Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

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Managing Organizational Explosions

During Digital Business Transformations

Performance improvements from digital business transformations require companies
to deal with four types of disruptive organizational changes, which we call “explo-
sions:” changing Decision Rights, adopting New Ways of Working, performing Orga-
nizational Surgery and creating a Platform Mindset. For these explosions to create—
rather than destroy—value, they need to be carefully designed, and their impacts
anticipated and managed. We provide five recommendations for digital leaders on
how to handle the explosions, by drawing on four case studies of companies on distinct
transformation pathways.1,2

Nick van der Meulen Peter Weill Stephanie L. Woerner

MIT Sloan School of MIT Sloan School of MIT Sloan School of
Management (U.S.) Management (U.S.) Management (U.S.)

Four Pathways to a Digital Future1,2

The digital transformation imperative is real. Yet while digital transformation is now a
top management priority at most companies, the vast majority of executives consider their
company’s digital maturity as early stage.3 Particularly challenging is that this transformation
is not primarily about technology; it requires a business transformation that leverages digital
capabilities to implement a step-change in delighting customers (i.e., improving the customer
experience), while simultaneously reducing costs (i.e., improving operational efficiency).
Companies that successfully transform both dimensions are able to outperform their peers by
an average of 16 percentage points above industry-adjusted net margins.4
Digital business transformation is hard work: large companies have typically developed
a wide range of products and services over many years, supported by an ingrained and non-
digital culture. These products and services are often organized in silos that are interconnected
by a complex web of processes, practices, systems and data. This complexity (often described
as “spaghetti”) makes it hard for employees to deliver value, resulting in a fragmented and
frustrating experience for customers.

1 Varun Grover is the accepting senior editor for this article.

2 The authors thank Varun Grover and the members of the review team for their thoughtful feedback and guidance throughout the
review process. We also gratefully acknowledge the support and contributions of the Research Patrons and Sponsors of the MIT
Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (CISR).
3 Kane, G. C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A. N., Kiron, D. and Buckley, N. “Coming of Age Digitally: Learning, Leadership, and
Legacy,” MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte Insights, June 2018, available at
focus/digital-maturity/coming-of-age-digitally-learning-leadership-legacy.html This report is based on a survey of 4,352 business
executives, managers and analysts from organizations around the world.
4 Weill, P. and Woerner, S. L. “Is Your Company Ready for a Digital Future?,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter 2018, pp.

DOI: 10.17705/2msqe.00031
September 2020 (19:3) MIS Quarterly Executive 165
Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

Figure 1: Four Digital Transformation Pathways

Our research identified four transformation company or subsidiary that isn’t burdened with
pathways (summarized in Figure 1) that legacy processes and systems.
companies take to break free of the silos and To understand what it takes to succeed along
complexity and prepare themselves for the future. the different digital transformation pathways,
Pathway 1 focuses on addressing the operational we conducted a multiyear, multimethod study.
complexity through digital industrialization (Our research methodology is described in the
and standardization, which makes it easier to Appendix.) By analyzing survey data provided
improve the customer experience by reusing by senior leaders representing 400 companies
modular business capabilities. Companies worldwide, we learned that most companies were
following this pathway ultimately have the best still looking for ways to move away from their
financial performance, but it can take years to complex “silos and spaghetti” state. On average,
build reusable capabilities and the customer these companies were 35% complete on the
experience. Meanwhile, existing competitors and journey to transform both their operational and
disruptive new entrants may force a company to customer experience capabilities.
take one of the other transformation pathways.5 The good news is that progress along any
Companies may first need to focus on of the four pathways is beneficial in terms of
customer initiatives by creating integrated, well- financial performance, though each pathway
designed user experiences and offerings while yields different results on net margin and revenue
hiding their operational complexity (Pathway 2). growth relative to competitors. The bad news is
Alternatively, they could follow Pathway 3 and that no matter the chosen pathway, a company
attempt to address both their operational and will have to deal with difficult organizational
customer experience capabilities iteratively. Or changes to develop new operational and
they could choose not to transform the current customer experience capabilities. We call these
organization but instead follow Pathway 4, which changes “organizational explosions,” because
means they would create a new future-ready that’s what they feel like to those that have to
deal with them. They are significant, disruptive
changes that affect most of a company’s
5  For more details on the pathways and how they affect financial  customers, employees and partners. We identified
performance, see Weill, P., Woerner, S. L. and van der Meulen, N. four types of organizational explosion:
“Four Pathways to ‘Future Ready’ that Pay Off,” The European Busi-
ness Review, March-April 2019, pp. 11-15. 1. Changing Decision Rights

166 MIS Quarterly Executive | September 2020 (19:3) | © 2020 University of Minnesota
Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

2. Adopting New Ways of Working identified the most important challenges

3. Performing Organizational Surgery and practices within our four overarching
4. Creating a Platform Mindset organizational explosion themes: Decision Rights,
These explosions are not new; some have New Ways of Working, Organizational Surgery and
challenged companies for decades. However, of Platform Mindset.
all the organizational changes that companies
Changing Decision Rights
can engage in as part of their digital business
Given that transformation is about changing
transformation efforts, we found that these
what a company had before and how it got to
four types are the most critical and required for
where it now is, this first type of organizational
transformation progress. For these organizational
explosion is typically about changing who
explosions to create—rather than destroy—value,
makes and is held accountable for key decisions.
they need to be handled carefully, with their
Examples are: who decides when to change
impacts anticipated and managed.
a process, which projects to fund, and what
In this article, we describe four in-depth
products to discontinue and launch.
cases—one for each of the transformation
Specifying decision rights has long been
pathways: Tetra Pak (a food packaging company),
a key component of effective IT governance,6
CEMEX (building materials), KPN (telecoms)
but now extends beyond the IT department
and Domain Group (real estate). Although each
to envisioning, provisioning and using digital
company experienced all four explosions, there
technology throughout the entire company.
were differences in how they were handled and
Rather than focusing on generating value through
in the order in which they were addressed. The
business-IT alignment, companies focus on
article concludes with five recommendations
moving toward a state of business-IT cohesion,
for those leading these exciting and daunting
where technology becomes pervasive and thus
rooted in the very fabric of the company.7 As such,
reaching agreement on the scope and priorities
Requirements for of digital business transformation efforts and
Transformation Progress getting the right people to lead key areas of the
The transformation journey requires new company become crucial. These changes are
or improved organizational capabilities. typically accompanied by a significant revision of
Operationally, companies become modular and performance metrics, incentives, budgets, policies
agile, automating core processes, refining their and approval processes, which heavily influence
process orientation (identifying the best way the power dynamics within a company.
to do each business process) and leveraging
data and technology to drive efficiencies. They Adopting New Ways of Working
also build customer experience capabilities Achieving digitally enabled transformation
focused on meeting customer needs rather than also requires rethinking how work is performed.
pushing particular products. Customer data Companies have long taken advantage of new
becomes a strategic asset (i.e., it needs to be technologies for automating some aspects of
shared and made available to all those in the work and improving productivity. Real value,
company who need it), as does partnering more however, stems from redesigning work to create
effectively to either orchestrate or participate new sources of value for customers and the
in digital ecosystems. The goal is to become the
go-to destination for customers by providing
an integrated (multiproduct and multichannel)
customer experience. 6 See, for instance: 1) Sambamurthy, V. and Zmud, R. W. “Arrange-
In our research, we investigated the ments for Information Technology Governance: A Theory of Multiple
Contingencies,” MIS Quarterly (23:2), June 1999, pp. 261-290; and
development of these capabilities by interviewing 2) Weill, P. and Ross, J. W. IT Governance: How Top Performers
over 50 senior executives who were driving Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results, Harvard Business
their companies’ digital business transformation School Press, 2004.
7 Peppard, J. “Rethinking the Concept of the IS Organization,”
journeys. The analysis of these interviews Information Systems Journal (28:1), January 2018, pp. 76-103.

