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Week -3 Long Descriptive Questions

JUNE 23, 2023

1. What are the different techniques for effective reading?
There are several techniques for effective reading. Here are some commonly used
1. Skimming: This technique involves quickly glancing over the text to get a
general idea of its content. Skimming is useful for previewing a text,
identifying main ideas, and determining if it is worth reading in detail.
2. Scanning: Scanning is a technique used to locate specific information or
keywords in a text. It involves quickly running your eyes over the text to
find the relevant information you are looking for, without reading every
3. SQ3R Method: SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review.
It is a systematic approach to reading textbooks or longer pieces of writing.
The method involves surveying the text, generating questions about the
content, actively reading and annotating, reciting the information, and
reviewing the material for better understanding and retention.
4. Active Reading: Active reading involves engaging with the text actively
rather than passively. It includes techniques such as highlighting or
underlining key points, taking notes, summarizing sections, asking
questions, and making connections to enhance comprehension and
5. Critical Reading: Critical reading involves analyzing and evaluating the
content of a text. It includes actively questioning the author's arguments,
examining evidence, identifying biases, and forming your own
interpretations and opinions based on the evidence presented.
6. Skim-Read Technique: This technique combines skimming and reading. It
involves quickly skimming through the text to get a general understanding
and then reading specific sections or paragraphs in more detail when
7. Annotating: Annotating involves marking up the text by highlighting
important points, underlining key sentences, writing comments or
questions in the margins, and making connections between ideas.
Annotating helps in active engagement with the text and aids in
comprehension and review.
These techniques can be used individually or in combination, depending on the
purpose of reading and the type of text being read. It's important to choose the
appropriate technique based on your reading goals and adapt them as needed.

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