Approved Bench Marked Docs 13th May 2023 From Manish

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Benchmarking Cross-Reference Checklist

GLOBALG.A.P. Applicant Scheme


Version V 5.2 Ver 4.1

Valid from: Feb. 2019 Nov 2021

Mandatory from: Jan. 2020 12/31/2021

Language Version English English


Scheme/AMC Owner Quality Council of India
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Report for the Benchmarking Committee and Minutes of the Meeting

Name applicant scheme: Name

IndG.A.P. Ver 4.1
applicant scheme owner:
Quality Council of India
Technical reviewer:
Friedrich Lüdeke
On-site assessor:
Committee report prepared by:
Claudia Bock
Committee members:
Francois Brink Skyvines
Irfan Khan Bayer Crop Science Ltd
Justus Nderi Arysta life science
Observer: Amira Wasitova GLOBALG.A.P.
Date and time of the meeting: 30.March.2023, 10:00 to 10:35 am CEST
Minutes prepared by: Claudia Bock

1. Introduction

This report gives a summary of the former steps of the benchmarking process of scheme IndG.A.P. Ver 4.1 versus GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Standard Version 5.2. These steps were the independent technical review, and the peer review (see below). Mainly those
requirements that where not regarded as equivalent by the technical reviewer are presented for discussion.

IndG.A.P. Ver 4.1 applied for recognition as equivalent scheme. Therefore their G.A.P. (Good Agricultural Practices) requirements and their certification rules have been compared with GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria (CPCC) and
GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations respectively.

IndG.A.P. Ver 4.1 is a scheme for the certification of Fruit and Vegetables that operates only in India. It is the first benchmarking for this standard.

IndG.A.P. Ver 4.1 does not allow the certification of Unannounced Reward Program, Option 2 Flexible distribution rule, declaration of group membership, recognition of other post-farm gate food safety certification and is therefore stricter than GLOBALG.A.P. IFA
standard in this regard.

During the technical review a benchmarking assessor reviewed clause-by-clause the submitted IndG.A.P. Ver 4.1 normative documents cross-referenced in the GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking checklists.
During the peer review interested GLOBALG.A.P. members could comment on the content of the IndG.A.P. Ver 4.1 normative documents cross-referenced in the GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking checklists. No comments were received while the peer review was open.

After the review process has been finalized, this committee shall raise a recommendation to GLOBALG.A.P. about the recognition of the applicant scheme. The level of recognition may be:
- Equivalent: if the committee considers that the applicant scheme covers completely the GLOBALG.A.P. System.

2. Points of discussion

The tables below list the points of GLOBALG.A.P. system where IndG.A.P. Ver 4.1 system differs. The left column in white gives a summary of the differences and the columns in grey list the original text of the GLOBALG.A.P. and the IndG.A.P. Ver
4.1 normative documents as reference. The committee members shall decide whether these points may be considered as equivalent (this means they fully comply with the respective GLOBALG.A.P. requirement) to the GLOBALG.A.P. System or do not fully comply with
the respective GLOBALG.A.P. requirement or are not covered by the applicant scheme or require further clarifications to the applicant scheme owner before a decision can be taken.

2.1 GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations - Crops Rules

No. Summary GLOBALG.A.P. - IndG.A.P. GLOBALG.A.P General Regulations IndG.A.P. Certification Rules Comments Benchmarking Committee Comments Scheme/Checklist Owner
1 GLOBALG.A.P. specifically requires that all 2.3. Harvest Exclusion Section4 4.1.7 xxi The CB will make the decision as to The benchmarking committee agree that this
product must be purchased before harvest so (v) The certification body (CB) will make the decision whether harvesting may be excluded or not based on the point is equivalent.
"harvest exclusion" can be accepted. This is adding as to whether harvesting may be excluded or not based following requirements. The producer shall have a
an specific statement that "harvest exclusion is not on the following requirements. The producer shall have a contract with the buyer that sttaes that the harvestor/buyer
possible if the producer harvests some part of the contract with the buyer that states that the harvester/buyer will do all of the following
crop and sells another part before harvest" will do all of the following: Take ownership of the produce before harvesting
IndG.A.P. does not specifically requires the producer Take responsibility for ensuring that harvest takes
not to harvest at any point, but requires that part of a) Take ownership of the produce before harvesting place only after the pre- harvest interval (PHI) has
the harvest in the contract cannot be excluded. b) Take responsibility for ensuring that harvest takes been observed
place only after the Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI) has been Handle the produce after harvest (not just during
observed harvest)
c) Handle the produce after harvest (not just during part of the harvest can not be excluded.
d) Buy all the produce (harvest exclusion is not
possible if the producer harvests some part of the crop
and sells another part before harvest)

2.2 GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria

GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance
No. Summary GLOBALG.A.P. - IndG.A.P. IndG.A.P. G.A.P. criteria Comments Benchmarking Committee Comments Scheme/Checklist Owner
2 Secured =/≠ locked? CB 7.7.1 Are PPP stored in accordance with local CB.8.7.1 Are plant protection products stored in The committe considers this point as not Be kept secure under lock and key.
regulations in a secure place with sufficient facilities for accordance with local regulations?c complete equivalent and suggest to include the (Accepted and agreed by SO, QCI)
measuring and mixing them, and are they kept in their wording "to keep locked with key" or the same
original package? The plant protection product storage facilities wording as IFA: "Be kept secure under lock
comply with all the appropriate current national, and key. No N/A."
The PPP storage facilities shall: regional and local legislation and regulations. Major
• Comply with all the appropriate current national,
regional and local legislation and regulations. CB.8.7.3 Secured
• Be kept secure under lock and key. No N/A. Major
• Have measuring equipment whose graduation for
containers and calibration verification for scales been
verified annually by the producer to assure accuracy of
mixtures, and are equipped with utensils (e.g. buckets,
water supply point, etc.), and they are kept clean for the
safe and efficient handling of all PPPs that can be
applied. This also applies to the filling/mixing area if
this is different. No N/A.
• Contain the PPPs their original containers and
packs. In the case of breakage only, the new package
shall contain all the information of the original label.
Refer to CB 7.9.1. No N/A.
Major Must

3. Further comments
During the on-site assessment on a benchmark assessor witness an inspector of a certification body (CB) while conducting a trial audit with the IndG.A.P. normative documents to test in the field equivalence of the G.A.P. requirements with GLOBALG.A.P.
Control Points & Compliance Criteria and the QMS requirements with GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part II - Rules for Option 2 and Option 1 Multisites with QMS.

The committee recommend a preliminary recognition level of scheme IndG.A.P.: previous an on-site assessment is conducted.

The committee may suggest an initial frequency of integrity assessments by the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program. In its first year of recognition IndG.A.P. scheme will in any case be submitted to at least one producer audit and one QMS audit by the GLOBALG.A.P.
Integrity Program to verify its equivalence of implementation. The committee suggested that the first frequency is yearly for the first two years and after that every two years.
The committee recommend a preliminary recognition level of scheme IndG.A.P.: Equivalent - No recognition possible

4. Approval of the minutes by: Quality Council of India

Please tick and complete the requested information only in the final version
☐ We agree with the minutes of the Benchmarking Committee

Manish Pande
Date Name of the person who agreed: Signature
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG

GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part I - General Requirements (Version 5.2_Feb19)
Version: Ver 4.1 FL
Clause Explanations/remarks Clause Explanations/answer
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Original Text Rule Remarks
No. GLOBALG.A.P. No. s scheme owner
This document describes the certification rules for any party seeking Various The Scheme document titled Introduction (Section 1) describes the intent of
certification for a GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA), Food Section 1, the IndG.A.P. certification and the Certification Criteria (Section 3) and
Safety (e.g. Produce Safety), and/or Compound Feed Manufacturing Standard, 4, 5 ,6 Certification Process (Section 4) describes the technical criteria and the
unless otherwise indicated in the scope-specific rules. and its process employed for any party seeking certification for a IndG.A.P.
annexes certification. The mentioned sections are attached with the
Rules for benchmarked schemes are explained in the'GLOBALG.A.P. Section The rules for Benchmarked Schemes in terms use of GLOBALG.A.P.
Benchmarking Regulations'. 6 requirements are mentioned in various sections including submission of a
Annexur Certification Format to be internalised incase the GLOBALG.A.P. grants
eA benchmarking to IndG.A.P
The term “shall” is used throughout the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Standard Various The term 'shall' has been used as mandotary in various sections of the IndG.A.P.
documents to indicate those provisions which, reflecting the requirements of Section 1, SCheme
GLOBALG.A.P., are mandatory. 4, 5 ,6
and its

2. NORMATIVE DOCUMENTS Describe in this chapter of -

which documents (name and
version) your scheme consists
equivalent to the respective
normative documents
The following normative documents (and any other documents released as to be Addressed in section 1 by adding list of documents with valid versions NA
normative) are relevant to all applicants and GLOBALG.A.P. NA
certificate holders seeking certification:
a) GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification Agreement': Contract Section Sublicense and certification agreement version 4.1 (attached with the Equivalent
between the certification body (CB) and the producer. Sets legal framework in 6 Annex application)
order to be granted the GLOBALG.A.P. certification. A
b) GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement': Contract between the Section Equivalent
CB and GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH. 6 Annex Contract between the CB & IndG.A.P. Ver. 4.1 (attached with the application)
c) GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria (CPCC): Section Section 3_Annex A CPCC Checklist Equivalent
Document that sets the compliance requirements for producers. NOTE: 3 Annex
Annexes referenced in the CPCC are guidelines, unless the A
CPCC state that the annex or part of the annex is mandatory. In the title of
those annexes it is stated that they are mandatory. Other guidelines referenced
in the CPCC document to guide producers to comply with the
requirements are not normative documents.
d) GLOBALG.A.P. checklists: Section 3, Section 3_Annex A CPCC Checklist (attached with the application) Section 4A Equivalent
• For control points and compliance criteria 4 and Annex A QMS Checklist for IndG.A.P. Group Certification deals with the
• For quality management system (QMS) requirements (producer groups and accompa QMS requirements for both option1 and option 2 scenarios
multisites with QMS): Sets requirements for quality management systems. nying
These documents or customized ones with verbatim content are used for Annexes
all audits, inspections, and self-assessments.

e) National Interpretation Guidelines (NIG): Provides clarification and adaptation https://w India National interpretation guidelines are available on globalgap website NA
of the CPCC to the relevant country. Only available for countries where ww.globa
approved by the respective technical committees. These become obligatory for A_NIG_AFCB_FV_INDIA.pdf IFA NIG India (Fruit and Vegetables) V5.2 Jan
use as soon as they are approved and published. .content/ 13, 2020
nts/1912 NA
f) GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations (GR; this document): Define how the Various Section 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of IndG.A.P. Scheme address the said Equivalent
certification process works as well as the requirements for quality management Sections requirements both for Option1 and Option 2
systems and related issues. of
g) GLOBALG.A.P. specific rules (e.g. Crops Rules, Livestock Rules, Section 3 Section 3 and 4 deals with crop rules of F & V are available and included in Equivalent
Aquaculture Rules, Compound Feed Manufacturing Rules): Define how the and its benchmark process. Combinable Crops is part of standard checklist,( excluded
certification process works for each specific scope. Annexes from benchmark process, Livestock Rules, Aquaculture Rules, Compound Feed
Manufacturing Rules are not available in IndG.A.P. standard checklist and so
excluded from Benchmark process)

h) Technical news and normative updates issued by the GLOBALG.A.P. https://q Technical Committee Minutes of meetings are shared to participants & Equivalent
Secretariat and published on the GLOBALG.A.P. website. technical bulletine for stakeholders is shared by email and on webpage of
dia-good- IndG.A.P.

2.1 Document Control -

a) The latest versions of all normative documents can be downloaded free of charge https://q The latest version of IndG.A.P. is available on QCI website free of costs NA
from the GLOBALG.A.P. website.

b) Language: Original documents are in English. GLOBALG.A.P. documents are https://q All Documents are in English and will be uploaded in the website for freely NA
translated into other languages and published on the GLOBALG.A.P. website. accessible to all the stakeholders
Once published, these official GLOBALG.A.P. documents are the only ones dia-good-
that shall be used for certification in that language. In case of discrepancy agricultur
between translations, the English version shall prevail. e-

c) Changes to documents: NA NA
1. Normative documents are identified with a unique document code and a IndG.A.P Yes, the normative documents are identified and a unique document code and NA
version number and date. . D&RC version no. and date is indicated as the footer in the document.
Annex B

2. The date in the version name indicates the date of publication of the IndG.A.P 2. The date in the version name indicates the date of publication of the NA
document. The date in the 'Version/Edition Update Register' indicates the date . D&RC document. The date in the 'Version/Edition Update Register' indicates the
when the document comes into effect. 7.3 date when the document comes into effect.

3. Version number: A change in the first or second digit (e.g. change from 4.1 IndG.A.P 3. Version number: A change in the first or second digit (e.g. change from 4.1 NA
to 5.0; or 5.0 to 5.1) indicates changes in the requirements and thus a version . D&RC to 5.0; or 5.0 to 5.1) indicates changes in the requirements and thus a version
change. A change in other digits (e.g. change from 5.0 to 5.0-1) indicates Cl 7.3 change. A change in other digits (e.g. change from 5.0 to 5.0-1) indicates NA
updates that do not introduce changes to the updates that do not introduce changes to the
requirements. requirements.
4. Updates can be made independently in the GR and CPCC documents. IndG.A.P Updates can be made independently in GR (Sections) and CPCC (Annex of NA
. D&RC Section 3), however, the same has to be put up to the Technical Committee and
Cl 8.2 Certification Committee for their review and approval

5. The updates are sent to all GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs as official Describe how producers are IndG.A.P The updates are sent to all GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs as official Equivalent
communications. It is the responsibility of the CBs to inform their clients of informed of updates of your . D&RC communications. It is the responsibility of the CBs to inform their clients of
such updates. scheme Cl 8.2 such updates.

6. A summary of changes is indicated in the 'Version/Edition Update Register' IndG.A.P The same is the part of the Document Control and is the integral part of all the NA
section. This section is published separately for a version update or at the end of . D&RC Sections in the IndG.A.P. SCheme
a document for new editions. Annex A

3. CERTIFICATION OPTIONS Addressed in Section 4 Certification Process IndG.A.P. Scheme -

Any producer of primary agricultural products covered by the GLOBALG.A.P. Any producer of primary agricultural products covered by the IndG.A.P. Equivalent
standards may apply for GLOBALG.A.P. certification. standards may apply for IndG.A.P. certification as per the Crop List given
Section 3 A in Section 3 Annex C.
For GLOBALG.A.P. certification, the term “producer(s)” refers to persons Section Addressed in Annex B (Section 3) IndG.A.P. Glossary at serial number 21 & Equivalent
(individuals) or businesses (company, individual producer or producer group) 3 Annex 24
that are legally responsible for the production processes and the products of the C. Sl.
respective scope, sold by those persons or businesses. The term “producer(s)” is No. 21 to
also used in these General Regulations to describe livestock transport 24
companies and feed manufacturers.

Producers can apply for certification using any of 2 options (individual or group section 4 Producers camay apply for certification using any of 2 options (individual or Equivalent
certification under GLOBALG.A.P. or a benchmarked scheme). The options are and its group certification). The options are based on the declaration by the applicant
based on the constitution of the legal entity applying for certification. The Annexur on the basis of its constitution of the legal entity applying for certification. The
assessment process for each of these options is described in section 5. e 4A of assessment process for each of these options is described in section 4 and its
IndG.A.P Annexure 4A of IndG.A.P. Scheme.

3.1 Option 1 – Individual Certification -

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

a) An individual producer applies for certification (GLOBALG.A.P. or a Section Section 4 Certification Process IndG.A.P. 3.1 Option 1 Individual Equivalent
benchmarked scheme). 4 Cl 3.1 Certification
b) The individual producer is the certificate holder once certified. Section Section 4 Certification Process IndG.A.P. 3.1 Option 1 Individual Equivalent
4 Cl 3.1 Certification
3.1.1 Option 1 – Multisite without QMS -
a) An individual producer or one organization owns several production sites that Section 3.1.1.Multisite without implementation of QMS Equivalent
do not function as separate legal entities. 4 Cl
3.1.2 Option 1 – Multisite with QMS (See Part II) Chapter applicable only if your Section 3.1.2. Multisite with implementation of QMS Equivalent
scheme allows certification of 4 Cl
producers with several sites 3.1.2
where a QMS has been
a) An individual producer or one organization owns several production sites Section 3.1.2. Multisite with implementation of QMS Equivalent
that do not function as separate legal entities, but where a QMS has been 4 Cl
implemented. 3.1.2
b) In this case, the rules of the 'General Regulations Part II – Quality Management Section 3.1.2. Multisite with implementation of QMS Equivalent
System Rules' shall apply. 4 Cl
3.2 Option 2 (See Part II) Chapter applicable only if your Section 3.2.Option 2 Group certification Equivalent
scheme allows certification of 4 Cl 3.2
producer groups

a) A producer group applies for group certification (GLOBALG.A.P. or a Section A producer group applies for group certification Equivalent
benchmarked scheme). 4 Cl 3.2
b) The group, as a legal entity, is the certificate holder once certified. The group, as a legal entity, is the certificate holder once certified. Equivalent
c) A group shall have a QMS implemented and comply with rules set out in the Section A group shall have a QMS implemented and comply with rules set out in the Equivalent
'General Regulations Part II – Quality Management System Rules'. 4A Cl 4 'Section 4 A Quality Management System Rules'.

3.3 Benchmarked Schemes N/A Not Applicable -

The categories for certification under benchmarked schemes are NA
explained in the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Benchmarking Regulations'.
4. REGISTRATION PROCESS Section Section 4 Certification Process IndG.A.P. 4.1 Application for certification Equivalent
4 Cl 4.1 option 1
4.1 Certification Bodies -
a) Applicants shall, as a first step, choose a GLOBALG.A.P. approved Section Any farmer / producer / organization who is a legal entity can apply for NA
certificationbody (CB). Contact information on approved and provisionally 4 Cl certification to an approved CB
approved CBs is available on the GLOBALG.A.P. website. It is the 4.1.1 NA
responsibility of the applicants to verify whether the chosen CB is
approved for the relevant scopes.
b) The chosen CB is responsible for the registration of the applying Section Currently the CB shall be informing the QCI and shall maintain a registry which Equivalent
producer in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database, data updates, and collection of 4 Cl will be a publically available information
fees. 4.1.5
4.2 Registration -
4.2.1 General -
a) The application shall cover at least the information detailed in 'Annex I.2 Describe how your scheme Section The prospective applicant shall apply to the CB on the Application form Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. Registration Data Requirements'. By registering, the applicant assures that all requested data 4 Cl prescribed by the CB, and provide as minimum information...
commits to comply with the certification requirements at all times, the are provided during the 4.1.7. (As per Section 4 Clause 4.1.7.)
communication of data updates to the CB, and the payment of the applicable application process of a
fees established by GLOBALG.A.P. and by the CB. producer

b) This information is used by GLOBALG.A.P. to supply the applicant with a Section 3 Unique number procedure reference is given in Section 3 Annex 3C Seed to NA
unique GLOBALG.A.P. Number (GGN), which is used as a unique identifier Annex Sale (S2S) Rules; Clause 6.1
for all GLOBALG.A.P. activities. 3C Seed
to Sale
c) Any objective evidence found that indicates that the applicant has been Section Section 6 rules for use of certification mark has the requirements as mentioned Equivalent
misusing the GLOBALG.A.P. claim shall lead to the exclusion of the applicant 6 by GLOBALG.A.P. List of Frozen UIN maintained by CB
from certification for 12 months after evidence of misuse. In addition, the
applicant will be listed, and the list shall be checked before registration in the
Database. Any case of misuse shall be communicated
to the GLOBALG.A.P. members.
d) Confidentiality, data use, and data release: Describe in this chapter how Section The same has been mentioned in detail in the sublicense agreement between Equivalent
you as scheme owner assure 6 Annex various parties
that producers agree to A
communicate to
registration and certification
(i) During registration, applicants give written permission to GLOBALG.A.P. and Section The same has been mentioned in detailed in the sublicnense agreement between Equivalent
the certification bodies to use the registration data for internal 6 Annex various parties
processes and sanctioning procedures. A
(ii) All data in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database is available to GLOBALG.A.P. and Section The same has been mentioned in detailed in the Certification Process and the Equivalent
the certification body, which the producer or producer group is working with, 4, CB Requirement Section which handles the publically available information as
and can be used for internal processes and sanctioning Section a part of the SCheme requirement
procedures. 5
(iii) The minimum and obligatory data release level, as well as additional Section The minimum and obligatory data release level, as well as additional NA
information on confidentiality and data use, is defined by the 'GLOBALG.A.P. 6 information on confidentiality and data use, is defined by the QCI in the
Data Access Rules' and available at Annexur IndG.A.P. Scheme documents including the sub license agreement with various NA
e 6A parties. Ths is publically available in the website of the QCI under
IndG.A.P. Scheme.
(iv) If an applicant (company, individual producer, or member of a group) does not Section If an applicant (company, individual producer, or member of a group) does not Equivalent
agree to the minimum release, the applicant is not in agreement with the 6 agree to the minimum release, the applicant is not in agreement with the
'Sublicense and Certification Agreement' and cannot be certified, nor belong to Annexur 'Sublicense and Certification Agreement' and will not be certified.
a producer group seeking certification. e 6A

(v) No data other than that stated in point (iii) can be released by GLOBALG.A.P. Section All data to be release only with the consent of the applicant. However, if a Equivalent
or CBs to any other party without written consent of the 6 Annex regulator seeks an information the same to be furnished by the SO.
applicant. A
(vi) From the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Standard Version 5 (V5) onwards, the N/A Not applicable as all the relevant data will be as publically available NA
certification history of producers (data showed previously to the public as information and no additional data to be suppled any specific parties or
certificate validation tool) will be displayed to the market participants. stakeholder.

e) The service contract between the CB and producer may be valid for up to 4 Section The legal entity shall enter into a contractual relationship and will have NA
years, with subsequent renewal for periods of up to 4 years. 4A Cl Certification Agreement with approved CB, and becomes the sole holder of the
3.1.2. certificate. This agreement should be valid for minimum one year and NA
maximum three years and after that it should be renewed in total.

f) An applicant: -
(i) May not register the same product more than once with different CBs or under Section May not register the same product more than once with different CBs or under Equivalent
different certification options. 4, Cl different certification options.
(ii) May register different products with different CBs and/or under different Section May register different products with different CBs and/or under different Equivalent
certification options (e.g.: It is possible to register apples under Option 1 and 4, Cl certification options (e.g.: It is possible to register apples under Option 1 and
cherries under Option 2, apples with one CB and cherries with another CB or cherries under Option 2, apples with one CB and cherries with another CB or
both crops with the same CB.) both crops with the same CB). The application of the CB requires the applicant
to confirm that there is no duplication in terms of
seeking certification.
(iii) May not register production sites or group members in different countries with Note that schemes will only be Section May not register production sites or group members in different countries with Equivalent
any CB. The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat may grant exceptions on a case-by- recognized for certification of 4, Cl any CB. The IndG.A.P. Secretariat may grant exceptions on a case- by-case
case basis or within national interpretation guidelines. producers in the country of basis or as per national interpretation guidelines. The limiting criteria for
origin of the scheme. easiness in operations is that QMS / PG Border limit within 50 km from
operation office of PHU / Packhouse for perishable products and 100 km for
non-perishable products. Average number of Producer members can be 50 of
average 2-hectare limit per 1 extension officer for first year of implementation.

(iv) May register for combined certification of the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Standard Not applicable Only focussed on F&V NA
V5 and a Food Safety Standard (FSS) V5 for the same NA
product, but only with the same CB.
(v) May register some products under IFA and others under a FSS. Not applicable Only focussed on F&V NA NA
(vi) May not register for a FSS only if it was previously IFA certified for the Not applicable Only focussed on F&V NA
same product.
Example: If an applicant wants PSS certification for apples which have been NA
previously IFA certified, the applicant may only register the apples NA
for combined IFA and PSS certification.
g) For the registration to be completed, the applicant shall satisfy all the following Section For the registration to be completed, the applicant shall satisfy all the Equivalent
conditions: 4 Cl following conditions:
(i) Submit to the CB the relevant application that shall include all the necessary Section Submit to the CB the relevant application that shall include all the necessary Equivalent
information. 4 Cl information.
(ii) Sign acceptance of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification Describe what agreement Section Sign acceptance of the IndG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification Agreement' in Equivalent
Agreement' in its latest version (available on the GLOBALG.A.P. website) with producers of your scheme 4 Cl its latest version (available on the QCI website) with the CB, or the applicant
the CB, or the applicant shall explicitly acknowledge the receipt and the shall sign shall explicitly acknowledge the receipt and the inclusion of the IndG.A.P.
inclusion of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification Agreement' with Sublicense and Certification Agreement' with signature on the service
signature on the service contract/agreement with the CB and the CB shall hand contract/agreement with the CB and the CB shall hand over a copy of the
over a copy of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification Agreement' to IndG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification Agreement' to the producer.
the producer.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(iii) Be assigned a GGN, if they don’t already have a GGN or a Global Location Section 4 For the registration to be completed, the applicant shall be assigned a UIN after NA
Number (GLN). Cl completion of first certification process, if they don’t already have a UIN.
Section NA
3 Annex
3C Cl.
(iv) Agree in writing to pay the GLOBALG.A.P. registration fee, as explained Section Agree in writing to pay the IndG.A.P. registration fee, as explained in the NA
in the current 'GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table' (available on the GLOBALG.A.P. 4 Cl current IndG.A.P. Fee Table' (available on the QCI website). NA
h) The registration process, in case of initial certification and transfers, shall be Section The registration process, in case of initial certification and transfers, shall be Equivalent
finalized before inspection can take place. 4, Cl finalized before inspection can take place.
i) In the case of first registration the CB shall confirm the application and Section In the case of first registration, the CB shall confirm about the receipt of Equivalent
provide the applicant with the GGN within 28 calendar days of receiving the 4, Cl application and that the application is in order. and provide the applicant with
complete application. 4.1.21. the registration number within 28 calender days of recieving the complete

j) A production site is defined as a production area (e.g. fields, plots, ponds, Section Production Site is defined as a production area (e.g. fields, plots, ponds, Equivalent
ranches) that is owned or rented and ultimately managed by one legal entity, 4, Cl ranches) that is owned or rented and ultimately managed by one legal entity,
and where the same input factors (e.g. water supply, 4.1.22. and where the same input factors (e.g. water supply, workers,
workers, equipment, stores, etc.) are used. equipment, stores, etc.) are used.
One site may contain several non-touching areas (areas that do not share a Section One site ( Farm) may contain several touching areas ( Plot: areas that share a Equivalent
common border, are non-contiguous) and production of more than one product 4, Cl common border, are contiguous) and production of more than one product on
on the same site is possible. 4.1.22. the same site is possible. the multisite may contain several non-touching
areas ( fields: areas that do not share a common border, are non-contiguous) and
production of more than one product on
the same site is possible.
All production sites where the product(s) that are included in the Section All production sites where the product(s) that are included in the Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. certification scope are produced, shall be identified and 4, Cl IND.G.A.P. certification scope are produced, shall be identified and registered.
registered. 4.1.22.
Requirements for production sites: Section Equivalent
4, Cl
(i) All production sites shall be owned or rented and under the direct control of the Section All production sites shall be owned or rented and under the direct control of the Equivalent
legal entity. 4, Cl legal entity.
(ii) For production sites that are not owned by the legal entity, there shall be a Section For production sites that are not owned by the legal entity, there shall be a Equivalent
signed document, which includes a clear indication that the site owner does not 4, Cl signed document, which includes a clear indication that the site owner does not
have any responsibility or input or decision capacity regarding the production have any responsibility or input or decision capacity regarding the production
operations over the rented-out site. There shall also be written contracts in operations over the rented-out site. There shall also be written contracts in
force between each production site owner and the force between each production site owner and the
legal entity that include the following elements: legal entity that include the following elements:
• Certificate holder/producer member name and legal identification. Section • Certificate holder/producer member name and legal identification. Equivalent
4, Cl
• Name and/or legal identification of the site owner. Section • Name and/or legal identification of the site owner. Equivalent
4, Cl
• Site owner contact address. Section • Site owner contact address. Equivalent
4, Cl
• Details of the individual production sites. Section • Details of the individual production sites. Equivalent
4, Cl
• Signature of both parties’ representatives. Section • Signature of both parties’ representatives. Equivalent
4, Cl
(iii) The certificate holder is legally responsible for all the registered production, Section The certificate holder is legally responsible for all the registered production, Equivalent
including placing the product on the market. 4, Cl including placing the product on the market.
k) A product handling unit (PHU) is defined as facilities where products are Section A product handling unit (PHU) is defined as facilities where products are Equivalent
handled. If a producer handles products included in the GLOBALG.A.P. 4, Cl handled. If a producer handles products included in the IndG.A.P. certification
certification scope in more than one PHU, all these shall be identified 4.1.24. scope in more than one PHU, all these shall be identified
and registered. and registered.
4.2.2 Registration with a new CB Section Registration / Transfer with a new CB Equivalent
4 Cl.
a) If a producer who has already been registered changes CB or applies to a new Describe how you as scheme Section If a producer who has already been registered changes CB or applies to a new Equivalent
CB for certification of a different product, the producer shall communicate the owner make sure that previous 4 Cl. CB for certification of a different product, the producer shall communicate the
GGN assigned by GLOBALG.A.P. to the new CB. Failure to do so will result GGN is communicated in case; UIN to the new CB. Failure to do so will result will result in aborting the
in a surcharge of the registration fee of EUR 100 to an Option 1 producer and of a CB change process for both Option 1 producer and an Option 2 producer group.
EUR 500 to an Option 2 producer group. Section
3 Annex
3C Cl.
b) Certificate holders who are sanctioned cannot change CB until the outgoing CB Section Certificate holders who are sanctioned cannot change CB until the outgoing CB Equivalent
closes the corresponding non-conformance. 4 Cl. closes the corresponding non-conformance.
c) Individual producer members of a producer group are not allowed to leave the Section Individual producer members of a producer group are not allowed to leave the Equivalent
group and register with another group (for the products registered) if there is 4 Cl. group and register with another group (for the products registered) if there is
any pending sanction on the producer issued by the group, or there are any any pending sanction on the producer issued by the group, or there are any
issues relevant to the producer raised by the CB that have issues relevant to the producer raised by the CB that have
not been closed. not been closed.
4.3 Application and Certification Scope -
4.3.1 Standards Covered by GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations: -
The scope of GLOBALG.A.P. certification covers the following: Section -
3 Annex
3C Cl.
a) The controlled production process of primary products. It does not cover Section IndG.A.P. certification cannot be achieved for “wild crops” such as mushroom, Equivalent
wild/catch, wild fish/catch or crops harvested in the wild. 3 Annex walnut, litchi, etc. that are not cultivated.
3C Cl.
b) Only products included in the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Product List', published on Explain which products may be Section Crop List: Crops that can be certified as per IndG.A.P. System. Equivalent
the GLOBALG.A.P. website, can be registered for certification. The certified against your scheme 3 Annex
'GLOBALG.A.P. Product List' is not limited and can be extended based on (for which benchmarking is 3C Cl.
demand. requested). GLOBALG.A.P. 2.1.1.
does not allow anymore
certification of sprouts/sprouted
Please exclude them where
c) Only products that are produced by producers themselves. Producers cannot Section Only products that are produced by producers themselves. Producers cannot Equivalent
receive certification for the production of products that are not produced by 3 Annex receive certification for the production of products that are not produced by
themselves. 3C Cl. themselves.
The IFA Control Points and Compliance Criteria (CPCC) document is Section The Control Points and Compliance Criteria (CPCC) document is separated into NA
separated into different modules, each one covering different areas or levels 3 Annex different modules, each one covering different areas or levels of activity in a
of activity in a production site. These modules are grouped into: 3A production site. These modules are grouped into:
a) Scope modules: Covering more generic production issues, classified more CPCC a) Scope modules: Covering more generic production issues, classified more
broadly. These are: All Farm Base, Crops Base, Livestock Base, Checklis broadly. These are: All Farm Base, Crops Base
Aquaculture. t b) Sub-scope modules: Covering more specific production details,
b) Sub-scope modules: Covering more specific production details, classified per product type.
classified per product type.
The Food Safety Standards (FSS) cover only the food safety elements of a N/A Not applicable NA
given sub-scope of the IFA standards (e.g. Produce Safety Standard covers only
the food safety elements of the Fruits and Vegetables sub-
The CFM Standard covers the requirements for compound feed N/A Not applicable NA
4.3.2 Parallel Production (PP) or Parallel Ownership (PO) Chapter not applicable if your -
scheme does not allow neither
parallel production nor
parallel ownership Definitions Section Annex B (Section 3) IndG.A.P. Glossary -
3 Annex
Parallel Production (PP): -
PP is a situation where individual producers, producer members, or producer Section PP is a situation where individual producers, producer members, or producer Equivalent
groups produce the same product partly as certified and partly as non-certified. 3 Annex groups produce the same product partly as certified and partly as non-certified.
3B, Cl.
It is also considered PP if not all the members of a producer group producing a Section It is also considered PP if not all the members of a producer group producing a Equivalent
product that is registered for certification are included in the scope of the 3 Annex product that is registered for certification are included in the scope of the
certificate. 3B, Cl. certificate.
Example 1: A producer grows apples. Only a part of the apple production Example 1: A producer grows apples. Only a part of the apple production NA
will be certified. will be certified.
A situation in which a producer produces one product as certified and Section A situation in which a producer produces one product as certified and Equivalent
another product as non-certified is not parallel production (e.g.: apples 3 Annex another product as non-certified is not parallel production (e.g.: grapes
certified and pears non-certified). 3B, Cl. certified and pomogranates non-certified). grapes of distinguished varieties /
124 specification at harvest step is not parallel production , eg. white grapes / red
grapes and wine grapes are not parallel production,

Parallel Ownership (PO): -

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

PO is a situation where individual producers, producer members, or producer Section PO is a situation where individual producers, producer members, or producer Equivalent
groups buy non-certified products of the same products they grow under certified 3 Annex groups buy non-certified products of the same products they grow under certified
production. 3B, Cl. production.
Example: A producer grows certified apples and buys non-certified Example: A producer grows certified apples and buys non-certified NA
apples from other producer(s). apples from other producer(s).
It is not considered PO if: Section It is not considered PO if: -
3 Annex
3B, Cl.
• A producer/producer group buys additional certified products from Section • A producer/producer group buys additional certified products from Equivalent
another GLOBALG.A.P. certified producer(s) 3 Annex another IndG.A.P. certified producer(s)
3B, Cl.
• A certified producer handles products for non-certified producers as a Section • A certified producer handles products for non-certified producers as a Equivalent
subcontractor, i.e. the certified producer does not buy the non-certified 3 Annex subcontractor, i.e. the certified producer does not buy the non-certified
products. 3B, Cl. products.
123 Registration Registration -
Any applicant/certificate holder (individual producer, multisite producer or Section Any applicant/certificate holder (individual producer, multisite producer or Equivalent
producer group) who owns GLOBALG.A.P. and non-GLOBALG.A.P. 4 Cl. producer group) who owns IndG.A.P. and non-IndG.A.P. products (of the same
products (of the same product) at any time needs to register for parallel product) at any time needs to register for parallel production (PP)
production (PP) or parallel Ownership (PO). or parallel Ownership (PO). Registration Steps Registration Steps -
(i) The producer shall inform the respective CB of the application for PP/PO during Section The producer shall inform the respective CB of the application for PP/PO during Equivalent
the registration process. 4 Cl. the registration process.
Producer groups shall also include clear identification of their producer Section Producer groups shall also include clear identification of their producer Equivalent
members who buy/sell non-certified products of the same products included in 4 Cl. members who buy/sell non-certified products of the same products included in
the scope of certification (and, therefore, also the products that have to be the scope of certification (and, therefore, also the products that have to be
registered as “with PO” for each producer member). registered as “with PO” for each producer member).

(ii) The CB shall register the producer (per product) in the GLOBALG.A.P. Section The CB shall register the producer (per product) in the IndG.A.P. Database for NA
Database for PP and/or PO. 4 Cl. PP and/or PO. NA
(iii) Producers can register for PP/PO at any time if they start carrying out PP/PO Section Producers can register for PP/PO at any time if they start carrying out PP/PO Equivalent
activities but cannot use the registration as immediate corrective action to avoid 4 Cl. activities but cannot use the registration as immediate corrective action to avoid
sanctions in the case of a non-conformance. sanctions in the case of a non-conformance.

If a non-conformance is detected, the producer shall be sanctioned Section If a non-conformance is detected, the producer shall be sanctioned Equivalent
accordingly until effective implementation of the corrective actions for the 4 Cl. accordingly until effective implementation of the corrective actions for the
entire production process has taken place. entire production process has taken place.
Example 1. During an inspection of a producer who has not registered for NA
PP/PO, the CB detects the sale of non-GLOBALG.A.P. products of the same
type the producer has certified. In this case, the CB shall immediately suspend
the producer. Suspension can only be lifted after registration under PP/PO and
compliance with all traceability and
segregation requirements is verified.
Example 2. A certain part of the production has been found to be non- NA
compliant and the producer wants to segregate it and maintain the certification
for the rest of the production during the audit. This is not possible and the NA
normal sanction and certification procedures shall be
In case producers want to register for PP/PO during the validity of their Section In case producers want to register for PP/PO during the validity of their Equivalent
certificates (e.g. because they need to purchase non-GLOBALG.A.P. products, 4 Cl. certificates (e.g. because they need to purchase certified products, which they
which they did not expect at the time of their registration), CBs will have to did not expect at the time of their registration), CBs will have to carry out an
carry out an extraordinary inspection/audit to check the applicable control extraordinary inspection/audit to check the applicable control points and
points and update the information in the update the information in the their Database and the
GLOBALG.A.P. Database and the paper certificate. paper certificate.
In case producers want to register for parallel ownership at the beginning of the Section In case producers want to register for parallel ownership at the beginning of the Equivalent
season, when they are not sure whether they will buy non-certified products, 4 Cl. season, when they are not sure whether they will buy non-certified products,
CBs shall evaluate that the traceability and segregation procedures are CBs shall evaluate that the traceability and segregation procedures are
available and ready for implementation. When the purchase of products from available and ready for implementation. When the purchase of products from
non-certified sources begins, CBs shall require evidences of implementation non-certified sources begins, CBs shall require evidences of implementation
(documentation or on-site (documentation or on-site
assessment). assessment). Identification of Producers Registered for PP/PO Section Identification of Producers Registered for PP/PO Equivalent
4 Cl.
The GGN is used to validate the certificate. It is made available via the Section The UIN is used to validate the certificate. It is made available via the Equivalent
identification of the final products with the producer’s GGN, where the product 4 Cl. identification of the final products with the producer, where the product
originates from a certified process (see AF 13.2 'Identification of originates from a certified process, which is an obligation for all producers
GLOBALG.A.P. Products'), which is an obligation for all producers registered / Section registered for PP/PO.
for PP/PO. 3 Annex
3C Cl.

PP/PO shall be specified on the paper certificate and is also visible via the Section PP/PO shall be specified on the paper certificate and is also visible via the Equivalent
online certificate validation in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database. 4 Cl. online certificate validation in the IndG.A.P. website. Additional Requirements for Producers with PP/PO Section Additional Requirements for Producers with PP/PO Equivalent
4 Cl.
All products shall be traceable to the respective production site/PHU, and Section All products shall be traceable to the respective production site/PHU, and Equivalent
certified and non-certified products shall be fully segregated at all times. 4 Cl. certified and non-certified products shall be fully segregated at all times.
Producers shall be able to demonstrate that their traceability and Producers shall be able to demonstrate that their traceability and
recording system guarantees full traceability and segregation. recording system guarantees full traceability and segregation.
The handling of certified and non-certified products is possible within the same Section The handling of certified and non-certified products is possible within the same Equivalent
product handling facility. 4 Cl. product handling facility.
Parallel production in one production site is not allowed. Exceptions, when Section Parallel production in one production site is not allowed. Exceptions, when Equivalent
possible, are explained in the respective scope-specific rules. 4 Cl. possible, are explained in the respective scope-specific rules.
4.3.3 Burden of Proof Section Burden of Proof Equivalent
4 Cl.
a) In the case of information (e.g. MRL exceedance, microbial contamination, Section In the case of information (e.g. MRL exceedance, microbial contamination, Equivalent
etc.) about a GLOBALG.A.P. certificate holder, which could have a potential 4 Cl. etc.) about a certificate holder, which could have a potential impact on the
impact on the certified status/claim being transmitted to the GLOBALG.A.P. 4.1.27. certified status/claim being transmitted to the IndG.A.P. Secretariat, it is the
Secretariat, it is the responsibility of the certificate holders and the responsibility of the certificate holders and the corresponding CBs to refute
corresponding CBs to refute the claim by verifying and providing evidence of the claim by verifying and providing evidence of compliance with the
compliance with the GLOBALG.A.P. IndG.A.P. standards.
b) The findings and actions taken shall be reported to the GLOBALG.A.P. Section The findings and actions taken shall be reported to the IndG.A.P. Secretariat Equivalent
Secretariat within the defined period of time by the CB. 4 Cl. within the defined period of time by the CB.
c) If the certificate holders and the corresponding CBs do not provide the requested Section If the certificate holders and the corresponding CBs do not provide the requested Equivalent
evidence of compliance within the period of time defined by the 4 Cl. evidence of compliance within the period of time defined by the Scheme Owner,
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat, they will be sanctioned according to the 4.1.27. they will be sanctioned according to the sanctioning procedures described in the
sanctioning procedures described in the GLOBALG.A.P. General Certification Process (Section 3).
d) In case the evidence includes laboratory analyses, accredited Section In case the evidence includes laboratory analyses, accredited laboratories (ISO Equivalent
laboratories (ISO 17025) and independent sampling (according to the rules as 4 Cl. 17025) and independent sampling
set out in the relevant CPCC) shall be included. 4.1.27.
5. ASSESSMENT PROCESS Section Assessment process Section 4 Certification Process IndG.A.P. Equivalent
4, Cl 4,
In order to achieve certification, a registered party shall perform either a self- Section In order to achieve certification, a registered party shall perform either a self- Equivalent
assessment (Option 1 and Option 1 multisite without QMS) or internal 4, Cl 4, assessment (Option 1 and Option 1 multisite without QMS) or internal
inspections/audits (Option 1 multisite with QMS and Option 2) inspections/audits (Option 1 multisite with QMS and Option 2)
and receive inspections/audits by the chosen CB. and receive inspections/audits by the chosen CB.
During any of these assessments, except the self-assessments, comments shall Section During any of these assessments, except the self-assessments, comments shall Equivalent
be supplied for all Major Musts and all non-compliant 4, Cl 4, be supplied for all Major Musts and all non compliant
and not applicable Minor Must control points. and not applicable Minor Must Control points
5.1 Option 1 – Single Sites and Multisites without QMS -
a) This section is applicable to applicants that are single legal entities (individual Section This section is applicable to applicants that are single legal entities (individual NA
producer or company) with single production sites or multiple production sites 4, Cl 4, producer or company) with single production sites or multiple production sites
that are not separate legal entities and operated without that are not separate legal entities and operated without
the implementation of a QMS. the implementation of a QMS.
b) Summary of assessments to be undertaken before the certificate is issued Section Summary of assessments - Assessments to be undertaken before NA
(initial evaluation) and annually thereafter (subsequent evaluations): 4, Cl 4, certification is issued (option 1 Multisite without QMS initial evaluation) and
NA annually thereafter (Surveillance evaluation)
ii. b.
Self-assessments by producer - Evaluations (Initial and Subsequent): Section Self-assessments by producer - Evaluations (Initial and Subsequent): NA
1. Entire scope (all registered sites) 4, Cl 4, 1. Entire scope (all registered sites)
ii. b.
Externally by the CB - Evaluations (Initial and Subsequent): Section Externally by the CB - Evaluations (Initial and Subsequent): NA
2. Announced inspection of entire scope (all registered sites) 4, Cl 4, 2. Announced inspection of entire scope (all registered sites)
3. After initial certification: Unannounced inspection (minimum 10 % of 3. After initial certification: Unannounced inspection (minimum 10 % of
certificate holders) ii. b. certificate holders)
5.1.1 Self-Assessments Section 4.2.4.i Self Assessment Equivalent
4 Cl
Clause i
a) The self-assessment shall: -

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(i) Cover all registered production sites, products and processes under the Section Cover all registered production sites, products and processes under the Equivalent
certification scope to verify compliance with the requirements defined in the 4, Cl 4, certification scope to verify compliance with the requirements defined in the
applicable control points, applicable control points
i. a.
(ii) Be carried out by or under the responsibility of the producer Section Be carried out by or under the responsibility of the producer Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
i. b.
(iii) Be carried out before the initial inspection and thereafter at least annually Section Be carried out at least annually before the initial or surveillance inspections Equivalent
before announced subsequent inspections against the complete checklist (Major 4, Cl 4, against complete checklist of all scope(s) and sub scope (s) and registered
Musts, Minor Musts, and Recommendations) of all relevant scope(s) and sub-, areas in one go or in stages depending upon the crops.
scope(s) and registered areas. The completed checklist shall be available on site i. c. The completed checklist shall be available on site for review at all times.
for review at all times.

(iv) The self-assessment checklist shall contain comments of the evidences Section Comments and positive findings during the self-assessment shall be recorded as Equivalent
observed for all non-applicable and non-compliant control points. 4, Cl 4, described in the checklist. The self-assessment checklist shall contain comments, of the evidences observed for all non-applicable
i. d. and non-compliant control points.
5.1.2 Certification Body Inspections Section External inspection Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
a) These inspections (announced and unannounced) shall be carried out by a CB Section These inspections (announced and unannounced) shall be carried out by a CB Equivalent
inspector or auditor (see CB inspector and auditor requirements in General 4, Cl 4, inspector or auditor
Regulations Part III),
ii. a.
(i) The CB shall inspect the complete checklist (Major Musts, Minor Musts, and Section The CB shall inspect the complete checklist (Major and Minor and Equivalent
Recommendations) of the applicable scope(s) and sub-scope(s). 4, Cl 4, Recomendations of the applicable scope(s) and sub-scope(s).,
ii. a.
(ii) The inspection shall cover: Section The inspection shall cover: Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
ii. a.
• All accepted products and production processes Section • All accepted products and production processes Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
ii. a.
• All registered production sites Section • All registered production sites Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
ii. a.
• Each registered product handling unit Section • Each registered product handling unit Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
ii. a.
• Where relevant, the administrative sites Section • Where relevant, the administrative sites Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
ii. a. Announced Inspections Section ii.External inspection Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
Each producer shall undergo one announced CB inspection at the initial Section Each producer shall undergo one announced CB inspection at the initial Equivalent
assessment and thereafter once per annum. 4, Cl 4, assessment and thereafter once per annum.,
The CB may divide announced inspections (both initial and subsequent) into 2 Section The CB may divide announced inspections (both initial and subsequent) into 2 Equivalent
modules, which shall be verified by the same auditor/inspector: 4, Cl 4, modules, which shall be verified by the same auditor/inspector:,
ii. a.
(i) Off-site module: This consists of a desk review of documentation sent by the Section Off-site module: This consists of a desk review of documentation sent by the Equivalent
producer to the CB before the inspection, including the self- assessment, risk 4, Cl 4, producer to the CB before the inspection.and the off- site module review has to
assessments, procedures required in several CPCC, veterinary health plan, be conducted no more than 4 weeks before the on site inspection
(where applicable), analysis program (frequency, parameters, locations), ii. a.
analysis reports, licenses, list of medicines used, list of plant protection
products used, proof of lab accreditation, certificates or inspection reports of
subcontracted activities, plant protection products/fertilizers/medicines
application records, etc. The off- site module review has to be conducted no
more than 4 weeks before the
on-site module inspection.
(ii) On-site module: This consists of an on-site inspection of the remaining Section On-site module: This consists of an on-site inspection of the remaining Equivalent
content of the checklist, the production process on-site, and verification of the 4, Cl 4, content of the checklist, the production process on-site, and verification of the
information assessed off-site., information assessed off-site.
ii. a.
The reason why two modules are used is to reduce the time spent on- site, Section The reason why two modules are used is to reduce the time spent on- site, NA
although the overall duration of the inspection is not reduced. 4, Cl 4, although the overall duration of the inspection is not reduced.
ii. a.
The CB decides if it will offer the off-site module to its clients. In case the CB Section The CB offers both the off-site and on-site module to its clients, the use is to Equivalent
offers the off-site module to its clients, the use is to be mutually agreed with 4, Cl 4, be mutually agreed and part of the process
each producer.,
ii. a.
The producer has the right not to send certain requested documents to the CB Section The producer has the right not to send certain requested documents to the CB Equivalent
if they are considered to be confidential. In this case the information will have 4, Cl 4, if they are considered to be confidential. In this case the information will have
to be present during the on-site inspection., to be present during the on-site inspection.
ii. a.
(See also off-site module description in General Regulations Part III). NA NA Unannounced Inspections -

(i) The CB shall carry out unannounced inspections of a minimum of 10 % of all Section The CB shall carry out unannounced inspections of a minimum of 10 % of all Equivalent
certified producers the CB has certified per scope under Option 1 without 4, Cl 4, certified producers the CB has certified per scope under Option 1 without
QMS, during the 12 months of validity of the certificates., QMS, during the 12 months of validity of the certificates.
ii. a.
(ii) Unless the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat has approved a shortened checklist; the Describe if you have approved a Section Unless theIndG.A.P. Secretariat has approved a shortened checklist; the CB Equivalent
CB shall inspect the Major Musts and Minor Musts of the applicable scope(s) shortenend checklist or not. If 4, Cl 4, shall inspect the Critical and Major of the applicable scope(s) and sub-scope(s).
and sub-scope(s). Any non-conformance will be handled in the same way as not describe which requirements, Any non-conformance will be handled in the same way as those found during
those found during an announced inspection. of your G.A.P. rules shall be ii. a. an announced inspection.

(iii) The CB may inform the producer in advance of the intended visit. This Section The CB may inform the producer in advance of the intended visit. This Equivalent
notification will normally not exceed 48 hours (2 working days). In the 4, Cl 4, notification will normally not exceed 48 hours (2 working days). In the
exceptional case where it is impossible for the producer to accept the proposed, exceptional case where it is impossible for the producer to accept the proposed
date (due to medical or other justifiable reasons), the producer will receive one ii. a. date (due to medical or other justifiable reasons), the producer will receive one
more chance to be informed of an unannounced inspection. The producer shall more chance to be informed of an unannounced inspection. The producer shall
receive a written warning if the first proposed date has not been accepted. The receive a written warning if the first proposed date has not been accepted. The
producer will receive another 48-hour notification of a visit. If the visit cannot producer will receive another 48-hour notification of a visit. If the visit cannot
take place because of non- justifiable reasons, a suspension of all products will take place because of non- justifiable reasons, a suspension of all products will
be issued. be issued. Unannounced Reward Program Chapter not applicable if your Not Applicable The Scheme wants to take NA
scheme does not offer an up additional feature in an No Unnanounced Reward
unannounced reward program phased wise Program in IndGAP
(i) Producers may opt to participate in the Unannounced Reward Program. Not Applicable NA
No Unnanounced Reward
The CB shall inform the producer about this possibility and shall offer the
Program in IndGAP
Unannounced Reward Program.
(ii) Under the Unannounced Reward Program, producers will be excluded from the Not Applicable NA
additional 10 % unannounced inspection. However, the annual inspection will
be unannounced following the same rules described in No Unnanounced Reward This may allow the CBs to reduce their inspection fee. (See also Program in IndGAP
Unannounced Reward Program description in General Regulations Part
(iii) Inspections under the Unannounced Reward System shall always be carried out Not Applicable NA
No Unnanounced Reward
using the entire IFA checklist, according to the relevant
Program in IndGAP
scopes and sub-scopes.
(iv) Participants of the Unannounced Reward Program are excluded from the Not Applicable NA No Unnanounced Reward
off-site module inspection methodology. Program in IndGAP
(v) Participation in the Unannounced Reward Program is registered as an Not Applicable NA
attribute in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database.
(vi) In justified circumstances (e.g. complaint follow up), CBs still have the Not Applicable NA
No Unnanounced Reward
right to schedule unannounced inspections during the certificate validity period.
Program in IndGAP

(vii) If the producer also needs to be audited for an add-on and the add-on rules Not Applicable NA
explicitly exclude unannounced add-on assessments, the producer will not be
able to participate in the Unannounced Reward Program.

5.2 Option 2 and Option 1 Multisite with QMS Chapter not applicable if your Section Option 2 and option 1 multisite with QMS -
scheme does not allow neither 4, Cl 4,
certification of producer groups
nor certification of individual
producers with several site who
have implemented a

a) This section is applicable to groups and individuals with multiple sites who Section This section is applicable to groups and individuals with multiple sites who NA
have implemented a QMS that complies with the requirements set 4, Cl 4, have implemented a QMS. NA
in General Regulations Part II.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

b) The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all producers and Section The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all producers and Equivalent
production sites under the certification scope comply with the certification 4, Cl 4, production sites under the certification scope comply with the certification
requirements at all times. requirements at all times.
c) The CB does not inspect all producers or production sites, but just a sample. Section The CB does not inspect all producers or production sites, but just a sample. Equivalent
Thus, it is not the responsibility of the CB to determine the compliance of each 4, Cl 4, Thus, it is not the responsibility of the CB to determine the compliance of each
producer or production site (this responsibility rests with the applicant). The CB producer or production site (this responsibility rests with the applicant). The CB
shall assess whether the applicant’s internal shall assess whether the applicant’s internal
controls are appropriate. controls are appropriate.
d) Summary of assessments to be undertaken before a certificate is issued (initial Section Summary of assessments to be undertaken before a certificate is issued NA
evaluation) and annually thereafter (subsequent evaluation): 4, Cl 4, (initial evaluation) and annually thereafter (subsequent evaluation):
Internally by the producer group and Option 1 multisite with QMS - Initial Section Internally by the producer group and Option 1 multisite with QMS - Initial NA
Evaluations: 4, Cl 4, Evaluations:
1. Internal QMS audit, 1. Internal QMS audit NA
2. Internal inspection of each registered producer/production site and all iv. 2. Internal inspection of each producer and/or PMU
product handling units
Internally by the producer group and Option 1 multisite with QMS - Subsequent Section Internally by the producer group and Option 1 multisite with QMS - NA
Evaluations: 4, Cl 4, Subsequent Evaluations:
1. Internal QMS audit, 1. Internal QMS audit NA
2. Internal inspection of each registered producer/production site and all iv. 2. Internal inspection of each producer and/or PMU
product handling units
Externally by the CB - Initial Evaluations: Section Externally by the CB - Initial Evaluations: NA
First visit 4, Cl 4, First visit
1. Announced QMS audit + square root of the total number of registered, 1. Announced QMS audit + square root of the total number of
central product handling units while in operation iv. registered central PMUs while in operation
2. Announced inspection of (minimum) square root of registered
producer/production sites 2. Announced inspection to (minimum) square root of producer
Second visit (surveillance) member and/or PMUs and additional producers as a result of risk
3. Surveillance inspection of (minimum) 50 % square root of certified assessment undertaken by CB
producers/production sites
3. Unannounced inspection to (minimum) 50% of square root of
producers and /or PMUs

Externally by the CB - Subsequent Evaluations: Section Externally by the CB - Subsequent Evaluations: NA

First visit 4, Cl 4, First visit
1. Announced QMS audit, 1. Announced QMS audit
2. a) If sanction from previous surveillance: Inspection of (minimum) square iv. 2. a) If sanction from previous surveillance: Inspection of (minimum) square
root of actual number of registered producers/production sites; or root of actual number of registered producers/production sites; or
2. b) If no sanction from previous surveillance: Inspection of (minimum) 2. b) If no sanction from previous surveillance: Inspection of (minimum)
square root of actual number of registered producers/ production sites minus square root of actual number of registered producers/ production sites minus NA
the number of producers/ production sites inspected during the previous the number of producers/ production sites inspected during the previous
surveillance inspection surveillance inspection
Second visit (surveillance) Second visit (surveillance)
3. Surveillance inspection of (minimum) 50 % square root of the actual 3. Surveillance inspection of (minimum) 50 % square root of the actual
number of certified producers/production sites. number of certified producers/production sites.

Product handling inspections externally by the CB - Initial Evaluations and Product handling inspections externally by the CB - Initial Evaluations and Equivalent
Subsequent Evaluations: Subsequent Evaluations:
During first or second visit: If there is only one central product handling During first or second visit: If there is only one central product handling
facility, it shall be inspected every year while in operation. facility, it shall be inspected every year while in operation.
When there are more than one central product handling facility, the square root When there are more than one central product handling facility, the square root
of the total number of central product handling units registered shall be of the total number of central product handling units registered shall be
inspected while in operation. inspected while in operation.
Where the product handling does not take place centrally, but on the farms of Where the product handling does not take place centrally, but on the farms of
the producer members, this factor shall be taken into account when determining the producer members, this factor shall be taken into account when determining
the sample of producers to be inspected. the sample of producers to be inspected.
For aquaculture, every product handling unit shall always be inspected For aquaculture, every product handling unit shall always be inspected
annually while in operation. annually while in operation.
Unannounced QMS audits externally by the CB - Initial Evaluations and Section Unannounced QMS audits externally by the CB - Initial Evaluations and NA
Subsequent Evaluations: Additional unannounced QMS audit of 10 % of 4, Cl 4, Subsequent Evaluations: Additional unannounced QMS audit of 10 % of
certificate holders with QMS., certificate holders with QMS.
5.2.1 Internal Assessments Option 2 and option 1 multisite with QMS -
a) The applicant shall undertake internal assessments of all producers and/or Section The applicant shall undertake internal assessments of all producers and/or Equivalent
production sites, covering all products and processes under the certification 4, Cl 4, production sites, covering all products and processes under the certification
scope to verify and ensure compliance with the certification, scope to verify and ensure compliance with the certification
requirements. i. a. requirements.
b) The internal assessments shall comply with requirements determined in Part II Section The internal assessments shall comply with requirements determined in sections Equivalent
of the General Regulations under sections 5 and 6 and include the following: 4, Cl 4, 4 and 5 and include the following:,
i. b.
(i) A minimum of one internal audit of the QMS to be carried out by the internal Section A minimum of one internal audit of the QMS to be carried out by the internal Equivalent
auditor before the first CB audit and thereafter once per annum. 4, Cl 4, auditor before the first CB audit and thereafter once annually,
i. b.
(ii) A minimum of one internal inspection of each registered producer, production Section A minimum of one internal inspection of each registered producer, production Equivalent
site and product handling facility (PHU) to be carried out by the internal 4, Cl 4, site and product handling facility (PHU) shall be carried out by the internal
inspector before the first CB inspection and thereafter once, inspector before the first CB inspection and thereafter once
per annum. i. b. annually
5.2.2 Certification Body Quality Management System (QMS) Audit Section Option 2 and option 1 multisite with QMS Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
a) The audit (announced and unannounced) shall be carried out by a CB auditor Section The audit (announced and unannounced) shall be carried out by a CB auditor Equivalent
(see CB auditor requirements in General Regulations Part III). 4, Cl 4, (see CB auditor requirements in CB Requirement Section).,
ii. a.
b) The audit (announced and unannounced) shall be based on the QMS checklist Describe what checklist shall be Section The audit (announced and unannounced) shall be based on the QMS checklist Equivalent
that is available on the GLOBALG.A.P. website. used for QMS audits 4, Cl 4, that is available on the IndG.A.P. website.,
ii. b. QMS Announced Audits Section Section 4A Certification Process - Group Certification IndG.A.P. Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
The CB shall carry out one announced audit of the QMS at the initial Section The CB shall carry out one announced audit of the QMS at the initial Equivalent
assessment and thereafter once per annum. 4, Cl 4, assessment and thereafter once annually,
ii. b.
The CB may divide the announced audits into 2 modules, which shall be Section The CB may divide the announced audits into 2 modules, which shall be Equivalent
verified by the same auditor: 4, Cl 4, verified by the same auditor:,
ii. b.
(i) Off-site module: This consists of a desk review of documentation sent by the Section Off-site module: This consists of a desk review of documentation sent by the Equivalent
QMS to the CB before the audit, including internal audit, internal register of 4, Cl 4, QMS to the CB before the audit, including internal audit, internal register of
approved producer members/production sites, 'Food Safety Policy Declaration',, approved producer members/production sites, 'Food Safety Policy Declaration',
risk assessments, procedures required in the General Regulations Part II, ii. b. risk assessments, procedures required in the General Regulations Part II,
residue monitoring system (frequency, parameters, sampling program), residue residue monitoring system (frequency, parameters, sampling program), residue
analysis reports, licenses, list of medicines used, list of plant protection analysis reports, licenses, list of medicines used, list of plant protection
products used, proof of lab accreditation and certificates or inspection reports products used, proof of lab accreditation and certificates or inspection reports
of subcontracted of subcontracted
activities, etc. activities, etc.
(ii) On-site module: This consists of an on-site audit of the remaining content of Section On-site module: This consists of an on-site audit of the remaining content of Equivalent
the QMS checklist, plus the verification of the information assessed off-site 4, Cl 4, the QMS checklist, plus the verification of the information assessed off-site
and the way the management system works on-site (e.g. internal inspections,, and the way the management system works on-site (e.g. internal inspections,
traceability, segregation and mass balance, ii. b. traceability, segregation and mass balance,
central product handling units, etc.). central product handling units, etc.).
The aim of the use of both modules is to reduce the time spent on-site, although Section The aim of the use of both modules is to reduce the time spent on-site, although NA
the overall duration of the audit will not be reduced. 4, Cl 4, the overall duration of the audit will not be reduced.
ii. b..
The CB decides if it will offer the off-site module to its clients. In case the CB Section The CB decides if it will offer the off-site module to its clients. In case the CB Equivalent
offers the off-site module to its clients, the use has to be mutually agreed with 4, Cl 4, offers the off-site module to its clients, the use has to be mutually agreed with
each producer group/company., each producer group/company.
ii. b.
The producer group/company has the right not to send certain requested Section The producer group/company has the right not to send certain requested Equivalent
documents to the CB if they are considered to be confidential. In this case the 4, Cl 4, documents to the CB if they are considered to be confidential. In this case the
information will have to be present during the on-site audit., information will have to be present during the on-site audit.
ii. b.
(See also off-site module description in General Regulations Part III). NA NA QMS Unannounced Audits -
(i) The CB shall carry out additional QMS unannounced audits for a minimum of Section The CB shall carry out additional QMS unannounced audits for a minimum of Equivalent
10 % of the certified producer groups and multisites with QMS annually. 4, Cl 4, 10 % of the certified producer groups and multisites with QMS annually.,
ii. b.
(ii) Any non-conformances detected will be handled as in an announced audit. Section Any non-conformances detected will be handled as in an announced audit. Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
ii. b.
(iii) The CB may inform the certificate holder. This notification will normally not Section The CB may inform the certificate holder. This notification will normally not Equivalent
exceed 48 hours (2 working days) in advance of the intended visit. In the 4, Cl 4, exceed 48 hours (2 working days) in advance of the intended visit. In the
exceptional case where it is impossible for the certificate holder to accept the, exceptional case where it is impossible for the certificate holder to accept the
proposed date (due to medical or other justifiable reasons), the certificate ii. b. proposed date (due to medical or other justifiable reasons), the certificate
holder will receive one more chance to be informed of an unannounced holder will receive one more chance to be informed of an unannounced
surveillance inspection. The certificate holder shall receive a written warning if surveillance inspection. The certificate holder shall receive a written warning if
the first date has not been accepted. The certificate holder will receive another the first date has not been accepted. The certificate holder will receive another
48-hour notification of a visit. If the visit cannot take place because of non- 48-hour notification of a visit. If the visit cannot take place because of non-
justifiable reasons, a complete suspension justifiable reasons, a complete suspension
will be issued. will be issued.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

5.2.3 Certification Body Producer/Production Site Inspections -

a) A CB inspector or auditor shall carry out the inspections. Section A CB inspector or auditor shall carry out the inspections. Equivalent
4, Cl 4,,
iii. a.
b) The CB shall inspect the complete checklist (Major Musts, Minor Musts and Section The CB shall inspect the complete checklist (Major and Minor and Equivalent
Recommendations) of the applicable scope(s) and sub-scope(s) during ALL 4, Cl 4, Recomendations ) of the applicable scope(s) and sub-scope(s) during ALL
inspections., inspections.
iii. b.
c) The inspection per selected producer member or production site shall cover Section The inspection per selected producer member or production site shall cover Equivalent
all accepted products, production processes and where relevant, the product 4, Cl 4, all accepted products, production processes and where relevant, the product
handling units and administrative sites., handling units and administrative sites.
iii. c.
d) Initial inspection or first inspection by a new CB: As a minimum the Section Initial inspection or first inspection by a new CB: As a minimum the Equivalent
square root (or next whole number rounded upwards if there are any decimals) 4, Cl 4, square root (or next whole number rounded upwards if there are any decimals)
of the total number of the producers/production sites in the certification scope, of the total number of the producers/production sites in the certification scope
shall be inspected before a certificate can be issued. During the validity period iii. c. shall be inspected before a certificate can be issued. During the validity period
of the certificate, the surveillance inspection of (minimum) 50 % square root of of the certificate, the surveillance inspection of (minimum) 50 % square root of
certified producers/production sites shall certified producers/production sites shall
be carried out. be carried out.
e) Subsequent inspections: -
(i) The CB shall carry out announced external inspections of each producer group Section The CB shall carry out announced external inspections of each producer group Equivalent
and multi-site annually. 4, Cl 4, and multi-site annually.,
iii. e.
(ii) The inspections shall be split into 2 separate visits during the certification Section The inspections may be split into 2 separate visits during the certification cycle, Equivalent
cycle, with the aim of increasing the reliability of the system: 4, Cl 4, with the aim of increasing the reliability of the system:,
iii. e.
• Re-certification audit • Re-certification audit Equivalent
• Surveillance producer inspections • Surveillance producer inspections Equivalent
This does not reduce the minimum number of inspections necessary This does not reduce the minimum number of inspections necessary Equivalent
during the certification cycle. during the certification cycle (12 months).
(iii) The number of producers/sites to be inspected during a certification cycle shall Section The number of producers/sites to be inspected during a certification cycle shall Equivalent
be equivalent to the square root of the current number of producers/production 4, Cl 4, be equivalent to the square root of the current number of producers/production
sites (grouped by the same production type). Half (50 %) of the square root of, sites (grouped by the same production type). Half (50 %) of the square root of
the producers/production sites shall be iii. e. the producers/production sites shall be
inspected during the surveillance inspections. inspected during the surveillance inspections.
(iv) The sample size of the following regular announced audit by the CB may be Section The sample size of the following regular announced audit by the CB may be Equivalent
reduced to the square root of the current number of the producers/production 4, Cl 4, reduced to the square root of the current number of the producers/production
sites minus the number of producers/production sites inspected during the, sites minus the number of producers/production sites inspected during the
previous surveillance inspections as long as ii. b. previous surveillance inspections as long as
the following prerequisites are met: the following prerequisites are met:
• There is no non-conformances detected on the day of the Section • There is no non-conformances detected on the day of the Equivalent
producer/production site surveillance inspections 4, Cl 4, producer/production site surveillance inspections,
ii. b.
• The result of the QMS audit does not raise doubts about the Section • The result of the QMS audit does not raise doubts about the Equivalent
robustness of the system. 4, Cl 4, robustness of the system.,
ii. b.
Example 1: In a producer group with 50 members the CB shall inspect 8 NA
members (square root of 50) during the initial audit. During the following
surveillance inspection 4 (0.5 x 8) members shall be inspected. The total
number of producers inspected in the first year is 12. In the next year, where no
non-conformances are detected during the previous 4 surveillance inspections,
the CB shall inspect 4 producers during the re- certification audit and then
another 4 during the surveillance inspections.

Example 2: In a producer group with 5 members during the initial audit, 3 NA

members (square root of 5) and during the following surveillance inspections 2
(0.5 x 3) members shall be inspected. If in the next year the total number of
group members decreases to 4, and no non- conformances were detected during
the surveillance producer inspection,
1 producer shall still be inspected.
Example 3: In a group of 62 members, the number of members increased (by NA
less than 10 %) to a total of 65 after the initial audit. During the initial audit 8
members (square root of 62) were inspected. The sample size for the
following surveillance inspection needs to take the increase into consideration NA
and half of the square root of the actual number of members (65) need to be
inspected; i.e. (0.5 x 9), which is 5
(v) Before a certification decision can be made, at least the square root of the Section Before a certification decision can be made, at least the square root of the Equivalent
total number of current producers/production sites shall have been inspected 4, Cl 4, total number of current producers/production sites shall have been inspected
during the last 12 months., during the last 12 months.
ii. c.
(vi) CBs may take the decision to increase the sample during surveillance Section CBs may take the decision to increase the sample during surveillance Equivalent
inspections if there is a need to investigate whether a non-compliance is 4, Cl 4, inspections if there is a need to investigate whether a non-compliance is
structural or not., structural or not.
ii. d.
5.3 Inspection Timing Section -
4, Cl 4,
5.3.1 Initial (First) Inspections Section -
4, Cl 4,
This section is applicable to producers seeking GLOBALG.A.P. certification -
for the first time, and to producers who want to add a new product to an already
existing GLOBALG.A.P. certificate. When a producer changes from one CB to
another, or from GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Standard to an equivalent approved
modified checklist or scheme (or the other way around), it is not considered a
first inspection, but subsequent
a) No inspection can take place until the CB has accepted the applicant’s Section No inspection can take place until the CB has accepted the applicant’s Equivalent
registration. 4, Cl 4, registration.
4.2.5, iii.
b) Each production process for products registered and accepted for certification Section Each production process for products registered and accepted for certification Equivalent
for the first time shall be completely assessed (all applicable control points 4, Cl 4, for the first time shall be completely assessed (all applicable control points
shall be verified), prior to issuing the certificate. 4.2.5, iv. shall be verified), prior to issuing the certificate.

c) A product that has not yet been harvested shall not be included in the certificate Section A product that has not yet been harvested shall not be included in the certificate Equivalent
(i.e. it is not possible to certify a product in the future). 4, Cl 4, (i.e. it is not possible to certify a product in the future).
4.2.5, v.
d) It is possible to add a new product to an already existing certificate during an Section It is possible to add a new product to an already existing certificate during an Equivalent
unannounced inspection (Option 1 without QMS) or during a surveillance 4, Cl 4, unannounced inspection (Option 1 without QMS) or during a surveillance
inspection (Option 2/Option 1 with QMS and sampling; see General 4.2.5, vi. inspection (Option 2/Option 1 with QMS and sampling, provided all
Regulations Part II, 11), provided all applicable control points for this product / Section applicable control points for this product are verified.
are verified. 4, Cl 4,

e) The applicant shall have records from the registration date onwards or for at Section The applicant shall have records from the registration date onwards or for at Equivalent
least 3 months before the first inspection takes place, whichever is longer, and 4, Cl 4, least 3 months before the first inspection takes place, whichever is longer, and
the CB shall inspect them 4.2.5, vii. the CB shall inspect them

f) Products that are harvested/slaughtered/processed before registration with Section Products that are harvested/processed before registration with IndG.A.P. cannot Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. cannot be certified. 4, Cl 4, be certified.
g) Records that relate to harvest or product handling before the producer has Section Records that relate to harvest or product handling before the producer has Equivalent
registered with GLOBALG.A.P. are not valid. 4, Cl 4, registered with IndG.A.P. are not valid.
4.2.5, ix.
5.3.2 Subsequent Inspections -
a) Each production process for products registered and accepted for certification Section Each production process for products registered and accepted for certification Equivalent
shall be completely assessed (all applicable control points shall be verified) 4, Cl 4, shall be completely assessed (all applicable control points shall be verified)
annually prior to issuing the certificate. This also applies, annually prior to issuing the certificate. This also applies
if the producers change CBs. i. if the producers change CBs.
b) The subsequent inspection can be carried out at any time during an “inspection Section The subsequent inspection can be carried out at any time during an “inspection Equivalent
window” that extends over a period of 8 months: from 4 months before the 4, Cl 4, window” that extends over a period of 8 months: from 4 months before the
original expiry date of the certificate, and (only if the CB extends the certificate, original expiry date of the certificate, and (only if the CB extends the
validity in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database) up to 4 months after the original ii. certificate validity in the IndG.A.P. registry) up to 4 months after the original
expiry date of the certificate. expiry date of the certificate.

Example: 1st certification date: 14 February 2015 (expiry date: 13 February NA

2016). 2nd inspection can be at any time from 14 October 2015 NA
to 13 June 2016, if the certificate validity is extended.
c) There shall be a minimum period of 6 months between 2 inspections for re- Section There shall be a minimum period of 6 months between 2 inspections for re- Equivalent
certification. 4, Cl 4, certification.,
6. CERTIFICATION PROCESS Section Certification process Section 4 Certification Process IndG.A.P. -
4, Cl 4,
6.1 Non-Compliance and Non-Conformance Complete 6.1 a) and b) if such a Section -
distinction exists in your 4, Cl 4,
scheme 4.3.5
a) Non-compliance (with a control point): A Minor Must or Section Non-compliance (with a control point): A Minor or Recomendation in Equivalent
Recommendation in the GLOBALG.A.P. checklist is not fulfilled 4, Cl 4, the IndG.A.P. checklist is not fulfilled according to the compliance
according to the compliance criterion. criterion.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

b) Non-conformance (with the GLOBALG.A.P. certification rules): A Section Non-conformance (with the IndG.A.P. certification rules): A Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. rule that is necessary for obtaining the certificate (see 6.2) 4, Cl 4, IndG.A.P. rule that is necessary for obtaining the certificate (see 6.2) is
is infringed (e.g. non-compliance with one or more Major Musts, or infringed (e.g. non-compliance with one or more Major , or more than 5 %
more than 5 % of applicable Minor Musts). of applicable Minor).
c) Contractual non-conformances: Breach of any of the agreements signed in Section Contractual non-conformances: Breach of any of the agreements signed in Equivalent
the contract between the CB and the producer related to GLOBALG.A.P. 4, Cl 4, the contract between the CB and the producer related to IndG.A.P. issues.
issues. Case examples: Trading with a product that does not comply with legal
Case examples: Trading with a product that does not comply with legal requirements; false communication by the producer regarding IndG.A.P.
requirements; false communication by the producer regarding GLOBALG.A.P. certification, IndG.A.P. trademark misuse, payments not made in
certification, GLOBALG.A.P. trademark misuse, accordance with contractual conditions, etc.
payments not made in accordance with contractual conditions, etc.
6.2 Requirements to Achieve and Maintain GLOBALG.A.P. Certification Section Requirements to Achieve and Maintain IndG.A.P. Certification -
4, Cl 4,
The Control Points and Compliance Criteria document consist of 3 types of Explain of what types of Section The Control Points and Compliance Criteria document consist of 3 types of Equivalent
control points: Major Musts, Minor Musts, and Recommendations. control points your G.A.P. 4, Cl 4, control points: Critical, Major and Minor.
criteria consist
To obtain GLOBALG.A.P. certification, the following are required: Section To obtain IndG.A.P. certification, the following are required: Equivalent
4, Cl 4,
Major Musts: 100 % compliance with all applicable Major Must and QMS Major 100 % compliance with all applicable Major and QMS control Equivalent
control points is compulsory. points is compulsory.
Minor Musts: 95 % compliance with all applicable Minor Must control Minor 95 % compliance with all applicable Major control points is Equivalent
points is compulsory. compulsory.
Recommendations: No minimum percentage of compliance required. Recomendation: No minimum percentage of compliance required. Equivalent
The producer shall comply with the agreements signed ('GLOBALG.A.P. Section The producer shall comply with the agreements signed ('IndG.A.P. Sublicense Equivalent
Sublicense and Certification Agreement' and CB service agreement in their 4, Cl 4, and Certification Agreement' and CB service agreement in their current
current version) and with the requirements defined in the General version) and with the requirements defined in the
Regulations in their current version. Certification Criteria in their current version.
6.2.1. Minor Must Compliance Calculation Explain in this chapter Section -
compliance calculation for 4, Cl 4,
your scheme
a) For the sake of calculation, the following formula shall apply: Section For the sake of calculation,the following formula shall apply:(Total number Equivalent
{(Total number of Minor Must control points for the respective sub- scopes) - 4, Cl 4, of Minor control points for the respective sub scopes)-( Not applicable Minor
(Not applicable Minor Must control points scored)} x 5 % = (Total Minor Must, Control points scored ) x 5%= ( Total minor control point non-compliance
control point non- compliance allowed) a. allowed )

e.g. (All Farm Base + Crops Base + Fruit and Vegetables: 122 – 52 NA) x Section The calculation method to find out the percentage of major control point non- NA
0.05 = 70 x 0.05 = 3.5. 4, Cl 4, complaince is (number of non-complaint Major control points) / (total number
In this example the total number of Minor Must control point non- compliance, of applicable Major control points) X 100
allowed is 3.5, which shall be rounded down. Therefore this producer may only a. The calculation method to find out the percentage of major control point
have 3 Minor Must control points that are non- complaince is number of complaint Major control points / total number of
compliant. applicable Major control points X 100
70 applicable Minor Must control points – 3 non-compliant Minor Must control Section This shall be 5% or below if any thing above 5% will lead to non- conformance NA
points = 67. This gives a compliance level of 95.7 %, whereas if 4, Cl 4, This shall be 95% or above if anything below 95% will lead to non-
3.5 were rounded up to 4 it would give a compliance level of 94.2 %, conformance
which would be non-compliant with the certification rule.
NOTE: A score for example of 94.8 % cannot be rounded up to 95 % (the Section The percentage compliance can never be roundedup for Eg;- 94.8 % compliance Equivalent
pass percentage) 4, Cl 4, can not be rounded up to 95 %.,
b) In all cases, the calculation to show compliance (or non-compliance) shall be Section The calculation of either percentage non-compliance or compliance shall be Equivalent
available after the inspection. 4, Cl 4, available after inspection,
6.2.2. Applicable Control Points Section -
4, Cl 4,
a) The control points to be taken into consideration to calculate the percentage of Section The control points to be taken into consideration to calculate the percentage Equivalent
compliance for Major Musts and Minor Musts depend on the product and 4, Cl 4, of compliance for Critical and Major depend on the product and certification
certification scope. The applicant shall ensure that each individual site and scope. The applicant shall ensure that each individual site and product
product complies with the certification requirements. Thus the compliance . complies with the certification requirements. Thus, the compliance
percentage shall be calculated taking into account all the control points percentage shall be calculated taking into account all the control points
applicable to each site and product. applicable to each site and product.