September (19:3) MIS Quarterly Executive 167

Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

business.8 Companies have, for instance, started Creating a Platform Mindset

to cocreate products and services with customers, The fourth type of organizational explosion—
engage in test-and-learn experimentation, creating a Platform Mindset—produces (reusable)
encourage more evidence-based behaviors and digital services that enable the company to
set up cross-functional teams that work in more innovate and scale its operations and offerings
iterative and agile ways. quickly.11 The platforms typically provide
These new ways of working also require digital services that exploit the company’s key
companies to pay more attention to the employee capabilities. These platform services may be
experience. Top performing companies have geared toward:
made the work environment (physical, virtual • Internal operations (with the goal of
and organizational) more adaptive to the needs automating processes and speeding up in-
of employees and fostered collective work habits house product and service development)
that not just enable employees to work more • External developers (offering what makes
effectively but also in more empowered and the company great as modular, digitally
innovative ways.9 enabled services)
• Customers (providing multichannel
Performing Organizational Surgery distribution platforms)
Also known as restructuring or reorganization, • Other stakeholders in the industry
this type of organizational explosion involves (enabling ecosystem creation).12
changes that remove organizational complexity
and help the business focus on integrated Four Cases of Digital Business
customer offerings. Most companies have
gone through different forms of occasional Transformation Journeys
organizational surgery for decades; it helps Table 1 summarizes our four case companies.
prevent inertia, can reduce the cost base and Each company designed the organizational
supports changes in strategic direction in explosions differently—but all four types
response to a major industry transformation.10 of explosion were essential to their digital
Organizational surgery typically involves transformation efforts. The journeys we describe
reworking business processes, integrating started between three and six years ago and are
company silos and (more recently) flattening ongoing.
hierarchies, along with corresponding revisions Each company has already achieved
of functional roles and reporting lines. One bank considerable cost savings and/or improved
we studied, for instance, combined operations, customer experience. Tetra Pak’s Industry
IT and most of its product divisions into a single 4.0 efforts radically improved plant efficiency,
group called engineering banking services. The resulting in several prestigious manufacturing
bank’s CEO explained that: “in the digital area innovation and excellence awards.13 CEMEX
these three capabilities are the same, and we achieved 96% global recurring customer
should stop spending time and money on aligning adoption of its new CEMEX Go platform
them.” within 18 months. CEMEX Go, recognized as
a groundbreaking supply chain management
concept that revolutionizes the customer
11 A digital platform “standardizes and automates [core business]
8  Hagel, J., Schwartz, J. and Wooll, M. “Redefining Work for New  processes, thereby increasing reliability, decreasing operational costs,
Value: The Next Opportunity,” MIT Sloan Management Review, and ensuring quality,” as per Weill, P. and Ross, J. W. IT Savvy: What
December 2019. Top Executives Must Know to Go from Pain to Gain, Harvard Busi-
9 Dery, K., Sebastian, I. M. and van der Meulen, N. “The Digital ness Press, 2009, p. 16.
Workplace is Key to Digital Innovation,” MIS Quarterly Executive 12 For more on platform ecosystems, see Van Alstyne, M. W.,
(16:2), June 2017, pp. 135-152. For more information on employee Parker, G. G. and Choudary, S. P. Platform Revolution: How Net-
experience, see Dery, K., Sebastian, I. M., and van der Meulen, N. worked Markets Are Transforming the Economy – and How to Make
Employee Experience: Enabling Your Future Workforce Strategy, Them Work for You, W. W. Norton & Company, 2016.
Research Briefing (18:9), MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems  13 Between 2016 and 2018, Tetra Pak received “Total Productive
Research, September 2018. Maintenance” awards for 20 manufacturing facilities worldwide
10  Girod, S. J. G. and Karim, S. “Restructure or Reconfigure?,”  from the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (for an overview of the
Harvard Business Review, March-April 2017. awards and categories, see:

168 MIS Quarterly Executive | September 2020 (19:3) | © 2020 University of Minnesota
Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

Table 1. Summary of the Four Digital Business Transformation Cases

Case Platform Tetra Pak CEMEX KPN Domain Group
Employees (FTE,
25,488 42,024 12,431 850
€11.2 billion Mex$276.9 billion €5.6 billion A$357.3 million
2018 Revenue
(US$12.3 billion) 16 (US$12.1 billion) (US$6.2 billion) (US$235.7 million) 17

Food packaging and

Industry Building materials Telecoms Real estate

Pathway 2: Focus Pathway 3: Focus

Pathway 1: Focus Pathway 4: Create
first on improving alternated between
first on improving a new future-
customer experience operational
Transformation operational ready company by
by building a multi- efficiency and
approach efficiency through separating from
device customer customer experience
smart manufacturing parent company
integration platform (Simplification and
(Industry 4.0) Fairfax Media
(CEMEX Go) Innovation)

