) [Note: Only report individuals with a developmental disability]

*Individuals that were formerly receiving service under Special Services At Home (SSAH) and are now
receiving services under the Passport program are included.

Individuals that are not included in the survey are:

Individuals receiving services only through the use of funding sources other than MCSS Developmental
Services (e.g., fundraising, other government funding, etc);
Individuals that, by the agency’s definition, are inactive or closed on the defined collection date/period;
Individuals waiting for services.

Yours sincerely,
A password-protected online form has been developed for you to enter the information about the people who
receive MCSS-funded non-residential supports from your agency. The form is located on Malatest’s secure
website at:

The survey is to be completed by January 31, 2012. Attached is a paper copy of the survey to guide you in
compiling the necessary data to fill in the online form. It is for reference purposes only. Agencies must begin by
completing survey sections A to E using the online form in order to determine which sections of the survey
require completion for each individual. Using the hardcopy of the survey to compile the information (without
using the online survey) may result in agency staff collecting information that will not be required. A user
guide is attached to assist you as you begin the survey, as well as the ministry’s Questions and Answers

Should you have any difficulties using the online form, please contact the help desk for this project:

Jordan Lamb
Research Analyst
R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd.

Further questions regarding the research project should be directed to:

Sal Marrello
Manager, Information Policy and Integration Unit
Policy Research and Analysis Branch
Ministry of Community and Social Services
3rd Floor, Hepburn Block
80 Grosvenor St.,
Toronto, ON, M7A 1E9

Thank you for your assistance with this work.

Yours sincerely,

Kieran Handmer
R. A. Malatest & Associates Ltd.

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