Example: A producer seeking certification for Fruit and Vegetables NA

needs to comply with 100 % of applicable Major Musts and at least 95
% of the applicable Minor Musts of the All Farm Base (AF), Crops Base (CB), NA
and Fruit and Vegetables (FV) modules combined together.

Example 1: A producer seeking certification for Combinable Crops and NA

Dairy needs to comply with 100 % of applicable Major Musts and 95 % of
the applicable Minor Musts as follows:
• For Combinable Crops: The All Farm Base (AF), Crops Base (CB), and NA
Combinable Crops (CC) modules combined together
• For Dairy: The All Farm Base (AF), Livestock Base (LB), Cattle and
Sheep (CS), and Dairy (DY) modules combined together.
Example 2: A producer is seeking certification for green beans and roses. A NA
non-conformance of a Major Must is detected in the Flowers and
Ornamentals sub-scope. The roses cannot be certified. The green beans can
only be certified IF the responsible CB justifies that there is no concern for NA
the integrity of the producer and production as a whole resulting from the
Major Must non-conformance in the Flowers and
Ornamentals sub-scope.
Example 3: A producer is seeking certification for pigs and vegetables. A non- NA
conformance with one of the Major Musts in the All Farm Base is detected;
neither the pigs, nor the vegetables can be certified.

b) In a multisite operation without QMS , the compliance level is calculated for Section In a multisite operation without QMS , the compliance level is calculated for Equivalent
the entire operation in one checklist. Any applicable control point common to 4, Cl 4, the entire operation in one checklist. Any applicable control point common to
all sites needs to be taken into account for all sites. all sites needs to be taken into account for all sites.
c) In a multisite operation with QMS , the compliance level is calculated per sampled Section In a multisite operation with QMS , the compliance level is calculated per sampled Equivalent
production site. Each production site shall comply with the certification 4, Cl 4, production site. Each production site shall comply with the certification
requirements. Any applicable control point common to all sites (e.g. central requirements. Any applicable control point common to all sites (e.g. central
chemical storage) needs to be taken into account for . chemical storage) needs to be taken into account for
all sites. all sites.
d) In a producer group, the compliance level is calculated per sampled producer. Section In a producer group, the compliance level is calculated per sampled producer. Equivalent
Each producer member shall comply with the certification requirements. Any 4, Cl 4, Each producer member shall comply with the certification requirements. Any
applicable control point common to all producers (e.g. central chemical storage) applicable control point common to all producers (e.g. central chemical storage)
needs to be taken into account for all . needs to be taken into account for all
producers. producers.
6.3 Certification Decision -
a) The CB shall make the certification decision within a maximum of 28 calendar Section The CB shall make the certification decision within a maximum of 28 calendar Equivalent
days after closure of any outstanding non-conformances. In case no non- 4, Cl 4, days after closure of any outstanding non-conformances. In case no non-
conformances are detected during the inspection/audit, it means that the CB conformances are detected during the inspection/audit, it means that the CB
shall make the decision no later than 28 days after shall make the decision no later than 28 days after
the end of the inspection/audit. the end of the inspection/audit.
b) Any complaints or appeals against CBs follow the CB’s own complaints and Section Any complaints or appeals against CBs follow the CB’s own complaints and NA
appeals procedure, which each CB shall have and communicate to its clients. 4, Cl 4, appeals procedure, which each CB shall have and communicate to its clients.
In case the CB does not respond adequately, the complaint can be addressed to In case the CB does not respond adequately, the complaint can be addressed to
the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat using the 'GLOBALG.A.P. the IndG.A.P. Secretariat.
Incident/Complaint Form', available on the
GLOBALG.A.P. website (
c) It is possible to issue a Food Safety Standard (FSS) certificate based on the N/A Not applicable NA
results of a corresponding IFA Standard version inspection if the producer
complies with 100 % of all applicable Major Musts and 95 % of
all applicable Minor Musts of the FSS.
6.4 Sanctions Describe in this chapter the -
producer (group) sanction
rules of your scheme
a) If non-conformance is detected, the CB shall apply a sanction (warning, Section If non-conformance is detected, the CB shall apply a sanction (warning, Equivalent
suspension, or cancellation) as indicated in this section. 4, Cl 4, suspension, or cancellation) as indicated in this section.
b) If a clear link has been established between a producer and public health Section If a clear link has been established between a producer and public health Equivalent
outbreak by a reputable governmental regulatory authority, suspension of the 4, Cl 4, outbreak by a reputable governmental regulatory authority, suspension of the
certification shall be imposedwhile a review of the producer’s certification shall be imposed while a review of the producer’s
certification is performed. certification is performed.
c) Producers cannot change CB until the non-conformance that led to the Section Producers cannot change CB until the non-conformance that led to the Equivalent
respective sanction is satisfactorily closed. 4, Cl 4, respective sanction is satisfactorily closed.
d) ONLY the CB or the producer group that has issued the sanction is entitled to Section ONLY the CB or the producer group that has issued the sanction is entitled to Equivalent
lift it, provided there is sufficient and timely evidence of corrective action 4, Cl 4, lift it, provided there is sufficient and timely evidence of corrective action
(either through a follow-up visit or other written or visual (either through a follow-up visit or other written or visual
evidence). evidence).
e) In the event that a producer is certified for both IFA and a FSS, sanctions will Not applicable NA
apply simultaneously to both IFA and FSS if the reason for the sanction is a
non-conformity against requirements of the FSS
6.4.1. Warning -
a) A warning is issued for all types of non-conformance detected (i.e. non- Section A warning is issued for all types of non-conformance detected (i.e. non- Equivalent
conformance with CPCC, GR, or contractual requirements). 4, Cl 4, conformance with any of the Scheme requirement).
b) If a non-conformance is detected during the inspection, the producer shall Section If a non-conformance is detected during the inspection, the producer shall Equivalent
be served a warning when the inspection is finalized. This is a provisional 4, Cl 4, be served a warning when the inspection is finalized. This is a provisional
report that could be overridden by the CB certification report that could be overridden by the CB certification
authority. authority.
c) Initial inspection: Section Initial inspection: Equivalent
4, Cl 4,

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(i) If an individual producer or producer group does not comply with 100 % of Section The CBs have a database system, for initial inspection, no certificate will be Equivalent
Major Must and 95 % Minor Must control points within 28 days after an initial 4 issued unless the non-conformance are closed
inspection, the status “open non-conformance” is set in the various
GLOBALG.A.P. Database. clauses
(ii) If the cause of the warning is not resolved within three (3) months, a complete Section If the cause of the warning is not resolved within three (3) months, a complete Equivalent
inspection shall be performed before a certificate can be 4, Cl 4, inspection shall be performed before a certificate can be
issued. issued.
d) Subsequent inspection: Section Subsequent inspection: Equivalent
4, Cl 4,
(i) Non-conformances shall be closed within 28 calendar days. Section Non-conformances shall be closed within 28 calendar days. Equivalent
4, Cl 4,
(ii) In the event of non-conformances with contracts, the General Requirements, or Section In the event of non-conformances with contracts, the Certification Equivalent
a Major Must, the CB shall decide what period is given to the producer for 4, Cl 4, Requirements, or a Major NC, the CB shall decide what period is given to the
closing the non-conformance before suspending the certificate. This period shall producer for closing the non-conformance before suspending the certificate.
never exceed 28 days and may be shortened according to the criticality of the This period shall never exceed 28 days and may be shortened according to the
non-conformance in terms of safety of workers, environment and consumers. criticality of the non-conformance in terms of safety of workers, environment
An immediate suspension shall be issued where a serious threat to food safety, and consumers. An immediate suspension shall be issued where a serious threat
the safety of workers, the environment, consumers, and/or product integrity (i.e. to food safety, the safety of workers, the environment, consumers, and/or
sale of non- certified products as certified) is present. This will be product integrity (i.e. sale of non- certified products as certified) is present.
communicated via an official warning letter. This will be communicated via an official warning letter.

6.4.2 Product Suspension -

a) If the cause of the warning is not resolved within the defined period (maximum Section If the cause of the warning is not resolved within the defined period (maximum Equivalent
of 28 days), a suspension shall be imposed by the CB or the 4, Cl 4, of 28 days), a suspension shall be imposed by the CB or the
producer group on its members immediately. producer group on its members immediately.
b) CBs can lift product suspensions imposed on producers and producer groups Section CBs can lift product suspensions imposed on producers and producer groups Equivalent
issued by them. 4, Cl 4, issued by them.
c) Producer groups can lift product suspension on their accepted producer Section Producer groups can lift product suspension on their accepted producer Equivalent
members issued by them. 4, Cl 4, members issued by them.
d) A suspension can be applied to one, several, or all of the products covered by Section A suspension can be applied to one, several, or all of the products covered by Equivalent
the certificate. 4, Cl 4, the certificate.
e) A product cannot be partially suspended for an individual producer (single or Section A product cannot be partially suspended for an individual producer (single or Equivalent
multisite), i.e. the entire product shall be suspended 4, Cl 4, multisite), i.e. the entire product shall be suspended
f) When the suspension is applied, the CB/producer group shall set the period Section When the suspension is applied, the CB/producer group shall set the period Equivalent
allowed for correction (not longer than 12 months). 4, Cl 4, allowed for correction (not longer than 12 months).
g) During the period of suspension, the producer is prohibited from using the Section During the period of suspension, the producer is prohibited from using the Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. logo/trademark, license/certificate, or any other type of 4, Cl 4, IndG.A.P. logo/trademark, license/certificate, or any other type of
document that is in any way linked to GLOBALG.A.P. in relation to document that is in any way linked to IndG.A.P. in relation to the
the suspended product. suspended product.
h) If a producer notifies the CB that the non-conformance is resolved before the Section If a producer notifies the CB that the non-conformance is resolved before the Equivalent
defined period, the respective sanction can be lifted, after evaluation of 4, Cl 4, defined period, the respective sanction can be lifted, after evaluation of
evidence provided by the producer. This evaluation may take place on- or off- evidence provided by the producer. This evaluation may take place on- or off-
site. If done through an on-site inspection, announced or unannounced, it may site. If done through an on-site inspection, announced or unannounced, it may
be a full inspection or evaluating only the submitted be a full inspection or evaluating only the submitted
evidence. evidence.
i) If the cause of the suspension is not resolved within the defined period, a Section If the cause of the suspension is not resolved within the defined period, a Equivalent
cancellation is imposed. 4, Cl 4, cancellation is imposed.
j) The suspension remains as long as the CB or producer group does not lift it or Section The suspension remains as long as the CB or producer group does not lift it or Equivalent
impose a cancellation. 4, Cl 4, impose a cancellation. Self-declared Product Suspension -

(i) A producer or producer group may voluntarily ask the respective CB(s) for a Section A producer or producer group may voluntarily ask the respective CB(s) for a Equivalent
suspension of one, several or all of the products covered by the certificate 4, Cl 4, suspension of one, several or all of the products covered by the certificate
(unless a CB has already imposed a sanction). This can occur if the producer (unless a CB has already imposed a sanction). This can occur if the producer
experiences difficulty with compliance to the standard and experiences difficulty with compliance to the standard and
needs time to close any non-conformance. needs time to close any non-conformance.
(ii) This suspension will not delay the renewal date, nor will it allow the producer Section This suspension will not delay the renewal date, nor will it allow the producer Equivalent
to avoid paying registration and other applicable fees. 4, Cl 4, to avoid paying registration and other applicable fees.
(iii) The deadline for closing non-conformance is set by the declaring Section The deadline for closing non-conformance is set by the declaring Equivalent
producer/producer group, which shall be agreed upon with the respective 4, Cl 4, producer/producer group, which shall be agreed upon with the respective
CB(s). CB(s).
(iv) The same applies for members of a producer group who may voluntarily ask the Section The same applies for members of a producer group who may voluntarily ask the Equivalent
respective group to temporarily suspend their product(s). Here too, the deadline 4, Cl 4, respective group to temporarily suspend their product(s). Here too, the deadline
for rectifying non-conformance is set by the declaring producer, which shall be for rectifying non-conformance is set by the declaring producer, which shall be
agreed upon with the respective producer group agreed upon with the respective producer group
(v) In the GLOBALG.A.P. Database the product status “self-declared NA
suspension” shall be set for the respective products.
6.4.3. Cancellation Cancellation of certification Equivalent
a) A cancellation of the contract shall be issued where: Section A cancellation of the contract shall be issued where: Equivalent
4, Cl 4,
(i) The CB finds evidence of fraud and/or lack of trust to comply with Section The CB finds evidence of fraud and/or lack of trust to comply with Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. requirements or 4, Cl 4, GLOBALG.A.P. requirements or
(ii) A producer/producer group cannot show evidence of implementation of Section A producer/producer group cannot show evidence of implementation of Equivalent
effective corrective action before the suspension period set by the 4, Cl 4, effective corrective action before the suspension period set by the
CB/producer group has elapsed CB/producer group has elapsed
b) A cancellation of the contract results in the total prohibition (all products, all Section A cancellation of the contract results in the total prohibition (all products, all Equivalent
sites) of the use of the GLOBALG.A.P. logo/trademark, license/certificate, or 4, Cl 4, sites) of the use of the IndG.A.P.. logo/trademark, license/certificate, or any
any device or document that may be linked to device or document that may be linked to IndG.A.P.
c) Producers that have received a cancellation shall not be accepted for Section Producers that have received a cancellation shall not be accepted for IndG.A.P. Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. certification within 12 months of the date of cancellation. 4, Cl 4, certification within 12 months of the date of cancellation.
6.5 Notification and Appeals Notification and Appeals -
a) The producer shall either resolve the non-conformances communicated or Section The producer shall either resolve the non-conformances communicated or Equivalent
appeal to the CB in writing against the non-conformances, explaining 4, Cl 4, appeal to the CB in writing against the non-conformances, explaining
the reasons for the appeal. 4.3.8. the reasons for the appeal.
b) If the non-conformances are not resolved within the permitted period, the Section If the non-conformances are not resolved within the permitted period, the Equivalent
sanction will be escalated. 4, Cl 4, sanction will be escalated.
6.6 Sanctioning of Certification Bodies Sanctioning of Certification Bodies -
a) GLOBALG.A.P. reserves the right to sanction CBs based on evidence of not Section IndG.A.P. reserves the right to sanction CBs based on evidence of not following Equivalent
following procedures or clauses of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. License and 4, Cl 4, procedures or clauses of the 'IndG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement'
Certification Agreement' signed between GLOBALG.A.P. and the CB (refer to 4.3.9. signed between IndG.A.P. and the CB (refer to Requirement of CB ).
General Regulations Part III for more information).

6.7 GLOBALG.A.P. Certificate and Certification Cycle IndG.A.P. Certificate and Certification Cycle -
a) The GLOBALG.A.P. certificate can only be issued to the applicant legal entity. Section The IndG.A.P. certificate can only be issued to the applicant legal entity. Equivalent
4, Cl 4,
b) The name of the trader could optionally be mentioned on the certificate Section The name of the trader could optionally be mentioned on the certificate Equivalent
only with the following disclaimer: ‘’Can be exclusively traded through XYZ’’. 4, Cl 4, only with the following disclaimer: ‘’Can be exclusively traded through XYZ’’.
c) A certificate is not transferable from one legal entity to another when Section A certificate is not transferable from one legal entity to another when Equivalent
production sites change legal entity. In this case, a complete inspection 4, Cl 4, production sites change legal entity. In this case, a complete inspection
following the rules for subsequent inspections is required. The new legal 4.3.10. following the rules for subsequent inspections is required. The new legal
entity shall receive a new GGN. entity shall receive a new UIN.
d) The certification cycle is 12 months subject to any sanctions and extensions in Section The certification cycle is 12 months subject to any sanctions and extensions in Equivalent
accordance with the scope described. 4, Cl 4, accordance with the scope described.
e) It is possible to issue a Food Safety Standard V5 certificate based on N/A Not applicable NA
the results of the IFA Standard V5 inspection.
6.7.1. Certificate Information Certificate Information -
a) The paper certificate issued by a CB shall conform to the available templates Section The paper certificate issued by a CB shall conform to the available templates of Equivalent
included in Annex I.3. The format may be different, but it shall 4, Cl 4, IndG.A.P. The format may be different, but it shall include
include the same information. 4.3.10. the same information.
b) The paper certificate shall match the information available in the Section The paper certificate shall match the information available in the IndG.A.P. Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. Database for that unique GGN at the time of issuing. 4, Cl 4, registry for that UIN at the time of issuing.
3 Annex
c) The scope of certification shall be clearly defined in the certificate. Section The scope of certification shall be clearly defined in the certificate. Equivalent
4, Cl 4,
d) Date of certification decision: Date when the CB makes the certification Section Date of certification decision: Date when the CB makes the certification Equivalent
decision after all non-conformances are closed (e.g. 8 February 2015). 4, Cl 4, decision after all non-conformances are closed.
e) Valid from: Section Valid from: Equivalent
4, Cl 4,
(i) Initial certification: The initial date of validity is the date on which the CB Section Initial certification: The initial date of validity is the date on which the CB Equivalent
makes the certification decision (e.g. 8 February 2016). 4, Cl 4, makes the certification decision

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(ii) Subsequent certifications: The “valid from” date for subsequent certificates Section Subsequent certifications: The “valid from” date for subsequent certificates Equivalent
issued shall always revert to the “valid from” date in the original certificate 4, Cl 4, issued shall always revert to the “valid from” date in the original certificate,
(e.g. 8 February 2016, 8 February 2017, etc.), except when the certification 4.3.10. except when the certification decision is made after the expiration of the
decision is made after the expiration of the previous certificate. In this case the previous certificate. In this case the “valid from” date shall coincide with the
“valid from” date shall coincide with the date of certification decision. (e.g. date of certification decision.
previous certificate "valid to" date: 7 February 2016; Date of certification
decision: 25 February 2016; "Valid
from" date 25 February 2016; "Valid to" date: 7 February 2017 ).

(iii) If a new product is added during the validity of a certificate, the certification Section If a new product is added during the validity of a certificate, the certification Equivalent
cycle (valid from-valid to) is kept as it was. If the CB wants to indicate that the 4, Cl 4, cycle (valid from-valid to) is kept as it was. If the CB wants to indicate that the
newly added products are certified and added later than the original ‘’valid 4.3.10. newly added products are certified and added later than the original ‘’valid
from’’, there is a possibility to add the individual "valid from" of each product from’’, there is a possibility to add the individual "valid from" of each product
on the paper certificate. This is voluntary and additional information, e.g.: The on the paper certificate.
certificate is valid from 1 January 2016 including oranges. Tomato added on 1
March 2016. The original “valid from 1 January 2016” remains. Tomatoes may
be marked with ‘’valid from 1 March 2016’’ on the paper certificate.

f) Valid to: Section Valid to: Equivalent

4, Cl 4,
(i) Initial certification: Date valid from plus 1 year minus 1 day. The CB may Section Initial certification: Date valid from plus 1 year minus 1 day. The CB may Equivalent
shorten the certification cycle and the validity but cannot prolong it. 4, Cl 4, shorten the certification cycle and the validity but cannot prolong it.
(ii) Subsequent certifications: The validity date for subsequent certificates issued Section Subsequent certifications: The validity date for subsequent certificates issued Equivalent
shall always revert to the “valid to” date on the original certificate 4, Cl 4, shall always revert to the “valid to” date on the original certificate.
(e.g. 7 February 2016, 7 February 2017, etc.). 4.3.10.
g) If a producer is certified for different products by different CBs, certificates Section If a producer is certified for different products by different CBs, certificates Equivalent
may have different certification cycles (valid from – valid to). 4, Cl 4, may have different certification cycles (valid from – valid to).
h) In the event that a producer has obtained a combined certification from the IFA NA
Standard V5 and FSS V5, the “valid to” dates of the certificates NA
shall correspond.
6.7.2. Extension of Certificate Validity Extension of Certificate Validity -
a) The validity may be extended beyond the 12 months (for a maximum period of Section The validity may be extended beyond the 12 months (for a maximum period of Equivalent
4 months) only if there is a valid reason, which has to be 4, Cl 4, 4 months) only if there is a valid reason, which has to be
recorded. Here are the only reasons that are considered to be valid: 4.3.10. recorded. Here are the only reasons that are considered to be valid:
(i) The CB wants to schedule the on-site inspection/audit after the certificate has Section The CB wants to schedule the on-site inspection/audit after the certificate has Equivalent
expired in order to observe a certain part of the production process, because it 4, Cl 4, expired in order to observe a certain part of the production process, because it
has not been seen in the previous inspection/audit, because it is considered to 4.3.10. has not been seen in the previous inspection/audit, because it is considered to
be a high-risk process in terms of product safety or to be able to see a newly be a high-risk process in terms of product safety or to be able to see a newly
added product, process or a new or added product, process or a new or
particular member of a producer group. particular member of a producer group.
(ii) The CB needs to be able to extend some certificates because of resource Section The CB needs to be able to extend some certificates because of resource Equivalent
restraints. 4, Cl 4, restraints.
(iii) The CB was not able to conduct the on-site inspection/audit and/or the Section The CB was not able to conduct the on-site inspection/audit and/or the Equivalent
producer was not able to receive the CB inspection audit due to 4, Cl 4, producer was not able to receive the CB inspection audit due to
circumstances beyond its control (force majeure) e.g. natural disaster, 4.3.10. circumstances beyond its control (force majeure) e.g. natural disaster,
political instability in the region, epidemic, or unavailability of the political instability in the region, epidemic, or unavailability of the
producer due to medical reasons. producer due to medical reasons.
b) Upon the producer’s request, the CB (which issued the extended Section Upon the producer’s request, the CB (which issued the extended Equivalent
certificate) re-accepts the product in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database for a full 4, Cl 4, certificate) re-accepts the product in the IndG.A.P. Database for a full next
next cycle within the original validity period of the certificate. 4.3.10. cycle within the original validity period of the certificate.
c) The full registration fee shall be paid for the next cycle Section The full registration fee shall be paid for the next cycle NA
4, Cl 4, NA
d) The producer shall be re-inspected during that extension period. Section The producer shall be re-inspected during that extension period. Equivalent
4, Cl 4,
e) The producer cannot change the CB in the cycle subsequent to the one for Section The producer cannot change the CB in the cycle subsequent to the one for Equivalent
which the extension was granted. 4, Cl 4, which the extension was granted.
f) If a certificate that was not extended and not "re-accepted" expires and the Section If a certificate that was not extended and not "re-accepted" expires and the Equivalent
subsequent inspection (to be performed by the same CB) is going to take place 4, Cl 4, subsequent inspection (to be performed by the same CB) is going to take place
in less than 12 months after the expiration date, a new certification cycle 4.3.10. in less than 12 months after the expiration date, a new certification cycle
should start. The old cycle can be reinstated by setting the same “valid to” date should start. The old cycle can be reinstated by setting the same “valid to” date
as before. The cycle remains the same if the certificate was extended. as before. The cycle remains the same if the certificate was extended.
However, the CB shall apply the rules for initial (first) inspection if the However, the CB shall apply the rules for initial (first) inspection if the
certificate expired for more than 12 months. certificate expired for more than 12 months.

6.7.3. Maintenance of GLOBALG.A.P. Certification Section Maintenance of IndG.A.P. Certification Equivalent

4, Cl 4,
a) The registration of the producer and the proposed products for the relevant Section The registration of the producer and the proposed products for the relevant Equivalent
scopes shall be confirmed with the CB annually before the expiry date, 4, Cl 4, scopes shall be confirmed with the CB annually before the expiry date,
following all conditions already explained in sections 4.2 and 4.3.10. following all conditions already explained in sections 4.2 and
4.3. 4.3.
b) The inspector shall complete the entire checklist and the verification process Section The inspector shall complete the entire checklist and the verification process Equivalent
annually. 4, Cl 4, annually.
7. FARM ASSURERS N/A Not Applicable NA NA
a) The producers/producer groups may use the services of consultants during NA
implementation and maintenance of certification. These consultants may be
GLOBALG.A.P. licensed Farm Assurers. The list of the individual trained NA
consultants included in this network is available
b) Farm Assurers have first-hand knowledge about the NA
GLOBALG.A.P.sSystem and the latest developments.
1, Cl 5
8.1 Acronyms Section NA
1, Cl 5
AB: Accreditation body NA NA
CB: Certification body/Crops Base in IFA NA NA
CC: Compliance criterion NA NA
CoC: Chain of Custody NA NA
CP: Control point NA NA
CPCC: Control Points and Compliance Criteria NA NA
IFA: Integrated Farm Assurance NA NA
HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points NA NA
NTWG: National Technical Working Group NA NA
TC: Technical Committee NA NA
CBC: Certification Body Committee NA NA
IAF: International Accreditation Forum NA NA
MLA: Multilateral Agreement NA NA
EA: European co-operation for Accreditation NA NA
CL: Checklist NA NA
QMS: Quality management system NA NA
BMCL: Benchmarking checklist NA NA
GFSI: Global Food Safety Initiative NA NA
IPRO: Integrity Program NA NA
CIPRO: Certification Integrity Program NA NA
CFM: Compound Feed Manufacturing NA NA
PHU: Product handling unit NA NA
FSS: Food Safety Standard NA NA
PPM: Plant Propagation Material NA NA
PSS: Produce Safety Standard NA NA
NIG: National Interpretation Guideline NA NA
8.2 Reference Documents Section Normative documents are mentioned in the relevant section. NA
1, Cl 4
a) ISO/IEC 17065:2012: Conformity assessment — requirements for bodies NA
certifying products, processes and services
b) ISO/IEC 17020:2004 General criteria for the operation of various types of NA
bodies performing inspections.
c) ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General Requirements for the competence of NA
testing and calibration laboratories.
d) ISO/IEC 17011:2004 General Requirements for accreditation bodies NA
accrediting conformity assessment bodies.
e) ISO 19011:2011 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management NA
systems auditing.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

.A.P. assessor


Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part I - Annex I.1 Rules for Use of GLOBALG.A.P. Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
Trademark and Logo (Version 5.2_ Feb19) Version: Ver 4.1 FL
Clause Explanations/remarks Clause
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Original Text Explanations/answers scheme owner Rule Remarks Questions
Describe how you as scheme Cl 2.2 of Section 6 and Sub License and Certification agreement covers the requirements in detail -
owner make sure that the
GLOBALG.A.P. word, IndG.A.P
trademark and logo and . Draft
GLOBALG.A.P. Number Sub
(GGN) are only used License
according to the rules below and
GLOBALG.A.P. is the owner of the “GLOBALG.A.P.” trademark, i.e. the Section QCI (SO) is the owner of the “IndG.A.P.” trademark, i.e. the word “IndG.A.P.” and the IndG.A.P. logo NA
word “GLOBALG.A.P.”, the GLOBALG.A.P. logo and its “G”-shape logo, 6, Cl 5, collectively the “IndG.A.P. Trademark”.
collectively the “GLOBALG.A.P. Trademark”. 5.1 This as benchmarked to GLOBALG.A.P. will bear the logo of GLOBALG.A.P. and its "G" shape logo,
collectively GLOBALG.A.P. Trademark if permitted by the GLOBALG.A.P. secretariat along with IndG.A.P.
Use of the marks are already detailed out in Section 6 Rules for Use of Certification Mark.

The “QR code logo” refers to the design quick response logos owned by N/A Not applicable as a registry will be maintained by the CBs for the same NA
GLOBALG.A.P. shown in this Annex I.1, point 2.iii.
The ertification body is expected to verify the correct use of the Section SO will review the certificate use either by themselves, or from office surveillance Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. trademark and the QR code logo by the producers at all 6, Cl 4,
times. Infringement of these rules could lead to sanctions. 4.31
Products originating from certified operations shall not be labelled, Section IndG.A.P. certified products are not labelling any product in any manner that meets food safety criteria. Equivalent
marked or described in a manner, which implies that they/it meets specific 6, Cl 4,
food safety criteria. 4.32
1. GLOBALG.A.P. Trademark and QR Code Logo -
(i) The certification granted entitles the producer/company to distribute and Section The sublicense granted to CP entitles CP to distribute and market their products under the Trademark only to the Equivalent
market their products under the trademark and, if applicable, under the QR 6, Cl 7, extent that these products have been registered with CB and are produced, handled, or traded in a production site
code logo only to the extent that these products have been registered with the 7.2 or location registered with CB in full compliance with the compulsory conditions of the ‘IndG.A.P. Sections’
CB and are produced, handled, or traded in a published in the PADD, QCI website.
production site or location registered with the CB and are in full
(ii) The producer shall only use the trademark and/or the QR code logo in Section The producer shall only use the IndG.A.P. trademark in connection with products complying to the requirements Equivalent
connection with products complying to the requirements of the 6, Cl 5, of the IndG.A.P. system.
GLOBALG.A.P. system. In cases where certified producers who have not 5.2 Once IndG.A.P. is benchmarked, In cases where certified producers who have not signed up for voluntary
signed up for voluntary GLOBALG.A.P. membership use the GLOBALG.A.P. membership use the GLOBALG.A.P. logo and/or the “G”-shape logo, they shall combine the
GLOBALG.A.P. logo and/or the “G”-shap logo, they shall combine the logo with the corresponding GGN.
logo with the corresponding GGN.
(iii) The GLOBALG.A.P. trademark shall never appear on the product, consumer Section The IndG.A.P. word can appear on the product(s) / labels, consumer packaging of products which are intended Equivalent
packaging of products intended for human consumption or at the point of sale 6, Cl 5, for human consumption or at the point of sale where it is in direct connection with single products. where as
where it is in direct connection with single products. 5.3 logo can appear at point os sale and advertisiong materials other than label, any
reference to GLOBALG.A.P. word or logo will not be referenced to product or POS
(iv) The QR code logo may appear on the product, consumer packaging of N/A Not applicable as a registry will be maintained by the CBs for the same NA
the product or at the point of sale where it is in direct connection with certified NA by IndG.A.P.
(v) Producers may only use the GLOBALG.A.P. trademarks on pallets that Section Producers may only use the IndG.A.P. trademarks on pallets that contain only certified IndG.A.P. products and Equivalent
contain only certified GLOBALG.A.P. products and that will NOT appear at the 6, Cl 5, that will appear at the point of sale.
point of sale. 5.4 This as benchmarked to GLOBALG.A.P. will bear the logo of GLOBALG.A.P. and its "G" shape logo,
collectively GLOBALG.A.P. Trademark if permitted by the GLOBALG.A.P. secretariat along with IndG.A.P.
Use of the marks are already detailed out in Section 6 Rules for Use of Certification Mark
(Authority of CBs).
(vi) GLOBALG.A.P. certified producers may use the GLOBALG.A.P. Section IndG.A.P. certified producers are allowed to use the IndG.A.P. trademark in business-to-business Equivalent
trademark and the QR code logo in business-to-business 6, Cl 5, communication, and for traceability, segregation, or identification purposes on site at the production site.
communication, and for traceability, segregation, or identification 5.5 This as benchmarked to GLOBALG.A.P. will bear the logo of GLOBALG.A.P. and its "G" shape logo,
purposes on site at the production site. collectively GLOBALG.A.P. Trademark if permitted by the GLOBALG.A.P. secretariat along with IndG.A.P.
Use of the marks are already detailed out in Section 6 Rules for Use of Certification Mark
(Authority of CBs).

(vii) Retailers, producers and other organizations that signed up for voluntary N/A Not applicable NA
GLOBALG.A.P. membership may use the trademark in promotional print- outs,
websites, flyers, business cards, hardware, and electronic
NA by IndG.A.P.
displays (shall not appear as a product label directly linked to certified
products) and in business-to-business communication.

(viii) GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification bodies can use the trademark in Section IndG.A.P. approved certification bodies can use the trademark in promotional material directly linked to their Equivalent
promotional material directly linked to their GLOBALG.A.P. certification 6, Cl 5, IndG.A.P. certification activities in business-to-business communication and on IndG.A.P. certificates they
activities in business-to-business communication and on GLOBALG.A.P. 5.6 issue.
certificates they issue. They can also use the QR code logo on Once benchmarked to GLOBALG.A.P., they may also use the logo of GLOBALG.A.P. and its "G" shape
GLOBALG.A.P. certificates they issue. logo, collectively GLOBALG.A.P. Trademark if permitted by the GLOBALG.A.P. secretariat along with
IndG.A.P. Use of the marks are already detailed out in Section 6 Rules for Use of
Certification Mark (Authority of CBs).
(ix) The GLOBALG.A.P. trademark shall never be used on promotional items, Section The IndG.A.P. trademark can be used on promotional items, apparel items or accessories of any kind, bags of Equivalent
apparel items or accessories of any kind, bags of any kind, or personal care 6, Cl 5, any kind, or personal care items.
items. 5.7 Once benchmarked to GLOBALG.A.P., the logo of GLOBALG.A.P. and its "G" shape logo, collectively
GLOBALG.A.P. Trademark, shall also not be used on the above-mentioned items.
(x) The GLOBALG.A.P. trademark may be used on Compound Feed N/A Not applicable since there is no module of CFM; aquaculture; livestock inputs NA
Manufacturing (CFM) certified feed, on GLOBALG.A.P. certified plant
propagation material, on IFA certified aquaculture inputs (e.g.: ova,
seedlings, etc.), and on IFA certified livestock inputs (e.g.: chicks) that are
NA by IndG.A.P.
used as inputs for the production of the final products (as listed in the
'GLOBALG.A.P. Product List'), are not intended to be sold to final
consumers, and will not appear at the point of sale to final consumers.

2. Specifications -
(i) The producer shall only use the trademark and, if applicable, the Section The producer shall only use the trademark and, as applicable and once benchmarked, the GLOBALG.A.P. Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. QR code logo in the manner provided by GLOBALG.A.P. 6, Cl 5, trademark, in the manner provided by IndG.A.P. and GLOBALG.A.P. and shall not alter, modify, or distort
and shall not alter, modify, or distort them in any way. However, the 5.7 them in any way.
producers can design their own logos and embed the QR
code in them.
(ii) The GLOBALG.A.P. logo shall always be obtained from the Section The IndG.A.P. logo shall always be obtained from the IndG.A.P. Secretariat. This will ensure that it contains the Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. This will ensure that it contains the exact 6, Cl 4, exact corporate color and format. IndG.A.P. Logo to be inserted with colour separation.
corporate color and format, as below: 4.33

(iii) The GLOBALG.A.P. QR code logos (for more designs see N/A Not applicable as IndG.A.P. has no QR Code logos NA

NA by IndG.A.P.

(iv) The embedded QR code may contain the following information: N/A Not applicable as IndG.A.P. has no QR Code logos NA
• The GGN of the producer or company that labels the product
• An URL of the GGN validation website that is linked to the
GLOBALG.A.P. Database
NA by IndG.A.P.
• The URL of the GLOBALG.A.P. Database
• The batch number of the product
• Link to the producer’s website
• Combinations of the above
3. GLOBALG.A.P. NUMBER (GGN) Section UIN Equivalent
6, Cl 6 -
and rules
(i) The GLOBALG.A.P. Number (GGN) is the combination of the prefix “GGN” Section The IndG.A.P. Unique Identification Number (UIN) is the combination of the prefix “UIN” plus a 06-digit NA
plus a 13-digit numerical number, not including the GLOBALG.A.P. 6, Cl 6, numerical number, not including the IndG.A.P. trademark, and is unique to each and every producer and any
trademark, and is unique to each and every producer and any other legal entity 6.1 other legal entity in the IndG.A.P. system.
in the GLOBALG.A.P. system. For this number GLOBALG.A.P. requires
existing Global Location Numbers (GLN) issued by, and to be purchased
from, the local GS1 organization ( or alternatively – in its
absence – GLOBALG.A.P. assigns its own interim GLN. Please note the
limitations of the GGN, as it is not equivalent to owning a GLN, because the
GGN technically is a
sub-GLN of one single GLN owned by GLOBALG.A.P.
(ii) The GGN identifies a registered or certified producer and may only be used as Section Unique Identification Number (UIN) is issued by concerned CBs. Equivalent
indicated in the CPCC. It cannot be used to label a product that is not certified. 6, Cl 6,
The GGN (e.g. GGN_1234567890123) may appear on the product, consumer 6.2 and The UIN identifies a registered or certified producer and may only be used as indicated in the CPCC. It cannot
packaging of the product, or at the point of sale where in direct connection Section be used to label a product that is not certified. The UIN (e.g. UIN_123456) may appear on the product,
with individual certified products. The GGN shall only be used on 4, Cl. consumer packaging of the product, or at the point of sale where in direct connection with individual certified
transaction/sales documents including certified products. When the products. The UIN shall only be used on transaction/sales documents including certified products. When the
transaction/sales documents include certified and non-certified products, the / Section transaction/sales documents include certified and non-certified products, the certified items shall be clearly
certified items shall be clearly identified as required by the relevant All Farm 3 Annex identified as required by the relevant All Farm Base control points and compliance criteria.
Base control points and compliance criteria. 3C Cl.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.1_July17-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I-Annex 1_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(iii) The legal entity that labels GGN shall be a holder of a valid certificate of a Section The legal entity that labels UIN shall be a holder of a valid certificate of a IndG.A.P. module or an equivalent Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. IFA, CFM, PPM, CoC, or an equivalent standard/scheme 6, Cl 6, standard/scheme certificate.
certificate. 6.3 and
4, Cl.
/ Section
3 Annex
3C Cl.

(iv) The GGN may be used in (converted into) digital codes, e.g. barcode, EAN N/A Not applicable as a registry will be maintained by the CBs for the same NA
number, generic QR code, or GLOBALG.A.P. QR code logo format, etc.
However, where it is required by a CPCC to include the GGN in the product NA by IndG.A.P.
label and/or in the transaction documents, the GGN
needs to appear in human readable format.
(v) On termination of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification Section On termination of the 'IndG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification Agreement', the right of the producer to use the Equivalent
Agreement' the right of the producer to use the GLOBALG.A.P. claim, 6, Cl 6, IndG.A.P. claim, including the trademark, UIN or the logo, terminates with immediate effect.
including the trademark, GGN, or the QR code logo, terminates with immediate 6.4/
effect. Section
3 Annex
3C Cl.
(vi) The GGN shall only be used in connection with the GLOBALG.A.P. system. Section The UIN shall only be used in connection with the IndG.A.P. system. Equivalent
6, Cl 6,
6.5 and
4, Cl.
/ Section
3 Annex

(vii) Whenever a need arises to identify the organization in other contexts or N/A Not applicable as IndG.A.P. only has a UNI as of now. NA
additional applications, an organization may apply for its own GLN and
report this number to GLOBALG.A.P., which shall register the organization
NA by IndG.A.P.
under its own number and withdraw the GGN accordingly. The GLN replaces
the GGN in the GLOBALG.A.P. system.

4. The GGN Consumer Label NA NA

(i) GLOBALG.A.P. IFA (e.g. Aquaculture or Flowers and Ornamentals) and N/A Not applicable as IndG.A.P. does not have module on aquaculture and floriculture NA
Chain of Custody certified producers and companies are not authorized to use NA
the GGN consumer label automatically.
(ii) The GGN consumer label may only be used by GLOBALG.A.P. IFA or Chain N/A Not applicable as IndG.A.P. does not have module on aquaculture and floriculture NA
of Custody certified companies based on a special licensing agreement.
Producers and companies shall apply for the label use at NA

(iii) (iii) The approved "GGN Certified Aquaculture" label is: N/A Not applicable as IndG.A.P. does not have module on aquaculture and floriculture NA


(iv) The approved “GGN Floriculture" label is: N/A Not applicable as IndG.A.P. does not have module on aquaculture and floriculture NA


Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.1_July17-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I-Annex 1_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part I - Annex I.2 GLOBALG.A.P. Registration Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
Data Requirements (Version 5.2_Feb19) Version: Ver 4.1 FL
Clause Explanations/remarks Explanations/answers
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Clause No. Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
No. GLOBALG.A.P. scheme owner
1. Types of Master Data Required -
The CB shall record the following data and the GLOBALG.A.P. Scheme management rules -
Database needs to be updated accordingly (as required in the current shall specify that all the
database manual). data as required by
recorded by the CBs
1.1 Company and location information 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details Equivalent
1.2 Production sites/product handling units information 4.1.7 iii iii. Production location and total land held at location Equivalent
1.3 Product information 4.1.7 v v. produce being Produced /handled Equivalent
This information shall be updated whenever there is a change and at 4.1.7 These informations shall be updated whenever it changes by latest it Equivalent
the latest with the re-acceptance of products for the next certificate shall be updated before renewal of certificate
cycle and/or the re-certification.

1.1 Company Information of Legal Entity -

The following information regarding the company (producer group, NA
producer as individual certificate holder or producer member in a
producer group) is necessary to supply each producer in the system NA
with a unique GLOBALG.A.P. Number
1.1.1 Company -
(i) Company name 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details, ( Both Equivalent
physical and postal Address shall include name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and laso the contact
and fax numbers if available)
(ii) Contact details: Street address or information available to describe 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details, ( Both Equivalent
producer location physical and postal Address shall include name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and laso the contact
and fax numbers if available)
(iii) Contact details: Postal address 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details, ( Both Equivalent
physical and postal Address shall include name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and laso the contact
and fax numbers if available)
(iv) Postal code or zip code 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details, ( Both Equivalent
physical and postal Address shall include name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and laso the contact
and fax numbers if available)
(v) City 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details, ( Both Equivalent
physical and postal Address shall include name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and laso the contact
and fax numbers if available)
(vi) State or province 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details, ( Both Equivalent
physical and postal Address shall include name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and laso the contact
and fax numbers if available)
(vii) Country 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details, ( Both Equivalent
physical and postal Address shall include name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and laso the contact
and fax numbers if available)
(viii) Phone number (if available) 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details, ( Both Equivalent
physical and postal Address shall include name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and laso the contact
and fax numbers if available)
(ix) Fax number (if available) 4.1.7 i i. the name and address of applicant with contact details, ( Both Equivalent
physical and postal Address shall include name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and laso the contact
and fax numbers if available)
(x) E-mail address (if available) 4.1.7 xiii .xiii. Email of applicant Equivalent
(xi) GLN (if available) 4.1.7 xiv xii.xiv. GLN (if available). Legal Registration no of the applicant Equivalent

(xii) Legal registration by country if requested by National Interpretation 4.1.7 ii ii. proof of legal entity, Equivalent
Guidelines. This number is only used for internal verification to
avoid double registration (e.g., tax number, VAT
number, producer number, etc.)
(xiii) Previous GLOBALG.A.P. Number (GGN) N/A GGN is not there only idententification number by CB NA NA
(xiv) Northern/southern latitude and eastern/western longitude or other 4.1.7 xv xv. Lattitude and Longitude of Legal entity (+ - 10 m accuracy) Equivalent
form of geospatial coordinate information as defined and requested
by GLOBALG.A.P. The minimum input accuracy level shall be +/-
10 m. If the producer decides to display this information, the display
accuracy level will be 10 m for market participants and 1,000 m for
the public.

1.1.2 Contact Person (Responsible for Legal Entity) -

This is the information required for the person in the company -
who is legally responsible for the legal entity.
(i) Title 4.1.7 xvi xvi. Full name of Responsible person on behalf of legal entity with Equivalent
contact number full address, fax, email as per availability

(ii) First name 4.1.7 xvi xvi. Full name of Responsible person on behalf of legal entity with Equivalent
contact number full address, fax, email as per availability

(iii) Last name 4.1.7 xvi xvi. Full name of Responsible person on behalf of legal entity with Equivalent
contact number full address, fax, email as per availability

(iv) Phone number (if available) 4.1.7 xvi xvi. Full name of Responsible person on behalf of legal entity with Equivalent
contact number full address, fax, email as per availability

(v) Fax number (if available) 4.1.7 xvi xvi. Full name of Responsible person on behalf of legal entity with Equivalent
contact number full address, fax, email as per availability

(vi) E-mail address (if available) 4.1.7 xvi xvi. Full name of Responsible person on behalf of legal entity with Equivalent
contact number full address, fax, email as per availability

1.2 Information Regarding Production Sites/Product Handling Information Regarding Production sites/Produce Equivalent
Units Handling Units
The following information regarding production sites or product 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling location and addressarea Equivalent
handling units (PHU) of the company (legal entity) to be certified
is necessary. This information is obligatory for multi-site
certificates. The PHU is obligatory for product handling
operations performed under the ownership of the
registered producer.
1.2.1 Production Sites and/or PHU Production Sites and/ or PHU Equivalent
(i) Company name of product handling facility (if subcontracted)/name 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
of production site. produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

(ii) Contact details: Street address or information available to describe 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
production site/product handling unit location produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

(iii) Contact details: Postal address 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

(iv) Postal code or zip code 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

(v) City 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I-Annex 2_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(vi) Country 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

(vii) Phone number (if available) 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

(viii) Fax number (if available) 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

(ix) E-mail address (if available) 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

(x) Sub-GLN(s) (if available, voluntary) 4.1.7 vii vii. Details of Produce handling area, (shall include name of Equivalent
produce handling unit, full address with name of city, District,
State and country, postal code and aso the contact and fax numbers
and email and GLN / Sub GLN if available)

(xi) Northern/southern latitude and eastern/western longitude or other 4.1.7 vx xv. Lattitude and Longitude of Legal entity (+ - 10 m accuracy) Equivalent
form of geospatial coordinate information at field/facility
level is obligatory, when available.
The minimum input accuracy level shall be +/-10 m. If the producer 4.1.7 vx xv. Lattitude and Longitude of Legal entity (+ - 10 m accuracy) Equivalent
decides to display this information to market participants and the
public, the display accuracy level will be
10 m.
(xii) Products produced in each production site or handled in each PHU, N/A No database used by scheme NA
as soon as available in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database. -

1.3 Product Information -

This information gives more detail on the product(s) to be certified NA
and shall be used to invoice the producer. This information shall be
updated if there are any changes detected
during the external inspections.
a) Product(s) 4.1.7 v v. produce being Produced /handled Equivalent
b) Parallel production/ownership per product 4.1.7 xvii xvii. Details on parallel production and parallel ownership( If Equivalent
c) Subcontracted activities 4.1.7 xviii xviii. Details of sub contracted operations (if any) Equivalent
d) Quantity information (based on requirements as explained in NA
fee table) NA
(i) Crops: Annual area under production (ha), voluntary: estimated 4.1.7 ix & x ix. annual area under cultivation and x. covered crop/produces area Equivalent
yield (tons) per product. The producer registration fee is based on wise within the annual area.
the production area registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database,
separated into 2 categories: Covered and non-covered crops. For
perennial crops, the area covered by the registration fee is the area
in production,
i.e. juvenile, non-producing fruit trees are not subject to any fee.
Likewise, in case of ornamentals like Christmas trees, the
registration fee only applies to the area to be harvested during the
year of validity of the certificate. In order to maintain information
about the whole area under cultivation, the area in production and to
be harvested shall be registered as “First Harvest”, and the non-
harvestable area as “Further Harvest”.

(ii) Livestock: Annual quantity of production (live weight in metric NA Live stock not under scope NA Not under
tons) per product IndG.A.P. Scope
(iii) Aquaculture: Annual quantity of production (tonnage) to be NA Aquaculture not under scope NA
registered in the database per product shall be the maximum
estimated metric tons of live weight at point of harvest on the farm
for the first audit and the real metric tons of live weight at point of Not under
harvest on the farm for the previous 12 months, from IndG.A.P. Scope
the 2nd audit onwards. furthermore, estimated numbers of
organisms shall be registered for in-house
broodstock/seedlings (ova/juvenile).
(iv) Compound Feed Manufacturing: Annual quantity of production NA CFM not under scope NA Not under
(tons) IndG.A.P. Scope
(v) Plant Propagation Material: Annual area under production (ha) NA PPM not under scope NA Not under
IndG.A.P. Scope
e) Option (1, 2, 3, and/or 4 per product) Applicable only if your 4.1.7 vii vi. relevant certification criteria and option of IndG.A.P. against Equivalent
scheme allows certification of which certification is sought
individual producers and
producer groups

f) Scheme name (if a benchmarked scheme) per product NA NA

g) Certification body/bodies to be used per product 4.1.7 xix xix. Details of Certification bodies if any other products Equivalent
registered with other CBs
h) Country of destination (it is possible to declare a group of 4.1.7 xx xx. Countries/ Group of countries of destination of produce Equivalent
countries, e.g. European Union)
i) Participation in Unannounced Reward Program Applicable only if your NA No unannounced reward Programe NA
scheme runs an own Not under
unannounced reward IndG.A.P. Scope
j) Integrated Farm Assurance specific requirements: NA NA
(i) Crops: Covered or non-covered crop 4.1.7 ix & x ix. annual area under cultivation non covered crop, first Equivalent
harvest and further harvest
x. area under cultivation covered crop,/produces area wise
within the annual area. first harvest and further harvest
(ii) Crops: First harvest (first crop) on an area during a certification 4.1.7 ix & x ix. annual area under cultivation non covered crop, first Equivalent
cycle or further harvest (subsequent crop) of the same or different harvest and further harvest
crop on the same area during the x. area under cultivation covered crop,/produces area wise
certification cycle within the annual area. first harvest and further harvest
(iii) For Fruit and Vegetables: Exclusion of harvest hen not applicable 4.1.7 xxi xxi. Harvest can be excluded from the scope of certification only if Equivalent
per product. theproduce is sold before harvest and the ownership of produce is no
more with the certificate holder, part of the harvest can not be
excluded. And these information shall be
available in the application
(iv) For Fruit and Vegetables: Exclusion of produce handling when not 4.1.7 xxii xii.xxii. The produce handling can be excluded only if the produce Equivalent
applicable per product handled is not under the ownership of certificate holder. If harvest is
excluded then produce handling is also
excluded. And this shall be available in the application
(v) For Fruit and Vegetables: The GGN(s) of certified producer(s) NA For Fruit and Vegetables .The legal regsistration of certified Equivalent
subcontracted for produce handling (if applicable) producer (s) sub contracted for produce handling (If
(vi) For Fruit and Vegetables: If produce handling is included, the 4.1.7 xxiii xii.xxiii. If produce handling is included then whether certified and Equivalent
producer shall declare whether the same product is also non certified produce handled in the same produce
packed for other certified or non-certified producers. handling unit
(vii) For Tea: The GGN of the processing unit(s) as indicated in the NA No Tea under scope NA
Chain of Custody certification shall be entered into the
Not under
GLOBALG.A.P. Database as soon as the producer knows it, and it
IndG.A.P. Scope
shall be communicated to the CB and updated
whenever there are changes.
(viii) For Livestock and Aquaculture: Information if fee is supplied NA No Livestock and aquaculture under scope NA
(internally or externally). The GGN(s) of the compound feed
manufacturer(s) supplying compound feed; even when GGN
remains the same (for integrated operations) shall be entered into Not under
the GLOBALG.A.P. Database. For compound feed suppliers IndG.A.P. Scope
without a GGN, the supplier name and accredited scheme used
replaces the GGN in the database.

(ix) For Livestock: The GGN(s) of the transporter(s) shall be entered NA No Livestock under scope NA
Not under
into the GLOBALG.A.P. Database (when available).
IndG.A.P. Scope
(x) For Aquaculture: Additional purchases of seedlings (ova/juvenile) NA No aquaculture under scope NA
and broodstock. The GGN(s) of the seedlings and broodstock
Not under
supplier(s) as well as the estimated number of organisms shall be
IndG.A.P. Scope
entered into the GLOBALG.A.P.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I-Annex 2_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(xi) For Aquaculture: Inclusion of post-harvest activity where NA No aquaculture under scope NA
applicable per product. Estimated certified annual output in tons
shall be entered into the GLOBALG.A.P. Database. The annual
Not under
quantity of estimated output (metric tons) shall be registered for the
IndG.A.P. Scope
first audit and from the 2nd audit onwards, annual quantity of real
output (metric tons) shall be registered.

(xii) For Aquaculture: Availability of a GFSI recognized (post-farm) NA No aquaculture under scope Not under
certification at the time of the inspection NA IndG.A.P. Scope

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR I-Annex 2_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Compliance check
GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part I - Annex I.3 GLOBALG.A.P. Paper Certificate Applicant Scheme Management Rules: GLOBALG.A.P. IFA GLOBALG.A.P.
Template (Version 5.2_Feb19) Version: V 5.2 assessor
Explanations/remarks Explanations/answers
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Clause No. Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
GLOBALG.A.P. scheme owner
You shall try to complete each
line. If the certifcate template
(please attach it) of your
scheme does not give any
further explanations, but
includes the required
information please write
'included' in column E
CB Logo1 Certificate CB Logo is part of the certificate
The certification body (CB) logo shall always appear on all certificates. Template
AB symbol Section 4 Cl. AB symbol accreditation mark: The accreditation body (AB)
accreditation mark2 symbol/accreditation mark is placed on all accredited certificates in compliance
The accreditation body (AB) symbol/accreditation mark is placed on all accredited with AB's rules. Exception: If the CB is approved, but not yet accredited, the
certificates in compliance with AB's rules. following text shall appear instead of the AB symbol: “Certificate issued by a
Exception: If the CB is approved, but not yet accredited, the following text shall IndG.A.P. approved certification body [company name], but not accredited
appear instead of the AB symbol: “Certificate issued by a GLOBALG.A.P. approved pursuant to the IndG.A.P. scope according to ISO 17065 rules’’ or only ‘’non- Equivalent
certification body [company name], but not accredited pursuant to the accredited certificate”. The AB logo can only be used if the scope of the
GLOBALG.A.P. scope according to ISO 17065 rules’’ or only ‘’non-accredited accreditation of the CB corresponds to the certified IndG.A.P. sub-scope.
certificate”. The AB logo can only be used if the scope of the accreditation of the CB
corresponds to the certified GLOBALG.A.P. sub-scope.

No. of certification body: xxx3 Section 4 Cl. No. of certification body: The number given by the accreditation body to the
The number given by the accreditation body to the certification body shall be on all certification body shall be on all accredited certificates. Equivalent
accredited certificates.
GGN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4 Global Location Number shall appear on all certificates,in case the certificate
The GLOBALG.A.P. Number (GGN) shall appear on all certificates. In case a holder owns GLN . Legal registration number of the applicant will be used in
certificate holder owns a Global Location Number (GLN), this number shall replace other cases.
the GGN. The “GLN’’ may be used instead of the “GGN”.
Registration number of producer/producer group (from CB)/benchmarked scheme Section 4 A unique identification number, The UIN is used to validate the certificate. It is
xxxxxxxxx5 made available via the identification of the final products with the producer,
Optional: The registration number of a producer or producer group, which is assigned where the product originates from a certified process, which is an obligation for
by the CB or from the benchmarked scheme may appear on all certificates. It consists all producers registered for PP/PO and issued by the CB. There is a provision of
of the term “CB-Short” and a number (with exactly one documenting the Unique Identification No.
space character in between, CB-Short xxxxxxxxxxx). (UIN) referencing each of the producer.
Announced6 Applicable only if your scheme Section 4 Cl IndG.A.P. has both announced and unannounced audit programme This
Unannounced6 runs an own unannounced 4.2.4 .4 information is included on the IndG.A.P certificate
reward program Equivalent
Announced or Unannounced audit. Check the correct box to indicate if the
inspection/audit was conducted announced or unannounced.
Section 6, Cl 5, Scheme logo is present, however, once the Benchmarking is achieved the
7 5.9 GLOBALG.A.P. logo shall be added in addition to the scheme logo.

The logo of the scheme
On accredited GLOBALG.A.P. certificates: The GLOBALG.A.P. logo shall be
added. Equivalent
Approved Modified Checklist (AMC): The GLOBALG.A.P. logo shall be added in
addition to the AMC logo (see note 12).
Equivalent schemes: The GLOBALG.A.P. logo may be added in addition to a
benchmarked scheme’s logo.
Note: Not-accredited provisionally approved CBs are not allowed to add the
GLOBALG.A.P. logo.

According to GLOBALG.A.P.® General Regulations Version8 8 Section 6, Cl 5, Scheme logo is present, however, once the Benchmarking is achieved, the text
Certification scheme and version 5.10 informing the exact version shall be added.
For GLOBALG.A.P. certificates: Please enter e.g. “GLOBALG.A.P. General Certification Scheme and Vesrion will b entered on the certificate. For IndG.A.P
Regulations Version 5.x_date”. Always indicate the exact Version (e.g.: 5.0_July2015) Certificates : IndG.A.P General regulations Version 4.1 dated November 2021
For the Approved Modified Checklist (AMC): Enter e.g. “GLOBALG.A.P. General
Regulations Version 5.x_date”, for example. Please indicate the exact Version (e.g.: Equivalent
For equivalent schemes (Option 3 and 4): Enter the exact certification scheme version,
e.g. Certificationscheme MPS-GAP effective from 1 April 2013.

Option X9 Section 6, Cl 4, Options shall always appear on the certificate.

Options shall always appear on the certificate as follows: 4.35
‘’Option 1 - individual producer’’
‘’Option 1 - individual multisite producer’’ Equivalent
‘’Option 1 - individual multisite producer with QMS’’
‘’Option 2 - producer group’’
‘’Option 3 - individual producer under equivalent scheme’’
‘’Option 4 - producer group under equivalent scheme’’
Issued to Section 6, Cl 4, Country of production, Issued to, Producer Group/Producer, company
4.34 name and address shall appear on all certificates.
producer group/producer Section 6, Cl 4, Country of production, Issued to, Producer Group/Producer, company
4.34 name and address shall appear on all certificates.
company name, address 10 Section 6, Cl 4, Country of production, Issued to, Producer Group/Producer, company name and
Name of the certificate holder (legal entity) and the address shall be printed on the 4.34 address shall appear on all certificates.
paper certificate. The address includes that of the legal entity and of the production
site. If these are different, and there is only one site, the site address can be included Equivalent
on the certificate or in the annex. In case of multisite producers, the addresses of the
registered production sites shall be listed in the certificate annex.

Country of production 11 Section 6, Cl 4, Country of production, Issued to, Producer Group/Producer, company name and
The country of production shall appear on all certificates. 4.34 address shall appear on all certificates. Equivalent

The annex contains details of the producers and production sites / product handling Section 6
units included in the scope of this certificate.12 Annex 6B The annex contains details of the producers and production sites /
Applicable only if any of the following is true: IndG.A.P. product handling units included in the scope of this certificate.12
a) The certificate holder is a producer group (Option 2 or 4). All producer group Certificate 12
Applicable only if any of the following is true:
members shall be listed in the annex. template a) The certificate holder is a producer group (Option 2 or 4). All producer
b) Product handling* or packing is included in the scope of the certificate. If the group members shall be listed in the annex.
address is different, all product packing and handling unit(s) shall be listed in the b) Product handling* or packing is included in the scope of the certificate. If the
annex. address is different, all product packing and handling unit(s) shall be listed in the
c) The certificate refers to a multisite (Option 1 or 3) certificate. All sites of the annex.
multisite operation shall be listed in the annex (see 35). c) The certificate refers to a multisite (Option 1 or 3) certificate. All sites of
d) The certificate holder with multisites has registered for parallel the multisite operation shall be listed in the annex (see 35).
production/ownership. All production sites and PHUs (packing and handling) with d) The certificate holder with multisites has registered for parallel
certified products shall be listed in the annex. production/ownership. All production sites and PHUs (packing and handling)
* Product handling definition: with certified products shall be listed in the annex.
Product handling: Any handling of products done post-harvest, where the product may * Product handling definition:
have physical contact with other materials or substances. For the Fruit and Vegetables Product handling: Any handling of products done post-harvest, where the product
sub-scope it includes storage, chemical treatment, trimming, washing, etc., but it may have physical contact with other materials or substances. For the Fruit and
excludes product processing. For the Aquaculture sub-scope it includes processing as Vegetables sub-scope it includes storage, chemical treatment, trimming,
described in the relevant CPCC (keeping with ice, stunning, bleeding, degutting, washing, etc., but it excludes product processing. For the Aquaculture sub-
filleting, re-packing, freezing, cooking, etc.). scope it includes processing as described in the relevant CPCC (keeping with
ice, stunning, bleeding, degutting, filleting, re-packing, freezing, cooking, etc.).

The certification body [company name] declares that the production of the Section 6 Yes, have mentioned
products mentioned on this certificate has been found to be compliant in Annex 6B
accordance with the standard: IndG.A.P. Equivalent
Scheme logo (AMC)13 Section 6 Yes, have mentioned
In case of AMC or equivalent scheme certificates: The logo of the scheme may Annex 6B
appear. IndG.A.P. Equivalent
Standard Control Points and Compliance Criteria Version14
Standard Control Points and Compliance Criteria (CPCC) version, (e.g.
“GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria Integrated Farm Assurance
Version 5.0_July 2015” or “Reglamento General Naturane v 3.0_ 29.01.2013”). Indicate
only the version of the All Farm Base module. Equivalent
Indicate the version of the approved National Interpretation Guideline if published
for the ‘country of production’. E.g.: “GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and
Compliance Criteria (CPCC) Version 5.0_July2015 - Interpretation
Guideline Chile (edition date)”.
The [standard name] normative documents have achieved status of equivalence to Section 6 The [standard name] normative documents have achieved status of equivalence
GLOBALG.A.P.â normative documents [name and version] in accordance with the Annex 6B to GLOBALG.A.P.â normative documents [name and version] in accordance
GLOBALG.A.P.â benchmarking procedure.15 IndG.A.P. with the GLOBALG.A.P.â benchmarking procedure.15 Equivalent
Only applicable for equivalent schemes and AMCs. Certificate 15 Only applicable for equivalent schemes and AMCs.
Product16 Section 6 The updates in the certificate to the mentioned requirement will be done once
Certified product(s) shall always be listed according to the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Product Annex 6B Benchmarked is approved by GLOBALG.A.P.
List'. More detailed information may be included in brackets, e.g. stage of seedlings IndG.A.P.
(species specific information: ova, smolt, fry, fingerling, larvae, alevin, spat, nauplii Certificate
and post larvae, others) or in case of parallel production, variety (banana - cavendish). template
For the sub-scope of Flowers and Ornamentals, the certified species shall always be
included in this column, e.g. indoor grown flowers – roses.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
GR I-Annex 3_V5.2 Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. product certificate number17 Section 6 IndG.A.P. product certificate number17

The GLOBALG.A.P. product certificate number shall be printed on the paper Annex 6B 17 The IndG.A.P. product certificate number shall be printed on the paper
certificate. It is a reference code for the certificate in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database IndG.A.P. certificate. It is a reference code for the certificate in the IndG.A.P. Database
per product and certificate cycle. The GLOBALG.A.P. product certificate number is Certificate per product and certificate cycle. The IndG.A.P. product certificate number is
generated automatically in the system and consists of 5 digits, 5 letters, and a suffix template generated automatically in the system and consists of 5 digits, 5 letters, and a Equivalent
(#####-ABCDE-####). All changes to the certificate in a given certificate cycle are suffix (#####-ABCDE-####). All changes to the certificate in a given
reflected in the suffix. certificate cycle are reflected in the suffix.

Further columns scope, sub-scope or product specific (description see below)18 18 The Section 6 Yes, mentioned
columns and corresponding attributes linked to the products in the table are scope, sub- Annex 6B
scope, or product specific. IndG.A.P. Equivalent
For Crops: -
Product Section 6 Yes, mentioned
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. product certificate number Section 6
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. IndG.A.P Product Certificate Number Equivalent
Harvest included Section 6
Harvest included: If produce handling is included, this data field (column) can be Annex 6B Harvest included: If produce handling is included,this data field (column) can
omitted. Note: If harvest is excluded, product handling is not applicable for the given IndG.A.P. be omitted. Note: If harvest is excluded ,product handling is not applicable for Equivalent
product. Certificate the given product.
Product handling included Section 6
Product handling: Enter “no” in case no product handling is included. If product Annex 6B Product handling included. Product Handling : Enter no in case no product
handling is included, indicate whether it takes place in-field (“in-field”) or in a facility IndG.A.P. handling is included . If product handling is included,Indicate whether it takes Equivalent
(“facility”) or both (“in-field + facility”). Certificate place in -field or in a facility or both
Number of producers/production sites Section 6
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. No of Producers/Production sites Equivalent
Parallel production Section 6
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. Parallel production Equivalent
Parallel ownership Section 6
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. Parallel production Equivalent
Quantity (voluntary): Area (in ha) may be included per product. In case quantity (in Section 6 Yes
ha) is displayed, “non-covered” and “covered” shall be segregated. Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. Equivalent
In case PPM products (e.g. seeds, seedlings) are included in the certification scope, the Not Applicable
following disclaimer shall be added to the first page of the paper certificate:
“Products certified under PPM sub-scope are not intended for human NA Out of scope
consumption or for feed.”

For Livestock Products: Not Applicable NA Out of scope

Product Not Applicable NA Out of scope
GLOBALG.A.P. product certificate number Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Number of producers/production sites Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Parallel production Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Parallel ownership Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Live weight (in metric tons) Not Applicable
Quantity (voluntary): Metric tons (live weight, except for dairy) may be included in NA Out of scope
For Aquaculture Products: Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Product Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Scientific name Not Applicable
Scientific name: The scientific name shall be listed according to the 'GLOBALG.A.P. NA Out of scope
Product List'.
GLOBALG.A.P. Product certificate number Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Broodstock purchased Not Applicable
NA Out of scope
Broodstock purchased: enter yes/no.
Seedlings purchased Not Applicable
NA Out of scope
Seedlings purchased: enter yes/no.
Product handling Not Applicable
Product handling: Enter yes or no. If post-harvest activity takes place at an NA Out of scope
address that differs from the production site it shall be listed in the annex.
GFSI recognized (post-farm) certificate at the time of the inspection? Not Applicable
GFSI recognized (post-farm) certificate at the time of the inspection: Where product
handling is applicable, enter "Yes" (if the company has a valid GFSI recognized post
NA Out of scope
farm certificate) or "No" (if the company has no valid GFSI recognized post-farm
certificate). Where product handling is not applicable, this
column shall be deleted. (Refer to AQ 15.6.1).
Number of producers/production sites Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Parallel production Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Parallel ownership Not Applicable NA Out of scope
Number of producers/ production sites19
In the case of producer groups (Option 2 and 4), enter the number of approved Number of Producers/Production sites. In the case of producer groups ( option
producers, which are listed in the annex. In case of multisite producers (Options 1 and 2 and 4) , enter the number of approved producers,which are listed in the annex. Equivalent
3), enter the number of registered production sites, which are listed in the annex. In case of multisite producers (Option 1 and 3) enter the number of registered
production sites,which are listed in the Annex
Parallel production20
Applicable in case of parallel production/ownership of non-certified and certified Parallel Production. Applicable in case of parrallel production/ownership of non
products (enter "Yes"/"No"). All PHUs and sites handling or producing certified certified and certified products (enter Yes/No). All PHUs and sites handling or
products shall be listed in the annex. producing certified products shall be listed in the Annex
Parallel ownership20 Parrallel Ownership Equivalent
Date of issue: xx/xx/xxxx21
Date of issue is the printing date of the paper certificate. It shall be added to the first Date of Issue ; xx/xx/xxxx Dtae of issue is the printing date of the paper
page of the certificate and to the annex to connect each other. This date may instead be certificate. It shall be added to the first page of the certificate and to the annex to Equivalent
included in the footer of each page of the certificate and connect to each other.This date may instead be included in
annex. the footer of each page of the certificate and annex
Valid from: xx/xx/xxxx22
The certificate “valid from” date defines the beginning of a certification cycle. If a
new product is added during the validity period of a certificate, the certification cycle
(valid from – valid to) will be kept as it was. If the CB wants to indicate that the newly
added products are certified and were added later than the original ‘’valid from’’, there Covered under "This certificate, is valid from DD/MM/YYYY until
is a possibility to add the individual “valid from’’ of each product on the paper DD/MM/YYYY, subject to satisfactory continued compliance by the
certificate. This is voluntary and additional information, e.g. the certificate is valid producer to the requirements for certification and stipulated Surveillance
from 1 October 2015 including oranges. Tomato added on 1 March 2016. The original visits1."
“valid from 1 October 2015” remains. Tomatoes may be marked with ‘’valid from 1
March 2016’’ on the paper certificate.

Valid to: xx/xx/xxxx23 Covered under "This certificate, is valid from DD/MM/YYYY until
The certificate “valid to” date is the expiry date of the certificate. DD/MM/YYYY, subject to satisfactory continued compliance by the
producer to the requirements for certification and stipulated Surveillance
Authorized by24 Covered under "Signature
The first and the last name of the person who has authorized the certificate, written in Name of the authorised
block letters. This person shall sign the certificate. personnel Name of the Equivalent
authorised agency Full Address
Issue Date: DD/MM/YYYY "
Date of certification decision: xx/xx/xxxx25 Date of certificate decision: xx/xx/xxxx.Shall appear on all certificates.It is the
“Date of Certification Decision” shall appear on all certificates. It is the date when the date when the certification committee makes the certification decsion. Equivalent
Certification Committee makes the certification decision.
The current status of this certificate is always displayed at:
This note shall be added to all paper certificates to point out that only a
validation in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database proves the current status of the
Additionally, the CB may add the QR code including a link to the GGN
validation site. Covered under "1 The current status of certification is available on CB’s
The following may be converted into QR code: website and QCI’s website ( Equivalent
Link to the mobile website: practices). " Link to
the GLOBALG.A.P. website:
Please replace the 40xxxxxxxx with the producer/producer group’s GGN at the
end of the link.
CB contact data27
Company name, address (incl. Email)
Covered under CB Address and website Equivalent
CB contact data (company name, address, email) shall appear on all certificates.

Page 1 of 1 28
Page numbering shall be included (Page x of y) to show total number of pages. Included in page footer Equivalent

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
GR I-Annex 3_V5.2 Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Certificate Annex Certificate Annex Equivalent

ANNEX for GGN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx29 Section 4 Cl.
The annex (incl. the GGN of the certificate holder) shall be added, if applicable.

The Annex (including GLN if available or legal registration number of the

certificate holder) shall be added.

Table: Producer Group Members (Option 2 or 4) Not applicable if your scheme

does not allow certification of
Table : Producer Group Members ( Option 2 or 4) Equivalent
producer groups

Producer Group Members (Option 2 or 4)30 Section 6

In case of Option 2 or 4, all approved members of the producer group shall be listed Annex 6B Producer Group Members ( Option 2 or 4). In case of option 2 or 4 ,all
in a table per product. IndG.A.P. approved members of the producer group shall be listed in a table per Prduct Equivalent
GGN or GLN31 Section 4 Cl.
All approved members of the producer groups (Option 2 and 4) are different legal All approved members of the producer group ( option 2 or 4) are differrent legal
entities and receive a GGN, which shall appear in the table. They may have an own entities and receive a GLN or legal registration which shall appear in the table. Equivalent
GLN instead of the GGN.

Producer name and address32 Section 6

Name and address of the approved producer group members shall be printed on the Annex 6B
Producer name and Address: Name and address of the approved
certificate. IndG.A.P. Equivalent
producer group members shall be printed on the certificate
Product(s)33 Section 6
Products approved per producer member, production site, or PHU. Annex 6B
Products: Products Approved per producer member ,production site or PHU
IndG.A.P. Equivalent
Product handling34 Section 6
Indicate the product for which the producer member carries out product handling Annex 6B Product handling : Indicate the product for which the roducer member carries out
(“Yes”) and does not carry out product handling (“No”). IndG.A.P. product handling (Yes) and does not carry out Product handling (No) Equivalent
Parallel production35 Section 6
Parrallel Production: In case of parallel production or parallel ownership of non
In case of parallel production or parallel ownership of non-certified and certified Annex 6B
certified and certified products ,this shall be indicated per product in all 3 tables
products, this shall be indicated per product in all 3 tables (i.e. per approved member IndG.A.P.
(ie per approved member for option 2 and 4 ,sites for option 1 and 3 and per
for Options 2 and 4, sites for Options 1 and 3, and per product handling unit). Enter Certificate Equivalent
product handling unit ). enter Yse/No. In acse no parallel production or parallel
"Yes"/"No". template
ownership has been registered for any product
In case no parallel production or parallel ownership has been registered for any ,these columns may be omitted.
product, these columns may be omitted.
Parallel ownership35 Section 6
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. Parallel Ownership Equivalent
Table: Productions sites (Option 1 and 3) Table : Production sites ( Option 1 and 3) Equivalent
Production Sites (Option 1 and 3) 36 Section 6
In case of multisite Option 1 or 3, all registered sites shall be listed. Annex 6B
Production Sites ( Option 1 and 3). In case of multisite option 1 or 3 all
IndG.A.P. Equivalent
registered siltes shall be listed
Site name and address37 Section 6
Name and address of the production sites shall be listed. Annex 6B
Site Name and address : Name and address of the production sites shall be listed
IndG.A.P. Equivalent
Product(s) 33 Section 6
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. Product(s) Equivalent
Parallel production35 Section 6
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. Parallel Production Equivalent
Table: Product Handling Units (PHUs) Table : Product handling units(PHUs) Equivalent
Product Handling Units (PHUs) 38 Section 6
In case of product handling, all registered PHUs shall be listed. Annex 6B
Production Handling Units (PHUs). In case of product handling, all registered
IndG.A.P. Equivalent
PHUs shall be listed
GGN or GLN39 Section 6
In case the PHU has an own GGN/GLN, it shall be listed. Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. GLN: In case the PHU has own GLN ,it shall be listed Equivalent
PHU name and address40 Section 6
Name and address of the PHUs shall be listed, unless the address is the same as that Annex 6B
PHU name and address: Nmae and address of the PHUs shall be listed
of the production site. IndG.A.P. Equivalent
,unless the address is the same as that of production site
Product(s) 33 Section 6
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. Product (s) Equivalent
Parallel ownership35 Section 6
Annex 6B
IndG.A.P. Parallel Ownership Equivalent
The certificate shall be in English. A second language may be added in the certificate. Section 6
Annex 6B
The certificate shall be in English. A second language may be added in the
IndG.A.P. Equivalent
certificate at its option

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
GR I-Annex 3_V5.2 Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part I - Annex I.4 GLOBALG.A.P. Definitions (Version Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
5.2_Feb19) Version: Ver 4.1 FL
Clause Explanations/remarks Explanations/answe
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Clause No. Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
No. GLOBALG.A.P. rs scheme owner
The IndG.A.P. Section 3 Glossary
You shall either have own
definitions as part of your
scheme management rules or
have a clause in your rules that
states that GLOBALG.A.P.
definitions apply.
Indicate in column K the
reference to the defintions in IndG.A.P. has a glossary
your scheme management rules section
(e.g. name of the document,
chapter) and attach them or
include in columns D - F the
clause of your scheme
management rules that states that
GLOBALG.A.P. definitions

The following terms are defined according to their use in the Section 3
GLOBALG.A.P. context and are listed in alphabetical order. Glossary
1. Accreditation body (AB): Organization responsible for assessing and 1 Accreditation Body: An organisation Section 3 IndG.A.P.
accrediting GLOBALG.A.P. certification bodies against ISO/IEC-17065 that is responsible for accreditation of Glossary
accreditation. Requirements for accreditation bodies to work with the CBs as per 17065. The AB in itself
GLOBALG.A.P. system are described in General Regulations Part III 2.3. should be an IAF member and would
2. Active ingredient: Ingredient of a plant protection product or a medicine that 2 Active Ingredient: The principal Section 3 IndG.A.P.
is biologically active. Some plant protection products and medications ingredient of a plant protection product Glossary NA NA
may contain more than one active ingredient. that is biologically active and effects the
3. Annual crop: Crop that completes its life cycle in one year or less, i.e. 3 Annual crop: When the time period Section 3 IndG.A.P.
germinates from seed (botanical or vegetative seeds, as e.g. tubers), between end of propagation stage to Glossary NA NA
grows, flowers, produces the registered product, and dies in the same first harvest date is less than 12 months.
4. Applicant: Candidate who applies for GLOBALG.A.P. certification by an 4 Applicant: Candidate who applies for Section 3 IndG.A.P.
approved certification body. An applicant may be an individual producer, IndG.A.P. certification by a provisionally Glossary
individual producer with multiple sites, a producer group, a livestock transport approved certification body or accredited
provider, or a compound feed manufacturer. certification body. An applicant may be an
individual producer, individual producer NA NA
with multiple sites, or a producer group
(such as an FPO, or cooperative
registred under relevant act)..