1. Platform 1. Decision Rights 1. Decision Rights 1. Decision Rights

Mindset + New Ways of 2. New Ways of + New Ways
Order of 2. Decision Rights Working Working of Working +
organizational 3. Organizational 2. Platform 3. Platform Organizational
explosions Surgery Mindset Mindset Surgery
4. New Ways of 3. Organizational 4. Organizational 2. Platform
Working Surgery Surgery Mindset

experience in the building materials industry, Pathway 1 (Industrialization and

now processes 45% of the company’s total global Standardization): Tetra Pak1617
sales.14 KPN’s transformation resulted in €570
million ($621 million) in cost savings and a Net “Our starting point is strong. We already
Promoter score (NPS) improvement of 20 points. have a range of industry-leading activities
And Domain Group developed a popular mobile- underway in the digital arena; we have put
centric platform15 that offers agility as well as a in place a single shared platform on which
lower cost base, ultimately resulting in an IPO we run our entire global business; and we
that exceeded both its equity value at former have lean and modern IT operations in
parent company Fairfax Media and projected many areas that provide a solid foundation
valuations by analysts. on which to use information as a strategic
asset.” Dennis Jönsson, Chief Executive
Officer, Tetra Pak18
14 The disruptive success of the CEMEX Go platform in the build-
ing materials industry, which has been recognized by LOGISTIK Tetra Pak, part of the privately owned Tetra
HEUTE through the Supply Chain Management Award 2018, has
led CEMEX to further monetize the platform by licensing it to other
Laval Group, is a global market leader in aseptic
global industry participants. For more information on the LOGISTIK food and beverage carton packaging, with a total
HEUTE award, see:– 2019 annual revenue of €11.5 billion ($12.6
15 Domain has received numerous awards for the design and func-
tionality of its real estate app, which was awarded “Editor’s Choice” 16 All currency conversion rates as of May 2020.
on Google Play, and named one of Google Play’s Best Local Apps 17 Revenue numbers pro-forma for FY18, as Domain separated
for 2016. For more information, see “Google Play names 2016’s from Fairfax Media Ltd. (now: Nine Entertainment Co.) on 22
best property app,” Real Estate Business Newsletter, December 16, November 2017.
2016, available at 18 Tetra Laval 2016 2017, p. 18, available at https://tlcomprod2.

September (19:3) MIS Quarterly Executive 169

Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

billion). While packaging is its biggest source of Unfortunately, the platform also added
revenue—the company produces over 180 billion complexity for customers: Tetra Pak had unified
packages a year—it also offers food processing plant management, but not its customer journeys.
and adjacent services. During their end-to-end journeys, customers still
At the start of the 21st century, Tetra Pak had to deal with representatives from various
recognized the importance of operational processing, packaging and/or services units:
efficiency on a global scale. Rather than operating
as a collective of over 160 companies selling the “At some point it hit us: our customers
same base product, management focused on feel like they’re dealing with four or five
developing a coherent model driven by process different companies. They need us to act
automation and a single standardized ERP like one company, and here comes the
solution to become a global company selling in explosion on the map; we are not organized
over 160 countries. Then, in 2015, its strategy and to do that. We can say we are one company
IT departments recognized the potential impact all we want, but if we don’t change the way
of digital technologies that had become readily we meet the customer, it’ll never happen.”
available, such as social media, mobile, analytics, Mark Meyer, Chief Information Officer,
cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Tetra Tetra Pak
Pak’s digital transformation effort is focused
To improve its platform and further
on “Industry 4.0:” creating fully integrated
differentiate customer offerings in a competitive
collaborative systems that are more efficient
market, Tetra Pak steadily shifted its focus
and respond in real time to changing customer
from operational efficiency toward customer
demands and conditions in factories.
experience. This shift required two additional
The development of a unified plant
organizational explosions: first, there was a
management service that offers end-to-end
radical change in Decision Rights, which triggered
control of operations continued Tetra Pak’s
the need for Organizational Surgery.
strategic focus on operational efficiency but
Rather than create a centralized customer
required a radical change—the company needed
experience division, Tetra Pak first realigned
to create a Platform Mindset. To handle this
decision rights with front-end units to improve
organizational explosion, Tetra Pak chose to
customer journeys across all of its touchpoints.
strategically partner with technology leaders
Cross-functional Key Account teams took end-
to guide the company on how it could best
to-end responsibility for customers locally,
use its data as a strategic asset, and to help
integrating interactions and leveraging deep
service-enable what makes the company great:
understanding of individual customer needs.
its plant operations. The platform focused on
This required changes to metrics and incentives,
three main areas: 1) connecting equipment
away from back-end efficiencies and cost savings
and devices for consistent provision of useful
(which became the responsibility of centralized
data across the company’s entire ecosystem; 2)
operational divisions) toward sales and Net
leveraging that data through advanced analytics
Promoter customer experience scores. Although
to forecast critical failures and conduct predictive
this approach helped solve some initial customer
maintenance; and 3) making the company’s
frustrations of dealing with multiple business
collective knowledge and expertise available to
units, it did not address the underlying business
employees globally by means of mobile devices
complexity and suboptimization. The packaging,
and augmented reality.
processing and services silos still existed, and
The technology providers were more than
Key Account managers had limited control over
suppliers: they understood Tetra Pak’s business
back-end operations—a key requirement for
and engaged in mutual learning. These strategic
further improvement of the customer experience.
partnerships were key in ensuring that the
That is why the company undertook a major
company could experiment (e.g., by using
reorganization (i.e., performed Organizational
Microsoft’s HoloLens smart glasses to aid service
Surgery) under the theme “one company, three
engineers across the globe) and execute its digital
strategy on a global scale.

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Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

Alongside the other organizational explosions, efficiencies (called the CEMEX Way), and
Tetra Pak is making steady progress toward a building a strong reputation for quality,
New Way of Working, where employees take a safety and materials innovation. For its digital
systems perspective of the business—focusing business transformation, however, it embarked
on what’s required to succeed as one company— on a journey along Pathway 2—using new
and how it approaches customers. Tetra Pak technological developments to reinvent its
initiated a large training program to raise customer experience rather than focus on its
awareness and understanding of key elements already excellent operational efficiency. The
of the transformation, including Industry 4.0 decision to prioritize customer centricity was
components, customer journey mapping and made in 2014, when newly appointed CEO
the agile methodology. The latter is especially Fernando Gonzalez made it part of the company’s
challenging for a company that has long new strategic direction. Helping customers
focused on efficiency and unified operations, as succeed became CEMEX’s second most important
employees are less inclined to use “test and learn” strategic imperative, after its long-standing
approaches: “Health and Safety First” policy.
This decision by the CEO was the first among
“[One of the] biggest challenges we’re several changes in Decision Rights, which
having is the change management with directly affected funding and project approvals
people. I’m not at all worried about the throughout CEMEX. Although the CEO was fully
technology. It will work well. It is to change involved in the digital business transformation
the way people work. That is going to be effort, he did not lead it by himself. First, he
tremendously difficult.” Goren Liden, IT delegated responsibility to three separate heads
Director, Tetra Pak of digital. Then, as the transformation grew
in importance, he moved the responsibility to
The New Way of Working explosion is ongoing,
shared ownership by the executive committee.
but Tetra Pak is already seeing early benefits
Simultaneously, the executive committee
from new and enhanced customer offerings. This
recognized that true customer experience
explosion has, for instance, created the capability
improvements required greater autonomy for
to print unique QR codes on packages, which
digital development teams, along with major
enhances quality assurance efforts and opens up
changes relating to New Ways of Working.
new promotional and tracking opportunities for
Blended learning and development programs
the company and its clients.
(which leveraged face-to-face training with
Pathway 2 (Integrated Customer online learning platforms) laid the groundwork
Experience): CEMEX for CEMEX’s digital business transformation.
Employees were made fully aware of the
“The future for our industry will be driven by company’s new strategic direction and the
the quality of the customer experience, not concepts, practices and tools needed to
just the quality of the products and services. implement that strategy. Particularly important
Our customers are increasingly expecting was the development of a “digital mindset,” which
to have the same kind of experiences in comprised five agile components:
working with businesses that they have in 1. A focus on customer centricity and
the consumer space.” Fernando A. Gonzalez, customer journeys
Chief Executive Officer, CEMEX 2. Iterative (time-boxed) work processes
CEMEX is a building materials company 3. Collaborative work habits that transcend
headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico. It silos and hierarchies
manufactures, distributes and markets cement, 4. Test-and-learn environments that foster
ready-mix concrete, aggregates and related experimentation
building materials in over 50 countries. Like 5. Embracing continuous change.
Tetra Pak, CEMEX has spent considerable This digital mindset supported a discovery
time improving its operations to gain global process, during which employees conducted

