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Author(s): A. K. Dewdney
Source: Scientific American , Vol. 250, No. 6 (June 1984), pp. 19-26, C1-C14
Published by: Scientific American, a division of Nature America, Inc.
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bers and a little more time reading out
the results, but the actual sorting ap­
pears to take no time at all.

Here is how SAG works. For each
number in the sequence to be sorted
trim a piece of uncooked spaghetti to a
length equal to the number. Naturally,
appropriate units of measurement must
be adopted. Now take all the pieces
On the spaghetti computer and other of trimmed spaghetti in one hand and,
holding the bundle vertically and some­
analog gadgets for problem solving what loosely, bring it down on a table
rather sharply. The momentum of the
individual rods ensures that all of them
have one end resting on the table. In
by A. K. Dewdney order to obtain the sorted sequence
from the resting bundle, one has only
to remove the tallest rod, then the tallest
of the remaining rods and so on until
ention computers these days dramatic cases the process seems well­ the bundle is exhausted. As each rod is

M and one thinks invariably of

digital machines. All but for­
nigh instantaneous, and we have a gad­
get that computes.
removed it is measured and the num­
ber is recorded.
It is important to distinguish three
gotten are their analog cousins, the elec­ Consider the SAG computer, or Spa­
tromechanical devices that once ruled ghetti Analog Gadget. This device, in phases of the sorting operation; I call
the computational scene. Before World the configuration I have tested, is able them the preprocessing, the analog and
War II major laboratories employed to sort up to 700 numbers in order of de­ the postprocessing phases. In the pre­
elaborate analog computers with names creasing magnitude. Sorting is a com­ processing phase the spaghetti is meas­
such as the continuous integraph and the mon task in digital computing, and algo­ ured and trimmed; in the analog phase a
differential analyzer. The machines ex­ rithms for doing it have been highly re­ simple mechanism sorts the rods; in the
ploited electrical or mechanical analo­ fined, but the time needed to sort a list postprocessing phase the rods are re­
gies to mathematical equations; a vari­ of numbers still grows somewhat faster moved one at a time, yielding the sorted
able in an equation would be represent­ than the size of the list. With SAG one sequence. All the gadgets described here
ed by some physical quantity, such as a must spend a little time setting up the require pre- and postprocessing. Indeed,
voltage or the rotation of a shaft. Ana­ machine for the particular list of num- so did the early analog computers, and
log computers could be applied to equa­
tions that arise in many fields: ballistics,
aerodynamics, the analysis of power
networks and so on.
The analog machines could not com­
pete with the digital computers devel­
oped during World War II and immedi­
ately after. Analog computers seemed
to be capable of solving only certain
kinds of problems, chiefly those defined
by differential equations, and even then
with less than perfect accuracy. In con­
trast, it quickly became apparent that
digital computers could be programmed
to solve an infinite variety of problems
with very high accuracy. Slowly the ana­
log machines faded into the background
until by the mid-1960's they were barely
mentioned in books on computing.
Although the successors of the great
analog machines of the 1920's and
1930's are still in use (and under contin­
uing development) in a few laboratories,
no one seriously expects analog com­
puters to spring to the forefront again.
The digital revolution cannot be turned
back. It is also true, however, that a rev­
olution sometimes blinds us to the
charms of an earlier milieu.

he essential delight of an analog

T computation lies in the notion that
one is getting something for nothing. A
problem that would require hours of
computation by hand (or even by a dig­
ital computer) is solved by merely ob­
serving a physical system as it comes
rapidly into equilibrium. In the most The spaghetti computer sorts a bU/ldle of /lumbers i/l desce/ldi/lg seque/lce

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much research and development was in­
vested in speeding up these phases.
There will be those who say, "SAG may
be able to sort 700 numbers, but what
about 7,000 or seven million?" The only
reasonable way to deal with questions
of this kind is to mention SUPERSAG,
a modified fork-lift truck capable of
picking up seven million pieces of care­
fully trimmed (extralong) uncooked spa­
ghetti and slamming them sideways
against a brick wall.