5. Aquaculture scope: Tthis GLOBALG.A.P. scope covers all production NA Section 3 IndG.A.P.
stages of finfish, crustaceans, and molluscs, as well as all stages of the specific Glossary
species registered by the producer as long as the seedlings are derived from
domesticated broodstock under controlled systems (except for the passive NA NA
collection from the planktonic phase), and the seedlings supply is under
commercial status (and not only research
status). Aquaculture certification cannot be achieved for wild fish/catch
6. Arable land: Land which can be used to produce agricultural crops. 7 Arable Land: The land on which Section 3 IndG.A.P.
agricultural crops can be grown. Glossary NA NA

7. Associate member: Certification bodies, consulting companies, plant Our Scheme is not a membership driven Section 3 IndG.A.P.
protection or fertilizer industries, universities, etc. and their associations who initiative there for no proivision of assoicate Glossary
sign up to promote GLOBALG.A.P. as a certification system. members. This is driven by NA NA
multistakeholders including Government
and industry.
8. Audit: A systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit 8 Audit: Audit refers to systematic, Section 3 IndG.A.P.
evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit structured, independent and documented Glossary
criteria are fulfilled. (ISO definition). Within the GLOBALG.A.P. system an process for obtaining evidence of.
audit refers to the assessment of the quality management system (QMS) of a conformity with IndG.A.P. standards.
producer group or an Option 1 producer
with multi-sites who implemented a QMS.
9. Auditor: Within the GLOBALG.A.P. system, an auditor is an individual 9 Auditor: Within the IndG.A.P. system, an Section 3 IndG.A.P.
qualified for auditing the quality management system of producer groups and auditor is an individual affiliated to the Glossary
Option 1 multisites where a QMS is implemented for compliance with the approved or accredited certification body
GLOBALG.A.P. Standard according to the QMS checklist, available on the qualified for auditing the quality
GLOBALG.A.P. website. GLOBALG.A.P. auditors are also qualified to inspect management system of producer groups and
production sites. Option 1 multisites where a QMS is
implemented for compliance with the
IndG.A.P. Standard according to the QMS
checklist, available on the QCI website.
IndG.A.P. auditors are also qualified to
inspect production sites.

10. Benchmarking process: In the GLOBALG.A.P. system, the benchmarking 10 Benchmarking Process: The Section 3 IndG.A.P.
process has been set to recognize and support local initiatives, and to form benchmarking process has been set to Glossary
common and effective Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P.) in order to recognize and support local initiatives, and
simplify the certification process for producers and decrease unnecessary to form common and effective Good
duplication of audits and costs. Agricultural Practices (G.A.P.)aligned to
GLOBALG.A.P. in order to simplify the
certification process for producers.

11. Benchmarked standard: A certification standard that has gone through the 11 Benchmarked standard: A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking process, in which the certification systems are certification standard that has gone through Glossary
compared, and has been recognized to be equivalent or resembling to the GLOBALG.A.P. benchmarking
GLOBALG.A.P. process, in which the certification systems
are compared, and has been recognized to
be equivalent or resembling to

12. Biennial: A plant that completes its life cycle within two years and then 12 Biennial: Plants that complete their life Section 3 IndG.A.P.
dies. cycle in two years Glossary
13. Biocide: A biocide can be a chemical substance or a microorganism used to 13 Biocide: A biocide is defined as a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
manage, mitigate, or remove any harmful organisms via chemical or biological chemical substance or microorganism Glossary
methods. There are two primary categories of biocides: 1) pesticides (e.g. which is intended to destroy, deter,
fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, algaecides, moluscicides, miticides and render harmless or exert a controlling NA NA
rodenticides), and 2) antimicrobials (e.g. germicides, antibiotics, antibacterial, effect on any harmful organism by
antivirals, antifungals, antiprotozoals chemical or biological means.
and antiparasites).
14. Biodiversity: The 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro defined 14 Biodiversity: Biological Diversity or Section 3 IndG.A.P.
biodiversity as "the variability among living organisms from all sources including Biodiversity means the variability among Glossary
'inter alia' terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological living organisms from all sources and the
complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within species, between ecological complexes of which they are part
species and of ecosystems". Biodiversity is of main relevance during and includes diversity within species or
environmental impact assessments (EIA) and environmental management plans between species and of eco- systems

15. Biosecurity plan: A written document addressing potential pathways for the 15 Biosecurity Plan: A written document Section 3 IndG.A.P.
introduction and spread of disease in a zone or compartment, and describing the showcasing measures for the introduction Glossary
preventative measures which are being or will be applied to mitigate the and spread of disease in a zone or
chemical and biological risks. The plan also describes procedures to ensure that compartment, and describing the
the risks are regularly re-assessed and the measures adjusted accordingly. preventive measures which are being or
will be applied to mitigate the chemical NA NA
and biological risks. The plan also
describes procedures to ensure that the
risks are regularly re-assessed and the
measures are updated thereof.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

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16. Biosecurity: A set of preventative measures taken to protect from infectious 16 Biosecurity: Biosecurity is a strategic and Section 3 IndG.A.P.
diseases, quarantined pests, invasive alien species, and living modified integrated approach to analysing and Glossary
organisms. Mortality due to diseases and decreased production due to infections mitigating relevant chemical or biological
are major factors for economic loss but also a serious food safety concern for the risks to human, animal and plant life and
consumers. health and associated risks
for the environment.
17. BIPRO: Brand Integrity Program of GLOBALG.A.P., which monitors the use of 17 IndG.A.P. Integrity Program: Refers to Section 3 IndG.A.P.
the GLOBALG.A.P. brand, database usage and data accuracy, as well as, the IndG.A.P. Integrity Program, which is a Glossary
addresses the non-conformances of fraud and/or repeated incomplete/missing quality management system designed to
registrations in the database on the part of the certifying body. ensure the consistent delivery and
execution of the IndG.A.P. system, as well
as a feedback mechanism to continuously
improve all
aspects of the system.
18. Broiler: Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus ) bred and raised N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
specifically for meat production. Glossary
19. Broodstock (source: Aquaculture): A group of sexually mature N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
individuals of a cultured species that is kept separate for breeding purposes. Glossary NA NA

20. Buffer zone: (1) The region adjacent to the border of a protected area. 18 Buffer Zone: The region that acts as a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
(2) A transition zone between areas managed for different objectives. transition zone from areas of high Glossary
protection to areas involving lesser
protection. These areas are regulatory in
nature and are analogous to Eco
Sensitive Zones in legal parlance.
21. Bund: A barrier on the surface of the soil/ground/floor to prevent runoff, 19 Bund: A barrier on the surface of the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
spillage, and soil erosion (also known as dyke, embankment, etc.). ground built to prevent runoff, spillage, Glossary NA NA
and soil erosion.
22. Calibration: Determination of the accuracy of an instrument, usually by 20 Calibration: Determination of the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
measurement of its variation from a standard, to ascertain necessary correction accuracy of an instrument , usually by Glossary
factors. measurement of its magnitude of variation
from a given standard, to ascertain
necessary correction factors.

23. Certification Body Committee (CBC): One of the committees that take part 21 Multistakeholder Committee (MSC): It is a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
of GLOBALG.A.P. governance structure. The CBC is a committee of stakeholder driven committee comprising Glossary
certification bodies that are GLOBALG.A.P. associate members. Some of the of major stakeholder where no single
main CBC tasks are to propose processes and measures to maintain and improve interests perdominates,.
integrity where necessary, to promote and harmonize all matters relating to
technical issues, standards, and implementation, and to propose modifications to
the General Regulations and Control Points and
Compliance Criteria arising out of practical experience.
24. Certification body (CB): An organization that provides conformity 22 Certification Body: An entity that Section 3 IndG.A.P.
assessment services such as inspections and certifications to producers or provides conformity assessment services Glossary
producer groups against the GLOBALG.A.P. Standards, in accordance with such as inspections and certifications to
ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation requirements, GLOBALG.A.P. General producers or producer groups against the
Regulations, and 'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement'. IndG.A.P. Standards, in accordance with
ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation requirements,
IndG.A.P. General Regulations, and
'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification
Agreement' and is provisionally approved
or accredited by
Quality Council of India.

25. Certification Committee: Decision-making person or group of persons 23 Certification Committee: A committee Section 3 IndG.A.P.
within a certification body who bears the responsibility for making the final that is consituted as a part of the multi- Glossary
decision on whether an applicant producer/producer group becomes a certified stakeholder committee that dwells on the
producer/producer group or not. certification aspects of the Scheme. The
committee members are typically personnel
that understand the international systems as
ISO 17065 and intricacies of certification
system in an NRM context.

26. Certification: All those actions leading to issuing of a certificate in terms of 24 Certification: All those structured Section 3 IndG.A.P.
ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation (e.g. application, registration, audit/inspection, procedures and processes based on Glossary
corrective actions, etc.). IndG.A.P scheme leading to issuance of a
certificate in terms of ISO/IEC 17065 NA NA
accreditation (e.g. application, registration,
audit/inspection, corrective
actions, etc.)
27. Certified producer/producer group: Applicant who has successfully 25 Certified producer/producer group: Section 3 IndG.A.P.
applied for and obtained a GLOBALG.A.P. certificate by successfully Applicant who has successfully applied for Glossary
passing the inspection/audit and working with an approved and obtained a IndG.A.P. certificate by
GLOBALG.A.P. certification body. successfully passing the inspection/audit
and working with an
approved IndG.A.P. certification body
28. Checklist (CL): Inspection and audit tools developed by GLOBALG.A.P. to 26 Checklist: Inspection and audit tools Section 3 IndG.A.P.
facilitate inspections and audits (by producers, producer groups, certification developed by IndG.A.P. benchmarked to Glossary
bodies and/or farm assurers). GLOBALG.A.P. to facilitate inspections
and audits (by producers, producer
groups, certification bodies
and/or farm assurers).
29. CIPRO: Certification Integrity Program of GLOBALG.A.P., which addresses 27 IndG.A.P. Integrity Program: Refers to the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
inspections, audits and/or certification performance of the certification bodies IndG.A.P. Integrity Program, which is a Glossary
approved by GLOBALG.A.P. It is a risk-based program consisting of two kinds quality management system designed to
of assessments: 1) office assessments and 2) producer assessments or witness ensure the consistent delivery and
assessment of certification bodies’ auditors/inspectors. execution of the IndG.A.P. system, as well
as a feedback mechanism to continuously
improve all
aspects of the system.
30. Competent authority: Person or organization that has the legally delegated or 28 Competent Authority: A personnel in Section 3 IndG.A.P.
invested authority, capacity or power to perform a designated function or issue an organisation that has been authorised by Glossary
a recommendation/decision. the way of interested with a set of
responsibilities to perform a certain
function. Personnel is then authorised to
take decision and dispense the activities
assigned to them.

31. Compliance criteria (CC): Information provided to further illustrate each 29 Compliance Criteria: Information Section 3 IndG.A.P.
control point and how to successfully address the requirement(s) identified in provided to further delineate each control Glossary
the control point. point and steps to successfully address the
requirement(s) identified in the control

32. Compost: The controlled biological decomposition of organic material in the 30 Compost: Compost is crumbly mass of Section 3 IndG.A.P.
presence of air to form a humus-like material. Controlled methods of composting rotted organic matter made from Glossary
include mechanical mixing and aerating, ventilating the materials by dropping decomposed plant or humus like material,
them through a vertical series of aerated chambers, or placing the compost in used in agriculture. It improves soil
piles out in the open air and periodically mixing or turning. structure and provides a wide range of NA NA
nutrients for plants, and adds beneficial
microbes to the soil. It is an important part
of the integrated nutrient
management aspect of farm.
33. Compound Feed Manufacturing (CFM) Standard: A set of rules, N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
control points, and compliance criteria to implement and certify an assurance Glossary
system for compound feed manufacturers. It helps livestock
and aquaculture producers to select appropriate and assured suppliers of
34. Compound feed: Compound feeds (which can be complete or N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
complementary), that may be produced using any ingredients (except Glossary
medicated feed/supplements) as raw materials. Compound feed in the context of
GLOBALG.A.P. exclude the production of ingredients such as forage or grains
(simple feed materials), pre-mixtures, additives, or
medicated feeds (prepared feed supplements) etc.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

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35. Consumer: An individual who buys products or services for personal use and 31 Consumer: A person who buys any good Section 3 IndG.A.P.
not for manufacture or resale. or avails a service for a consideration. It Glossary
does not include a person who obtains a
good for resale or a good or service for
36. Contract farming: FAO (FAO AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BULLETIN 32 Contract Farming: Contract farming Section 3 IndG.A.P.
145, 2001) defines contract farming as an agreement between farmers and can be defined as agricultural production Glossary
processing and/or marketing firms for the production and supply of agricultural carried out according to an agreement
products under forward agreements, frequently at predetermined prices that takes between a buyer and farmers, which NA NA
into account market provisions, resource provisions, and management establishes conditions for the production
specifications. and marketing of a
farm product or products.
37. Contractual non-conformance: 1) Occurs when a certification body is not 33 Contractual non-conformance:Non Section 3 IndG.A.P.
in compliance with the contract signed with GLOBALG.A.P. and can lead to conformance is a situation that arises when Glossary
sanctioning of the CB. 2) When a producer is not in compliance with contracts the contracting party do not adhere to the
signed with the certification body and can lead to sanctioning of the producer. mutually agreed terms and are in NA NA
contravention to the SCheme requirement in
the context of IndG.A.P.
38. Control points (CP): Each of the requirements requested by GLOBALG.A.P. 34 Control Points: IndG.A.P. classifies their Section 3 IndG.A.P.
to implement Good Agricultural/Aquaculture Practices. Within the requirements in the form of clauses as Glossary
GLOBALG.A.P. Standards, control points are classified as critical, major and minor.
Major Musts, Minor Musts, or Recommendations.
39. Control Points and Compliance Criteria (CPCC): The comprehensive set 35 Control Points and Compliance Section 3 IndG.A.P.
of control points and compliance criteria that make up the standard against Criteria (CPCC): The comprehensive Glossary NA NA
which a producer’s performance is measured both internally and set of control points and compliance
40. Conversion ratios: Loss during handling, to be used in mass balance 36 Conversion ratios: Loss during Section 3 IndG.A.P.
calculations. handling, to be used in mass balance Glossary NA NA
41. Corridor: (1) A linear strip of land identified for present or future location of 37 Corridor: Principally term used for a path Section 3 IndG.A.P.
transportation or utility rights-of-way within its boundaries. (2) A thin strip of that is been used by wildlife for crossing Glossary
vegetation used by wildlife and potentially allowing movement of biotic factors one patch of forest to other. It also holds NA NA
between two areas. good for amphibious and
aquatic animals.
42. Cover crop: A crop that 1) provides temporary protection for delicate 38 Cover Crop: Crop of a specific plant Section 3 IndG.A.P.
seedlings and/or 2) provides a canopy for seasonal soil protection and that is grown mainly for the benefit of Glossary
improvement. Except in orchards, groves, and vineyards where permanent soil rather for the crop yield.
vegetative cover is maintained, cover crops are typically grown for one year of NA NA
less and, often, between normal crop production periods. When ploughed under
and incorporated into the soil, cover crops are also
referred to as green manure crops.
43. Covered crops: A crop is considered as covered when it is grown beneath or 39 Covered crop: Covered crop is grown Section 3 IndG.A.P.
within a structure (e.g. greenhouse, high tunnels, etc.), with or without building under or within a structure such as green Glossary
foundations, where the cropping environment has some kind of modification (not house etc. Cropping environment is usually
including individual plant/tree covers, nets, low tunnels, hail protection, or modified with or without foundation.
mulches) and that is accessible by persons
(walk-in possible). The cover can be plastic, glass or other similar
44. Critical control point (CCP): A point, step, or procedure in a production 40 Critical control point (CCP): A point, Section 3 IndG.A.P.
process at which control can be applied and a biological, chemical or physical step, or procedure in a production process at Glossary
hazard can be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to acceptable safety levels. which control can be applied and a
biological, chemical or physical hazard can NA NA
be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to
acceptable safety levels.

45. Critical limits: A maximum and/or minimum value to which a biological, 41 Critical limits: A maximum and/or Section 3 IndG.A.P.
chemical, or physical parameter shall be controlled at a critical control point minimum value to which a biological, Glossary
to prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable level the occurrence of a chemical, or physical parameter shall be
food-safety hazard. controlled at a critical control point to NA NA
prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an
acceptable level the occurrence of a
food-safety hazard.
46. Crop rotation system: The crops on a certain plot are following other 45 Crop Rotation System: Crop rotation Section 3 IndG.A.P.
crops according to a predefined plan. Normally the crops are changed is a system of growing different kinds of Glossary
annually, but they can also be multi-annual. Among other factors, crop crops in recurrent succession on the same
species and order of rotation are selected to increase soil fertility, maintain land which may be annual or multiannual
good yields and prevent the occurrence of pests/diseases as part of an to avail various economic, environment
integrated production management (IPM) program. benefits besides long term soil and farm

47. Customer: A customer is a person or entity who purchases products or services 47 Customer: Customer is any person or an Section 3 IndG.A.P.
from a supplier. entity who purchases goods or services Glossary
from a supplier in trade or directly from
Producer / Producer Group for trading
purpose or processing purpose and do not
act as end consumer ( refer definition :
consumer )

48. Declaration: Written statement that covers a relevant subject, and which is 48 Declaration: Form of written document Section 3 IndG.A.P.
signed by the person that makes the statement. covering a relevant subject aimed at defined Glossary
purpose(s) which is signed by the person NA NA
who makes the statement.

49. Dubbing: Refers to trimming of wattle/comb through electro-cauterizing of NA (Poultry) Section 3 IndG.A.P.
male breeders to reduce further injury due to pecking and fighting. Glossary NA NA

50. Ecological system: The dynamic complex of plant, animal, and micro- 49 Ecological System: Ecological System Section 3 IndG.A.P.
organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a is a biological community consisting of all Glossary
functional unit. the living organisms (including humans) in
a particular area and the nonliving NA NA
components, such as air, water, and
mineral soil, with which the
organisms interact.
51. Environment: Water, air, land, fauna, flora, peopl, and natural resources that 50 Environment: Environment includes Section 3 IndG.A.P.
surround a production site (based on ISO DIS 14001:2015 definitions). water, air and land and the inter- Glossary
relationship which exists among and
between water, air and land, and human
beings, other living creatures, plants,
micro-organism and property
52. Environmental risk: Potential threat of adverse impacts on living 51 Environmental Risk: Environmental Section 3 IndG.A.P.
organisms and/or environment by effluents, emissions, wastes, resource depletion, risk is the likelihood or probability of an Glossary NA NA
etc., arising out of a production process, project, activity, adverse outcome or event to
53. Erosion: Erosion is the movement of the land surface by wind, rain, running 52 Erosion: Erosion is the process in which Section 3 IndG.A.P.
water or moving ice resulting in the wearing away of land or soil. the topsoil of a field is carried away by Glossary
physical sources such as wind,
water or moving ice.
54. European co-operation for Accreditation (EA): EA is the European 54 APLAC - Pacific Accreditation Section 3 IndG.A.P.
network of nationally recognized accreditation bodies located in the European Cooperation (PAC) and Asia Pacific Glossary
geographical area ( Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation NA NA
(APLAC) that are operational in the
Indian accreditation context.
55. Farm Assurer: An organization (independent individual or group of 56 Farm Assurer: An organization or an Section 3 IndG.A.P.
individuals) that has signed a license agreement with GLOBALG.A.P. to act as entity (independent individual or group of Glossary
trained and approved consultants to help producers implement good individuals) that has signed a license
agricultural practices and work towards obtaining GLOBALG.A.P. agreement with IndG.A.P. to act as trained
certification. and approved consultants to help producers NA NA
implement good agricultural practices and
work towards obtaining IndG.A.P.

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56. Feed conversion ratio/rate (FCR) or feed conversion efficiency N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
(FCE): A measure of an animal’s efficiency in converting feed mass into Glossary
increased body mass. Specifically, FCR is the mass of the food eaten (in kg of
“dry” weight) divided by the body mass gain (in kg of “wet” weight), all over a
specified period of time. FCR is dimensionless, i.e. there are no measurement
units associated with FCR. Animals that have a low FCR are considered efficient
users of feed.

57. First harvest (first crop): This data is important for the calculation of the 58 First harvest (first crop): First harvest Section 3 IndG.A.P.
registration fee. “First harvest” should be chosen when there is only one crop per or first crop would mean registration of an Glossary
certification cycle on a registered area or when an area is registered for the first area for the first time for a certification
time for this certification cycle. In all cases, when a producer only registers cycle or when there's only crop per
perennial crops/tree crops; “first harvest” shall be certification cycle.
chosen. (See definition for further harvest)
58. Food defense: Security of food and drink and their supply chains from all 60 Food defense: Security of food and Section 3 IndG.A.P.
forms of malicious attack including ideologically motivated attack leading to drink and their supply chains from all Glossary
contamination or supply failure. (PAS 96:2010). forms of malicious attack including
ideologically motivated attack leading to
contamination or supply failure. (PAS
59. Food fraud: It occurs when food is deliberately placed on the market, for 61 Food fraud: Food fraud is the act of Section 3 IndG.A.P.
financial gain, with the intention of deceiving the consumer (e.g. the sale of food purposely altering, misrepresenting, Glossary
that is unfit and potentially harmful, the deliberate misdescription of food, etc.). mislabeling, substituting or tampering with
It may also involve the sale of food that has been stolen and/or illegally any food product at any point along the
produced. farm–to–table food supply–chain

60. Food safety: The assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer 62 Food safety: The Food Safety & Section 3 IndG.A.P.
when it is prepared and consumed according to its intended Standards Act, 2006 defines Food Glossary NA NA
61. Forest patches: Refers to the ecosystem scale at which a relatively 63 Forest patches: Forest Patches refer to Section 3 IndG.A.P.
homogenous forest unit can be identified. The composition, structure, and the ecosystem scale at which a relatively Glossary
ecological functions within the unit are similar enough that an ecologically homogenous forest unit can be
responsible forest use prescription can be applied uniformly within the stand, identified.The composition, structure, and
without encountering changes in ecological parameters that may produce ecological functions within a stand are
unexpected or undesirable results. (also known as forest stands) similar enough that an ecologically
responsible forest use prescription can be
applied uniformly within the stand, without
encountering changes in ecological
parameters that may produce unexpected or
undesirable results.

62. Fumigant: Volatile liquid or gas used to kill insects, nematodes, fungi, 64 Fumigant: It is any volatile, poisonous Section 3 IndG.A.P.
bacteria, seeds, roots, rhizomes, or entire plants. substance used to kill insects, nematodes, Glossary
and other animals or plants that damage
stored foods or seeds, human dwellings,
clothing, and nursery
63. Further harvest (subsequent crop): When crops registered for 65 Further harvest (subsequent crop): Section 3 IndG.A.P.
certification will be grown in an area already registered for that certification Subsequent crop or further harvest refers to Glossary
cycle, they shall be registered as further harvest. Surfaces crop that is registered for given
registered under further harvest are not subject to additional producer certification cycle and grown in area
64. General Regulations (GR): The General Regulations document describes 66 General Regulations (GR): The Section 3 IndG.A.P.
the basic steps and rules for the applicant to obtain and maintain General Regulations document provides for Glossary
GLOBALG.A.P. certification, as well as the role and relationship of applicants, the basic steps and rules for the applicant
GLOBALG.A.P., and the CBs. The document is divided into three parts: Part I – to obtain and maintain IndG.A.P.
General Requirements, Part II – Quality Management System Rules (QMS), certification, as well as the role and
and Part III – CB And Accreditation Rules. relationship of applicants, IndG.A.P., and
the CBs. The document is divided into
three parts: Part I – General Requirements,
Part II – Quality Management System Rules
(QMS), and Part III – CB And
Accreditation Rules.

65. GLN (Global Location Number): Provides the global supply chain solution for not Applicable as GPS and other details are Section 3 IndG.A.P.
the identification of physical locations and legal entities easier to record and independant of GS1 Glossary
( requirments for Producer

66. Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI): GFSI benchmarks existing food 67 Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI): Section 3 IndG.A.P.
standards against food safety criteria, and also looks to develop mechanisms to The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is Glossary
exchange information in the supply chain, to raise consumer awareness and to a non-profit making foundation, created
review existing good retail practices ( under and governed by Belgian law. It
benchmarks existing food standards against
food safety criteria and looks to develop
mechanisms for exchange of information
in the supply chain for consumer

67. GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP): It is a N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
voluntary assessment on the implemented social practices on farm. The outcome Glossary
of the assessment does not affect the GLOBALG.A.P. certification but serves as NA NA
additional information to supply chain partners
who have been granted access to the results.
68. GLOBALG.A.P. Integrity Program: Is a set of verification activities 72 IndG.A.P. Integrity Program: Refers to Section 3 IndG.A.P.
carried out to verify, maintain and, where necessary, increase the value of the the IndG.A.P. Integrity Program, which is a Glossary
GLOBALG.A.P. certificates by reinforcing the integrity of the GLOBALG.A.P. quality management system designed to
system. GLOBALG.A.P.-commissioned experts carry out surveillance activities ensure the consistent delivery and
to check on the CB performance. The Integrity Program consists of two pillars: execution of the IndG.A.P. system, as well
Brand Integrity Program (BIPRO) and Certification Integrity Program as a feedback mechanism to continuously
(CIPRO). improve all
aspects of the system.
69. GGN (GLOBALG.A.P. Number): A unique, thirteen-digit number assigned 73 Unique identification number (UIN): Section 3 IndG.A.P.
by GLOBALG.A.P. to the producer at registration, which serves as a unique UIN is issued by CBs , which is Glossary
identifier for all GLOBALG.A.P. activities. The GGN remains valid and mentioned in Producer register along
attached to the legal entity as long as the entity exists. The GGN serves as search with GGN for same producer NA NA
key on the GLOBALG.A.P. website to validate certificates. The GGN will be
replaced with the GLN if an applicant owns
70. GLOBALG.A.P. certification system: The certification system as a 74 IndG.A.P. certification system: The Section 3 IndG.A.P.
whole, as described by the GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations and the certification system as a whole, as Glossary
71. GLOBALG.A.P. standards: The GLOBALG.A.P. CPCC, which are 75 IndG.A.P. Standards: A set of standards Section 3 IndG.A.P.
separated into different modules, each one covering different areas or levels of in form of CPCC which ensure that the Glossary
activity in a production site. These modules are grouped into scope modules: food safety, worker health and safety,
covering more generic production issues, classified more broadly (these are: All produce handling and envornmental issues NA NA
Farm Base, Crops Base, Livestock Base, Aquaculture) and sub-scope modules are well handled in any farming operation.
covering more specific production
details, classified per product type.
72. Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P.): FAO COAG 2003 GAP paper 76 Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P.): Section 3 IndG.A.P.
defines these as “ practices that address environmental, economic and social Good Agricultural Practices are "practices Glossary
sustainability for on-farm processes, and result in safe and quality food and that address environmental, economic and
non-food agricultural products." social sustainability for on-farm processes,
and result in safe and quality in both food
and non-food agricultural products". These
four 'pillars' of GAP (economic viability,
environmental sustainability, social
acceptability and food safety and quality)
are included in most private and public
sector standards, but the scope which they
actually cover varies widely.

73. Groundwater: All water that is below the surface of the ground in the saturation 77 Groundwater: Groundwater is the water Section 3 IndG.A.P.
zone and in direct contact with the ground of the soil. found underground in the cracks and Glossary
spaces in soil, sand and rock. It is stored
in and moves slowly through geologic
formations of soil, sand and
rocks called aquifers

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74. Harvesting containers: Containers used for harvesting and transporting 78 Harvesting containers: Containers Section 3 IndG.A.P.
produce during and after harvest. used for harvesting and transporting Glossary
agriculture produce during and after
75. Harvesting tools: Gloves, scissors, knifes, clippers, etc. used to separate the 79 Harvesting tools: Agricultural tools and Section 3 IndG.A.P.
agricultural product from the parent plant/production site. implements such as sickle, hoe, clippers etc Glossary
used for separation of agricultural product NA NA
from parent plant/production
76. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP): A food safety 80 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Section 3 IndG.A.P.
management methodology used in the analysis and control of biological, Points (HACCP): A food safety Glossary
chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and management methodology used in the
handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished analysis and control of biological,
product. chemical, and physical hazards from raw NA NA
material production, procurement and
handling, to manufacturing, distribution
and consumption of the
finished product.
77. Hazard: A biological, chemical, physical or any other property that may cause a 81 Hazard: A hazard is any object, situation, Section 3 IndG.A.P.
situation unsafe for workers, consumers, and/or the environment. or behavior which may be biological, Glossary
chemical, physical or any other property that
has the potential to cause injury, ill health,
or damage to
property or the environment.
78. Herbicide: A chemical that controls or destroys plants. 82 Herbicide: Herbicide, an agent, usually Section 3 IndG.A.P.
chemical, for killing or inhibiting the Glossary NA NA
79. High conservation value area (HCVA): Critical areas in a landscape, which 83 High conservation value area Section 3 IndG.A.P.
need to be appropriately managed in order to maintain or enhance biodiversity, (HCVA): Natural habitats which are of Glossary NA NA
ecosystems, cultural identity and/or basic ecosystem outstanding significance or critical
80. Home mixer: Producers who produce home mixed feeds that do not leave the Not applicable for Current modules of Section 3 IndG.A.P.
farm where they were produced. There are two categories: 1) Producers who mix Indgap, on farm preparations of PPP by Glossary
or blend feed on farm for own use using premixes or additives (i.e. creating a producer for plant protection is different NA NA
compound feed. 2) Producers who mix term
ingredients on farm but do not use pre-mixes or additives (i.e. do not
81. Individual certification: The legal entity that has applied for and been 85 Individual certification: Applicant or the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
certified is an individual producer. legal entity who has applied and been Glossary
certified is an individual producer.

82. Initial inspection: This is 1) the first inspection for certification of a 86 Initial inspection: This is 1) the first Section 3 IndG.A.P.
production process, or 2) when a new product is added to the scope of the inspection for certification of a production Glossary
certificate, or 3) when a certificate expired for more than 12 months. process, the corrective action period is 90
Days instead of 28 days or 2) when a new
product is added to the scope of the
certificate , corrective action period is 28
days or 3) when a certificate expired for
more than 12 months, the Applicant will be
treated as new application , NEW UIN will
be used, Old UIN will be freesed for five
years by CBs

83. Inlet water (Aquaculture): Water taken from a surface source of water used NA (Aquaculture) Section 3 IndG.A.P.
for aquaculture purposes. Place where this happens is an inlet. Glossary NA NA

84. Inorganic fertilizer: A fertilizer in which the declared nutrients are in the form 87 Inorganic fertilizer: Inorganic fertilizer, Section 3 IndG.A.P.
of minerals obtained by extraction or by physical and/or chemical industrial also referred to as synthetic fertilizer, is Glossary
processes. manufactured artificially and contains NA NA
minerals or synthetic chemicals.

85. Inspection: Verification of the compliance with the CPCC at production site 88 Inspection: Verification of the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
level. compliance with the CPCC at Glossary NA NA
production site level.
86. Inspector: An inspector is a person who complies with the requirements as 89 Inspector: An inspector is a person who Section 3 IndG.A.P.
set out in General Regulations Part III and who carries out GLOBALG.A.P. complies with the requirements as set out Glossary
inspections. in General Regulations Part III and who NA NA
carries out IndG.A.P.
87. Integrated crop management (ICM): A cropping system that meets the 90 Integrated crop management (ICM): Section 3 IndG.A.P.
requirements of long-term sustainability. It is a whole-farm strategy that involves A cropping system that meets the Glossary
managing crops profitably, with respect for the environment, in ways that suit requirements of long-term sustainability. It is
local soil, climatic, and economic conditions. It safeguards the farm’s natural a whole-farm strategy that involves
assets in the long term. ICM is not a rigidly defined form of crop production but managing crops profitably, with respect for
is a dynamic system that adapts and makes sensible use of the latest research, the environment, in ways that suit local
technology, advice, and experience. soil, climatic, and economic conditions. It
safeguards the farm’s natural assets in the NA NA
long term. ICM is not a rigidly defined
form of crop production but is a dynamic
system that adapts and makes sensible use
of the latest research, technology, advice,
and experience.

88. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA): Is a single integrated standard with No concept of IFA in IndGAP and Section 3 IndG.A.P.
modular applications for different product groups, ranging from plant and included in integrated farm managment Glossary NA NA
livestock to aquaculture production. definition
89. Integrated farm management: The concept of ICM applied to any kind of 91 Integrated farm management: A whole Section 3 IndG.A.P.
farm (producing livestock, aquaculture, etc). farm management system which aims to Glossary
deliver more sustainable agriculture. It is a
dynamic approach which can be applied to NA NA
any farming system around the world.

90. Integrated pest management (IPM): The careful consideration of all 92 Integrated pest management (IPM): Section 3 IndG.A.P.
available pest control techniques and subsequent integration of appropriate IPM is a sustainable approach to managing Glossary
measures that discourage the development of pest populations and keep plant pests by combining biological, cultural,
protection products and other interventions to levels that are economically physical and chemical tools in a way that
justified and reduce or minimize risks to human health and the environment. minimizes economic, health, and NA NA
IPM emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption environmental risks.
to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural and/or non-chemical pest control

91. Internal auditor: Individuals qualified (requirements are set out in General 93 Internal auditor: Persons qualified ( as Section 3 IndG.A.P.
Regulations Part II) to audit and report on the QMS of a producer group or an per requirements are set out in General Glossary
individual multisite producer with implemented QMS to assess compliance with Regulations Part II) to audit and report on
the certification requirements. The internal auditor is usually also responsible the QMS of a producer group or an
for approval of the members of the producer group or the production sites of the individual multisite producer with
multisite based on the inspection reports prepared by the internal inspector(s). implemented QMS to assess compliance
with the certification requirements of
IndG.A.P.. The internal auditor is
responsible also for approval of the
members of the producer group or the
production sites of the multisite based on
the inspection reports prepared by the
internal inspector(s).

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92. Internal inspection: Annual farm level inspections carried out by an internal 94 Internal inspection: Annual farm level Section 3 IndG.A.P.
inspector on all registered producer group members in the case of producer inspections carried out by an internal Glossary
groups, and all sites in the case of an individual producer with multi-site inspector on all registered producer group
operation and QMS. The objective of these inspections is to determine the level members in the case of producer groups,
of compliance of each producer member or site with the applicable control and all sites in the case of an individual
points and compliance criteria. producer with multi-site operation and
QMS. The objective of these inspections is
to determine the level of compliance of
each producer member or site with the
applicable control points and compliance

93. Internal inspectors: Individuals qualified (requirements are set out in General 95 Internal inspectors: Individuals Section 3 IndG.A.P.
Regulations Part II) to undertake and report on the inspection of producer group qualified (requirements are set out in Glossary
members or production sites to assess their compliance with the certification General Regulations Part II) to undertake
requirements. and report on the inspection of producer
group members or production sites to
assess their compliance with the
94. International Accreditation Forum (IAF): The International Accreditation 96 International Accreditation Forum Section 3 IndG.A.P.
Forum, Inc. (IAF) is the world association of conformity assessment (IAF): The IAF is the world association of Glossary
accreditation bodies and other bodies interested in conformity assessment in the Conformity Assessment Accreditation
fields of management systems, products, services, personnel and other similar Bodies. The primary function of the IAF is
programs of conformity assessment. Its primary function is to develop a single to develop a single worldwide program of NA NA
worldwide program of conformity assessment, which reduces risk for business conformity assessment which reduces risk
and its customers by assuring them that accredited certificates may be relied for business and its customers by assuring
upon them that
95. International Organization for Standardization(ISO): ISO is a 97 International Organization for Section 3 IndG.A.P.
worldwide federation of national standardization bodies from more than 100 Standardization(ISO): The International Glossary
countries, with one standardization body representing each member country. Organization for Standardization (ISO) is
Member organizations collaborate in the development and promotion of an international nongovernmental
international standards. With respect to food, specifies requirements for food organization made up of national standards NA NA
safety management systems where an organization in the food chain needs to bodies; it develops and publishes a wide
demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards in order to ensure that range of proprietary, industrial, and
food is safe at the time of human commercial
96. Juvenile: A juvenile (organism) is an individual organism after birth (hatching, NA Section 3 IndG.A.P.
germination, etc.) that has not yet reached its sexual maturity. Glossary NA NA

97. License and Certification Agreement: Legal document which establishes 98 License and Certification Agreement: Section 3 IndG.A.P.
the rights and obligations of GLOBALG.A.P. as standard owner and Legal document which establishes the rights Glossary
GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification bodies as independent inspection and obligations of QCI and NABCB
organizations for audit, inspection, certification, and licensing activities within approved certification bodies. and is NA NA
the framework of the GLOBALG.A.P. system. different document from Sublicense
agreement (Between a CB &
98. Litter: Consists of waste products that have been disposed improperly, without 99 Litter: Carelessly disregarded waste Section 3 IndG.A.P.
consent, at an inappropriate location. which makes a location untidy or Glossary NA NA
messy, or into a state of disorder
99. Livestock scope: This GLOBALG.A.P. certification covers all livestock N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
present on the farm as registered per production site. Glossary
100. Major Must: One of three types of control points that the producer is required 100 Critical: Control point that the producer is Section 3 IndG.A.P.
to comply with in order to obtain GLOBALG.A.P. certification. Complying with required to comply with in order to obtain Glossary
100 % of the Major Musts is compulsory. IndG.A.P. certification. 100% compliance NA NA
to the Critical is mandatory.

101. Management: Management refers to the person or group of persons 101 Management: The act of getting people Section 3 IndG.A.P.
(depending on the size of the organization) that coordinates the available together to accomplish desired goals and Glossary
resources, including workers and their activities, in order to accomplish the objectives using available resources
objectives set by the organization (producer/producer group). efficiently and effectively. It includes
codes of practice, achievement of higher
productivity, quality, yield, minimization
of waste, crop
management, crop protection.
102. Mangroves: Mangroves are broadly defined as areas containing one or more 102 Mangroves: Mangroves are coastal forests Section 3 IndG.A.P.
true mangroves. About 60 species are restricted to the mangrove habitat found in sheltered estuaries and along river Glossary
according to Saenger et al. (1983) and this list can be found at banks and lagoons in the tropics and under “Exclusive mangrove subtropics. The term ‘mangrove’ describes
species”. Disturbance of any one of these species' communities should not be both the ecosystem and the plant families NA NA
permitted, as they are considered essential to the survival of this critically that have developed specialized adaptations
endangered ecosystem. Principles and guidelines for wetland restoration, to live in this tidal environment.
including that of mangroves, can be found at: Mangroves are commonly found along
103. Manure: Organic material that is used to fertilize land, usually consisting of the 103 Manure: Organic material, including Section 3 IndG.A.P.
feces and urine of domestic livestock, with or without litter such as straw, hay, animal excrement which may be mixed Glossary
or bedding. When crops are grown and plowed under for its beneficial effects with litter or other material and may be
to the soil and subsequent crops, they may be referred to as Green Manure. fermented or otherwise treated, that is
These crops are usually annuals, either grasses or legumes. used to fertilize land.
Livestock manure is rich in organic matter,
or humus, and thus increases soil fertility
and improves the capacity of soil to absorb
and store water, thereby preventing erosion.
However, it is less rich in nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potash than synthetic
fertilizers and therefore it must be applied
in much
greater quantities.
104. Mass balance: This is defined as a reconciliation of the amount of incoming 105 Mass balance: Analyze food loss and Section 3 IndG.A.P.
raw material against the amount used in the resulting finished products, taking waste levels by comparing inputs (e.g., Glossary
into account process waste and rework. products entering a grocery store) with
outputs (e.g., products sold to customers)
along with changes in
standing stock levels.
105. Medicines: Substances intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention, mitigation, 106 Medicines: Any chemical compounds, Section 3 IndG.A.P.
cure, or treatment of a condition or disease, including substances with effect on including nutrients, that are used in the Glossary
the central nervous system like sedatives and prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or cure
anesthetics. of disease, for the relief of pain, or to
106. Milking parlor: A place where cows are milked. N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
Glossary NA NA
107. Mineral oil fractions (MOSH, POSH, MOAH): Mineral oil fractions that 107 Mineral oil fractions (MOSH, POSH, Section 3 IndG.A.P.
may appear as chemical contaminants of food (e.g. tea) if the product is stored in MOAH): Mineral oil is an oil derived Glossary
inappropriate transport boxes/containers/bags. Especially packaging made from from a mineral source (petroleum) as
recycled paper or jute bags could be a source of mineral oil. MOSH (mineral oil contrasted to oils derived from plants or
saturated hydrocarbons), POSH (polyolefin oligomeric saturated hydrocarbons) animals. The mineral oil fraction of
and MOAH (mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons) are different fractions that may concern consists mainly of complex
be detected by chemical analysis and show the presence of this type of mixtures of hydrocarbons (C10 up to C50)
contamination. mainly of fossil origin.
Mineral oil mixtures of technical grade are
composed of Mineral Oil Saturated
Hydrocarbons (MOSH) as well as about
15-20% Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocar-
bons (MOAH). Polyolefin oligomeric
saturated hydrocarbons (POSH) are
chemically similar to MOSH.

108. Minor Must: One of three types of control points that the producer is required 108 Major: Control point that the producer is Section 3 IndG.A.P.
to comply with in order to obtain GLOBALG.A.P. certification. Producers shall required to comply with in order to obtain Glossary
comply with 95 % of all of the applicable Minor Musts. IndG.A.P. certification. 95%
compliance to the Major is mandatory.

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109. Module: Section of the standard where a set of control points are grouped 109 Module: Section of the IndG.A.P. Section 3 IndG.A.P.
together under a common denominator (i.e. can refer to All Farm Base or any of standard where a set of control points are Glossary
the scopes and sub-scopes) grouped together under a common
denominator. Example: Crop Base
module in IndG.A.P. or any of the
scopes and sub-scopes.
110. National Interpretation Guideline (NIG): Is a document, which provides 110 National Interpretation Guideline Section 3 IndG.A.P.
guidance on the implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and (NIG): National Technical Working Glossary
Compliance Criteria at a national level. Groups (NTWGs) identify specific local
It is developed by a National Technical Working Group and goes through a adaptation and implementation challenges
transparent approval procedure. Once approved, the national guideline becomes and accordingly develop guidelines,
a normative GLOBALG.A.P. document. This implies that all certification known as National Interpretation
bodies that are working in the respective country have to include this guideline Guidelines (NIG).
within their certification procedures. It is a document that provides guidance on
how to implement GLOBALG.A.P. Control
Points and Compliance Criteria at a national
level has been approved by
111. National Technical Working Group (NTWG): Is a local, multi- 111 National Technical Working Section 3 IndG.A.P.
stakeholder group established voluntarily in countries where there is a need for Group (NTWG): GLOBALG.A.P. has Glossary
clarification of implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. on a local scale. The groups a
support GLOBALG.A.P. implementation and continuous improvement based on provision to set up National Technical
specific area needs. Working Groups (NTWGs) in individual
countries to help adopt GLOBALG.A.P.’s
universal standard on a local scale.
It is a local, multi-stakeholder group NA NA
established voluntarily in countries where
there is a need for clarification of
implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. on a
local scale. The groups support
GLOBALG.A.P. implementation and
continuous improvement based on
specific area needs.
112. Natural intertidal zone: The area of the foreshore and seabed in marine N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
aquatic environments that is exposed to the air at low tide and submerged at high Glossary
tide (i.e. the area between tide marks). The natural inter-tidal zone is that which
would otherwise exist without changes to local hydrology due to man made
changes such as artificial dikes and embankments (also
known as littoral zone).
113. Non-compliance: A GLOBALG.A.P. control point in the checklist ,which is 113 Non-compliance: IndG.A.P. control Section 3 IndG.A.P.
not fulfilled according to the associated compliance criteria. point in the checklist which is not fulfilled Glossary
according to the associated compliance
114. Non-conformance: Occurs when a GLOBALG.A.P. rule that is necessary 114 Non-conformance: A deviation from Section 3 IndG.A.P.
for obtaining a GLOBALG.A.P. certificate is infringed. For example, the the critical limits set at a critical control Glossary
producer who does not comply with 100 % of the Major Musts and/or 95 % of point, which results in a hazard occurring.
the Minor Musts is in a situation of non- conformance. It can also refer to a When any IndG.A.P. rule, that is
deviation from the critical limits set at a critical control point, which results in necessary for obtaining IndG.A.P.
a hazard occurring. certificate, is infringed then non- NA NA
conformance occurs. For example, the
producer who does not comply with 100%
of the Critical and/or 95% of the Major is
in a situation of non-
115. Nitrogen balance: Is calculated as the difference between the total quantity of 115 Nitrogen balance: Is calculated as the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
nitrogen inputs entering the soil and the quantity of nitrogen outputs leaving the difference between the total quantity of Glossary
soil annually, based on the nitrogen cycle. nitrogen inputs entering the soil and the
quantity of nitrogen outputs leaving the soil
annually, based on the nitrogen
116. Organic agriculture: Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on 116 Organic agriculture: As per Codex Section 3 IndG.A.P.
techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost, and biological pest Alimentarius Commission, organic Glossary
control. Organic farming uses fertilizers and plant protection products but agriculture is a holistic production
excludes or strictly limits the use of manufactured (synthetic) fertilizers, plant management system which promotes and
protection products, plant growth regulators, enhances agro-ecosystem health, including
livestock antibiotics, food additives, genetically modified organisms, human biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil
sewage sludge, and nanomaterial. Organic agricultural methods are biological activity. It emphasises the use of
internationally regulated and legally enforced by many nations. management practices in preference to the
use of off-farm inputs, taking into account
that regional conditions require locally
adapted systems. This is accomplished by
using, where possible, agronomic, NA NA
biological, and mechanical methods, as
opposed to using synthetic materials, to
fulfil any specific function within the
( m)
Organic agriculture is a form of
agriculture without the use of synthetic
inputs and does not allow the use of
transgenic organisms.

117. Organic fertilizer: Fertilizers made with materials of vegetable and animal 117 Organic fertilizer: Organic fertilizers Section 3 IndG.A.P.
origin (e.g. manure, compost, and digestion residues) used to maintain and/or contain plant- or animal-based materials that Glossary
improve plant nutrition, the physical, and chemical properties, and biological are either a byproduct or end product of
activity of soils. naturally occurring processes, such as
animal manure, digestion residues,
compost. They are naturally available
mineral sources that contain moderate
amount of plant essential nutrients.
They help mitigate problems associated
with synthetic fertilizers, reduce the NA NA
necessity of repeated application of
synthetic fertilizers to maintain soil
fertility, maintain nutrient balance for
healthy growth of crop plants and act as an
effective energy source of soil microbes
which in turn improve soil structure and
crop growth.

118. Outlet effluent: 1) Liquid waste that is released into a river or other waterway. 118 Outlet effluent: Liquid waste matter Section 3 IndG.A.P.
2) Water mixed with waste matter which is flowing outward. which is discharged to the environment or Glossary
to a natural body of water.

119. Outlet water: Water returned to the environment after being used for 119 Outlet water: Opening through which Section 3 IndG.A.P.
aquaculture purposes. Place where this happens is an outlet. water is returned to the environment Glossary
after being used for agriculture
120. Overexploitation: The excessive use of raw materials without considering 120 Overexploitation: Use of raw materials Section 3 IndG.A.P.
long-term environmental impacts and sustainability of such usage levels. to an excessive degree without Glossary
121. Packhouse: Facility set up for handling harvested produce. Also called a 121 Packhouse: A structure where a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
produce handling facility or warehouse. See product handling unit (PHU). producer (vegetable and fruit producer) Glossary
can store fresh vegetables and fruits in NA NA
place which is safe for these raw
122. Parallel ownership (PO): Parallel ownership is the situation where 123 Parallel ownership (PO): Parallel Section 3 IndG.A.P.
individual producers, producer members or producer groups buy non- ownership is the situation where individual Glossary NA NA
certified products of the same products they grow under certified producers, producer members

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123. Parallel Production (PP): Parallel production is the situation where 124 Parallel Production (PP): Parallel Section 3 IndG.A.P.
individual producers, producer members, or producer groups produce the same production is the situation where individual Glossary
product partly as certified and partly as non-certified. It is also PP where not all producers, producer members, or producer
the members of a producer group producing a product that is registered for groups produce the same product partly as
certification are included in the scope of the certificate. certified and partly as non-certified. It is
also PP where not all the members of a NA NA
producer group producing a product that is
registered for certification are included in
the scope of the certificate.

124. Pathogen: A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease. 125 Pathogen: An organism that causes a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
disease on a plant. Glossary
Bacteria, viruses, fungi, fungal-like
organisms, phytoplasmas, viroids,
nematodes and parasitic higher plants
are all plant pathogens.
125. Perennial: A plant whose life cycle lasts for three or more years. 126 Perennial: Cultivation of crop species that Section 3 IndG.A.P.
live longer than two years without Glossary NA NA

126. Plant propagation material: Plant propagation material is defined as plants 128 Plant propagation material: All the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
and parts thereof that are used for the cultivation of those products that can be generative parts of the plant, such as seeds, Glossary
certified under the Crops scope (defined in the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Product Llist'). which can be used for the multiplication of
This applies whether they are cultivated by sowing, planting out or another the plant and vegetative plant material such
method intended for plant cultivation or propagation. Products certified under as, but not limited to cuttings, roots, fruits,
the PPM sub-scope are not intended for human consumption or for feed. tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, meristem tissue
and parts of
127. Plant protection product (PPP): Any substance or mixture of substances 129 Plant protection product (PPP): Section 3 IndG.A.P.
intended for controlling insects, weeds, fungi, and any other form of life Pesticides that protect crops or desirable Glossary
considered to be a pest or disease for agricultural plants. or useful plants by controlling pest or NA NA
disease for agricultural plants.

128. Pollution prevention: The use of materials, processes, or practices to 130 Pollution prevention: Any practice that Section 3 IndG.A.P.
reduce, minimize, or eliminate the creation of pollutants or wastes as well as reduces, eliminates, or prevents Glossary NA NA
practices that reduce the use of toxic or hazardous inputs. pollution at its source.
129. Post-harvest chemicals: Includes plant protection products applied after 131 Post-harvest chemicals: Includes plant Section 3 IndG.A.P.
harvest (e.g., including wax, detergents, biocides, and lubricants where protection products applied after Glossary NA NA
applicable). harvesting to address pest and disease
130. Post larvae (shrimp): Animals that have changed from the larval form to N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
juvenile or adult form; usually refers only to the stage immediately Glossary NA NA
following the larvae and which shows already juvenile characteristics.
131. Potable water: Water which meets the quality standards of drinking 132 Potable water: Water that is fit and Section 3 IndG.A.P.
water such as those described in the WHO published fuidelines and in safe for drinking purpose. Glossary NA NA
legislation of several countries.
132. Preventive measure: Physical, chemical, or biological factors that may be 133 Preventive measure: Measures taken to Section 3 IndG.A.P.
used to manage, mitigate, or eliminate an identified hazard. identify, manage, mitigate or eliminate Glossary NA NA
a hazard.
133. Primary product: “Not processed” (see definition for processed product). 134 Primary product: Primary products are Section 3 IndG.A.P.
goods that are available from cultivating Glossary NA NA

134. Procedure: Step-by-step instruction to achieve a desired result. 136 Procedure: A series of actions Section 3 IndG.A.P.
conducted in a certain order or manner Glossary
135. Processed product: When the structure of the product is altered in 137 Processed product: When any activity Section 3 IndG.A.P.
appearance or form. is performed on agricultural product that Glossary
maintains or raises the quality or alters the
physical or chemical characteristics or adds NA NA
value to a product in any manner

136. Producer group: Group of producers applying for or awarded certification 139 Producer group: Group of producers Section 3 IndG.A.P.
with an internal procedure, internal control of 100 % of registered members to applying for or awarded certification with Glossary
the GLOBALG.A.P. requirements, and a management representative with an internal procedure, internal control of
ultimate responsibility. A producer group may have members not registered in 100% of registered members to the
the GLOBALG.A.P. Database providing there is a system for segregation of IndG.A.P. requirements, and a management
their products. representative with ultimate responsibility.

137. Producer: A person (individual) or business (company, individual producer, or 140 Producer: A person (individual) or Section 3 IndG.A.P.
producer group) who is legally responsible for the production processes and the business (company, individual producer, Glossary
products relevant to the scope of certification, sold by that person or business. or producer group) who is legally NA NA
The term “producer” is also used in the GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations for responsible for the production processes
the livestock transport companies and the products relevant to
138. Product handling: Any handling of products done post harvest, where the 142 Product handling: All the processes Section 3 IndG.A.P.
product may have physical contact with other materials or substances. For the involved in the movement of agricultural Glossary
Fruit and Vegetables sub-scope it includes storage, chemical treatment, products, either in their raw form, during
trimming, washing, etc., but it excludes product processing. For the Aquaculture processing and in their processed forms.
sub-scope it includes processing as described in the
relevant CPCC.
139. Product handling unit (PHU): Facilities where products are handled. All 143 Product handling unit (PHU): Section 3 IndG.A.P.
PHUs were GLOBALG.A.P. registered products are handled shall be Facilities where agricultural products Glossary NA NA
identified and registered. are handled.
140. Production site: A production area (e.g. fields, plots, ponds, ranches) that is 144 Production site: A production area (e.g. Section 3 IndG.A.P.
owned or rented and ultimately managed by one legal entity, and where the same fields, plots, ponds, ranches) that is owned Glossary
input factors (e.g. water supply, workers, equipment, stores, etc.) are used. One or rented and ultimately managed by one
site may contain several non-touching areas (areas that do not share a common legal entity, and where the same input
border; non-contiguous) and production of more than one product on the same factors (e.g. water supply, workers, NA NA
site is possible. All production sites where the product(s) that are included in the equipment, stores, etc.) are used.
GLOBALG.A.P. certification scope are produced, shall be identified and

141. Protected areas: An area of land and/or sea dedicated to the preservation 146 Protected areas: A clearly defined Section 3 IndG.A.P.
and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural geographical space, recognised, dedicated Glossary
resources, and managed through legal or other effective means. The Six IUCN and managed, through legal or other
Protected Area Management Categories include: strict nature reserve, national effective means, to achieve the long term
park, natural monument, habitat/species management area, protected conservation of nature with associated
landscape/seascape, and managed resource protected area. The World ecosystem services and cultural values.
Database on Protected
Areas (WDPA) is the most complete compilation of protected areas data
142. Pullet: A young hen, especially one less than one year old. N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
143. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs): Are produced by plants as a defense 147 Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs): Are Section 3 IndG.A.P.
mechanism against insect herbivores. These substances may contaminate produced by plants as a defense Glossary
agricultural products such as honey, grains, herbs, tea, etc. mechanism against insect herbivores.
These substances may contaminate
agricultural products such as honey,
grains, herbs, tea, etc.
144. Quality management system (QMS): The organizational structure, 148 Quality management system (QMS): Section 3 IndG.A.P.
procedures, processes, and resources needed to implement quality management. Set of policies, procedures and processes Glossary
In GLOBALG.A.P. the implementation of a QMS is obligatory in group required for planning and execution
certification and voluntary in individual producer multi- site certification. (production/development/service) in the
core business area of an organization (i.e., NA NA
areas that can impact the organization’s
ability to meet customer

145. RAMSAR sites: The Ramsar List shows the site name, date of designation, 149 RAMSAR sites: The Ramsar List shows Section 3 IndG.A.P.
location, total area, and geographical coordinates of each wetland of the site name, date of designation, location, Glossary
international importance as recognized by contracting parties of Ramsar total area, and geographical coordinates of
( each wetland of international importance as NA NA
recognized by contracting parties of

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146. Raw manure: Solid or liquid animal manure that has not been composted or 150 Raw manure: Organic material that has Section 3 IndG.A.P.
otherwise treated to ensure the destruction of human pathogens. not been composted or otherwise treated to Glossary
ensure the destruction of
human pathogens.
147. Recall: Is the process by which a product is removed from the supply chain and 151 Recall: Process of retrieving defective Section 3 IndG.A.P.
returned to the producer/handler. In some cases, consumers are advised to take and/or potentially unsafe products from the Glossary
action, such as returning or destroying produce items. supply chain and returning it to the
148. Reclaimed Water: Sometimes called recycled water , is former wastewater 152 Reclaimed Water: Processing of Section 3 IndG.A.P.
(sewage) that has been treated to remove solids and certain impurities, and then wastewater to make it reusable with Glossary
used in sustainable landscaping irrigation or to definable treatment reliability and
recharge groundwater aquifers. meeting appropriate water quality
149. Recommendation: One of three types of control points within the 153 Minor: One of three types of control points Section 3 IndG.A.P.
GLOBALG.A.P. standards. All recommendation control points shall be within the IndG.A.P. standard. All Minor Glossary
inspected during the self-assessments and external announced control points shall be inspected
inspections but there is no requirement for successfully meeting during the self-assessments / Internal
150. Record: A document containing objective evidence illustrating activities 154 Record: A document in the form of Section 3 IndG.A.P.
being performed and/or results achieved. report, certificate or self-declaration that Glossary NA NA
establishes activities as evidence.
151. Registration number: A number issued by the certification body to identify 155 Registration number: A number that is Section 3 IndG.A.P.
the producer or producer group. It always starts with the CB short name of the documented as a record for the applicant Glossary
respective certification body. by the Certification Body
152. Registration: The process by which an individual producer or producer 158 Registration: The process by which an Section 3 IndG.A.P.
group starts the application process for certification with a GLOBALG.A.P. applicant is registered in a Certification Glossary NA NA
approved certification body. Body (CB) system.
153. Rehabilitation (of ecosystems): The recovery of specific ecosystem services in 159 Rehabilitation (of ecosystems): The Section 3 IndG.A.P.
a degraded ecosystem or habitat. process of normalisation and Glossary
optimisation of the species and its habitat
by a man-made intervention by reversing
the casuses leading to
154. Restoration (of ecosystems): The return of an ecosystem to its original 160 Restoration (of ecosystems): Return Section 3 IndG.A.P.
community structure, natural complement of species and natural of an ecosystem to its original Glossary
155. Retailer members: Retailers and foodservice organizations interested in Currently no such modalities exists Section 3 IndG.A.P.
supporting and developing GLOBALG.A.P. standards. Glossary
156. Rinsate: 1) The mixture of the water used for rinsing together with remnants 161 Rinsate: Pesticide-containing water (or Section 3 IndG.A.P.
of the plant protection product. 2) Water mixture that results from the process other liquid) that results from rinsing a Glossary
of rinsing the plant protection product application machinery/containers. pesticide container, pesticide equipment, or NA NA
other pesticide-containing
157. Risk assessment: Means an estimate of the probability, frequency, and 162 Risk assessment: Systematic process of Section 3 IndG.A.P.
severity of the occurrence of a hazard. Aalso called a risk analysis) evaluating the potential risks that may be Glossary
involved in a projected activity or
158. Risk: The likelihood of a hazard occurring in the future. For food safety, risks 163 Risk: Uncertainty about the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
are categorized as biological, chemical, or physical. effects/implications of an activity with Glossary
respect to something that humans value
(such as health, well-being, wealth, NA NA
property or the environment), often
focusing on negative, undesirable
159. Salinization: The condition in which the salt content of soil accumulates over 164 Salinization: The process by which a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
time to reach above the normal level. nonsaline soil becomes saline, as by the Glossary
irrigation of land with brackish water.

160. Sanitized: Washed with a disinfectant. (Disinfection) 165 Sanitized: The process to cleanse a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
produce using a disinfectant. Glossary NA NA

161. Scheme: Certification system related to specified products, to which the same 166 Scheme: Certification system related to Section 3 IndG.A.P.
specified requirements, specific rules, and procedures apply. (ISO definition) specified products, to which the same Glossary
specified requirements, specific rules, and NA NA
procedures apply. (ISO definition)

162. Seepage: The infiltration and percolation of surface water from overland flow, 167 Seepage: The infiltration downward and Section 3 IndG.A.P.
ditches, channels, ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, or other surface water bodies. lateral movement of water into soil or Glossary
substrata from a source of supply such
as reservoir or irrigation canal.
163. Self-assessment: Internal inspection of the production system and the 168 Self-assessment: Internal inspection of Section 3 IndG.A.P.
registered product carried out by under the responsibility of the producer, based the production system and the registered Glossary NA NA
on the GLOBALG.A.P. checklist. Only applicable to Options 1 and product carried out by under
164. Sewage sludge: The accumulated settled solids separated from various types 170 Sewage sludge: Residual, semi-solid Section 3 IndG.A.P.
of water either moist or mixed with liquid component as a result of natural or material that is produced as a by- Glossary
artificial processes. product during sewage treatment of
Sewage sludge has potential fertilizer NA NA
properties and can be used to enrich
agricultural soils due to high nitrogen,
phosphorus and organic matter content

165. Sewage water: Water mixed with waste matter. 171 Sewage water: Wastewater from Section 3 IndG.A.P.
people living in a community. Glossary NA NA
166. Sewage: The waste matter and wastewater produced by residential 172 Sewage: Water that has been changed in Section 3 IndG.A.P.
and/or commercial sources and discharged into sewers. its characteristics by domestic, industrial, Glossary
or agriculture effluents.

167. Signature: Shall be a personal, non-transferable, visible, and infallible identifier 173 Signature: A person's name written in a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
of the person, which is recorded manually, either by handwriting or «pressing a distinctive way as a form of identification Glossary
button». Password protection alone does not guarantee in authorizing a cheque or
individual identification. document or concluding a letter.
168. Social impact assessment: Includes the processes of analyzing, 174 Social impact assessment: Social Section 3 IndG.A.P.
monitoring and managing the intended and unintended social consequences, Impact Assessment includes the processes Glossary
both positive and negative, of planned interventions (policies, programs, plans, of analysing, monitoring and managing the
projects), and any social change processes invoked by those interventions intended and unintended social
(definition from International Association for Impact Assessment consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions (policies,
programs, plans, projects) and any social
change processes invoked by those
interventions. Its primary purpose is to
bring about a more sustainable and
equitable biophysical and human
environment. (

169. Standard: A standard is a document that provides requirements, 175 Standard: A standard is a document that Section 3 IndG.A.P.
specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to provides requirements, specifications, Glossary
ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. guidelines or characteristics that can be
(ISO definition) used consistently to ensure that materials, NA NA
products, processes and services are fit
for their purpose. (ISO definition)

170. Standard operating procedures (SOP): A written document detailing an 176 Standard operating procedures Section 3 IndG.A.P.
operation, analysis, or action whose mechanisms are prescribed thoroughly and (SOP): Standard operating procedure is a Glossary
which is commonly accepted as the method for performing certain routine or set of written instructions that describes the
repetitive tasks. step-by-step process that must be taken to
properly perform a
routine activity.
171. Subcontractor: The entity furnishing labour, equipment, and/or materials to 177 Subcontractor: Any supplier, Section 3 IndG.A.P.
perform specific farm operation(s) under contract with the producer (e.g. distributor, vendor, or firm furnishing Glossary
custom harvesting of grain, spraying and picking of fruit). labour, equipment, and/or materials to
perform specific farm operation(s) under NA NA
contract with the producer (e.g. custom
harvesting of grain, spraying
and picking of fruit).

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172. Sub-license and Certification Agreement: Legal document which 178 Sub-license and Certification Section 3 IndG.A.P.
establishes the rights and obligations of GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification Agreement: Legal document which Glossary
bodies and producers or producer groups as interested parties active in the establishes the rights and obligations of
market within the GLOBALG.A.P. system. IndG.A.P. approved certification bodies
and producers or producer groups as
interested parties active in the market
within the IndG.A.P. system.

173. Sub-scope: Module covering specific production details, classified per 179 Sub-scope: Module covering specific Section 3 IndG.A.P.
product type. For example, Fruit and Vegetables, Combinable Crops, Tea, production details, classified per product Glossary
Flowers and Ornamentals are all sub-scopes for the Crops Base scope. type. For example, Fruit and Vegetables,
Combinable Crops, Tea, Coffee are all
sub-scopes for the Crops
Base scope.
174. Substrate: Any growing medium used for holding plants in place of soil, and 180 Substrate: A substance or surface on Section 3 IndG.A.P.
that has been imported to the site, and can be removed after use. which an organism grows and lives on Glossary NA NA
and is supported by.
175. Supplier member: Producers that are interested in showing more Currently no such modalities exists Section 3 IndG.A.P.
commitment to GLOBALG.A.P. than receiving certification. Membership and Glossary NA NA
certification are mutually exclusive.
176. Supplier: A supplier is a person or an organization, which provides products or 181 Supplier: Person or an organization, Section 3 IndG.A.P.
services to customers. which provides products or services to Glossary NA NA
177. Surface water: All waters on the surface of the earth found in rivers, streams, 182 Surface water: Any natural water that Section 3 IndG.A.P.
ponds, lakes, marshes, wetlands, as ice and snow, and transitional, coastal, and has not penetrated under the surface of the Glossary
marine waters. ground underneath. Rivers, ponds, lakes,
marshes, oceans and wetlands are
commonly known bodies of surface
178. Sustainable water sources: Those water sources which are managed to 183 Sustainable water sources: Flux of Section 3 IndG.A.P.
ensure the on-going health of aquatic ecosystems and balance the water needs of water that is managed with the objective of Glossary
the environment, economic development, and agricultural purposes. maintaining the availability and quality of
water for as long as the current climate
prevails and to balance the water needs of
the environment, economic development,
and agricultural purposes.

179. Technically responsible person: Person who has the knowledge and 184 Technically responsible person: Section 3 IndG.A.P.
authority to make technical decisions regarding the certified product. Decisions Person who has the knowledge and Glossary
can be for a specific area of responsibility or overall, and the authority to make technical decisions
individual may either be the producer or an adviser. regarding the certified product.
180. Toilet: Facility where the persons may defecate and urinate in a hygienic 185 Toilet: Fixed receptacle into which a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
manner (including waste disposal) and which poses no food safety person may urinate or defecate, typically Glossary
contamination risk to surrounding field area whilst ensuring privacy of the consisting of a large bowl connected to a
person. system for flushing away the waste into a
sewer or septic tank.

181. Top soil: The upper part of the soil profile that is relatively rich in humus, 186 Top soil: The upper layer of soil that is Section 3 IndG.A.P.
which is technically known as the A-horizon of the soil profile. high in organic matter and nutrients, formed Glossary
by the slow weathering of rocks and NA NA
decaying organic matter over
thousands of years.
182. Traceability: The ability to retrace the history, use or location of a product 187 Traceability: Ability to follow the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
(e.g. the origin of materials and parts, the history of processes applied to the movement of a feed or food through Glossary
product, and/or the distribution and placement of the product after delivery) specified stage(s) of. production, NA NA
by the means of recorded identification markers. processing and distribution (As per
183. Verification: Confirmation by examination of evidence that a product, 189 Verification: Confirmation through Section 3 IndG.A.P.
process or service fulfills specified requirements. examination of evidence that a product, Glossary
process or service fulfills specified
184. Veterinary health plan (VHP): A written plan that supports optimal health of N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
the animals through continuous care by the veterinarian and trained personnel. It Glossary
identifies disease prevention strategies, treatments for regularly encountered
conditions, recommended vaccination protocols, and parasite controls. NA NA
Additionally it includes information on herd performance, biosecurity, workers’
competence, etc.

185. Waste matter: Any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted. 190 Waste matter: Any materials unused and Section 3 IndG.A.P.
rejected as worthless or unwanted. Glossary NA NA

186. Water course: A discrete and significant element of surface water such 191 Water Course: A stream or river, or the Section 3 IndG.A.P.
as a lake; reservoir; stream; river or canal; part of a stream, river or canal; surface water channel that water flows Glossary NA NA
transitional water; or a stretch of coastal water. along.
187. Weed: Any plant growing where it is not wanted. Weeds are typically 192 Weed: A wild plant growing where it is Section 3 IndG.A.P.
considered as unwanted, economically useless, or pest species. not wanted and in competition with Glossary NA NA
cultivated plants.
188. Wellboat: A wellboat is a vessel for transporting live fish in tanks. N/A Section 3 IndG.A.P.
Glossary NA NA
189. Withdrawal: The process by which a product is removed from the supply chain 193 Withdrawal: The process by which a Section 3 IndG.A.P.
prior to it reaching the end consumer. product is removed from the supply chain Glossary
prior to it reaching the consumer.

190. Worker: Any person on the farm who has been contracted to carry out a task. 194 Worker: Any person (labor, farm owners, Section 3 IndG.A.P.
This includes farm owners and managers, as well as family members carrying out managers, family members) who carries out Glossary
tasks on the farm. tasks on the agricultural
Working language: Language in which an audit/inspection can be conducted 195 Working language: Language in which Section 3 IndG.A.P.
without the services of a translator. an audit/inspection can be conducted Glossary
without the services of a translator.

Note: This list of definitions is indicative but not limiting; more definitions are Note: This list of definitions is indicative Section 3 IndG.A.P.
added by GLOBALG.A.P. as the need arises. but not limiting; more definitions are added Glossary
by IndG.A.P. as the need arises. Other
Definitions included in Food Safety &
Standard Act 2006 and regulations there
under are also applicable in IndG.A.P.

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GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part II - Quality Management System Rules (Version Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
5.2_Feb19) Version: Ver 4.1 FL
Clause Explanations/remark Explanations/answ
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Clause No. Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
No. s GLOBALG.A.P. ers scheme owner
This document establishes the requirements producer groups and multisites
(where a quality management system (QMS) has been implemented) shall comply
with to achieve certification. These requirements need to be internally and
externally assessed via the GLOBALG.A.P. QMS checklist to ensure
completeness and
Requirements for multisites WITH QMS and producer groups NA NA
1.1 Legality Any organization formed under any statute or Act or local
government regulation ,where registration number is
allotted to the organization for the legal identity.


QM 3.1.1
a) There shall be documentation, which clearly demonstrates that the a) Is there documentation available, which clearly
applicant is or belongs to a legal entity. demonstrates that the applicant is or belongs to a legal entity
and has the responsibility over the production handling and
ownership of the produce and also responsible for the
compliance with the IndG.A.P
b) The legal entity shall have been granted the legal right to carry out agricultural b) Has the legal entity been granted the legal right to carry out
production and/or trading, and be able to legally contract with and represent the agricultural production and/or trading, and be able to legally
group members and production sites. contract with and represent the
producer members/production sites?
c) The legal entity shall enter into a contractual relationship with GLOBALG.A.P. Describe what agreement c) The legal entity shall enter into contractual relationship with
through the signature of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification legal entities (producer IndG.A.P through the signature of the IndG.A.P sub license
Agreement' in its latest version (available on the GLOBALG.A.P. website) with a groups) asking for and certification agreement in its latst availble version in
GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB, OR it shall explicitly acknowledge the receipt certification of your QCI website with QCI approved CB or it shall explictly
and the inclusion of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification scheme shall sign acknowledge the reciept and inclusion of the IndG.AP sub
Agreement' with the signature of the service contract/agreement with the CB, and licence and certification agreemet with the signature of the
the CB shall hand over a copy of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and service contract/agreement with CB and the CB shall
handover a copy of the IndG.A.P sub license and
Certification Agreement' to the QMS management. The legal entity becomes the Equivalent
certification agreement to the QMS management. The legal
sole holder of the GLOBALG.A.P. certificate.
entity becomes the sole holder of the IndG.A.P certificate

d) A single legal entity can only operate one QMS per crop per country. Only a d) Does the legal entity not operate more than one QMS per
legal entity that can be certified under Option 1 can join a group for Option 2 crop and per country?
certification. If a group or multisite joins another group or multisite, the 2 quality
management systems shall merge into one to be managed by one single legal
entity that will be the certificate holder.

1.2 Producers and Production Sites QM 3.1.2 Producers and Production Sites -
1.2.1 Requirements for Producer Members of Producer Groups Requirements for producer members in producer
QM groups (N/A for Option 1 multisite operation). -
(i) There shall be written contracts in force between each producer member and the Are there written signed contracts between each producer
legal entity. The contracts shall include the following elements: and the (group's) legal entity? Equivalent
Do the contracts include following information: -
• Producer group name and legal identification a) Producer group name and legal identification. Equivalent
• Name and/or legal identification of the producer b) Name and/or legal identification of the producer Equivalent
• Producer contact address c) Producer contact address. Equivalent
• Details of the individual production sites, including certified and non- certified d) Details of the individual production sites, including
products (the contract may refer to the producer group’s internal register for certified and non-certified products (the contract may refer
this information) to the producer group’s internal register for this
• Details of area (crops) or tonnage (livestock and aquaculture) (the e) Details of area in Hactres (crops), the contract may refer to
contract may refer to the producer group’s internal register for this the producer group’s internal register for this Equivalent
information) information).
• Producer commitment to comply with the requirements of the f) Producer commitment to comply with the requirements
GLOBALG.A.P. Standard of the IndG.A.P. Standard.
• Producer agreement to comply with the group’s documented g) Producer agreement to comply with the group’s documented
procedures, policies and, where provided, technical advice procedures, policies, and where provided, Equivalent
technical advice.
• Sanctions that may be applied in case of GLOBALG.A.P. and any other i) Sanctions that may be applied in case of IndG.A.P.
internal requirements not being met and any other internal requirements not being met.
• Signature(s) of producer and group representatives h) Signature of producer and group representatives. Equivalent
(ii) The producer group registered members shall be legally responsible for their Are the producer group registered members legally
respective production sites, although this takes place under the responsible for their respective production sites? Equivalent
common QMS of the group. II
(iii) Members of a producer group are not legal certificate holders. Thus, they shall Do producers not market any products under their name with
not market any products under their name with reference to the group certificate. reference to the group's certificate? Are all products that are
All products that are sold without reference to the certificate shall be recorded in sold without reference to the certificate recorded in the Equivalent
the group mass balance system. group mass balance
III system?
1.2.2 Requirements for Production Sites in Option 1 Multisites Requirements for multisites (Applicable for a group
member with multisite operation and for Option 1 -
QM multisite with QMS).
See General Regulations Part I, 4.2.1 j) If your scheme allows
certification of individual
producers with several
production sites and
implementation of a QMS
please complete the
respective chapter in
sheet GR I
1.3 Producer and Site Internal Register -
(i) A register shall be maintained of all contracted group member producers and of A reigister shall be mainatined of all contracted group
all the applicable sites used for production in accordance with the member producers and of all the applicable sites used for
GLOBALG.A.P. Standard. production in accordance with IndG.A.P standard Equivalent

(ii) A declaration may be issued to the members of the group to indicate that they are Applicable only if your A declaration may be issued to the members of the group
indeed members of the group only if they are listed on the certificate annex. This scheme allows issuance of to indicate that they are indeed members of the group only
declaration may not be used to replace a certificate or to trade with. See Annex such declarations if they are listed on the certificate annex. This declaration
II.3 for minimum requirements of such a declaration. may not be used to replace a certificate or trade with. See Equivalent
Annex 11.3 for minimum requirements of such a

1.3.1 Requirements for Producer Groups QM

(i) The register shall at least contain the following information for each I. Does the register at least contain the following
producer: information for each producer:
• Name of producer a) Name of the producer? Equivalent
• Name of contact person b) Name of main contact person? The other person
responsible in case the first one is absent or not Equivalent
• Full address (physical and postal) c) Full address (physical and postal)? Equivalent
• Contact data (telephone number, e-mail, and fax number, if available) d) Contact data (telephone number, e-mail and fax number, if Equivalent
available?, whatsapp number if available Other ID (PAN,
• Other legal entity ID (VAT number, ILN, UAID, etc.), where required for e) GST, UAIDI, driving license etc.)
the country of production as published in annex I.2. Equivalent
• Products registered f) Products registered? Equivalent
• Details of the individual production sites and their location, including g) Details of the individual production sites and their location,
certified and non-certified products including certified and non-certified products? Including Equivalent
GPS Location marked on google map

• Growing/production area and/or quantity for each registered product h)

Growing/production area and/or quantity for each Equivalent
registered product?
• Certification body(ies) if a producer makes use of more than one CB i)
Certification body(ies), if a producer makes use of Equivalent
more than one CB?
• Producer status (internal status as a result of the last internal inspection: j)
Producer status (internal status as a result of the last Equivalent
approved, suspended, etc.)
internal inspection: approved, suspended, etc.)?