September (19:3) MIS Quarterly Executive 171

Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

customer interviews, panel discussions and sourcing/partnerships and CEMEX’s operational

customer surveys to identify customer pain backbone). These units also introduced new job
points in dealing with CEMEX. The primary functions (e.g., advanced global analytics and user
finding of this discovery process was an experience and design) and new local customer
unmet industry need for real-time information experience offices to consolidate local customer
and transparency to improve the decision- priorities.
making, productivity and operational control These organizational changes meant that
of customers. Employees therefore increasingly CEMEX Go could evolve beyond its initial
experimented with new customer-facing customer-facing goals. For example, the changes
initiatives and collaborated with technology enabled CEMEX to start supporting internal
partner IBM to develop new custom applications. operations, including components for CRM,
Executive education, as well as workshops on order fulfillment and analytics. CEMEX also
topics related to digital business transformation, service-enabled what makes the company
helped CEMEX’s senior leadership team to great (its products and efficient operations) by
develop a common language to guide and align setting up the CEMEX Go Developer Center. This
the company’s customer-facing efforts toward latest addition to the platform facilitates the
developing a single platform—CEMEX Go. connectivity of CEMEX processes with customers
CEMEX’s Platform Mindset focused on simplifying through the use of public and private application
and streamlining customers’ interactions with programming interfaces (APIs). The Developer
the company. Customers referred to CEMEX Go Center enables other companies to integrate
as a “one-stop shop,” a platform that allowed CEMEX products and services into their own
them to: seamlessly place, schedule or adjust an digital offerings and prepares CEMEX to set its
order; receive instant notifications of their order sights on its next goal: leading an ecosystem of
status; track delivery trucks in real time from construction materials partners.
the moment they leave CEMEX facilities; and
manage invoices and payments for those orders Pathway 3 (Developing Capabilities
from multiple devices (including computers, Iteratively): KPN
smartphones, tablets and smartwatches).
Following a speed-to-market approach, CEMEX “Technology is an essential part of who we
was able to quickly develop its customer-facing are and what we do. Everything we want to
platform and scale it worldwide. However, it soon achieve for our customers and society has
had to shift its attention and investments back an effect on our own business operations.
toward operational improvements: The KPN Simplification program and the
associated digital transformation ensure
“We had to push the brakes. We could not that we work in an increasingly uniform
continue evolving without taking care of manner across all our channels.” Eelco
some bugs and [back end] issues that were Blok, former Chief Executive Officer, KPN19
escalating to a level that was not healthy. If
we didn’t fix those, the adoption rate would KPN is a provider of information and
start to decline.” Fausto Sosa, Information communications technology (ICT) services in
Technology VP, CEMEX the Netherlands, serving consumer and business
markets with a range of products that include
The global rollout of CEMEX Go required mobile and broadband connectivity and cloud
standardizing many of CEMEX’s processes, services. As the Dutch market leader in mobile
solutions and (former) shadow IT efforts. telephony, KPN had over 5.5 million customers
Organizational Surgery facilitated this and employed approximately 13,000 FTEs in
standardization effort. CEMEX split its traditional 2018. Just five years earlier, KPN was under
IT department into a “digital enablement” significant financial strain. Strong competition
unit (comprising customer-facing projects,
analytics and the development of CEMEX’s 19 Everyone Connected: KPN Integrated Annual Report 2017, p.
2, available at
digital capabilities/platform) and a “global Quarterly%20Reports/KPN_Integrated_Report_2017_final.pdf. 
IT operations” unit (comprising data centers, Maximo Ibarra succeeded Eelco Blok as CEO of KPN in April 2018.

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Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

had reduced prices in saturated markets, to give up their individual change rights and the
regulations had capped termination rates CIO put all localized back-end transformations
and roaming fees, and over-the-top (OTT)20 (which had mostly been outsourced) on hold.
companies such as WhatsApp, Skype, Spotify and This freed up significant amounts of capital and
Netflix had eroded legacy revenue streams (from helped shift the focus toward creating New Ways
voice and text) while placing a heavy burden of Working that could deliver new customer
on network capacity.21 KPN needed to radically solutions.
improve both its operational efficiency and its Bringing developers and designers in-
customer experience nearly simultaneously to house energized innovation and brought IT
remain competitive, making the iterative Pathway development closer to the business. S&I relied on
3 its only viable option. specialized external firms to recruit “magnets”
At the start of the company’s transformation, to work at KPN—the very best digital talent in
a few customer experience initiatives—such a particular field who had the power to draw
as creating a single customer identity for other talent into the company. The unit also
digital services and improving the order- relocated from KPN’s headquarters in The
capture process—seemed especially promising, Hague to Amsterdam—a location that would be
with large potential returns. Unfortunately, more attractive to an international candidate
KPN’s distributed (and mostly outsourced) base—where it created a new and exciting
IT capabilities restricted the company from digital workplace. The difference was more than
immediately executing these initiatives: physical: new hires initiated a shift away from
traditional processing systems to open-source
“Our capabilities were horrible. We had and cloud-based environments and worked in
outsourced, offshored way too much. … If agile teams. This New Way of Working—internally
we really wanted to make the dream of a referred to as “Digital Craftsmanship”—enabled
digital telco come true, then we had to build more collective work habits, experimentation and
the capabilities ourselves.” Bouke Hoving, the development of the teams’ craft. Embedding
Chief Information Officer, KPN these agile practices within the existing corporate
governance proved challenging, however, because
Before KPN could pursue the goal of creating
S&I’s new way of working did not map to KPN’s
a better customer experience, it had to make
traditional reporting policies and management
several improvements to its operational
foundation—to first move toward the right on
its iterative pathway before moving up (see “The biggest explosion was our internal
Figure 1). This process started with changes in target to cancel all the steering committees,
Decision Rights: the CIO obtained a mandate from KPI spreadsheets, internal management
the CEO to form a transformation unit called letters, management layers, and also the
Simplification and Innovation (S&I), in which he corporate appraisal system—which were
could centralize all business process redesign, IT all big inhibitors for our staff.” Bouke
architecture and IT development capabilities. As a Hoving, Chief Information Officer, KPN
result, all commercial business unit directors had
S&I’s leadership therefore appointed
20 An over-the-top (OTT) media service is a streaming service of-
fered directly to consumers via the Internet. OTT companies bypass
“proxies:” individuals who maintained tight
cable, broadcast and satellite television platforms, the companies communication lines with the rest of the
that traditionally act as a controller or distributor of such content. company and ensured that S&I adhered to
While commonly applied to video-on-demand platforms, the term
also refers to audio streaming, messaging services and internet-based
KPN’s standard reporting requirements. This
voice calling solutions. eliminated unnecessary overhead for the agile
21 On average, European telecoms companies’ revenues declined teams, allowing them to learn (without fear of
by 33% between 2008 and 2017. For an overview of these economic
negative performance evaluations) from mistakes
developments, see: 1) The Mobile Economy – Europe 2017, GSMA,
October 17, 2017, available at occurring during the agile development process.
search/?- file=89a59299ac2f37508b252124726a1139&download; and  The changes initiated by KPN’s new talent
2) Mobile Economy Europe 2013, GSMA, September 5, 2013, avail- had a positive effect on the company’s bottom
able at 
25537f3bf708ffa34fabcdbf91&download. line and Platform Mindset. KPN decommissioned

