10 - HYE 2022-23 Datesheet & Syllabus

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Monday Science/Painting Physics:
12.09.22 Chapter 10: Light-Reflection and Refraction
Chapter 11: The Human Eye and the Colourful World
Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chapter 2: Acids, Bases and Salts
Chapter 6: Life Processes
Chapter 7: Control and Coordination
Chapter 1-The elements of art
Chapter 2- Principles of art
Chapter 3-Understanding and appropriate use of Tools
Chapter 4-Understanding and appropriate use of Materials
Wednesday English Literature Reader (First Flight)
14.09.22 Prose
1. A Letter to God
2. Nelson Mandela- Long Walk to Freedom
3. Two Stories about Flying
4. From the Diary of Anne Frank
5. Glimpses of India

1. Dust of Snow
2. Fire and Ice
3. A Tiger in the Zoo
4. How to Tell Wild Animals
5. The Ball Poem

Supplementary Reader (Footprints Without Feet)

1. A Triumph of Surgery
2. The Thief's Story
3. The Midnight Visitor
4. A Question of Trust
5. Footprints Without Feet

Workbook (Words and Expressions-II)

Units 1- 4 and 7

Writing Skills
1. Formal Letter
2. Analytical Paragraph Writing
1. Tenses
2. Modals
3. Reported speech
a) Commands and requests
b) Statements
c) Questions
d) Determiners
Saturday Social Science Geography: Ch.1 Resources and Development
17.09.22 Ch.2 Forest and Wildlife Resources
Ch. 4 Agriculture
Ch.5 Minerals and Energy Resources
Economics: Ch.1 Development
Ch.2 Sectors of Indian Economy
Ch.3 Money and Credit
History: Ch-1. Nationalism in Europe
Ch 2. Nationalism in India
Ch-5. Print culture and the modern world
Political Science: Ch-1. Power Sharing
Ch-2. Federalism
Ch-4. Gender, Religion and caste
Tuesday Hindi/Sanskrit/French Hindi
20.09.22 पशभाग 2
ग खंड .
1. बड़ेभाईसाहब
2. डायरीकाएकप ना
3. तताँरा-वामीरोकथा
प खडं
1. पद
2. साखी
3. मनु यता
ं यनभाग 2 -
1. ह रहरकाका
2. सपन के सेिदन
याकरण -
1. पदबंध
2. रचनाके आधारपरवा%य&पांतरण
3. समास
4. महु ावरे
1. अन*ु छे दलेखन
2. प-लेखन (औपचा रक )
3. सचू ना-लेखन
4. िव0ापन-लेखन
5. लघक ु थालेखनअथवाऔपचा रकईमेललेखन
6. अपिठतग ांश

ु ी
1. थमःपाठःशु चपयावरणम ्
2. वतीयःपाठःबु बलवतीसदा
3. चतथ
ु ःपाठः शशल
ु ालनम ्
4. प चमःपाठःजननीत!
ु यव"सला
5. ष#ठःपाठःसभ
ु ा षता%न

&याकरणम ्
1. सि)ध-&यंजन(वग-य थमवण.यतत
ृ ीयेप0रवतनम ्,
थमवण.यप चमवण1प0रवतनम ्)
2. समास- अ&ययीभाव(अन,ु उप, सह, %नर्, %त, यथा),
व) व(केवलइतरे तरः)
3. "यय- त त(मतप
ु ्, ठक् , "व. तल ्)
4. अ&यय
5. वा6य करणम ् (ल7लकार)
6. समयः
7. संशोधनकायम ्

रचना"मककायम ्
1. अप9ठतअवबोधनम ्
2. च:वणनम ्अथवाअन6
ु छे दलेखनम ्
3. प:लेखनम ्
4. अनव
ु ादकायम ्

Leçon-2 : Après le bac
Leçon-3 : Chercher du travail
Leçon-4 : Le plaisir de lire
Leçon-5 : Les médias

Section -A: Reading Section

One unseen prose passage (factual / descriptive) (150-200
words) (with a picture/diagrammatically represented data)

Section - B: Writing Section

One long composition (Informal letter) based on the main
themes given in Lessons 2-5. (80 words)
Two short compositions: (message, re-arranging a
dialogue in logical sequence, completing a text with the
help of clues provided) (30 -35 words)

Section-C Grammar Section

Verbs (Présent, Infinitif,Passé Composé, Imparfait,
Impératif,futur, futur proche, conditionnel du présent,
futur antérieur, plus-que-parfait)
Pronom relatif simple
Pronom relatif composé
Pronom personnel (COD, COI, y, en, tonique)
Trouvez la question

Section-D: Culture and Civilization

Questions based on textbook: Lessons 2-5
a) Short answer questions
b) MCQ (True or false/ match the following/ fill in the
blanks) (Any two)

Friday Mathematics /Computer Mathematics

23.09.22 Applications Ch 1. Real Numbers
Ch 2. Polynomials
Ch 3. Linear Equations in two variables
Ch 6. Triangles
Ch 8. Introduction to Trigonometry
Ch 13. Surface Areas and Volumes
Ch 14. Statistics
Ch 15. Probability

Computer Applications

Unit 2: HTML - I
•Introduction to web page designing using HTML:
create and save an HTML document, access a web
page using a web browser.
•HTML tags: html, head, title, body, (attributes: text,
background, bgcolor, link, vlink, alink), br (break), hr
(horizontal rule), inserting comments, h1..h6 (heading),
p (paragraph), b (bold), i (italics), u (underline), ul
(unordered list), ol (ordered list), and li (list item).
Description lists: dl, dt and dd. Attributes of ol (start,
type), ul (type).
• Font tags (attributes: face, size, color).
• Insert images: img (attributes: src, width, height, alt),
sup (super script), sub (subscript).
• HTML Forms: Textbox, radio buttons, checkbox,
password, list, combobox.
• Embed audio and video in a HTML page.
• Create a table using the tags: table, tr, th, td, rowspan,

Unit 3: Cyber ethics

• Netiquettes.
• Software licenses and the open source software
• Intellectual property rights, plagiarism and digital
property rights.
• Freedom of information and the digital divide.
• E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission.

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