Stars Are Big Ball of Burning Gases A Famillar Star Is Our Sun They All Release Heat and Light Energy in Space

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stars are big ball of burning gases a famillar star is our sun they all release heat and

energy in space… space probes carry instruments that travel into our space to gather information about
stars,palnet,moons and other heavenly bodies. they carry special cameras that photograph a heavenly
body under exploration.The first space probe was launched into space in 1957 this spacecraft was
known as sputnik 1 of the former ussr.

Astronomers study stars and other heavenly bodies,Scientist use scientific instruments to observe and
study heavenly bodies .

our Sun is a medium sized star. it is about 138000 kilometers across. but did you know that there are
other star bigger than our sun. one way to classify stars are by there size.Stars that a thousand of times
larger than the sun are called supergiants stars. betelgeus and Antares are supergiant stars.Stars
smaller supergiant but bigger than the sun are called the giantstars. capella and s Arcturus are example
of these stars.

stars contained hydrogen and helium.they also emit heat and light. Astronomers are studying wether
these star have planets and moons orbiting around them.stars you in the night sky are called distant

fan facts

stars twinkle planets do not

stars look like they twinkle due to turbulence in the earths atmosphere which causes our eyes to see the
stars as changing in brightnes and position.

death valley national park is designated as the largest dark sky national park in the U.S.A. perfect for

every star you see is bigger and brighter than our sun. the sun just apper to be the brightest star because
its close

stars have different colors depending on their temperature the hottest star are blue followed by white
yellow orange red and the coolest star are brown

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