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Table of Contents:

Project Overview
Admin Panel
3.1 Dashboard
3.2 Appointments Manager
3.3 Add New Doctor
3.4 List All Doctors
3.5 Schedule Appointments
3.6 List Patients
4.1 Login
4.2 Register
Patient Panel
5.1 Dashboard
5.2 All Doctors
5.3 Scheduled Sessions
5.4 My Bookings
5.5 Settings
Doctor Panel
6.1 Dashboard
6.2 Appointments Manager
6.3 My Sessions
6.4 My Patients
6.5 Settings
6.6 Search
1. Introduction
The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview and description of the final
year project, which is a web-based doctor and patient appointment booking system with an
admin panel. The system aims to streamline the process of scheduling and managing
appointments between doctors and patients, providing a convenient and efficient solution for
healthcare facilities. The project encompasses three main components: the admin panel, the
patient panel, and the doctor panel.

2. Admin Panel
The admin panel serves as the central control hub for managing the appointment booking system.
It consists of several sections to handle different administrative tasks effectively:
1) Dashboard:
The dashboard provides an overview of system statistics, such as the number of appointments,
registered doctors, and patients. It also displays any important notifications or upcoming events.

2) Appointments Manager:
This section allows the administrator to view, manage, and update appointments. It provides
features such as filtering appointments by date, doctor, or patient, updating appointment status,
and sending notifications to patients or doctors.
3) Add New Doctor:
In this section, the admin can add new doctors to the system. They can enter relevant
information, including the doctor's name, contact details, specialty, and availability.

4) List All Doctors:

Here, the admin can view a comprehensive list of all registered doctors, including their details
and availability. They can perform actions like editing doctor information or removing doctors
from the system.
5) Schedule Appointments:
This section allows the admin to schedule appointments on behalf of patients. They can select the
desired doctor, patient, appointment date, and time. The admin can also add additional notes or
instructions if needed.

6) List Patients:
The admin can access a list of all registered patients in this section. It provides an overview of
patient information, including contact details and medical history. The admin can edit patient
details or remove patients from the system if necessary.
3. Homepage
The homepage of the appointment booking system provides two main options for users: login
and register.
1) Login:
Existing users, both doctors and patients, can log in using their credentials to access their
respective panels.

2) Register:
New users can create an account by providing the required information, such as name, contact
details, and desired login credentials. The system validates the information and creates a new
user profile.
4. Patient Panel
The patient panel offers various features and functionalities tailored specifically to patients'
1) Dashboard:
The patient's dashboard provides an overview of their upcoming appointments, recent activity,
and any important notifications. It may also display personalized recommendations or health-
related news.

2) All Doctors:
Patients can explore a comprehensive list of doctors registered in the system. They can search for
doctors based on specialty, location, or availability, and view detailed profiles with information
about the doctor's experience, qualifications, and ratings.
3) Scheduled Sessions:
This section allows patients to view and manage their scheduled appointments. They can see the
date, time, and location of each appointment, as well as any specific instructions provided by the
doctor. Patients may also have the option to reschedule or cancel appointments, subject to the
system's rules.

4) My Bookings:
Patients can access a complete history of their past appointments and medical records in this
section. It provides a summary of each appointment, including diagnosis, prescribed
medications, and any follow-up instructions.
5) Settings:
Patients can customize their profile settings, including personal information, contact details, and
communication preferences. They may also have the option to manage notifications and privacy

5. Doctor Panel
The doctor panel is designed to assist doctors in efficiently managing their appointments and
patient interactions:
1) Dashboard:
The doctor's dashboard presents an overview of upcoming appointments, patient status, and any
urgent notifications. It may also provide relevant patient insights or reminders.
2) Appointments Manager:
This section enables doctors to view, manage, and update their appointments. They can filter
appointments based on date, patient, or status, update appointment details, and add notes or

3) My Sessions:
Doctors can access a calendar view of their scheduled sessions and availability. They can
manage their time slots, block specific dates or times, and update their availability as needed.
4) My Patients:
In this section, doctors can access a list of their registered patients. They can view patient
profiles, medical history, and previous appointments. Doctors may also have the option to
communicate with patients via messaging or initiate video consultations if supported by the

5) Settings:
Doctors can configure their profile settings, including contact information, consultation fees, and
availability preferences. They can also manage notifications and customize their working hours.
6) Search:
This feature allows doctors to search for specific patients, appointments, or medical records
based on various criteria. It provides quick and easy access to relevant information within the

The web-based doctor and patient appointment booking system with an admin panel provides a
comprehensive solution for managing appointments and facilitating communication between
doctors and patients. The admin panel offers complete control over system operations, while the
patient and doctor panels cater to their specific needs and responsibilities. With features such as
appointment scheduling, patient management, and efficient communication channels, this system
aims to enhance the overall healthcare experience and improve the efficiency of appointment
management in healthcare facilities.

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