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Certificate of

No: 01/VI/TOEFLITPabove500/2020

This is to certify that :

Jakfar Syodik
Has successfully completed National Online Seminar:
Road to ITP TOEFL > 500 , Learning of Basic
English for 1 6 0 minutes .

Yogyakarta, June 29th 2020

Nur Samsiyah Arief Setiawan, M.M.

Expert Tentor Founder of Telegram Group:
08 222 1999 212
Struktur Program
National Online Seminar: Road to ITP TOEFL >
500, Learning of Basic English
Yogyakarta, June 29th 2020
No. Materi Jam Pelajaran Keterangan
1 TOEFL Testand feedback. 15 menit Via Google Form
2 Learning of Basic English. 10 menit Link Youtube
3 Learning of: Tips and Trics ITP TOEFL International. 15 menit Link Youtube
4 Getting to know more on ITP TOEFL with Yose Rianugraha, S.Pd., 60 menit Via Google Meet and
M.Hum. relay facebook live
5 Learning of: E-book Materi Basic English dan Pembahasan Soal. 15 menit Via Google Drive
6 Learning of: E-book Modal Dasar Menguasai Bahasa Inggris. 15 menit Via Google Drive
7 Learning of: E-book TOEFL SURVIVORS. 15 menit Via Google Drive
8 Learning of: E-book Practice Exercises TOEFL BARRON 6th 15 menit Via Google Drive
TOTAL 160 menit


Arief Setiawan, M.M.

Founder of Telegram Group:

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