September (19:3) MIS Quarterly Executive 173

Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

25% of its systems while replacing every legacy at the center of Australia’s real estate
platform and phasing out traditional software, ecosystem. By building on its core strength
replacing it with open source and cloud-based as a [property] listings business, Domain is
environments. Early in the transformation, S&I’s capturing new revenues from all aspects of
agile teams developed a “digital engine” that people’s involvement with property.” Greg
enabled API access to over 300 legacy services Hywood, Chief Executive Officer, Fairfax
from KPN’s back end, allowing developers to Media22
quickly realize new customer-oriented initiatives.
For instance, one of the first digital engine Domain Group is an Australian real estate
projects redesigned the process to reduce the in- media and technology services business. Starting
store order capture time for KPN’s popular quad- in the late 1990s as a print and online real estate
play bundle of services from 30 minutes to three. classified ads subsidiary of Fairfax Media (a large
S&I’s goal was to show results early and media conglomerate), it has since become a go-
often, thus demonstrating transformation to destination to inform, inspire and connect
momentum. Only after initial improvements to people throughout the entire property life cycle.
customer experience had been made did S&I Its ecosystem serves residential and commercial
set its sights on a greenfield transformation of real estate agents and includes partnerships
KPN’s operational backbone. A next-generation with complementary services companies to offer
business support system was introduced, further home loans, insurance services and residential
improving the APIs and enabling a second wave of utilities connections. Domain Group became a
customer experience improvements. publicly listed company on the Australian Stock
Before S&I migrated customers to the new Exchange in November 2017, creating A$0.75
operational backbone, it worked closely with billion (US$0.49 billion) of new value for majority
the commercial consumer unit—which had also shareholder Fairfax Media on its first day of
relocated to Amsterdam—to help rationalize trading. Such separation is a popular strategy for
KPN’s product portfolio. Together, the two units parent companies that have successfully followed
initiated Organizational Surgery, starting with a Pathway 4 of creating (or separating) new units,
two-year commercial product freeze. During this though this was not the initial goal of Fairfax
time, they cut 80% of KPN’s product offerings Media:
and harmonized processes among the remaining
“We didn’t decide immediately that
products. This simplification effort helped to
[Domain] would be separate. What we
break down internal silos and solidified the
decided was they should be separable.
company’s change of focus from products toward
From a technology point of view, you want
the customer.
to create strategic options; you don’t want
KPN’s digital business transformation is
technology to be a thing that holds back
ongoing, but over the course of four years,
your strategy.” Robyn Elliott, former Chief
the company greatly improved its operational
Information Officer, Fairfax Media
efficiency, reducing downtime by 90% and
achieving €570 million ($622 million) in savings The digital business transformation journey
(90% above the original target). Perhaps more of Domain started in 2012. As one of the many
importantly, the company strongly improved subsidiaries of Fairfax Media, it was traditionally
its customer experience—achieving an NPS regarded as a classified ads marketplace
improvement of 20 points. By mid-2018, KPN was extension of Fairfax’s publishing business. This
ready to lead innovation in the 5G era under new meant it faced the same operational efficiency
CEO Maximo Ibarra. and cost-cutting imperatives as the rest of the
company, which was grappling with declining
Pathway 4 (Creating a New Future- revenues across the media landscape.
Ready Unit): Domain Group
22 Consideration of Domain Group Separation, Media Release,
Fairfax Media Limited, February 22, 2017, available at https://
“Domain is well placed as it continues to
strengthen its platform and position itself main%20Announcement.pdf.aspx. Fairfax Media merged with Nine
Entertainment Co. in December 2018.

174 MIS Quarterly Executive | September 2020 (19:3) | © 2020 University of Minnesota
Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

Table 2. Overview of How the Four Case Companies Approached and Managed the
Organizational Explosions
Case Platform Tetra Pak CEMEX KPN Domain Group
Initial industrialization CEO is fully involved CIO obtained Appointed a
effort transferred in transformation: transformation separate executive
back-office decision primarily focuses mandate team for the new
rights from country- investments on unit, including
specific managing customer experience All business a newly hired
directors to initiatives process redesign, (entrepreneurial) CEO
centralized shared IT architecture and and a CTO
service functions IT developments
Moved responsibility transferred from Negotiation of
Realigned with from three heads of individual business decision rights
Decision Rights front-end units digital to executive units into a new for various
and Key Account committee digital unit (S&I) decision domains,
teams for complete most notably
responsibility for Management gave Canceled nearly all the technology
customers on a local up control to provide official reporting and infrastructure, with
level more autonomy to appraisal mechanisms the goal of making
digital teams for digital unit; use Domain separable,
Changes in metrics of “proxies” for not separate, from
and incentives: focus reporting and liaising Fairfax Media
on sales and Net
Promoter scores
Created training Created blended Insourced front-end Designated director
program on learning and talent (recruiting responsible for
digitalization and development “magnets”) for the employee experience
Industry 4.0 to foster programs to creation of 250 so- fostered work habits
systems perspective develop a “digital called “agile to the geared toward
of company and mindset:” customer- max” (autonomous, innovation and
raise awareness focused; iterative; cross-functional, progress; focus on a
of key elements of collaborative; empowered) teams sales (rather than an
transformation effort experimental; editorial) culture
New Ways of embracing Focus on employee
Working Gradual introduction continuous change craftsmanship and Instilled agile
of agile approaches continuous learning; methodologies
(where applicable) in Senior management customer focus; data and test-and-learn
product development aligned driven approaches for
and IT transformation speed-to-market
efforts through
participation in
executive education
and workshops