here will be others who say, "I can

T sort
Finding the convex hull of a set of points in the plalle
700 numbers faster than SAG
can. I'll do it all with pencil and paper
14 r----, and I'll finish before the spaghetti is.
even trimmed!" Sadly for SAG, this re­
mark is probably true. Suppose it takes
13 one minute to read a number from the
unsorted sequence, measure a piece of
EXPONENTIAL spaghetti to that length, cut it and insert
it into the bundle. Suppose further it
12 takes 10 seconds to remove and measure
each piece of spaghetti after the (one­
second) slamming operation. It will then
take SAG more than 13 hours to sort the
700 numbers, with all but one second
of the time being spent in preprocessing
and postprocessing. The challenger, on
10 the other hand, sorts the sequence by
scanning it, selecting the largest number
on each pass, recording it and stroking
it off the sequence. It takes him a tenth
of a second to scan each number, and
thus he needs (700 + 699 + ... + 2 +
1)110 seconds to sort the sequence.
This works out to 175 minutes 15 sec­
onds, a clear victory for the challenger.
Will the wonderful, all-at-once quality
of the analog phase be completely un­
done by the lengthy pre- and postproc­
essing phases? Not quite.
Suppose the human sorter becomes
cocky and challenges SUPERSAG to a sev­
en-million-number sorting duel. SUPER­
SAG would need some 15 years, whereas

the challenger would not finish for al­

most 74,000 years! SUPERSAG 'S superior­
ity can be explained by examining the
way the speed of a computation depends
on the size of the problem. The slam­
ming of the spaghetti against the wall is
said to be a constant-time operation: it
is essentially independent of the size of
the bundle. The pre- and postprocessing
phases are linear-time operations: they
grow longer in simple, linear proportion
to the size of the sequence of numbers.
The human sorter's task grows much
faster. He must inspect each remaining
member of the sequence on each pass
through it. Even though the sequence
gradually shrinks, the total number of
inspections goes up as the square of the
size of the sequence; the sorting is said
to take quadratic time. Sooner or later
a linear-time procedure is bound to beat
a quadratic-time one.
PROBLEM SIZE Even with its lengthy pre- and post­
processing phases, a large enough SAG
Set·eral possible functions relating computation time 10 problem size machine could outsort a modern digital

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computer employing the fastest sorting smallest convex region containing all n the n points in the plane. Then pick up
algorithms. These require on the order points. It is entirely defined by its bound­ the rubber band, stretch it into a large
of n log n steps, where n is the size of the ary, a polygon that has one of the points circle surrounding all the nails and re­
sequence and log represents the loga­ at each vertex. The gadget that com­ lease it. The rubber band will snap into·
rithm function. Linear time is certainly putes the boundary is made from a large place, precisely defining the polygonal
superior to this in principle, but one board, some nails and a rubber band. I boundary of the convex hull.
shudders to imagine the size of the call it RAG, short for Rubber Band, Nails
spaghetti gadget needed to win such a and Board Analog Gadget. It would ere again a linear amount of work
contest. SUPERDUPERSAG would have to have been nice to include "nails and H precedes the analog operation of re­
be constructed in space and slammed board" in the acronym, but one would leasing the rubber band. It will take a
against the moon. end up with a grotesque name such as certain number of seconds to determine
The next gadget in my collection com­ RUNBAG. the position of each nail and then to
putes the convex hull of n points in To set up RAG simply drive n nails into drive it into the board. Once the rubber
the plane. The convex hull is just the the board at positions corresponding to band has been released, noting the ver-

A ..y---E

An alialog device for filldillg the shortest path betweell two vertexes ill a graph

A soap-film solutioll to the millimum Steiller-tree problem for five poillts ill the plalle