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR II_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

• Date of last internal inspection k) Date of internal inspection ? Equivalent

(ii) Those producers of the legal entity who do not apply to be included in the Are those producers of the legal entity who do not
GLOBALG.A.P. group certification shall be listed separately and are not apply to be included in the IndG.A.P. group
required to be registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database (unless they have certification listed separately ?
applied for a benchmarked option or any other GLOBALG.A.P. standard). This NOTE: This list is for management purposes within the
list is for management purposes within the producer group, and the disclosure of producer group, and the disclosure of its contents externally Equivalent
its contents externally is not required, unless it is needed for clarification of any is not required, unless it is needed for clarification of any
issues raised, for example on the effectiveness of the producer group’s quality issues raised for example on the effectiveness of the
management system. producer group’s quality management system.

1.3.2 Requirements for Option 1 Multisites with Implemented QMS Requirements for Option 1 multisites with implemented
In addition to 1.3.1, the register shall at least contain the information
regarding the relation of the legal entity with the production site Additionally, the following information to be provided for Equivalent
(ownership, rented, etc.) for each site. each site:
In Option 1 multisite, instead of producer status, the production site status shall a) Relation of the legal entity with the production site
be included in the internal register. (ownership, in case of leased/rented etc.; appropriate Equivalent
agreement available)?
The QMS shall be robust and ensure that the group’s registered members or a) Is the quality management system (QMS) in place
production sites comply in a uniform manner with the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard sufficiently robust and does it ensure that the registered
requirements. producer members or production sites comply in a uniform Equivalent
manner with the IndG.A.P.
Standard requirements?
2.1 Structure QM 4.1.1 Structure -
a) The structure shall enable the appropriate implementation of a QMS across all a) Does the structure enable the appropriate
registered producer members or production sites. implementation of the QMS across all registered producer Equivalent
members and production sites?
b) The applicant shall have a management structure and sufficient suitably trained b) Does the applicant have a management structure and
resources to effectively ensure that the requirements of GLOBALG.A.P. are sufficient suitably trained resources (management and
met by all producers and at all production sites. technical capacity) to effectively ensure that the
requirements of IndG.A.P. are met by all producers and at
all production sites.?

Do members of management annually conduct a

documented management review and make necessary changes?
The management review may be in the form of an annual Equivalent
staff meeting, where food safety resources, the status of
actions from previous management reviews, external and
internal changes that are relevant to the quality management
system, and effectiveness of the quality management system
are reviewed.
Is evidence of this management review available and
verified by the external CB auditor?

The organizational structure shall be documented and shall include individuals c) Is the organizational structure of the group documented
responsible for: and includes individuals responsible for: Equivalent

• Managing the QMS i. Managing the implementation of IndG.A.P in the group.

ii. Managing the QMS which is independent from the sites
and producers? Equivalent
• The internal inspections of each producer member and/or production site iii. The internal inspections of each producer member and/or
annually (i.e. internal inspector(s)) production sites annually (i.e. internal Equivalent
• The internal audit of the quality management system and verifying the internal iv. The internal audit of the QMS, and verifying the
inspections (i.e. internal auditor). There shall be at least one person in the QMS internal inspections (i.e. internal auditor)?
structure (e.g. internal auditor) who is responsible and
able to train the internal inspectors and producers
v. Is there at least one person in the QMS structure (e.g.
internal auditor) who is responsible and able to train Equivalent
the internal inspectors and producers?
• Technical advice to the group (depending on the scope of the group) vi. Technical advice to the group? ( can be the same
person as mentioned in i) Equivalent
QM 4.1.2 Responsibilites and Duties -
i. The duties and responsibilities of all personnel involved
with the compliance of IndG.A.P requirements shall be
documented, and an individual who holds a position of
sufficient seniority and resources to serve as the overall
responsible person will be nominated for maintenance of the
IndG.A.P certification. Note can be the same person as
mentioned in 4.1.1.c (i)

c) The management shall give internal auditors and inspectors sufficient authority ii. Does the management give internal auditors and
to make independent and technically justified decisions during the internal inspectors sufficient authority to make independent and
controls. technically justified decisions during the internal
2.2 Competency ans Training of Staff QM 4.1.3 Competency and Training of Staff -
a) The competency requirements, training and qualifications for key b) Are the competency requirements, training and
personnel (those mentioned in 1.2.1, but also any other identified qualifications for key staff including external/ contracted
consultants documented and meeting the defined Equivalent
personnel) shall be defined and documented. These qualification
requirements also apply to external consultants. competency requirements?
b) The management shall ensure that all personnel with responsibility for Whether the management ensured that all personnel with
compliance with the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard are adequately trained and meet responsibility for compliance with the IndG.A.P standard
the defined competency requirements: are adequately trained and meet defined
a) competency requirements ?
• Internal auditor competence (as set out in Annex II.1) shall be checked by d) Is internal auditor competence (as set out in the
management. section 4 A) checked by the management and Equivalent
reviewed by the CB?
• Internal inspector competence (as set out by Annex II.1) shall be e) Is internal inspector competence (as set out in the Section
checked by the internal auditor. 4A) checked by the managemen/Internal Equivalent
Auditor and reviewed by the CB.?
• Where the internal auditor does not have the necessary food safety and f) Where the internal auditor does not have the necessary food
G.A.P. training, but only QMS training/experience, another person with these safety and G.A.P. training, but only QMS
qualifications (and identified in the QMS) shall form part of the “audit team” to training/experience, does another person with these
perform the approval of the farm inspections. qualifications (and identified in the QMS) form part of the
“audit team” to perform the approval of the
producers/production sites inspections?
• Technical advisors to the producer group members/company shall meet the g) Do the technical advisors to the producer group
requirements described in the applicable CPCC, depending on the scope of members/company have a diploma/degree in
certification (e.g. CB 7.2.1, AQ 5.2.1). Agriculture/horticulture or others, depending on the
scope of certification?
c) Records of qualifications and training shall be maintained for all key personnel c) Records of qualifications and training shall be maintained
(managers, auditors, inspectors, etc.) involved in compliance with for all key staff (managers, auditors, inspectors, external
GLOBALG.A.P. requirements to demonstrate competence. consultant etc.) involved in compliance with IndG.A.P Equivalent
requirements to demonstrate
d) If there are more than one internal auditor or inspector, they shall undergo training h) Do the internal auditor(s) and inspector(s), if they are more
and evaluation to ensure consistency in their approach and interpretation of the than one, undergo training and evaluation to ensure
standard (e.g. by documented shadow audits/inspections). consistency (calibration) in their approach and Equivalent
interpretation of the standard (e.g. by documented
shadow audits/inspections)?
e) Systems shall be in place to demonstrate that key staff are informed and aware i) Is there a system in place to demonstrate that key staff are
of development, issues, and legislative changes relevant to the compliance to informed and aware of development issues and legislative
the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard. Evidence of induction and annual refreshment changes relevant to the compliance to the IndG.A.P.
trainings for key staff as defined above shall be Standard?
available. Regulatory compliance if applicable.
j) Is there evidence of induction and annual refreshment
trainings for key staff as defined above available?


a) All documentation relevant to the operation of the QMS for GLOBALG.A.P. a) Are all documentation relevant to the operation of the
compliance shall be adequately controlled. This documentation shall include, but QMS for IndG.A.P. adequately controlled?
is not limited to: Does the documentation include, but is not limited to:

• The quality manual i) The quality manual Equivalent

• GLOBALG.A.P. operating procedures ii) IndG.A.P. operating procedures Equivalent
• Work instructions iii) Work instructions Equivalent
• Recording forms iv) Recording forms Equivalent
• Relevant external standards, e.g. the current GLOBALG.A.P. normative v) Relevant documents of external origin
documents Equivalent
b) Policies and procedures shall be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate compliance b) Are policies and procedures sufficiently detailed to
checks of the requirements of the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard. demonstrate the group's control of the principal Equivalent
requirements of the IndG.A.P. Standard?
c) Policies and procedures shall be available to relevant staff and producer c) Are policies and procedures available to producer
group registered members. group registered members and key staff?

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR II_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

d) The contents of the quality manual shall be reviewed periodically to ensure that it d) Is the Quality Manual reviewed periodically to ensure that
continues to meet the requirements of the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard and those of it continues to meet the requirements of the IndG.A.P
the applicant. Any relevant modifications of the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard or standard and those of the producer group? Are any
published guidelines that come into force shall be incorporated into the quality relevant modifications of the IndG.A.P standard or
manual within the period given by GLOBALG.A.P. published guidelines that come into force must be Equivalent
incorporated into the manual within the time
period specified?
e) Whether the Quality manual reviewed at least once a
3.1 Document Control Requirements QM 4.2.1 Document Control Requirements -
a) There shall be a written procedure defining the control of documents. a) Is there a written procedure defining the control of
documents? Equivalent
b) All documentation shall be reviewed and approved by authorized b) Is all documentation reviewed and approved by
personnel before issue and distribution. authorised personnel before issue and distribution?
c) All controlled documents shall be identified with an issue number, issue c) Are all controlled documents identified with an issue
date/review date, and be appropriately paged. number, issue date/review date, and appropriately Equivalent
d) Any changes in these documents shall be reviewed and approved by d) Are any changes in these documents reviewed and approved
authorized personnel prior to their distribution. Wherever possible, an by authorised personnel prior to its distribution?
explanation of the reason and nature of the changes shall be given. Wherever possible, is the explanation of the reason Equivalent
and nature of the changes given?

e) A copy of all relevant documentation shall be available at any location e) Is a copy of all relevant documentation available at any
where the QMS is being controlled. place where the QMS is being controlled?
f) There shall be a system in place to ensure that documentation is reviewed and that f) Is there a system in place to ensure that documentation is
following the issue of new documents, obsolete documents are effectively reviewed and that following the issue of new documents,
rescinded. obsolete documents are effectively
g) Are the documents of external origin used in the
management of Group Certification controlled? Equivalent
3.2 Records QM 4.2.2 Records -
a) There shall be records to demonstrate effective control and implementation of a) Does the applicant (group or the Option 1 multisite
the QMS and compliance with the requirements of the GLOBALG.A.P. operation) maintain records to demonstrate effective control
Standard. and implementation of the IndG.A.P QMS, quality manual, Equivalent
and compliance with the requirements
of the IndG.A.P. Standard?
b) Records shall be kept for a minimum of 2 years. b) Are records kept for a minimum of 2 years? Equivalent
c) Records shall be genuine, legible, stored and maintained in suitable conditions, c) Are all records genuine, legible, stored and maintained
and shall be accessible for inspection as required. in suitable conditions, and accessible for inspection as Equivalent
d) Records that are kept online or electronically are valid. If a signature is required, d) Records that are kept online or electronically:
this can be a password or electronic signature that ensures the unique reference If a signature is required in electronic records, is there a
and authorization of the person signing. If a written signature of the responsible password or electronic signature available that ensures the
person is needed then this shall be present. The electronic records shall be unique reference and authorization of the person signing?
available during the CB inspections. Back- ups shall be available at all times. If a written signature of the responsible person is needed, is Equivalent
this present? Are the electronic records available during the
CB inspections and are back-ups
available at all times?


a) The applicant shall have a system for effectively managing customer complaints 1 Does the applicant (group or the Option 1 multisite
and the relevant part of the complaint system shall be available to the producer operation) have a system for effectively managing
members. customer complaints? Equivalent
Is the relevant part of the complaint system available
to the producer members?
b) There shall be a documented procedure that describes how complaints are 2 Is there a documented procedure that describes how
received, registered, identified, investigated, followed up, and complaints are received, registered, identified, Equivalent
reviewed. investigated, followed up, and reviewed?
c) The procedure shall be available to customers as required. 3 Is the procedure available to customers as required? Equivalent
d) The procedure shall cover both complaints against the applicant as well 4 Does the procedure cover both complaints to the
as individual producers or sites. applicant and against individual producers or sites?
whether the legal entity demonstrate the compliance to the
above requirements in form of a registry of complaints and
information flow to the CBs or the Scheme Owner? (A Equivalent
register maintained for the
QM 4.4 Internal Audits and Inspections (Internal audit systems shall
be in place both to assess the adequacy and compliance of
the documented QMS and to inspect the producers and farms Equivalent
against the GAP standard)

a) The QMS for the GLOBALG.A.P. scheme shall be audited at least a) Is the QMS for the IndG.A.P. scheme audited at least
annually. annually?
b) Internal auditors shall comply with the requirements set in Annex II.1. b) Are the internal auditors suitably trained independent of the
area being audited? Note :- It is however permitted for the
same person to initially develop the QMS and then Equivalent
undertake the required internal annual
QMS audit.
c) Internal auditors shall be independent of the area being audited. c) Do internal auditors comply with the IndG.A.P.
requirements set in Section4A? Equivalent
d) Are records of the internal audit, plan, audit findings, and
• It is permitted for the same person to initially develop the QMS and then
follow up of corrective actions resulting from audit
undertake the required internal annual QMS audit, however the person Equivalent
maintained and available?
responsible for the day-to-day ongoing management of the QMS is not
allowed to undertake the internal QMS audits.
d) Records of the internal audit, audit findings, and follow up of corrective actions e) Is the completed QMS checklist with comments for
resulting from an audit shall be maintained and available. every QMS control point available on-site for review by the Equivalent
CB auditor during the external audit?
e) The completed QMS checklist with comments for every QMS control point shall f) Where the internal audit is not performed in one day but
be available on site for review by the CB auditor during the external audit. continuously over a 12-month period, is there a pre-
defined schedule in place?
(N/A for the initial external audit.)
f) The organization (producer group or multisite company) shall have completed g) Has the central management (producer group or multisite
and signed the 'Food Safety Policy Declaration'. Completion and signature of company) completed and signed the 'Food Safety Policy
the 'Food Safety Policy Declaration' is a commitment to be renewed annually Declaration'? Is the signed 'Food Safety Policy Declaration'
for each new certification cycle. attached to the QMS checklist?
In case the 'Food Safety Policy Declaration' is not signed at
QMS level, has each producer member completed and
signed the 'Food Safety Policy Declaration' and is it attached
to the internal inspection checklists?
Completion and signature of the 'Food Safety Policy
Declaration' is a commitment to be renewed annually
for each new certification cycle.

The central management may assume this commitment for the organization and
for all its members by completing and signing one declaration at QMS level,
which shall be attached to the QMS checklist
used for the internal audit.
In case the 'Food Safety Policy Declaration' has not been completed and signed
at QMS level, each group member/individual production site shall complete and
sign the declaration individually and keep it attached to the
internal inspection checklist.
g) Where the internal audit is not performed in one day but continuously over
a 12-month period, a pre-defined schedule shall be in place. Equivalent
a) Inspections shall be carried out at each registered producer (and corresponding a) Are inspections carried out at each registered producer
production sites) or production site at least once per year against all the (and corresponding production sites) or production site at
relevant GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria. least once per year against all the relevant IndG.A.P. Equivalent
Control Points and Compliance
b) Internal inspections timing shall follow the rules defined in the General b) Does internal inspections timing follow the rules
Requirements and scope specific rules. defined in general and scope specific rules?
c) Internal inspectors shall comply with the requirements set in Annex II.1. c) Are all critical, Major and Minor control points
inspected in full?
d) Internal inspectors shall be independent of the area being inspected. d) Internal inspectors, comply with the requirements set in
Internal inspectors cannot inspect their own daily work. the section 4A
e) New members of the group and new production sites of the Option 1 e) Are internal inspectors independent of the area being
multisite shall always be internally inspected and approved prior to inspected and are not inspecting their own daily work? Equivalent
entering into the internal GLOBALG.A.P. register.
f) The original inspection reports and notes shall be maintained and available for the f) Are new members of the group and new production sites of
CB inspection. the Option 1 multisite always internally inspected and
approved prior to them entering into the
internal IndG.A.P. register?
g) The inspection report shall contain the following information: g) Are the original inspection reports and notes
maintained and available for the CB inspection? Equivalent
• Identification of registered producer and/or production site(s) h) Does the inspection report contains the following
information: Equivalent
• Signature of the registered producer or production site responsible • Identification of registered producer and production
site(s) Equivalent

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR II_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

• Date • Name and Signature of the registered producer or

production site responsible Equivalent
• Inspector name • Date of the inspection Equivalent
• Registered products • Inspector name and Signature Equivalent
• Evaluation result against each GLOBALG.A.P. control point • Registered products Equivalent
• The checklist shall include details in the comments section for the Major Musts Describe the • Evaluation result against each IndG.A.P. control point?
control points that are found to be compliant, Major Major and Minor Musts requirements of your
control points that are found to be non-compliant, and Major Musts and Minor scheme concerning
Musts control points that are found to be non-applicable; unless a checklist is comments in the G.A.P.
issued by GLOBALG.A.P. that pre-determines which control point and rules checklist
compliance criteria shall be commented on. This is needed to enable the audit
trail to be reviewed after the event.

• Details of any non-compliances identified and period for corrective action • Does the checklist include details of what was verified in
the comments section for the:
1. all Critical control points
2. Major and Minor control points that are found to be
non-compliant or Not applicable
3. any control where the checklist is issued by IndG.A.P.
that pre-determines which control points and compliance
criteria shall be commented on)?
This is needed to enable the audit trail to be reviewed
after the event.
• Inspection result with calculation of compliance • Details of any non-compliances identified and time
period for corrective action? Equivalent
• Duration of the inspection • Inspection result with calculation of compliance level?
• Name of internal auditor who approved the checklist • Duration of the inspection? Equivalent
h) The internal auditor (or audit team; see point 2.2 b)) shall review and make the • Name of Internal auditor who approved the checklist?
decision on whether the producer or site is compliant with the GLOBALG.A.P.
requirements, based on the inspection reports presented
by the internal inspector.
i) In case there is only one internal auditor who also performs the internal i) Does the internal auditor (or audit team; 4.4.2 i) make the
inspections, another person, e.g. management representative identified in the decision on whether the producer or site is compliant with
QMS, shall approve the internal inspections. the IndG.A.P. requirements, based on the inspection Equivalent
reports presented by the internal
j) Where the internal inspections take place continuously over a 12-month period, a j) In case there is only one internal auditor who also
pre-defined schedule shall be in place. performs the internal inspections, does another person,
e.g. management representative identified in
the QMS, approve the internal inspections?
k) Where the internal inspections take place continuously over
a 12-month period, is there a pre-defined schedule in place?
(N/A for the initial external audit.) Equivalent


a) There shall be a procedure to handle non-compliances and corrective a) Is there a procedure to handle non-compliances and
actions, which may result from internal or external audits and/or inspections, corrective actions which may result from internal or external
customer complaints or failures of the QMS. audits and/or inspections, customer
complaints or failures of the QMS?
b) There shall be documented procedures for the identification and evaluation of b) Are there documented procedures for the identification and
non-conformances and non-compliances to the QMS by the group or by its evaluation of non-compliances to the QMS of the
members, respectively. group/Option 1 multisite operation or to its producer
members/production sites?
c) Corrective actions following non-compliances shall be evaluated and a c) Are the corrective actions following non-compliances
timescale defined for action. evaluated and a timescale defined for action?
d) Responsibility for implementing and resolving corrective actions shall be d) Are the responsibilities for implementing and resolving
defined. corrective actions defined?
e) A system of sanctions and non-conformances that meets the requirements e) Does the QMS operate a system of sanctions and non-
defined in the GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part I shall be operated conformances with their producers or production sites that
with producers or production sites. In case of contractual non-conformances meet the requirements defined in the IndG.A.P. section4? In
(e.g. not complying with one of the QMS internal policies), sanctions are to be case of contractual non-conformances (e.g. not complying Equivalent
decided by the QMS. with one of the QMS internal policies),does the QMS decide
the corresponding
f) Mechanisms shall be in place to notify the GLOBALG.A.P. approved f) Does the applicant have mechanisms in place to notify the
certification body immediately of suspensions or cancellations of registered IndG.A.P. approved certification body immediately of
producers or production sites. suspensions or cancellations of registered
producers or production sites?
g) Records shall be maintained of all sanctions including evidence of g) Are records maintained of all sanctions including
subsequent corrective actions and decision-making processes. evidence of subsequent corrective actions and Equivalent
decision-making processes?
a) There shall be a documented procedure for the identification of registered a) Are products meeting the requirements of the IndG.A.P.
products and to enable traceability of all products, both conforming and non- Standard and marketed as such, handled in a manner that
conforming, to the applicable production sites. A mass balance exercise shall be prevents mixing them with non-IndG.A.P. approved
products? This can be done via physical identification or Equivalent
carried out, at least annually, per product to demonstrate compliance within the
legal entity (see points e) to k)). product handling procedures, including the relevant records.

b) Products meeting the requirements of the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard and marketed b) Is there a documented procedure for the identification of
as such shall be handled in a manner that prevents mixing them with non- registered products and to enable traceability of all
GLOBALG.A.P. approved products. An effective system shall be in place to products, both conforming and non-conforming to the
ensure segregation of certified and non-certified products. This can be done via applicable production sites? Equivalent
physical identification or product handling procedures, including the relevant Has a mass balance exercise been carried out, at
records. least anually, per product, to demonstrate compliance
within the legal entity ?
c) Effective systems and procedures shall be in place to negate any risk of c) Are there effective systems and procedures in place to
mislabeling of GLOBALG.A.P. certified and non-GLOBALG.A.P. certified negate any risk of mis-labeling of IndG.A.P. certified and
products. GLOBALG.A.P. products entering the process (either from producer non-IndG.A.P. certified products?
members/production sites or from external sources) shall be immediately Are IndG.A.P. products entering the process (either from
identified with the GGN or any other reference that is clearly explained in the producer members/production sites or from external sources)
company policy and provides a unique reference to the certification status. This immediately identified with the CB Registration number or Equivalent
reference shall be used on the smallest individually identified unit. any other reference that is clearly explained in the company
policy and provides a unique reference to the certification
status? Is this reference used on the smallest individually
d) d) In case of parallel production/parallel ownership, the QMS shall ensure that all d) In case of parallel production/parallel ownership, does the
final ready-to-be-sold products (either from farm level or after product handling), QMS ensure that all final ready-to-be-sold products (either
originating from a certified production process are correctly identified with a from farm level or after product handling), originating
GGN. In case of Option 2, it can be the GGN of the group, the group member from a certified production process are correctly identified
who produced the product, or both GGNs. In case group members pack and label with a CRN?
product, the producer group may require from those members to include the GGN In case of Option 2, it can be the CRN of the group, the
of the group, with or without the GGN of the member producer. In case of Option CRN of the group member who produced the product, or
both CRNs. In case group members pack and label
1 multisite, it shall be the GGN of the individual producer. The GGN shall be used
product, the producer group may require from those
on the smallest individually packed unit, regardless if it is a final consumer Equivalent
members to include the CRN of the group, with or without
packaging or not.
the CRN of the member producer.
In case of Option 1 multisite, is it the CRN of the individual
Is the CRN used on the smallest individually packed unit,
regardless if it is a final consumer packaging or not?

The GGN shall not be used to label non-certified products except when there is a Is the CRN not used to label non-certified products? N/A
written agreement available between the producer and the client not to use the only when there is a written agreement available between the
GGN on the ready to be sold product or when a client's own label specification applicant and its client not to use the CRN on the ready to be
does not include the GGN. sold product. This can also be a client's own label
specification where a CRN is not
e) There shall be a final document check to ensure correct product dispatch e) Is there a final documented check to ensure correct
of certified and non-certified products. dispatch of certified and non-certified products?
f) All transaction documentation (sales invoices, other sales related, dispatch f) Does all transaction documentation (sales invoices, other
documentation, etc.) related to sales of certified product shall include the GGN sales related, dispatch documentation, etc.) related to sales of
of the certificate holder and shall contain a reference to the GLOBALG.A.P. certified product include the CRN of the certificate holder
certified status. This is not obligatory in internal documentation. Positive and a reference to the IndG.A.P. certified status?
identification is enough (e.g. "GGN_GLOBALG.A.P. certified <product This is not obligatory in internal documentation. Positive
name>"). Indication of the certified status is obligatory regardless if the certified identification is enough (e.g. ‘‘CRN_IndG.A.P. certified
product is sold as certified or not. (This, however, cannot be checked during the <product name>’’). Indication of the certified status is
initial (first ever) audit because the producer group/company is not certified yet obligatory regardless if the certified product is sold as
certified or not. This cannot be checked during the initial
and cannot make a reference to the GLOBALG.A.P. certified status before the
(first ever) audit because the producer group/company is not
first positive certification decision.)
certified yet and cannot make a reference to the IndG.A.P.
certified status before the first positive certification

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR II_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

This is not applicable only when there is a written agreement available between N/A only when there is a written agreement available
the producer group/company and the client not to identify the GLOBALG.A.P. between the producer group/company and its client not to
status of the product and/or the GGN on the transaction identify the IndG.A.P. status of the product and/or the
documents. N/A CRN on the transaction documents.
g) Procedures shall be established, documented and maintained, appropriately to the g) Are procedures established, documented, and maintained
scale of the operation, for identifying incoming certified and non-certified appropriately to the scale of the operation, for identifying
products from members of the group or sites of the Option 1 multisite producer or incoming certified and non-certified products from members
purchased from different sources (i.e. other producers or traders). Records shall of the group or sites of the Option 1 multisite producer or Equivalent
include: purchased from different sources (i.e. other producers or
traders)? Do records
• Product description 1 • Product description? Equivalent
• GLOBALG.A.P. certification status 2 • IndG.A.P. certification status? Equivalent
• Quantities of product(s) incoming/purchased 3 • Quantities of product(s) incoming/purchased? Equivalent
• Supplier details 4 • Supplier details? Equivalent
• Copy of the GLOBALG.A.P. certificates, where applicable 5 • Copy of the IndG.A.P. certificates, where applicable? Equivalent
• Traceability data/codes related to the incoming/purchased products 6 • Traceability data/codes related to the
incoming/purchased products? Equivalent
• Purchase orders/invoices received by the organization being assessed 7 • Purchase orders/invoices received by the
organization being assessed?
• List of approved suppliers 8 • List of approved suppliers? Equivalent
h) Sales details of certified and non-certified products shall be recorded, with h) Are sales details of certified and non-certified products
particular attention to quantities delivered/sold as certified and descriptions recorded, with particular attention to quantities
provided. delivered/sold as certified and descriptions provided?

i) Quantities (including information on volumes or weight) of certified and non- i) Are quantities (including information on volumes or
certified incoming, outgoing and stored products shall be recorded and a weight) of certified and non-certified incoming, outgoing
summary maintained so as to facilitate the mass balance verification process. and stored products recorded and a summary maintained
The documents shall demonstrate the consistent balance between certified and so as to facilitate the mass balance verification process?
non-certified input and the output. The frequency of the mass balance Do the documents demonstrate the consistent balance
verification shall be defined and appropriate to the scale of the operation, but it between certified and non-certified input and the output?
shall be done at least annually per product. Documents to demonstrate mass Is the frequency of the mass balance verification defined Equivalent
balance shall be clearly identified. No N/A. and appropriate to the scale of the operation (but it is done at
least annually per product)?
Are documents to demonstrate mass balance clearly
identified? No N/A.

j) The PHUs included in the QMS certification scope shall operate procedures, j) Do the PHUs included in the QMS certification scope
which enable registered products to be identifiable and traceable from receipt, operate procedures which enable registered products to be
through handling, storage, and dispatch. identifiable and traceable from receipt, through
handling, storage and dispatch?
k) Conversion ratios shall be calculated and available for each relevant k Are conversion ratios calculated and available for each
handling process. All generated product waste quantities shall be relevant handling process? Are all generated product waste Equivalent
recorded. quantities recorded?
l) This section shall be audited both internally and externally also at PHU l Is this section audited both internally and externally
level, while PHUs are in operation. also at PHU level, while PHUs are in operation?
a) Documented procedures shall be in place to effectively manage the a) Are there documented procedures in place to effectively
withdrawal of registered products. manage the withdrawaland recall of Equivalent
registered products?
b) Procedures shall identify the types of event that may result in a withdrawal, b) Do the procedures identify the types of event which may
persons responsible for taking decisions on the possible withdrawal of products, result in a withdrawal, persons responsible for taking
the mechanism for notifying customers and the GLOBALG.A.P. approved decisions on the possible withdrawal of products, describe
certification body, and methods of reconciling stock. the mechanism for notifying customers and the IndG.A.P.
approved certification
body and methods of reconciling stock?
c) The procedure shall be capable of being operated at any time. c) Is the procedure capable of being operated at any
time? Equivalent
d) The procedure shall be tested in an appropriate manner at least annually to d) Is the procedure tested in an appropriate manner at least
ensure that it is effective, and records of the test retained. annually to ensure that it is effective? Are records of the
test retained? ( In case of initial audit it may not be possible
for the legal entity to do the testing as the certification and
produce dispatch might not have happened in that case this
can be N/A)

Note:-During mock recall it is prefered that the legal entity

communicate this with the client

SUBCONTRACTORS ( any activity which will be a part
of the production and or produce handling done by third
party is considered as subcontractor) supply of workers -
are not subcontracted work, any activites which are out
sourced like calibration, residue testing etc are also not a
QM 4.8 subcontracted operation
a) Where any services are subcontracted to third parties, procedures shall exist to a) Are there procedures to ensure that any services
ensure that these activities are carried out in accordance with the requirements of subcontracted to third parties are carried out in accordance
with the requirements of the IndG.A.P. Standard Equivalent
the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard (see control point AF 5.1).

b) Records shall be maintained to demonstrate that the competency of any b) Are records maintained to demonstrate that the competency
subcontractor is assessed and meets the requirements of the standard. of any subcontractor is assessed and Equivalent
meets the requirements of the standard?
c) Subcontractors shall work in accordance with the applicant's QMS and relevant c) Do subcontractors work in accordance with the
procedures and this shall be specified in service level applicant's QMS and relevant procedures and is this Equivalent
agreements or contracts. specified in service level agreements or contracts?
New producers and sites may be added (subject to internal approval procedures If new producers/production sites are added to the list of
being met) to a certificate in effect. It is the responsibility of the certificate holder approved producers/production sites, are internal approval
(group or multisite) to immediately update the certification body on any addition procedures in accordance with the section 4A being met? Equivalent
or withdrawal of producers and/or sites
to/from the list of registered producers. a)
a) Up to 10 % of new producers (in groups) or sites (in multisites) in one year can b) Upto 10% of new producers (in groups) or sites (in multisites)
be added to the approved list by registering the producers or sites with the in one year can be added to the approved list by registering
GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body without necessarily resorting to the producers or sites with the IndGAP approved certification
further verification by the certification body. body without necessary resorting to further verification by
the CB

b) When the number of approved registered producers (in groups) or sites (in When the number of approved registered producers(in
multisites) increases by more than 10 % in one year, further external sample groups0 or site (in Multisites) in creases by more than
inspections (minimum is the square root of new producers/sites) of the newly 10% in one year ,further external sampe inspections
added producers/sites and optionally an audit of the QMS will be required during (minimum is the square root of new producers/sites) of the
that year before additional producers/sites can be added to the approved list. newly added producers/sites and optinally an audit of the
QMS will be required during that year before additional Equivalent
producers/sites can be added to the approved list

c) Regardless of the percentage by which the number of approved registered Regardless of the percentage by whih the number of
producers/sites increases in one year, should the newly registered farms increase approved registered producers/sites increases in one
the area or number of livestock of previously approved registered products by year,should the newly registered farms increase the area by
more than 10 % in one year, or there is a 10 % change of producers (in groups) or more than 10% in one year or there is a 10% change of
sites (in multisites), further external sample inspections (minimum is the square producers (in groups) or sites (multisites)
root of new producers/sites) of the newly added farms or producers/sites and ,further external sample inspections ( minimum is the
optionally an audit of the quality management system will be required during that square root of new producers/sites) of the newly added Equivalent
year before additional producers/sites can be added to the approved list. farms or producers/sites and optionally an audit of the
quality management system will be required during that
year before additional producers/sites can be added to the
approved list

d) Regardless of the number of producers/farm area/number of livestock, if a new Regardless of the number of producers/farm area,if a new
product is to be added to the certificate between surveillance and certification product is to added to the certificate between surveillance
audits, inspection shall be carried out to the square root of the producers growing and certification audits ,inspection shall be carried out to
the new product. the square root of the producers growing the new product Equivalent

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR II_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

12. LOGO USE Describe how you as

scheme owner make sure
that GLOBALG.A.P. word,
trademark and logo and
Number (GGN) are only
used according to the
rules below
a) The producer/producer group shall use the GLOBALG.A.P. word, trademark or a) Does the producer group/company use the IndG.A.P. word,
logo and the GGN according to the General Regulations and according to the trademark or logo according to the Section 6 and the
'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and Certification agreement'. The GLOBALG.A.P. 'IndG.A.P.
word, trademark, or logo shall never appear on the final product, on the consumer Equivalent
packaging, or at the point of sale, but the certificate holder can use any and/or all
in business-to-business
b) The GLOBALG.A.P. trademark may be used on Compound Feed b) Are the IndG.A.P. word, trademark, or logo not in use
Manufacturing (CFM) certified feed, on GLOBALG.A.P. certified plant during the initial (first ever) audit?
propagation material, on IFA certified aquaculture input (e.g. ova, seedlings,
etc.), and on IFA certified livestock input (e.g.: chicks) that are used as input for Equivalent
the production of the final products (as listed in the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Product
List'), are not intended to be sold to final
consumers, and will not appear at the point of sale to final consumers.
c) The GLOBALG.A.P. word, trademark, or logo shall not be in use during the
initial (first ever) inspection, as the producer is not yet certified and, therefore,
cannot yet make a reference to the certified status.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR II_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part II - Annex II.1 Internal Auditor and Inspector Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
Qualifications and Responsibilities (Version 5.2_Feb19) Version: Ver 4.1 FL
Claus Explanations/remarks Clause Explanations/answers
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
e No. GLOBALG.A.P. No. scheme owner
1.1 Inspectors: -
a) May undertake inspections of farms (production sites within a multisite or those section Key task :- the internal inspector/s has to
of members of a producer group) to assess compliance with the certification 4A complete the internal inspection of all
requirements clause producer members of the group/ sites in
5.0 case of multi sites with QMS to access Equivalent
compliance with the IndG.A.P. certification

b) May not perform auditors’ tasks section And shall not undertake auditor’s task
c) Shall produce timely and accurate reports on such inspections section They shall produce timely and accurate
4A reports for the inspection done by them
1.2 Auditors: -
a) Auditing the QMS of the producer group or multisite to assess compliance with section The internal auditor has to complete the
the certification requirements 4A QMS audit,
b) The approval of the members of the group or approval of the production sites of a section Approval of the producer members/sites Responsible for approval of
multisite, based on inspection reports of the internal inspector. If internal 4A based on the internal inspection reports/ report is Quality manager of
auditors conduct the inspections, they shall not approve those clause check list submitted by internal the Group
inspection reports. 5.0 inspector.
c) To produce timely and accurate reports on such audits section They shall produce timely and accurate
4A reports for the audit done by them.
2.1 Formal Qualifications -
2.1.1 Inspectors: -
(i) A post high school diploma in a discipline related to the scope of certification section Degree/ Diploma and/or Post- secondary
(Crops and/or Livestock and/or Aquaculture); or 4A education in any stream of science relevant
clause to agriculture, horticulture, soil sciences or
5.0 agroforestry areas, sufficient to provide
knowledge of basic microbiology,
agronomy, plant entomology and
pathology, and hygienic conditions in the
production and processing of horticulture
crops as relevant to the crops certified.The
auditor/Inspectors shall have at least 2
years of post qualification experience in Equivalent
horticulture or agriculture production, The
number of years of total work experience
may be reduced by one year if the auditor
has completed appropriate post graduate
education in the education
relevant to horticulture and/or agriculture

an agricultural high school qualification with 2 years of experience in the NA Higher qualification is asked
relevant sub-scope after qualification; or
any other high school qualification with 3 years of sector-specific experience NA Higher qualification is asked
(e.g. farm management, including owner operators, in the relevant products,
commercial consultant in the relevant product, field experience relevant to Equivalent
specific products) and participation in educational
opportunities relevant to their scope of certification.
2.1.2 Auditors: -
(i) A post high school diploma in a discipline related to the scope of certification section Degree/ Diploma and/or Post- secondary
(Crops and/or Livestock and/or Aquaculture); or 4A education in any stream of science relevant
clause to agriculture, horticulture, soil sciences or
5.0 agroforestry areas, sufficient to provide
knowledge of basic microbiology,
agronomy, plant entomology and
pathology, and hygienic conditions in the
production and processing of horticulture
crops as relevant to the crops certified.The
auditor/Inspectors shall have at least 2
years of post qualification experience in Equivalent
horticulture or agriculture production, The
number of years of total work experience
may be reduced by one year if the auditor
has completed appropriate post graduate
education in the education
relevant to horticulture and/or agriculture

an agricultural high school qualification with 2 years of experience in the N/A Higher qualification is asked
relevant sub-scope after qualification; or
any other high school qualification with 2 years of experience in quality N/A Higher qualification is asked
management systems and 3 years of experience in the relevant sub- Equivalent
scope after qualification.
2.2 Technical Skills and Qualification -
2.2.1 Inspector Training -
Sign-off of internal inspectors shall only occur as a result of: -
(i) One-day practical inspection course setting out basic principles of inspection; section Sign off of the inspector shall be done only
and 4A on completion of one day practical
clause inspection course (ISO19011) on basic Equivalent
5.0 principles of inspections

(ii) Observing 2 CB or internal inspections by an already qualified inspector, either section , and also 2 observed audits with a already
GLOBALG.A.P. or other, AND 1 successful shadow inspection by the internal 4A qualified inspector/auditors can be internal
auditor, by a qualified internal inspector or by the CB. clause or external and a witness audit by already Equivalent
5.0 qualified
auditor/inspector or by CB
2.2.2 Auditor Training -
(i) Practical knowledge of quality management systems. section For auditors Practical knowledge on the
4A quality management system .
(ii) Completion of an internal auditor-training course related to QMS (min. 16 section and a minimum of internal auditor training
hours). 4A on QMS for a minimum duration of 16
clause hours.
2.2.3 Food Safety and G.A.P. Training for Inspectors and Auditors -
(i) Training in HACCP principles either as part of formal qualifications or by the section HACCP trainings as a part of the formal
successful completion of a formal course based on the principles of the Codex 4A qualification or by completing a formal
Alimentarius or training in ISO 22000 clause course, (Thirds party trainings and the
5.0 trainer need to a LA trained person on
HACCP or ISO 22000/FSMS)

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

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(ii) Food hygiene training either as part of formal qualifications or by the successful section Food hygiene training as a part of the
completion of a formal course 4A formal qualification or a formal training
clause course.
(iii) For Crops scope: Plant protection, fertilizer, and IPM training either as part section Training in Plant protection product,
of formal qualifications, or by the successful completion of a formal course. 4A Fertilizers, Intergrated Pest management as
These trainings should be given by third parties specialized in trainings on clause part of the formal course and training from Equivalent
these topics. Trainings on product characteristics and 5.0 specialist in
handling operations can be internal. the respective field.
(iv) For Livestock and Aquaculture scopes: Basic veterinary medicine and NA Not under scope
NA Out of scope
stockmanship training including animal health and welfare issues
(v) In all cases, internal inspectors shall have practical knowledge about the products section The auditors and inspectors shall have
they are inspecting. 4A practical knowledge on the product they are
clause inspecting
2.3 Communication Skills -
a) “Working language” skills in the corresponding native/working language. This section and shall be familiar with the local
shall include the locally used specialist terminology in the respective working 4A language or national language or a
language. clause language which both (auditee and
5.0 auditor) can communicate.
b) Exceptions to this rule shall be clarified beforehand with the GLOBALG.A.P. Where applicable exceptions section Any exemption to this shall be consulted
Secretariat. may be given by you as 4A with SO and permission to be sought before
scheme owner clause inspection/audit.
2.4 Independence and Confidentiality -
a) Auditors and inspectors are not allowed to audit their own job. Their section The inspectors and auditors shall not do the
independence shall be controlled and ensured by the QMS (i.e. an internal 4A inspection and audits if they have worked,
inspector/auditor cannot evaluate his own operations or a producer he has also clause given consultation etc, to the client/ Equivalent
consulted in the last 2 years). 5.0 Producers during the past 2
b) Auditors and inspectors shall strictly observe the producer group’s/producer’s section The inspector auditor shall sign
procedures to maintain the confidentiality of information and records. 4A confidentiality agreement and any
clause conflict shall be declared to the group.
5.0 And shall maintain strict confidentiality
regarding the information and records

NOTE: The qualification of internal inspectors and auditors shall be evaluated by section Note:- All qualifications, trainings and
the CBs during the external inspections. 4A experience records shall be maintained by
clause the Group for verification by the CB during Equivalent
5.0 external audit

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR II-Annex 1_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
Page: 48 of 95 Germany
GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part II - Annex II.2 Flexible Distribution Rule to
Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
Accompany the Quality Management System in the Integrated Farm Assurance Standard Fruit
Version: Ver 4.1 FL
and Vegetables (Version 5.2_Feb19)
Claus Explanations/remarks Clause Explanations/answers
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
e No. GLOBALG.A.P. No. scheme owner
This annex is applicable only if This rule is not part of IndG.A.P. so Not
IndG.A.P. does not allow
your scheme allows Option 2 Applicable now, IndG.A.P. scheme does
- Option 2 Flexible Distribution
Flexible Distribution Rule not allows Option 2 Flexible Distribution
1 Application for the Option 2 Flexible Distribution rule NA No part of IndG.A.P.
a) Any producer group may apply for this with their certification body and
shall do so prior to the annual audit during the registration or re- registration NA No part of IndG.A.P.
b) CBs willing to offer Option 2 Flexible Distribution Rule shall register with CBs shall register with you as
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
GLOBALG.A.P. scheme owner
c) Permission to use the Option 2 Flexible Distribution Rule is determined on a Decision shall be taken by you as
case-by-case basis by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat based on the scheme owner NA No part of IndG.A.P.
documentation submitted by the CB.
d) The documentation the CB submits to GLOBALG.A.P. for the Option 2
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
Flexible Distribution Rule shall include:
(i) Name and GGN of the group NA No part of IndG.A.P.
(ii) Description of the group: Group structure, who is responsible for the sales, the
number of producer group members, number of producers that distribute outside
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
of the group, products distributed outside of the group,
and the location of those producers.
(iii) How the group will fulfill the ‘Rules and Conditions for Option 2 Flexible
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
(iv) What the justification, purpose, or nature of the outside distribution is;
e.g. a producer may distribute outside of a group because they grow club or
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
specialty varieties, require market flexibility, or export to different markets.

(v) Information shall be emailed to GLOBALG.A.P. at Information shall be sent to

NA No part of IndG.A.P. you as scheme owner
(vi) Producers must update CBs whenever changes are made to the producer
registry, including when producer group members choose to distribute outside of NA No part of IndG.A.P.
the group.
e) A producer group can be denied the participation in the Option 2 Flexible
Distribution program if they have incurred recent food safety outbreaks, have
prior record of lapses in integrity, or have unresolved corrective actions, the NA No part of IndG.A.P.
submitted information is incomplete, the latter CB audit shows
that the additional rules were not implemented, etc.
2 Rules and Conditions for Option 2 Flexible Distribution rule NA No part of IndG.A.P.
1. Producer groups willing to allow outside distribution must apply to the CB and
the CB must apply to the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. Exceptions are granted
on a case-by-case basis by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. The application for
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
exception shall include how the group will fulfill the additional rules and
conditions listed below and the justification for selling
outside of the group.
2. GLOBALG.A.P. reserves the right to publicly identify those producer
groups (in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database) that allow their members to NA No part of IndG.A.P.
distribute outside of the group.
3. Any producer group member that distributes at least part of its production
outside of the producer group shall be authorized for such activity in writing by
the producer group as part of the contract between the producer group and the
specific producer group member. The certified group or the group member shall NA No part of IndG.A.P.
have an agreement with the outside packhouse or packing/selling organization
where the member is
distributing directly.
4. All quantities of registered products distributed outside of the producer group by
any producer group member shall be recorded in the producer group’s mass-
balance calculation system. The members need to maintain full traceability (batch NA No part of IndG.A.P.
level) of the delivered produce and to whom it was
These quantities may be registered on the QMS or on farm level. The producer
group is responsible for the development and effectiveness of a written
procedure for mass-balance of producer group members that distribute outside
of the group. Where mass-balance of outside distribution is maintained at the NA No part of IndG.A.P.
farm level, this must be verified by the external auditor (CB auditor) whenever
these producer group members
are selected for external inspections.
5. Any distribution of registered products outside of the producer group shall
contain a reference to the applicable producer group certificate and shall indicate
that such products originate from a certified production process, which is under NA No part of IndG.A.P.
the control and responsibility of the producer group’s
internal QMS.
6. The written contract between the producer group and its members shall include
language addressing cases of distribution outside of the group. The contract shall
indicate that the liability for product certificated under a producer group, which
is not distributed through the group, shall remain with the individual producer,
where stipulated by local law. Examples of incidents that concern liability may
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
include, but are not limited to recalls, residue exceedances, and food safety
issues. Where GLOBALG.A.P. certification status of the individual group
member is concerned, the certified producer group is still responsible for the
producer’s certification
7. Only in cases where it is required (i.e. parallel production or parallel ownership
occurs), products shipped in consumer-level packaging (either at the farm level
or after product handling/packing) shall be identified with the GGN
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
(GLOBALG.A.P. Number) of the producer group, with the GGN of the
individual producer group member, or both GGNs.

8. All transaction and shipping documentation (e.g. invoices, bills of lading, etc.)
related to the distribution of products from a certified process by individual
producer group members outside of producer groups shall indicate: The GGN
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
of the producer group, the GGN of the individual producer group member, and
the GLOBALG.A.P. certification status of
the product(s).
9. Producer group members who distribute (sell) products outside of the producer
group shall be identified as engaging in such activity in the producer group’s
membership registry/records. This shall be considered as a risk factor to be
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
taken into consideration by CBs regarding the selection of the producer group
members for sampling in external
10. The producer member is required to know the destination market and MRL
restrictions if their product is sold outside of the producer group. Records of
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
communication from the outside seller must demonstrate this.

At minimum, at the time of audit, the producer must show an attempt to learn the
country of destination (COD) before the growing season starts. If unknown,
then the product sold outside of the group can be sold only with recognized
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
compliance in the country of production as described in the producer group’s
application for certification and as prescribed in the
QMS program of the producer group.
12. The certificate holder must be the entity responsible for placing the fruit onto the
market (e.g. in the USA, the certificate holder is typically a marketing
organization or a packer) and/or be able to legally contract with and represent NA No part of IndG.A.P.
the group members/production sites.

13. The Flexible Distribution Rule may be applicable only to crops harvested
annually (one harvest season per year) and only to crops with short NA No part of IndG.A.P.
harvest season (less than 4 months).

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.1_July17-CL; English © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

Version GR II-Annex 2_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
14. The applicant group has a limited range and similar crops, whereas the crops
have similar production, harvesting, and produce handling activities. NA No part of IndG.A.P.

15. The group is able to control full mass-balance of the products (sold/distributed
through the group and/or directly by the member as certified or as non-certified)
of all their members. The mass-balance related information shall be maintained NA No part of IndG.A.P.
on grower level or on group level.

16. The group applying for exception shall provide substantial justification for
allowing direct distribution of members’ products. Example: using club varieties
NA No part of IndG.A.P.
or when the actual quantities of products sold outside the group
certificate are extremely limited.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.1_July17-CL; English © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

Version GR II-Annex 2_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part II - Annex II.3 Declaration of Group Membership Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
(Version 5.2_Feb19) Version: English FL
Claus Explanations/remarks Clause Explanations/answers
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
e No. GLOBALG.A.P. No. scheme owner
This annex is applicable only if Not Applicable The Scheme is not allowing IndG.A.P. does not
your scheme allows issuance of group to give declaration to allow issuance of
declarations of group producers regarding group declarations of group
membership membership membership
Members of a certified group may receive a declaration from the producer IndG.A.P. does not
group demonstrating that they belong to the group, provided that they are listed allow issuance of
on the certificate annex. declarations of group
The CB or GLOBALG.A.P.logo shall not be used IndG.A.P. does not
allow issuance of
declarations of group
The template shall not resemble a certificate issued by the CB. IndG.A.P. does not
allow issuance of
declarations of group
It is voluntary for the producer group to issue this declaration. IndG.A.P. does not
allow issuance of
declarations of group
The declaration shall contain as a minimum the following information: IndG.A.P. does not
allow issuance of
declarations of group
1. Producer group name,producer group GGN (address optionally) IndG.A.P. does not
allow issuance of
declarations of group
2. Member name, GGN, member’s product, (address optionally) IndG.A.P. does not
allow issuance of
declarations of group
3. Expiry date of the group certificate IndG.A.P. does not
allow issuance of
declarations of group
4 .Disclaimer: “The GLOBALG.A.P.certificateof the group is defining the
certified scope. The most actual list of the certified members may be found in the
annex of the group certificate. The current status of this certificate is always IndG.A.P. does not
displayed at: The member may commercialize allow issuance of
the products as certified only through the Group.”* declarations of group
* The group that applied and were approved for the “Option 2 Flexible membership
Distribution Rule”may omit this sentence. See Annex II.2

5. Date of issue of this declaration IndG.A.P. does not

allow issuance of
declarations of group
6. Authorization by the group’s representative IndG.A.P. does not
allow issuance of
declarations of group

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

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GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part III - Certification Body and Accreditation Rules Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
(Version Version: English FL
Claus Explanations/remarks Clause
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Original Text Explanations/answers scheme owner Rule Remarks Questions
e No. GLOBALG.A.P. No.
1. LICENSE AND CERTIFICATION AGREEMENT Describe in this chapter what
agreement CBs that certify your
scheme shall sign

a) The 'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement' establishes the rights and Section 6 The 'IndG.A.P. License and Certification
obligations of the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat as the GLOBALG.A.P. system co- Annex A Agreement' establishes the rights and
coordinator and of the certification body (CB) as the neutral organization for auditing, obligations of the IndG.A.P. Secretariat as
inspection, certification and licensing activities within the framework of the the IndG.A.P. system co-coordinator and of
GLOBALG.A.P. system. the certification body (CB) as the neutral
organization for auditing, inspection,
certification and licensing activities within
the framework of the
G.A.P. IndG.A.P. system.

b) The 'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement', including its updates, Section 4 The CB shall forward an application form
shall be accepted and signed by the CB as part of the application procedure to become 4.1.4 to the IndG.A.P. applicant so that the
and to remain a GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB and to be listed as such on the applicant signs the contact and conditions Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. website. he needs to fulfil during his
engagement with the CB.
c) The 'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement', the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Section 6 IndG.A.P. SCheme has provision and a
Sublicense and Certification Agreement' and the General Regulations complement each Annex A docment 'IndG.A.P. License and
other and GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs shall continuously comply with all. Certification Agreement that incorporates
all the requirements similar to what
GLOBALG.A.P. warrants from their
clients. There is a set of Scheme Equivalent
requirements in various sections that guides
the implementation, certification and
manitenance of the Scheme requirement.


2.1 CB Approval by GLOBALG.A.P. -
2.1.1 Provisional Approval -
a) The CB shall complete the steps listed below before carrying out any Section 4 The CB shall complete all the steps as
GLOBALG.A.P. inspections/audits, issuing any GLOBALG.A.P. (Option 1, Cl. 3 mentioned in the Scheme requirement
Option 2, or benchmarked) certificates (accredited or non-accredited) and before before carrying out any IndG.A.P. Equivalent
provisional approval can be granted. certification (accredited or non-
(i) The applicant CB shall register in the GLOBALG.A.P. CB Extranet Describe registration process Section 6 The applicant CB shall apply to the SO
(, send a completed application form in English and pay an under your scheme Cl.6.1.2 (QCI), send a completed application form
evaluation fee (according to the latest version of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table') to the in English and pay an evaluation fee
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat for initiating the approval process. (according to the latest version of the. Fee
Table maintained in the website) to the
IndG.A.P. Secretariat for initiating the
approval process.

(ii) After the positive evaluation of the application and before provisional approval,
the applicant CB shall complete the following steps: -
1. Sign the 'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement' Section 6 Sign the IndG.A.P. License and
Cl.6.1.2 Certification Agreement Equivalent

2. Pay the annual CB license fee (according to the latest version of the
'GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table') NA NA
(iii) After provisional approval, but before conducting any GLOBALG.A.P. inspection or Section 6 The CB shall maintain the database and
audit, the applicant CB shall complete the following steps: Cl.3.6 share it in the publically avilable -
information (website)
1. Receive Database access from the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat NA NA
2. Register all auditors and inspectors in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database Describe how your scheme Section 6 List of inspector and auditor is placed to the
assures this for CBs approved by Cl 5 QCI during the time of office assessment
you and later on apprised as and when they add Equivalent
more members in
the team following the due process.
3. Have all the auditors and inspectors complete the necessary GLOBALG.A.P. online Scheme owners may oblige Section 6 In the IndG.A.P. system the auditors and
exams for the General Regulations and for the Control Points and Compliance Criteria inspectors and auditors to do the Cl 5 inspectors need to fulfill the requirement for
in the relevant sub-scope(s) GLOBALG.A.P. online training which the CB maintains a process and
and exam. If you do not want to objective evidence to fulfill the requirement
do so, describe which equvalent for in-house approval. Equivalent
requirements you have in your
scheme management rules.

4. Pay the relevant training fees per registered auditor/inspector according to the
latest version of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table'. NA NA
b) As a condition for provisional approval, the applicant CB intending to certify Option 1 Section 5 Competence of evaluators - The
producers shall have at least one inspector (for producer inspections) and one auditor Cl. competence of the evaluators used by the
(for the Certification Committee) who have passed the necessary online exam for the A. certification body to carry out the
applied sub-scope and scope respectively as well as the General Regulations. evaluation of the IndG.A.P. Certification
Scheme against the IndG.A.P. certification
criteria and the certification process is
detailed in the
aforementioned clause.
Applicant CBs wanting to certify Option 2 producer groups or Option 1 multi-site Section 6 Applicant CBs wanting to certify Option 2
producers with QMS shall have at least one auditor (for QMS audits) and at least a Cl. producer groups or Option 1 multi-site
second auditor (for the Certification Committee) who have passed the necessary online 5.6.10 producers with QMS shall have at least one
exam for the applied sub-scope and scope respectively and the QMS auditor (face-to- auditor (for QMS audits) and at least a
face) training. second auditor (for the Certification
Committee) who posses the necessary
qualification for the applied sub-scope and
scope respectively and the QMS auditor

c) The CB shall nominate a GLOBALG.A.P. Scheme Manager (according to point 3.2 a)). Describe which equivalent Section 5 The certification body shall nominate
requirements you have in your Cl. scheme manager who will be responsible
scheme management rules A. for handling certification pertaining to
Section 6 IndG.A.P scheme. Equivalent
Cl. 5.6.1

d) The CB shall nominate an in-house trainer (according to point 3.2 c)) and complete or at Describe which equivalent Section The certification body shall nominate an in-
least register for the in-house trainer training of the relevant scope(s). requirements you have in your 5,A.6.1.1. house trainer and complete or at least
scheme management rules 8 register for the in-house trainer training
of the relevant scope(s).
e) The CB intending to certify a benchmarked standard shall show proof of approval by Section The certification body intending to certify a
the scheme or standard owner. 5, benchmarked standard, that is, IndG.A.P. to
A. GLOBALG.A.P shall show proof of NA NA
0 approval by the scheme or
scheme owner, that is, QCI.
f) CBs shall apply to an accreditation body (AB) for accreditation to ISO/IEC 17065 in the Section In order to be able to offer certification as
relevant GLOBALG.A.P. sub-scope(s) and approved modified checklists or in the 5, Cl 1.3 stated above the certification bodies need
relevant full benchmarked scheme (see 'GLOBALG.A.P. Benchmarking Regulations'). to be accredited by the National
A copy of the confirmation of this application to the AB shall be forwarded to the Accreditation Board for Certification Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. Bodies (NABCB) as per ISO 17065 and the
additional requirements specified
g) The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat will allow provisionally approved CBs with a Section The IndG.A.P. Secretariat will allow
previous ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation to issue a limited number of non- accredited 5, Cl. provisionally approved CBs with a
certificates before final approval. The maximum number of producers that may A.8.1.3 previous ISO/IEC 17065:2012
receive non-accredited certificates (Option 1, Option 2, and enchmarked Options 3 and accreditation to issue a limited number of
4) per scope (Crops, Livestock, or Aquaculture) is 20 . non-accredited certificates before final
approval. The maximum number of
producers that may receive non- accredited
certificates (Option 1, Option 2, and
benchmarked Options 3 and 4)
per scope (Crops) is 20.
Example 1: If a CB has one producer group (Option 2) of 33 producers, it can only
issue a non-accredited certificate for 20 of the 33 producers. The CB cannot issue
further certificates for any Option 1 or Option 2 producers until it has received NA NA
accreditation. Alternatively, the CB can issue 20 Option 1
certificates for 20 individual producers.
Example 2: A CB can issue a non-accredited certificate for an Option 2 producer
group covering 12 producers and 8 non-accredited Option 1 certificates for 8
individual producers (i.e. not connected to the Option 2 group
for a total of 20 producers).
Example 3: The CB applies for IFA FV, IFA FO and IFA Pigs. 20 producers (individual
producers or Option 2 group members) may receive non-accredited certificates for IFA
FV, IFA FO in total and 20 pig producers may receive non-
accredited IFA certificates.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

h) There is a provision by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat to allow provisionally approved Section The IndG.A.P. Secretariat will allow
CBs with no previous ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation , and that are not yet 5, Cl. provisionally approved CBs with a
GLOBALG.A.P. accredited, to issue a limited number of non-accredited certificates A.8.1.3 previous ISO/IEC 17065:2012
during the application phase for accreditation. These CBs shall apply for accreditation accreditation to issue a limited number of
to only issue certificates under Option 1 rules and for only one scope in the beginning. non-accredited certificates before final
As soon as accreditation for Option 1 is obtained, other scopes can be applied for, approval. The maximum number of Equivalent
and/or the CB can apply for accreditation for producers that may receive non- accredited
Option 2 certification. The maximum number of producers that may receive non- certificates (Option 1, Option 2, and
accredited Option 1 (benchmarked Option 3) certificates for the first scope approval benchmarked Options 3 and 4) per scope
is 5. (Crops) is 20.

i) The non-accredited certificates shall comply with the applicable certificate template Section 6 The non-accredited certificates shall comply
requirements but shall indicate neither the GLOBALG.A.P. nor the AB logos. Cl 5.6.11 with the applicable certificate template
requirements but shall indicate neither the Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. nor the AB
2.1.2 Final Approval -
The CB shall complete the steps below before issuing any accredited GLOBALG.A.P. A. The certification body shall complete the
certificates or operating any accredited GLOBALG.A.P. Add- Oon and before final 1 steps below before issuing any accredited
approval can be granted. IndG.A.P. certificates or operating any
accredited IndG.A.P. Add- On and before
final approval can be
a) CBs shall obtain ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation within 6 months after the date of A. Table 1: Timelines for CB.
provisional approval. This period can be extended for an additional time span of 6 1.1
months if the AB provides justified reasons explaining the delay. The CB shall
submit the justified reasons to GLOBALG.A.P.
b) Once accreditation has been obtained, the CB shall send a copy of the A. Once accreditation has been obtained, the
accreditation evidence to the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. 2 certification body shall submit a copy of the
accreditation certificate to the scheme
owner and in case of benchmarking to the Equivalent

c) If accreditation has not been achieved within a maximum period of one year, the A. Table 1 Note: If accreditation has not been
provisional approval may be withdrawn, and the CB shall not appear as provisionally 1.1 Note achieved within a maximum period of one
approved on the GLOBALG.A.P. website and cannot issue any GLOBALG.A.P. year, the provisional approval may be
certificates, unless the CB submits justification for the delay. withdrawn, and the CB shall not appear as
The CB may re-apply for provisional approval again. provisionally approved on the QCI website
and cannot issue any IndG.A.P. certificates,
unless the CB submits justification for the
delay. The CB may re-apply for provisional Equivalent
approval again.Alternatively, any CB which
is not accredited shall not take up any
project that seeks benchmarked certificate.

d) As a condition for final approval, the provisionally approved CB shall have at least Describe which equivalent Section 6 As a condition for final approval, the
one in-house trainer (according to point 3.2 c)) who has completed the required requirements you have in your Cl 4.2 provisionally approved CB shall have at
training available for the applied sub-scope. scheme management rules least one in-house trainer who has completed Equivalent
the required training available
for the applied sub-scope.
e) CBs shall continually register all auditors and inspectors in the GLOBALG.A.P. Describe how your scheme Section 5 CBs shall continually register all auditors
Database. assures this for CBs approved by Cl. and inspectors in their database. Equivalent
you A.8.2.4
f) The registered auditors and inspectors shall complete the necessary GLOBALG.A.P. Describe which equivalent Section 5 Competence Requirements for
online exams for the General Regulations and for the Control Points and Compliance requirements you have in your A.6.1.3 Personnel involved in Certification
Criteria in the relevant sub-scope when it is available in their working language. scheme management rules Section 6 Activities Equivalent

g) CBs planning to certify Option 2 or Option 1 multisite with QMS shall have at least 2 Section 5 CBs planning to certify Option 2 or Option
auditors complying with the auditor qualification requirements as defined in Annex A. 1 multisite with QMS shall have at least 2
III.2 including the face-to-face QMS auditor training. auditors complying with the auditor
qualification requirements as per ISO 17065 Equivalent
standard including the face- to-face QMS
auditor training.

h) CBs shall pay the relevant training fees per registered auditor/inspector N/A
according to the latest version of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table'. NA NA
i) Only after the CB has been accredited to ISO/IEC 17065 with the applicable Section 6 Only after the CB has been provisionally
GLOBALG.A.P. (or benchmarked) sub-scope can the CB place the GLOBALG.A.P. Cl. approved/ accredited to ISO/IEC 17065 with
trademark/logo on the certificate according to the applicable GLOBALG.A.P. certificate 5.6.12 the applicable IndG.A.P. (or benchmarked)
template, which shall be followed at all times. sub-scope can the CB place the IndG.A.P.
trademark/logo on the certificate according Equivalent
to the applicable IndG.A.P. certificate
template, which shall be followed at all

2.2 Extension of Scopes, Sub-scopes, Approved Modified Checklists, and Chapter only applicable if you N/A Focus only on F&V
Benchmarked Schemes as scheme owner apply for
benchmarking of more than
one (sub-) scope.
a) GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs that want to extend their scope of GLOBALG.A.P. Section 5 IndG.A.P. approved CBs that want to
certification shall follow all steps and requirements mentioned in Cl. A.9.1 extend their scope of IndG.A.P.
2.1 and shall apply for the accreditation of the new scope before signing the agreement certification shall follow all steps and
of extension of scope with GLOBALG.A.P. Standards such as PSS, HPSS, CFM, requirements mentioned for approval
AMCs, benchmarked schemes, etc., or localg.a.p. programs and GLOBALG.A.P. Add- and/or accreditation as applicable and shall
ons will be considered as new scopes. apply for the accreditation of the new scope
before signing the agreement of extension
of scope with IndG.A.P. Standards such as Equivalent
PSS, HPSS, CFM, AMCs, benchmarked
schemes, etc., or localg.a.p. programs and
IndG.A.P. Add-ons will be considered as
new scopes.This shall also be applicable in
case of
benchmarking to GLOBALG.A.P.

b) GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs that want to extend their sub-scope of certification Section 5 IndG.A.P. approved or accredited CBs that
within a scope, shall have a minimum of 1 inspector or auditor who complies with Cl. A.9.2 are willing to extend their sub-scope of
specific GLOBALG.A.P. inspector or auditor sub-scope requirements (Annexes III.1 certification within a scope, shall have a
and III.2 respectively). A formal application shall be sent to the GLOBALG.A.P. minimum of 1 inspector or auditor who
Secretariat. complies with specific IndG.A.P. inspector
or auditor sub-scope requirements
(Annexes III.1 and III.2 respectively). A
formal application shall be sent to the QCI.

The CB shall apply for the accreditation of the new sub-scope. Section 5 The CB shall apply for the accreditation of
Cl. A.9.3 the new sub-scope after provisional
approval as mentioned within stipulated
c) The precondition for scope or sub-scope extension (provisionally approved status) is the Describe which equivalent Section 5 Prerequisites for the extension of scope or
availability of an in-house trainer for the new sub-scope(s). In the absence of training requirements you have in your Cl. A.9.4 sub-scope as the case is availability of
opportunity, the CB at least has to register for the next upcoming training. The scheme management rules adequate resources including an in- house
provisional approval shall be withdrawn where the CB does not attend or fail the trainer for the new sub-scope(s). In the
applicable in-house training. absence of training opportunity, the CB
shall need to register for the next upcoming Equivalent
training. The provisional approval shall be
withdrawn where the CB does not attend or
fail the applicable in-house training.

d) GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs willing to extend their approval to an AMC or Section 5 IndG.A.P. approved CBs willing to extend
benchmarked scheme -within the same scope and sub-scope- shall send an application Cl. A.9.5 their approval to an AMC or benchmarked
request to the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. scheme -within the same scope and sub-
scope- shall send an application request to
the QCI. Secretariat. In case of NA NA
benchmarking to GLOBALG.A.P., a copy
needs to be sent to GLOBALG.A.P
secretariat as
2.3 Accreditation Body Requirements Describe which equivalent
requirements you have in your
scheme management rules

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

a) The accreditation body to which the CB applies shall be a signatory of the IAF Section 5 The accreditation body to which the CB
Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) for product certification (IAF Product Cl. A applies shall be a signatory of the IAF
MLA) with GLOBALG.A.P. sub-scope of the MLA (level 4 and 5). In addition, the AB Multilateral Recognition Arrangement
shall have signed the 'Memorandum of Understanding' (MoU) with GLOBALG.A.P. (MLA) for product certification (IAF
Product MLA) with GLOBALG.A.P. sub-
scope of the MLA (level 4 and 5). In
addition, the AB shall have signed the
'Memorandum of Understanding' (MoU)

b) The accreditation document issued by the AB to the CB shall clearly state: Section 5 The accreditation document issued by the
Cl. A AB to the CB shall clearly state: Equivalent
(i) The extent of the accreditation sub-scope(s) and/or approved modified checklist it has Section 5 The extent of the accreditation sub-
been approved for Cl. A scope(s) and/or approved modified Equivalent checklist it has been approved for
(ii) The GLOBALG.A.P. normative documents and its version Section 5 The GLOBALG.A.P. normative
Cl. A documents and its version Equivalent
(iii) Limitations to Option 1 (if applicable) Section 5 Limitations to Option 1 (if applicable)
Cl. A Equivalent
(iv) Territorial limitations (if applicable) Section 5 Territorial limitations (if applicable)
Cl. A Equivalent
c) An initial AB assessment of a GLOBALG.A.P. scope (Crops, Livestock, or Section 5 An initial AB assessment of a
Aquaculture) shall require at least one witness assessment (of one sub-scope) within Cl. A GLOBALG.A.P. scope (Crops) shall
each applied scope. require at least one witness assessment (of Equivalent
one sub-scope) within
each applied scope.
Example: The CB applies for FO and for FV accreditation at the same time. The AB
may witness only a FV inspection, but grant accreditation for both sub- scopes. An FO
inspection shall be sampled for witness later in the 4-year
d) The AB shall only grant the accreditation for Option 2 (including Option 1 multisite Section 5 The AB shall only grant the accreditation
operation with QMS) if the AB has completed at least one QMS audit witness A for Option 2 (including Option 1 multisite
assessment regardless of the scope or sub-scope. operation with QMS) if the AB has
completed at least one QMS audit witness Equivalent
assessment regardless of the scope or sub-

Example: The CB applies for FV and for Aquaculture accreditation including QMS at
the same time. The AB may witness only an FV QMS audit, but grant accreditation for
both scopes for Option 2 (including Option 1 multisite operation
with QMS).
e) The extension of the accreditation to new sub-scope(s) within an already accredited Only applicable if you as Section 5 The extension of the accreditation to new
scope shall include at least the assessment of the personnel competency and a new scheme owner apply for A sub-scope(s) within an already accredited
witness assessment is not necessary. Benchmarked schemes and AMCs are considered benchmarking of more than scope shall include at least the assessment
as equivalent sub-scopes (for the respective sub-scope). one (sub-) scope. of the personnel competency and a new
witness assessment is not necessary.
Benchmarked schemes and AMCs are
considered as equivalent sub-scopes (for
the respective sub-scope).

Example: The CB applies for FV and for New Zealand GAP for FV accreditation at the
same time. The AB may decide to witness an inspection of one standard or of both
standards, but shall grant accreditation to both of them. This applies
to c), d), e), and f) as well.
f) The AB shall, during its surveillance program, witness all sub-scopes in at least a 4- Section 5 The AB shall, during its surveillance
year period, but not every scope/sub-scope combination every year by default. A program, witness all sub-scopes in at least
Selection shall take into consideration and preference shall be given to the Option 2 and a 4-year period, but not every scope/sub-
the Option 1 multisite with QMS certificates of the CB. The AB shall justify the scope combination every year by default.
increase of witness assessment frequency. Selection shall take into consideration and
preference shall be given to the Option 2 Equivalent
and the Option 1 multisite with QMS
certificates of the CB. The AB shall justify
the increase of witness assessment

Example: If the CB has only one single sub-scope accredited (e.g. FV), the AB – after
initial accreditation – may witness F&V only once in a 4-year period. If the CB is
accredited for FV and Pigs, the AB – after initial accreditation – may carry out only 2 NA NA
witnesses (FV and Pigs) once in a 4-year period.

g) GLOBALG.A.P. provides the AB access to all records (relevant to the AB) of the
integrity program and complaint management system relevant to the AB through the AB
Extranet. The AB shall at least annually review the content of the AB Extranet and take
this into account in its next assessment. Accreditation bodies are invited to attend the
integrity assessments performed by GLOBALG.A.P.

h) On request, the AB shall send to GLOBALG.A.P. the latest results and report of the
accreditation assessment. In this case, the CB shall be informed. NA NA

i) The AB shall issue a confirmation of application including the applied standard scope Section 5 The AB shall issue a confirmation of
and sub-scope to the applicant CB. A application including the applied standard
scope and sub-scope to the
applicant CB.
2.4 Termination of Approval Describe which equivalent
requirements you have in your
scheme management rules

In case a CB requests the termination of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Section 5 In case a CB requests the termination of the
Agreement', the following actions shall be taken: CL A 'IndG.A.P. License and Certification
Equivalent Agreement', the following actions shall
be taken:
a) The CB shall send a formal termination request to the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. Section 5 The CB shall send a formal termination
CL A request to the IndG.A.P. Secretariat. Equivalent
b) The CB shall inform all clients that the re-certification has to be carried out by Section 5 The CB shall inform all clients that the re
another CB. CL A certification has to be carried out by Equivalent another CB.
c) There is no need for the CB to modify or update anything in the GLOBALG.A.P. Section 5 There is no need for the CB to modify or
Database. If the products are not re-accepted for the next cycle, once the current CL A update anything in the IndG.A.P. Database.
certificate expires, the new CB will be able to accept the GGN of the producers and re- If the products are not re- accepted for the
certify. Section 3 next cycle, once the current certificate NA NA
Annex 3C expires, the new CB will be able to accept the UIN of the
producers and re-certify.
d) From a specific date onwards, the CB shall be blocked in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database Section 5 From a specific date onwards, the CB shall
and cannot register new clients or re-issue and extend their valid certificates. CL A be blocked in the IndG.A.P. Database and cannot register new clients or re-issue and NA NA
extend their valid
e) The CB shall contact the Customer Support Team for any changes such as modification Section 5 The CB shall contact the Customer Support
of existing certificates, shortening of the certificate validity, changing of the access CL A Team for any changes such as modification
rights of existing producers, amendments in the master data, complaints, etc. of existing certificates, shortening of the
certificate validity, changing of the access
rights of existing producers, amendments in
the master data, complaints, etc.

f) The CB shall inform the accreditation body. Section 5 The CB shall inform the accreditation
CL A body. Equivalent
g) The CB shall be listed on the GLOBALG.A.P. website until their last certificate Section 5 The CB shall be listed on the IndG.A.P.
expires. A comment shall be added that the CB cannot contract/certify producers and CL A website until their last certificate expires. A
will terminate its GLOBALG.A.P. approval on a specific date. comment shall be added that the CB cannot
contract/certify producers and will terminate NA NA
its IndG.A.P. approval on a specific date.

h) It shall be decided by GLOBALG.A.P. if the certification body license fee applies for Section 5 It shall be decided by IndG.A.P. if the
the current and/or following year and whether any further training shall be attended. CL A certification body license fee applies for the current and/or following year and whether NA NA
any further training shall be
3.1 General Requirements -

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

a) All the points described in the General Regulations shall be accepted and included in the Agreeme All the points described in the General Equivalent
relevant operational document of the CB for GLOBALG.A.P. certification of all scopes, nt for the Regulations shall be accepted and included
sub-scopes and approved modified checklists, and be available for accreditation body operation in the relevant operational document of the
evaluation. This requirement for approved modified checklists is fulfilled by the of CB for IndG.A.P. certification of all scopes,
compliance with the relevant sub-scope requirements. Certificait sub-scopes and approved modified
on checklists, and be available for accreditation
body evaluation. This requirement for
approved modified checklists is fulfilled by
the compliance with the relevant sub- scope

b) The CB shall pay the annual certification license and certificate fee. 2.6 (e) pays such fees as are due to QCI NA NA
c) The CB is responsible for communicating to its GLOBALG.A.P. registered clients all Section 5 A.4.6.3 The CB shall have procedure for
relevant updates, as well as the date of first application and grace period of any new Cl. 4.6.3 frequent updating of the information on its
GLOBALG.A.P. versions of normative documents. website. The responsibilities for ensuring
accuracy of the information made available Equivalent
on the website, ensuring frequent updates,
etc shall be
d) GLOBALG.A.P. shall be entitled to participate, upon prior notice and at its own cost, in Section 5 QCI is entitled to particpate ,upon prior
inspections or audits carried out by CBs. Cl. A notice and at its own cost,in inspections or audits carried out by CBs


e) The information collected by GLOBALG.A.P. regarding the CBs and their activities, Section 4 The information collected by IndG.A.P.
including records of the Integrity Program and the complaint management system, is Cl. regarding the CBs and their activities,
made available on the CB Extranet to ABs for facilitating accreditation evaluation. 4.13.3 including records of the Integrity Program
and the complaint management system, is NA NA
made available on the request to ABs for
accreditation evaluation.
f) Certification bodies shall immediately inform GLOBALG.A.P. of changes in personnel Section 5 Certification bodies shall immediately
relevant for the management of the GLOBALG.A.P. scheme (e.g. change of the Scheme Cl. A inform IndG.A.P. of changes in personnel
Manager, in-house trainer, etc.) and of all changes that may affect their function as an relevant for the management of the G.A.P.
independent CB, in particular withdrawal of accreditation or corporate changes. scheme (e.g. change of the Scheme
Manager, in-house trainer, etc.) and of all
changes that may affect their function as an
independent CB, in particular withdrawal
of approval/accreditation or corporate

g) Certification bodies shall actively cooperate with GLOBALG.A.P. during management Section 5 Certification bodies shall actively
of complaints related to the CB or to the producers contracted by the CB. Cl A cooperate with IndG.A.P. during management of complaints related to the Equivalent
(h) CB or to the producers contracted
by the CB.
3.2 Training and Qualification of Staff -
a) Every CB approved by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat shall nominate one contact Describe in this chapter which Section 5 The certification body shall nominate
person, called the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Scheme Manager' , who will be the equivalent requirements you Cl A scheme manager who will be responsible
representative of the CB before the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. This person: have in your scheme for handling certification pertaining to Equivalent
management rules IndG.A.P scheme.

