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Centaur Command Line F/W Upgrade

These instructions use centaur-6 and version 4.6.16 as an example.

(Replace centaur-6 and 4.6.16 with required model and package
version as required)

1) Use SSH (or connect to serial port) to Login

Login: root
Password: dolphin18

2) Remove previous packages and older deploy files

● rm /var/upgrader/packages/centaur-6/*
● rm /var/upgrader/deploy/centaur-6/*

3) Use Filezilla (port 22) to transfer the firmware package to the following location.
● /var/upgrader/packages/centaur-6

4) Extract package and move to deploy folder (this is a single command line)
tar xzf /var/upgrader/packages/centaur-6/centaur-6-release-4.6.16.tgz
--strip-components=1 -C /var/upgrader/deploy/centaur-6

5) Execute install script

● cd /var/upgrader/deploy/centaur-6/ && ./

6) Change directory and run testcode script (this will cause a reboot)
● cd /var/upgrader/scripts/centaur-6/ && ./

7) Set default
● cd /var/upgrader/scripts/centaur-6/ && ./

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