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Form 2B

Informed Consent Form



Name of the Researchers:

Ma. Theresa Estallo
Rhada Carmela Lamintao
Emerose Paderog
Sheik Marie Pangan
Res Jayca Sacuram

Title of the Study: The Effects of Metrosexual Advertisements on the Self-esteem among Male
College Students

I. Introduction
Good day! We, Sheik Marie D. Pangan, Res Jayca P. Sarucam, Emerose L. Paderog,
Ma. Theresa T. Estallo and Rhoda Carmela Lamintao, a students of BS in Psychology at Holy
Cross of Davao College are currently conducting an Experimental Research entitled The Effects
of Metrosexual Advertisements on the Self-esteem among Male College Students.
We will help to identify the effects of metrosexual advertisements on the self-esteem among
male college students and its underlying factors. Also, if you have questions regarding this
study; feel free to ask the researchers because we will try our best to answer all of them. We
have listed our contact information below.

II. Purpose of the Research

The main purpose of this study is to know if being exposed to some metrosexual
advertisements has an effect on a person’s self-esteem.

III. Type of Research Intervention

In gathering of data, we will be adapting a standardized questionnaire called
“Appearance Schema Inventory- Revised (ASI-R) which contains questions concerning to the

IV. Participation Selection

You are being invited to participate in this research considering your fit in the participant
criterion and the results of this study will benefit you greatly.
V. Voluntary Participation
Your participation is absolutely voluntary. We will respect your decision whether you
participate or decline our invitation. When you have agreed to participate but felt uncomfortable
during the research proper, you have the right to withdraw your participation and may request
that the information you provided will not be used in the research study.

VI. Procedures
The procedure of the study, we will be utilizing the most convenient medium for
communication. Through Messenger, the chosen participants will all be gathered and they will
be provided a google class codes for you to enter the Google Classroom. Google Classroom
and Messenger are convenient for us to conduct an organized experiment and have easy
access for any announcements to make sure that their participants will always be informed and

In conducting the experiment, in the first week, you should answer the pretest exam and
after a week we will be exposing them to watch some videos regarding metrosexual
advertisements through Google Meet expose as one-group, after one (1) week of intervention,
the participants should answer the posttest exam.

VII. Duration
The duration of the entire experiment will be a total of 140 minutes and we will only need
10 minutes of your time for one (2) week.

VIII. Risks
The risk of the study is the amount of internet connection data to be consumed during
the experimentation, and expenses.

IX. Benefits
The benefits include being able to expand one’s knowledge and understanding
regarding the topic being studied and having the opportunity to take part in a study wherein
others can also learn.

X. Reimbursements
To express the researchers' gratitude and appreciation for your time and effort in taking
part in this research study, a token of appreciation shall be given to you after completing the
duration of the experiment. To compensate for the amount of data used during the
experimentation, we will include a 30-peso load and a certificate of participation.
XI. Confidentiality
All information we gathered shall only be used for research purposes. Your names will
be made anonymous, there would be no identifying information. Every effort will be made by the
researchers to preserve the respondents' confidentiality such as assigning code names or
numbers for respondents to ensure anonymity and all notes and any other information will be
kept safely in personal possession of the researchers.

XII. Sharing the Results

Research studies and scientific research are conducted in order to provide results that
will help with social, professional and scientific evolution. Gathering data and information and
analyzing them is the only way for a researcher to come to a conclusion. Therefore, the results
of this study will be shared through publications, conferences, and other different platforms.

XIII. Right to Refuse or Withdraw

Your participation is absolutely voluntary. We will respect your decision whether you
participate or decline our invitation. You may stop participating and/or responding to the
research experiment at any time you want.


Researchers: Contact Number:
Ma. Theresa Estallo 0950-556-7721
Rhada Carmela Lamintao 0967-842-4034
Emerose Paderog 0906-231-3831
Sheik Marie Pangan 0919-286-3133
Res Jayca Sacuram 0955-046-3580
This section is mandatory.

I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have had the
opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions I have been asked have
been answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this

Print Name of Participant:

Signature of Participant:
Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]:


I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and to the
best of my ability made sure that the participant understands that the following will be

1. Answering of the survey form questionnaire

2. Signing up the informed consent as one of the potential participants
3. Reading and following the instructions that will be given using Messenger and Google
4. Answering the pretest standardized questionnaire
5. To finish watching 5-7minutes duration of videos for one week
6. Answering the posttest standardized questionnaire

I confirm that the participants were given an opportunity to ask questions about the
study, and all the questions asked by the participants have been answered correctly and
to the best of my ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into giving
consent, and the consent has been given freely and voluntarily.

A copy of this Informed Consent Form has been provided to the participant.

Print Name of Researcher or Person Taking the Consent: _______________________

Signature of Researcher or Person Taking the Consent: ________________________
Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>: _________________________________________

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