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Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc.

San Francisco, Agusan del Sur

EL104- Language Programs and Policies in Multilingual Societies

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________

Year Level/ Section: ____________________________ Score: ____________

IV. Exercises and Learning Activities


Direction: Create a silhouette that shows the associations you have with the languages you speak. Write
a short description below.

II- Think about It

Direction: Write a reflection. How can you encourage children to use their L1 to help their learning in your
classroom? Do they feel comfortable to do so? Could you put more strategies in place to
the development of each child’s L1 alongside the language you are teaching?

V. Formative Test
Direction: Read and analyze the problem below.

1. What are the types of multilingualism? Explain and give example each
2. What is the relationship between the multilingual individual and the multilingual society? ...
3. What are the opportunities and challenges presented by multilingualism? ...
4. What are the types of bilingualism? Explain and give example each
5. What is the relationship between multilingualism and language learning?

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