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A New Framework and Methodology for Digital Twin Development

Conference Paper · August 2021

DOI: 10.1109/INDUSCON51756.2021.9529701


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3 authors:

Matheus Antonio Nogueira de Andrade H. A. Lepikson

Universidade Federal da Bahia Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial


Carlos Alberto Tosta Machado

Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia


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A New Framework and Methodology for Digital
Twin Development
Matheus Antonio Nogueira de Andrade Herman Augusto Lepikson Carlos Alberto Tosta Machado
Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) Senai Cimatec University Center Senai Cimatec University Center
Salvador, Brazil Salvador, Brazil Salvador, Brazil

Abstract— Digital Twins can be defined as virtual copies of The digital twins can be classified in three subcategories
physical assets that interact in real time with their physical according to the levels of integration as follows:
counterparts. It is rated as one of the most promising
technologies in the Industry 4.0 context, but there are still • Model Twin: a digital representation of a physical
many gaps to be filled for this technology to become effective object which does not use any type of automated
and viable. This paper proposes a development methodology data exchange with the physical counterpart.
and a framework for the implementation of manufacturing • Shadow Twin: a step further in comparison with
process’ digital twins. The concept of Unit Manufacturing the model twin, it has a way of exchanging data
Process, that is the smaller part of an industrial process that automatically with the physical object, but the data
can perform a significant changing of the raw material, and the only goes in one direction, so that a change of state
modularity it brings to build digital twins facilitate the in the physical object represents a change of state
digitalization of an entire manufacturing process. The in the digital object, but not vice versa.
methodology was created to surpass generalization and
• Digital Twin: the higher level of integration, the
scalability problems and can be applied to discrete, continuous
data exchange happens in both directions, changes
and batch processes. Two digital twins of manufacturing
processes are being developed to serve as testbeds for the of states noted by the sensors in the physical object
methodology. The digital twin concept can be a very supportive are reflected in the digital object. The digital object
tool to enhance productivity. is also capable of changing the state of the physical
object through the actuators.
Keywords— digital twin; industry 4.0; manufacturing In the literature it is common to find different digital
process; framework; digitalization models and shadows being called twins contributing to the
lack of a common definition. Shadow and model twins do
I. INTRODUCTION not have the third element proposed in 2002 when the term
The Industry 4.0 scenario is constantly bringing new was coined. It is evident that digital twins are in their
relevant discussions about new different technological infancy and it is still necessary to reach a higher level of
approaches, like Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of maturity in order to create a proper definition. [6 - 8].
Things (IoT), Big Data analytics and other technologies that
have been arising over the years [1]. Digital Twin is among Many definitions started appearing in the literature and,
them. It combines the cited technologies with Artificial despite being a highly relevant topic to industrial and
Intelligence and simulation, among others, to represent the academic initiatives, there is no consensus about what really
physical assets virtually [2]. is a digital twin [9]. Digital twins can be interpreted as
something embracing like a simulation to predict the future
The twin concept dates back to NASA’s Apollo program behavior and state of an asset [10] and digital representation
when at least two identical spaceships were created and used of an object of the real world that focus the object itself
as physical twins, to mirror the spaceships’ behavior during [11]. Digital twins are also defined as an evolving profile of
the missions in the 1960s [3]. Later, the digital twin concept the historical and current state of a physical entity [12]. But
was used by NASA in the 2010s while trying to mirror the they can also be interpreted like something more specific
behavior of the spaceships digitally, when the term started to and robust as an integrated multi-physics, multi-scale and
be more discussed [4]. The term digital twin showed up for probabilistic simulation of a system with the best models
the first time in 2002 during a presentation concerning and sensor information to predict the performance over the
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). It was the starting lifecycle of the physical twin [13]. The last definition is
point for all the discussion about digital twins [5]. This first adopted in this research work considering manufacturing
digital twin formalized concept is composed by three process as the assets to be represented.
Simulation is one of the most used tools in a digital