(i) Shall be fluent in English Section 5 He shall be fluent in English, hindi or any
Cl A local language.

(ii) Shall at least qualify as a GLOBALG.A.P. inspector (see requirements for Section 5 Manager should have management skills
GLOBALG.A.P. inspectors in Annex III.1) for one of the approved sub-scopes Cl A and understanding of agricultural activities,
4.6..1.1.7 IndG.A.P. requirements and conformity
/ Sec 4A assessment.
CL. 5

(iii) Shall be committed to assist in any harmonization activities performed by the Section 5 The certification body shall nominate
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat Cl A scheme manager who will be responsible
4.6..1.1.7 for handling certification and related NA NA
technical activities pertaining to
IndG.A.P scheme
(iv) Shall be available in-house; i.e. not hired occasionally by the CB, and be part of the Section 5 He shall be available in-house, an
operational and/or management decision-making process of the CB Cl A authorised signatory and decision making a
4.6..1.1.7 part of his functional role including Equivalent
attending all meetings and
discussed called by IndG.A.P. Sectt
(v) Shall be responsible for returning to the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat the requested Section 5 He shall be available in-house, an
signed reception of any communication requiring written receipt Cl A authorised signatory and decision making a
4.6..1.1.7 part of his functional role including NA NA
attending all meetings and
discussed called by IndG.A.P. Sectt
(vi) Shall be responsible for communication and administration of users within the Section 5 He shall be available in-house, an
GLOBALG.A.P. system Cl A authorised signatory and decision making a
4.6..1.1.7 part of his functional role including NA NA
attending all meetings and
discussed called by IndG.A.P. Sectt
(vii) Shall respond to GLOBALG.A.P. operational enquiries as required in the Section 5 He shall be available in-house, an
communication. If the GLOBALG.A.P. Scheme Manager is not available, a substitute Cl A authorised signatory and decision making a
shall assume these responsibilities. 4.6..1.1.7 part of his functional role including NA NA
attending all meetings and
discussed called by IndG.A.P. Sectt
(viii) Shall distribute all communication received from the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat to all Section 5 He shall be available in-house, an
CB staff involved in GLOBALG.A.P. activities in all countries Cl A authorised signatory and decision making a
4.6..1.1.7 part of his functional role including Equivalent
attending all meetings and
discussed called by IndG.A.P. Sectt
(ix) Shall attend the annual Scheme Manager (update) meeting. This is a yearly task of the Section 5 He shall be available in-house, an
CB. If the Scheme Manager changes in the middle of the year, attendance of the SMU Cl A authorised signatory and decision making a
meeting is not required again for that same year. If the Scheme Manager is on medical 4.6..1.1.7 part of his functional role including Equivalent
leave (e.g. maternity), the CB may send another attending all meetings and
competent GLOBALG.A.P. representative. discussed called by IndG.A.P. Sectt
(x) The Scheme Manager may be the same person as the in-house trainer. Section 5 The in-house trainer and the Scheme
Cl A Manager may be the same.

b) In order to carry out GLOBALG.A.P. inspections and audits, the CB shall Section 5 The competence of the evaluators are
employ/contract only inspectors and auditors that fulfill the GLOBALG.A.P. Cl A mentioned in detail.
requirements (see Annex III.1 and III.2 respectively). Every inspector/auditor has to
fulfill all sub-scope specific requirements (i.e. it is not permitted to send 2 people to an
audit/inspection to complete among them the competence of one
auditor or one inspector).
c) All finally approved CBs shall have a sub-scope and version (i.e. IFA Version 5) Describe in this chapter which Section 5 The certification body shall nominate an in-
specifically trained CB in-house trainer, who shall be responsible for ensuring that all equivalent requirements you Cl A house trainer and complete or at least
their registered GLOBALG.A.P. auditors and inspectors comply with the requirements have in your scheme register for the in-house trainer training of
set in Annex III.1 and Annex III.2. This person: management rules the relevant scope(s).. Shall be fluent in
English, hindi or any local language.

(i) Needs to have passed the CB in-house trainer training exam for the relevant sub- Section 4 There shall be a in-house trainer whose
scope and version. Failing any part of the exam twice will require re- attending a Cl. 4.9.5 qualification will be similar to that of the
GLOBALG.A.P. CB in-house training course and successfully auditor.
passing the exam.
(ii) Shall be available in-house; i.e. not hired occasionally by the CB. The person may be Section 5 The in-house trainer and the Scheme
the same person as the Scheme Manager and the CB may have more than one in-house Cl. A Manager may be the same.
trainer covering different standards or sub-scopes.

(iii) Shall comply with at least inspector qualification requirements for the respective sub- Section 5 The qualification of the Scheme
scope A. Manager, in-house trainer and auditor
will be similar.

(iv) Shall be responsible for training all the respective GLOBALG.A.P. auditors and Section 5 The in-house trainer shall be responsible
inspectors (based on GLOBALG.A.P.) A for training all the respective
(v) GLOBALG.A.P. auditors and inspectors
(based on IndG.A.P.)

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(v) Shall complete the required training within 3 months in case of a change in personnel. Section 5 In case of change in personnel, the
If this is not feasible, the new person shall register within 3 months for an upcoming A same shall be trained by the trainer
course. (v) within 3 months of induction.

d) Only auditors complying with the auditor qualification requirements as defined in If your scheme does not oblige Section 4 Announced QMS audit will be carried out
Annex III.2, including the face-to-face QMS auditor training may carry out QMS audits QMS auditors to attend the Cl. only by auditors that have done a QMS
(Option 2 or Option 1 multisite with QMS). GLOBALG.A.P. training auditor training
describe which equivalent (iv) Equivalent
requirements you have in your
scheme management rules

All IFA Version 4 approved auditors are automatically re-approved for carrying out
QMS audits in Version 5, after passing a QMS online exam, when available NA NA
in their working language.
In case the Certification Integrity Program (CIPRO) results show a low auditing level, Section 4 In case the Certification Integrity Program
the respective auditor shall repeat the QMS training. Cl. results show a low auditing level, the
4.13.4 respective auditor shall repeat
the QMS training.
e) Every inspector and auditor shall complete the GLOBALG.A.P. online tests (including Scheme owners may oblige Section 5 The certification body shall nominate
exams of the updates) within 3 months after their release provided they are available in inspectors and auditors to do the Cl. A scheme manager who will be responsible
the inspector’s/auditor’s working language. The in-house trainer(s) shall monitor the GLOBALG.A.P. online training for handling certification and related
genuineness and the completeness of the process. New inspectors shall complete the and exam. If you do not want to technical activities pertaining to IndG.A.P
online trainings for the relevant sub-scopes before being signed-off. If do so, describe which equvalent scheme. He shall be available in-house, an
inspectors/auditors are working for more than one CB, the online training and exam for requirements you have in your authorised signatory and decision making a
the respective sub-scope needs to be completed only once, but the inspectors/auditor scheme management rules. part of his functional role including
need to be registered with each CB they are working with. In-house trainers do not need attending all meetings and discussed called
to pass the online exam for the sub-scopes for which they have already passed the in- by IndG.A.P. Sectt.
house training (IHT) exam. Certification bodies shall immediately
inform IndG.A.P. of changes in personnel
relevant for the management of the G.A.P.
scheme (e.g. change of the Scheme
Manager, in-house trainer, etc.) and of all Equivalent
changes that may affect their function as an
independent CB, in particular withdrawal
of approval/accreditation or corporate
changes. He shall be fluent in English,
Hindi or any local language. Manager
should have management skills and
understanding of agricultural activities,
IndG.A.P. requirements and conformity

f) GLOBALG.A.P. reserves the right to randomly ask for the proof of qualification of the Section 5 The evaluators used by the certification
inspectors and auditors approved by the CB. In the case that the CB is not able to Cl. A body to carry out the evaluation of the
submit such proof, and/or the inspectors and auditors do not comply with the IndG.A.P. Certification Scheme against the
qualification requirements, GLOBALG.A.P. reserves the right to block those persons IndG.A.P. certification criteria and the
in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database and inform the relevant accreditation body. certification process shall have the
following qualifications and CB shall
verify the factual evidence before the
evaluators are send for

g) The CB shall carry out a GLOBALG.A.P. witness assessment and/or re- inspection for Section 5 The details of evaluator signning off is
each of its GLOBALG.A.P. inspectors/auditors at least once every 4 years to verify Cl. A mentioned/ ii.Witness inspection for all
competence. IndG.A.P. inspectors/auditors shall me
(g)/ (h) carried out at least once in 4 years or the
standard version changes whichever
is earlier.
h) The CB shall verify, record, and monitor the requirements set for inspector/auditor Section 5 The CB shall also have processes for
qualification including requirements for initial training and for maintenance of Cl. A evaluating to determine if the designed/to be
competency. designated persons have the necessary
competence as described. The evaluation
mechanism that a certification body shall
use (as described in clause A. of this
document) shall depend upon the type of
competence aspects to be evaluated and the Equivalent
basis on which it is stated to be acquired.
Records shall show which personnel are
designated as competent, the date of
evaluation and the details of evidences
based on which competence
is adjudged.

i) The CB shall have in place a system for the on-going calibration and training of its Section 5 i. The CB shall have in place a system for
inspectors and auditors. The CB shall carry out annual internal refreshing/update Cl. A the on-going calibration and training of its
training to inspectors/auditors. Records of those trainings shall be maintained. inspectors and auditors. The CB shall
(h) carry out annual internal refreshing/update
training to inspectors/auditors. Records of
those trainings shall be maintained.

j) After successful examination, the in-house trainers of the GLOBALG.A.P. associate Not applicable
member CBs have the possibility to become GLOBALG.A.P. approved public trainers.
This requires a separate application. These in-house trainers do not need to pass an extra
training/examination for this purpose. A list of train the public trainers is listed on the
GLOBALG.A.P. website.

3.3 CB Certification Data Communication with GLOBALG.A.P. Describe how you assure that Section 4 CB Certification Data Communication with
CBs approved by you as scheme Cl 4.1.5/ QCI
owner update properly
GLOBALG.A.P. Database as
requested in this
a) The objective is to “know at any point in time, instantly and worldwide”: Section 4 The objective is to “know at any point in
Cl 4.1.5/ time, instantly and worldwide”:

(i) The present status and status history Section 4 The present status and status history
Cl 4.1.5/

(ii) The certified products, per Section 4 The certified products, per
Cl 4.1.5/

(iii) Area/volume, for Section 4 Area/volume, for

Cl 4.1.5/

(iv) Each unique producer (legal entity), in Section 4 Each unique producer (legal entity), in
Cl 4.1.5/

(v) All schemes and options (per product), with Section 4 All schemes and options (per product),
Cl 4.1.5/ with

(vi) Central validation of certificates by market participants (online validation tool), The CBs shall validate such requests
and when received by the QCI NA NA
(vii) Audit/inspection and compliance details Section 4 Audit/inspection and compliance details
Cl 4.1.5/

b) Therefore, the CB data communication with GLOBALG.A.P. shall: -

(i) Ensure that as soon as the CB has made the certification decision, no certificate is Section 4 The effective date on a certification
issued before the product status is updated to “certified” in the GLOBALG.A.P. Cl 4.10.2 document shall not be before the date of the
Database. certification / recertification decision. The
details of the produce/product shall be Equivalent
immediately update in CB data base before
issuance of the certification.

(ii) Ensure that as soon as a sanction has been issued, the producer’s status shall be Section 4 Any changes in the certified status of the
changed in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database to the relevant status (time between issuing Cl. produce under IndG.A.P. shall be
the sanction and updating the Database shall not exceed more than one working day). 4.10.4 communicated and updated in the CB
database. The CB shall periodically report
the status to the Scheme Owner.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(iii) Ensure that the status of all other producers shall be sufficiently updated so as to ensure Section 4 Any changes in the certified status of the
that the status of a producer on the GLOBALG.A.P. Database is up-to- date. Cl. produce under IndG.A.P. shall be
4.10.4 communicated and updated in the CB
database. The CB shall periodically report
the status to the Scheme Owner.

(iv) Ensure availability of immediately accessible information on all audit and inspection Section 5 Ensure availability of immediately
details (including those of the unannounced inspections and audits) as well as details Cl. accessible information on all audit and
for each certificate. A. inspection details (including those of the
unannounced inspections and audits) as well
as details for each certificate.

3.4 Independence, Impartiality, Confidentiality, and Integrity of CB -

a) In accordance with ISO/IEC 17065, the GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB shall be Section In accordance with ISO/IEC 17065, the
structured to ensure separation of activities that may cause a conflict of interest. All CB 4, CL IndG.A.P. approved CB shall be structured
personnel shall operate at high levels of professional integrity, be free from commercial, 4.13.16 to ensure separation of activities that may
financial or other pressures that might affect their judgment, and are expressly forbidden cause a conflict of interest. All CB
from promoting any goods or services during evaluation activities. personnel shall operate at high levels of
professional integrity, be free from
commercial, financial or other pressures
that might affect their judgment, and are
expressly forbidden from promoting any
goods or services during evaluation

b) b) The CB shall have procedures in place to ensure that the same inspector does not Section 6 b) The CB shall have procedures in place to
inspect a producer (Option 1) for 4 consecutive years (regardless of whether it is an Cl. ensure that the same inspector does not
announced or unannounced inspection/audit). Under Option 2, the auditor in the audit inspect a producer (Option 1) for 4
team shall rotate (no more than 4 consecutive years to audit the same group QMS). consecutive years (regardless of whether it
However, the inspectors in the audit team may remain the same. is an announced or unannounced
inspection/audit). Under Option 2, the
auditor in the audit team shall rotate (no
more than 4 consecutive years to audit the Equivalent
same group QMS). However, the inspectors
in the audit team may remain the same. In
case CB has only one inspector / Auditor
then the exception has to be received from

c) Confidentiality: Information relating to the applicant producer, including details of Section 5 ll information gained by QCI and its
products and processes, evaluation report,s and associated documentation, shall be Annex 5A personnel in QCI’s direct dealing with CBs
treated as confidential (unless otherwise required by law). No information shall be Agreeme other than information already in the public
released to third parties without the prior consent of the applicant producer unless stated nt domain will be treated as confidential and
otherwise in the General Regulations or the ' GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and CB_SO will not, subject to the law of the land, be
Certification Agreement'. Cl 2.10 divulged without prior written consent of
the CB.

d) The CB shall establish measures and procedures to prevent bribery and Section 5 The CB shall establish measures and
corruption at all levels of its organization. Annex 5A procedures to prevent bribery and corruption
Agreeme at all levels of its organization.
nt Equivalent
Cl 2.10


The GLOBALG.A.P. certification granting procedure shall be clearly identified in the section 4 The CB shall maintain and make publicly
CB operational documentation, and shall follow the GLOBALG.A.P. General Cl. 4.1.5 available accurate information describing
Regulations. its certification processes for granting,
maintaining, extending, renewing, reducing,
suspending or withdrawing certification,
and geographical areas in which it operates.

4.1 General -
a) All production sites to be certified shall be registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database Section 4 The inspection per selected producer
(when available). member or production site shall cover all
accepted products, production processes
and where relevant, the product handling
units and
administrative sites.
b) The product scope is linked to the location where that product is produced. Products Section 4 Summary of assessment describes the
produced in a non-registered location cannot be certified, and likewise products that are details
not registered but are grown on a registered location cannot
be certified.
c) Only producers or producer groups may apply to register their production Section 4 Summary of assessment describes the
process for GLOBALG.A.P. certification. details Equivalent

d) A certificate and sublicense are issued to the registered producer, for production sites Sub Various clauses
where the products are produced (and packed or handled if applicable) and for the License
products declared. Agreeme Equivalent
nt with
e) Only the legal certificate holder (i.e. the legal entity that is indicated on the certificate) Section 6 Various clauses to address the clause
may market products with reference to a GLOBALG.A.P. certificate. Members of a
producer group are not legal certificate holders. Thus, they shall not market any
products under their name with reference to the group certificate. All products that are
sold without reference to the certificate shall be
recorded in the group mass balance system.
4.2 Producer Registration Describe how you as scheme
owner assure that CBs
approved by you register -
producers properly as
requested in this chapter
a) The CB and producer shall agree to 'Service of Notice' terms, which shall include a Section 4 The CB and producer shall agree to 'Service
commitment by the CB to confirm the receipt of formal application for (first) Cl. of Notice' terms, which shall include a
registration within 28 calendar days after the CB has received the unique commitment by the CB to confirm the
GLOBALG.A.P. Number (GGN) from the GLOBALG.A.P. Database. receipt of formal application for (first)
registration within 28 calendar days after the
CB has recieved the comleted application
from the producer..


b) Each CB sets up and explains to its prospective clients its own detailed fee structure, Section 4 A fee shall be charged to the client for
which should specify the relevant GLOBALG.A.P. fees. Each CB invoice to Cl. 4.12. various activities of the scheme, without
producers/producer groups, or an accompanying document to each invoice, shall clearly and its any discrimination between units,
identify the GLOBALG.A.P. registration fee. sub geographical location, size of the unit.

c) The CB shall explain to its prospective clients that the payment of the relevant Section 4 The CB’s fee structure shall be publicly
GLOBALG.A.P. inspection and certification fee does not guarantee the issuing Cl. accessible and also be provided on NA NA
of the certificate. 4.12.2 request.
d) If a producer or producer group that has previously had a GGN applies for registration, Section 4 If a producer or producer group that has
the CB shall act according to the GLOBALG.A.P. procedure for transfer between Cl. previously had a registration number applies
certification bodies as set out in section 7 below. for registration, the CB shall act according
to the IndG.A.P. procedure for transfer
between certification bodies as set out in
section 7 below.


Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

e) If a producer or producer group wishes to change to a new CB, the accepting CB Section 4 If a producer or producer group wishes to
shall as a first step for all applicants carry out a search in the GLOBALG.A.P. Cl. change to a new CB, the accepting CB shall
Database to verify the status before any further actions are taken. as a first step for all applicants carry out a
search in the IndG.A.P. website to verify Equivalent
the status before any further actions are

f) If a producer or producer group uses the services of more than one CB, each CB shall Section 4 If a producer or producer group uses the
conduct the respective inspections (Option 1) and QMS audit (Option 1 multisite with Cl. services of more than one CB, each CB shall
QMS or Option 2) independently. conduct the respective inspections (Option
1) and QMS audit (Option 1 multisite with
QMS or Option 2)
(i) If one of the CBs issues a sanction, all CBs operating with that producer or producer Section 5 If one of the CBs issues a sanction, all CBs
group have the obligation to communicate with each other, regarding the scope and, if Annex 5A operating with that producer or producer
appropriate, details of actions to be taken across all CBs. CB group have the obligation to communicate
agreeme with each other, regarding the scope and, if Equivalent
nt Cl. 3.9 appropriate, details of actions to be taken
across all CBs.

(ii) The communication of a sanction to all CBs operating with that legal entity is an Section 5 If one of the CBs issues a sanction, all CBs
obligation which the producer or producer group shall undertake, but can also be made Annex operating with that producer or producer
by GLOBALG.A.P. directly to the CBs involved. 5A_CB group have the obligation to communicate
agreeme with each other, regarding the scope and, if
nt Cl. 3.9 appropriate, details of actions to be taken Equivalent
across all CBs. The same undertaking shall
be done by the producers and the CB.

(iii) The communication between CBs shall include all relevant details, but the Section 5 The communication between CBs shall
sanction issued shall be valid and all relevant CBs shall observe this. Annex include all relevant details, but the sanction
5A_CB issued shall be valid and all relevant CBs
agreeme shall observe this.
nt Cl.
g) The CB shall establish and implement procedures for collecting data updates of the Section 5 The CB shall establish and implement
accepted producers, such as production site or product area changes and inclusion/de- Annex procedures for collecting data updates of
listing of members within a producer group. 5A_CB the accepted producers, such as production
agreeme site or product area changes and
nt Cl. inclusion/de-listing of members
3.10 within a producer group.
4.2.1 Registration Data Requirements Describe in this chapter how you
as scheme owner assure that
CBs approved by you record the
registration data and update
properly GLOBALG.A.P.
Database as requested in this

The CB shall: -
a) Record during registration all the information requested in the General Regulations Part Section 4 All relevant information concerning
I, Annex I.2 'GLOBALG.A.P. Registration Data Requirements'. Cl. 4.1.3 farmer/producers applying for certification
shall be recorded for the farmer/producer to
become registered. This information will be
used to supply the registered party with a Equivalent
unique client number, which will be used
as a unique identifier for all certification

b) Ensure that all producer members approved by a producer group QMS and included in Section 4 i. number and competence of manpower
the producer group internal register shall be registered individually on the Cl. 4.1.7 (multisite or group farming) to be
GLOBALG.A.P. Database according to the requirements of the 'General Regulations (viii) registered with CB which in turn will share
Part I', Annex I.2. This information shall be kept up-to-date at all times. details with IndG.A.P. Sectt. It is the
responsibility of the producer and
CB to update the data.
c) Keep the GLOBALG.A.P. Database updated accordingly, as described in the Section 4 i. number and competence of manpower
GLOBALG.A.P. Database wiki ( This information shall be Cl. 4.1.7 (multisite or group farming) to be
updated regularly whenever there is a change. It shall be updated at the latest with (viii) registered with CB which in turn will share
the re-acceptance of products for the next certificate cycle and/or the re- details with IndG.A.P. Sectt. It is the
certification. responsibility of the producer and
CB to update the data.
4.2.2 Data Access Rules -
a) The CB shall inform the producer or the producer group about and explain the 'Data Section 5 All information gained by QCI and its
Access Rules' document available on the website. Annex personnel in QCI’s direct dealing with CBs
5A_CB other than information already in the public
agreeme domain will be treated as confidential and
nt Cl. will not, subject to the law of the land, be
2.10 divulged without prior written consent of
the CB. Data will only be shared with other
parties only after an explicit
approval/authorisation from the respective Equivalent
producer/group. The same shall be
informed during the on- boarding of the
applicant wherein, they applicant
(producer//group) will have the option to
transfer the rights to the CB.

b) The CB shall inform the producer or the producer group and explain any changes to Section 5 All information gained by QCI and its
the 'Data Access Rules' document when applicable. Annex personnel in QCI’s direct dealing with CBs
5A_CB other than information already in the public
agreeme domain will be treated as confidential and
nt Cl. will not, subject to the law of the land, be
2.10 divulged without prior written consent of
the CB. Data will only be shared with other
parties only after an explicit
approval/authorisation from the respective Equivalent
producer/group. The same shall be
informed during the on- boarding of the
applicant wherein, they applicant
(producer//group) will have the option to
transfer the rights to the CB.

c) Data access rights shall be defined and signed by the producer/producer group during Section 5 All information gained by QCI and its
registration with the CB. The data owner is responsible for granting and determining Annex personnel in QCI’s direct dealing with CBs
the level of rights for data access. The data owner, however, can transfer the 5A_CB other than information already in the public
responsibility to other users (e.g. certification body). agreeme domain will be treated as confidential and
nt Cl. will not, subject to the law of the land, be
2.10 divulged without prior written consent of
the CB. Data will only be shared with other
parties only after an explicit
approval/authorisation from the respective Equivalent
producer/group. The same shall be
informed during the on- boarding of the
applicant wherein, they applicant
(producer//group) will have the option to
transfer the rights to the CB.

d) Data Protection: Within the framework of the GLOBALG.A.P. system, only parties Section 5 All information gained by QCI and its
to the system, as previously defined, shall be authorized to view the data (e.g. the Annex personnel in QCI’s direct dealing with CBs
producer, CB, GLOBALG.A.P., market participants, the public, etc.). In addition, the 5A_CB other than information already in the public
producer can offer personal data to trading partners who have been previously agreeme domain will be treated as confidential and
authorized by the producer, or the producer may instruct a third party to do so. This nt Cl. will not, subject to the law of the land, be
authorization can be revoked online at any time. Any further access to the producer’s 2.10 divulged without prior written consent of
personal data is illegal and is prevented by the operator of the database in accordance the CB. Data will only be shared with other
with the German Federal Data Protection Act. See 'Data Access Rules' document parties only after an explicit
approval/authorisation from the respective NA NA
published on the website (
producer/group. The same shall be
informed during the on- boarding of the
applicant wherein, they applicant
(producer//group) will have the option to
transfer the rights to the CB.

e) GLOBALG.A.P. will keep the applicant's/producer's certification history in its Database Section 5 QCI shall retain the producer details until
for a minimum of 5 years. Annex two certification cycle or as per the
5A_CB regulatory requirements whichever is more.
nt Cl. 1.5

5.1 Option 1 Producers -
5.1.1 See Section 5.1 in General Regulations Part I. -

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

5.2 Announced Inspections -

(i) The CB may divide the announced inspections into 2 modules: An off-site module and Section 4 The CB may divide the announced
an on-site module. Both modules have to be performed by the same auditor/inspector. CL. 4.9.4 inspections into 2 modules: An off-site
module and an on-site module. Both Equivalent
modules have to be performed by the
same auditor/inspector.
(ii) The off-site evaluation methodology shall be validated by the CB before putting it into Section 4 The off-site evaluation methodology shall
practice and shall be part of the yearly management review. CL. be validated by the CB before putting it into
Equivalent practice and shall be part
of the yearly management review.
(iii) The inspection of the off-site module shall be conducted no more than 4 weeks before Section 4 The inspection of the off-site module shall
the on-site module. It consists of a desk review of documentation sent by the producer CL. be conducted no more than 4 weeks before
to the CB before the on-site inspection. The CB shall schedule a date as deadline for the the on-site module. It consists of a desk
producer to submit the documents to be evaluated off- site. That date will also trigger review of documentation sent by the
the period of 28 days to conduct the on-site assessment. producer to the CB before the on-site
inspection. The CB shall schedule a date as
deadline for the producer to submit the
documents to be evaluated off-site. That
date will also trigger the period of 28 days
to conduct the on-site

(iv) Documentation that can be assessed off-site by the CB includes the following: Self- Section 4 Off-site module: This consists of a desk
assessment, 'Food Safety Policy Declaration', risk assessments, procedures required in Cl. review of documentation sent by the QMS
several CPCCs, veterinary health plan, analysis programs (frequency, parameters, to the CB before the audit, including internal
locations), analysis reports, licenses, list of medicines used, list of plant protection (ii) f audit, internal register of approved producer
products used, proof of lab accreditation, certificates or inspection reports of members/production sites, 'Food Safety
subcontracted activities and plant protection product/fertilizer/medicine application Policy Declaration', risk assessments,
records. procedures required in the General
Regulations Part II, residue monitoring
system (frequency, parameters, sampling Equivalent
program), residue analysis reports, licenses,
list of medicines used, list of plant
protection products used, proof of lab
accreditation and certificates or inspection
reports of subcontracted activities, etc.

(v) Evaluation of control points off-site shall be recorded in the inspection checklist through Section 4 a. The CB shall inspect the complete
sufficient comments for the specific control points. Comments shall be supplied for all Cl. checklist (Critical, Major and Minor) of the
Major Musts and all non-compliant and not applicable Minor Must control points unless applicable scope(s) and sub- scope(s)
otherwise indicated in the 'Guideline for Inspection Methodology', if available. (ii) during all inspections and give sufficient
notes and comments to
explain the on ground situation.
(vi) Date, time, and duration of the off-site and on-site modules of each inspection shall be Section The aim of the use of both modules is to
recorded by the inspector and signed by the auditee. Cl. reduce the time spent on-site, although the overall duration of the audit will not be
(ii) reduced. The findings of the inspection will
be signed by both the
applicant and CB.
(vii) The on-site module is conducted after this technical review of the producer’s Section 4 The on-site module is conducted after this
documentation, to verify the information and the way the production process works on- Cl. technical review of the producer’s
site and to inspect the remaining content of the checklist that was not evaluated off- documentation, to verify the information and
site. the way the production process works on-
site and to inspect the remaining content of
the checklist that was not evaluated off-site.

(viii) In case non-conformances are found during the whole assessment process (off- site and Section 4 In case non-conformances are found
on-site modules together), the countdown to the deadline for closing them begins with Cl. during the whole assessment process (off-
the on-site closing meeting. site and on-site modules together), the
countdown to the deadline for closing
them begins with the on-site
closing meeting.
(ix) This system does not reduce the overall inspection duration (see requirements Section 4 This system does not reduce the overall
regarding inspection duration in scope-specific rules), but it will allow more efficient Cl. inspection duration (see requirements
use of time on-site. The duration of the on-site module shall never be shorter than 2 regarding inspection duration in scope-
hours. specific rules), but it will allow more
efficient use of time on-site. The duration
of the on-site module shall never be shorter
than 2 hours.

5.3 Unannounced Reward Program Chapter not applicable if your N/A N/A
scheme does not offer an No Reward program
unannounced reward program allowed in IndG.A.P.

(i) The Unannounced Reward Program shall be offered to all producers. N/A N/A No Reward program
NA allowed in IndG.A.P.
(ii) The following is true for unannounced inspections: The CB may inform the producer Section The inspection of the off-site module shall
in advance of the intended visit. This notification will normally not exceed 48 hours 4, Cl be conducted no more than 4 weeks before
(2 working days). In the exceptional case in which it is impossible for the producer to the on-site module. It consists of a desk
accept the proposed date (due to medical or other justifiable reasons), the producer review of documentation sent by the
shall receive one more chance to be informed of an unannounced inspection. The producer to the CB before the on-site
producer shall receive a written warning if the first proposed date has not been inspection. The CB shall schedule a date as No Reward program
accepted. The producer will receive another 48-hour notification of a visit. If the visit deadline for the producer to submit the NA
allowed in IndG.A.P.
cannot take place because of non-justifiable reasons, a suspension of all products will documents to be evaluated off-site. That
be issued and the producers’ status will be reset to year zero. date will also trigger the period of 28 days
to conduct the on-site

(See also 'Unannounced Reward Program' in General Regulations Part N/A N/A
5.4 Option 2 Producer Groups and Option 1 Multisites with QMS Chapter not applicable if your
scheme does not allow neither
certification of producer groups
nor certification of individual
producers with several site who
have implemented a QMS

5.4.1 External QMS Audits of Option 2 Producer Groups and Option 1 Multisites (with
Implemented QMS) -
a) The evaluation process shall involve a sampling of the components to assess Section 4 On-site module: This consists of an on- site
compliance with the standard and enable certification. All documentation, sites, Cl. audit of the remaining content of the QMS
personnel, and operations that are declared by the group or multisite organization to be checklist, plus the verification of the
relevant and pertinent to the setting up and administration of the QMS as described in (ii) information assessed off-site and the way
General Regulations Part II shall be evaluated. the management system works on-site (e.g. Equivalent
internal inspections, traceability,
segregation and mass balance, central
product handling units,
b) The evaluation process is designed to establish that the QMS and administrative Section 4 On-site module: This consists of an on- site
structure meet the criteria and that the internal audits and inspections of Cl. audit of the remaining content of the QMS
producers/production sites meet the requirements of the GLOBALG.A.P. scheme. checklist, plus the verification of the
(ii) information assessed off-site and the way
the management system works on-site (e.g. Equivalent
internal inspections, traceability,
segregation and mass balance, central
product handling units,
c) The evaluation process is divided into 2 elements: Section 4 The CB may divide the announced
Cl. audits into 2 modules, which shall be
Equivalent verified by the same auditor:
(ii f)
(i) Audit of the QMS Section 4 In summary of assessment - tabulated form
(ii) Inspection of a sample of registered producers/production/handling sites (see General Section 4 The sample size of the following regular
Regulations Part I 5.2) Cl. announced audit by the CB may be reduced to the square root of the current number of Equivalent
(ii b) the producers/production
d) The CB shall send the audit plan to the management of the applicant prior to the audit. Section 4 A plan for the same shall be drawn along
Cl. 4.2.1 with the evaluators details for information
and declaration of CoI from
auditee and others.
e) The QMS audit shall be undertaken at the central office/administrative center of the Section 4 Tabluated statement point 2.
producer group or multisite company and at the central product handling Cl.
(ii b)

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

f) The evaluation process of the requirements included in General Regulations Part II Section 4 The evaluation process of the requirements
shall take at least 6 to 8 hours, depending on the size of the producer Cl. included in General Regulations Part II shall
group/multisite company and shall include: take at least 6 to 8 hours, depending on the Equivalent
(iii) size of the
(i) Opening meeting with management Section 4 The evaluation process shall require at
Cl. least 6-8 hours commiserating to the size of the project. It shall be structure with an
(ii) opening and closing meeting that will
review all documentation, evaluate all
records including review of the internal
audits, inspections carried, verify the mass Equivalent
balance. This shall include the
verification of the competency of the
internal inspectors, auditor qualification
and can check re- evaluate files evaluated
in the past.

(ii) Review of all relevant documentation Section 4 The evaluation process shall require at
Cl. least 6-8 hours commiserating to the size of the project. It shall be structure with an
(ii) h opening and closing meeting that will
review all documentation, evaluate all
records including review of the internal
audits, inspections carried, verify the mass Equivalent
balance. This shall include the
verification of the competency of the
internal inspectors, auditor qualification
and can check re- evaluate files evaluated
in the past.

(iii) Evaluation of records Section 4 The evaluation process shall require at

Cl. least 6-8 hours commiserating to the size of the project. It shall be structure with an
(ii) h opening and closing meeting that will
review all documentation, evaluate all
records including review of the internal
audits, inspections carried, verify the mass Equivalent
balance. This shall include the
verification of the competency of the
internal inspectors, auditor qualification
and can check re- evaluate files evaluated
in the past.

(iv) Review of internal audits and inspections conducted Section 4 The evaluation process shall require at
Cl. least 6-8 hours commiserating to the size of the project. It shall be structure with an
(ii) h opening and closing meeting that will
review all documentation, evaluate all
records including review of the internal
audits, inspections carried, verify the mass Equivalent
balance. This shall include the
verification of the competency of the
internal inspectors, auditor qualification
and can check re- evaluate files evaluated
in the past.

(v) Review of mass balance exercise Section 4 The evaluation process shall require at
Cl. least 6-8 hours commiserating to the size of the project. It shall be structure with an
(ii) h opening and closing meeting that will
review all documentation, evaluate all
records including review of the internal
audits, inspections carried, verify the mass Equivalent
balance. This shall include the
verification of the competency of the
internal inspectors, auditor qualification
and can check re- evaluate files evaluated
in the past.

(vi) Discussion/interviews with key staff Section 4 The evaluation process shall require at
Cl. least 6-8 hours commiserating to the size of the project. It shall be structure with an
(ii) h opening and closing meeting that will
review all documentation, evaluate all
records including review of the internal
audits, inspections carried, verify the mass Equivalent
balance. This shall include the
verification of the competency of the
internal inspectors, auditor qualification
and can check re- evaluate files evaluated
in the past.

(vii) Closing meeting including review of non-conformances and non-compliances Section 4 The evaluation process shall require at
identified. Cl. least 6-8 hours commiserating to the size of the project. It shall be structure with an
(ii) h opening and closing meeting that will
review all documentation, evaluate all
records including review of the internal
audits, inspections carried, verify the mass Equivalent
balance. This shall include the
verification of the competency of the
internal inspectors, auditor qualification
and can check re- evaluate files evaluated
in the past.

g) Evaluation of all internal inspector and auditor qualifications shall be carried out before Section 4 The evaluation process shall require at
first certification. In subsequent audits the CB shall re-evaluate annual requirements and Cl. least 6-8 hours commiserating to the size
qualification of new inspectors and auditors, and may also re- evaluate files checked in of the project. It shall be structure with an
previous seasons. (ii) h opening and closing meeting that will
review all documentation, evaluate all
records including review of the internal
audits, inspections carried, verify the mass Equivalent
balance. This shall include the
verification of the competency of the
internal inspectors, auditor qualification
and can check re- evaluate files evaluated
in the past.

h) As part of the QMS audit, the results of the external and internal audits and inspections Section 4 a. As part of the QMS audit, the results of
shall be compared to assess whether the applicant’s internal controls are appropriate. Cl. the external and internal audits and inspections shall be compared to assess
(ii) h whether the applicant’s internal controls
are appropriate.

i) The final report and result can only be concluded after both the QMS and the minimum Section 4 a. As part of the QMS audit, the results of
sample of producer members/production sites are evaluated. Cl. the external and internal audits and inspections shall be compared to assess
(ii) i whether the applicant’s internal controls
are appropriate. Off-Site Module

(i) The CB may divide the announced audits into 2 modules: The off-site module and the Section 4 As per requirement
on-site module. Both modules have to be performed by the same auditor. Cl.
(ii) f
(ii) The off-site evaluation methodology shall be validated by the CB before putting it into Section 4 As per requirement
practice and shall be part of the yearly management review. Cl.
(ii) g
(iii) The inspection of the off-site module shall be conducted not more than 4 weeks before Section 4 The inspection of the off-site module shall
the on-site module. It consists of a desk review of documentation sent by the QMS to Cl. be conducted no more than 4 weeks before
the CB before the audit. The CB shall schedule a date as deadline for the QMS to the on-site module. It consists of a desk
submit the documents to be evaluated off-site. That date shall trigger the period of 28 review of documentation sent by the
days to conduct the on-site assessment. producer to the CB before the on-site
inspection. The CB shall schedule a date as
deadline for the producer to submit the
documents to be evaluated off-site. That

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(iv) Documentation that can be assessed off-site by the CB includes the following: Internal Section 4 As per requirement
audit, internal register of approved producer members/production sites, 'Food Safety Cl.
Policy Declaration', risk assessments, procedures required in General Regulations Part
II, residue monitoring system (frequency, parameters, sampling program), residue (ii) f
analysis reports, licenses, list of medicines used, list of plant protection products used,
proof of lab accreditation and certificates or inspection reports of subcontracted

(v) Evaluation of QMS requirements off-site shall be recorded in the QMS checklist Section 4 Evaluation of QMS requirements off-site
through sufficient comments regarding the evidences reviewed. Cl. shall be recorded in the QMS checklist through sufficient comments regarding the
evidences reviewed.


(vi) Date, time, and inspection duration of the off-site and on-site modules of each audit Section 4 Date, time, and inspection duration of all
shall be recorded by the auditor. Cl. evaluation both off-site and on-site modules
Equivalent of each audit shall be recorded
(ii) f by the auditor.
(vii) Inspection of the on-site module is conducted after the technical review of the QMS Section 4 The on-site module is conducted after this
documentation, to verify the information and the way the management system works technical review of the producer’s
on-site (e.g. internal inspections, traceability, segregation, and mass balance, central documentation, to verify the information and
product handling units, etc.) and to audit the remaining content of the QMS checklist the way the production process works on-
that was not evaluated off-site. site and to inspect the remaining content of
the checklist that was not evaluated off-site.

(viii) In case non-conformances are found during the whole assessment process (off- Section 4 Various clauses
site and on-site modules together) the countdown to the deadline for closing them Equivalent
begins with the on-site closing meeting.
(ix) This system does not reduce the overall audit duration (see requirements regarding Section 4 This system does not reduce the overall
audit duration in 5.4.1 f)), but it does allow more efficient use of time on-site. The Cl. inspection duration (see requirements
duration of the on-site module shall never be shorter than 3 hours. regarding inspection duration in scope-
specific rules), but it will allow more
efficient use of time on-site. The duration
of the on-site module shall never be shorter
than 2 hours.

5.4.2 External Inspection of Producer Group Members and/or Production Sites - Annual Inspection: a) The final selection and communication to the QMS of which producers/sites to inspect Section 4 The final selection and communication to -
shall normally be carried out by the CB after the QMS audit (both off-site and on-site Cl. the QMS of which producers/sites to inspect
modules), using criteria based on the group/company structure and defined in a shall normally be carried out by the CB
sampling procedure, which is risk-based. The notification shall normally not exceed 48 after the QMS audit (both off-site and on-
hours (2 working days) per producer. site modules), using criteria based on the
group/company structure and defined in a Equivalent
sampling procedure, which is risk-based.
The notification shall normally not exceed
48 hours (2 working days) per producer.

b) Certification bodies may, based on justifiable criteria, increase the verification rate of Section 4 Initial Inspection: As a minimum the
the total numbers of registered producers/production sites. The producer Cl. square root (or next whole number
group/company has the right to appeal such a decision. Reasons for an increase could rounded upwards if there are any
arise from any of the following: (iii) decimals) of the total number of the
producers/production sites in the
certification scope shall be inspected
before a certificate can be issued.
During the validity period of the certificate,
the surveillance inspection of (minimum)
50 % square root of certified
producers/production sites shall be carried Equivalent
out. Certification bodies if required, based
on risk perceived, increase the verification
rate of the total numbers of registered
producers/production sites. The producer
group/company has the right to appeal such
a decision. The reasons for an increase
could arise from any of
the following:

(i) Failure to comply with significant QMS and/or product handling requirements affecting Section 4 Failure to comply with significant QMS
the producer members’ compliance Cl. and/or product handling requirements
Equivalent affecting the producer members’
(iii) compliance
(ii) Customer complaints; e.g. illegal pesticide residue detection Section 4 Customer complaints; e.g., illegal
Cl. pesticide residue detection, MRL
Equivalent exceedance etc.
(iii) Significant inconsistencies between the internal audit/inspection reports and the CB Section 4 Significant inconsistencies between the
inspection/audit findings Cl. internal audit/inspection reports and the
Equivalent CB inspection/audit findings
(iv) The possible need to determine if the NC is structural or not Section 4 The possible need to determine if the NC
Cl. is structural or not
(v) Number of products Section 4 Large Number of products/Multi crops
Cl. (to cover more crops)
c) Producers shall be classified by production type, within the respective sub- scope. Not Not applicable
These may include, but are not limited to the following examples: applicabl -
(i) Housed livestock Not Not applicable
applicabl NA Out of scope
(ii) Open-field livestock or crops Not Not applicable
applicabl NA Out of scope
(iii) Covered/protected crops Covered/protected Crops Equivalent
(iv) Perennial crops Perennial Crops Equivalent
(v) Fresh water activities (aquaculture) Not Not applicable
applicabl NA Out of scope
(vi) Sea sites (aquaculture) Not Not applicable
applicabl NA Out of scope
Example 1a: If a group of producers (64 in total) is being inspected for GLOBALG.A.P. Not
for dairy and all production takes place in the open field, the square root of all producers applicabl
(8) would be the sample size. e
Example 1b: If, however, within that group of 64 producers, 16 produce dairy
indoors, the square root of that small group of producers (4) would also be
inspected, as they have a different production type. The square root of the 48 (64-
16) and the square root of the 16 (4) means that a total of 7 + 4 = 11
producers will be inspected.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Example 2: A group has a total of 96 producers registered for GLOBALG.A.P. Not

Certification under the sub-scope Fruit and Vegetables. From the 96 producers: applicabl
• 43 produce apples e
• 10 produce apples and tomatoes in greenhouses
• 5 produce apples and tomatoes in greenhouses and tomatoes in the open field
• The rest of the producers produce carrots in the open field (38 producers). That
• 58 producers produce perennial crops (apples)
• 15 producers produce covered crops (tomatoes in greenhouses)
• 43 producers produce crops in the open field (tomatoes and carrots)
Sample is:
√58 = 8 producers producing apples.
√15 = 4 producers producing tomatoes in greenhouse.
√43 = 7 producers producing crops in open field.
During inspections, if the CB selects a producer growing apples and tomatoes in
greenhouses and carrots and/or tomatoes in the open field, the inspector is covering
the 3 different production types at the same time.

d) The minimum sample size is the square root of registered producers per sub- scope and The minimum sample size is the square root
production type. The square root shall be rounded upwards to the next whole number if of registered producers per sub- scope and
there are any decimals. During the inspection of each of these selected producers/sites, production type. The square root shall be
all the products shall be inspected. rounded upwards to the next whole number
if there are any decimals. During the Equivalent
inspection of each of these selected
producers/sites, all the products shall be

e) The producer selection shall aim to cover all producer members/sites of the producer The producer selection shall aim to cover all
group/company throughout the years, taking into consideration risk factors, new producer members/sites of the producer
producers and random selection. Unless there is a particular reason (higher risk, special group/company throughout the years, taking
status of the member, number of products, previous inspection results, multisite into consideration risk factors, new
member, etc.) the subsequent assessment shall normally not include producers/sites producers and random selection. Unless
already sampled during previous assessments. Producers that move from one group to there is a particular reason (higher risk,
another shall have a higher possibility of being included in the sample of producers special status of the member, number of
chosen by the CB. products, previous inspection results,
multisite member, etc.) the subsequent
assessment shall normally not include Equivalent
producers/sites already sampled during
previous assessments. Producers that move
from one group to another shall have a
higher possibility of being included in the
sample of producers chosen by the CB.

Example 1: An applicant has 4 registered production sites, and the CB, after the Not
QMS audit, sets the square root as the sample. Therefore, 2 sites (√4) shall be inspected applicabl NA NA
at this initial inspection. e
Example 2: A group has a total of 64 producers of which 48 seek certification for the Not
sub-scope cattle and sheep, 25 seek certification for the sub-scope poultry and 9 seek applicabl
certification for the sub-scope fruit and vegetables. The minimum sample size including e
each sub-scope will be √48 + √ 25 + √9 = 7 + 5 + 3 = 15 producers to be inspected
externally by the CB.

f) The scope of the inspection of the producers selected in the sample shall be Not
complete. This shall cover: applicabl -
• All products registered for certification that they grow Section 4 The sample shall cover all products
Cl. registered for certification that they grow,
Equivalent all types of production and related
sub-scope are included
• All types of production (see d) Section 4 The sample shall cover all products
Cl. registered for certification that they grow,
Equivalent all types of production and related
sub-scope are included
• All sub-scopes for which they are registered Section 4 The sample shall cover all products
Cl. registered for certification that they grow,
Equivalent all types of production and related
sub-scope are included
Inspections carried out on members/sites in which more than one production N/A N/A
type or sub-scope is evaluated count as one inspection for each sub-scope or production NA Only FV is applicable
Example 1: Multiple production type:
A producer group has 53 tomato producers. 28 grow in greenhouses only, 17 grow in
the open air only, 8 grow both in greenhouses and the open air.
The minimum size of sample would be: NA NA
• Open air: 17+8= 25=>√ =5 (minimum number of producers)
• Covered: 28+8=36 =>√ =6 (minimum number of producers)
• However, the minimum total number of producers: 8 (√53)
IMPORTANT: Criteria for the selection of growers for the inspection explained in
f) shall always be considered. -
g) In case a producer member operates a mulitisite with a QMS, it shall be merged with the In case a producer member operates a
central QMS of the group, as there can be only one QMS for the group. In cases of mulitisite with a QMS, it shall be merged
multisites in a group situation, the producer member with the sites shall be taken with the central QMS of the group, as there
into account for calculating the sample size and not the number of sites. The CB shall can be only one QMS for the group. In
inspect the square root of the sites of that member during the external audit if that cases of multisites in a group situation, the
member is chosen as part of the sample. However, during internal inspections all the producer member with the sites shall be
sites of a producer member must be inspected. taken into account for calculating the
sample size and not the number of sites.
The CB shall inspect the square root of the Equivalent
sites of that member during the external
audit if that member is chosen as part of the
sample. However, during internal
inspections all the sites of a producer
member must be inspected.

Example: In a group of 25 members, one member classifies as a member with multiple N/A
sites (4), The CB shall inspect 5 members (square root of 25). If the multisite member
is chosen as one of the 5 members, 2 (square root of 4) of his sites will be inspected. NA NA
In total 6 sites for the group will be inspected). Surveillance Inspections for Producers in Option 2 and/or Production Sites in

Option 1 Multisites: -
a) Annual inspections and surveillance inspections shall be carried out during 2 separate Section 4 Annual inspections and surveillance
visits that shall be a minimum of 30 days apart from each other. Cl. inspections shall be carried out during 2 separate visits that shall be a minimum of Equivalent
(ii) 30 days apart from each other.

b) The final selection and communication to the QMS of which producers/sites to inspect Section 4 The CB will inform the certificate holder in
shall normally not exceed 48 hours (2 working days) per producer. Cl. advance of the intended visit. This notification will normally not exceed 48
(ii) hours. In the exceptional cases where it is
impossible for the certificate holder to
accept the proposed date (due to medical or
other justifiable reasons), the certificate Equivalent
holder will receive one more chance to be
informed of an unannounced surveillance
inspection or audit

5.5 Unannounced Inspections (Option 1 only) and Audits (QMS only) -

a) The selection of the 10 % shall not only take into account total numbers, but shall also Section 4 The selection of the 10 % shall not only
be calculated and carried out based on risk assessment and considering factors such as Cl. take into account total numbers, but shall
geography, legislation (where several jurisdictions are covered by the CB), crop type, also be calculated and carried out based on
compliance history, etc. (ii) risk assessment and considering factors
such as geography, legislation (where
several jurisdictions are covered by the
CB), crop type,
compliance history, etc.
b) The 10 % shall be calculated for a 12-month period. The number of unannounced Section 4 The 10 % shall be calculated for a 12-
inspections and audits per 12-month period shall reflect 10 % of the certificates issued Cl. month period. The number of
without QMS included and with QMS included, respectively. unannounced inspections and audits per 12-
(ii) month period shall reflect 10 % of the Equivalent
certificates issued without QMS included
and with QMS included,
c) The 10 % shall be distributed among the countries where the CB has certificate Not applicable as on-date
holders and it shall be representative of the countries. NA Only India is covered

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

d) The calculation of the 10 % shall be carried out per scope. Section 4 Unannounced QMS audit to 10% of
Cl. certificate holders that shall be carried out
Equivalent per scope.
e) There shall be a minimum of one inspection or audit per year and scope; i.e. if the CB There shall be a minimum of one inspection
has ≤10 Option 1 certified producers, at least one producer shall be inspected, and/or if or audit per year and scope;
the CB has ≤10 Option 2 certificate holders, at least one shall be audited annually. i.e. if the CB has ≤10 Option 1 certified
producers, at least one producer shall be
inspected, and/or if the CB has ≤10 Option
2 certificate holders, at least one shall be
audited annually

f) CBs with only one Option 2 certified producer group shall perform an Section 4 CBs with only one Option 2 certified
unannounced QMS audit at least every 2 years. Cl. producer group shall perform an
unannounced QMS audit at least every 2
i) years.
g) Program assessments may count towards the number of unannounced inspections or Section 4 Program assessments may count towards the
audits per year. The CB shall carry out the follow-up of the non- conformances found Cl. number of unannounced inspections or
during that Certification Integrity Program assessment. 4.13.5 audits per year. The CB shall carry out the
follow-up of the non- conformances found Equivalent
during that IndG.A.P. Certification Integrity
h) Annual regular inspections/audits and unannounced inspections/audits shall be carried Section 4 Annual regular inspections/audits and
out during 2 separate visits that shall be a minimum of 30 days apart from each other. Cl. unannounced inspections/audits shall be carried out during 2 separate visits that Equivalent
(ii) shall be a minimum of 30 days
apart from each other.
5.6 Inspection of Product Handling Units (Option 2 and Option 1 Multisites with QMS) Chapter not applicable if your
scheme does not allow neither
certification of producer groups
nor certification of individual
producers with several site who
have implemented a QMS

a) The CB shall inspect central product handling units (i.e. less than one product handling Section 4 Announced QMS audit shall be
unit per producer group member/production site), using the combined QMS and product Cl. undertaken at the central
handling checklist made available by GLOBALG.A.P. However, in aquaculture, iioffice/administrative center of the
sampling of product handling units is not possible. (b) producer group or multisite company
tabulated and at the central product handling
b) Where the product handling does not take place centrally, but on the production sites of Section 4 Where the product handling does not take
each producer member, this factor shall be taken into account when determining the Cl. place centrally, but on the production sites
sample of producers to be inspected. In this case, the CB shall use the normal IFA of each producer member, this factor shall
checklist per inspected producer. be taken into account when determining
the sample of producers to be inspected. Equivalent
In this case, the CB shall use the
applicable check lists per inspected

c) For the internal inspections, every product handling unit shall be inspected. Section 4 A minimum of one internal inspection of
Cl. each registered producer production site and (i) product handling facility (PHU) shall be
carried out by internal inspectors before the Equivalent
first CB inspection and thereafter once

5.7 External Inspections and Audits of Approved Modified Checklists (AMC)/ To be updated once benchmarking is
Equivalent Schemes granted NA NA
a) Benchmarking: The scheme applying for benchmarking is assessed for equivalence
by comparing content and performance criteria with GLOBALG.A.P. Refer to the
'Benchmarking Regulations' for more information.

b) Scheme rules: For AMC (approved modified checklists) the GLOBALG.A.P.

General Regulations apply. For equivalent schemes, see the corresponding scheme NA NA
General Regulations.
c) Benchmark validation: The individual producer/producer group will be the
certificate holder once certified. For validating certification, all legal entities shall be NA NA
registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database.
d) GLOBALG.A.P. approved CBs: All certification carried out within a full
benchmarked standard shall be carried out by CBs approved by GLOBALG.A.P. or by NA NA
the corresponding scheme owner.
e) Frequency: The applicant scheme shall ensure verification of producers
according to the rules for Option 1 and of producer groups/multisites with a QMS NA NA
according to the rules for Option 2.
6.1 General -
a) The person who makes the certification decision or at least one member of the Section 5 The person who makes the certification
certification committee of the CB shall comply with auditor qualifications as set out in Cl. A decision or at least one member of the
Annex III.2 for the scope the certificate is being issued for. In case the certification certification committee of the CB shall
decision is related to Option 1 and does not include a QMS, the CB still needs to have comply with auditor qualifications as set
one person of the certification decision committee complying with auditor out in evaluator competence clause.. Equivalent
qualification. This person however, does not need to attend and pass the face-to-face
QMS auditor training or to have 10 days experience in management systems audits.

b) Each CB shall be responsible for the information filed: Documentation related to Section 4 . The CB shall be responsible for the
GLOBALG.A.P. procedures or GLOBALG.A.P. clients shall be made available to Cl. data submitted to IndG.A.P. sect Equivalent
the AB and to GLOBALG.A.P. on request.
c) In case of an Option 1 multisite with no QMS, all production sites where a registered Section 4 In case of an Option 1 multisite with no
product is produced shall be inspected before the certificate can be issued (if not, it is Cl. 3.1.1 QMS, all production sites where a
parallel production). In case of an Option 1 multisite with QMS implemented, rules for registered product is produced shall be
adding new sites are explained in General Regulations Part II 11. 'Registration of inspected before the certificate can be
Additional Producers or Production Sites to the issued.
d) On completion of the full evaluation process, a full written report will be produced Section On completion of the full evaluation
which summarizes the evaluation activity undertaken (date of the inspection, sites process, a full written report will be
and facilities inspected, and duration of inspection/audit), provides objective produced which summarizes the
Cl. (ii) h,
evidence and information on how the producer or the producer group complies i evaluation activity undertaken (date of the
with the requirements of the standard, and where applicable, lists any non- inspection, sites and facilities inspected,
compliances and/or non-conformances identified. and duration of inspection/audit),
provides objective evidence and Equivalent
information on how the producer or the
producer group complies with the
requirements of the standard, and where
applicable, lists any non-compliances
and/or non-
conformances identified.
e) The producer/producer group representative shall sign or confirm the inspection and Section 5 The producer/producer group
audit outcome (including at least the scope of the inspection/audit, the result in % of Cl. A representative shall sign or confirm the
compliance for the different levels of control points, list of findings, and duration) inspection and audit outcome during the
during the closing meeting. A documented or electronic confirmation by the producer is m. closing meeting. A documented or Equivalent
equal to the ‘signature’ of the producer. electronic confirmation by the producer is
equal to the ‘signature’ of the
f) Compliance is indicated with a “Yes” (for compliant), “No” (for not compliant), and Describe your scheme Section 5 Compliance is indicated with a “Yes” (for
“N/A” (for not applicable). Control points that are indicated as “No N/A” cannot be requirements on how to Cl compliant), “No” (for not compliant), and
answered as “not applicable”. In exceptions in which the control point is not applicable, complete the checklist A. “N/A” (for not applicable). Control points
the answer shall be given as “yes” with a clear justification. j that are indicated as “No N/A” cannot be
answered as “not applicable”. In exceptions
in which the control point is not applicable,
the answer shall be given as “yes” with a
clear justification.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

g) Comments shall be recorded according to the 'Inspection Method and Justification

Section 5 Comments shall be recorded according Cl
Guideline' to enable the audit trail to be reviewed after the event and shall include
to the 'Inspection Method and
details of evidences checked during the inspection. If there is no
A. Justification Guideline' to enable the
'Inspection and Justification Guideline' published for a given sub-scope or standard, it is j audit trail to be reviewed after the event and
obligatory to provide comments for all the complied, non- compliant and not shall include details of evidences checked
applicable Major Musts and QMS control points as well as to all non-compliant and not during the inspection. If there is no
applicable Minor Must control points inspected/audited in all external 'Inspection and Justification Guideline'
inspections/audits (by CB) and internal inspections/audits. For the self-assessments published for a given sub- scope or
(Option 1), it is obligatory to provide comments for all the non-compliant and not standard, it is obligatory to provide
applicable Major Must and Minor Must control points and compliance criteria. comments for all the complied, non-
Comments and evidences, such as which document(s) were sampled, workers compliant and not applicable Major Musts
interviewed, etc., shall be site- and product-specific and included in the checklist to and QMS control points as well as to all
ensure that all the control points have been properly assessed for all applicable sites non-compliant and not applicable Minor
and products. Must control points inspected/audited in all
external inspections/audits (by CB) and
internal inspections/audits. For the self- Equivalent
assessments (Option 1), it is obligatory to
provide comments for all the non-
compliant and not applicable Major Must
and Minor Must control points and
compliance criteria. Comments and
evidences, such as which document(s) were
sampled, workers interviewed, etc., shall be
site- and product-specific and included in
the checklist to ensure that all the control
points have been properly assessed for all
applicable sites and products.

h) For producer groups and multisite producers with QMS the evaluation report Describe what checklist shall Section 5 For producer groups and multisite
format shall be based on the QMS checklist (available on The be used for QMS audits Cl. A producers with QMS the evaluation report
evaluation report shall form the basis by which a decision can be made on the award 4.5.5 format shall be based on the QMS check
of a certificate to the group. list(available on .The
evaluation report shall form the basis by
which a decision can be made on the
award of a certificate to the group

i) The CB report shall contDaainte tohf e following: -

(i) All points listed in the 'IAncscpeeptcatniocen Notes' section of the official Describe the minimum Section 5
checklist Audit Accepting CB Certificate valid for 12 moinntfhosrmation to be included in Cl They shall produce timely and accurate
date the CB inspection report A. reports for the inspection done by them
j which needs to be signed to be auditee
Outgoing CB Certificate valid to Certification
Decision during the closing meet. All fields will be Equivalent
filled by the evaluators and any thing which
is mandatory (No N/A) will be need to be
No mandatorily filled during the
Certification evaluation.
(ii) Scope of the inspection/audit: company, site, PHU, and product information according Section 4
to the Annex I.2. Products, production area/quantity, sites/members, country of Cl. The document will be shared with the
destination, handling, and harvest included or excluded, product handling takes place entity before the audit and will be
in-field or in a facility or in both, broodstock or seedling purchased or not, product (d) considered while defining the certification
attributes (PP/PO, covered/non-covered, first or further harvest), etc. shall be scope. Scope of the inspection/audit:
included. company, site, PHU, and product
information shall be as per the products,
production area/quantity, sites/members,
country of destination, handling, and
harvest included or excluded, product
handling takes place in-field or in a facility
or in both product attributes (PP/PO,
covered/non- covered, first or further
(iii) Calculation of the total applicable Major Must, Minor Must, and Recommendation Section 4
control points, and % of the Minor Must non-conformances Cl. Explained in detail in the mentioned Equivalent cluase
(iv) List of non-compliances, non-conformances and follow up actions. This includes the Section 4
relevant control point, the observation of what has been non- complied/conformed, Cl. a. The final audit report and result can only
evidence of non-fulfillment of the requirement, deadline for corrective action, be concluded after both the QMS and the
description of the corrective action by the producer, reference to objective evidence of (ii) i minimum sample of producer
implementation of the corrective action, evaluation result of the corrective action members/production sites are evaluated.
(open/closed), and the relevant dates of these actions. The audit report shall consists of list of non-
compliances, non- conformances and follow
up actions. This includes a summary of Equivalent
finding of each clause along with the
objective evidence which shall be
documented in format of CB with consent of
the auditee with information of closure of
the NCs as per the categorization.
(v) Conclusion of compliance or not Section 4 All non conformances shall be closed
Cl. and compliance to be recorded before the Equivalent certification.
(vi) Certifier/reviewer(s) name Section 5 Details of review and certifier mentioned
Cl. A in the mentioned clauses Equivalent
j) Stage of the report, e.g. preliminary or final. The CB may further define different Section 4 The entire clause and sub clause handle
report stages. The fully completed inspection/audit checklist including all applicable Cl. 4.2.4 evaluation and report.
control points, comments/justification per control point (where required) and the
objective evidence of implementation of the corrective action shall be available. It is not
necessarily part of the final report, but must be available on request.
k) Date of certification decision may be recorded in other places/system of the CB, not
necessarily in the report. Cerfiicat Certificate certificate format in addition to
e the report of CB
formats Equivalent
have the
l) Copies of the report, the objective evidences of implementation of the corrective Section 5 All information gained by QCI and its Annex
actions, or the fully completed inspection/audit checklist shall only be provided 5A personnel in QCI’s direct dealing with
to other parties if the applicant provides access by written authorization except to the Cl. 2.10 CBs other than information already in the
regulatory authorities when requested according to the applicable national legislation, public domain will be treated as
and the AB and CB. confidential and will not, subject to the law
of the land, be divulged without prior
written consent of the CB. Data will only be
shared with other parties only after an
explicit approval/authorisation from the Equivalent
respective producer/group. The same shall
be informed during the on- boarding of the
applicant wherein, they applicant
(producer//group) will have the option to
transfer the rights to the CB.

m) The CB report (e.g. audit report, corrective action report, etc.) must be
Section 5 All information gained by QCI and its Annex
protected or otherwise controlled to prevent unauthorized modification or
5A personnel in QCI’s direct dealing with
tampering prior to distribution. Cl. 2.10 CBs other than information already in the
public domain will be treated as
confidential and will not, subject to the law
of the land, be divulged without prior
written consent of the CB. Data will only be
shared with other parties only after an
explicit approval/authorisation from the
respective producer/group. The same shall
be informed during the on- boarding of the
applicant wherein, they applicant
(producer//group) will have the option to
transfer the rights to the CB.

Inspection Duration -
The inspection report shall include a recording of the inspection duration. Section 5 All fields will be filled by the evaluators
Cl. A and any thing which is mandatory (No j ii N/A) will be need to be mandatorily filled
during the evaluation. They shall also Equivalent
record the timings and other details of the
inspection report.

b) A sufficient inspection duration shall allow the auditor/inspector to have an Section 4 Date, time, and inspection duration of all
opening meeting with the farm management (re-confirm the scope, etc.), inspect all Cl. evaluation both off-site and on-site modules
applicable control points, inspect all products of the inspection scope; visit all of each audit shall be recorded by the
production, storage, processing and other critical locations (e.g. water source), inspect (f) evaluator. Sufficient time will be allocated Equivalent
the used machinery, interview personnel, evaluate the records, complete the checklist to the inspection
with sufficient comments and present the results to the producer right after the
inspection has finished.
c) Additional requirements and guidance on the minimum inspection duration are
described in the respective scope-specific rules. NA NA

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

6.2.1 Unannounced Inspections (Option 1 without QMS): -

a) The duration of unannounced inspections (Option 1) shall not be shorter than 2 hours. Section 4 The duration of unannounced
Cl.4.2.4. inspections (Option 1) shall not be
3 shorter than 2 hours.

b) When made available, the CB may use the checklist for unannounced Describe what checklist to use for Section 4 When made available, the CB may use the
inspections. unannounced inspections Cl. checklist for unannounced inspections.

6.3 Producer Non-Conformance and Sanctions Section 4 The inspection shall be carried out with the
Cl. use of the checklist. Equivalent
See also General Regulations Part I, 6.4 'Sanctions' Section
a) All corrections and corrective actions shall be assessed; with clarification Section Various clauses to address the issue
provided to show whether the action(s) taken and evidence provided are sufficient to 5 Cl. Equivalent
close the non-conformance. A.8.7
b) Evidence of the resolution of non-conformances can be provided in the form of Section 4 a. The final audit report and result can only
documentary evidence and/or photographic evidence as appropriate. Evidences shall be Cl. be concluded after both the QMS and the
filed and shall be made available to GLOBALG.A.P. on request. minimum sample of producer
(ii) i members/production sites are evaluated.
The audit report shall consists of list of non-
compliances, non- conformances and follow
up actions. This includes a summary of
finding of each clause along with the
objective evidence which shall be Equivalent
documented in format of CB with consent of
the auditee with information of closure of
the NCs as per the categorization. The
evidence may also include documents or
photographs as means of compliance.

c) There may be occasions where demonstration of the resolution of a non- Section 4 If the surveillance evaluation results in an
conformance can only be confirmed by a further site visit. Where this is Cl. 4.4.8 infructuous visit due to any reason, the CB
required, a charge may result. shall conduct another surveillance
evaluation. Such additional evaluations Equivalent
may be charged to the certified unit as
decided by the CB.

d) All non-conformances with the QMS shall be resolved before a certificate can be Section 4 The IndG.A.P. certificate can only be issued
issued. Cl. to the applicant legal entity and only after all
Equivalent NCs have been resolved

e) Satisfactory corrective actions shall be completed to achieve the approval level on a Section 4 The IndG.A.P. certificate can only be issued
producers and/or production site level before a certificate can be issued to the group or Cl. to the applicant legal entity and only after all
company. NCs have been resolved

f) Lifting of a sanction: A sanction will not run out with the cycle but stays with the GGN Section 4 If non-conformance is detected, the CB
until such time that the non-conformance is closed. Cl. shall apply a sanction (warning, suspension, or cancellation) as indicated
in this section. The sanction stays and will Equivalent
not run out with the cycle if the non-
conformance is not closed.

6.3.1 Open Non-Conformance -

The status “open non-conformance” cannot be given to producer group Section 4 All non-conformances shall be closed and
members’ products. Cl. compliance to be recorded before the certification. The status open non- Equivalent
conformance cannot be given to
producer group members products.
6.4 Paper Certificate Requirements -
a) After a positive certification decision, the CB shall issue a certificate according to the See sheet GR I-Annex 3 for the Section 4 CB shall grant certification a
latest version of the GLOBALG.A.P. certificate template. GLOBALG.A.P. certificate Cl. paper certificate or e-format after
template ensuring: i. complete compliance to the Certification
Criteria based on evaluation reports
resulting in positive certification decision,
ii. certification scheme requirements,
iii. satisfactory resolution of
nonconformities raised.
/The paper certificate issued by a CB shall
conform to the available templates
of IndG.A.P.

b) The paper certificate may only be issued based on the information available at that time Section 3 The paper certificate shall match the
in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database for that unique GGN. Annex 3C information available in the IndG.A.P.
Cl. registry for that UIN at the time of
6.1.12 issuing.
c) A list of all the producers, production sites, and PHUs to which the certificate relates Please Details and annex complies to the
shall be issued in an appendix referred to in the certificate. The CB shall keep this list refer to same
up-to-date. the
e format Equivalent
Section 6

d) GLOBALG.A.P. CBs or their subcontracted parties may issue communications other N/A Only CBs are authorised to communicate
than the certificate related to the producer status (registered, audited, etc.) as long as it is the status of the client. Please refer section
clear that it is not a certificate and it contains the sentence: The actual GLOBALG.A.P. 4 and 5. Equivalent
status of this producer is always displayed at:
7. TRANSFER BETWEEN CERTIFICATION BODIES Describe in this chapter which Section
equivalent requirements you Cl.
have in your scheme -
management rules

a) This explains how to proceed when producers that are found in the GLOBALG.A.P. Section 5 Various clauses handle the said
Database change from the original GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB [hereinafter referred Annex 5A requirement.
to as the “outgoing CB”] to another GLOBALG.A.P. approved CB [hereinafter referred
to as the “accepting CB”]. The objective is to assure the maintenance of the integrity of
GLOBALG.A.P. certificates issued by one CB and to guarantee that a producer’s
history within GLOBALG.A.P. is addressed in the review process when entering into
contract with a
b) These are the minimum requirements for the transfer of producers found in the Section 5 The CBs shall have process for on
GLOBALG.A.P. Database (and, where applicable, their corresponding certificates) Annex 5A boarding of applicants coming from other
between CBs working with GLOBALG.A.P. CBs may implement procedures or actions, Cl. 3.11. CBs. They shall be transparent in giving all
which are more stringent than those contained herein, provided that a producer’s or the required information as desired by the
producer group’s freedom to choose a CB is not unduly or unfairly constrained. other CB in terms of the last audit report, NA NA
NC listing and action taken, copy of
certificate and any other documents that
clarifies the status of
the clients seeking transfer.
c) Only producers and producer groups registered in the Database may change CBs. All Section 5 The CBs shall have process for on
producers shall first resolve any outstanding sanction(s) before being able to transfer to Annex 5A boarding of applicants coming from other
a new CB. In case a sanctioned producer wants to change CB and the certification cycle Cl. 3.11. CBs. They shall be transparent in giving all
has already expired, as an exception, the outgoing CB can lift the non-conformance of AND the required information as desired by the
an expired certificate without having received evidences of corrective actions. But, in Section other CB in terms of the last audit report,
this case, the outgoing CB shall ensure that the accepting CB is fully aware of the cause NC listing and action taken, copy of
of the non- conformance. certificate and any other documents that
clarifies the status of the clients seeking
transfer. Equivalent
AND ONLY the CB or the producer group
that has issued the sanction is entitled to lift
it, provided there is sufficient and timely
evidence of corrective action (either through
a follow- up visit or other written or visual

d) The accepting CB shall keep the existing GGN of the transferred producer or producer Section 5 In case client moves from one CB to
group. Double registration is not allowed (i.e. one producer or producer group can Annex 5A another, the CB transferring the client shall
have only one GGN even if the same producer or producer group is affiliated with Cl. 3.12. close the registration process before
more than one CB). AND handing over all details including the UIN
Section no. will be continued for the purpose of / continuity and traceability. Equivalent
Section 3
3C Cl.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

e) The accepting CB shall close the registration process, including entering into a Section 5 In case client moves from one CB to
sublicense and certification agreement with the producer/producer group before Annex 5A another, the CB transferring the client shall
accepting the transfer. The transfer of producers between CBs can take place when a Cl. 3.12. close the registration process before handing
producer’s or producer group’s certificate has expired and also if there is no binding / Section over all details including the UIN no. will be
service contract between the producer and the outgoing CB. continued for the purpose of continuity and
/ Section traceability.
3 Annex
3C Cl.

f) The producer or producer group shall apply for certification for the next cycle to Section 5 The CBs shall have process for on
another CB (“accepting CB”). Annex 5A boarding of applicants coming from other
Cl. 3.11. CBs. They shall be transparent in giving all
the required information as desired by the
other CB in terms of the
last audit report,
g) The outgoing CB may shorten the validity of the issued certificate. Section 4 The CB may shorten the certification
Cl. cycle and the validity but cannot prolong it. Equivalent
h) If the "Date of Acceptance" (signing of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense and Section 4 The requirements of application review
Certification Agreement') and "Date of Audit" are after the outgoing CB’s certificate and other sections will address the issue
expiry date, there will be a period when the producer does not have a and inform the client seeking
valid certificate. transer.


i) If, however, the "Date of Acceptance" (signing of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense Section 4 If, however, the "Date of Acceptance"
and Certification Agreement') and perhaps also the "Date of Audit" are before the (signing of the 'IndG.A.P. Sublicense and
outgoing CB’s certificate expiry date, the certification decision can only take effect as Certification Agreement') and perhaps also
soon as the certificate expires. In this case, the certification cycle of the producer will the "Date of Audit" are before the outgoing
remain the same as before. CB’s certificate expiry date, the certification
decision can only take effect as soon as the
certificate expires. In this case, the
certification cycle of the producer will
remain the same as before.

j) The outgoing CB remainDsatreeosfponsible until its certificate expires. The producer Section 5 The CBs shall have process for on
may sign a 'GLOBALGA.Acc.ePp.taSncueb-Alicudeint se and CerAtcifcicepattiniognCAB hs Annex 5A boarding of applicants coming from other
gCreerteifimcaetenvta' lwid iftohr 1th2emont
d a te
accepting CB while under contrac t w ith e outgoing CB. The 'GLOBALG.A.P. Cl. 3.11. CBs. They shall be transparent in giving all
th the required information as desired by the
SOuutbgo- ment' is binding for the accepting CB only other CB in terms of the last audit report, Equivalent
ion Agree NC listing and action taken, copy of
once the outgoing CB has released the producer’s GGN in the GLOBALG.A.P. certificate and any other documents that
Database. Certification clarifies the status of
Decision the clients seeking transfer.

k) If, during the validity of the certificate issued by the outgoing CB, the accepting CB Section 5 The CBs shall have process for on
detects non-conformities that are not closed after 28 days, the accepting CB shall Annex 5A boarding of applicants coming from other
inform the outgoing CB about the non-conformities detected so that it can take Cl. 3.11. CBs. They shall be transparent in giving all
appropriate follow-up actions. the required information as desired by the
other CB in terms of the last audit report, Equivalent
NC listing and action taken, copy of
certificate and any other documents that
clarifies the status of
the clients seeking transfer.
. Section


Note 1: If the certification decision is made after the outgoing CB certificate has Note 1: If the certification decision is made
expired, even if the "Dates of Acceptance" and audit were before the expiration date, after the outgoing CB certificate has
there will be a period when the producer will not have a valid certificate. expired, even if the "Dates of Acceptance"
and audit were before the expiration date, Equivalent
there will be a period when the producer
will not have a valid
Note 2: In case of transfer, the registration of products in the Database might not be Section Note 2: In case of transfer, the registration
finalized before the inspection and the certification decision might not be taken within Cl. of products in the Database might not be
28 days. finalized before the inspection and the
certification decision might not be taken
within 28 days.

