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Joseph Ryan Belen BSBA 302

A. Given Cost Monthly Cost Equivalent

Monthly Salary 30,000 30,000


Employer’s contribution to government

(Monthly Salary × Contribution Percentage) 7.2% 2,160

Leave benefit

(Monthly Salary/No. of working days) 1 of 25 days 1,200

Healthcare cost per head in a month


Monthly Pension

(Monthly Salary × Pension Plan Percentage 3% 900

Total 35,260

B. Given Cost Monthly Cost Equivalent

Monthly benefit

Monthly Salary 30,000 85.08%

Employer’s Contribution to Government 2,160 6.13%

32,160 91.21%

Non - Monetary Benefit

Leave benefit 1,200 3.4%

Healthcare Cost per head in a month 1,000 2.84%

2,200 6.24%
Deferred Monetary Benefit

Monthly pension plan allocation 900 2.55%

900 2.55%

Total 35,260 100%


Total Employees 30

Cost per employee in a month 35,260

Total Labor cost per month 1,057,800

(Total employee’s x Cost per employee in a month)

Total Monthly Revenue 1,300,000

Labor cost percentage to sales 81.37%

(Total Labor cost per month/ Total Monthly Revenue)

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