1) Physical space containing the physical object. twin, the possibility of optimization and improvement that
2) Virtual space containing the virtual object. can be achieved is the main reason for its use [14]. With a
3) Connection between both objects enabling the data digital twin, it is possible to anticipate the functioning of a
flow from the physical world to the digital world process that involves several machines and steps before
and vice versa. putting it into practice in the physical world, saving
resources and time. In the virtual space, several activities
An important aspect to be considered is the level of can be simulated, monitored, optimized and verified [15].
integration between the physical and the digital worlds [6].
Another technology quite relevant for the digital twins
is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning in
conjunction with Big Data [16]. Machine Learning can be
used to automate complex real time data analysis in order to
adjust the current behavior of a production system with
minimal supervision maximizing the desired outputs.
Besides that, the combination of IoT and digital twins can
enhance preventive maintenance and analytics-based
optimization of the physical assets [17].
Machine learning techniques are also relevant when
applied to system identification tasks. The data generated by
the physical object may be used to create data-driven
models using regression or classification algorithms to
support the decision making in different scenarios [18].
The thematic of digital twins still has many gaps to be
filled with works addressing several aspects that have not yet
been exhaustively addressed by the academic perspective.
The connection between the physical world and the real
world in order to send data about the state of the physical
object to the digital object is more discussed. Transferring
data from the digital twin to change the state of the physical
twin is not very frequent. Thus, the most used definitions of
digital twins only reach the level of digital shadow [19]. The
digital twin will only reach its true potential when the highest Fig. 1. Process Digital Twin. Source: [Parrott]
level of integration is achieved. Without the synchronization Industrial processes may be classified in three categories:
of states that occur in the digital and physical entities toward discrete, continuous and batch process [23]. Continuous
predictions, the role of the digital twin is limited. It is processes can be defined as a production system in which the
important to be able to go far enough to overcome these output can be measured continuously in time, represented by
levels of integration [20]. a mass or volume flow. Discrete processes are defined as
The type of the physical counterpart in which the digital processes in which the outputs are measured in discrete units
twin is focused also contributes to the lack of common that, unlike continuous processes, do not show continuous
definitions as it can be a physical product, an entire growth over time [24]. Batch processes are those in which
manufacturing process, a system, a system of systems or just the raw material is processed in discrete volumes, being quite
a simple part of a machine. Different approaches should be common in some industries like the chemical [25].
performed in order to create proper models that could Modeling the behavior of the physical entities is another
represent different physical entities. If an object is being relevant aspect in the digital twin discussion. A system can
digitalized, information about geometry and topology are be modeled using a white-box or black-box approach. White-
more relevant. For an industrial process, information about box modeling is based on principles and physical laws that
scheduling, and the complete production line are describe the system indicating its behavior. The black box
indispensable. To digitalize a manufacturing phenomenon, model is obtained with the use of real data from the process
machine vibration, forces and temperature should be using some computational analysis technique to create the
measured [21, 22]. model [26].
Fig. 1 shows how a manufacturing process digital twin CPSs are those systems in which the computers are
works. It contains four main components: sensors and connected to physical entities to control and monitor them
actuators, real world data, connection between physical and [27]. Digital twins play an important role within a CPS due
digital and data analytics techniques. The sensors are to the ability of preventing different scenarios and complex
responsible for collecting information about the current state decision-making that often use big amounts of data [28]. The
generating a historical database. The data comes from the digital twins take advantage of the integration provided by
sensors combined with the data that the company makes the CPS to do it [6].
available, such as stock information.
This paper proposes a framework for the development of
The integration between the physical and digital parts process digital twins alongside with a methodology to
aims to reproduce digitally as faithfully as possible, with the implement it in real systems. The framework was designed to
data transmission happening in real time, what actually be used with discrete, continuous and batch processes
happens in both sides. Data analysis techniques are the part modeled by a data-driven approach. The objective with the