September (19:3) MIS Quarterly Executive 175

Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

Table 2 (Continued). Overview of How the Four Case Companies Approached and
Managed the Organizational Explosions
Case Platform Tetra Pak CEMEX KPN Domain Group
Reorganization to Split IT into digital Collaboration Corporate
integrate silos and enablement and between digital unit restructuring made
remove complexity: global IT operations (S&I) and commercial Domain one of five
“one company, three units consumer unit to major divisions within
businesses” dismantle internal Fairfax Media
Created local silos by rationalizing
customer experience KPN’s product Official separation
offices, along with portfolio (by 80%) from Fairfax Media
new functions in and harmonizing through IPO on the
advanced global processes Australian Stock
analytics, user Exchange (after five
experience/design, years)
digital architecture
and emerging
Strategic partnerships Standardized Developed an API- Re-platformed
with technology processes, solutions enabled digital engine technology
leaders to develop and (former) shadow to make legacy infrastructure onto
the best possible IT efforts for global services available to lighter, purpose-
Industry 4.0 solutions use every developer built technologies
for workforce, that leveraged
analytics and a single Developed an Platform microservices
plant management integrated multi infrastructure team
service for end-to- device digital replaced every legacy Developed an
Platform end plant control platform that offers platform and phased ecosystem for the
Mindset services along the out traditional entire property
entire (end-to-end) software in favor journey through
customer journey of open source partnerships and
and cloud-based acquisitions, serving
Made CEMEX Go environments multiple stakeholders
an open ecosystem (most notably
through APIs for Replaced IT spaghetti consumers and real
external developers with one new (and estate agents)
simplified) back-end

Although Domain slowly grew its customer Domain should operate as a standalone entity
base, which helped to offset declining publishing to accelerate its development and enhance its
revenues, it also substantially lagged behind flexibility. Because Domain’s sales and customer
industry leader Real Estate Australia (REA). culture fundamentally differed from its parent’s
Staying competitive required significant editorial culture, creating a separate unit made
investments—most notably in its technology the most sense.
infrastructure. To support Domain’s growth, Domain’s transformation journey started
the executive committee could, for example, with three types of (nearly simultaneous)
have agreed to investments in shadow IT organizational explosion—Decision Rights,
efforts. However, the committee decided that Organizational Surgery and New Ways of

176 MIS Quarterly Executive | September 2020 (19:3) | © 2020 University of Minnesota
Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

Working. Corporate restructuring made Domain to experiment with partners and customers
a standalone division within Fairfax Media, to create new solutions. Domain has now fully
alongside divisions such as Australian Publishing acquired some ecosystem partners and partly
Media, Digital Ventures and Fairfax Radio. The owns others, and is always on the lookout for
new division had its own executive team, which new ecosystem partners. Over the course of five
included a newly hired and entrepreneurial years, Domain’s digital business transformation
CEO and a chief technology officer. Together, had taken it from an estimated A$350 million
they negotiated local decision rights for (US$229 million) subsidiary to a A$2.2 billion
various decision domains, most notably for the (US$1.4 billion) success story for Fairfax Media.
technology infrastructure. The intention was for
Domain to pursue its own strategies, while still Summary of How the Four Case
providing scaling benefits to—and leveraging Companies Handled the Organizational
relevant centralized systems from—its corporate Explosions
parent. Fairfax Media’s cloud-based architecture Table 2 provides an overview of how Tetra
meant that costs were variable, allowing for Pak, CEMEX, KPN and Domain Group approached
flexible technology recharge. and managed the Decision Rights, New Ways of
Rather than drawing on external consultants, Working, Organization Surgery and Platform
Domain relied on Fairfax Media for back-office Mindset organizational explosions.
expertise, such as HR and internal auditing. In
terms of adopting New Ways of Working, Domain Recommendations for
drew heavily on its sales-oriented culture. In Designing and Managing
a few months, the 200-person unit was living
and breathing digital product life cycles and Organizational Explosions
bringing new features to market using test-and- IT vendors and market intelligence firms
learn approaches. Domain’s dedicated director of estimate that over 70% of digital business
employee experience focused on fostering work transformation efforts will fail to deliver
habits geared to innovation and progress. Over sustainable performance improvements.23
the next five years, these new ways of working We believe the four organizational explosions
enabled Domain to rapidly scale up its sales, account for much of the difficulty in realizing
product development and technology teams to performance improvements. The companies in
approximately 850 employees. our survey that still had to address challenges
With the right strategy, structure, agreements, related to three or all four of the explosions
funding, processes and work habits in reported (industry-adjusted) net profit margins
place, Domain could then focus on its key that were, on average, 7 percentage points
differentiator—its Platform Mindset. Initially, lower than those of companies that had no
the goal was to develop an innovative, mobile- significant explosion challenges to contend with.
centric customer solution that would serve Figuring out how to design these explosions—
as the go-to destination for both prospective and which to address first—is key. Based on
home buyers and real estate agents. However, our four case studies, survey and workshops
as Domain gained a better understanding of its for senior executives (see the Appendix), we
customer base (i.e., consumers and agents) it learned that there is no fixed order in which the
focused on creating a broader ecosystem for the four explosions are typically addressed along
entire property journey—from first dreaming of a each pathway. Each company experiences the
house to settlement and post-move-in. To achieve explosions slightly differently, depending on its
this, Domain replatformed its technology onto 23 See, for instance: 1) Maor, D., Reich, A. and Yocarini, L. The
lighter, purpose-built technologies that leveraged People Power of Transformations, McKinsey & Company, February
microservices. This lighter approach not only 10, 2017, available at
lowered the unit’s cost base but also offered more and 2) Findling, S., Rosen, M., Pucciarelli, J. C., Martin, S. and
flexibility, enabled ecosystem partners to plug Ng, S. IDC FutureScape: Worldwide CIO Agenda 2016 Preditions,
and play onto Domain’s platform, and provided a IDC, 2015, available at
huge motivational boost for development teams