8. CERTIFICATION BODY SANCTIONS If your scheme manages a

system of chertification body
sanctions describe in this
chapter which equivalent -
requirements you have in your
scheme management rules

8.1 General Rules -

a) The GLOBALG.A.P. Board defines the types and levels of sanctions described here. Section 4 Sanction and its management are
Cl. 4.3.7 written here NA NA

b) Appeals against a sanction proposed by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat or by the Section 4 The producer shall either resolve the non-
Integrity Surveillance Committee (ISC; see below) shall be received within 5 working Cl. conformances communicated or appeal to
days after the receipt of sanction notification. The ISC or the GLOBALG.A.P. the CB in writing within 5 days against the
Secretariat evaluates the appeals. The second appeal against a re-confirmed sanction by non-conformances, explaining the reasons NA NA
the ISC follows the arbitration procedure as described in the 'GLOBALG.A.P. License for the appeal.
and Certification Agreement' and in the
'Equivalent Certification System Owner Agreement'.
c) GLOBALG.A.P. has established an Integrity Surveillance Committee (ISC), which Describe in this and the next Section 4 The integrity program of IndG.A.P. shall
decides on the sanctions as outlined in this document, based on a case- by-case line who takes decisions on Cl. have personnel from the PAD Division
approach. certification body sanctions and 4.13.13 including some personnel from other Boards Equivalent
the composition of the and Division for managing the
respective committee activity.
d) The ISC consists of: Section 4
Cl. -
(i) 3 permanent and 2 substitute member Section 4 The integrity program of IndG.A.P. shall
Cl. have personnel from the PAD Division
4.13.6. including some personnel from other Boards NA NA
and Division for managing the
(ii) A representative of the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat who may participate in the ISC Section 4 The integrity program of IndG.A.P. shall
meetings Cl. have personnel from the PAD Division
4.13.6. including some personnel from other Boards NA NA
and Division for managing the
(iii) A representative of the accreditation bodies who may participate as an Section 4 The integrity program of IndG.A.P. shall
independent observer Cl. have personnel from the PAD Division
4.13.6. including some personnel from other Boards NA NA
and Division for managing the
(iv) A public sector observer who may participate, but without voting rights Section 4 The integrity program of IndG.A.P. shall
Cl. have personnel from the PAD Division
4.13.6. including some personnel from other Boards NA NA
and Division for managing the
(v) A representative of the concerned equivalent scheme owner invited by the ISC Section 4 The integrity program of IndG.A.P. shall
Cl. have personnel from the PAD Division
4.13.6. including some personnel from other Boards NA NA
and Division for managing the
e) The ISC may take any of the following actions: Section 4
Cl. -
(i) Issue sanctions as defined in section 9.3 of this document Section 4 The integrity program of IndG.A.P. shall
Cl. have personnel from the PAD Division
4.13.6. including some personnel from other Boards Equivalent
and Division for managing the

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(ii) Request additional/extra integrity assessments of CBs Section 4 The integrity program of IndG.A.P. shall
Cl. have personnel from the PAD Division
4.13.6. including some personnel from other Boards Equivalent
and Division for managing the
(iii) Decide that the sanctioned CB has to pay the cost of the assessment or re- assessment Section 4 The financial related to activities of this
visit(s). The rate of any assessment visit and the necessary travel time is EUR 1000 per Cl. aspect shall be governed by the principle
day including travel costs. If an assessment visit is planned to exceed 3 days, the ISC 4.13.7 of penalizing the defaulter or else the SO
shall approve. will bear the cost of the activities
including assessment carried
out at producer’s project.
(iv) Pronounce fines Section 4 The financial related to activities of this
Cl. aspect shall be governed by the principle
4.13.7 of penalizing the defaulter or else the SO
will bear the cost of the activities
including assessment carried
out at producer’s project.
(v) Require the CB to reimburse the costs directly linked to the investigation and Section 4 The financial related to activities of this
sanctioning process of a particular case. The burden of proof of the amount of costs Cl. aspect shall be governed by the principle
lies with the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. 4.13.7 of penalizing the defaulter or else the SO
will bear the cost of the activities
including assessment carried
out at producer’s project.
(vi) Advise the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat to cancel the contract with the CB concerned. Section 4 The program shall advice the IndG.A.P.
Cl. secretariat the findings of the assessment Equivalent
4.13.12 and fix responsibility.
(vii) Request that particular inspectors/auditors, who have not performed according to the Section 4 In case the Certification Integrity Program
GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations, repeat the online exam in the presence of a Cl. results show a low auditing level, the
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat representative. The CB shall cover 4.13.9 respective auditor shall repeat
the additional exam fee and other expenses. the QMS training.
(viii) Request that particular inspectors/auditors attend a GLOBALG.A.P. approved training Section 4 In case the Certification Integrity Program
course. The CB shall cover participation, exam fees and other expenses. Cl. results show a low auditing level, the
4.13.10 respective auditor shall repeat
the QMS training.
(ix) The ISC may directly suspend a CB inspector/auditor based on the outcome of Section 4 The program shall advice the IndG.A.P.
one or more integrity assessments and forbid the person to carry out any Cl. secretariat the findings of the assessment Equivalent
inspection/audit in the GLOBALG.A.P. system. 4.13.12 and fix responsibility.
f) By default, sanctions are applicable to the CB as a whole. The ISC may limit the Section 4 The program shall advice the IndG.A.P.
sanctions to scope, sub-scope level or to a geographical area only. Cl. secretariat the findings of the assessment Equivalent
4.13.12 and fix responsibility.
g) Sanctioning steps 1 to 5 (see section 9.3 below) are not necessarily consecutive Section
(e.g. it is possible for a CB after receiving a first warning due to incomplete Cl.
database entries, to receive a Red Card and jump to step 4
immediately due to the Certification Integrity Program result).
h) Sanctions will be communicated to the concerned accreditation body and where Section 4 IndG.A.P. Sectt. shall accordingly
applicable to the equivalent certification system owner (ECSO) or to the owner of the Cl. transmit the information to the AB,
approved modified checklist (AMC). 4.13.9 regulator and GLOBALG.A.P. (in case NA NA
Benchmark) within 10 working days
from receiving the report.
i) In case of a CB suspension by the AB or a CB having lost its accreditation due to other Section 4 The program shall advice the IndG.A.P.
circumstances, the CB is not allowed to issue new certificates. The ISC’s decision shall Cl. secretariat the findings of the assessment
take into consideration the reason of the suspension to determine whether existing 4.13.8 and fix responsibility. NA NA
certificates issued by the CB are still valid and shall
consider issuing a Red Card.
j) The ECSO can ask GLOBALG.A.P. to carry out additional integrity assessments Section 4 The program can accept request from the
beyond the ones already initiated by GLOBALG.A.P. GLOBALG.A.P. may charge a Cl. AB, regulator or any stakeholders that gives
separate fee for those additional assessments. 4.13.10. in writing the issue with evidence or NA NA
qualified submissions for
them to take action accordingly.
8.2 Types of Non-Conformances Section
Cl. -
2 types of non-conformances can lead to sanctioning of CBs. Section 4 Various clauses dealing with Sanction
Cl. 4.3.7 NA NA

8.2.1 Contractual Non-Conformances -

Contractual non-conformances are at hand in the case that CBs are not in compliance Section 5 Contractual non-conformances are at hand in
with contracts signed with GLOBALG.A.P. These may include, but are not limited Cl. A the case that CBs are not in compliance with
to: contracts signed with IndG.A.P. These may Equivalent
include, but are
not limited to:
a) Misleading or false communication on GLOBALG.A.P. certification and logo use INDGAP CP shall not use the Trademark and/or a
Sub IndG.A.P. numerical identifier in any
License manner that discredits or tarnishes the
Agreeme reputation or goodwill of QCI; is false or
nt Cl. misleading;
b) Refusal to sign the 'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement' and any Section 5 At all times comply with these terms of this
amendments after a period set by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat Annexure Agreement and with the relevant Scheme
5A Cl 3.2 standards, procedure and other related
a documents; Refusal to sign the document or
any other notification within the stipulated
time line shall result in an non-

c) Neglecting to pay any of the GLOBALG.A.P. fees (e.g. CB license fee, training fee, Section 5 pay to QCI any outstanding fees prior to
certification license fee, producer registration fee) Annexure approval and pay promptly all fees due to
5A Cl 3.2 QCI, in accordance with the Fee Schedule NA NA
i issued by QCI from time to
d) Failure to provide proof of accreditation within the established periods during CB Section 6 IndG.A.P. scheme has provision for
approval Various provisional approval hence this is not
clauses treated as an NC

e) Confirmed fraud Section 5 if there is evidence of fraudulent

Annexure behaviour, or the CB intentionally
5A Cl 2.8 provides false information or conceals Equivalent
d information

f) Loss of accreditation (based on AB decision) Section 5 The approved CB shall: (a) at all times
Annexure comply with these terms of this Agreement
5A Cl 3.2 and with the relevant Scheme standards,
a procedure and other related documents;
Refusal to sign the document or any other
notification within the stipulated timeline
shall result in an non-conformance. This Equivalent
includes maintenance of provisional
approval and accreditation or else the CB
shall be non conforming to the

8.2.2 Standard or General Regulations Non-Conformances -

a) General Regulation or Standard non-conformances are at hand in the case that the CBs Section 5 The approved CB shall offer QCI and its
do not comply with the rules set out in the General Regulations or do not interpret the Annexure representatives such reasonable access and
Control Points and Compliance Criteria according to the GLOBALG.A.P. rules. 5A Cl. co-operation as necessary to enable QCI to
Examples of such non-conformances include but are not limited to: 3.1 monitor conformity with this Agreement and
the relevant standard(s). The approved CB
shall also use reasonable endeavours to
provide access to QCI assessors and
experts to its customers’ premises to
conduct assessment activities, as QCI shall
reasonably require.

(i) Not participating in annual compulsory CB trainings Section 5

Annexure Not participating in annual compulsory CB
5 A .Cl trainings Equivalent
3.1 (a)

(ii) Not following the online training requirements Complete this line as well if Section 5
online trainings are not an Annexure Not following the online training
integral part of your scheme, but 5 A Cl requirements
participation in any other 3.1.(b)
trainings by the scheme owner

(iii) Incomplete or late upload of certification data Section 5

Annexure Incomplete or late upload of certification
5A data Equivalent

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(iv) Unreliable registration and audit data Section 5 QCI reserves the right to withdraw if
Annexure there is evidence of fraudulent behaviour,
5A Cl 2.8 or the CB intentionally provides false
d information or conceals information Equivalent

(v) No response to GLOBALG.A.P. official communication and/or complaints Section 5 Additionally, QCI reserves the right to
Annexure withdraw approval if no response to
5A Cl 2.8 communication receiving on furnishing of Equivalent
e data

(vi) Confirmed fraud Section 5 Additionally, QCI reserves the right to

Annexure withdraw approval if there is evidence of
5A Cl 2.8 fraudulent behaviour, or the CB intentionally Equivalent
d provides false information or
conceals information
(vii) Not applying approved National Technical Working Group (NTWG) guidelines, unless QCI has handles the NTWG in INdia
justified and communicated to the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat NA NA

(viii) Conflict of interest (e.g. consultancy and certification) Section 5 The contract shall also require the personnel
Cl. A to proactively declare about affiliations (personal and professional) and other
jobs/associations like consultancy, etc which
may have potential for presenting conflict of
interest. It shall also include information Equivalent
about any other association that the
individual feels have the potential for threat
to impartiality.

(ix) Delay or non-application of producer sanctions Section 4 The certification body shall immediately
Cl. A raise sanction without delay to the producer.
4.2.13 Any delay or non-application of sanction Equivalent
shall be raised as an NC.

(x) Inadequate internal training Section 4 The CB shall determine competency

Cl. A requirements (knowledge and skills required for different functions defined in
the CB’s structure) and describe the
mechanism/predefined routes in terms of
education, qualification, experience,
knowledge and skills, training, etc.

(xi) Not complying with the scope of the external inspections Section The AB shall issue a confirmation of
Cl. application including the applied standard
scope and sub-scope to the applicant CB.
The CB shall issue certificate in
compliance with the scope
of external inspections.
(xii) Not obeying CB operational requirements and deadlines, such as not responding to Section 4 (a) use the Scheme logo of QCI only on
corrective actions or delaying of issuance of certificates Cl. 3.2 those certificates (and schedules where
(g) applicable) which fall within the scopes
approved by QCI and commit to follow the
QCI’s policy for the use of the logo; this
shall be issued without delay and after
closure of the NCs.

b) The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat, the relevant AB and the GLOBALG.A.P. ISC shall be Section 4 The IndG.A.P. Secretariat, the relevant AB
responsible for addressing these types of non-conformances. Cl. 4.13 and the IndG.A.P. reevant committie shall
be responsible for addressing these types of Equivalent

9. INTEGRITY PROGRAM (IPRO) If your scheme manages an own Section 4

integrity program describe in this Cl. 4.13
chapter which equivalent
requirements you have in your -
scheme management rules

The Integrity Program consists of 2 pillars: -

a) Brand Integrity Program (BIPRO) (e.g. contractual issues, database, logo use, Section 4 Integrity Program details the elements to
administrative requirements, complaint management, etc.) Cl. 4.13 address relevant issues Equivalent

b) Certification Integrity Program (CIPRO) (e.g. inspection, audit or certification Section 4 Integrity Program details the elements to
performance of the CB, etc.) Cl. 4.13 address relevant issues Equivalent

c) The sanctioning procedures are illustrated in a flow chart at the end of the Section
document. Cl. NA NA
9.1 Brand Integrity Program N/A
Brand Integrity Program Equivalent
The following non-conformances fall under the Brand Integrity Program: N/A
The following non-conformances fall Equivalent
under the Brand Integrity Program:
a) Non-conformances as defined in 8.2. The ISC may be requested to judge the CB N/A
immediately, e.g. 8.2.2a (vi) 'confirmed fraud' Non-conformances as defined in 8.2. The
relevant committie may be requested to
judge the CB immediately,
e.g. 8.2.2a (vi) 'confirmed fraud'

b) Repeated incomplete or missing registration in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database as defined N/A

in section 9.3 'Sanctioning Steps for Certificton Bodies' Repeated incomplete or missing
registration in the IndG.A.P. Database as
defined in section 9.3 'Sanctioning Steps
for Certificton Bodies'

c) Any outstanding payment of invoices accepted by the CB that has not been settled
within 3 months after the second written warning by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat
will result in a Red Card, and finally in step 5, a contract
d) Incomplete or wrong database entries and/or issued certificates N/A
Incomplete or wrong database entries Equivalent
and/or issued certificates
e) The sanction level derived from database entries will be re-set (annulled) in case the N/A
CB does not exceed the threshold (5 GGNs or 1 % of the total number of GGNs The sanction level derived from database
registered under a CB, whichever is higher) within 12 months after the latest sanction entries will be re-set (annulled) in case the
or after the start of the monitoring process. CB does not exceed the threshold (5
registrations or 1 % of the total number of
registrations registered under a CB,
whichever is higher) within 12 months after
the latest sanction or after the start of the
monitoring process.

9.2 Certification Integrity Program -

The Certification Integrity Program is risk based and consists of 2 kinds of
assessments: -
a) Office assessments to check CB certification performance Section 4 The certification integrity program shall
Cl. include two kinds of assessment which are
4.13.14 office based assessment and on- site
assessment aimed at monitoring CB Equivalent
certification performance and CB
inspection and audit performance.

b) Producer assessments or witness CB assessments to check CB inspction and audit Section 4 The certification integrity program shall
performance Cl. include two kinds of assessment which are
4.13.14 office based assessment and on- site
assessment aimed at monitoring CB Equivalent
certification performance and CB
inspection and audit performance.

9.2.1 Evaluation and Classification of Assessment Results -

a) Each assessment is documented in a Certification Integrity Program assessment report. Section 4 The integrity program of IndG.A.P. shall
A representative of each assessed site (producer, producer group, or CB office) shall Cl. have personnel from the PAD Division
sign the assessment report. 4.13.6 including some personnel from other
Boards and Division for managing the Equivalent
activity. Assessment shall be signed by any
of the personnel if the program.

b) Each Certification Integrity Program assessment report is sent to the CB, to the Section 4 The information collected by IndG.A.P.
accreditation body and, where applicable, to the ECSO/AMCO. Accreditation bodies are Cl. regarding the CBs and their activities,
encouraged to use it as an input for their next assessment. CBs and ECSO/AMCO shall 4.13.2 including records of the Integrity Program
use these reports as a management feedback for their continuous improvement and the complaint management system, is Equivalent
processes. made available on the request to ABs for
accreditation evaluation.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

c) Evidence from one or more classified Certification Integrity Program assessment N/A
report and the failure of the CB to demonstrate improvement from previous
assessments are the basis for GLOBALG.A.P. to propose an overall performance
classification of the CB to the ISC. The CB will be informed about their proposed
performance classification and shall be given the opportunity to respond in a written
statement within 14 (fourteen) days after notification. The relevant AB and where
applicable the ECSO/AMCO shall be notified by
d) ISC decision-making is based on all the following: Section 4
Cl. 4.13 -

(i) The individual assessment reports presented by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat taking Section 4 Program assessments may count towards the
into consideration all previous assessments. Cl. number of unannounced inspections or
4.13.1 audits per year. The CB shall carry out the
follow-up of the non- conformances found Equivalent
during that IndG.A.P. Certification Integrity
(ii) The proposed performance classification by GLOBALG.A.P. N/A NA
(iii) The CB’s written statement (feedback). N/A NA
e) The assessment reports submitted to the ISC are anonymous and shall not disclose the Section 4 All activities shall be confidential and will
name of the CB(s) involved. Cl. be restricted on need to know basis. Equivalent
f) The GLOGALG.A.P. Secretariat may request a summary of follow-up measures, but Section 4 IndG.A.P. Sectt. shall accordingly transmit
not necessarily require a corrective action plan on each case. Cl. the information to the AB, regulator and
4.13.9 GLOBALG.A.P. (in case Benchmarked)
within 10 working days from receiving the
report. The response from the CB/produce Equivalent
shall also be shared with the AB, regulator
and GLOBALG.A.P. (in case

g) In case the CB representative is present and accepts the assessment findings, the Section 4 In case the CB representative is present and
integrity assessor can decide that the CB can book this integrity assessment as an Cl. 4.13 accepts the assessment findings, the
unannounced inspection/audit under the 10 % rule. integrity assessor can decide that the CB can
book this integrity assessment as an Equivalent
unannounced inspection/audit under the 10
% rule.

h) The CB is expected to follow-up the findings of the integrity assessment and ensure Section 4 Program assessments may count towards the
that the producer complies with the certification requirements. Cl. number of unannounced inspections or
4.13.1 audits per year. The CB shall carry out the
follow-up of the non- conformances found Equivalent
during that IndG.A.P. Certification Integrity
assessment. Classification
Classification #1 -
(i) Definition: Section 4 (i) Definition:
Cl. 4.13 Equivalent
Unacceptable performance, which puts the overall competency of the CB in question: Section 4 Unacceptable performance, which puts the
Serious infringements of the GLOBALG.A.P. or an equivalent standard’s rules are Cl. 4.13 overall competency of the CB in question:
observed. These include, but are not limited to, objective evidence for: Serious infringements of the InndG.A.P. or
an equivalent standard’s rules are observed. Equivalent
These include, but are not limited to,
objective evidence for:

• Deliberate and/or repeated ignorance or negligence of the GLOBALG.A.P. or an Section 4 • Deliberate and/or repeated ignorance or
equivalent standard’s regulations. Cl. 4.13 negligence of the IndG.A.P. or an
equivalent standard’s regulations.

• Misuse of the GLOBALG.A.P. or an equivalent standard’s license. Section 4 • Misuse of the GLOBALG.A.P. or an
Cl. 4.13 equivalent standard’s license.


• One or more serious technical failures in the inspection/audit process. Section 4 • One or more serious technical failures in
Cl. 4.13 the inspection/audit process.


• A large number of minor technical failures in the inspection/audit process. Section 4 • A large number of minor technical
Cl. 4.13 failures in the inspection/audit process. Equivalent

• Verified fraud. Section 4 • Verified fraud.

Cl. 4.13 Equivalent

(ii) Procedure -
a) Further assessment(s) can be planned to investigate whether it was an isolated Section 4 The program shall advice the IndG.A.P.
incident or a general way of working, but one single assessment can Cl. 4.13 secretariat the findings of the Equivalent
also result in classification #1. .8 assessment and fix responsibility.
b) The CB is put forward to the ISC immediately and implements corrections/corrective Section 4 IndG.A.P. Sectt. shall accordingly transmit
actions on the farm and CB levels immediately. Cl. the information to the AB, regulator and
4.13.9 GLOBALG.A.P. (in case Benchmarked)
within 10 working days from receiving the
report. The response from the CB/produce Equivalent
shall also be shared with the AB, regulator
and GLOBALG.A.P. (in case

c) The CB reports its immediate remedial action to the GLOBALG.A.P. Section 4 The response from the CB/produce shall
Secretariat and where applicable to the ECSO/AMCO. Cl. also be shared with the AB, regulator and
4.13.9 GLOBALG.A.P. (in case
Classification #2 -
(i) Definition -
a) Very poor performance, which implies serious and immediate improvement measures Section 4 a) Very poor performance, which implies
by the CB: A number of assessments raise serious doubts and concerns. Cl. 4.13 serious and immediate improvement
.15 measures by the CB: A number of Equivalent
assessments raise serious doubts and
b) Deliberate mismanagement is suspected, but objective evidence of fraud was not Section 4 b) Deliberate mismanagement is suspected,
found. Actual (i.e. not only potential, but actually present) food safety danger has not Cl. 4.13 but objective evidence of fraud was not
been identified during the inspection/audit. .15 found. Actual (i.e. not only potential, but
actually present) food safety danger has not
been identified
during the inspection/audit.
(ii) Procedure -
a) The CB shall immediately verify corrections/corrective actions on a farm level. Section 4 Program assessments may count towards the
Cl. number of unannounced inspections or
4.13.1 audits per year. The CB shall carry out the
follow-up of the non- conformances found Equivalent
during that IndG.A.P. Certification Integrity
b) New assessments (re-assessments) shall be scheduled to verify the effectiveness of b) New assessments (re-assessments) shall
the corrective measures within a maximum of 10 months. be scheduled to verify the effectiveness of
the corrective measures within a maximum Equivalent
of 10
c) The CB is put forward to the ISC. c) The CB is put forward to the relevant
committie. Equivalent
d) The CB shall be put forward to the ISC immediately in any cases where a d) The CB shall be put forward to the
potential food safety risk has not been identified by the CB. relevant committie immediately in any
cases where a potential food safety risk has Equivalent
not been identified by the CB.

Classification #3 -

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

(i) Definition Section 4 Integrity Program shall review on case to

Cl. 4.13 case basis following appropriate procedure
.15 on any of the deviations and the -
proceedings shall be reported and
Inadequate performance, which requires the CB to improve performance and Inadequate performance, which requires the
implement improvement measures. The result of a number of assessments raises CB to improve performance and implement
some concerns. improvement measures. The result of a
number of assessments raises some

(ii) Procedure -
a) New assessments (re-assessments) shall be scheduled to verify the effectiveness of a) New assessments (re-assessments) shall
the corrective measures within a maximum of 15 months. be scheduled to verify the effectiveness of
the corrective measures within a maximum Equivalent
of 15
b) If no improvement is observed, the CB shall be put forward to the ISC. b) If no improvement is observed, the
CB shall be put forward to the relevant Equivalent
Classification #4 -
The CB’s performance is acceptable. No systematic and serious non- conformances The CB’s performance is acceptable. No
have been found. A few incidences detected that do not affect the integrity of the systematic and serious non- conformances
process. The CB displays a good performance. No specific re-assessments are have been found. A few incidences detected
scheduled, but the CB remains a part of the random surveillance program and may that do not affect the integrity of the
receive further integrity assessments. process. The CB displays a good
performance. No specific re-assessments Equivalent
are scheduled, but the CB remains a part of
the random surveillance program and may
receive further integrity assessments.

Classification #5 -
Good performance, without incidences detected. The CB has shown a high level of Good performance, without incidences
implementation of the GLOBALG.A.P. requirements. Low priority is given to schedule detected. The CB has shown a high level of
subsequent assessments, but the CB remains a part of the random surveillance program implementation of the IndG.A.P.
and may receive further integrity assessments. . requirements. Low priority is given to
schedule subsequent assessments, but the Equivalent
CB remains a part of the random
surveillance program and may receive
further integrity assessments. .

9.3 Sanction Steps for Certification Bodies -

a) The sanctions, as set out in table 9.3, are applicable to all CBs in violation of the rules The sanctions, as set out in table 9.3, are
and where a non-conformance (similar to those in 8.2.2) has been observed. applicable to all CBs in violation of the
rules and where a non-conformance (similar Equivalent
to those in 8.2.2) has been
b) The penalty shall depend on the severity of the non-conformance or the recurrence of The penalty shall depend on the severity of
non-conformance. the non-conformance or the Equivalent
recurrence of non-conformance.
c) GLOBALG.A.P., the respective accreditation body and the equivalent standard owner IndG.A.P., the respective accreditation body
shall work closely together with the ISC. and the equivalent standard owner shall
work closely together with the
relevant committie.
Table Sanction Steps for Certification Body Non-conformances 4.13.12 The sanctions to the CB will be in line
9.3 with the processes that has been Equivalent
established for the auditee.
Sanctioning Steps -> Decision Maker Sanctioning Steps -> Decision Maker Equivalent
Step 1 - 1st Warning -> GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat and/or the Integrity Surveillance Step 1 - 1st Warning -> InndG.A.P.
Committee (Information to AB) Secretariat and/or the Integrity Surveillance
Committee (Information to
Step 2 - 2nd Warning -> GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat and/or the Integrity Surveillance Step 2 - 2nd Warning -> IndG.A.P.
Committee (Information to AB) Secretariat and/or the Integrity Surveillance
Committee (Information to
Step 3 - Yellow Card -> Integrity Surveillance Committee (Information to AB and Step 3 - Yellow Card -> Integrity
published on the GLOBALG.A.P. website) Surveillance Committee (Information to
AB and published on the QCI. website)

Step 4 - Red Card -> Integrity Surveillance Committee (Information to AB and Step 4 - Red Card -> Integrity
published on the GLOBALG.A.P. website. CB is not allowed to (re) issue new Surveillance Committee (Information to
certificates until further notice) AB and published on the QCI website. CB
is not allowed to (re) issue new certificates
until further notice)

Step 5 - Contract Cancellation -> Proposed by the Integrity Surveillance Committee Step 5 - Contract Cancellation -> Proposed
(Information to AB and published on the GLOBALG.A.P. website. Cancellation of the by the relevant Committee (Information to
'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement') AB and published on the QCI website.
Cancellation of the 'IndG.A.P. License and
* Note: Sanctioning steps 1 to 5 are not necessarily consecutive. -
9.3.1 Step 1 – 1st Warning Step 1 – 1st Warning Equivalent
a) Decided by the ISC or by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. A 1st Warning that is due to Decided by the relevant committie or by the
Brand Integrity Program non-conformances can be followed by a 2nd Warning without IndG.A.P. Secretariat. A 1st Warning that is
the approval of the ISC. due to Brand Integrity Program
non-conformances can be followed by a
2nd Warning without the approval of the
relevant committie.
b) The 1st Warning can be issued: The 1st Warning can be issued: Equivalent
(i) Where non-conformances with the standard rules as defined in the General Where non-conformances with the
Regulations are detected standard rules as defined in the General Equivalent
Regulations are detected
(ii) Where the CB does not react to or does not report on written requests by the Where the CB does not react to or does not
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat report on written requests by the Equivalent
IndG.A.P. Secretariat
(ii) Where the number of incomplete or wrong database entries and/or issued certificates Where the number of incomplete or wrong
reached 5 GLOBALG.A.P. Numbers (GGN) or 1 % of the total number of GGNs database entries and/or issued certificates
registered under a CB, whichever is higher reached 5 IndG.A.P. registration Numbers
or 1 % of the total number of registrations Equivalent
registered under a CB, whichever is higher

c) The CB shall pay partially or fully for the number of re-assessment days The CB shall pay partially or fully for the
proposed by the ISC. number of re-assessment days Equivalent
proposed by the relevant committie
9.3.2 Step 2 – 2nd Warning Step 2 – 2nd Warning Equivalent
a) Decided by the ISC or by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. Decided by the relevant committie or by
the IndG.A.P. Secretariat. Equivalent
b) The 2nd Warning can be issued: The 2nd Warning can be issued: Equivalent
(i) Where the 1st Warning has not been closed after the indicated deadline Where the 1st Warning has not been
closed after the indicated deadline
(ii) Where the CB does not react to or does not report on repeated written requests by the Where the CB does not react to or does not
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat report on repeated written requests Equivalent
by the IndG.A.P. Secretariat
(iii) Where the number of incomplete or wrong database entries and/or issued certificates Where the number of incomplete or wrong
again reached 5 GLOBALG.A.P. Numbers (GGN) or 1 % of the total number of GGNs database entries and/or issued certificates
registered under a CB, whichever is higher again reached 5 IndG.A.P. registrations or 1
% of the total number of regstrations Equivalent
registered under a CB, whichever is higher

c) The CB shall pay partially or fully for the number of re-assessment days The CB shall pay partially or fully for the
proposed by the ISC. number of re-assessment days proposed by Equivalent
the relevant committie
9.3.3 Step 3 – Yellow Card Step 3 – Yellow Card Equivalent
a) Judged and decided by the ISC and implemented by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. Judged and decided by the ISC and
The Yellow Card is published on the GLOBALG.A.P. website and the implemented by the IndG.A.P. Secretariat.
GLOBALG.A.P. members are informed. The Yellow Card is published on the QCI Equivalent
website and the
IndG.A.P. members are informed.
b) A Yellow Card can be lifted by the ISC when the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat has A Yellow Card can be lifted by the relevant
verified the effectiveness of the improvement during one or more verification committie when the IndG.A.P. Secretariat
(re)assessments and found it to be satisfactory. has verified the effectiveness of the
improvement during one or more Equivalent
verification (re)assessments and found it to
c) The CB shall pay partially or fully for the number of re-assessment days The CB shall pay partially or fully for the
proposed by the ISC. number of re-assessment days proposed by Equivalent
the relevant committie.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

d) A Yellow Card can be issued: A Yellow Card can be issued: Equivalent

(i) For the period when the CB implements improvement measures due to the Certification For the period when the CB implements
Integrity Program assessment results. The timeframe for improvement is stipulated by improvement measures due to the
the ISC, but shall not exceed 12 months. Certification Integrity Program assessment
GLOBALG.A.P. schedules a follow-up assessment to evaluate improvement. results. The timeframe for improvement is
stipulated by the relevant committie , but Equivalent
shall not exceed 12 months. IndG.A.P.
schedules a follow up assessment to
(ii) Where improvements observed in a re-assessment are not sufficient Where improvements observed in a re-
assessment are not sufficient Equivalent
(iii) Where no reaction follows written requests by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat after Where no reaction follows written
step 2 – 2nd Warning requests by the IndG.A.P. Secretariat Equivalent
after step 2 – 2nd Warning
(iv) Where after step 2 – 2nd Warning the number of incomplete or wrong database entries Where after step 2 – 2nd Warning the
and/or issued certificates again reaches 5 GGNs or 1 % of the total number of GGN number of incomplete or wrong database
registered under a CB, whichever is higher. entries and/or issued certificates again
reaches 5 registrations or 1 % of the total Equivalent
number of registrations registered under a
whichever is higher.
9.3.4 Step 4 – Red Card Step 4 – Red Card Equivalent
a) Judged and decided by the ISC and implemented by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. Judged and decided by the ISC and
The Red Card is published on the GLOBALG.A.P. website and the GLOBALG.A.P. implemented by the IndG.A.P. Secretariat.
members are informed. The Red Card is published on the QCI Equivalent
website and the IndG.A.P.
members are informed.
b) Temporarily full or partial prohibition of the use of the GLOBALG.A.P. license is Temporarily full or partial prohibition of the
imposed, i.e. the CB is not allowed to issue new or re-issue certificates until further use of the IndG.A.P. license is imposed, i.e.
notice. the CB is not allowed to issue new or re- Equivalent
issue certificates until
further notice.
c) The ISC may lift this sanction only if confidence in the reliability of the CB’s operation The relevant committie may lift this sanction
can be reassured. only if confidence in the reliability of the
CB’s operation can be
d) The CB will pay for the verification (re)assessments. The CB will pay for the verification
(re)assessments. Equivalent
e) A Red Card can be issued (non-exhaustive list): A Red Card can be issued (non-
exhaustive list): Equivalent
(i) Where CB performance does not show sufficient improvement during further repeated Where CB performance does not show
re-assessments sufficient improvement during further Equivalent
repeated re-assessments
(ii) Where a Yellow Card has not been closed after the indicated deadline Where a Yellow Card has not been
closed after the indicated deadline Equivalent
(iii) Where the AB has suspended the accreditation Where the AB has suspended the
accreditation Equivalent
(iv) Where after step 3 – Yellow Card the number of incomplete or wrong database entries Where after step 3 – Yellow Card the
and/or issued certificates again reaches 5 GGNs or 1 % of the total number of GGN number of incomplete or wrong database
registered under a CB, whichever is higher. entries and/or issued certificates again
reaches 5 registrations or 1 % of the total Equivalent
number of registrations registered under a
whichever is higher.
f) The CB being issued the Red Card shall inform (by means of a written letter) all its The CB being issued the Red Card shall
producers about the right to require the CB to annul the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Sublicense inform (by means of a written letter) all its
and Certification Agreement' within 5 business days of the loss of GLOBALG.A.P. producers about the right to require the CB
approval.Following a producer request, the CB shall allow and facilitate the producer to annul the 'IndG.A.P. Sublicense and
transfer to another CB. In case the CB fails to do so, GLOBALG.A.P. shall inform the Certification Agreement' within 5 business
producers using the contact details registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database and days of the loss of IndG.A.P.
release the GGN in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database on the producer’s request to allow a approval.Following a producer request, the
producer transfer to another CB. CB shall allow and facilitate the producer
transfer to another CB. In case the CB fails
to do so, IndG.A.P. shall inform the Equivalent
producers using the contact details
registered in the IndG.A.P. Database and
release the registration numbers the
IndG.A.P. Database on the producer’s
request to allow a producer transfer to
another CB.

9.3.5 Step 5 – Contract Cancellation 4.13.1 Step 5 – Contract Cancellation Equivalent

a) Judged and proposed by the ISC, decided and implemented by the GLOBALG.A.P. Judged and proposed by the relevant
Secretariat. Contract cancellation is published on the GLOBALG.A.P. website and the committie, decided and implemented by the
GLOBALG.A.P. members are informed. IndG.A.P. Secretariat. Contract cancellation
is published on the QCI website and the
IndG.A.P. members are
b) Cancellation of the 'GLOBALG.A.P. License and Certification Agreement' shall be Cancellation of the 'IndG.A.P. License
imposed for at least 2 years. and Certification Agreement' shall be
imposed for at least 2 years. Equivalent

c) The ECSO is responsible for enforcing this sanction on the CBs operating a The relevant committie is responsible for
GLOBALG.A.P. equivalent scheme. enforcing this sanction on the CBs
operating a IndG.A.P. equivalent
d) The CB that has lost its GLOBALG.A.P. approval shall inform (by means of a written The CB that has lost its IndG.A.P. approval
letter) all its producers about the right to require the CB to annul the 'GLOBALG.A.P. shall inform (by means of a written letter)
Sublicense and Certification Agreement' within 5 business days of the loss of all its producers about the right to require
GLOBALG.A.P. approval. Following a producer request, the CB shall allow and the CB to annul the 'IndG.A.P. Sublicense
facilitate the producer transfer to another CB. In case the CB fails to do so, and Certification Agreement' within 5
GLOBALG.A.P. shall inform the producers using the contact details registered in the business days of the loss of IndG.A.P.
GLOBALG.A.P. Database and release the GGN in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database on approval. Following a producer request, the
the producer’s request to allow a producer transfer to another CB. CB shall allow and facilitate the producer
transfer to another CB. In case the CB fails
to do so,IndG.A.P. shall inform the Equivalent
producers using the contact details
registered in the IndGAP Database and
release the registration numbers in the
IndG.A.P. Database on the producer’s
request to allow a producer transfer to
another CB.

e) Contract cancellation can follow in the following cases (non-exhaustive list): Contract cancellation can follow in the
following cases (non-exhaustive list): Equivalent
(i) In cases of verified fraud In cases of verified fraud Equivalent
(ii) Where a Red Card sanction could not be lifted after the agreed deadline. Where a Red Card sanction could not
be lifted after the agreed deadline. Equivalent
(iii) Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Equivalent
(iv) Loss of accreditation Loss of accreditation Equivalent
Flow chart illustrating the Certification Integrity Program Sanctioning Procedure
(see GR III, 9. c)) (BIPRO = Brand Integrity Program, CIPRO = Certification Integrity NA NA

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations - Annex III.1: GLOBALG.A.P. CB Inspector Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
Qualifications (Options 1 and 3) (Version 5.2_Feb19) Version: English FL
Claus Explanations/remarks Clause Explanations/answers
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
e No. GLOBALG.A.P. No. scheme owner
a) Inspectors will be able to inspect a sub-scope on the farm level once the CB has A. The evaluators used by the certification body to carry out the evaluation of the IndG.A.P. Certification Scheme
verified factual evidence (as described below) of their qualifications and against the BasicGAP and IndG.A.P. certification criteria and the certification process shall have the following
experience for each sub-scope. qualifications and CB shall verify the factual evidence before the evaluators are send
for inspections/Audits:
2. Formal Qualifications and Work Experience -
a) At least a post high school (post-secondary education) diploma or equivalent A. Degree and/or Post-secondary education in any stream of science relevant to agriculture, horticulture, soil
(minimum course duration of 2 years) in a discipline related to the scope of a &b sciences or agroforestry areas, sufficient to provide knowledge of basic microbiology, agronomy, plant
certification (Crops and/or Livestock and/or Aquaculture) AND entomology and pathology, and hygienic conditions in the production and processing of horticulture crops as
A minimum of 2 years' experience gained after finishing post high school relevant to the crops certified. The Evaluator shall have at least 4 years of full time equivalent post qualification
studies and overall 3 years experience in the agricultural industry experience in horticulture or agriculture production, including at least two years of work experience in quality Equivalent
assurance within farm management, inspection or enforcement, or the equivalent. The number of years of total
work experience may be reduced by one year if the auditor has completed appropriate post graduate education in
the education relevant to horticulture and/or
agriculture sector
b) A post high school (post-secondary education) diploma with a minimum A. Degree and/or Post-secondary education in any stream of science relevant to agriculture, horticulture, soil
duration of 2 years in a food related discipline a &b sciences or agroforestry areas, sufficient to provide knowledge of basic microbiology, agronomy, plant
AND entomology and pathology, and hygienic conditions in the production and processing of horticulture crops as
A minimum of 4 years industry experience either in a practical capacity on relevant to the crops certified.The Evaluator shall have at least 4 years of post qualification experience in
farm/site or in a technical production management role in the relevant scope of horticulture or agriculture production, including at least two years of work experience in quality assurance within Equivalent
certification (Crops and/or Livestock and/or Aquaculture). farm management, inspection or enforcement, or the equivalent. The number of years of total work experience
may be reduced by one year if the auditor has completed appropriate post graduate education in the education
relevant to horticulture and/or agriculture sector


3.1 Inspector Training -
One-day practical inspection course setting out basic principles of A. Successful completion of training in audit techniques based on ISO
inspection. c 17021/19011 for minimum duration of one day
3.2 Food Safety, G.A.P. Training, and Work Experience -
a) Training in HACCP principles either as part of formal qualifications or through A. Training on HACCP principles as part of the formal qualification or by successful completion of a formal course
the successful completion of a formal course based on the principles of the c based on principles of codex alimentarius. It can be internal training by CB. The duration shall be minimum 8
Codex Alimentarius (the formal course may be an internal training by the CB). hours
The minimum training duration shall be 8 hours. Duration and content shall be
indicated on the evidence available for this requirement (course certificate, Equivalent
evidence of training included in formal qualifications, etc.). The course
duration for inspectors only approved for Flower and Ornamentals and/or Plant
Propagation material
may be shorter.
b) Food hygiene training either as part of formal qualifications or through the A. Training on Food hygiene as part of the formal qualification or by successful completion of a formal course. It can
successful completion of a formal course (the formal course may be an c be internal training by CB. The duration shall be minimum 8 hours. This course shall cover site management,
internal training by the CB). The formal course duration shall be a minimum water, fertilizer, equipment, facilities and personal hygiene and shall also include practical case studies.
of 8 hours. Duration and content shall be indicated on the evidence available
for this requirement (course certificate, evidence of training included in formal
qualifications, etc.). The food hygiene training course shall cover: site Equivalent
management, water, fertilizer, equipment, facilities and personal hygiene, and
it shall also include practical case studies. Already approved inspectors have a
one-year transition period after the publication of GLOBALG.A.P. IFA
Version 5 to complete this
Both trainings in points a) and b) can be taken together in the same A. Both the trainings can be combined but shall be of a minimum duration of 16 hours.
formal course (minimum duration 16 hours). c
A food hygiene course is not required for Flowers and Ornamentals NA No under Scope
NA Out of scope
and/or Plant Propagation Material inspectors
c) GLOBALG.A.P. online training, with the successful completion of all online Scheme owners may oblige A. The Evaluators shall complete GLOBALG.A.P. on line training and exam once made available. Along with the
tests and the respective updates within 3 months after release in the inspector’s inspectors to do the e updates within 3 months of release of the test in the respective language of evaluators.
language. GLOBALG.A.P. online
training and exam. If you do not
want to do so, describe which Equivalent
equvalent requirements you have
in your scheme management

d) Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) ‘Knowledge Exam for Pre-farm Gate’
(when made available), either via GLOBALG.A.P. or any other NA NA
GFSI recognized exam provider.
e) For Crops scope: Plant protection, fertilizer and IPM training either as A. Training in Plant protection products, Fertilizers, Integrated pest management, intergrated nutrient
part of formal qualifications, or through the successful completion of a formal c management as part of the formal qualification or by successful completion of a formal training course by Equivalent
course. Hop-specific training for the Hop sub-scope. qualified agronomist.
f) For Livestock and Aquaculture scopes: Basic veterinary medicine and NA ONLY F&V
stockmanship training including animal health and welfare issues. NA Out of scope

g) For Aquaculture scopes: Basic experience in food processing (to inspect NA ONLY F&V
AQ 12 and 13) and GRASP training (according to the 'GRASP NA Out of scope
General Rules').
h) The experience required shall involve work in the respective scope and may NA ONLY F&V
have been gained simultaneously for more than one scope and/or NA Out of scope
sub-scope/group according to the table below:
If an inspector has 3 or more years' working experience in: -> It is NA ONLY F&V
NA Out of scope
possible to inspect the following sub-scopes/groups:
Fruit & Vegetables -> Fruit & Vegetables, Combinable Crops, Flowers & NA ONLY F&V
Ornamentals, Plant Propagation Material, Tea (Hops after training) NA Out of scope

Flowers & Ornamentals -> Flowers & Ornamentals, Plant NA ONLY F&V
NA Out of scope
Propagation Material, Tea
Combinable Crops -> Combinable Crops, Plant Propagation Material, NA ONLY F&V
NA Out of scope
Flowers & Ornamentals, Tea, Hops
Plant Propagation Material -> Plant Propagation Material, Flowers & NA ONLY F&V
NA Out of scope
Ornamentals (Hops after training)
Tea -> Tea, Plant Propagation Material, Flowers & Ornamentals NA ONLY F&V NA Out of scope
Hops -> Hops, Combinable Crops NA ONLY F&V NA Out of scope
Ruminants (Cattle & Sheep, Dairy, Calf/Young Beef) -> Cattle & NA ONLY F&V
NA Out of scope
Sheep, Dairy, Calf/Young Beef
Pigs -> Pigs NA ONLY F&V NA Out of scope
Poultry -> Poultry, Turkey NA ONLY F&V NA Out of scope
Turkey -> Poultry, Turkey NA ONLY F&V NA Out of scope
Finfish -> Finfish, Crustaceans, Molluscs NA ONLY F&V NA Out of scope
Crustacean -> Finfish, Crustaceans, Molluscs NA ONLY F&V NA Out of scope
Molluscs -> Molluscs NA ONLY F&V NA Out of scope
Compound Feed Manufacturing -> Compound Feed Manufacturing NA ONLY F&V NA Out of scope
To audit/inspect an additional specific sub-scope/group within a scope, proof of Applicable only if your scheme NA ONLY F&V
a formal course of production practices and sub-scope/group specific working allows certification of more
NA Out of scope
experience (i.e. one year working experience or 10 days than one sub-scope
witness assessments) are required.
The formal courses (mentioned in points a), b), e), f), and g) above) can be part NA ONLY F&V
of the formal qualifications (degree/diploma) or can be separate courses that
were taken by the inspector. The inspector shall present proof of qualification.
If it was part of the degree/diploma, it shall be in the syllabus of the course. If
NA Out of scope
it was acquired separately, there shall be a separate certificate, which shows
that a course that covered these issues was completed (including an exam).

3.3 Communication Skills -

a) “Working language” skills in the corresponding native/working language. This A. The auditors and inspectors shall have practical knowledge on the product they are inspecting and shall be
shall include the locally used specialist terminology in the f familiar with the local language or national language or a language which both (auditee and auditor) Equivalent
respective working language. can communicate
b) Exceptions to this rule shall be discussed with and confirmed in writing Where applicable exceptions A. . Any exemption to this shall be consulted with SO and permission to be sought before inspection/audit.
beforehand by the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. may be discussed with you as f
scheme owner

3.4 Initial Training Before Sign-Off by the CB -

a) The CB shall put a training program in place customized to the A. CB shall train the evaluators on the standard customized to the trainees before signing off.
candidate/trainee. c
b) The applicant inspector shall take part as an observer in a minimum of one A. The inspector/auditor shall take part as an observer for at least one option-1 inspection or 1 producer group
Option 1 producer or one Option 2 producer group member g member inspection Equivalent
inspection of the relevant sub-scope.
In case the CB takes over (hires) an approved (for the currently valid version) A. This is not applicable for already approved IndG.A.P. inspector.
inspector, the rule “to observe a minimum of one Option 1 producer or one g
Option 2 producer group member inspection of the
relevant sub-scope’’ does not apply.
c) The CB shall witness a minimum of one inspection of an Option 1 A. CB shall witness minimum of one option-1 inspection or 1 producer group member inspection by and already
producer or an Option 2 producer group member by an already qualified g qualified inspector/ Auditor. Equivalent
inspector or auditor respectively per sub-scope.
d) The CB shall use the GLOBALG.A.P. witness assessment tool (when
made available).
e) For the CB’s first inspector the CB’s internal procedures apply. A. For CB first inspector/Auditor CB shall develop its own procedure and as minimum these shall be
g applicable.
f) As a minimum requirement, the CB shall verify competence in the
following topics:
• Technical knowledge in a given sub-scope A. Technical knowledge on the fruits and vegetables (sub-scope)
• Ability to identify food safety risks/food hazards A. identification ability of food safety risks/ hazards
• Ability to evaluate the HACCP system and identify/challenge critical A. Ability to assess HACCP system and identify/challenge critical control point.
control points g
• Up-to-date knowledge of plant protection products, fertilizer A. Up to date knowledge on Plant protection products, Fertilizers, Integrated pest management and
applications and IPM principles (for Crops) g integrated nutrient management

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III-Annex 1_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

• Up-to-date knowledge of basic veterinary medicine and stockmanship, NA Out of scope

including health and welfare requirements ( for Livestock/Aquaculture) NA Out of scope

• Ability to carry out traceability checks and mass balance analyses A. ability to carry out traceability check and mass balance analysis
• Wherever the control point refers to local legislation, knowledge of the A. Knowledge on the local legislation where specific control point refers to local legislation.
relevant requirements g
• Having the sufficient communication and behavioral skills as to be able A. Communication and behavioral skill to conduct inspections
to conduct an inspection/audit g
• “Working language” skills in the corresponding native/working language A. Communication and behavioral skill to conduct inspections and the working language knowledge.
3.5 Maintenance of Competency -
a) The CB shall have in place a procedure to ensure that annually every A. The inspectors/ auditors shall at least do 5 inspections at different organizations or 10 man days of inspection in
inspector/auditor conducts at least 5 inspections/audits or 10 inspection/audit h at least 2 different organizations for IndG.A.P./ GLOBALG.A.P. inspections. If the CB has less clients and due
days, at a number of different producers, against each GLOBALG.A.P. standard to which if this condition cannot be full filled then it has to informed to SO and exception permission to be
(e.g. IFA (including all sub-sopes and PSS) CoC, CFM, etc.), AMC, or fully obtained. Equivalent
benchmarked scheme of the same sub- scope, to maintain scheme knowledge
and to stay registered in the
GLOBALG.A.P. Database.
b) Witness inspections/audits shall also be acceptable to maintain A. Witnessed inspections can also be counted to it.
competency. h
c) Exceptions to this rule, e.g., if the CB does not have a total of 5 clients, shall Where applicable exceptions A. If the CB has less clients and due to which if this condition cannot be full filled then it has to informed to SO and
be discussed with and confirmed in writing beforehand by the may be discussed with you as h exception permission to be obtained.
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. scheme owner

d) The CB shall carry out a GLOBALG.A.P. witness inspection and/or re- A. Witness inspection for all IndG.A.P. inspectors/auditors shall me carried out at least once in 4 years or the
inspection for each of its GLOBALG.A.P. inspectors at least once every h standard version changes whichever is earlier Equivalent
4 years to verify competence.
e) These requirements do not apply for those Scheme Mangers who do not A. These requirements are not applicable to scheme managers who are no doing any inspections
carry out inspections. h
f) If it is not possible to maintain competency from one year to the other, A. If competency is not maintained clause g shall apply
3.4 shall apply. h
3.6 Rotation of the inspector -
a) The CB shall have procedures in place to ensure that the same inspector does A. The same inspector/Auditor shall not be used consecutively for more than 4 years regardless whether it is
not inspect a producer (Option 1) for 4 consecutive years (regardless of i announced or unannounced inspection
whether it is an announced or an unannounced
b) Under Option 2 and Option 1 multisite with QMS, the auditor in the audit A. in case of option-1, in case of option -2 the auditor needs to be rotated. Inspectors can be the same.
team shall rotate (no more than 4 consecutive years to audit the same QMS). i
However, the inspector(s) in the audit team may remain the same.
For example, inspector #1 inspects a producer in years 1, 2, 3 and 4; in year 5
another inspector (inspector #2) has to do the annual inspection. In years 6, 7,
8 and 9 the inspector #1 may do 4 consecutive inspections again. This also
applies for the group member inspections.

c) When the CB has only one inspector in a given country/region, exceptions may Where applicable exceptions A. In case CB has only one inspector/auditor then the exception has to be received from SO.
be given case-by-case. The exemption period shall last for 12 months. may be discussed with you as i
scheme owner

4.1 GLOBALG.A.P. Farm Inspections -
a) Inspection of farms (either a producer, a production site of a multisite A. the inspector/ Auditor has to do inspection of farms/producer members of the group/ sites in case of multi sites
company or a producer member of a producer group) to assess compliance j with QMS to access compliance with the IndG.A.P. certification requirements and may include shadow
with the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard. This may include shadow inspection of inspections of the internal inspectors of producer group or option-1 multisites with QMS. Equivalent
the internal inspectors of producer groups or
Option 1 multisites with QMS.
b) To produce timely and accurate reports on such inspections in A. They shall produce timely and accurate reports for the inspection done by them
accordance with ISO 17065 and GLOBALG.A.P. timelines and system j Equivalent
4.2 General -
a) To maintain up-to-date files of all quality policies, procedures, work A. Maintain up to date files on quality polices , work instructions procedures and other documents issued
instructions and documentation issued by the CB. j by CB relevant to inspectors/auditor job.
b) To keep abreast of developments, issues and legislative changes A. To keep updated of the legislation and its changes relevant to the scope of inspections/audits
pertaining to the scope in which inspections are carried out. j
c) To carry out any other tasks the CB may assign, outside the scope of A. Other task may include works assigned by CB out side the scope of IndG.A.P. provided it will not conflict the
GLOBALG.A.P. as long as these activities do not contradict ISO 17065 j requirement set out in ISO 17065 and IndG.A.P. requirement.
principles or any stipulation set down by GLOBALG.A.P. General
4.3 Independence and Confidentiality -
a) Inspectors are not permitted to carry out any activities that may affect their A. The inspectors/auditors shall not do the inspection/audit if they have worked, given consultation etc, to the client/
independence or impartiality, and specifically are not permitted to accept k Producers during the past 2 years, Training given on generic topic inspection/ audit standards are not considered
bribes and to have carried out consultancy activities in the last 2 years for the as consultations it shall not be tailor made to suit organizations requirement or shall not include specific solutions
producers they are performing inspections on. Training is not considered to be to a issue
consultancy, provided that, where the course relates to management systems Equivalent
or auditing, it is confined to the provision of generic information that is freely
available in the public domain, i.e. the trainer cannot provide company-
specific solutions.

b) Inspectors shall strictly observe the producer’s and the CB’s procedures A. The inspector/Auditorshall sign confidentiality agreement and any conflict shall be declared to the CB.
to maintain the confidentiality of information and records. k And shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding the information and records

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III-Annex 1_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III-Annex 1_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III-Annex 1_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III-Annex 1_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part III - Annex III.2: GLOBALG.A.P. CB Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
Auditor Version: English FL
Qualifications (Option 1 Multisite with QMS, Options 2 and 4) (Version 5.2_Feb19)
Claus Explanations/remarks Clause Explanations/answer
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
e No. GLOBALG.A.P. No. s scheme owner
This annex shall be completed as Section 5
well for schemes that do not
allow certification of producer
groups as the person who makes
the certification decision or at
least one member of the
certification committee of the
certification body shall comply
with auditor qualifications


a) Auditors will be able to audit quality management systems of all sub- scopes once A CB shall verify the factual evidence before the evaluators are
the CB has verified factual evidence (as described below) of their qualifications send for inspections/Audits:
and experience for at least one sub-scope. Producer and production site Equivalent
inspections however need sub-scope-specific
a) At least a post high school (post-secondary education) diploma or equivalent A. Degree and/or Post-secondary education in any stream of science
(minimum course duration of 2 years) in a discipline related to the scope of a &b relevant to agriculture, horticulture, soil sciences or agroforestry
certification (Crops and/or Livestock and/or Aquaculture and/or Feed areas, sufficient to provide knowledge of basic microbiology,
Manufacturing/Animal nutrition) agronomy, plant entomology and pathology, and hygienic
AND conditions in the production and processing of horticulture crops
A minimum of 2 years' experience gained after finishing the respective post high as relevant to the crops certified. The Evaluator shall have at least
school studies and overall 3 years' experience in the agricultural industry 4 years of full time equivalent post qualification experience in
horticulture or agriculture production, including at least two years
of work experience in quality assurance within farm management, Equivalent
inspection or enforcement, or the equivalent. The number of years
of total work experience may be reduced by one year if the
auditor has completed appropriate post graduate education in the
education relevant to horticulture and/or agriculture sector

b) A post high school (post-secondary education) diploma with a minimum A. Degree and/or Post-secondary education in any stream of science
duration of 2 years in a food-related discipline a &b relevant to agriculture, horticulture, soil sciences or agroforestry
AND areas, sufficient to provide knowledge of basic microbiology,
A minimum of 4 years' industry experience either in a practical capacity on agronomy, plant entomology and pathology, and hygienic
farm/site or in a technical production management role in the relevant scope of conditions in the production and processing of horticulture crops
certification (Crops and/or Livestock and/or Aquaculture). as relevant to the crops certified. The Evaluator shall have at least
4 years of full time equivalent post qualification experience in
horticulture or agriculture production, including at least two years
of work experience in quality assurance within farm management, Equivalent
inspection or enforcement, or the equivalent. The number of years
of total work experience may be reduced by one year if the
auditor has completed appropriate post graduate education in the
education relevant to horticulture and/or agriculture sector


3.1 Lead Assessor Training -
a) Practical auditing experience of minimum 10 days in management systems (e.g.: Not applicable for schemes A For initial qualification as an auditor for IndG.A.P. scheme at
ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 22000, OSHAS 18000), BRC that do not allow neither d least 12 mandays of audits in Quality management system (ISO
Food, IFS Food, previous GLOBALG.A.P. Option 2 or Option 4, producer group certification of producer 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 14000, OSHAS 18000, BRC
audits of organic growers or others). This does not include witnessing or groups nor certification of food, IFS food, GLOBALG.A.P., Organic ICS in at least
observing of audits, but includes being witnessed or observed as auditor-in- individual producers with 4 different organizations in the last 3 year period shall be
training. several site who have required.. The time spent by the observer/trainee
implemented a QMS shall not count towards time spent on evaluation.

b) Successful completion of a lead assessor training course based on ISO 19011 A for auditors a LA training of minimum duration of 37 hours based
principles that shall have a minimum duration of 37 hours, and shall be externally c on ISO 19011 recognised by industry and certificate shall specify
recognized by the industry. The certificate shall specify the course content and the couse as well as duration Equivalent
duration. Successful completion shall be indicated on
the certificate.
c) The lead assessor training course shall cover applicable standards on quality A shall cover the auditing techniques, skills, psychological aspects,
auditing, auditing techniques, focus of the audits (psychological aspects and c communication methods, reporting, and a practical case study
communication), and reporting, and it shall also include a
practical case study.
3.2 Food Safety, G.A.P. Training, and Work Experience -
a) Training in HACCP principles, either as part of formal qualifications or through A Training on HACCP principles as part of the formal qualification
the successful completion of a formal course based on the principles of the Codex c or by successful completion of a formal course based on
Alimentarius (the formal course may be an internal training by the CB). The principles of codex alimentarius. It can be internal training by
training duration shall be a minimum of 8 hours. Duration and content shall be CB. The duration shall be minimum 8 hours.
indicated on the evidence provided for this requirement (course certificate, Equivalent
evidence of training included in formal qualifications, etc.). The course duration
for auditors only approved for Flower and Ornamentals and/or Plant Propagation
material may be
b) Food hygiene training, either as part of formal qualifications or through the A Training on Food hygiene as part of the formal qualification or
successful completion of a formal course (the formal course may be an internal c by successful completion of a formal course. It can be internal
training by the CB). Successful completion of a food hygiene training course with training by CB. The duration shall be minimum 8 hours. This
a minimum duration of 8 hours. Duration and content shall be indicated on the course shall cover site management, water, fertilizer, equipment,
evidence provided for this requirement (course certificate, evidence of training facilities and personal hygiene and shall also include practical
included in formal qualifications, etc.). The food hygiene training course shall case studies.
cover site management, water, fertilizer, equipment, facilities, and personal
hygiene, and it shall also include practical case studies. Already approved
auditors have one-year transition period after the publication of GLOBALG.A.P.
IFA Version 5 to complete this training.

Both trainings in points a) and b) can have been completed together in the A Both the trainings can be combined but shall be of a
same formal course (minimum duration 16 hours). c minimum duration of 16 hours. Equivalent
A food hygiene course is not required for Flowers and Ornamentals and/or NA Not under Scope
Plant Propagation Material auditors. NA Out of scope
c) Food/feed hygiene training, either as part of formal qualifications or through the NA Not under Scope
successful completion of a formal course for the Compound NA Out of scope
Feed Manufacturing Standard.
d) GLOBALG.A.P. online training, with the successful completion of all online tests Scheme owners may oblige A The Evaluators shall complete GLOBALG.A.P. on line training
and the respective updates within 3 months after release of the training in the auditors to do the e and exam once made available. Along with the updates within 3
inspector’s language. GLOBALG.A.P. online training months of release of the test in the respective language of
and exam. If you do not want to evaluators.
do so, describe which equvalent Equivalent
requirements you have in your
scheme management rules.

e) Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) ‘Knowledge Exam for Pre-farm Gate’
when made available), either via GLOBALG.A.P. or any other GFSI recognized NA NA
exam provider
f) For Crop Standards: Plant protection, fertilizer, and IPM training, either as A Training in Plant protection products, Fertilizers, Integrated pest
part of formal qualifications or through the successful completion of a formal c management, intergrated nutrient management as part of the
course. Hop-specific training for Hop sub-scope. formal qualification or by successful completion of a formal Equivalent
training course by qualified agronomist

g) For Livestock and Aquaculture Standards: Basic veterinary medicine and NA Only F & V Scope
stockmanship training including animal health and welfare issues. NA Out of scope

h) For Aquaculture Standards: Basic experience in food processing (to NA Only F & V Scope
inspect AQ12 and 13) and GRASP training (according to the 'GRASP General NA Out of scope
i) For CFM Standard: Knowledge of the relevant regional/national feed NA Only F & V Scope
NA Out of scope
legislation applicable to the scope of activity.
j) The experience required shall involve work in the respective scope and NA Only F & V Scope
may have been gained simultaneously for more than one scope and/or sub- NA Out of scope
scope/group according to the table below:
If an auditor has 3 or more years working experience in: -> It is possible NA Only F & V Scope
to audit/inspect the following sub-scopes/group: NA Out of scope
Fruit & Vegetables -> Fruit & Vegetables, Combinable Crops, Flowers & NA Only F & V Scope
Ornamentals, Plant Propagation Material, Tea, Hops (after training) NA Out of scope

Flowers & Ornamentals -> Flowers & Ornamentals, Plant Propagation NA Only F & V Scope
Material, Tea NA Out of scope
Combinable Crops -> Combinable Crops, Plant Propagation Material, NA Only F & V Scope
Flowers & Ornamentals, Tea, Hops NA Out of scope

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III-Annex 2_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

Plant Propagation Material -> Plant Propagation Material, Flowers & NA Only F & V Scope
Ornamentals, Hops (after training) NA Out of scope
Tea -> Tea, Plant Propagation Material, Flowers & Ornamentals, Hops NA Only F & V Scope
(after training) NA Out of scope
Hops -> Hops, Combinable Crops NA Only F & V Scope NA Out of scope
Ruminants (Cattle & Sheep, Dairy, Calf/Young Beef) -> Cattle & Sheep, NA Only F & V Scope
Dairy, Calf/Young Beef NA Out of scope
Pigs -> Pigs NA Only F & V Scope NA Out of scope
Poultry -> Poultry, Turkey NA Only F & V Scope NA Out of scope
Turkey -> Poultry, Turkey NA Only F & V Scope NA Out of scope
Finfish -> Finfish, Crustaceans, Molluscs NA Only F & V Scope NA Out of scope
Crustaceans -> Finfish, Crustaceans, Molluscs NA Only F & V Scope NA Out of scope
Molluscs -> Molluscs NA Only F & V Scope NA Out of scope
Compound Feed Manufacturing -> Compound Feed Manufacturing NA Only F & V Scope NA Out of scope
To audit/inspect an additional specific sub-scope/group within a scope, proof Applicable only if your scheme NA Only F & V Scope
of a formal course of production practices and sub-scope/group- specific allows certification of more than
NA Out of scope
working experience (one year working experience or 10 days one sub-scope
witness assessments) are required.
For CFM, 3 years' (overall) working experience is required in the feed, NA Only F & V Scope
nutrition, or food industry. NA Out of scope
The formal courses (mentioned in points a), b), c), f), g), and h) above) can be NA Only F & V Scope
part of the formal qualifications (degree/diploma) or can be separate courses that
were taken by the auditor. The auditor shall present proof of qualification. If it
was part of the degree/diploma, it shall be in the syllabus of the course. Or, if it
NA Out of scope
was acquired separately, then there shall be a separate certificate, which shows
that a course that covered these issues was completed (including an exam).

3.3 Communication Skills -

a) “Working language” skills in the corresponding native/working language. This A The auditors and inspectors shall have practical knowledge on the
shall include the locally used specialist terminology in this working language. f product they are inspecting and shall be familiar with the local
language or national language or a language which both (auditee Equivalent
and auditor) can communicate.

b) Exceptions to this rule shall be discussed beforehand with the Where applicable exceptions A Any exemption to this shall be consulted with SO and
GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat. may be discussed with you as f permission to be sought before inspection/audit.
scheme owner

3.4 Initial Training Before Sign-Off by the CB -

a) The CB shall put a training program in place that is customized to the A. CB shall train the evaluators on the standard customized to
candidate/trainee. c the trainees before signing off. Equivalent
b) The applicant auditor shall take part as an observer in a minimum of one Option A. The inspector/auditor shall take part as an observer for at least
1 producer or one Option 2 producer group member inspection of the relevant g one option-1 inspection or 1 producer group member inspection
sub-scope and one audit by an already qualified inspector or auditor Equivalent
respectively. In case of CFM auditors, the observation of a QMS
audit is not applicable.
n case the CB takes over (hires) an approved (for the currently valid version) A. This is not applicable for already approved IndG.A.P.
auditor, the rule ‘’to observe a minimum of one Option 1 producer or one Option g inspector.
2 producer group member inspection of the relevant sub- scope’’ does Equivalent
not apply.

c) The CB shall witness a minimum of one inspection of an Option 1 producer or A. CB shall witness minimum of one option-1 inspection or 1
an Option 2 producer group member per sub-scope and one QMS audit by the g producer group member inspection by and already qualified
applicant auditor. An inspector or auditor can witness the inspection, but only an inspector/ Auditor. For Auditors in addition to this a QMS
auditor can witness the audit. In case of CFM auditors, being witnessed during a witness has to be done by an already qualified auditor.
QMS audit is not applicable.

d) The CB shall use the GLOBALG.A.P. witness assessment tool (when

made available). NA NA
e) For the CB’s first auditor the CB’s internal procedure shall apply. For the CBs first auditor the CBs internal procedure shall
apply Equivalent
f) The QMS auditor shall attend a GLOBALG.A.P. QMS auditor training and pass Scheme owners may oblige . The QMS auditor shall attend a IndG.A.P QMS auditor training
the exam for each new standard version. In case of CFM auditors, this auditors to attend a for each new standard version.
requirement is not applicable. GLOBALG.A.P. QMS Auditor
Training and pass the exam. If
you do not want to do so,
describe which equvalent
requirements you have in your
scheme management rules.
Not applicable for schemes
that do not allow neither
certification of producer
groups nor certification of
individual producers with
several site who have
implemented a QMS

g) As a minimum requirement, the CB shall verify competence in the

following topics: -
• Technical knowledge in a given sub-scope A. Technical knowledge on the fruits and vegetables (sub-
g scope) Equivalent
• Ability to identify food safety risks/food hazards A. identification ability of food safety risks/ hazards
g Equivalent
• Ability to evaluate the HACCP system and identify/challenge critical A. Ability to assess HACCP system and identify/challenge
control points g critical control point. Equivalent
• Up-to-date knowledge of plant protection products, fertilizer applications, and A. Up to date knowledge on Plant protection products, Fertilizers,
IPM principles (for Crops) g Integrated pest management and integrated Equivalent
nutrient management
• Up-to-date knowledge of basic veterinary medicine and stockmanship, NA Out of scope
including health and welfare requirements (for Livestock/Aquaculture) NA Out of scope

• Ability to carry out traceability checks and mass balance analyses A. ability to carry out traceability check and mass balance
g analysis Equivalent
• Wherever the control point refers to local legislation, knowledge of the A. Knowledge on the local legislation where specific control
relevant requirements g point refers to local legislation. Equivalent
• Having the sufficient communication and behavioral skills as to be able to A. Communication and behavioral skill to conduct inspections
conduct an inspection/audit g Equivalent
• “Working language” skills in the corresponding native/working language A. Communication and behavioral skill to conduct inspections
g and the working language knowledge. Equivalent
3.5 Maintenance of Competency -
a) The CB shall have in place a procedure to ensure that annually every A. The inspectors/ Auditors shall at least do 5 inspections at different
inspector/auditor conducts at least 5 inspections/audits or 10 inspection/audit h organizations or 10 man days of inspection in at least 2 different
days, at a number of different producers, against each GLOBALG.A.P. standard organizations for IndG.A.P./ GLOBALG.A.P. inspections. If the
(e.g. IFA (including all sub-scopes and PSS), CoC, CFM, etc.), AMC, or a CB has less clients and due to which if this condition cannot be Equivalent
benchmarked scheme, to maintain scheme knowledge and to stay registered in the full filled then it has to informed to SO and exception permission
GLOBALG.A.P. Database. to be obtained.

b) Witness inspections/audits shall also be acceptable to maintain A. Witnessed inspections can also be counted to it.
competency. h Equivalent
c) Exceptions to this rule, e.g., if the CB does not have a total of 5 clients, shall be Where applicable exceptions A. If the CB has less clients and due to which if this condition
discussed with and confirmed in writing beforehand by the GLOBALG.A.P. may be discussed with you as h cannot be full filled then it has to informed to SO and exception
Secretariat. scheme owner permission to be obtained.

d) These requirements are not valid for those auditors whose main task it is A. These requirements are not applicable to scheme
to be part of the certification body decision-making committee. h managers who are no doing any inspections Equivalent
e) The CB shall carry out a GLOBALG.A.P. witness audit and/or re-audit for A. Witness inspection for all IndG.A.P. inspectors/Auditors
each of its GLOBALG.A.P. auditors at least once every 4 years to verify h shall me carried out at least once in 4 years or the standard Equivalent
competence. version changes whichever is earlier
f) If it is not possible to maintain competency from one year to the other, 3.4 A. If competency is not maintained clause g shall apply
shall apply. h Equivalent
3.6 Rotation of the auditor -
a) The CB shall have procedures in place to ensure that the same auditor does A. The same inspector/Auditor shall not be used consecutively for
not inspect a producer (Option 1) for 4 consecutive years (regardless of i more than 4 years regardless whether it is announced or
whether it is an announced or an unannounced audit). unannounced inspection

b) Under Option 2 and Option 1 multisite with QMS, the auditor in the audit team A. in case of option-1, in case of option -2 the auditor needs to be
shall rotate (no more than 4 consecutive years to audit the same QMS). However, i rotated. Inspectors can be the same.
the inspector(s) in the audit team may remain the same. For example, auditor #1
audits a group QMS in years 1, 2, 3, and 4; in year 5 another auditor (auditor #2)
has to do the annual audit. In years 6, 7, 8, and 9 the auditor #1 may do 4
consecutive audits again. This also applies for group member inspections.

c) When the CB has only one auditor in a given country/region, exceptions may be Where applicable exceptions A. In case CB has only one inspector/ auditor then the exception
given case-by-case. The exemption period shall last for 12 months. may be discussed with you as i has to be received from SO.
scheme owner

4.1 GLOBALG.A.P. QMS Audits -

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III-Annex 2_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

a) Auditing and assessment of the quality management system of producer groups A. the Auditor has to do assessment of QMS of the producer
and Option 1 multisites where a QMS is implemented for compliance with the j group/option-1 multi sites with QMS to access compliance with
GLOBALG.A.P. Standard according to the QMS checklist, available on the the IndG.A.P. certification requirements using the check list Equivalent
GLOBALG.A.P. website. provided by scheme owner

b) To produce timely and accurate reports on such audits in accordance with ISO A. They shall produce timely and accurate reports for the
17065 requirements and GLOBALG.A.P. timelines and system j inspections/ Audits done by them Equivalent
NOTE: An auditor qualified in the scope of Fruit and Vegetables can audit the NA Only F& V scope
QMS of a group seeking certification for Pigs, however this auditor NA Out of scope
cannot conduct any farm inspections of the pig producers.
4.2 GLOBALG.A.P. Farm Inspections -
a) Inspection of farms (either producer or production sites (Option 1) or producers in A. the inspector/ Auditor has to do inspection of farms/producer
producer groups (Option 2)) to assess compliance with the GLOBALG.A.P. j members of the group/ sites in case of multi sites with QMS to
Standard. This may include shadow inspection of the internal inspectors of access compliance with the IndG.A.P. certification requirements
producer groups or Option 1 multisites with QMS. and may include shadow inspections of the internal inspectors of
producer group or
option-1 multisites with QMS.
b) To produce timely and accurate reports on such inspections in accordance with A. They shall produce timely and accurate reports for the
ISO and GLOBALG.A.P. timelines and system j inspections/ audit done by them Equivalent
4.3 General -
a) To maintain up-to-date files of all quality policies, procedures, work instructions A. Maintain up to date files on quality polices , work instructions
and documentation issued by the CB. j procedures and other documents issued by CB relevant to Equivalent
inspectors/auditors job.
b) To keep abreast of developments, issues and legislative changes A. To keep updated of the legislation and its changes relevant
pertaining to the scope in which audits are carried out. j to the scope of inspections./Audit Equivalent
c) To carry out any other tasks the CB may assign outside the scope of A. Other task may include works assigned by CB out side the scope
GLOBALG.A.P. so long as these activities do not contradict EN 45011 or j of IndG.A.P. provided it will not conflict the requirement set out
ISO/IEC Guide 17065 principles or any stipulation set down by the in ISO 17065 and IndG.A.P.
GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations. requirement.
4.4 Independence and Confidentiality -
a) Auditors are not permitted to take ultimate certification decisions regarding own A. Auditors shall not take certification decisions for the audits/
audits or inspections they have carried out themselves. k inspection done by them Equivalent

b) Auditors are not permitted to carry out any activities that may affect their A. The inspectors/auditors shall not do the inspection/audit if they
independence or impartiality, and specifically are not permitted to accept bribes k have worked, given consultation etc, to the client/ Producers
and to have carried out consultancy activities in the last 2 years for the producers during the past 2 years, Training given on generic topic
they are performing inspections on. Training is not considered to be consultancy, inspection/ audit standards are not considered as consultations it
provided that, where the course relates to management systems or auditing, it is shall not be tailor made to suit organizations requirement or Equivalent
confined to the provision of generic information that is freely available in the shall not include specific solutions to a issue
public domain, i.e. the trainer cannot provide company-specific solutions.

c) Auditors shall strictly observe the producer’s and the CB’s procedures to A. The inspector/Auditorshall sign confidentiality agreement and
maintain the confidentiality of information and records. k any conflict shall be declared to the CB. And shall maintain strict
confidentiality regarding the information and

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR III-Annex 2_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations - Crops Rules Applicant Scheme Management Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor FL
(Version 5.2_Feb19) Version: English
Claus Explanations/remarks Clause Explanations/answers
GLOBALG.A.P. Rules Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
e No. GLOBALG.A.P. No. scheme owner
This document describes additional certification rules for any party seeking Spice Module
certification for crops in accordance with the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm
Assurance (IFA) Standard, the GLOBALG.A.P. Produce Safety Standard (PSS), NA NA
and the Harmonized Produce Safety Standard
These Crop Rules shall be used in combination with the GLOBALG.A.P. Harvesting clauses to be included
General Regulations that define the certification rules that apply for all NA NA
GLOBALG.A.P. Standards.
The term “shall” is used throughout this document to indicate those provisions
which, reflecting the requirements of GLOBALG.A.P., are NA NA
2.1 Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) Standard/Produce Safety Standards
2.1.1 Crops Sub-Scopes -
Crops Rules apply for all sub-scopes under the Crops scope: NA NA
(i) Fruit and Vegetables: GLOBALG.A.P. certification covers fruit and vegetables Describe for which kind of Fruit and Vegetables: IndG.A.P
used for fresh, cooked or processed consumption by humans. Crops (vegetables products your scheme applies certification covers fruit and vegetables
or herbs) grown solely for medicinal or aromatic purposes cannot be certified used for fresh,cooked or rocessed
consumption by humans (vegetables or
herbs) grown solely for medicinal or
aromatic purposes can not be certified. Equivalent

(ii) Flowers and Ornamentals NA NA

(iii) Plant Propagation Material (products certified under PPM sub-scope are N/A not under scope
NA Out of scope
not intended for human consumption or for feed.)
(iv) Combinable Crops: GLOBALG.A.P. certification covers extensive crops Describe for which kind of N/A not under scope
for cooked or processed consumption by humans or animals or for use in the products your scheme applies NA Out of scope
(v) Tea Currently Tea not included in scope NA NA
(vi) Hop Currently Hop not included in scope NA NA
NOTE for Herbs: Products classified as herbs in general are listed in the N/A Spices and Herbs are different but drying
'GLOBALG.A.P. Product List' as individual products with separate and storage is important step if not sold
NA Out of scope
identification numbers. fresh to customer, and checklist
for spices included
However, where more than one herb product is grown, residue testing does not
have to be performed on each individual product (herb), but NA Out of scope
according to the risk of the group of herbs.
Also, the use of plant protection products on herbs is applicable to herbs
NA Out of scope
as a group and not for each individual product (herb).
2.1.2 Modular Structure of Crops IFA/PSS Standards -
The IFA Crops Standards are composed of scope and sub-scope modules. The
evaluation of compliance with the Standard implies the verification of applicable
modules. It is not possible to certify the respective sub-scope without also
verifying compliance with the applicable scope. The compliance criteria of the
scope shall be interpreted
according to the inspected sub-scope.
Examples: NA NA
(i) Apples shall be certified under the Fruit and Vegetables module, which
automatically requires compliance with the All Farm Base and Crops Base NA NA
(i) The certification of Plant Propagation Material requires compliance with the All
Farm Base, Crops Base, and Plant Propagation Material modules. NA NA

(iii) (iii) Hop cones for brewing shall be certified after compliance with the All Farm
Base, Crops Base and Hop modules.
However, when hop shoots (as vegetable) are included in the scope of
certification, together with hop cones for brewing, the producer shall comply
with the All Farm Base, Crops Base, Hop and Fruit and Vegetables modules.
If the producer is ONLY applying for certiifcation of hop shoots (no brewing,
only as vegetable), the producer shall comply with the All Farm Base, Crops
Base, and Fruit and Vegetables modules.