responsible for interpreting this data through simulations, present work is to create a modular, scalable and generic
producing a set of actions to be executed. The actions are methodology to support further implementations in various
then transmitted to the physical world through actuators. industrial cases.
Thus, there is a digital twin that works by joining the real and
the digital in a cyclical way. III. THE PROPOSED CONCEPT
Industrial processes can have very high complexity. It
can become a problem while trying to create and maintain a
digital twin. For this reason, this paper brings a modular
approach for industrial processes based on the UMP (Unit
Manufacturing Process) concept. UMPs are the smallest
element or subprocess in a manufacturing system that adds
value transforming the shape, structure, or property of input
material [29]. Adopting this approach, it is possible to
overcome the complexity of an industrial process with many
stages and transformations of the raw materials.
Fig. 2 introduces the proposed framework for the
Digital Twin and its connection with the UMP’s physical
assets. The sensors are necessary to capture data that will be
used to build the model and identify the current state of the
process. The actuators are the tools used to change the state
of the process unit in some way, if necessary, seeking
productivity gains or other benefits. The PLC
(Programmable Logic Controller) is one of the most used
devices in the industry to control production systems of the
most diverse types. Sensors, actuators and PLCs are the Fig. 3. Creation Methodology for the Digital Twin
physical structure that will make the creation and process, based on data, it is necessary to properly instrument
implementation of the digital twin possible. the plant with sensors and actuators. The variables of
As shown in Fig. 2, to establish communication interest need to be measured to capture the process
between the digital twin and the physical world, an OPC UA dynamics properly. The quality of the model depends on
(Open Process Communication Unified Architecture) server how well the data represents the process [32].
was chosen because it is the most versatile communication The second step is the creation and training of the
platform. It was created with the aim of establishing a model, since the data are already available for use. There are
connection between the most diverse types of computers and several tools to create models of the UMP based on data
through several communication protocols [30]. An such as the regression and classification algorithms, decision
application that uses OPC UA can be configured to be as trees, neural network, among other options. This way it is
complex as necessary and therefore enables and contributes possible to find the best approach to model the system
to the development of IoT applications [31]. according to the desired requirements. For a data-based
The data from the sensors and the actuators behavior model to work correctly, it is necessary to train it later, with
will be received through the data receiving block (Fig. 2) part of the available data, so that the model is able to make
and will feed a graphical interface so that the user can watch assertive predictions.
the process development. These data are used by the process The third step is to connect the UMP model with data in
model block, which will analyze the data and generate real time. The model acts like an OPC UA client that will
results for the control block. These results are actions that receive the data coming from the PLC, the OPC UA server.
the actuators must perform. Finally, the data sending block The sensors measurements and actuator dynamics are then
will communicate with the OPC UA server to inform the received and the model can predict what actions should be
new parameters for the actuators. taken next. The data entry and exit communication blocks
The construction process of the digital twin, proposed play the role of making the physical world and the digital
to achieve this framework is described in Fig. 3. The first twin connected and synchronized.
step of the digital twin creation methodology is to identify The fourth step of the method consists of preparing the
the data that will be used in the model and to obtain this model to be simulated in real time. A simulation software
data. To create a model, which satisfactorily represents the should be chosen for this task. Some parameters must be
configured so that the model can be properly simulated in
real time, such as simulation time, interval between two
simulation steps, among others parameters that the software
The fifth step is the development of the control logic
with which the digital twin will interfere in the process. The
control block contains the programming algorithm that
instructs the PLC to carry out the tasks performed for the
progress of the process. This block is important due to the
possibility of simulation and testing without running the
physical UMP. One of the roles that digital twin plays is the
designing and testing of different scenarios without
connection with the physical asset [5].
The sixth step is the development of the digital twin's
operating interface that will show the user how the process
Fig. 2. Proposed Framework for the Digital Twin. is progressing. Graphs, tables and diagrams indicating the