September (19:3) MIS Quarterly Executive 177

Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

capabilities, competitive landscape, industry average of 12 percentage points lower, revenue

regulations, strategic goals and other company growth was 17 percentage points lower, and
characteristics. What we did find were patterns revenue from products and services introduced in
and good practices on how to address the the last three years (a measure of innovation) was
explosions. Based on these findings, we provide 16 percentage points lower.
the following five recommendations for those
leading digital business transformation efforts. Recommendation 2: Start by
Addressing Decision Rights
Recommendation 1: Hold Off on When companies hold off on restructuring,
Organizational Surgery they remain tied to silos and hierarchical
Digital disruption is a threat to nearly every structures in which typically only senior
company in every industry. Respondents to managers—far removed from customers—
our survey indicated that, within the next five accumulate enough information to make
years, an average of 33% of company revenues decisions. However, companies undergoing a
will be under threat. The response to this digital business transformation cannot afford
threat, however, is not to immediately shake up such drawn-out decision-making processes; they
organizational practices and silos through major need to identify and act on new opportunities
restructuring and reorganization. While radical to solve customer and organizational problems
organizational surgery can help companies quickly. Therefore, the best starting point for a
reach stated objectives in stable and predictable transformation journey is to address the Decision
markets, it is too slow and exhausting for the Rights explosion. The executive committee, for
start of a digital business transformation. instance, has to collectively decide on the long-
Restructuring solidifies practices and processes term vision for the company, define the scope and
and therefore detracts from a company’s ability priorities of digital transformation efforts (see
to experiment with new customer offerings and Recommendation 5), and give operational teams
respond to opportunities in agile ways. That greater autonomy to achieve the company vision
is why—for all pathways except the fourth— through innovation (within the boundaries set at
organizational surgery is best left as the final the executive level).
explosion. Such autonomy may seem counterintuitive
Our case studies show that once the Decision for companies on Pathway 1, which focuses on
Rights, New Ways of Working and Platform standardization as a foundation for delivering
Mindset organizational explosions have been customer experience improvements later, but
successfully managed, companies are better able Tetra Pak’s journey shows that greater autonomy
to define the structure that is required to solve and standardization are not necessarily mutually
lingering complexity and derive further business exclusive. By separating back-office from front-
and customer value. For Tetra Pak and KPN, that office decision rights, Tetra Pak’s executive
meant integration to remove internal silos; for committee ensured operational efficiencies
CEMEX, it meant splitting the IT unit into two through shared standards while simultaneously
separate entities and together with creating local providing its Key Account teams with the freedom
customer experience offices. to improve the customer experience locally.
Regardless of the nature of the structural Changes to budgets, incentives, (performance)
changes required, however, we found it pays metrics and other related governance
to hold off on Organizational Surgery. Carrying mechanisms made by the executive committee
out multiple rounds of restructuring is a sure served as additional guardrails to further guide
sign of not being clear about what is needed, coherent action of operational teams throughout
and companies in our survey that attempted the company.
Organizational Surgery without first addressing In our survey, approximately half of the
the other explosions performed worse on all companies actively addressed decision rights at
of our industry-adjusted performance metrics the start of Pathways 1, 3 and 4, compared with
than companies that waited until the end to only a third at the start of Pathway 2 (creating
restructure. Their net profit margins were an integrated customer experiences). Executives

178 MIS Quarterly Executive | September 2020 (19:3) | © 2020 University of Minnesota
Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

of Pathway 2 companies are more likely to seek these habits can’t be “bought.”24 Instead, new
customer experience improvements primarily habits have to be nurtured and supported
with the aid of outside support. By working with through training and the development of an
external vendors or newly acquired companies to adaptive work environment. Leaders at KPN,
gather great customer information and create a for example, didn’t instruct employees to adhere
multiproduct, multichannel customer experience, to the agile methodology or minimum viable
these companies may perceive there is less product approaches. On the contrary, employees
urgency for changing decision rights to empower became more agile and experimental because
internal teams. It is not until they encounter leaders and peers empowered and encouraged
reduced returns on their investments (and a them to continuously improve their skills and
greater cost to serve the customer) that they regularly adjust their physical, virtual and
“turn right” (as indicated in Figure 1) to focus on organizational environment to their changing
their operations and decision rights. work needs. Working in time-boxed sprints, for
However, the CEMEX case shows the value of instance, does little good if teams don’t have
addressing decision rights upfront—especially the tools they need to collaborate effectively or
when focusing on customer experience if they continuously struggle to find the right
improvements. In particular, this case shows information at the right time. The employee
the value of combining greater team autonomy experience must enable employees to sustain the
with new ways of working. The investment in development of new work habits.
training and support for new ways of working We learned that embedding new work
doesn’t just alleviate executive concerns that habits is particularly difficult for companies
greater autonomy inevitably ends in chaos, following Pathway 2, where developing
it leads to greater perceived effectiveness of customer-focused capabilities is prioritized
digital business transformations. We found that over operational capabilities. Just half of the
when both the Decision Rights and New Ways of Pathway 2 companies we studied considered
Working organizational explosions are addressed employee training and improving the employee
upfront, transformations are twice as likely to be experience as “important” or “very important”
perceived as “effective” or “very effective.” to their future success. The work complexity
resulting from a lack of investments in these
Recommendation 3: Invest in the areas means that employees have to make heroic
Development of New Work Habits efforts to deliver a great customer experience—
The biggest challenge to digital business which is not sustainable. A dedicated employee
transformation is that while technology changes experience officer (as in the Domain case)
quickly, ways of working do not. Digital business could help by raising employees’ concerns
leaders in our survey estimated that their at the leadership level, while simultaneously
transformation efforts will significantly affect improving transformational and organizational
67% of their employees, who will have to become outcomes. Leaders of companies that supported
accustomed to new systems, data and processes, the development of new work habits through a
and—most importantly—will need to adopt new better employee experience were three times as
work habits to ensure the transformation delivers likely to perceive their transformation efforts as
the expected performance improvements. “very effective.” 80% of these leaders reported
Adopting new work habits is not trivial, which that their corporate agility (significantly)
is why we argue that the New Ways of Working outperformed other firms in their industry.
explosion is best addressed early on—in
conjunction with the Decision Rights explosion.
We encourage companies to consider 24 We found that those companies that “bought” new habits by
employee work habits because they are an using the digital talent of freelancers, contractors and gig workers
actionable aspect of the elusive concept of for the majority of the IT workforce performed significantly worse 
than those that primarily relied on the development of internal (FTE)
corporate culture. It takes time to develop new talent. Their (industry-adjusted) net profit margins were 5 percentage 
work habits; significant investments are needed points lower; (industry-adjusted) revenue growth was 6 percentage
to embed them in the organization. Moreover, points lower; and revenue from products and services introduced in
the previous three years was 12 percentage points lower.