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texes of the convex hull takes somewhat clude them as part of the overall opera­ that increases faster than any polynomi­
less than linear time. Only the nails tion. How else could one specify a prob­ al. For a large instance of such a prob­
touched by the rubber band need to lem or interpret the gadget's output? lem, or even for one of moderate size,
have their position recorded. Some gadgets require no processing at the time needed is exorbitant. Why not
The fastest digital algorithm known all because they are incorporated into try to solve some of these difficult prob­
for finding the convex hull requires on a system that uses the results directly. lems with a gadget?
the order of n log (log n) steps. This is so Two examples that come to mind are
the needle-sorter once widely used in li­ ne candidate problem is to find the
close to being linear that perhaps only a
RAG machine the size of the solar system braries and a trick for balancing a plate O longest path joining two points in a
would be able to compete with a digital of food on one finger. In the needle-sort­ graph, which turns out to be much hard­
computer running the algorithm. er a set of cards with notches and holes er than finding the shortest path. Indeed,
The function of a third gadget is to along one edge serves to show which the problem is said to be NP-complete,
find the shortest path joining two vertex­ books are due on a given day. The cards a property that appears to condemn
es of a graph. In this context a graph is are stacked and a long needle is inserted it to eternal algorithmic intractability.
a network of lines, or edges, joining the into the hole corresponding to that day. (Readers who would like to know more
points called vertexes. In some graphs When the needle is lifted, only the cards about NP-completeness, and who do not
the edges can have different lengths, and with holes at that position come with it. mind an occasional bit of mathematical
it is this kind of graph that serves as The notched cards slip off the needle notation, are urged to consult the excel­
input to STAG, an analog gadget that uses and remain in the stack. lent book Computers and Intractability: A
string to represent graphs. Specifically, The balancing trick was shown to me Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness,
each vertex is represented by a small by mathemagician Ronald L. Graham by Michael R. Garey and David S. John­
brass ring. If two vertexes are joined by of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Graham son of AT&T Bell Laboratories.)
an edge in the graph, the corresponding begins by holding aloft a plate of food On occasion a little force must be
rings are connected by a piece of string on a thumb and two fingers, widely brought to bear on a problem. Take the
cut to the right length and supplied with spaced. As he draws the three digits to­ network of strings that was stretched
a hook at each end. gether the plate's center of gravity re­ taut to solve the shortest-path problem.
To find the shortest path between the mains between them because the digit When you pull on it even harder, first
vertexes u and v in a graph, pick up the supporting the least weight slides most one of the strings breaks, then another.
network by the rings u and v, holding one easily. The final intrusion of another Eventually, just before the network falls
ring in each hand. Then pull the network finger supports the center of gravity into two pieces, all the strings that re­
taut. Instantly the shortest path stands well enough to balance the plate. Gra­ main intact are taut. You have solved
out as a sequence of taut strings at the ham warns beginners to practice the the longest-path problem.
top of the network; all the strings repre­ trick carefully before demonstrating it Or have you? The method is effective
senting edges that are not in the shortest at Thanksgiving dinner. for some networks but not for others.
path remain more or less slack [see up­ Up to now I have applied gadgets only Readers may enjoy discovering exam­
per illustration on page 22]. If the rings to problems that already have a rea­ ples of both kinds of graph. At each
are labeled with the names of the vertex­ sonably fast algorithmic solution. Such stage in the stretching where more than
es they represent, one can now read off problems are said to have polynomial­ one string is taut, assume the worst
the labels along the shortest path. time complexity, because the number of about which one breaks.
If the size of a graph is measured by n, steps needed to solve a size-n instance Perhaps one should have known bet­
the number of vertexes, both pre- and of a problem can be expressed as (or at ter than to attempt a snappy analog so­
postprocessing require at most a linear least is bounded by) a polynomial func­ lution to an NP-complete problem. The
number of steps. The analog phase of tion of n. For example, the solution time theory of computability, however, says
the computation is as usual virtually might be proportional to n itself, to n2, only that an NP-complete problem is
instantaneous. The fastest digital algo­ to rt log n or to n27. There are other hard for a digital computer to solve;
rithms known for the problem take on problems, including some of practical there is nothing to indicate that it should
the order of n2 steps. importance, for which no polynomial­ not yield to analog methods. Therefore
time algorithm is known; the best al­ let us try again.
t has been mildly irritating to include gorithms seem to require an amount The minimum Steiner-tree problem
I the pre- and postprocessing phases of time that grows exponentially with asks that n points in the plane be con­
in analyzing the relative speeds of these the problem size. Typically the solution nected by a graph of minimum overall
gadgets, but honesty compels me to in- time is proportional to 2 a function
n, length. The task is virtually the same as