For more information on the structure and modular approach, please see the
'GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations Part I – General Requirements'. NA NA

2.2 Harmonized Produce Safety Standard NA NA

These Crops Rules, in addition to the HPSS adendum to the General Regulations,
apply to the production of all products listed a fruit and NA NA
vegetables in the 'GLOBALG.A.P. Product List'
2.3. Harvest Exclusion Chapter not applicable if your
scheme does not allow harvest -
(i) If produce is sold in the field before harvest and the buyer is responsible for Section4 Harvest can be excluded from the scope of
harvesting, the IFA control point related to harvesting in section FV.5 and 4.1.7 xxi certification only if theproduce is sold
control points and compliance criteria of section 3 in the HPSS can be excluded before harvest and the ownership of
from the producer’s certificate. produce is no more with the certificate
holder, part of the harvest can not be Equivalent
excluded. And these information shall be
available in the application

(ii) As long as the harvesting process (whether carried out by the producer or Section4 Inclusion of harvest is mandatory as long
subcontracted) takes place while the produce belongs to the producer, all points 4.1.7 xxi as the produce under harvest is under the
relating to harvest shall be included in the inspection and the certificate. ownership to the producer during harvest
even if harvest is a sub- contracted

(iii) “Harvest exclusion” applies where the produce does not belong to the producer Section4 Harvest can be excluded from the scope of
anymore at some point in time prior to harvest commencing and the producer 4.1.7 xxi certification only if theproduce is sold
has no control over the harvesting process. It is also not an activity that is before harvest and the ownership of
subcontracted by the producer. produce is no more with the certificate
holder, part of the harvest can not be Equivalent
excluded. And these information shall be
available in the application

(iv) The producer shall apply for exclusion per product during registration with Section4 And these information shall be available in
detailed justification. 4.1.7 xxi the application Equivalent

(v) The certification body (CB) will make the decision as to whether harvesting may Section4 The CB will make the decision as to
be excluded or not based on the following requirements. The producer shall have 4.1.7 xxi whether harvesting may be excluded or not
a contract with the buyer that states that the harvester/buyer will do all of the based on the following requirements. The
following: producer shall have a contract with the Equivalent
buyer that sttaes that the harvestor/buyer
will do all of the
a) Take ownership of the produce before harvesting Section4 Take ownership of the produce before
4.1.7 xxiv harvesting Equivalent

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR-Crops Rules_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
b) Take responsibility for ensuring that harvest takes place only after the Pre- Section4 Take responsibility for ensuring that
Harvest Interval (PHI) has been observed 4.1.7 xxi harvest takes place only after the pre-
harvest interval (PHI) has been observed Equivalent

c) Handle the produce after harvest (not just during harvest) Section4 Handle the produce after harvest (not
4.1.7 xxi just during harvest)
d) Buy all the produce (harvest exclusion is not possible if the producer harvests Section4 part of the harvest can not be excluded.
Ask BMC / check
some part of the crop and sells another part before harvest) 4.1.7 xxi Equivalent
(vi) If the producer does not know the buyer at the time of registration with Section4 During application if the producer is not
GLOBALG.A.P., the following shall be provided: 4.1.7 xxi sure of buyer/buyers then a declaration
stating that the information will be passed
on to the CB as soon as the buyer is

a) A declaration from the producer to inform the buyer (new owner who is harvester Section4 the producer has to declare that PHI is
AND post-harvest handler) about the pre-harvest interval (PHI) 4.1.7 xxi complied with and pass on that
information to buyer.

b) A contract with the buyer as soon as the buyer has been identified that includes Section4 A written contract shall be executed
all issues under point (v). If harvesting is excluded for the producer or producer 4.1.7 xxi between the producer and buyer
group, produce handling shall also be excluded for that producer or producer & xxiii mentioning the IndG.A.P. requirement for
group. harvest exclusion. If harvest is excluded
then produce handling is also
2.4. Post-Harvest Produce Handling Exclusion -
a) Produce handling includes any type of post-harvest handling of products such as Section4 :- Produce handling includes any
storage, chemical treatment, trimming, washing or any other handling where the 4.1.7 operations after harvest including storage,
product may have physical contact with other materials or substances. Details of note chemical treatments, trimming, thinning,
the specific process (per product) applicable to the producer have to be included washing, packing or other operations were
in the checklist notes. the produce will have physical contact with Equivalent
other substances or materials. Any specific
processes for produce shall be captured in
the check
b) If produce handling does not take place under the ownership of the applicant, it Section4 xxiii. The produce handling can be
shall be declared during registration and indicated on the certificate. 4.1.7 xxiii excluded only if the produce handled is
not under the ownership of certificate Equivalent
holder. . And this shall be available in
the application
c) Produce handling shall not be included when harvesting is excluded (see Section4 If harvest is excluded then produce
2.3 'Harvest Exclusion' above). 4.1.7 xxiii handling is also excluded Equivalent

d) Produce handling shall always be included as long as the product belongs to Section4 The produce handling can be excluded
the producer during handling (by the producer or subcontractor), unless there is 4.1.7 xxiii only if the produce handled is not under
written evidence (contract, agreement, etc.) that the producer has no control the ownership of certificate holder.
over the packing/handling/storage, the product is not returned to the producer
and the producer is not
responsible for the product anymore.
e) If the produce handling unit (PHU) already has a post-farm gate food safety If your scheme allows N/A Not allowed for the time being by the
certification recognized by GFSI for scope D (, the recognition of other post-farm scheme
GLOBALG.A.P. inspector shall inspect segregation and traceability (i.e. IFA AF gate food safety certification
11, AF 13, CB 1.1, HPSS 10, 12) as well as post-harvest treatments (IFA FV please make reference to the
Not allowed by
5.8.1-10, HPSS 5) if applicable, unless there is a bilateral agreement between respective control points in your NA
GLOBALG.A.P. and the GFSI recognized post-farm gate standard owner stating G.A.P. rules
that these points are included in the scope of the post-farm gate certificate.

If a producer does not perform product handling on farm, but at the facility of N/A Scheme not allowing this separate
another producer who does have GLOBALG.A.P. certification (including inspection needed.
Not allowed by
product handling), the CB may accept another CB’s certificate, or the CB may NA
decide to perform its own inspection of the PHU.

3. PARALLEL PRODUCTION/OWNERSHIP Chapter not applicable if your

scheme does not allow neither
parallel production nor parallel
In crop certification, parallel production in one production site is not allowed Section4 Parallel production is allowed only if the
unless there are distinctive visible differences detectable by the average 4.1.7 xvii crop can the clearly distinguished by an
consumer between the certified and non-certified product (e.g. cherry tomatoes average consumer at harvesting stage ( Eg:- Equivalent
and roma tomatoes). red apple and green apple)

For the IFA sub-scope Flowers and Ornamentals, despite the product list F & O not under scope
only describing generic categories, parallel production and parallel NA Out of scope
ownership definitions are as follows:
Parallel Production (PP): -
PP is the situation where individual producers, producer members or producer PP is the situation where individual
groups produce the same species partly as certified and partly as non-certified. producers,producer members or producer
It is also PP if not all the members of a producer group producing a species that groups produce the same species partly as
is registered for certification are included in the scope of the certificate. certified and partly as non certified. It is
also PP if not all the members of a poducer
group producing species that is registered Equivalent
for certification are included in scope of the

Example: A producer grows roses. Only a part of the rose production will
be certified.
A situation in which a producer produces one species as certified and another A sitaution in which a producer produces
species as non-certified is not parallel production (e.g. roses certified and one species as certified and another species
carnations non-certified). as non certified is not parrallel production
(e.g roses certified and carnations non Equivalent

Parallel Ownership (PO): -

PO is the situation where individual producers, producer members, or producer PO is the situation where individual
groups buy non-certified products of the same species they grow under producers ,produce members or producer
certified production. groups buy non certified products of the
same species they grow under certified
production . Parrallel
production is allowed
Example: A producer grows certified roses and buys non-certified roses
from other producer(s).
4.1. Inspection Timing -
The following rules apply together with the inspection timing rules
described in the GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations.
4.1.1. Initial (First) Inspections -
(i) The initial inspection shall cover harvesting activities of each product to be Section4 The ideal timing for evaluation of all
included for certification, as well as produce handling if it is included. control criteria shall be during/ as close to
Other field work can be checked at a different time where feasible, but this is harvest time when sufficient
not obligatory. records/evidence is available, especially to
facilitate verification of the control
points related to harvest
(ii) The inspection shall take place as close to harvest as possible for the inspector to Section4 as close to harvest time when sufficient
verify as many control points as possible. records/evidence is available, especially to
facilitate verification of the control points Equivalent
related to harvest

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR-Crops Rules_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
(iii) If the inspection is made before harvest, it will not be possible to inspect Section4 If inspection is made before harvest, it is
certain control points. As a result, either a follow-up visit will be required, or not possible to inspect certain control
proof of compliance shall be sent by fax, photos or other acceptable means. No b points which either be covered by a follow Equivalent
certificate will be issued until all control points have been up visit or documentary proof
verified and all non-conformances have been closed. submitted by producer.
(iv) If harvest takes place before the inspection, the producer shall retain evidence Section4 If harvest has already taken place at the
for compliance of control points related to that harvest, otherwise some control time of inspection, producer shall retain
points may not be able to be checked and certification will c evidence for compliance of control
not be possible until the following harvest. points related to that harvest,
(v) The CB shall make sure that in the sampling for unannounced visits, those Section The CB shall make sure that in the
producers that did not receive a first inspection or the subsequent inspection 4 Cl. sampling for unannounced visits, those
during harvest have a greater chance of getting an unannounced inspection producers that did not receive a first
during the next harvest (this needs to be conveyed to the producer when (ii) inspection or the subsequent inspection
discussing inspection timing). during harvest have a greater chance of
Additionally, the CB shall make every effort to carry out the subsequent getting an unannounced inspection during
inspection during harvest. the next harvest (this needs to be conveyed Equivalent
to the producer when discussing inspection
Additionally, the CB shall make every
effort to carry out the subsequent
inspection during harvest.

(vi) Multiple crops: The producer may be seeking certification for more than one Section4 ii. Where the produce to be included in the
crop and the crops may not all have the same seasonal timing, i.e. harvest of one certification scope are concurrent, i.e.,
crop does not necessarily coincide with the harvest of other crops. The &a harvested at the same time, then the first
requirements above are applicable to crop groupings based on similarities in evaluation will be timed so that at least one
production and harvest processes and their risks. The CB shall verify all control crop can be evaluated at harvest, making an
points of these groupings, before the product(s) can be added to the certificate. assumption that the other crops getting
ready for harvest will be compliant to the
same degree.
a. Where the crops to be included in the
certification scope are consecutive, i.e., the
production of one crop finalises before the
production of the next one commences,
then in the first year a full evaluation of the
first crop must be made during harvesting.
Subsequent crops grown in that same first
year can be added to the certificate only
when compliance has been verified for
each crop, either through a site inspection
at harvest of each crop or through data
collection and discussion with the

Example: A visit during apple harvesting is not required when apples are
being added to a certification scope that already includes pears.
However, the apples can only be added to the certificate once all control points
applicable to them have been verified. However, adding spinach to the
certification scope would require an assessment during the spinach
harvesting period.
4.1.2. Subsequent Inspections -
(i) The inspection shall be carried out at a time when relevant agronomic activities Section4 The evaluation shall be timed in such a
and/or handling (but not only storage) are being carried out. Inspection timing 4.7.4 manner that the agronomic activities/
shall allow the CB to gain assurance that all registered crops, even if not present at Produce handling (not only storage) are
the time of inspection, are handled in compliance with the certification going on and shall give CB the confidence
requirements. Inspections off-season or when the farming activities are minimal that all crops under certification are
shall be avoided. handled in compliance with certification
requirement even if the crop was not
present during inspection. Off season or
when minimal farm activities timings shall
be avoided for inspections

(ii) If produce handling is included in the certification scope, the produce handling Section4 Note:- If produce handling is included it
facility(ies) shall be inspected annually. This inspection shall be carried out 4.7.4 shall be inspected annually when produce
while in operation. Only when the CB has carried out a risk assessment that handling is going on
clearly shows that the risk is low, can produce handling be inspected during If produce handling is included in the
operation once every 2 years. The risk assessment should take into account the certification scope, the produce handling
product(s) being packed as well as known food safety incidences related to the facility(ies) shall be inspected annually.
respective product(s) and any directives from GLOBALG.A.P. to look at This inspection shall be carried out while in
specific points. The CB shall keep justification of the reason for the chosen operation. Only when the CB has carried
inspection timing on record. This exception is only applicable for Option 1 out a risk assessment that clearly shows that
producers without QMS. the risk is low, can produce handling be
inspected during operation once every 2
years. The risk assessment should take into
account the product(s) being packed as well
as known food safety incidences related to
the respective product(s) and any directives
from IndG.A.P. to look at specific points.
The CB shall keep justification of the
reason for the chosen inspection timing on
record. This exception is only applicable
for Option 1 producers without QMS.

(iii) If produce handling is excluded from the certification scope, inspection has to Section4 Note:- if produce handling excluded then
be scheduled during harvest season at least every 2 years. In the respective 4.7.4 inspections shall be during harvesting
year, the harvest season of at least one registered product per product grouping atleast once in 2 years and shall see
has to be inspected. Crop groupings are based on similarities in production and harvesting of all group of certified
harvest processes and their risks. The CB shall keep justification of the reason produces. Justification for audit timings
for the chosen inspection timing and the crop groupings used on record. shall be maintained by CB

Crops may be grouped according to the following: -

a) Mechanical harvest: The only method of harvesting. In this case there is no need Section4 Note:- If total mechanical harvesting is there
to observe the harvest while in operation. It is sufficient to check only the it may not be required to do inspection
machine and harvesting machine operation related records after or before the during harvest, the inspection of machinery Equivalent
harvest. and the records are
b) Manual harvest of low risk products. The product is low risk when:
i. Always cooked before eating, or Section4 Note Crop grouping: - low risk produce (always cooked before eating, always
a cleaned before eating, dry nuts , produce
with inedible skin/shels and produce
where pathogens will not grow easily and
produce with no known incidence of food

ii. Always cleaned before eating i.e. cannot be eaten without cleaning, or Section4 same as above Equivalent
iii. Dry nuts, or Section4 same as above Equivalent
iv. Products with inedible skin or shell, or Section4 same as above Equivalent

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR-Crops Rules_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
v. Product with pathogen reduction step after harvest (still unprocessed) and/or, Section4 same as above Equivalent
vi. No known food safety incidences related to the respective product Section4 same as above Equivalent
c) Manual harvest of high-risk products. All other products that are not under Section4 All other produce is under high risk also
2) are considered as high risk. which involves ice or water for Equivalent
a harvesting on field packing
d) Harvest that involves water or ice Section4 same as above Equivalent
e) Packing in field Section4 same as above Equivalent
(iv) If the producer does not commit to continue with the certification for the next Section4 The validity of certificate may be
cycle, the CB shall make sufficient provisions to avoid situations where one 4.11 reduced/shortened if the client has not
certificate could be used to cover more than one harvest and growing cycle of applied for renewal and there is a risk of
the same annually harvested crop, e.g. by shortening the certificate validity. The certificate being used for selling the
CB can set the deadline for reconfirmation produce from more that one harvest and
according to the harvest period of the crop. growing season.
Example: Harvest season for blueberries is the entire month of October. The first
inspection takes place during October 2015 and the certificate is issued from the
end of November 2015 to the end of November 2016. This certificate may cover
the harvest and sales of the 2015 and 2016 harvests. Therefore, the CB shall set
the deadline for reconfirmation (re- acceptance of the product), e.g. for October
1st, 2016 and if the producer does not reconfirm by that date, the CB shall
shorten the validity
of the certificate.
(v) Multiple consecutive crops: During the inspection, the production process Section4 And producer shall maintain proof of
of all crops included in the certification scope shall be assessed on farm via site compliance with with applicable clauses for
visits, interviews with the producer and workers, review of documents, records, a all registered crops
etc. The producer shall keep evidence of compliance with the applicable
control points for all registered crops.

In the years during which there is no requirement to carry out the inspection Section4 at least one registered crop shall be
during harvest season and where crops do not have the same seasonal timing, the 4.7 4 present
CB shall select a date where relevant agronomic activities can be seen on farm Equivalent
for at least one of the products.

4.1.3. Unannounced Inspections (Option 1 only) -

If during a producer transfer the incoming CB has not seen the harvest season Section If during a producer transfer the incoming
of all products included in the certification scope, an unannounced inspection 4 Cl. CB has not seen the harvest season of all
(within the 10 % rule) shall be scheduled during the following 12 months, in products included in the certification scope,
order to inspect the harvest process of products not seen. an unannounced inspection (within the 10 %
rule) shall be scheduled during the Equivalent
following 12 months, in order to inspect the
harvest process of products not seen.

4.2. Inspection of Product Handling Units (Option 2 and Option 1 Multisites

with QMS)
In fruit and vegetables, for the annual CB audit the square root of the total Section 4 Initial inspection shall include atleast square
number of central product handling sites registered (those where the products of root of the total central produce handling
more than one grower is handled) shall be inspected while in operation. If there iii d units and if there is only one Produce
is only one central product handling facility, it shall be inspected every year handling unit it shall be inspected every Equivalent
(see also General Regulations Part III, 5.6. 'Inspection of Product Handling year.
Units (Option 2 and Option 1 Multisites
with QMS)').
4.3. Inspection Duration -
a) The inspection duration shall allow for an opening meeting with the farm Section 4 The inspection duration shall be sufficient
management, a complete evaluation of all standard requirements, completion of for the evaluator to conduct an opening
the applicable checklist and the presentation of the results to the producer. iii h meeting and closing meeting (presentation
of evaluation result) with the farm
management and evaluation of the IndG.A.P.
requirement and completion of the checklist

b) The usual GLOBALG.A.P. production site inspection duration for Section 4 Inspection durations may be a minimum of
GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Crops is between 3 and 8 hours (Option 1 producer). 3 hours in case of option-1 ( few sites, well
iii e organized documentations no produce
handling, few crops, simple machineries
etc. and can be 3 to 8 hours or even more Equivalent
depending upon the complexity multi sites
more crops, multipe produce handling units

c) The minimum of 3 hours duration shall apply to the simplest circumstances Section 4 Inspection durations may be a minimum of
(one location, one or few crops, simple machinery, few workers, no produce 3 hours in case of option-1 ( few sites, well
handling, subsequent inspection, documentation is well organized, etc.). iii e organized documentations no produce
handling, few crops, simple machineries
etc. and can be 3 to 8 hours or even more Equivalent
depending upon the complexity multi sites
more crops, multipe produce handling units

d) Option 2 producer group members might have inspections of shorter time Section 4 The option-2 producer members may have a
duration depending on the complexity of the farming situation. shorter duration inspection depending upon
iii f the complexity of farm
e) Factors that will increase the minimum of 3 hours (the list is not exhaustive and is
applicable for Option 1 and for Option 2 members) are as follows: -

• Initial inspection Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

• Addition of new crops during subsequent inspections Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

• Addition of new locations during subsequent inspections Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

• Storage included Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR-Crops Rules_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
• Produce handling included Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

• Different types of products (product groups) Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

• Different types of harvests (harvesting methods) Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

• Multiple sites and locations Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

• More sub-scopes (N/A for PSS and HPSS) Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

• Subcontractors used (not checked by third party). Section 4 The factors that may influence the inspection duration are initial inspection,
iii g multiple sites & locations, multiple crops,
produce handling, harvesting methods, Use Equivalent
of sub-contractors, crop/site addition in
subsequent inspections etc.

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

GR-Crops Rules_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria - Central Produce Applicant G.A.P. Rules: IndG.A.P. Comp liance check GLOBALG.A.P.
Handling Fruit and Vegetables (Version 5.2_Feb19) Version:Ver 4.1 asse ssor
Clause Clause ers
Control Points (CP) & Compliance Criteria (CC) Level Level Original Text Level CPCC Overall Remarks
No. No. checklist/
Note GLOBALG.A.P.: This sheet shall be completed only for fruit and in IndG.A:P.
vegetables schemes that all allow certification of producer groups. For central
produce handling facilities of producer groups (produce handling facility is used
for more than one producer) all applicable Minor Musts underchapter FV 5
become Major Musts. The missing clauses of FV 5 refer only to harvest and
have therefore been deleted in this sheet.
Scheme owners shall either have a separate checklist for centrally inspected
produce handling or shall have a requirement in their scheme management rules
that all the applicable Minor Must control points shall be inspected as Major
Content of of G.A.P. requirements of this sheet shall coincide with the content of
the respective G.A.P. requirements in the CPCC benchmarking checklist. If your
scheme does not have a separate checklist please indicate in this line the clause
of your scheme management rules that states that for central handling facilites
the applicable Minor Musts become Major Musts.

This section is only applicable to central produce handling in Option - - -

2 and Option 1 multisite with QMS.
FV 5.1 Principles of Hygiene (Refer to 'Annex FV 1 GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: - - -
Microbiological Hazards During Growing and Harvest')
CP FV 5.1.1 Has a hygiene risk assessment been performed for the harvest, pre- and post- FV.4.1.1 Has a hygiene risk analysis and risk assessment been performed for the harvested crop Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
farm gate transport process, and post-harvest activities including Major handling process that covers the hygiene aspects of the produce
product handling? handling operation?
CC FV 5.1.1 There is a documented hygiene risk assessment covering physical, chemical FV.4.1.1 There is a documented and up to date (reviewed annually) risk analysis of the possible
(incl. allergens) and microbiological contaminants, spillage of bodily fluids (e.g. Major risks, and an assessment of the likelihood and severity of the risks covering physical,
vomiting, bleeding), and human transmissible diseases, customized to the chemical and microbiological contaminants and human transmissible diseases,
products and processes. It shall cover all harvest and product handling activities customised to the products and operation of the pack house.
carried out by the producer, as well as personnel, personal effects, equipment,
clothing, packaging material, transport, vehicles, and product storage (also short-
term storage at farm). The hygiene risk assessment shall be tailored to the
activities of the farm, the crops, and the technical level of the business and be
reviewed every time risks change and at least annually. No N/A.

CP FV 5.1.2 Are there documented hygiene procedures and instructions for the harvest and FV.4.1.2 Major Are there documented hygiene procedures and instructions for the harvest and post- Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
post-harvest processes including product handling (also when they take place harvest processes including product handling (also when they take place directly on the
directly on the field, orchard, or greenhouse) designed to prevent contamination field, orchard, or greenhouse) designed to prevent contamination of crop, crop
of crop, crop production areas, food contact production areas, food contact surfaces, and harvested product?
surfaces, and harvested product?
CC FV 5.1.2 Based on the risk assessment, there are documented hygiene procedures for the FV.4.1.2
harvesting and post-harvesting processes. Procedures shall include evaluating Major Based on the risk assessment, there are documented hygiene procedures for the
whether workers are fit to return to work after illness. harvesting and post-harvesting processes. Procedures shall include evaluating
Applicable for harvest, handling on field, handling in facility, and whether workers are fit to return to work after illness. Applicable for harvest,
storage/cooling. handling on field, handling in facility, and storage/cooling.
CP FV 5.1.3 Are the hygiene procedures and instructions for the harvest and post- harvest FV.4.1.4 "Are hygiene instructions and procedures for handling produce, to avoid contamination Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
activities, including product handling, implemented? Major Major of the product, implemented?
Must "

CC FV 5.1.3 The operation shall nominate the farm manager or other competent person as FV.4.1.4 "There is evidence that the workers are complying with the hygiene instructions and
responsible for the implementation of the hygiene procedures by all workers Major procedures. Packers must be trained, using written (in appropriate languages) and/or
and visitors. pictorial instructions, to prevent physical (Such as snails, stones, insects, knives, fruit
When the risk assessment determines that specific clothing (e.g. smocks, aprons, residues, watches, mobile phones etc.), microbiological and chemical contamination of
sleeves, gloves, footwear. Se Annex FV 1, 5.4.2) shall be used, it shall be cleaned the product during packing."
when it becomes soiled to the point of becoming a risk of contamination, and
shall be effectively maintained and stored.
Visual evidence shows that no violations of the hygiene instructions and
procedures occur. No N/A. Applicable for harvest, handling on field, handling in
facility, and storage/cooling.

CP FV 5.1.4 Have workers received specific training in hygiene before harvesting and Major FV.4.1.3 Have workers received basic instructions in hygiene before handling produce? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
handling produce? Must Major
CC FV 5.1.4 There shall be evidence that the workers received specific induction and annual FV.4.1.3 There must be evidence that the workers received training regarding personal
training regarding the hygiene procedures for the harvesting and product Major cleanliness and clothing, e.g. hand washing, wearing of jewellery, fingernail length or
handling activities. Workers shall be trained using written (in appropriate cleaning, etc.; personal behaviour, e.g. no smoking, spitting, etc. (reference AF.3.2.6).
languages) and/or pictorial instructions to prevent physical (e.g. snails, stones,
insects, knives, fruit residues, watches, mobile phones, etc.), microbiological and
chemical contamination of the product during harvesting. Training records and
evidence of attendance shall be available. Applicable for harvest, handling on
field, handling in facility, and
CP FV 5.1.5. Are signs that communicate the primary hygiene instructions to workers and AF.3.2.5 Does the farm have documented hygiene instructions? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
visitors, including at least instructions to workers, to wash their hands before Major Major
returning to work clearly displayed? Must FV.5.3.2 Are signs clearly displayed instructing workers to wash their hands before
returning to work?
CC FV 5.1.5. Signs with the main hygiene instructions shall be visibly displayed in the AF.3.2.5 The hygiene instructions are visibly displayed:
relevant locations and include clear instructions that hands shall be washed Major provided by way of clear signs (pictures) or in the predominant language(s) of the
before handling produce. Workers handling ready-to-eat products shall wash workforce. The instructions must at least include:
their hands prior to start of work, after each visit to a toilet, after handling - the need for hand cleaning;
contaminated material, after smoking or eating, after breaks, prior to returning to - the covering of skin cuts;
work, and at any other time when their hands may have become a source of - limitation on smoking, eating and drinking ;
contamination. Applicable for harvest, handling on field, handling in facility, - notification of any relevant infections or conditions;
and storage/cooling. - the use of suitable protective clothing.

Signs must be visible with clear instructions that hands must be washed before
FV.5.3.2. handling products, especially after using toilets, eating, etc.
CP FV 5.1.6. Are smoking, eating, chewing, and drinking confined to designated areas Major FV.5.2.4 Major Are smoking, eating, chewing and drinking confined to designated areas Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
segregated from growing areas and products? Must segregated from products?
CC FV 5.1.6. Smoking, eating, chewing, and drinking are confined to designated areas away FV.5.2.4 Major Smoking, eating, chewing and drinking are confined to designated areas and are
from crops awaiting harvest and are never permitted in the produce handling or never allowed in the produce handling or storage areas. (Drinking water is the
storage areas, unless indicated otherwise by the hygiene risk assessment. Major exception).
(Drinking water is the exception). Applicable for harvest, handling on field, Must
handling in facility, and storage/cooling.

FV 5.2. Sanitary Facilities FV.5.3 Sanitary facilities - - -

CP FV 5.2.3 Do workers handling the product on the field or in a facility have access to FV.5.3.1 Do workers in the packing facility have access to clean toilets and hand washing Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
clean toilets and hand-washing facilities in the vicinity of their work? Major facilities in the vicinity of their work?
CC FV 5.2.3 Hand washing facilities, containing non-perfumed soap, water to clean and FV.5.3.1 Toilets in a good state of hygiene must not open directly onto the produce handling
disinfect hands, and hand-drying facilities shall be accessible and near to the Major area, unless the door is self- closing. Hand washing facilities, containing non-
toilets (as near as possible without the potential for cross- contamination). perfumed soap, water to clean and disinfect hands, and hand dry facilities must be
Workers shall wash their hands prior to start of work, after each visit to a toilet, accessible and near to the toilets (as near as possible without the potential for cross-
after using a handkerchief/tissue, after handling contaminated material, after contamination).
smoking, eating, or drinking, after breaks, prior to returning to work, and at any Major
other time when their hands may have become a source of contamination. Must
When handling takes place in a facility, toilets shall be maintained in a good
state of hygiene and shall not open directly onto the produce handling area,
unless the door is self- closing. Applicable for handling on field and handling in

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.1_July17-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

QMS-FV Handling_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
Page: 85 of 96 Germany
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

CP FV 5.2.4 Are the harvest containers used exclusively for produce and are these containers, FV.4.1.5. Are the containers and tools used for harvesting cleaned, maintained and Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
the tools used for harvesting and the harvest equipment appropriate for their Major Major protected from contamination?
intended use and cleaned, maintained, and able to Must
protect the product from contamination?
CC FV 5.2.4 Reusable harvesting containers, harvesting tools (e.g. scissors, knives, pruning FV.4.1.5. Reusable harvesting containers, harvesting tools (i.e., scissors, knifes, pruning shears,
shears, etc.) and harvesting equipment (e.g. machinery) are cleaned and Major etc.) and harvesting equipment (machinery) are cleaned and maintained, and a
maintained. A documented cleaning (and, when indicated by the risk assessment, cleaning and disinfection schedule is in place (at least once a year) to prevent produce
disinfection) schedule is in place to prevent produce contamination. Major contamination?
Produce containers are only used to contain harvested product (i.e. no Must
agricultural chemicals, lubricants, oil, cleaning chemicals, plant or other
debris, lunch bags, tools, etc.). Applicable for harvest.

CP FV 5.2.5 Are there suitable changing facilities for the workers? FV.5.3.3 Major Are there suitable changing facilities for the workers? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Recom. Recomme
CC FV 5.2.5 The changing facilities should be used to change clothing and protective outer FV.5.3.3 Major The changing facilities should be used to change clothing and protective outer garments
garments as required. Applicable for harvest, handling on field, Recom. Recomme as required.
handling in facility, and storage/cooling. ndation
CP FV 5.2.6 Are vehicles used for transport of harvested produce and/or packed product and FV.4.1.6 Are vehicles used for transport of harvested produce cleaned and maintained? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
any equipment used for loading cleaned and maintained Major
where necessary according to risk?
CC FV 5.2.6 Farm vehicles used for loading and transport of harvested produce and/or packed FV.4.1.6 Farm vehicles used for transport of harvested produce that are also used for any
products are cleaned and maintained so as to prevent produce contamination Major Major purpose other than transport of harvested produce, are cleaned and maintained, and
(e.g. soil, dirt, animal manure, spills, etc.). Applicable for Must a cleaning schedule to prevent produce contamination is in
harvest. place (i.e. soil, dirt, organic fertilizer, spills, etc.).
FV 5.3 Water Quality - - -
CP FV 5.3.1 If ice (or water) is used during any operations relating to harvest or cooling, does FV.4.2.8 Major If ice or water is used in produce handling at point of harvest, is it made with potable Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
it meet the microbial standards for drinking water, and is it handled under Major water and handled under sanitary conditions to prevent produce contamination?
sanitary conditions to prevent produce contamination? Must

CC FV 5.3.1 Any ice or water used in relation to harvest or cooling shall meet microbial FV.4.2.8 Major Any ice or water used at point of harvest should be made with potable water and
standards for drinking water and shall be handled under sanitary conditions to handled under sanitary conditions to prevent produce contamination. (refer risk analysis
prevent produce contamination. The only exception is in the case of cranberry section to check water quality
fields that are harvested by flooding, where producers shall at a minimum
guarantee that the water is not a source of microbiological contamination.
Applicable for harvest, handling on field,
and handling in facility
FV 5.4. Packing and Storage Areas (N/A When There is no Product Packing - - -
and/or Storing)
CP FV 5.4.1 Is harvested produce protected from contamination? Major FV.4.2.3 "Are packed produce protected from contamination?" Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Must Major
CC FV 5.4.1 All harvested produce (regardless stored bulk or packed) shall be protected from FV.4.2.3 All field packed produce must be protected from contamination.
contamination. Major
In the case of produce packed and handled directly in the field, it shall all be
removed from the field during the day (not stored on the field overnight in open- Major
air conditions), in accordance with the harvest hygiene risk assessment results. Must
Food safety requirements shall be complied with if produce is stored on a short
time basis at the farm. Applicable for
CP FV 5.4.2 Are all collection/storage/distribution points of packed produce, also those Major FV.4.2.4 Is collection/ storage /distribution point of field packed produce maintained in Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
in the field, maintained in clean and hygienic conditions? Must Major clean and hygienic conditions?
CC FV 5.4.2 To prevent contamination, all on- and off-farm storage and produce handling FV.4.2.4 If packed produce is stored on farm, storage areas must be cleaned.
facilities and equipment (i.e. process lines and machinery, walls, floors, storage Major
areas, etc.) shall be cleaned and/or maintained according to a documented
cleaning and maintenance schedule that includes defined minimum frequency.
Records of cleaning and maintenance shall be kept. Applicable for handling on
field, handling in facility, and
CP FV 5.4.3 Are packing materials appropriate for use, and are they used and stored in FV.4.2.5 Are Packing Materials appropriate for use,and are they used and stored in clean and Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
clean and hygienic conditions so as to prevent them from becoming a Major hygiene conditions so as to prevent them from becoming a source of
source of contamination? contamination
CC FV 5.4.3 Packaging material used shall be appropriate for the food safety of the products FV.4.2.5 Packaging materials used shall be appropriate for the food safety of the products
packed. To prevent product contamination, packing materials (including re- Major packed. To prevent product contamination, packing materials ( including re- usable
useable crates) shall be stored in a clean and hygienic area. Applicable for crates) shall be stored in a clean and hygienic area. Applicable for handling on field
handling on field, handling in facility, and storage/cooling. ,handling in facility and storage/cooling

CP FV 5.4.5 Are cleaning agents, lubricants, etc. stored to prevent chemical Major FV.5.4.2 Major Are cleaning agents, lubricants, etc. stored to prevent chemical contamination of Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
contamination of produce? Must produce?
CC FV 5.4.5 To avoid chemical contamination of produce, cleaning agents, lubricants etc. shall FV.5.4.2 Major Cleaning agents, lubricants etc. are kept in a designated area, away from where produce
be kept in a designated secure area, away from produce. is packed, to avoid chemical contamination of produce.
Applicable for handling in facility and storage/cooling.
CP FV 5.4.6 Are cleaning agents, lubricants, etc. that may come into contact with produce FV.5.4.3 Major Are cleaning agents, lubricants etc. that may come into contact with produce, approved Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
approved for application in the food industry? Are label for application in the food industry? Are dose rates followed correctly?
instructions followed correctly?
CC FV 5.4.6 Documented evidence exists (i.e. specific label mention or technical data sheet) FV.5.4.3 Major Documentary evidence exists (i.e. specific label mention or technical data sheet)
authorizing use for the food industry of cleaning agents, lubricants, etc. that may Major authorizing use for the food industry of cleaning agents, lubricants etc. which may
come into contact with produce. Applicable for handling on Must come into contact with produce.
field, handling in facility and storage/cooling.
CP FV 5.4.7 Are all forklifts and other driven transport trolleys clean and well maintained and FV.5.4.4 Are all forklifts and other driven transport trolleys clean and well maintained and of Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
of a suitable type to avoid contamination through emissions? Recommm suitable type to avoid contamination through emissions?

CC FV 5.4.7 Internal transport should be maintained in a manner to avoid produce FV.5.4.4 Internal transport should be maintained to avoid product contamination, with special
contamination, with special attention to fume emissions. Forklifts and other driven Recommm attention to fume emissions. Forklifts and other driven transport trolleys should be
transport trolleys should be electric or gas-driven. Applicable for endation mechanical, electric or gas-driven.
handling in facility and storage/cooling.
CP FV 5.4.8 Is rejected and contaminated produce not introduced in the supply chain and is FV.5.4.5 Major Is rejected produce and waste material in the packing environment stored in designated Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
waste material effectively controlled in a way that it does not pose a areas, which are routinely cleaned and/or disinfected
risk of contamination?
CC FV 5.4.8 Produce that poses a microbial food safety hazard is not harvested or is culled. FV.5.4.5 Major Rejected produce and waste materials are stored in clearly designated and segregated
Culled produce and waste materials are stored in clearly designated and areas designed to avoid contamination of products. These areas are routinely cleaned
segregated areas designed to avoid contamination of products. These areas are and/or disinfected according to the cleaning schedule.
routinely cleaned and/or disinfected according to the cleaning schedule. Only Major
daily accumulations of rejected produce and waste materials are acceptable. Must
Applicable for handling on field, handling in
facility, and storage/cooling.

CP FV 5.4.9 Are breakage safe lamps and/or lamps with a protective cap used above the FV.5.4.6 Are breakage safe lamps or lamps with a protective cap used above the sorting, Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
sorting, weighing, and storage area? Major weighing and storage area?
CC FV 5.4.9 In case of breakage, light bulbs, and fixtures suspended above produce or FV.5.4.6 Light bulbs and fixtures suspended above produce or material used for produce handling
material used for produce handling are of a safety type or are Major are of a safety type or are protected / shielded so as to prevent contamination of food in
protected/shielded so as to prevent food contamination. Applicable for case of breakage.
handling on field, handling in facility, and storage/cooling.

CP FV 5.4.10 Are there written procedures for handling glass and clear hard plastic in Major FV.5.4.7 Major Are there written glass, clear hard plastic and articles with sharp edges handling Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
place? Must procedures in place?
CC FV 5.4.10 Written procedures exist for handling glass and/or clear hard plastic breakages, FV.5.4.7 Major Written procedures exist for handling glass or clear hard plastic and articles with sharp
which could be a source of physical contamination and/or damage the product edges breakages in produce handling, preparation and storage areas.
(e.g. in greenhouses, produce handling, preparation, and storage areas).
Applicable for harvest, handling on field, handling in
facility, and storage/cooling.
FV 5.5 Temperature and Humidity Control FV.5.5.5 Temperature control equipment - - -
CP FV 5.5.1 Are temperature and humidity controls (where applicable) maintained and FV.5.5.5 Major Is there a process for verifying measuring and temperature control equipment? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
FV.4.2.7 Major If packed produce are stored on farm, are temperature and humidity documented?

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.1_July17-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

QMS-FV Handling_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
Page: 86 of 96 Germany
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

CC FV 5.5.1 If produce is stored either on-farm or in a packinghouse, temperature and FV.5.5.5 Major Equipment used for weighing and temperature control, must be routinely verified to see
humidity controls (where necessary to comply with quality requirements and if equipment is calibrated according to risk analysis procedure.
also for controlled atmosphere storage) shall be maintained and documented.
Applicable for handling in facility, and storage/cooling. Temperature and humidity record documented, in accordance with the hygiene risk
FV.4.2.7 Major assessment results and quality requirements when packed produce are stored on farm.

FV 5.6 Pest Control FV.5.6 Rodent and Bird Control - - -

CP FV 5.6.1. Is there a system for monitoring and correcting pest populations in the FV.5.6.1 Major Are all entry points to buildings or equipment that may come into contact with them Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
packing and storing areas? suitably protected to prevent, whenever practically possible, the ingress of
rodents and birds?
CC FV 5.6.1. Producers shall implement measures to control pest populations in the FV.5.6.1 Major Visual assessment. No N/A
packing and storing areas appropriate to the farm condition. No N/A.
Applicable for handling in facility and storage/cooling.
CP FV 5.6.2 Is there visual evidence that the pest monitoring and correcting process Major FV.5.6.2 Major Are there site plans with bait points and/or traps? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
are effective? Must
CC FV 5.6.2 A visual assessment shows that the pest monitoring and correcting FV.5.6.2 Major Site plan showing bait points must exist. No N/A.
process are effective. No N/A. Applicable for handling on field, handling in
facility, and storage/cooling.
CP FV 5.6.3. Are detailed records kept of pest control inspections and necessary Major FV.5.6.4 Major Are detailed records of pest control inspections and necessary actions taken, Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
actions taken? Must kept?
CC FV 5.6.3. Monitoring is scheduled and there are records of pest control inspections and FV.5.6.4 Major Records of pest control inspections and follow up action plan(s). The producer can have
follow-up action plan(s). Applicable for handling on field, handling in facility, his own records. Inspections must take place whenever there is evidence of presence of
and storage/cooling. pests. In case of vermin, the producer must have a contact number of the pest controller
or evidence of in-house capability to
control pests.
FV 5.7. Post-Harvest Washing (N/A When no Post-Harvest Washing) FV.5.7 Post-Harvest Washing (N/A when no post-harvest washing) - - -
CP FV 5.7.1. Is the source of water used for final product washing potable or declared Major FV.5.7.1 Is the source of water used for final product washing potable or declared Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
suitable by the competent authorities? Must Major suitable by the competent authorities?
CC FV 5.7.1. The water has been declared suitable by the competent authorities and/or a water FV.5.7.1 The water has been declared suitable by the competent authorities and/or within the last
analysis has been carried out at the point of entry into the washing machinery Major 12 months a water analysis has been carried out at the point of entry into the washing
within the last 12 months. The levels of the parameters analyzed are within Major machinery. The levels of the parameters analyzed are within accepted WHO thresholds
accepted WHO thresholds or are accepted as safe for the food industry by the Must or are accepted as safe for the food industry by the competent authorities.
competent authorities. Applicable for handling
on field and handling in facility.
CP FV 5.7.2. If water is re-circulated for final product washing, has this water been FV.5.7.2 If water is re-circulated for final product washing, has this water been filtered Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
filtered and are pH, concentration and exposure levels to disinfectant routinely Major and are pH, concentration and exposure levels to disinfectant routinely monitored?
CC FV 5.7.2. Where water is re-circulated for final produce washing (i.e. no further washing FV.5.7.2 Where water is re-circulated for final produce washing, it is filtered and
done by the producer before the product is sold), it is filtered and disinfected, Major disinfected, and pH, concentration and exposure levels to disinfectant are
and pH, concentration and exposure levels to disinfectant are routinely routinely monitored, with documented records maintained. Filtering must be done
monitored. Records are maintained. Filtering shall be done using an effective with an effective system for solids and suspensions that have a documented
system for solids and suspensions that have a documented routine cleaning routine cleaning schedule according to the usage and water volume.
schedule according to usage rates and water volume.
Where recording of automatic filter backwash events and changes in dosage
rates by automated sanitizer injectors may be impossible, a written
procedure/policy shall explain the process. Applicable for handling on field and
handling in facility.

CP FV 5.7.3. Is the laboratory carrying out the water analysis a suitable one? Minor FV.5.7.3 Minor Is the laboratory carrying out the water analysis a suitable one? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC FV 5.7.3. The water analysis for the product washing is undertaken by a laboratory FV.5.7.3 Minor The water analysis for the product washing is undertaken by a laboratory currently
currently accredited to ISO 17025 or its national equivalent or one that can accredited to ISO 17025 or its national equivalent. Alternatively, any other govt.
demonstrate via documentation that it is in the process of gaining approved testing kits can also be used on farm. In case of single use testing kit, the date
accreditation. Applicable for handling on field and handling in facility. of test and evidence of testing kit should be preserved.

FV 5.8. Post-Harvest Treatments (N/A When no Post-Hharvest Treatments) FV.5.8 Post-Harvest Treatments (N/A when there is no post-harvest treatments) - - -
Applicable for handling on field and handling in facility.
CP FV 5.8.1 Are all label instructions observed? Major FV.5.8.1 Are all labeling instructions observed? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Must Major
CC FV 5.8.1 There are clear procedures and documentation available, (e.g. application records FV.5.8.1 There are clear procedures and documentation available, e.g. application records for
for post-harvest biocides, waxes and plant protection products) that demonstrate Major post-harvest biocides, waxes and plant protection products, which demonstrate that the
compliance with the label instructions for chemicals applied. Major label instructions for chemicals applied are compliant.

CP FV 5.8.2 Are all the biocides, waxes, and plant protection products used for post- harvest FV.5.8.2 Are all the biocides, waxes and plant protection products used for post harvest Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
protection of the harvested crop officially registered in the country Major protection of the harvested crop officially registered in the country of use?
of use?
CC FV 5.8.2 All the post-harvest biocides, waxes, and plant protection products used on FV.5.8.2 All the post harvest biocides, waxes and plant protection products used on harvested
harvested crop are officially registered or permitted by the appropriate Major crop are officially registered or permitted by the appropriate governmental
governmental organization in the country of application. They are approved for organization in the country of application. They are approved for use in the country of
use in the country of application and are approved for use on the harvested crop application and are approved for use on the harvested crop to which it is applied as
to which they are applied as indicated on the labels of the biocides, waxes and indicated on the biocides, waxes and crop protection products’ labels. Where no
crop protection products. Where no official registration scheme exists, refer to official registration scheme exists, and FAO International Code of Conduct on the
Annex CB 3 GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: Plant Protection Product Use in Distribution and Use of Pesticides.
Countries that Allow Extrapolation' on this subject and the 'FAO International
Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides'.

CP FV 5.8.3 Is an up-to-date list maintained of post-harvest plant protection products Major FV.5.8.4 Major Is an up-to-date list maintained of post- harvest plant protection products that are Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
that are used, and approved for use, on crops being grown? Must used, and approved for use, on crops being grown?
CC FV 5.8.3 An up-to-date documented list that takes into account any changes in local and FV.5.8.4 Major An up to date documented list, that takes into account any changes in local and
national legislation for biocides, waxes, and plant protection products is available national legislation for biocides, waxes and plant protection products is available for the
for the commercial brand names (including any active ingredient composition) Major commercial brand names (including any active ingredient composition) that are used
that are used as post-harvest plant protection products for produce grown on the Must as post-harvest protection being, or which have been, grown on the farm under
farm under GLOBALG.A.P. IndG.A.P. within the last 12 months. No N/A.
within the last 12 months. No N/A.
CP FV 5.8.4 Is the technically responsible person for the application of post-harvest plant FV.5.8.5 Is the technically responsible person for the harvested crop handling process able to Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
protection products able to demonstrate competence and knowledge with regard Major Major demonstrate competence and knowledge with regard to the application of biocides,
to the application of biocides, waxes, and plant protection Must waxes and plant protection products?
CC FV 5.8.4 The technically responsible person for the post-harvest biocides, waxes, and plant FV.5.8.5 The technically responsible person for the post harvest biocides, waxes and plant
protection products applications can demonstrate a sufficient level of technical Major Major protection products applications can demonstrate sufficient level of technical
competence via nationally recognized certificates or Must competence via nationally recognized certificates or formal training.
formal training.
CP FV 5.8.5 Is the source of water used for post-harvest treatments potable or Major FV.5.7.1 Is the source of water used for final product washing potable or declared Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
declared suitable by the competent authorities? Must Major suitable by the competent authorities?
CC FV 5.8.5 The water has been declared suitable by the competent authorities and/or within FV.5.7.1 The water has been declared suitable by the competent authorities and/or within the last
the last 12 months a water analysis has been carried out at the point of entry into Major 12 months a water analysis has been carried out at the point of entry into the washing
the washing machinery. The levels of the parameters analyzed are within machinery. The levels of the parameters analyzed are within accepted WHO thresholds
accepted WHO thresholds or are accepted as safe or are accepted as safe for the food industry by the
for the food industry by the competent authorities. competent authorities.
CP FV 5.8.6 Are the biocides, waxes and plant protection products used for post- Major FV.5.8.17 Are the biocides, waxes and plant protection products used for post-harvest Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
harvest treatment stored away from produce and other materials? Must Major treatment stored away from produce and other materials?
CC FV 5.8.6 To avoid the chemical contamination of the produce, biocides, waxes, and plant FV.5.8.17 To avoid the chemical contamination of the produce, biocides, waxes, and plant
protection products, etc. are kept in a designated secure area, away Major protection products, etc. are kept in a designated secure area, away from the
from the produce. produce.
CP FV 5.8.7 Are all records of post-harvest treatments maintained and do they include the FV.5.8.6 Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
minimum criteria listed below? Major Are all records of post-harvest treatments maintained and do they include the minimum
• Identity of harvested crops (i.e. lot or batch of produce); criteria listed below?
• Location • Identity of harvested crops (i.e. lot or batch of produce);
• Application dates • Location
• Type of treatment • Application dates
• Product trade name and active ingredient • Type of treatment
• Product quantity • Product trade name and active ingredient
• Product quantity

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.1_July17-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

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CC FV 5.8.7 The following information is recorded in all records of post-harvest biocide, FV.5.8.6
wax, and plant protection product applications: Major The following information is recorded in all records of post-harvest biocide, wax, and
• The lot or batch of harvested crop treated plant protection product applications:
• The geographical area, the name or reference of the farm, or harvested crop- • The lot or batch of harvested crop treated
handling site where the treatment was undertaken • The geographical area, the name or reference of the farm, or harvested crop-
• The exact dates (day/month/year) of the applications handling site where the treatment was undertaken
• The type of treatment used for product application (e.g. spraying, • The exact dates (day/month/year) of the applications
drenching, gassing etc.) Major • The type of treatment used for product application (e.g. spraying, drenching,
• The complete trade name (including formulation) and active ingredient or Must gassing etc.)
beneficial organism with scientific name. The active ingredient shall be recorded • The complete trade name (including formulation) and active ingredient or beneficial
or it shall be possible to connect the trade name information to the active organism with scientific name. The active ingredient shall be recorded or it shall be
ingredient. possible to connect the trade name information to the active ingredient.
• The amount of product applied in weight or volume per liter of water or • The amount of product applied in weight or volume per liter of water or other
other carrier medium carrier medium
No N/A No N/A

Are records of all post-harvest treatments kept and do they also include - - -
the following criteria:
CP FV 5.8.8 Name of the operator? Major FV.5.8.7 Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Name of the operator .
Must Major
CC FV 5.8.8 The name of the operator who has applied the plant protection product to the FV.5.8.7 Demonstration of evidence of approval and composition of formulation.
harvested produce is documented in all records of post-harvest Major
biocide, wax, and plant protection product applications.
CP FV 5.8.9 Justification for application? Major FV.5.8.14 Major Has the justification for application for the post- harvest biocide, wax and plant Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Must protection product applications been recorded?
CC FV 5.8.9 The common name of the pest/disease to be treated is documented in all records FV.5.8.14 Major The common name of the pest, disease to be treated is documented in all post- harvest
of post-harvest biocide, wax, and plant protection product biocide, wax and plant protection product application records.
CP FV 5.8.10 Are all of the post-harvest plant protection product applications also Major FV.5.8.15 Are all of the post-harvest plant protection product applications also considered Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
considered under points CB 7.6? Must Major under points CB.8.6 of this document?
CC FV 5.8.10 There is documented evidence to demonstrate that the producer considers all FV.5.8.15 There is documentary evidence to demonstrate that the producer considers all post-
post-harvest biocides and plant protection products Major harvest biocides and plant protection products applications under Control
applications under control point CB 7.6, and acts accordingly. Points CB.8.6, and acts accordingly
FV 5.9 Labeling - - -
CP FV 5.9.1 Is product labeling, where final packing takes place, done according to the FV.5.4.11 Are the packages properly labeled and coded for unique identification and trace- back? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
applicable food regulations in the country of intended sale and Major
according to any customer specifications?
CC FV 5.9.1 Where final packing takes place, product labeling shall follow the FV.5.4.11 Check if all the packages are suitably fastened and labeled. Check if proper coding
applicable Major (e.g., bar codes, stickers, tags, badges etc.) is done, for identity and trace-back.
food regulations in the country of intended sale and any customer specifications. Major Check if appropriate procedure for identification and relevant records are
Must maintained.
Packages /containers may be labeled and coded using unique, global identifier
(Global Trade Item Number- GTIN)
CP FV 5.9.2 Where the risk assessment indicates potential food allergen cross- Major Where the risk assessment indicates potential food allergen cross Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Missing
contamination, are the products labeleld to identify them? Must Major contamination,are the products labelled to identify them? Clause No.
CC FV 5.9.2 Where the risk assessment indicates potential cross-contamination, the product N/A :Where the risk assessment indicates potential cross-contamination, the product shall
shall be labeled according to country of production and destination legislation Major be labeled according to country of production and destination legislation regarding
regarding food allergens. food allergens.
Cross-contamination risk (potential and intentional) shall be considered where Cross-contamination risk (potential and intentional) shall be considered where food
food allergens have, for example, been packed on the same line or using the allergens have, for example, been packed on the same line or using the same equipment.
same equipment. Harvesting and packing equipment and personal protective Harvesting and packing equipment and personal protective equipment shall also be
equipment shall also be considered (cross-reference with AF 1.2.1, AF considered (cross-reference with AF 2.2.1, AF 2.2.2, Annex AF 2, and FV 4.1.1).
1.2.2, Annex AF 2, and FV 5.1.1).

Code Ref: BM IFA GR V5.1_July17-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS

QMS-FV Handling_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
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GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria - All Farm Base Applicant G.A.P. Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
(Version 5.2_Feb19) Version:Ver 4.1
Clause Clause Level Original Text Explanations/answers Level CPCC Overall Remarks
Control Points (CP) & Compliance Criteria (CC) Level
No. No. checklist/scheme owner
Control points in this module are applicable to all producers seeking certification, - - -
as it covers issues relevant to all farming businesses.
One of the key features of sustainable farming is the continuous integration of site- One of the key features of sustainable farming is the continuous integration of site- - - -
specific knowledge and practical experience into future management planning and specific knowledge and practical experiences into future management planning and
practices. This section is intended to ensure that the land, buildings, and other facilities practices. This section is intended to ensure that the land, buildings and other facilities,
which constitute the fabric of the farm, are properly managed to ensure the safe which constitute the fabric of the farm, are properly managed to ensure the safe
production of food and protection of the production of food and protection of the environment.
AF 1.1 Site History AF.2.1 Site History - - -
CP AF 1.1.1 Is there a reference system for each field, orchard, greenhouse, yard, plot, livestock Major AF.2.1.2 Major Is a reference system for each field, orchard, greenhouse, yard, plot, livestock building or Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
building/pen, and/or other area/location used in production? Must other area/location used in production established and referenced on
a farm plan or map?
CC AF 1.1.1 Compliance shall include visual identification in the form of: Major AF.2.1.2 Major Compliance must include visual identification in the form of a physical sign at each field/
- A physical sign at each field/orchard, greenhouse/yard/plot/livestock Must greenhouse/plot/livestock building/pen or other farm, or a farm plan or map that could be
building/pen, or other farm area/location cross-referenced to the identification system. No N/A.
- A farm map, which also identifies the location of water sources,
storage/handling facilities, ponds, stables, etc., and that could be cross-
referenced to the identification system
No N/A.
CP AF 1.1.2 Is a recording system established for each unit of production or other area/location to Major AF.2.1.1 Major Is a recording system established for each unit of production or other area/location to Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
provide a record of the livestock/aquaculture production and/or agronomic activities Must provide a permanent record of the livestock/aquaculture production and/or agriculture
undertaken at those locations? activities undertaken at those locations? Are these
records kept in an ordered and up-to-date fashion?
CC AF 1.1.2 Current records shall provide a history of GLOBALG.A.P. production of all production Major AF.2.1.1 Major Current records must provide a history of IndG.A.P. production of all production areas.
areas. No N/A. Must For Crops: New applicants must have full records for at least three months prior to the
date of external inspection that reference each area covered by a crop with all the
agronomic/agriculture activities related to IndG.A.P.
documentation required of this area; No N/A
AF 1.2 Site Management AF.2.2 Site Management - - -
CP AF 1.2.1 Is there a risk assessment available for all sites registered for certification (this includes Major AF.2.2.1 Major Is there a risk assessment available for all sites regisrtered for certification(this Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
rented land, structures, and equipment) and does this risk assessment show that the site in Must includes rented land, structures snd equipment) and this risk assessment show that the
question is suitable for production, with regards to food safety, the environment, and site in question is suitable for production, with regards to food safety, health, the
health and welfare of animals in the scope of the environment and welfare of animals where applicable?
livestock and aquaculture certification where applicable?
CC AF 1.2.1 A written risk assessment to determine whether the sites are appropriate for production Major AF.2.2.1 Major A written risk assessment (a) to determine whether the sites are appropriate for
shall be available for all sites. It shall be ready for the initial inspection and maintained Must production shall be avilable for all sites.(b) It shall be ready for the intitial inspection
updated and reviewed when new sites enter in production and when risks for existing and maintained updated and reveiwed when new sites enter in production and when
ones have changed, or at least annually, whichever is shorter. The risk assessment may risks for existing ones changed or atleast annually
be based on a generic one but shall be customized to the farm situation. ,whichever is shorter. (c)The risk assessment may be based on a generic one but shall be
Risk assessments shall take into account: customized to the farm situation. (d) Risk assessment shall take into account (1)
- Potential physical, chemical (including allergens) and biological hazards Potential physical,chemical(including allergens) and biological hazards. (2) Site history
- Site history (for sites that are new to agricultural production, history of 5 years is ( for sites that are new to agricultural production),histroy of five years is advised and
advised and a minimum of one year shall be known) minimum of one year shall be known (3) Impact of proposed enterprises or adjscent
- Impact of proposed enterprises on adjacent stock/crops/ environment, and the health stock/crops/environment Note Refer to GlobalG.A.P Annex AF1 ,AF 2 for guidance on
and safety of animals in the scope of the livestock and aquaculture certification. risk assessments. Annex FV 1 includes guidance regarding flooding.
(See Annex AF 1 and Annex AF 2 for guidance on risk assessments. Annex FV 1
includes guidance regarding flooding.)

CP AF 1.2.2 Has a management plan that establishes strategies to minimize the risks identified in the Major AF.2.2.2 Major Has a management plan that establishes strategies to minimize the risks identified in the Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
risk assessment (AF 1.2.1) been developed and implemented? Must risk assessment (AF 2.2.1)been developed and implemented

CC AF 1.2.2 A management plan addresses the risks identified in AF 1.2.1 and describes the hazard Major Major A management plan adresses the risk identified in AF.2.2.1 and describe the hazard
control procedures that justify that the site in question is suitable for production. This Must control procedures that justify that the site in question is suitable for production . This
plan shall be appropriate to the farm operations, and there shall be evidence of its plan shall be appropriate to the farm operations and there shall be evidence of its
implementation and effectiveness. implementation and effectiveness. Note: environmental risks do not need to be part of
NOTE: Environmental risks do not need to be part of this plan and are covered under this plan
AF 7.1.1.

Important details of farming practices shall be recorded and records kept. - - -
CP AF 2.1 Are all records requested during the external inspection accessible and kept for a Major AF.1.1 Major Are all records requested during the external inspection accessible and retained for a Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
minimum period of 2 years, unless a longer requirement is stated in specific Must minimum period of two years, unless a longer requirement is stated in
control points? specific control points?
CC AF 2.1 Producers shall keep up-to-date records for a minimum of 2 years. Electronic records are Major AF.1.1 Major Producers shall keep up to date records (a) for a minimum of two years or for initial/or
valid and when they are used, producers are responsible for maintaining back-ups of the Must new applicant inspections, shall keep records from at least 3 months prior to the date of
information. external inspection or from the date of registration which ever is longer . (b)New
For the initial inspections, producers shall keep records from at least 3 months prior to applicants shall have full records that reference each area covered the registration with
the date of the external inspection or from the day of registration, whichever is longer. all of the agronomatic activities related to the IndG.A.P.(c) When an individual record is
New applicants shall have full records that reference each area covered by the missing the respective control point dealing with those records is not cpmliant . No. N/A
registration with all of the agronomic activities related to GLOBALG.A.P.
documentation required for this area. For livestock, these records shall be available for
the current livestock cycle before the initial inspection. This refers to the principle of
record keeping. When an individual record is missing, the respective control point
dealing with those records is not
compliant. No N/A.
CP AF 2.2 Does the producer take responsibility to conduct a minimum of one internal self- Major AF.1.2 Major oes the producer or producer group take responsibility to undertake a minimum Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
assessment per year against the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard? Must of one internal self-assessment or producer group internal inspection,
respectively, per year against the IndG.A.P. standard?
CC AF 2.2 There is documented evidence that in Option 1 an internal self-assessment has been Major AF.1.2 Major There is documentary evidence that the IndG.A.P. or benchmarked standard internal
completed under the responsibility of the producer (this may be carried out by a person Must self-assessment
different from the producer).
Self-assessments shall include all applicable control points, even when a
subcontracted company carries them out.
The self-assessment checklist shall contain comments of the evidence observed for all
non-applicable and non-compliant control points.
This has to be done before the CB inspection (see GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations
Part I, section 5.).
No N/A, except for multi-site operations with QMS and producer groups, for
which the QMS checklist covers internal inspections.
CP AF 2.3 Have effective corrective actions been taken as a result of non-conformances Major AF.1.3 Major Are effective corrective actions taken as a result of non-conformances detected during Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
detected during the internal self-assessment or internal producer group Must the internal self-assessment or internal producer group Inspections?
CC AF 2.3 Necessary corrective actions are documented and have been implemented. N/A only in Major AF.1.3 Major Effective corrective actions are documented and have been implemented. No
the case no non-conformances are detected during internal self- Must N/A
assessments or internal producer group inspections.
AF 3 HYGIENE AF.3.2 Training - - -
People are key to the prevention of product contamination. Farm staff and contractors as - - -
well as producers themselves stand for the quality and safety of the product. Education
and training will support progress toward safe production. This section is intended to
ensure good practices to diminish hygiene risks to the product and that all workers
understand the requirements and are competent to perform their duties.
Further hygiene requirements, specific to certain activities such as harvest and
product handling, are defined in the applicable Standard module.

CP AF 3.1 Does the farm have a written risk assessment for hygiene? Minor AF. 3.2.4 Minor Does the farm have a written risk assessment for Hygiene ? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC AF 3.1 The written risk assessment for hygiene issues covers the production environment. The Minor AF 3.2.4 Minor The written risk assessment for hygiene issues covers the production environment. the
risks depend on the products produced and/or supplied. The risk assessment can be a Must risks depend on the products produced and / or supplied. The risk assessment can be
generic one, but it shall be appropriate for conditions on the farm and shall be genric one,but it shall be appropriate for conditions on the farm and shll be reveiewed
reviewed annually and updated when changes (e.g. annually and updated when changes occur. No
other activities) occur. No N/A. N/A
CP AF 3.2 Does the farm have a documented hygiene procedure and visibly displayed Minor AF.3.2.5 Minor Does the farm have documented hygiene Procedure and visibly displayed Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
hygiene instructions for all workers and visitors to the site whose activities might pose a Must hygeine instructions for all workers and visitors to the site whose activities might pose a
risk to food safety? risk to food safety .
CC AF 3.2 The farm shall have a hygiene procedure addressing the risks identified in the risk Minor AF.3.2.5 Minor The farm shall have hygeine procedures addressing the risks identified in the risk
assessment in AF 3.1. The farm shall also have hygiene instructions visibly displayed Must assessment in AF.3.1.1 The hygiene instructions are visibly displayed: provided by way
for workers (including subcontractors) and visitors provided by way of clear signs of clear signs (pictures) or in the predominant language(s) of the workforce(including
(pictures) and/or in the predominant language(s) of the workforce. The instructions sub contractors and visitors) .. The instructions must at least include:
must also be based on the results of the hygiene risk assessment in AF 3.1 and include - the need for hand cleaning;
at a minimum: - the covering of skin cuts;
• The need to wash hands - limitation on smoking, eating and drinking to designated areas
• The need to cover skin cuts - notification of any relevant infections or conditions; This includes any sign of
• Limitation on smoking, eating and drinking to designated areas illness,whereby these workers shall be restricted from direct contact with the product
• Notification of any relevant infections or conditions. This includes any signs of and food contact surfaces . Notification of producr contamination with bodily fluids
illness (e.g. vomiting, jaundice, diarrhea), whereby these workers shall be restricted - the use of suitable protective clothing, where the individual activities might pose
from direct contact with the product and food-contact surfaces a risk of contamination to the product .
• Notification of product contamination with bodily fluids
• The use of suitable protective clothing, where the individuals’ activities might pose
a risk of contamination to the product.

CP AF 3.3 Have all persons working on the farm received annual hygiene training appropriate to Minor AF.3.2.6 Minor Have all persons working on the farm received basic hygiene training according to the Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
their activities and according to the hygiene instructions in AF 3.2? Must hygiene instructions in AF.3.2.5 ?

Code Ref: BM IFA Crops V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS
AF_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

CC AF 3.3 An introductory training course for hygiene shall be given in both written and verbal Minor AF.3.2.6 Minor Both written and verbal training are given as an induction-training course for hygiene.
form. All new workers shall receive this training and confirm their participation. This Must Training is provided by qualified people. All new workers must receive this training
training shall cover all instructions defined in AF 3.2. All workers, including the owners and confirm their participation with a signature.
and managers, shall annually participate in the farm’s basic hygiene training.
All instructions from AF.3.2.5 must be covered in this training. All workers, including
the owners and managers, at any time of the year have reviewed and signed for the
farm’s hygiene instructions
CP AF 3.4 Are the farm’s hygiene procedures implemented? Major AF.3.2.7 Major Are the farm’s hygiene procedures implemented ? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC AF 3.4 Workers with tasks identified in the hygiene procedures shall demonstrate competence Major AF.3.2.7 Major Workers with tasks identified in the hygiene procedures must demonstrate competence
during the inspection and there is visual evidence that the hygiene Must during the inspection. No N/A
procedures are being implemented. No N/A.
People are key to the safe and efficient operation of any farm. Farm staff and contractors - - -
as well as producers themselves stand for the quality of the produce and for
environmental protection. Education and training will help progress towards
sustainability and build on social capital. This section is intended to ensure safe practices
in the work place and that all workers both understand, and are competent to perform
their duties; are provided with proper equipment to allow them to work safely; and that,
in the event of accidents, can obtain proper and timely assistance.

AF 4.1 Health and Safety AF.3.3 Hazards and first aid - - -

CP AF 4.1.1 Does the producer have a written risk assessment for hazards to workers’ Minor AF.3.1.1 Minor Does the farm have a written risk assessment for safe and healthy working Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
health and safety? Must conditions?
CC AF 4.1.1 The written risk assessment can be a generic one but it shall be appropriate to conditions Minor AF.3.1.1 Minor The written risk assessment can be a generic one but it must be appropriate for further risk related to water storage tanks
on the farm, including the entire production process in the scope of certification. The Must conditions on the farm. The risk assessment must be reviewed and updated when if any , higly techical euipment
risk assessment shall be reviewed and updated annually and when changes that could changes in the organization (e.g. other activities) occur. No N/A. machineries like high tech sprayers
impact workers health and safety (e.g. new machinery, new buildings, new plant (imported) , drones atc. to be included
protection products, modified cultivation practices, etc.) occur. Examples of hazards
include but are not limited to: Moving machine parts, power take-off (PTO), electricity,
farm machinery and vehicle traffic, fires in farm buildings, applications of organic
fertilizer, excessive noise, dust, vibrations, extreme temperatures, ladders, fuel storage,
slurry tanks, etc. No
CP AF 4.1.2 Does the farm have written health and safety procedures addressing issues Minor AF.3.1.2 Minor Does the farm have a written health, safety and welfare policy and procedures Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
identified in the risk assessment of AF 4.1.1? Must including issues of the risk assessment of AF.3.1.1?
CC AF 4.1.2 The health and safety procedures shall address the points identified in the risk Minor AF.3.1.2 Minor The health, safety and welfare policy must at least include the points identified in the risk
assessment (AF 4.1.1) and shall be appropriate for the farming operations. They shall Must assessment (AF.3.1.1). This could include accident and emergency procedures, hygiene
also include accident and emergency procedures as well as contingency plans that deal procedures, dealing with any identified risks in the working situation, etc. The policy
with any identified risks in the working situation, etc. The procedures shall be reviewed must be reviewed and updated when the risk assessment changes.
annually and updated when the risk assessment changes.
The farm infrastructure, facilities and equipment shall be constructed and maintained in
such a way as to minimize health and safety hazards for the
workers to the extent practical.

CP AF 4.1.3 Have all people working on the farm received health and safety training Minor AF.3.2.3 Minor Have all workers received adequate health and safety training and are they Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
according to the risk assessment in AF 4.1.1? Must instructed according to the risk assessment in AF.3.1.1?
CC AF 4.1.3 All workers, including subcontractors, can demonstrate competency in responsibilities Minor AF.3.2.3 Minor Workers can demonstrate competency in responsibilities and tasks through visual
and tasks through visual observation (if possible, on the day of the inspection). There Must observation. If at time of inspection there are no activities, there must be evidence of
shall be evidence of instructions in the appropriate language and training records. instructions. No N/A.
Producers may conduct the health and safety training themselves if training instructions
or other training materials are available (i.e. it need not be an outside individual who
conducts the training). No N/A.

AF 4.2 Training AF.3.2 Minor Training activities - - -

CP AF 4.2.1 Is there a record kept for training activities and attendees? Minor AF3.2.1 Minor Is there a record kept for training activities and attendees? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC AF 4.2.1 A record is kept for training activities, including the topic covered, the trainer, the date, Minor AF3.2.1 Minor A record is kept for training activities including the topic covered, the trainer, the date and
and a list of the attendees. Evidence of attendance is required. Must attendees. Evidence of the attendance is required.

CP AF 4.2.2 Do all workers handling and/or administering veterinary medicines, chemicals, Major AF.3.2.2 Major Do all workers handling and/or administering veterinary medicines, chemicals, Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
disinfectants, plant protection products, biocides and/or other hazardous substances and Must disinfectants, plant protection products, biocides or other hazardous substances and all
all workers operating dangerous or complex equipment as defined in the risk analysis in workers operating dangerous or complex equipment as defined in the risk assessment in
AF 4.1.1 have evidence of competence or details of AF.3.1.1 have certificates of competence, and/or details of other
other such qualifications? such qualifications?
CC AF 4.2.2 Records shall identify workers who carry out such tasks and can demonstrate Major Records must identify person(s) who carry out such tasks, and show certificates of
competence (e.g. certificate of training and/or records of training with proof of Must training or proof of competence. No N/A
attendance). This shall include compliance with applicable legislation. No N/A. For
aquaculture, cross-reference with Aquaculture module AQ 4.1.1. GUIDANCE NOTE ON COMPETENCE
In livestock, for workers administering medicines, proof of adequate experience is also

AF 4.3 Hazards and First Aid AF.3.3 Hazards and first aid - - -
CP AF 4.3.1 Do accident and emergency procedures exist? Are they visually displayed, and are they Minor AF.3.3.2 Minor Do accident and emergency procedures exist; are they visually displayed and Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
communicated to all persons associated with the farm activities, Must communicated to all persons associated with the farm activities?
including subcontractors and visitors?
CC AF 4.3.1 Permanent accident procedures shall be clearly displayed in accessible and visible Minor AF 3.3.2 Minor Permanent accident procedures must be clearly displayed in accessible and visible
location(s) for workers, visitors and subcontractors. These instructions are available in Must location(s). These instructions are available in the predominant language(s) of the
the predominant language(s) of the workforce and/or pictograms. The procedures shall workforce and/or pictograms. The procedures must identify, if appropriate the
identify the following: following:
• The farm's map reference or farm address - farm's map reference or farm address
• The contact person(s) - contact person(s)
• An up-to-date list of relevant phone numbers (police, ambulance, hospital, fire- - location of the nearest means of communication
brigade, access to emergency health care on site or by means of transport, supplier of (telephone, radio)
electricity, water, and gas). - an up-to-date list of relevant phone numbers (police, ambulance, hospital, fire-
Examples of other procedures that can be included: brigade, access to emergency health care on site or by means of transport, electricity and
• The location of the nearest means of communication (telephone, radio). water supplier);
• How and where to contact the local medical services, hospital and other emergency - how and where to contact the local medical services, Hospital and other
services. (WHERE did it happen? WHAT happened? HOW MANY injured people? emergency services.
WHAT kind of injuries? WHO is calling?) - location of fire extinguisher;
• The location of fire extinguisher(s) - emergency exits;
• The emergency exits - emergency cut-offs for electricity, gas and water supplies.
• Emergency cut-offs for electricity, gas and water supplies - how to report accidents or dangerous incidents.
• How to report accidents and dangerous incidents GUIDANCE NOTE FOR THE FIRST AID KIT (also for injectible antidotes)
For aquaculture, cross-reference with Aquaculture module AQ 3.1.4.

CP AF 4.3.2 Are potential hazards clearly identified by warning signs? Minor AF.3.3.3 Minor Are potential hazards clearly identified by warning signs and placed where Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Must appropriate?
CC AF 4.3.2 Permanent and legible signs shall indicate potential hazards. This shall include, where Minor AF.3.3.3 Minor Permanent and legible signs must indicate potential hazards, e.g. waste pits, fuel tanks,
applicable: waste pits, fuel tanks, workshops, and access doors of the storage facilities Must workshops, access doors of the plant protection product / fertilizer / any other
for plant protection products/fertilizers/any other chemicals. chemical storage facilities as well as the treated crop etc. Warning signs must be
Warning signs shall be present and in the predominant language(s) of the workforce present.
and/or in pictograms. No N/A.
No N/A
CP AF 4.3.3 Is safety advice for substances hazardous to workers’ health Minor AF.3.3.4 Minor Is safety advice available /accessible for substances hazardous to worker Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
available/accessible? Must health, when required?
CC AF 4.3.3 When required to ensure appropriate action, information (e.g. website, telephone Minor AF.3.3.4 Minor Information (e.g. website, tel no, data sheets, etc.) is accessible, when required, to
number, material safety data sheets, etc.) is accessible. Must ensure appropriate action.
For aquaculture, cross-reference with Aquaculture module AQ 3.1.2.
CP AF 4.3.4 Are first aid kits available at all permanent sites and in the vicinity of fieldwork? Minor AF.3.3.5 Minor Are First Aid kits present at all permanent sites and in the vicinity of fieldwork? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC AF 4.3.4 Complete and maintained first aid kits (i.e. according to local recommendations and Minor AF.3.3.5 Minor Complete and maintained first aid kits according to national regulations and
appropriate to the activities being carried out on the farm) shall be available and Must recommendations must be available and accessible at all permanent sites and available
accessible at all permanent sites and readily available for transport (tractor, car, etc.) for transport to the vicinity of the work.
where required by the risk assessment in AF 4.1.1.

CP AF 4.3.5 Are there always an appropriate number of persons (at least one person) trained in first Minor AF.3.2.4 Minor Is there always an appropriate number of persons (at least one person) trained in first Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
aid present on each farm whenever on-farm activities are being carried Must aid present on each farm whenever on-farm activities are being carried
out? out?
CC AF 4.3.5 There is always at least one person trained in first aid (i.e. within the last 5 years) present Minor AF.3.2.4 Minor There is always at least one person trained in First Aid (within the last 5 years) present
on the farm whenever on-farm activities are being carried out. As a guideline: One Must on the farm whenever on-farm activities are being carried out. On farm activities
trained person per 50 workers. On-farm activities include all activities mentioned in the include all activities mentioned in the relevant modules. As a guideline one trained
relevant modules of this standard. person per 50 workers .On fram activities include all activities
mentioned in the relevant modules.
AF 4.4 Protective Clothing/Equipment AF.3.4 Protective clothing / Equipment - - -
CP AF 4.4.1 Are workers, visitors and subcontractors equipped with suitable protective Major AF.3.4.1 Major Are workers (including subcontractors) equipped with suitable protective clothing Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
clothing in accordance with legal requirements and/or label instructions and/or as Must in accordance with legal requirements and/or label instructions or as authorized by a
authorized by a competent authority? competent authority?
CC AF 4.4.1 Complete sets of protective clothing, which enable label instructions and/or legal Major AF.3.4.1 Major Complete sets of protective clothing, (e.g. rubber boots, waterproof clothing, protective N 95 Mask allowed for spray
requirements and/or requirements as authorized by a competent authority to be complied Must overalls, rubber gloves, face masks, etc.) which enable label instructions and/or legal operationes where dilution is made as
which are available on the farm, utilized, and in a good state of repair. To comply with requirements and/or requirements as authorized by a competent authority to be per recommendations
label requirements and/or on-farm operations, this may include some of the following: complied with are available, used and in a good state of repair. This includes
rubber boots or other appropriate footwear, waterproof clothing, protective overalls, appropriate respiratory, ear and eye protection devices and life jackets, where
rubber gloves, face masks, appropriate respiratory equipment (including replacement necessary.
filters), ear and eye protection devices, life- jackets, etc. as required by label or on-farm

CP AF 4.4.2 Is protective clothing cleaned after use and stored in such a way as to prevent Major AF.3.4.2 Major Is protective clothing cleaned after use and stored so as to prevent contamination of the Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
contamination of personal clothing? Must clothing or equipment?

Code Ref: BM IFA Crops V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS
AF_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

CC AF 4.4.2 Protective clothing is kept clean according to the type of use and degree of potential Major AF.3.4.2 Major Protective clothing is regularly cleaned, according to a schedule adapted to the type of
contamination and in a ventilated place. Cleaning protective clothing and equipment Must use and degree of
includes separate washing from private clothing. Wash re-usable gloves before removal. soiling. Cleaning the protective clothing and equipment includes the separate washing
Dirty and damaged protective clothing and equipment and expired filter cartridges shall from private clothing and glove washing before removal.
be disposed of appropriately. Single-use items (e.g. gloves, overalls) shall be disposed of Dirty, torn and damaged protective clothing and equipment and expired filter cartridges
after one use. All protective clothing and equipment including replacements filters, etc. should be
shall be stored outside of the plant protection products/storage facility and physically disposed of. Single-use items (e.g. gloves, overalls, etc.) have to be disposed of after
separated from any other chemicals that might cause contamination of the clothing or one use. All the
equipment. No N/A. protective clothing and equipment including
replacements filters etc., are stored apart and physically separate from the plant
protection products/ any other chemicals which might cause contamination of the
clothing or equipment in a well- ventilated area.