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Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

Recommendation 4: Build Platforms journey (regardless of the chosen pathway)

Incrementally and Holistically requires the involvement of the company’s entire
Successful digital business transformations leadership team. In our survey, transformation
leverage platforms that advance operational efforts led by CIOs or CDOs (chief digital officers)
efficiencies and reinvent customer experiences. were, on average, 27% complete; efforts led
But unlike the four cases described in this by the entire executive committee were 38%
article, only 21% of the companies in our survey complete and with the board involved this
were effectively offering certain core business number rose to 44%.
capabilities as (componentized) digital services. Leaders in our case study companies
Interestingly, over half of these companies had intuitively recognized the importance of business
followed Pathway 4 and created a new business leadership. CEMEX’s executive committee shared
unencumbered by legacy systems and data and responsibility for the company’s digital business
typically with a clear vision of an ecosystem transformation, Tetra Pak worked to become “one
business model that requires sharing digital company, three businesses,” and leaders from
services externally. KPN’s Simplification and Innovation unit worked
We recommend that companies following with their peers in the commercial consumer
the other pathways—struggling to develop unit to dismantle internal silos and increase
the underlying capability to support their KPN’s customer focus. Each of these companies
transformation—build platforms incrementally, found that if the scope of transformation efforts
underpinning the entire process with their is limited to the IT or digital unit, or efforts
learnings from the Decision Rights, New are led by these units, then transformation
Ways of Working and Organizational Surgery progress will be limited. The role of the CIO,
organizational explosions. For example, the CDO and other technology leaders is to ensure
CEMEX Go platform started out small, focusing the transformation involves the entire company,
first on enabling real-time tracking of delivery and to create a technology strategy that fits with
trucks via an app. But once employees had the company’s future vision. Technology leaders
adopted customer-centric work habits that must also help to shift the mental models of the
transcended silos and hierarchies, CEMEX could executive committee and board to become more
better identify customer needs and develop new digitally savvy and guide the company toward
components. The result was a “one-stop shop” more agile ways of working.
platform for the building materials industry,
which gradually evolved to serve internal Concluding Comments
employees and business partners as well. Companies are struggling to sustain
The good news is that there is no need to go performance improvements from their digital
through this platform evolution process alone: business transformation efforts. That is because
each of our four case companies relied on a few successful progress along the four transformation
strategic business partners that understood the pathways depends on how companies handle
business and were willing to engage in mutual the Decision Rights, New Ways of Working,
learning. What is important is that companies Organizational Surgery and Platform Mindset
do not lose sight of the need to create reusable organizational explosions they will encounter.
components rather than (one-off) point solutions The changes brought about by these explosions
for products and services. need to be designed and their impacts anticipated
and managed.
Recommendation 5: Involve the Entire
In this article, we have described the
Executive Committee transformation pathways followed by four
The breadth of impact of the four companies—Tetra Pak, CEMEX, KPN and Domain
organizational explosions means that digitally Group—and evaluated how they handled
enabled business transformation shouldn’t the organizational explosions. Drawing on
just be the IT department’s job. We found that the digital business transformation journeys
successfully addressing the explosions and of these companies along distinct pathways
making good progress on the transformation and on our other research, we have provided

180 MIS Quarterly Executive | September 2020 (19:3) | © 2020 University of Minnesota
Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

five recommendations for digital leaders. We interview lasted between 60 and 90 minutes
believe these recommendations—along with the and was recorded and transcribed to preserve
explosions concept and pathways framework— the richness and complexity of the data. We then
will inspire leaders in other companies to create coded the data using the four explosions concept,
a vision and a common language to structure while simultaneously looking for emerging
conversations about their transformation (alternative) patterns in the data.
approach and thus speed up transformation Finally, throughout 2018 and 2019 we
efforts that will result in sustainable performance presented the results from our research at
improvements. Without a common language and executive workshops in six cities (Amsterdam,
thoughtful handling of the four organizational Boston, Chicago, New York, Stockholm and
explosions, digital transformations are at risk Sydney). We found that executives could readily
of becoming yet another failed attempt to gain identify which transformation pathway they
competitive advantage. were following (or wanted to follow) and could
see how the four organizational explosions were
Appendix: Research Methodology required for progress on their transformation
journeys. In addition, we conducted over 40
This article is based on three studies workshops with senior management teams
we conducted at the MIT Sloan Center for or boards using the explosions concept and
Information Systems Research (CISR) between pathways framework. These workshops enabled
2015 and 2018. The first study drew on survey us to understand what works and doesn’t work
data (N=413) from a research project on digital at a particular company. The feedback from
disruption to structure exploratory discussions workshop participants was used to refine the
on digital business transformation with over 50 recommendations included in this article.
executives globally. During these discussions,
we inquired about the goals, challenges and About the Authors
best practices of their transformation efforts.
Our analysis of the emerging themes from these Nick van der Meulen
discussions resulted in the concept of the four Dr. Nick van der Meulen (
organizational explosions and the transformation is a research scientist at the MIT Sloan Center
pathways framework depicted in Figure 1. for Information Systems Research (CISR). He
In the second study, conducted in 2017, conducts academic research that addresses
we surveyed 400 digital leaders from every the challenges of senior-level executives, with
global region (31% of the companies were a specific interest in how companies need to
headquartered in North America and 28% in organize themselves differently in the face of
Europe). The survey was designed to quantify the continuous technological change.
four explosions using the challenges and practices
that emerged from the earlier discussions. Peter Weill
We also asked respondents to evaluate their Dr. Peter Weill ( is an MIT
operational and customer experience capabilities, senior research scientist and chair of the MIT
and included several questions about their Sloan Center for Information Systems Research
transformation approach and journey thus far. (CISR), which studies and works with companies
The third study, conducted in 2018, involved on how to transform for success in the digital
in-depth studies of the four case companies era. MIT CISR has approximately 90 corporate
described in this article to assess how our members globally who use, debate, support and
explosions concept could be applied to the four participate in the research. Peter’s work centers
pathways framework. At each company, we on the role, value and governance of digitization
conducted semistructured interviews with one in enterprises and their ecosystems. In 2008,
or more members of the executive team (typically Peter was recognized by Ziff Davis as no. 24 on
the CIO or the company equivalent) and a direct the “The Top 100 Most Influential People in IT”
report, asking them to openly share their digital list and was the highest-ranked academic.
business transformation experiences. Each

September (19:3) MIS Quarterly Executive 181

Managing Organizational Explosions During Digital Business Transformations

Stephanie L. Woerner
Dr. Stephanie Woerner ( is
a research scientist at the MIT Sloan Center for
Information Systems Research (CISR). She studies
how companies use technology and data to create
more effective business models and how they
manage the associated organizational change. She
is the co-author, with Peter Weill, of What’s Your
Digital Business Model? Six Questions to Help You
Build the Next-Generation Enterprise (Harvard
Business Review Press, 2018).

182 MIS Quarterly Executive | September 2020 (19:3) | © 2020 University of Minnesota

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