The Laser Analog Gadget demonstrates that 15 is not a prime number


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that of connecting n towns by a system tected. A simple electronic circuit moni­
Play the finest of roads whose total length is a mini­ tors both the detector at the end of the
HARPSICHORDS mum. One is allowed to take as vertex­
es of the graph not only the n original
mirror and the detection strip. If they
report a simultaneous coincidence, the
& FORTEPIANOS points but additional ones as well, which circuit turns on a light. The signal in­
represent crossroads in the countryside, dicates that the number is not prime
Build it yourself from one of our kits or let our so to speak. It is not hard to see that the but composite. For there to have been
experienced craftsmen build it for you. minimum graph must be a tree: a graph a double coincidence the second laser
without closed loops. It turns out, more­ must have bounced its light n times off
Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making
over, that any additional vertexes in the the mirror MI, and n must also divide
by Frank Hubbard (Harvard Univ. Press.
397 pgs. $25.00 postpaid) minimum tree are joined to three other N evenly.
vertexes by edges making angles of 120 When speaking of the difficulty of de­
degrees with one another [see lower illus­ ciding whether a number N is compos-·
tration on page 22]. ite or prime, one must be careful about
The minimum Steiner-tree problem is measuring the size of the problem. If
NP-complete, and there is no algorithm the size is defined simply as N, there
known for it that requires fewer than are digital algorithms that can solve the
2 n computational steps (where n is the problem in polynomial time. It is gener­
number of vertexes). Nevertheless, there ally considered fairer, however, to state
is a strange device I call the Bubble Ana­ the size as log N, because this is the
log Gadget that seems to find a soap length of the string of digits needed to
solution to the problem. Attach two par­ represent N. By this measure no one
allel sheets of rigid transparent plastic knows whether the composite-prime de­
to a handle and insert pins between cision problem is NP-complete or not.
the sheets to represent the points to be Based on the success of the LAG com­
spanned. Now dip the gadget into a soap puter and the failure of other analog
solution and withdraw it. There before gadgets in solving intractable problems,
your eyes is a soap film connecting the n might one conjecture that the problem is
pins in a beautiful Steiner-tree network. not NP-compiete?
Joy at the appearance of this solution Throughout the foregoing discussion
is premature, however. How can one be I have dodged the important issue of the
For hmchure send $1.00 to:
certain that the tree generated is the feasibility of constructing gadgets such
INCORPORATED one of minimum length? As it happens, as SAG, RAG, STAG, BAG and LAG. Al­
144-S Moody Sr., Waltham, MA 02154 the soap film always creates the short­ though each of the gadgets can be·built
(617) 894-3238 est possible network for a given topolo­ and persuaded to work, after a fashion,
gy, but there may be another topology on small problems, it would be silly to
in which a still shorter tree could be suggest that one construct them with se­
formed. Depending on the configura­ rious computations in mind. Yet, con­
tion of pins and on the angle at which sidered in the context of an ideal world

SCIENTIFIC the gadget is withdrawn from the solu­

tion, the length of the film network may
in which ideal materials are available,
each gadget works, by definition, exactly