process behavior can help understanding what is happening
in real time so emergent actions can be taken if necessary.
After the UMP digital twin is working properly, the
modular approach permits that multiple UMPs can compose
a schema of an integrated manufacturing process digital
twin containing all the related UMPs (Fig. 4). All the output
from UMP1 is an input for UMP2 and so on until the last Fig. 4. Final Architecture for the Process Digital Twin
UMPn. They should be connected to each other as they are
in the physical process. The UMPs 1 and 2 are connected in particles when it passes through the botanical material.
series and the 3 and 4 in parallel as an example of the Steam and oil are later condensed producing a two-phase
possible layouts for the process digital twin. With the liquid, one phase is the oil and the other is a mixture of
connection of all the data from the different UMPs, the components including water, called hydrosol [33].
modular architecture gets integrated. The modular approach It is a typical batch process, with both continuous and
enables the scalability to more complex manufacturing discrete dynamics. The raw material from a plant, which can
processes just adding new UMP digital twins next to the last be its leaves, flowers or fruits, are placed inside the distiller
one. Generalizability is also achieved with this approach before the process starts. Then the process passes through a
because every industrial process is composed of stages and ramp up state, until the first drop of essential oil gets out of
can be divided in one or more UMPs [29]. the condenser. After the ramp up, the process achieves a
stationary state, similar to a continuous process. The final
IV. DISCUSSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS state is the ramp down, in which the temperature inside the
The intention is to use it for various different distiller is dropping and no more essential oil gets out of the
manufacturing processes. Discrete, continuous and batch condenser. As a batch process, it is a good way to prove the
processes can be modeled with data, but the they have to be methodology capabilities for other continuous or discrete
treated with their particularities. The UMP concept was processes.
proposed to be applied with all kind of manufacturing
processes. The second digital twin, being develop with the proposed
methodology is from an advanced manufacturing plant, a
Another advantage for introducing this concept is the discrete event process flow with several stages that perform
modularity it brings. Usually, manufacturing processes are the mounting of aluminum cylinders for didactic purposes.
composed of many UMPs and can be understood like a The process performs several on/off actions to mount the
group of UMPs, in which the previous output is the input to cylinders and make some mechanical forming. It has an
the next one. The modularity is also present at the digital industrial treadmill and an AGV (Autonomous Guided
twin conception, so each block plays an important role. The Vehicle) to transport the materials from one stage to another
UMP is also a good way to overcome the lack of as several other industrial processes. These production
computational performance in a single computer, as they processes will serve as good test beds for the approach
could be divided in several computers that could contain just described in this paper.
the digital twin of one or a few UMPs. A complex system
being simulated in real time, running complex data-based V. CONCLUSION
models, would require a computer with very high processing Digital twins are one of the most rising technologies from
capacity. Industry 4.0 and their implementation may bring lots of
Two digital twins are being created using this benefits to industrial processes. The optimization
methodology. The first one is from a steam distillation capabilities, the production control, the data analysis and the
extraction of essential oils process. Fig. 5 illustrates how the possibility of saving resources are some of the reasons the
process works. The heat source produces the steam inside the digital twins must be more discussed, creating better
boiler, it passes through the plant material. The steam and the solutions in various production systems. The proposed digital
essential oil are condensed while they exchange the heat with twin framework and methodology uses a modular approach
the cooling water. During the steam distillation process, the to manufacturing process systems facilitating its
steam acts as a means of transportation for the essential oil implementation.
This paper intends to highlight the importance of digital
twins to the future manufacturing processes, because they
can be valuable. As something new, that is on its infancy,
digital twins have to be discussed much more to be really
understood and to build a solid base for the upcoming works.
The proposed methodology and framework intend to fill
the gap that still exists concerning the digital twin creation.
The method can be applied to any continuous, discrete and
batch manufacturing process being the guide to support
digital twin creation. The development of new digital twins
is facilitated once you have a method to follow no matter
what process is being mirrored.
Fig. 5. Steam Distillation Process ]
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