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Bahasa dan Terminologi Hukum (HKUM4101)

Nama : Dimas Novarian Cahya

NIM : 042131804


Susunlah 5 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris  menggunakan istilah-istilah


1. Presumption of Innocence
2. Justice Collaborator
3. Contempt of court
4. Legal Standing
5. Shifting burden of proof


1. Presumption of Innocence
“One laudable change in the new draft is its omission of what was Article
28 in the January 2002 draft, which explicitly denied those detained
under the bill a variety of rights - such as a right to counsel and a
presumption of innocence.”

2. Justice Collaborator
“She is someone who they defined as a justice collaborator because
she has helped the main perpetrator in violating the laws”

3. Contempt of court
“The Attorney General has found that your brother contempt of court
by ignoring criminal subpoenas several times”
4. Legal Standing

“My Sister's political party has faced bad impacts from the law in our
country, so she's considering how much "injuries" in her participation are
required to properly do a legal standing, and hopefully it'll bring her to
the court.”

5. Shifting burden of proof

“In Civil Law, the burden of proof typically lies with the person making
the claim, Once the plaintiff has done, a defendant must be shifting
burden of proof again shifts back to the plaintiff to show that the
proffered "legitimate" reasons were pretextual.”

Sumber Refrensi
- Bahasa dan Terminologi Hukum (HKUM4101)
- my own sentence

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