No N/A.
AF 4.5 Worker Welfare AF.3.5 Worker welfare - - -
CP AF 4.5.1 Is a member of management clearly identifiable as responsible for the workers’ Major AF.3.5.1 Major Is a member of management clearly identifiable as responsible for workers Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
health, safety and welfare? Must health, safety and welfare?
CC AF 4.5.1 Documentation is available that clearly identifies and names the member of management Major AF.3.5.1 Major Documentation is available that demonstrates that a clearly identified, named member of
who is responsible for ensuring compliance with and implementation of existing, Must management has the responsibility for ensuring compliance with existing, current and
current and relevant national and local regulations on relevant national and local regulations and the
workers’ health, safety and welfare. implementation of the policy on workers health safety and welfare.
CP AF 4.5.2 Does regular two-way communication take place between management and Minor AF.3.5.2 Minor Do regular two-way communication meetings take place between management and Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
workers on issues related to workers’ health, safety, and welfare? Is there evidence of Must workers? Are there records from such meetings?
actions taken from such communication?
CC AF 4.5.2 Records show that communication between management and workers about health, Minor AF.3.5.2 Minor Records show that the concerns of the workers about health, safety and welfare are being
safety, and welfare concerns can take place openly (i.e. without fear of intimidation or Must recorded in meetings planned and held at least once a year between management and
retribution) and at least once a year. The auditor is not required to make judgments workers at which matters related to the business and worker health, safety or welfare can
about the content, accuracy, or outcome of such communications. There is evidence that be discussed openly (without fear or intimidation or retribution). The auditor is not
the concerns of the workers about health, safety, and welfare are being addressed. required to make judgments about the content, accuracy or outcome of such meetings.

Is there information available that provide an accurate overview over all workers of the
AF.3.5.3 Major farm? . Record to be maitained of all workers including subcontractors which provide
the information on full name,date of entry ,the period of employment ,regular working
time and over time rules if any

CP AF 4.5.3 Do workers have access to clean food storage areas, designated rest areas, Major AF.3.5.4 Major Do workers have access to clean food storage areas, designated eating areas, Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
hand-washing facilities, and drinking water? Must hand washing facilities and drinking water?
CC AF 4.5.3 A place to store food and a place to eat shall be provided to the workers if they eat on Major AF.3.5.4 Major Any designated place in farm like shade / Tree / plane flooring is allowed to use as any designated place in farm like shade
the farm. Hand washing equipment and drinking water shall always be provided. Must designated eating area in open farms , however it is not allowed to eat in Protected / Tree / plane flooring is allowed to use
cultivation ares like green houses or poly houses as designated eating area in open farms
, however it is not allowed to eat in
Protected cultivation ares like green
houses or
poly houses
CP AF 4.5.4 Are on-site living quarters habitable and have the basic services and facilities? Major AF.3.5.5 Major Are on site living quarters habitable and have the basic services and facilities? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC AF 4.5.4 The on-farm living quarters for the workers are habitable and have a sound roof, Major AF.3.5.5 Major The living quarters for the workers on farm are habitable, and have access to clean
windows and doors, and the basic services of drinking water, toilets, and drains. In the Must water, toilets, drains. In case of no drains, septic pits can be accepted when proven to
case of no drains, septic pits can be accepted if compliant with local be hermetic.
CP AF 4.5.5 Is transport for workers (on-farm, to and from fields/orchard) as provided by the Minor AF 3.6.2 Minor Whether transport for workers (on-farm, to and from fields/orchard) as provided by the Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
producer safe and compliant with national regulations when used to transport Must producer safe and compliant with national regulations when used to
workers on public roads? transport workers on public roads?
CC AF 4.5.5 Vehicles or vessels shall be safe for workers and, when used to transport workers on Minor AF 3.6.3 Minor Vehicles used fortransport shall be safe for workers and, when used to transport workers
public roads, shall comply with national safety regulations. Must on public roads, shall comply with national safety regulations

AF 5 SUBCONTRACTORS AF.3.6 Subcontractors - - -

A subcontractor is the entity furnishing labor, equipment and/or materials to - - -
perform specific farm operation(s) under contract with the producer (e.g. custom grain
harvesting, fruit spraying and picking).
CP AF 5.1 When the producer makes use of subcontractors, do they oversee their Major AF.3.6.1 Major When the producer makes use of subcontractors, is all the relevant information available Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
activities in order to ensure that those activities relevant to GLOBALG.A.P. CPCC Must on farm?
comply with the corresponding requirements?
CC AF 5.1 The producer is responsible for observing the control points applicable to the tasks Major AF.3.6.1 Major The producer is responsible for observance of the control points applicable to the tasks
performed by the subcontractors who carry out activities covered in the GLOBALG.A.P. Must performed by the subcontractor by checking and signing the assessment of the
Standard, by checking and signing the assessment of the subcontractor for each task subcontractor for each task and season contracted.The producer is responsible for
and season contracted. observance of the control points applicable to the tasks performed by the
Evidence of compliance with the applicable control points shall be available on the subcontractors who carry out activities covered in IndG.A.P standard by checking and
farm during the external inspection. signing the assessment of the sub contractor for each task and season contracted (1)
i) The producer can perform the assessment and shall keep the evidence of Evidence of compliance with the applicable control ponits shall be available on the
compliance of the control points assessed. The subcontractor shall agree that farm during external inspection.(a)The producer can perform the assessment and shall
GLOBALG.A.P. approved certifiers are allowed to verify the assessments through a keep the evidence of compliance of the control points assessed. The sub contractor
physical inspection or agree that IndG.A.P approved certifiers are allowed to verify the assessments through
ii) A third-party certification body, which is GLOBALG.A.P. approved, can inspect the a physical inspection. Note: In case Sub contractors are not used for farming
subcontractor. The subcontractor shall receive a letter of conformance from the operations ,this clause is not applicable
certification body with the following info:
1) Date of assessment
2) Name of the certification body
3) Inspector name
4) Details of the subcontractor
5) List of the inspected control points and compliance criteria. Certificates issued to
subcontractors against standards that are not officially approved by GLOBALG.A.P.
are not valid evidence of compliance with GLOBALG.A.P.

Waste minimization shall include review of current practices, avoidance of - - -
waste, reduction of waste, re-use of waste, and recycling of waste.
AF 6.1 Identification of Waste and Pollutants AF.4.1 Identification of Waste and Pollutants - - -
CP AF 6.1.1 Have possible waste products and sources of pollution been identified in all Minor AF.4.1.1 Minor Have all possible waste products and sources of pollution been identified in all Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
areas of the farm? Must areas of the business?
CC AF 6.1.1 Possible waste products (e.g. paper, cardboard, plastic, oil) and sources of pollution Minor AF.4.1.1 Minor All possible waste products (such as paper, cardboard, plastic, oil, etc.) and sources of
(e.g. fertilizer excess, exhaust smoke, oil, fuel, noise, effluent, chemicals, sheep-dip, Must pollution (e.g. Fertilizer excess, exhaust smoke, oil, fuel, noise, effluent, chemicals,
feed waste, algae produced during net cleaning) produced by the farm processes have sheep-dip, feed waste, dead or diseased fish, algae produced during net cleaning, etc.)
been listed. produced by the farm processes have been listed.
For crops, producers shall also take into consideration surplus application mix and tank

AF 6.2 Waste and Pollution Action Plan AF4.2 Waste and Pollution Action Plan - - -
CP AF 6.2.1 Is there a documented farm waste management plan to avoid and/or minimize wastage Minor AF.4.2.1 Minor Is there a documented farm waste management plan to avoid or reduce wastage and Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
and pollution to the extent possible, and does the waste management plan include Must pollution and avoid the use of landfill or burning, by waste recycling? Are organic
adequate provisions for waste disposal? wastes composted on the farm and utilized for soil conditioning, provided there is no
risk of disease carry-over?
AF.4.2.4 Minor Do the premises have adequate provisions for waste disposal? . The farm has
designated areas to store differrent wates ,stored seperately.See the comments in Row 8
for levels
CC AF 6.2.1 A comprehensive, current, and documented plan that covers wastage reduction, Minor AF.4.2.1 Minor A comprehensive, current, documented plan that covers wastage reduction,
pollution, and waste recycling is available. Air, soil, and water contamination shall be Must pollution and waste recycling is available. Air, soil, water, noise and light
considered where relevant along with all products and sources identified in the plan. For contamination must be considered.
aquaculture, cross-reference with Aquaculture module AQ 9.1.1.
AF.4.2.2 Minor Has this waste management plan been implemented? . There are visible actions and
measures on the farm that confirm that the objective is acheived

CP AF 6.2.2 Is the site kept in a tidy and orderly condition? Major AF.4.2.3 Major Are the farm and premises clear of litter and waste to avoid establishing a breeding Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Must ground for pests and diseases, which could result in a food safety risk?

CC AF 6.2.2 Visual assessment shall show that there is no evidence of waste/litter in the immediate Major AF.4.2.3 Major Visual assessment that there is no evidence of breeding grounds in areas of waste/litter
vicinity of the production site(s) or storage buildings. Incidental and insignificant litter Must in the immediate vicinity of the production or storage buildings. Incidental and
and waste on the designated areas are acceptable as well as the waste from the current insignificant litter and waste on the designated areas are acceptable as well as the
day’s work. All other litter and waste shall be cleared up, including fuel spills. waste from the current day’s work. All other litter and waste has been cleared up.

Areas where produce is handled indoors are cleaned at least once a day.

CP AF 6.2.3 Are holding areas for diesel and other fuel oil tanks environmentally safe? Minor AF.4.2.5 Minor
Whether petroeum product if any stored in a location which is environmentally Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Must safe?
CC AF 6.2.3 All fuel storage tanks shall conform to the local requirements. When there are no local Minor
AF.4.2.5 Minor All petroleum product storage tanks shall conform to the local requirements. If there are
requirements to contain spillage, the minimum is bunded areas, which shall be Must no local requirements to contain spillage, the minimum is bunded areas, which shall be
impervious and be able to contain at least 110% of the largest tank stored within it, impervious and be able to retain at least 110% of the largest tank stored within it, If it is
unless it is in an environmentally sensitive area where the capacity shall then be 165 % in an environmentally sensitive area then the retaining capacity shall then be 170 % of
of the content of the largest tank. There shall be no-smoking signs displayed and the content of the largest tank. No- smoking signs shall be displayed and appropriate fire
appropriate fire emergency provisions made nearby. emergency provisions
shall be made nearby.
CP AF 6.2.4 Provided there is no risk of pest, disease, and weed carry-over, are organic Recom. AF 4.2.1 Recomen Provided there is no risk of pest,disease and weed carry over ,are organic Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
wastes composted on the farm and recycled? dation wastes composted on the fram and recycled.
CC AF 6.2.4 Organic waste material is composted and used for soil conditioning. The composting Recom. AF 4.2.1 Recomen In case organic waste material is composted and used for soil conditioning,it is to be
method ensures that there is no risk of pest, disease or weed carry- over. For aquaculture, dation ensured that there is no risk of pest,disease or weed carry-over.
cross-reference with Aquaculture module AQ 10.2.2. Composting method to be documented.

CP AF 6.2.5 Is the water used for washing and cleaning purposes disposed of in a manner that Recom. AF.4.2.6 Recomen Whether water used for washing and cleaning purposes (other PPP application dation Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
ensures the minimum health and safety risks and environmental impact? tank washings) disposed of in a manner that ensures the minimum health and
safety risks and minimum environmental impact?

Code Ref: BM IFA Crops V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS
AF_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

CC AF 6.2.5 Waste water resulting from washing of contaminated machinery, e.g. spray equipment, Recom. AF.4.2.6 Recomen Waste water from washing of machinery, equipment, personal protective dation Spray tank washings are covered in CB
personal protective equipment, hydro-coolers, or buildings with animals, should be equipment, hydro-coolers, or buildings with animals, should be collected and 8.5.1, CB 8.5.2 & CB 8.5.3
collected and disposed of in a way that ensures the minimum impact on the environment disposed of in a way that ensures the minimum impact on the environment and the
and the health and safety of farm staff, visitors and nearby communities as well as legal health and safety of farm staff, visitors and nearby communities as well as legal
compliance. For tank washings compliance.
see CB 7.5.1.
AF 7 CONSERVATION AF.5 Environment and conservation - - -
Farming and the environment are inseparably linked. Managing wildlife and landscape - - -
is of great importance. The abundance and diversity of flora and fauna benefits the
enhancement of species and the structural diversity of land
and landscape features.
AF 7.1 Impact of Farming on the Environment and Biodiversity (Cross-Reference with AF.5.1 "Impact of Farming on the Environment and Biodiversity - - -
AQ 9 of the Aquaculture Module) "
CP AF 7.1.1 Does each producer have a wildlife management and conservation plan for the farm Minor AF.5.1.1 Minor Does each producer have a conservation of wildlife and conservation plan for the Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
business that acknowledges the impact of farming activities on the Must enterprise that acknowledges the impact of farming activities on the
environment? environment?
CC AF 7.1.1 There shall be a written action plan that aims to enhance habitats and maintain Minor AF.5.1.1 Minor There must be a written action plan, which aims to enhance habitats and increase
biodiversity on the farm. This can be either an individual plan or a regional activity that Must biodiversity on the farm. This can be either a regional activity or individual plan, if the
the farm is participating in or is covered by. It shall pay special attention to areas of farm is participating in or covered by it. This includes knowledge of IPM practices, of
environmental interest being protected and make reference to legal requirements where nutrient use of crops, conservation sites etc.
applicable. The action plan shall include knowledge of integrated pest management
practices, nutrient use of crops, conservation sites, water supplies, the impact on other
users, etc.

CP AF 7.1.2 Has the producer considered how to enhance the environment for the benefit of the local Recom. AF.5.1.2 Recomen Has the producer considered how to improve the environment for the benefit of the Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
community and flora and fauna? Is this policy compatible with sustainable commercial dation local community and flora and fauna?
agricultural production and does it strive to minimize
environmental impact of the agricultural activity?
CC AF 7.1.2 There should be tangible actions and initiatives that can be demonstrated 1) by the Recom. AF.5.1.2 Recomen There should be tangible actions and initiatives that can be demonstrated by the AF.5.1.3 Minor, AF.5.1.4 , AF.5.1.5,
producer either on the production site or at the local scale or at the regional scale 2) by dation producer either on the production site or by participation in a group that is active in AF.5.1.6 All Minor
participation in a group that is active in environmental support schemes concerned with environmental support schemes looking at habitat quality and habitat elements.
habitat quality and habitat elements. There is a commitment within the conservation plan
to undertake a baseline audit of the current levels, location, condition, etc. of the fauna
and flora on the farm, so as to enable actions to be planned. Within the conservation
plan, there is a clear list of priorities and actions to enhance habitats for fauna and flora
where viable and to
increase bio-diversity on the farm.
AF 7.2 Ecological Upgrading of Unproductive Sites AF.5.2 Unproductive sites - - -
CP AF 7.2.1 Has consideration been given to the conversion of unproductive sites (e.g. low- lying Recom. AF.5.2.1 Recomen Has consideration been given to the conversion of unproductive sites (e.g. low lying wet Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
wet areas, woodlands, headland strips, or areas of impoverished soil, etc.) to ecological dation areas, woodlands, headland strip or areas of impoverished soil) to conservation areas for
focus areas for the encouragement of natural flora and fauna? the encouragement of natural flora and fauna?

CC AF 7.2.1 There should be a plan to convert unproductive sites and identified areas that Recom. AF.5.2.1 Recomen There should be a plan to convert unproductive sites and identified areas, which
give priority to ecology into conservation areas, where viable. dation give priority to ecology into conservation areas where viable.
AF 7.3 Energy Efficiency AF.5.3 Energy Efficiency - - -
Farming equipment shall be selected and maintained for optimum energy - - -
efficiency. The use of renewable energy sources should be encouraged.
CP AF 7.3.1 Can the producer show monitoring of on-farm energy use? Minor AF.5.3.1 Minor Can the producer show monitoring of energy use on the farm? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC AF 7.3.1 Energy use records exist (e.g. invoices where energy consumption is detailed). The Minor AF.5.3.1 Minor Energy use records exist. For example, farming equipment shall be selected and
producer/producer group is aware of where and how energy is consumed on the farm Must maintained for optimum consumption of energy. The use of non- renewable energy
and through farming practices. Farming equipment shall be selected sources should be kept to a minimum.
and maintained for optimum energy consumption.
CP AF 7.3.2 Based on the result of the monitoring, is there a plan to improve energy Recom. AF.5.3.2 Recomen Whether there is a plan to improve energy efficiency on the farm based on Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
efficiency on the farm? dation energy monitoring?
CC AF 7.3.2 A written plan identifying opportunities to improve energy efficiency is available. Recom. AF.5.3.2 Recomen A written plan identifying methods to improve energy efficiency shall be available.
CP AF 7.3.3 Does the plan to improve energy efficiency consider minimizing the use of non- Recom. AF.5.3.3 Recomen Whether the written plan to improve energy efficiency consider minimizing the Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
renewable energy? dation use of non-renewable energy and promote use of renewable energy?
CC AF 7.3.3 Producers consider reducing the use of non-renewable energies to a minimum Recom. AF.5.3.3 Recomen The plan shall consider minimising the use of non-renewable energies and shall
possible and use renewable ones. dation encourage use renewable energy.
AF 7.4 Water Collection/Recycling - - -
CP AF 7.4.1 Where feasible, have measures been implemented to collect water and, where Recom. CB.6.4.5 Is water harvesting being practiced by the farmer? CB.6.4.6 Water conservation Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
appropriate, to recycle taking into consideration all food safety aspects? Recomen
CC AF 7.4.1 Water collection is recommended where it is commercially and practically feasible, Recom. CB.6.4.5 Verify the water harvesting techniques used by the farmer and the source of information
e.g. from building roofs, glasshouses, etc. Collection from watercourses within the farm Recomen for the techniques.
perimeters may need legal permits from the dation
Management of complaints will lead to an overall better production system. Management of complaints will lead to a better system and compliance with the - - -
IndG.A.P. requirements.
CP AF 8.1 Is there a complaint procedure available relating to both internal and external issues Major AF.6.1 Major Is there a complaint procedure available relating to issues covered by the IndG.A.P. Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
covered by the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard and does this procedure ensure that complaints Must standard?
are adequately recorded, studied, and followed up, including a
record of actions taken?
CC AF 8.1 A documented complaint procedure is available to facilitate the recording and follow-up Major AF.6.1 Major There must be available on request, a clearly identifiable document for complaints
of all received complaints relating to issues covered by GLOBALG.A.P. actions taken Must relating to issues covered by IndG.A.P.. No N/A.
with respect to such complaints. In the case of producer groups, the members do not
need the complete complaint procedure, but only the parts that are relevant to them. The
complaint procedure shall include the notification of GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat via the
certification body in the case that the producer is informed by a competent or local
authority that they are under investigation and/or has received a sanction in the scope of
the certificate. No
CP AF 9.1 Does the producer have documented procedures on how to manage/initiate the Major AF 7.1 Major Do all producers have a documented recall procedure to manage the withdrawal of Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
withdrawal/recall of certified products from the marketplace and are these Must registered products from the market?
procedures tested annually?
CC AF 9.1 The producer shall have a documented procedure that identifies the type of event that Major AF 7.1 Major All producers must have access to documented procedures which identify the type of
may result in a withdrawal/recall, the persons responsible for making decisions on the Must event that may result in a withdrawal, persons responsible for taking decisions on the
possible product withdrawal/recall, the mechanism for notifying the next step in the possible withdrawal of product, the mechanism for notifying customers and the
supply chain and the GLOBALG.A.P. approved certification body, and the methods of IndG.A.P. CB (if a sanction was not issued by the CB and the producer or group recalled
reconciling stock. the products out of free will) and methods of reconciling stock. The procedures must be
The procedures shall be tested annually to ensure that they are effective. This test shall tested annually to ensure that it is sufficient. Global tracking and tracing may be
be recorded (e.g. by picking a recently sold batch, identifying the quantity and followed to facilitate product recall.
whereabouts of the product, and verifying whether the next step involved with this batch
and the CB can be contacted. Actual communications of the mock recall to the clients Product recall procedures and processes must facilitate speedy, transparent and
are not necessary. A list of phone numbers and e- mails is sufficient). No N/A. accurate product recalls. For this, Global Traceability Standards (GTS) and recall
standards may be used.

AF 10 FOOD DEFENSE (N/A for Flowers and Ornamentals and Plant Propagation AF.9 FOOD DEFENCE - - -
CP AF 10.1 Is there a risk assessment for food defense and are procedures in place to Major AF.9.1 Major Is there a risk assessment for food defense and are procedures in place to Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
address identified food defense risks? Must address identified food defense risks
CC AF 10.1 Potential intentional threats to food safety in all phases of the operation shall be Major AF.9.1 Major Potential intentional threats to food safety in all phases of the operation shall be
identified and assessed. Food defense risk identification shall assure that all input is Must identified and assessed. Food defense risk identification shall assure that all input is
from safe and secured sources. Information of all employees and subcontractors shall from safe and secured sources. Information of all employees and subcontractors shall be
be available. Procedures for corrective action shall be in place in case of intentional available. Mitigation plan / Procedures for corrective action shall be in place in case of
threat. intentional threat.


Note GLOBALG.A.P.: this chapter is applicable also for benchmarking. In case of

benchmarked checklists/schemes the respective checklist/scheme status and the GGN
need to be included in all transaction documentation.
CP AF 11.1 Does all transaction documentation include reference to the GLOBALG.A.P. Major AF.15.1 Major Whether the transaction documentation include reference to the IndG.A.P. status Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
status and the GGN? Must and the CRN?
CC AF 11.1 Sales invoices and, where appropriate, other documentation related to sales of certified Major AF.15.1 Major Sales invoices and, where appropriate, other documentation (container loading sheet
material/products shall include the GGN of the certificate holder AND a reference to Must etc.) related to sales of certified material/products shall include the CRNN of the
the GLOBALG.A.P. certified status. This is not obligatory in internal documentation. certificate holder AND a reference to the indG.A.P. certified status..
Where producers own a GLN, this shall replace the GGN issued by Positive identification of the certified status is enough on transaction documentation
GLOBALG.A.P. during the registration process. (e.g. ‘IndG.A.P. certified’). Non-certified products do not need to be identified as
Positive identification of the certified status is enough on transaction documentation (e.g. "non-certified".
‘‘GLOBALG.A.P. certified <product name>’’). Non-certified products do not need to be Indication of the certified status is obligatory regardless of whether the certified product
identified as "non-certified". was sold as certified or not. This cannot be checked during the initial (first ever)
Indication of the certified status is obligatory regardless of whether the certified product inspection, because the producer is not certified yet and the producer cannot refer to the
was sold as certified or not. This cannot be checked during the initial (first ever) IndG.A.P. certified status before the first positive certification decision.
inspection, because the producer is not certified yet and the producer cannot reference to N/A only when there is a written agreement available between the producer and the
the GLOBALG.A.P. certified status before the first positive certification decision. client not to identify the IndG.A.P. status of the product and/or the CRN on the
N/A only when there is a written agreement available between the producer and the client transaction documents.
not to identify the GLOBALG.A.P. status of the product and/or the GGN
on the transaction documents.

AF 12 LOGO USE - - -

Note GLOBALG.A.P.: Describe how you make sure that GLOBALG.A.P. logo and
GLOBALG.A.P. Number (GGN) are only used according to the rules below.

CP AF 12.1 Is the GLOBALG.A.P. word, trademark, GLOBALG.A.P. QR code or logo and the Major Major Is the IndG.A.P. word, trademark, QR code and or logo and the CRN Number) used Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
GGN (GLOBALG.A.P. Number) used according to the GLOBALG.A.P. General Must according to the IndG.A.P. Rules for use of logo?
Regulations and according to the 'Sublicense and Certification Agreement'?

Code Ref: BM IFA Crops V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS
AF_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

CC AF 12.1 The producer/producer group shall use the GLOBALG.A.P. word, trademark, Major Major The producer/producer group shall use the IndG.A.P. word, trademark and or logo and
GLOBALG.A.P. QR code or logo and the GGN, GLN or sub-GLN according to the Must the CRN according to the IndG.A.P logo use rules the certificate holder can also use any
General Regulations Part I, Annex 1 and according to the 'Sublicense and Certification and/or all in business-to-business communications.
Agreement'. The GLOBALG.A.P. word, trademark, or logo shall never appear on the IndG.A.P. word, trademark, or logo cannot be in use during the initial (first ever)
final product, on the consumer packaging, or at the point of sale. However, the inspection because the producer is not certified yet and the producer cannot refer to the
certificate holder can use any and/or all in business-to- business communications. IndG.A.P. certified status before the first positive certification decision.
GLOBALG.A.P. word, trademark, or logo cannot be in use during the initial (first ever)
inspection because the producer is not certified yet and the producer cannot reference to
the GLOBALG.A.P. certified status before the first positive certification decision.
N/A for CFM, PPM, GLOBALG.A.P. Aquaculture ova or seedlings and Livestock, when
the certified products are input products, not intended for sale to final consumers and will
definitely not appear at the point of sale to final consumers.


Section 13 is applicable to all producers who need to register for parallel - - -
production/ownership and to those who buy from other producers (certified or not),
the same products they also certify. It is not applicable to producers who certify 100
% of the product in their GLOBALG.A.P. scope and do not buy of
those products from other producers (certified or not).
CP AF 13.1 Is there an effective system in place to identify and segregate all GLOBALG.A.P. Major AF.10.1 Major Is there an effective system in place to identify and segregate all IndG.A.P Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
certified and non-certified products? Must certified and non-certified products?
CC AF 13.1 A system shall be in place to avoid mixing of certified and non-certified products. This Major AF.10.1 Major A system shall be in place to avoid mixing of certified and non-certified products. This
can be done via physical identification or product handling procedures, Must can be done via physical identification or product handling procedures,
including the relevant records. including the relevant records.
CP AF 13.2 In the case of producers registered for parallel production/ownership (where Major AF.10.2 Major In the case of producers registered for parallel production/ownership (where Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
certified and non-certified products are produced and/or owned by one legal Must certified and non-certified products are produced and/or owned by one legal entity),
entity), is there a system to ensure that all final products originating from a is there a system to ensure that all final products originating from a
certified production process are correctly identified? certified production process are correctly identified?
CC AF 13.2 In the case the producer is registered for parallel production/ownership (where certified Major AF.10.2 Major In the case the producer is registered for parallel production/ownership (where certified
and non-certified products are produced and/or owned by one legal entity), all product Must and non-certified products are produced and/or owned by one legal entity), all product
packed in final consumer packaging (either from farm level or after product handling) packed in final consumer packaging (either from farm level or after product handling)
shall be identified with a GGN where the product originates from a certified process. shall be identified with a CRN where the product originates from a certified process.
It can be the GGN of the (Option 2) group, the GGN of the group member, both It can be the CRN of the (Option 2) group, the CRN of the group member, both CRNs,
GGNs, or the GGN of the individual (Option 1) producer. The GGN shall not be used or the CRN of the individual (Option 1) producer.
to label non-certified products. The CRN shall not be used to label non-certified products.
N/A only when the producer only owns GLOBALG.A.P. products (no PP/PO), or when N/A only when the producer only owns IndG.A.P products (no PP/PO),
there is a written agreement available between the producer and the client not to use the
GGN, GLN, or sub-GLN on the ready to be sold product. This can also be the client's
own label specifications where the GGN is not included.

CP AF 13.3 Is there a final check to ensure the correct product dispatch of certified and non- Major AF.10.3 Major Is there a final check to ensure the correct product dispatch of certified and non- Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
certified products? Must certified products?
CC AF 13.3 The check shall be documented to show that the certified and non-certified Major AF.10.3 Major The check shall be documented to show that the certified and non-certified
products are dispatched correctly. Must products are dispatched correctly.
CP AF 13.4 Are appropriate identification procedures in place and records for identifying products Major AF.10.4 Major Are appropriate identification procedures in place and records for identifying products Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
purchased from different sources available for all registered products? Must purchased from different sources available for all registered products?

CC AF 13.4 Procedures shall be established, documented and maintained, appropriately to the scale Major AF.10.4 Major Procedures shall be established, documented and maintained, appropriately to the scale
of the operation, for identifying certified and, when applicable, non- certified quantities Must of the operation, for identifying certified and, when applicable, non- certified quantities
purchased from different sources (i.e. other producers or traders) for all registered purchased from different sources (i.e. other producers or traders) for all registered
products. products.
Records shall include: Records shall include:
• Product description • Product description
• GLOBALG.A.P. certified status • IndG.A.P. certified status
• Quantities of product(s) purchased • Quantities of product(s) purchased
• Supplier details • Supplier details
• Copy of the GLOBALG.A.P. certificates where applicable • Copy of the IndG.A.P. certificates where applicable
• Traceability data/codes related to the purchased products • Traceability data/codes related to the purchased products
• Purchase orders/invoices received by the organization being assessed • Purchase orders/invoices received by the organization being assessed
• List of approved suppliers • List of approved suppliers
Section 14 is applicable to all GLOBALG.A.P. producers. In the case of producer - - -
group members, this information may sometimes be covered under the QMS of the
CP AF 14.1 Are sales records available for all quantities sold and all registered products? Major AF 7.2 Major Whether details regarding sales of certified and non-certified where applicable Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Must maintained and shall be consistant with the quantity of certified input and output.And
records maintained for the same
CC AF 14.1 Sales details of certified and, when applicable, non-certified quantities shall be Major AF 7.2 Major Whether details regarding sales of certified and non-certified where applicable
recorded for all registered products, with particular attention to quantities sold and Must maintained and shall be consistant with the quantity of certified input and output.
descriptions provided. The documents shall demonstrate the consistent balance between
the certified and non-certified input and the output. No N/A.

CP AF 14.2 Are quantities (produced, stored, and/or purchased) recorded and summarized Major AF 10.6 Major Whether quantities produced/ stored and/or purchased) recorded and Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
for all products? Must summarized for all registered products?
CC AF 14.2 Quantities (including information on volumes or weight) of certified, and when Major AF 10.6 Major Tthe quantities of certified, and when applicable non-certified, incoming (including
applicable non-certified, incoming (including purchased products), outgoing and stored Must purchased certified/non-certified), outgoing and stored products recorded, and a
products shall be recorded, and a summary maintained for all registered products, so as summary maintained for all registered products, so as to facilitate the mass balance
to facilitate the mass balance verification process. verification process
The frequency of the mass balance verification shall be defined and be appropriate to the
scale of the operation, but It shall be done at least annually per product. Documents to
demonstrate mass balance shall be clearly identified.
This control point applies to all GLOBALG.A.P. producers. No

CP AF 14.3 Are conversion ratios and/or loss (input-output calculations of a given production Major AF 10.7 Major Whether conversion ratios and/or loss (input-output ratio/percentage production Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
process) during handling calculated and controlled? Must process) during handling calculated and controlled?
CC AF 14.3 Conversion ratios shall be calculated and available for each relevant handling process. Major AF 10.7 Major out of the produce received how much is packed shall be recorded. Input out put ratio or
All generated product waste quantities shall be estimated and/or Must percentatge shall be available Also the waste or the not suitable produce
recorded. No N/A. estimated and records maintained
AF 15 FOOD SAFETY POLICY DECLARATION (N/A for Flowers and Ornamentals) - - -

The Food Safety Policy Declaration reflects in an unambiguous manner the - - -

commitment of the producer to ensure that food safety is implemented and maintained
throughout the production processes.
CP AF 15.1 Has the producer completed and signed the 'Food Safety Policy Declaration' included in Major AF 13.1 Major Has the producer option-1 completed and signed the 'Food Safety Policy Declaration' Producer shall complete and sign the Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
the IFA checklist? Must included in the iindG.A.P. normative document? declaration during or before the
internal inspection/self assessment

CC AF 15.1 Completion and signature of the 'Food Safety Policy Declaration' is a Major AF 13.2 Major In the case of producer groups (Option 2) and producers under Option 1 Multisite with Either all producers or the central
commitment to be renewed annually for each new certification cycle. Must QMS, it is possible that the central management assumes this commitment for the management shall complete and sign
For a producer under Option 1 without QMS, the self-assessment checklist will only be organization and for all its members by completing and signing one declaration at QMS the declaration before or during the
complete when the 'Food Safety Policy Declaration' is completed and signed. level. In that case, the members of the producer groups and the individual production internal inspections/ Audit
In the case of producer groups (Option 2) and producers under Option 1 Multisite with sites are not required to complete and sign the declaration individually. No N/A, unless
QMS, it is possible that the central management assumes this commitment for the Flowers and Ornamentals or Plant Propagation Material certification
organization and for all its members by completing and signing one declaration at QMS
level. In that case, the members of the producer groups and the individual production
sites are not required to complete and sign the declaration individually. No N/A, unless
Flowers and Ornamentals or Plant
Propagation Material certification

AF 16 FOOD FRAUD MITIGATION (N/A for Flowers and Ornamentals) AF.11 FOOD FRAUD MITIGATION - - -
Food fraud may occur on primary production when suppliers provide input Food fraud may occur on primary production when suppliers provide input - - -
products/materials that do not match the specifications (e.g. counterfeit plant protection products/materials that do not match the specifications (e.g. counterfeit plant protection
products (PPP) or propagation material, non-food grade packaging material). This may products (PPP) or propagation material, non-food grade packaging material). This may
cause public health crises, and therefore producers should cause public health crises, and therefore producers should
take measures to mitigate these risks. take measures to mitigate these risks.
CP AF. 16.1 Does the producer have a food fraud vulnerability risk assessment? Minor AF.11.1 Minor Does the producer have a food fraud vulnerability risk assessment? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC AF. 16.1 A documented risk assessment to identify potential vulnerability to food fraud (e.g. Minor AF.11.1 Minor A documented risk assessment to identify potential vulnerability to food fraud (e.g.
counterfeit PPP or propagation material, non-food grade packaging material) is Must counterfeit PPP or propagation material, non-food grade packaging material) is
available, current and implemented. This procedure may be based on a generic one, available, current, and implemented. This procedure may be based on a generic one
but shall be customized to the scope of the production. but shall be customized to the scope of the production.

CP AF. 16.2 Does the producer have a food fraud mitigation plan and has it been Minor AF.11.2 Minor Does the producer have a food fraud mitigation plan and has it been Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
implemented? Must implemented?
CC AF. 16.2 A documented food fraud mitigation plan, specifying the measures the producer Minor AF.11.2 Minor A documented food fraud mitigation plan, specifying the measures the producer
has implemented to address the food fraud threats identified is available and Must has implemented to address the food fraud threats identified, is available and
implemented. implemented.
CP AF 17.1 Does the producer have a documented procedure for non-conforming products Major AF.12.1 Major Does the producer have a documented procedure for non-conforming products Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
and has it been implemented? Must and has it been implemented?
CC AF 17.1 A documented procedure is in place specifying that all non-conforming products shall Major AF.12.1 Major A documented procedure is in place specifying that all non-conforming products shall
be clearly identified and quarantined as appropriate. These Must be clearly identified and quarantined as appropriate. These products shall be handled or
products shall be handled or disposed of according to the nature of the disposed of according to the nature of the problem and/or specific
problem and/or specific customer requirements. customer requirements.

Code Ref: BM IFA Crops V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS
AF_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria - Food Applicant G.A.P. Rules: IndG.A.P. Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
Safety Policy Declaration (Version 5.2_Feb19) Version:Ver 4.1 FL
Clause Explanations/answers
GLOBALG.A.P. requirements Original Text Rule Remarks Questions
No. checklist/scheme owner
FOOD SAFETY POLICY DECLARATION A producer may use this template or any Section 8 A producer may use this template or any other
other format for compliance with AF15.1 Sheet 1 format for compliance with AF 9.1/QM Equivalent
4.4.1 f)
Sheet 1 Equivalent


Sheet 1 Equivalent
Sheet 1 Equivalent

DATE: Section 8 DATE:

Sheet 1 Equivalent

We are committed to ensure that food safety is implemented and maintained Section 8 Producer/Producer Group are committed to
throughout our production processes. Sheet 1 ensure food safety in our operations. Equivalent

This is achieved by: Section 8 This is achieved by:

Sheet 1 Equivalent


All of our staff has been trained in food safety and hygiene (see AF 3) and are strictly Section 8 All of our staff has been trained in food
monitored to ensure it is continuously implemented. Sheet 1 safety and hygiene and are strictly
monitored to ensure it is continuously
The following person/(s) have accountability for food safety Section 8 The following person/(s) have
Sheet 1 accountability for food safety Equivalent


Sheet 1 Equivalent

NAME(S): Section 8 NAME(S):

Sheet 1 Equivalent


Sheet 1 Equivalent


Sheet 1 Equivalent

If different, during harvesting (for crop production) to ensure that only safe Section 8 If different, during harvesting (for crop
products are harvested according to the standard: Sheet 1 production) to ensure that only safe products
are harvested according to the
NAME(S): Section 8 NAME(S):
Sheet 1 Equivalent


Sheet 1 Equivalent


Sheet 1 Equivalent

If different, during product handling to ensure that appropriate release Section 8 If different, during product handling to ensure
procedures are followed according to the standard requirements: Sheet 1 that appropriate release procedures are followed
according to the standard
NAME(S): Section 8 NAME(S):
Sheet 1 Equivalent


Sheet 1 Equivalent


Sheet 1 Equivalent

TEL: Section 8 TEL:
Sheet 1 Equivalent

The implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. is based on identification of risks and hazards Section 8 The implementation of IndG.A.P. is based on
and mitigating activities will be reviewed annually to ensure continuing suitability, Sheet 1 identified risks and hazards, and mitigation plan
adequacy and effectiveness. will be reviewed annually to ensure continuing Equivalent
suitability, adequacy, and

Code Ref: BM IFA Crops V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
Food Safety Declaration Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany

Page: 94 of 96 www.globalgap.o
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria - Crops Base Applicant G.A.P. Rules: IndG.A.P.
Compliance check GLOBALG.A.P. assessor
(Version 5.2_Feb19) Version:Ver 4.1
Clause Clause Level Original Text Explanations/answers
Control Points (CP) & Compliance Criteria (CC) Level No. Level CPCC Overall Remarks
No. checklist/scheme owner
Traceability facilitates the recall/withdrawal of foods and flowers and ornamentals and Traceability is the ability of a system to track the movement of food products and to - - -
enables customers to be provided with targeted and accurate information concerning record information about related attributes from Farm to Fork or to trace the same
implicated products. from Fork to Farm.
It facilitates the withdrawal/recall of affected food products from the supply
chain in a fast, accurate and efficient manner.
CP CB 1.1 Is a GLOBALG.A.P. registered product traceable back to and trackable from the Major Must CB.1.1 Major Is IndG.A.P. registered product traceable back to and trackable from the registered Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
registered farm (and other relevant registered areas) where it has been farm (and other relevant registered areas) where it has been grown?
produced and, if applicable, handled?
CC CB 1.1 There is a documented identification and traceability system that allows Major Must CB.1.1 Major There is a documented identification and traceability system that allows IndG.A.P.
GLOBALG.A.P. registered products to be traced back to the registered farm or, in a registered product to be traced back to the registered farm or, in a Farmer Group, to
producer group, to the registered farms of the group, and tracked forward to the the registered farms of the group, and tracked forward to the immediate customer.
immediate customer (one step up, one step down). Harvest information shall link a Harvest information must link a batch to the production records or the farms of
batch to the production records or the farms of specific producers (refer to General specific producers. (Refer to General Regulations Part III for information on
Regulations Part II for information on segregation in Option 2). Produce handling segregation in Option 2).
shall also be covered, if applicable. No N/A.
Produce handling must also be covered if applicable. No N/A. GUIDANCE

The choice of propagation material plays an important role in the production process The choice of propagation material plays an important role in the production - - -
and, by using the appropriate varieties, can help to reduce the number of fertilizer and process and by using the correct varieties can help reduce the number of fertilizer
plant protection product applications. The choice of propagation material is a and plant protection product applications. The choice of
precondition of good plant growth and product quality. propagation material is a precondition of good plant growth and product quality.

CB 2.1 Quality and Health CB.2.1 Quality and Health - - -

The purpose of variety registration is to provide growers, processors, retailers and The purpose of variety registration is to provide growers ,processors, retailers and - - -
government a means of oversight to ensure that health and safety requirements are government a means of oversight to ensure that health and safety reaquirements are
met and that information related to the identity of the variety is available to met and that information related to the identity of the variety is avialable to regulators
regulators to prevent fraud. Variety registration aims at protecting the buyer of the to prevent fraud. variety registration aims at protecting the buyer of the seed /young
seed/young plants/harvested material by providing the basic assurance that the plants/ harvested material by providing the basic assurance that the starting material
starting material used conforms to the official used conforms to the official variety
variety description. description
CP CB 2.1.1 When seeds or propagation material have been purchased in the past 24 months, is Minor Must CB.2.1.1 Minor Is there a document that guarantees seed quality (free from injurious pests, diseases, Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
there evidence that guarantees they have been obtained in compliance with variety virus, etc.)?
registration laws (in the case mandatory variety
registration exists in the respective country)?
CC CB 2.1.1 A document (e.g. empty seed package, plant passport. packing list, or invoice) that Minor Must CB.2.1.1 Minor A record/certificate ( e.g empty seed package ,plant pass port ,packing list or invoice 1 .ICAR ( Indian Council of Agricultural Research
states as a minimum variety name, batch number, propagation material vendor, and, ) of the seed quality is kept and available ,that states as a minimum vareity name ) mandate is to plan,to undertake
where available, additional information on seed quality (germination, genetic purity, ,batch number ,propogation material vendor and where avaliable ,aid ,promote researchand technology development
physical purity, seed health, etc.) shall be available. ,additional information on seed quality (germination,generic purity,physical for sustainable agriculture . Formed by Govt of
Material coming from nurseries that have GLOBALG.A.P. Plant Propagation purity ,seed health etc ) shall be available . and states variety purity, variety name, India. ( 2. Agricultural Universities
Material, equivalent or GLOBALG.A.P. recognized certification is considered batch number and seed vendor. Check for freedom from injurious pests, diseases, are responsible for the regional location of the crops
compliant. virus, etc. In case of Seeds or propgation material supplied by agricultural universities and their varieties as well as for the establishment
or ICAR institutions/ or state agricultural department the information provided by and development of the standards of organic and in
them for that specific crop is accepted and record is maintained to that extent. organic fertilization, the application of soil
amendments and other technologies. These are
formed under the approval of governments.
3. APEDA ( Agricultural and Processed Food
Products Export Development Authority ) is
mandated with the responsibility of export
promotion and development of of fruits and
vegetables and their products,meat and poultry
products. It is formed by government of India ( 4 Agriculture department is the
govt agency responsible for the promotion of
agriculture development and support services needed
for domestic and export oreinted business
enterprises. 5.FSSAI ( Food Safety and standards
Authority of India ) is formed by govt of India for
laying down science based standards for articles of
food and to regulate their manufacture,distribution,
sale and import to ensure availability of safe food
for human consumption. (

CP CB 2.1.2 Has the propagation material used been obtained in accordance to applicable Minor Must CB.2.1.3 Minor Are quality guarantees or certified production guarantees documented for Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
intellectual property laws? purchased propagation material?
CC CB 2.1.2 When producers use registered varieties or rootstock, there are written documents Minor Must CB.2.1.3 Minor In case of Seeds or propgation material supplied by agricultural universities or ICAR
available on request that prove that the propagation material used has been obtained in institutions or state agricultural department the information provided by them is
accordance to applicable local intellectual property right laws. These documents may accpeted for that specific crop and record maintained to that extent.
be the license contract (for starting material that does not originate from seed, but
from vegetative origin), the plant passport if applicable or, if a plant passport is not
required, a document or empty seed package that states, as a minimum, variety name,
batch number, propagation material vendor, and packing list/delivery note or invoice
to demonstrate size and identity of all propagation material used in the last 24 months.
No N/A. Note: The PLUTO Database of UPOV ( and the
Variety Finder Tool on the website of CPVO ( list all varieties in the
world, providing their registration details and the intellectual property protection
details per variety and country.

CP CB 2.1.3 Are plant health quality control systems operational for in-house nursery Minor Must CB.2.1.4 Minor Are plant health quality control systems operational for in-house nursery Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
propagation? propagation?
CC CB 2.1.3 A quality control system that contains a monitoring system for visible signs of pest Minor Must CB.2.1.4 Minor A quality control system that contains a monitoring system on visible signs of pest
and diseases is in place and current records of the monitoring system shall be and diseases is in place and current records of the monitoring system must be
available. Nursery means anywhere propagation material is produced, (including in- available. Nursery means anywhere propagation material is produced, (including in-
house grafting material selection). The monitoring system shall include the recording house grafting material selection). “Monitoring system” must include recording and
and identification of the mother plant or field of origin crop, as applicable. Recording identification of the mother plant or field of origin crop as applicable. Recording must
shall be at regular established intervals. If the cultivated trees or plants are intended be periodic at regular established intervals. If the cultivated trees or plants are
for own use only (i.e. not sold), this will suffice. When rootstocks are used, special intended for own use only (not sold), this will suffice. When rootstocks are used
attention shall be paid to the origin of the rootstocks through documentation. special attention has to be paid to the origin of the rootstocks through documentation.

CB 2.2 Chemical Treatments and Dressings - - -

CP CB 2.2.1 Is the purchased propagation material (seed, rootstocks, seedlings, plantlets, cuttings) Minor Must CB.2.1.7 Minor Are the seeds treated with approved fungicides / pesticides and, if so, are these Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
accompanied by information of chemical treatments done by the differentiated by colour to avoid accidental use in feed or food? Whether
supplier? only approved colours/ dyes have been used for colour coating?
CC CB 2.2.1 Records with the name(s) of the chemical product(s) used by the supplier on the Minor Must CB.2.1.7 Minor In case of Seed treatment approved by agricultural universities or ICAR institutions or
propagation material (e.g. maintaining records/ seed packages, list with the names the state agricultural department , the same is accepted based on their information
of the plant protection product (PPP) used, etc.) are available on request. provided by them for that specific crop .
Suppliers who hold a GLOBALG.A.P. Plant Propagation Material, equivalent or
GLOBALG.A.P. recognized certificate are considered compliant with the
control point. N/A for perennial crops.

CP CB 2.2.2 Are PPP treatments recorded for in-house nursery propagation materials Minor Must CB.2.3.1 Minor Are the PPP treatments recorded for inhouse nursery propogation materials Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
applied during the plant propagation period? applied during the plant propogation period?
CC CB 2.2.2 Records of all PPP treatments applied during the plant propagation period for in-house Minor Must CB.2.3.1 Minor Records of all PPP treatments applied during the plant propogation period for in
plant nursery propagation are available and include location, date, trade name and house plant nursery propagation are available and include location, dtae
active ingredient, operator, authorized by, justification, quantity ,trade name , active ingredient,operator, authorized by ,justification,quantity
and machinery used. and machinery used .
CB 2.3 Genetically Modified Organisms (N/A if no Genetically Modified Varieties are CB.2.5 Genetically Modified Organisms (N/A if no Genetically Modified varieties are - - -
Used) used)
CP CB 2.3.1 Does the planting of or trials with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Major Must CB.2.5.1 Major Does the planting of or trials with GMO's comply with all applicable legislation Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
comply with all applicable legislation in the country of production? in the country of production?
CC CB 2.3.1 The registered farm or group of registered farms have a copy of the legislation Major Must CB.2.5.1 Major If the GMOs are not used. ,the clauses under CB 2.5 are not applicable. The fact of
applicable in the country of production and comply accordingly. Records shall be non appplicability to be mentioned
kept of the specific modification and/or the unique identifier. Specific
husbandry and management advice shall be obtained.
CP CB 2.3.2 Is there documentation available of when the producer grows GMOs? Minor Must CB.2.5.2 Minor Is there documentation available when the producer is growing genetically Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
modified organisms?
CC CB 2.3.2 If GMO cultivars and/or products derived from genetic modification are used, Minor Must CB.2.5.2 Minor If GMO cultivars and/or products derived from genetic modification are used,
records of planting, use or production of GMO cultivars and/or products derived from documented records of planting, use or production of GMO cultivars and/or
genetic modification are maintained. products derived from genetic modification are available.
CP CB 2.3.3 Have the producer’s direct clients been informed of the GMO status of the Major Must CB.2.5.3 Major Did the producer inform their direct clients of the GMO status of the product? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC CB 2.3.3 Documented evidence of communication shall be provided and shall allow verification Major Must CB.2.5.3 Major Documented evidence of communication must be provided.
that all material supplied to direct clients is according to customer
CP CB 2.3.4 Is there a plan for handling genetically modified (GM) material (i.e. crops and trials) Minor Must CB.2.5.4 Minor Is there a plan for handling GM material (crops and trials) setting out strategies to Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
identifying strategies to minimize contamination risks (e.g. such as accidental mixing minimize contamination risks, such as accidental mixing of adjacent non- GM crops
of adjacent non-GM crops) and maintaining product and maintaining product integrity?
CC CB 2.3.4 A written plan that explains how GM materials (e.g. crops and trials) are handled Minor Must CB.2.5.4 Minor There must be a written plan that explains how GM material (crops and trials) are
and stored to minimize risk of contamination with conventional handled and stored to minimize risk of contamination with conventional
material and to maintain product integrity is available. material.
CP CB 2.3.5 Are GM crops stored separately from other crops to avoid adventitious mixing? Major Must CB.2.5.5 Major Are GMO crops stored separately from other crops to avoid adventitious Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC CB 2.3.5 A visual assessment of the integrity and identification of GM crops storage Major Must CB.2.5.5 Major Visual assessment must be made of genetically modified (GMO) crops
shall be made. storage for integrity and identification.
Good soil husbandry ensures the long-term fertility of the soil, aids yield, and Good soil husbandry ensures the long term fertility of the soil ,aids yeild, and - - -
contributes to profitability. Not applicable in the case of crops that are not contributes to profitability. Not applicable in the case of crops that are not
grown directly on the soil (e.g. hydroponic or potted plants). grown directly on the soil (e.g hydroponic or potted plants )
CP CB 3.1 Does the producer have a soil management plan? Minor Must CB 3.1 Minor Does the producer have a soil management plan Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

Code Ref: BM IFA Crops V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS
CB_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

CC CB 3.1 The producer shall demonstrate that consideration has been given to the nutritional Minor Must CB 3.1 Minor The producer shall demonstrate that consideration has been given to the nutritional
needs of the crop and to maintaining soil fertility. Records of analyses and/or crop- needs of the crop and to maintaining soil fertlity . Records of anlyses and / or crop
specific literature shall be available as evidence. specific literature shall be avilable as evidence. (Analysis may be conducted with on
Flowers and ornamentals producers shall perform calculations at least once for every -farm equipment or mobile kits) No , N/A
single crop harvested and on a justified regular basis (e.g. every 2 weeks in closed
systems) for continuously harvested crops. (Analysis may be conducted with on-farm
equipment or mobile kits). No N/A.

CP CB 3.2 Have soil maps been prepared for the farm? Recom. CB.4.1.1 Recom Have soil maps been prepared for the farm? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC CB 3.2 The types of soil are identified for each site, based on a soil profile or soil analysis or Recom. CB.4.1.1 Recom The type of soil is identified for each site, based on a soil profile or soil analysis or
local (regional) cartographic soil-type map. local (regional) cartographic soil-type map. Class of land to be decided based on
prevailing land classification systems (class 1 to 8) of the
appropriate authority including risk assessment.
CP CB 3.3 Is there, where feasible, crop rotation for annual crops? Minor Must CB.3.1.1 Minor Is there, where feasible, crop rotation for annual crops? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

CC CB 3.3 When rotations of annual crops to improve soil structure and minimize soil borne Minor Must CB.3.1.1 Minor When there is no crop rotation ,this caluse not applicable
pests and diseases are done, this can be verified from planting date and/or PPP
application records. Records shall exist for the previous 2-year
CP CB 3.4 Have techniques been used to improve or maintain soil structure and avoid soil Minor Must CB.4.2.1 Minor Have techniques been used that improve or maintain soil structure, and to avoid soil Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
compaction? compaction? Is the preparation of the soil for growing crop according to norms set
out by the NRC/SAU or as per the standard practices?

CC CB 3.4 There is evidence of techniques applied (e.g. use of deep-rooting green crops, drainage, Minor Must CB.4.2.1 Minor Advise provided by agricultural universities or ICAR institutions and state agricultural
subsoiling, use of low pressure tires, tramlines, permanent row marking, avoiding in- department is accpeted.
row plowing, smearing, poaching,) that are suitable for use on the land and, where
possible, minimize, isolate or eliminate soil
compaction, etc.
CP CB 3.5 Does the producer use techniques to reduce the possibility of soil erosion? Minor Must CB.4.3.1 Minor Are field cultivation techniques used to reduce the possibility of soil erosion? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

CC CB 3.5 There is evidence of control practices and remedial measures (e.g. mulching, cross line Minor Must CB.4.3.1 Minor Advise provided by agricultural universities or ICAR institutions and state agricultural
techniques on slopes, drains, sowing grass or green fertilizers, trees and bushes on department is accpeted.
borders of sites, etc.) to minimize soil erosion (e.g. water,
CP CB 3.6 Has the producer taken into account the nutrient contribution of organic Minor Must CB.5.6.3 Minor Has account been taken of the nutrient contribution of organic fertilizer Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
fertilizer applications? applications?
CC CB 3.6 An analysis from the supply is carried out or recognized standard values are used, Minor Must CB.5.6.3 Minor An analysis is carried out, which takes into account the contents of N•P•K nutrients in
which take into account the contents of NPK nutrients (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), organic fertilizer applied.
potassium (K)) in organic fertilizer applied in order to avoid soil
CP CB 3.7 Does the producer keep records on seed/planting rate, sowing/planting date? Minor Must CB.5.6.4 Minor Does the producer keep records on seeds/planting rate , sowing / planting Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CC CB 3.7 Records of sowing/planting, rate/density, and date shall be kept and be Minor Must CB.5.6.4 Minor Records of sowing/planting,rate/density, and date shall be kept and be
available. avilable
The fertilization decision-making process involves consideration of crop demands. The fertilizer decision making process involves consideration of crop demands. - - -
Nutrients shall be available for crops in the growing substrate or soil and fertilization Nutrients shall be avilable for the crops in the growing substrate or soil and
is often necessary. Correct application to optimize use and storage procedures to avoid fertilization is often necessary . Correct application to optimize use and stroage
loss and contamination shall be followed. procedures to avoid loss and contamination shall be followed

CB 4.1 Advice on Quantity and Type of Fertilizer CB.5.2 Advice on quantity and type of fertilizer/nutrients Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
CP CB 4.1.1 Are recommendations for the application of fertilizers (organic or inorganic) Minor Must CB.5.2.1 Minor Are recommendations for application of fertilizers/ nutrients (organic or inorganic) Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
provided by competent and qualified persons? given by competent, qualified advisers holding a recognized national certificate or
similar? Do producers who use outside professional help (advisers and consultants)
regarding the use of fertilizers/ nutrients satisfy themselves that the people on whom
they rely are competent to provide that advice?

CC CB 4.1.1 Where the fertilizer records show that the technically responsible person determining Minor Must CB.5.2.1 Minor Advise provided by agricultural universities or ICAR institutions and state agricultural
quantity and type of the fertilizer (organic or inorganic) is an external adviser, training department is accpeted.
and technical competence shall be demonstrated via official qualifications, specific
training courses, etc., unless employed for that purpose by a competent organization
(e.g. official advisory services).
Where the fertilizer records show that the technically responsible person determining
quantity and type of fertilizer (organic or inorganic) is the producer or designated
employee, experience shall be complemented by technical knowledge (e.g. access to
product technical literature, specific training course attendance, etc.) and/or the use of
tools (software, on farm detection methods, etc.).

CB 4.2 Records of Application CB.5.3 Records of Application - - -

4.2.1 to 4.2.6: Do records of all applications of soil and foliar fertilizers, both - - -
organic and inorganic, include the following criteria:
CP CB 4.2.1 Field, orchard or greenhouse reference and crop? Minor Must CB.5.3.6 Minor Field ,orchard or green house reference and crop Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

CC CB 4.2.1 Records shall be kept of all fertilizer applications, detailing the geographical area and Minor Must CB.3.5.6 Minor Records shall be kept of all fertilizer applications, detailing the geographical area and
the name or reference of the field, orchard, or greenhouse where the registered product the name or reference of the field ,orchard or green house where the registered product
crop is located. Records shall also be kept for hydroponic crop is located. Records shall also be kept for hydroponic
situations and where fertigation is used. No N/A. situations and where fertigation is used No N/A
CP CB 4.2.2 Application dates? Minor Must CB.5.3.1 Minor Have all application dates of soil and foliar fertilizers, both organic and Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
inorganic, been recorded?
CC CB 4.2.2 The exact dates (day, month and year) of the application are detailed in the Minor Must CB.5.3.1 Minor Detailed in the records of all fertilizer applications are the exact dates
records of all fertilizer applications. No N/A. (day/month/year) of the application. No N/A.
CP CB 4.2.3 Applied fertilizer types? Minor Must CB.5.3.2 Minor Have all applications of soil and foliar fertilizers, both organic and inorganic, Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
been recorded including applied fertilizer types?
CC CB 4.2.3 The trade name, type of fertilizer (e.g. NPK), and concentrations (e.g. 17-17- 17) are Minor Must CB.5.3.2 Minor Records are kept of all fertilizer applications, detailing the geographical area, the
detailed in the records of all fertilizer applications. No N/A. name or reference of the field, orchard or greenhouse where the registered product
crop is located. Also applicable for hydroponic situations and where fertigation is
used. No N/A. Detailed in the records of all fertilizer applications are the trade
name, type of fertilizer (e.g. N, P, K) or concentrations (e.g. 17-
17-17). No N/A.
CP CB 4.2.4 Applied quantities? Minor Must CB.5.3.3 Minor Have all applied quantities of soil and foliar fertilizers, both organic and Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
inorganic, been recorded?
CC CB 4.2.4 The amount of product to be applied in weight or volume relative to a unit of area or Minor Must CB.5.3.3 Minor Detailed in the records of all fertilizer application is the amount of product to be
number of plants or unit of time per volume of fertigation is detailed in the records of applied in weight or volume. The actual application made must be recorded, as this is
all fertilizer applications. The actual quantity applied shall be recorded, as this is not not necessarily the same as the recommendation. No N/A.
necessarily the same as the recommendation. No N/A.

CP CB 4.2.5 Method of application? Minor Must CB.5.3.4 Minor Have all applications of soil and foliar fertilizers, both organic and inorganic, Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
been recorded including the method of application?
CC CB 4.2.5 The method and/or equipment used are detailed in the records of all fertilizer Minor Must CB.5.3.4 Minor Detailed in the records of all fertilizer applications are the application machinery type
applications. used and the method (e.g. via the irrigation or mechanical distribution). No N/A.
In the case the method/equipment is always the same, it is acceptable to record
these details only once. If there are various equipment units, these are identified
individually. Methods may be e.g. via irrigation or mechanical distribution.
Equipment may be e.g. manual or mechanical. No N/A.

CP CB 4.2.6 Operator details? Minor Must CB.5.3.5 Minor Have all applications of soil and foliar fertilizers, both organic and inorganic, Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
been recorded including the operator details?
CC CB 4.2.6 The name of the operator who has applied the fertilizer is detailed in the records of Minor Must CB.5.3.5 Minor Detailed in the records of all fertilizer applications is the name of the operator who
all fertilizer applications. has applied the fertilizer. If it is a one-man operation, (the producer) and the producer
If a single individual makes all of the applications, it is acceptable to record the is the one doing the applications, it is acceptable to record the operator details only
operator details only once. once No N/A.
If there is a team of workers performing the fertilization, all of them need to be
listed in the records. No N/A.
CB 4.3 Fertilizer Storage CB.5.5 STORAGE AND FERTILIZERS / NUTRIENTS - - -
4.3.1 to 4.3.7: Are all fertilizers stored: - - -
CP CB 4.3.1 Separately from PPPs? Minor Must CB.5.5.2 Minor Are inorganic fertilizers stored separately from plant protection products? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

CC CB 4.3.1 The minimum requirement is to prevent physical cross-contamination between Minor Must CB.5.5.2 Minor The minimum requirement is to prevent cross contamination between fertilizers and
fertilizers (organic and inorganic) and PPPs by using a physical barrier (wall, plant protection products by the use of a physical barrier. If fertilizers that are applied
sheeting, etc.). If fertilizers that are applied together with PPPs (i.e. micronutrients together with Plant Protection Products (i.e. micronutrients or foliar fertilizers) are
or foliar fertilizers) are packed in a closed container, they can packed in a sealed container it can be stored with plant
be stored with PPPs. protection products.
CP CB 4.3.2 In a covered area? Minor Must CB.5.5.3 Minor Are inorganic fertilizers stored in a covered area? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

CC CB 4.3.2 The covered area is suitable to protect all inorganic fertilizers (e.g. powders, Minor Must CB.5.5.3 Minor The covered area is suitable to protect all inorganic fertilizers, i.e. powders, granules
granules or liquids) from atmospheric influences (e.g. sunlight, frost and rain, high or liquids, from atmospheric influences like sunlight, frost and rain. Based on risk
temperature). Based on a risk assessment (fertilizer type, weather conditions, storage assessment (fertilizer type, weather conditions, temporary storage), plastic coverage
duration and location), plastic coverage could be acceptable. It is permitted to store could be acceptable. Storage cannot be directly on the soil. It is allowed to store lime
lime and gypsum in the field. As long as the storage requirements on the material and gypsum in the field for a day or two before spreading.
safety data sheet are complied with,
bulk liquid fertilizers can be stored outside in containers.
CP CB 4.3.3 In a clean area? Minor Must CB.5.5.4 Minor Are inorganic fertilizers stored in a clean area? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

CC CB 4.3.3 Inorganic fertilizers (e.g. powders, granules or liquids) are stored in an area that is Minor Must CB.5.5.4 Minor Inorganic fertilizers, i.e. powders, granules or liquids, are stored in an area that is free
free from waste, does not constitute a breeding place for rodents, and from waste, does not constitute a breeding place for rodents, and where
where spillage and leakage may be cleared away. spillage and leakage is cleared away.
CP CB 4.3.4 In a dry area? Minor Must CB.5.5.5 Minor Are inorganic fertilizers stored in a dry area? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

CC CB 4.3.4 The storage area for all inorganic fertilizers (e.g. powders, granules or liquids) is well Minor Must CB.5.5.5 Minor The storage area for all inorganic fertilizers, i.e. powders, granules or liquids, is well
ventilated and free from rainwater or heavy condensation. Storage ventilated and free from rainwater or heavy condensation. No storage
cannot be directly on the soil except for lime/gypsum. directly on the soil.
CP CB 4.3.5 In an appropriate manner that reduces the risk of contamination of water Minor Must CB.5.5.7 Minor Are organic fertilizers stored in an appropriate manner, which reduces the risk Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
sources? of contamination of the environment?
CC CB 4.3.5 All fertilizers are stored in a manner that poses minimum risk of contamination to Minor Must CB.5.5.7 Minor Organic fertilizers, stored on the farm, must be stored in a designated area.
water sources. Appropriate measures have been taken to prevent contamination of surface water (such
Liquid fertilizer stores/tanks shall be surrounded by an impermeable barrier to contain as concrete foundation and walls, or specially built leak proof container, etc.) or must
a capacity to 110 % of the volume of the largest container, if there is be stored at least 25 m from surface water bodies in
no applicable legislation. particular.
CP CB 4.3.6 Not together with harvested products? Major Must CB.5.5.8 Major Are inorganic and organic fertilizers stored separate from farm produce Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
harvested -fresh or dry, as applicable?

Code Ref: BM IFA Crops V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS
CB_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0687578D-7277-4EDB-BBDC-B5971F6DCCB4

CC CB 4.3.6 Fertilizers shall not be stored with harvested products. Major Must CB.5.5.8 Major Fertilizers cannot be stored with farm produce harvested -fresh or dry, as applicable.

Add information regarding Hazardous chemicals used as plant nutrients.

CP CB 4.3.7 Is there an up-to-date fertilizer stock inventory or stock calculation listing Minor Must CB.5.5.1 Minor Is there an inorganic fertilizer stock inventory or record of use up to date and Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
incoming fertilizer and records of use available? available on the farm?
CC CB 4.3.7 The stock inventory (type and amount of fertilizers stored) shall be updated within a Minor Must CB.5.5.1 Minor A stock inventory which indicates the contents of the store (type and amount) is
month after there is a movement of the stock (in and out). A stock update can be available and it is updated at least every 3 months.
calculated by registration of supply (invoices or other records of incoming fertilizers)
and use (treatments/applications), but there shall be regular checks of the actual
content so as to avoid deviations with
CB 4.4 Organic Fertilizer CB.5.6 Organic Fertilizer - - -
CP CB 4.4.1 Does the producer prevent the use of human sewage sludge on the farm? Major Must CB.5.6.1 Major In India human sewage is not used for the farm activities. Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

CC CB 4.4.1 No treated or untreated human sewage sludge is used on the farm for the Major Must CB.5.6.1 Major No human sewage sludge is used on the farm. No N/A.
production of GLOBALG.A.P. registered crops. No N/A.
CP CB 4.4.2 Has a risk assessment been carried out for organic fertilizer, which, prior to Minor Must CB.5.6.2 Minor Has a risk assessment been carried out for organic fertilizer, which considers Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
application, considers its source, characteristics and intended use? its source and characteristics, before application?
CC CB 4.4.2 Documented evidence is available to demonstrate that a food safety and Minor Must CB.5.6.2 Minor Documentary evidence is available to demonstrate that the following potential risks
environmental risk assessment for the use of organic fertilizer has been done, and that have been considered: disease transmission, weed seed content, method of
at least the following have been considered: composting, heavy metal content, etc. This also applies to substrates from biogas
• Type of organic fertilizer plants in which case reference must additionally be made to the legal requirements in
• Method of treatment to obtain the organic fertilizer the risk assessment.
• Microbial contamination (plant and human pathogens)
• Weed/seed content
• Heavy metal content
• Timing of application, and placement of organic fertilizer (e.g. direct contact to
edible part of crop, ground between crops, etc.).
This also applies to substrates from biogas plants.
CP CB 4.4.3 Is organic fertilizer stored in an appropriate manner that reduces the risk of Minor Must CB.5.5.7 Minor Are organic fertilizers stored in an appropriate manner, which reduces the risk Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
contamination of the environment? of contamination of the environment?
CC CB 4.4.3 Organic fertilizers shall be stored in a designated area. Appropriate measures, Minor Must CB.5.5.7 Minor Organic fertilizers, stored on the farm, must be stored in a designated area.
adequate according to the risk assessment in AF 1.2.1, have been taken to prevent the Appropriate measures have been taken to prevent contamination of surface water (such
contamination of water sources (e.g. concrete foundation and walls, specially built as concrete foundation and walls, or specially built leak proof container, etc.) or must
leak-proof container, etc.) or shall be stored at least 25 be stored at least 25 m from surface water bodies in
meters from water sources. particular.
CB 4.5 Nutrient Content of Inorganic Fertilizers CB.5.7 Inorganic Fertilizer - - -
CP CB 4.5.1 Is the content of major nutrients (NPK) of applied fertilizers known? Minor Must CB.5.7.1 Minor Are purchased inorganic fertilizers accompanied by documentary evidence of Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
nutrient content (N, P, K)?
CC CB 4.5.1 Documented evidence/labels detailing major nutrient content (or recognized Minor Must CB.5.7.1 Minor Documentary evidence detailing N, P, K content, is available for all inorganic
standard values) is available for all fertilizers used on crops grown under fertilizers used on crops grown under IndG.A.P. within the last 12-month period.
GLOBALG.A.P. within the last 24-month period.
CP CB 4.5.2 Are purchased inorganic fertilizers accompanied by documented evidence of Recom. CB.5.7.2 Recom Are purchased inorganic fertilizers accompanied by documentary evidence of Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
chemical content, which includes heavy metals? chemical content, which includes heavy metals?
CC CB 4.5.2 Documented evidence detailing chemical content, including heavy metals, is available Recom. CB.5.7.2 Recom Documentary evidence detailing chemical content, including heavy metals, is
for all inorganic fertilizers used on crops grown under GLOBALG.A.P. available for all inorganic fertilizers used on crops grown under IndG.A.P. within
within the last 12-month period. the last 12-month period.
Water is a scarce natural resource and irrigation should be designed and planned by Water is scarce natural resource and irrigation to be designed and planned by - - -
appropriate forecasting and/or by technical equipment allowing for the efficient use apprpriate forecasting and / or by technical equipment allowing for the efficient
of irrigation water. For information about responsible water irrigation water. For information about responsible water use see Annex CB 1
use, see Annex CB 1. of GLOBALG.A.P
CB 5.1 Predicting Irrigation Requirements CB.6.1 Predicting irrigation requirement - - -
CP CB 5.1.1 Are tools used routinely to calculate and optimize the crop irrigation Minor Must CB.6.1.1 Minor Have systematic methods of prediction been used to calculate the water Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
requirements? requirement of the crop?
CC CB 5.1.1 The producer can demonstrate that crop irrigation requirements are calculated based Minor Must CB.6.1.1 Minor The producer can demonstrate that crop irrigation requirements are calculated based
on data (e.g. local agricultural institute data, farm rain gauges, drainage trays for on data (e.g local agricultural institue data ,farm rain gauges,drainage trays for
substrate growing, evaporation meters, water tension meters for the percentage of soil substrate growing ,evoporation meters ,water tension meters for the percentage of soil
moisture content). Where on-farm tools are in place, these should be maintained to moisture content).Where on farm tools are in place ,these should be maintained to
ensure that they are effective and in a good state of repair. N/A only for rain-fed ensure that they are effective and in good state of reapir. ICAR institution or
crops. agricultural university or state agricultural department located in the geographical
area guidance can be used for the crop irrigation requirements . N/A only for rain fed

CB 5.2 Efficient Water Use on Farm - - -

CP CB 5.2.1 Has a risk assessment been undertaken that evaluates environmental issues for water Major Must CB.6.3.2 Major Has an annual risk assessment for irrigation/fertigation water pollution been Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
management on the farm and has it been reviewed by the completed?
management within the previous 12 months?
CC CB 5.2.1 There is a documented risk assessment that identifies environmental impacts of the Major Must CB.6.3.2 Major There is a documented risk assessment that identifies environmental impacts of the
water sources, distribution system and irrigation and crop washing usages. In water resources ,distribution system and irrigation and crop washing usages. In
addition, the risk assessment shall take into consideration the impact of own farming addition the risk assessment shall take into consideration the impact of own farming
activities on off-farm environments, where information is known to be available. The activities on /off farm environments, where information is known to be avialable . The
risk assessment shall be completed, fully implemented and it shall be reviewed and risk assessment shall be completed ,fully implemented and it shall be reviewed and
approved annually by the management. See 'Annex AF 1 GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: approved annually by the producer or by the management. Guidance from ICAR
Risk Assessment - General' and 'Annex CB 1 GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: institution ,,Agricultural university or state agricultural department located in the
Responsible On-Farm Water Management for Crops' for further guidance. No N/A. geographical can be used towards risk assessment .

CP CB 5.2.2 Is there a water management plan available that identifies water sources and measures Major Must CB.6.3.3 Major Is there a water management plan available that identifies water sources and measures Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
to ensure the efficiency of application and which management has to ensure the effeciency of application and which management has
approved within the previous 12 months? approved within the previous 12 Months?
CC CB 5.2.2 There is a written and implemented action plan, approved by the management within Major Must CB.6.3.3 Major There is a written and implemented action plan, approved by the management within
the previous 12 months, which identifies water sources and measures to ensure previous 12 months, which identifies water sources and measures to ensure effecient
efficient use and application. use and application. The plan shall include one or more of the following.Maps (See
The plan shall include one or more of the following: Maps (see AF 1.1.1), AF 2.1.2), photograpgs, drawings(hand drawings are acceptable), or other means to
photographs, drawings (hand drawings are acceptable), or other means to identify identify the location of water source(s), permanent fixtures and the flow of the water
the location of water source(s), permanent fixtures and the flow of the water system system(including holding systems, reservoirs or any water captured for re-use).
(including holding systems, reservoirs or any water captured for re-use). Permanent fixtures, including wells, gates, reservoirs, valves, returns, and other above
Permanent fixtures, including wells, gates, reservoirs, valves, returns, and other ground features that make up a complete irrigation system, shall be documented in
above-ground features that make up a complete irrigation system, shall be such a manner as to enable location in the field. The plan shall also assess the need
documented in such a manner as to enable location in the field. The plan shall also for the maintenance of irrigation equipment. Training and/or retraining of personel
assess the need for the maintenance of irrigation equipment. responsible for the oversigh or performance duties shall be provided. Short and long
Training and/or retraining of personnel responsible for the oversight or performance term plans for improvement, with timescales where deficiencies exist, shall be
duties shall be provided. Short and long-term plans for improvement, with timescales included. This can either be an individual plan or a regional activity that the farm
where deficiencies exist, shall be included. This can either be an individual plan or a may be parfticipating in or is covered by such activities.
regional activity that the farm may be
participating in or is covered by such activities.

CP CB 5.2.3 Are records for crop irrigation/fertigation water usage and for the previous Minor Must CB.6.2.3 Minor Are records of irrigation/fertigation water usage maintained? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
individual crop cycle(s) with total application volumes maintained?
CC CB 5.2.3 The producer shall keep records of the usage of crop irrigation/fertigation water that Minor Must CB.6.2.3 Minor Records are kept which indicate the date and volume per water meter or per
include the date, cycle duration, actual or estimated flow rate, and the volume (per irrigation unit. If the producer works with irrigation programmes, the calculated and
water meter or per irrigation unit) updated on a monthly basis, based on the water actual irrigated water should be written down in the records.
management plan and an annual total. This can also be
the hours of systems operating on a timed flow basis.
CB 5.3 Water Quality CB.6.3 Quality of irrigation water - - -
CP CB 5.3.1 Is the use of treated sewage water in pre-harvest activities justified according Major Must CB.6.3.1 Major Has the use of untreated sewage water for irrigation/fertigation been banned? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
to a risk assessment?
CC CB 5.3.1 Untreated sewage is not used for irrigation/fertigation or other pre-harvest activities. Major Must CB.6.3.1 Major Untreated sewage water is not used for irrigation/fertigation. Where treated sewage
Where treated sewage water or reclaimed water is used, water quality shall comply water is used, water quality complies with the WHO published Guidelines for the
with the WHO published 'Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater and Excreta in Safe Use of Wastewater and Excreta in Agriculture and Aquaculture 1989. Also,
Agriculture and Aquaculture 2006'. Also, when there is reason to believe that the when there is doubt if water is coming from a possibly polluted source (because of a
water may be coming from a possibly polluted source (i.e. because of a village village upstream, etc.) the grower has to demonstrate through analysis that the water
upstream, etc.) the producer shall demonstrate through analysis that the water complies with the WHO guideline requirements or the local legislation for irrigation
complies with the WHO guideline requirements or the water. No N/A.
local legislation for irrigation water. No N/A.

CP CB 5.3.2 Has a risk assessment on physical and chemical pollution of water used on pre- Minor Must CB.6.3.2 Minor Has an annual risk assessment for irrigation/fertigation water pollution been Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
harvest activities (e.g. irrigation/fertigation, washings, spraying) been completed completed?
and has it been reviewed by the management within the last 12
CC CB 5.3.2 A risk assessment that takes into consideration, at a minimum, the following shall be Minor Must CB.6.3.2 Minor Guidance from ICAR institution ,Agricultural university or state agricultural
performed and documented: department can be used towards risk assessment .
• Identification of the water sources and their historical testing results (if
• Method(s) of application (see Annex CB 1 for examples).
• Timing of water use (during crop growth stage).
• Contact of water with the crop.
• Characteristics of the crop and the growth stage.
• Purity of the water used for PPP applications. PPP must be mixed in water whose
quality does not compromise the effectiveness of the application. Any dissolved soil,
organic matter or minerals in the water can neutralize the chemicals. For guidance,
producers must obtain the required water standards from the product label, the
literature provided by the chemical manufacturers, or seek advice from a qualified
The risk assessment shall be reviewed by the management every year and updated
any time there is a change made to the system or a situation occurs that could
introduce an opportunity to contaminate the system. The risk assessment shall
address potential physical (e.g. excessive sediment load, rubbish, plastic bags,
bottles) and chemical hazards and hazard control
procedures for the water distribution system.
CP CB 5.3.3 Is water used on pre-harvest activities analyzed at a frequency in line with the risk Minor Must CB.6.3.3 Minor Is irrigation water analyzed at a frequency in line with the risk assessment (CB.6.3.2)? Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
assessment (CB 5.3.2) taking into account current sector specific
CC CB 5.3.3 Water testing shall be part of the water management plan as directed by the water risk Minor Must CB.6.3.3 Minor Water testing reports from ICAR institution or Agricultural universities or state
assessment and current sector specific standards or relevant regulations for the crops agricultural department laboraties are accepted.
being grown. There shall be a written procedure for water testing during the
production and harvest season, which includes frequency of sampling, who is taking
the samples, where the sample is taken, how the sample is collected, the type of test,
and the acceptance criteria.
N/A for sub-scope Flowers and Ornamentals.

Code Ref: BM IFA Crops V5.2_Feb19-CL; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS
CB_V5.2 GmbH Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne,

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