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Week -5 Long Descriptive Questions

JUNE 23, 2023

1. Write a short note on Channels of External Communication.
Channels of external communication refer to the various methods and mediums
through which organizations communicate with their external stakeholders,
including the public, customers, clients, suppliers, partners, and the broader
audience. These channels play a crucial role in building relationships, promoting
products or services, and shaping the organization's reputation in the
Some common channels of external communication include:
1. Advertising: Organizations use advertising channels such as print media,
television, radio, online platforms, and social media to reach a wide
audience and promote their products or services. Advertising allows
companies to create brand awareness, convey key messages, and influence
consumer perceptions.
2. Public Relations (PR): PR channels involve activities aimed at managing the
organization's public image and maintaining positive relationships with the
media and the public. Press releases, media interviews, press conferences,
and corporate events are examples of PR channels that organizations use to
disseminate information and shape public perception.
3. Social Media: With the rise of social media platforms, organizations now
have direct channels to engage with their target audience. Platforms like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube allow companies to
share content, respond to inquiries, address concerns, and build a
community around their brand.
4. Websites and Blogs: Organizations maintain websites and blogs as channels
to provide information about their products, services, and company
updates. Websites serve as a central hub for stakeholders to access
detailed information, make inquiries, and engage with the organization.
5. Direct Marketing: Direct marketing channels include email marketing, direct
mail, and SMS marketing, where organizations directly communicate with
customers and prospects. These channels allow for personalized messaging
and targeted communication to specific individuals or groups.
6. Events and Sponsorships: Organizations often use events and sponsorships
as channels to connect with their target audience, industry peers, and
potential customers. Trade shows, conferences, seminars, and community
events provide opportunities to showcase products or services, network,
and engage with stakeholders.
7. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: CRM systems enable
organizations to manage and track interactions with customers through
various channels such as phone calls, emails, and online chats. These
systems help maintain a centralized database of customer information and
facilitate personalized communication.
It is important for organizations to choose the most effective channels of external
communication based on their target audience, objectives, and available
resources. By leveraging these channels strategically, organizations can effectively
communicate their message, enhance brand perception, and foster meaningful
relationships with their external stakeholders.

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