Ielts Writing Task 1 D NG Bài Total

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The graph below shows UK air pollutants, measured in milliions of tonnes, from three different
sources between 1990 and 2005.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison where

Body 2:
The amount of toxic fumes released from the transport sector started at 1 million tonnes, after which it
experienced mild fluctuations at this level, before increasing from about 1.2 million tonnes in 1999 to
shy of 3 million tonnes of 2005. Opposite changes, but to a lesser extent, can be seen in the figure for
household activities, which contributed to 1 million tonnes of air pollutants in the first 10 years,
followed by a progressive drop to almost 0 in 2005.
*shy of ~ less than
*progressive ~ developing or happening gradually

Body 1:
Just under 8 million tonnes of air pollutants were discharged from all three sectors, with a gradual
decline to 5 million tonnes at the end of the period. Similarly, the figure for the industry sector
decreased steadily from 6 million tonnes to exactly 2 million tonnes in 2005.

The quantity of pollution from all sources combined added up to just under 8 million tonnes in the first
year, after which it showed a gradual fall to around 5 million in 2005. Likewise, to a greater extent, the
figure for transport started at nearly 6 million tonnes at the beginning, before dropping steadily to less
than half of its starting point, at 2 million tonnes in the last year.

(Intro) The chart illustrates how many toxic gases were emitted into the atmosphere from three
different sources in the UK from 1990 to 2005.
Overall, there was a decline in the total amount of air pollution in the UK, which was the result of
decreases in the amounts of emission from industrial and domestic activities. In addition, the amount
of air pollutants released from transport vehicles saw an increase, surpassing the industry sector to
become the most serious polluter from 2002 onwards.

Overall, there was a decrease in the total amount of pollution as the figures for both industry and households
declined over the period. In addition, transport’s number generally increased over time and dominated pollution
levels at the end of the period.

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