or may not be the absolute minimum. as described. It is a fascinating question
Once again an attempt to solve an NP­ to pursue (in this ideal realm) just what
complete problem by analog methods analog computations are possible.
has tome to nought. I would be interested in hearing from
readers with other gadgets to describe.
is now available ne of the most famous computa­ As things stand, I do not know who in­
to the blind and
O tional problems is to decide wheth­ vented either of the first two gadgets
er a given integer N is composite or described here; they are part of com­
physically handi .. prime. (If it has factors other than IV. and puter-science folklore. The string gad­
1, it is composite; otherwise it is prime.) get seems to have been invented by Mar­
capped on cassette There is a very fast analog solution to vin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert of
tapes. this problem based on LAG, the Laser the Massachusetts Institute of Technol­
Analog Gadget. Set up two parallel mir­ ogy. The bubble gadget I found in Cyril
All inquiries should be rors, MI and M2, and two lasers so that Isenberg's wonderful little book The
made directly to RE­ both lasers bounce light back and forth Science 0/ Soap Films and Soap Bubbles.
CORDED PERIODI­ between Ml and M2, as is shown in the The laser gadget is my own invention.
CALS, Division of illustration on page 24. The angle of one The laser gadget reminds me of a little
laser is adjusted so that its light bounces problem readers might enjoy pondering.
Volunteer Services for There is a square box in the plane and its
N times from each mirror and finally
the Blind, 919 Walnut strikes a detector at the end of MI. The interior walls are lined with perfectly re­
Street, 8th Floor, second laser is placed in such a way that flecting mirrors. In the ideal realm men­
Philadelphia, PA 19107, its beam is initially coincident with that tioned above it would be possible to re­
of the first laser, but the second beam move the point at one of the corners and
ONLY the blind or is subsequently swept through a range to shine a one-dimensional beam of
handicapped should of angles. laser light into the box through this
As the angle of the second beam vanishingly small hole. The resulting
apply for this service.
changes it periodically strikes the detec­ gadget computes something quite pro­
There is a nominal
tor at the end of MI. The mirror MI also found about the angle of the beam. The
charge. has a detection strip running its length, answer depends on whether the light
so that whenever two beams strike the ever emerges from the box, but what is
same point, the coincidence can be de- the question?


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Old High School? No...



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month, a $15 million fiber optic route,

providing high-quality digital trans­
mission in a cost-effective way, will be
in service from Stamford to Hartford,
" the corridor along which Connecti­
The State of Connecticut has cut's large businesses are clustered.
earned a national reputation for the This network will reach 60 to 70 per­
resources we offer to advanced-tech­ cent of SNET's customers.
nology industry-and for the variety SNET's initial unregulated venture
and high quality of such industry we was its Sonecor Systems division. The
have developed and attracted," says firm has a carefully planned strategy,
Bill O'Neill. described by Monteith. "We believe
In September of 1982, Governor that to move too slowly amid tumultu­
O'Neill announced Connecticut's high­ ous change and intense competition
technology policy and appOinted a in the communications industry rep­
High Technology Council to identify resents a greater risk than any other
strengths and develop plans to "retain we would encounter." In September of
and enhance Connecticut's place as a 1983 Sonecor Systems introduced the
leader in the field." As the preliminary first information management system
report was filed, Connecticut already that completely integrates computer
provided features such as a positive and communications technology. The
business and tax climate; a broad­ Sonecor System 2001 is designed for
based industrial infrastructure; sub­ firms with 200 to 22,000 users.
stantial formed capital, from both state To date, there are about 25 of these
sources (the Connecticut Product De­ systems on order or in place. TWo of
velopment Corporation and the Con­ Connecticut Governor William A. SNETs first customers were Olin Cor­
necticut Development Authority) and O'Neill is the state's top manager poration in Stamford and Stanley
private sources; plenty of accessible, -and chief salesman. Works in New Britain. A 2001 will also
high-quality educational facilities; a provide communications for New Ha­
skilled labor pool; a strategiC geograph­ ven's Science Park. A second key 1983
ic location; scenic and diverse "quality technologically creative people seem to development was LightNet, a joint ven­
of life" factors; and, as the governor need. Shelton is symbolic of what has ture with the CSX Corporation, the
suggests, a tradition of innovation. been happening in Connecticut, al­ nation's largest transportation and
The Council's final report was issued though corporate growth in advanced natural resource company. LlghtNet
in January. By that date Connecticut technology is occurring across the combines SNET's. experience with fi­
had attracted nearly 650 high-tech state's 5,000 square miles. ber optic technology with 5,000 miles
companies employing more than "The 'new Connecticut' is a balanced of CSX Railroad right-of-way.
148,7 00 workers. Connecticut ranked blend of strong, growing industries, Another important SNET offering is
among the top three states in America aided by the fast-developing communi­ cellular mobile radio service, which is
in the percentage of manufacturing cations field and other high-tech a series of short -range radio transmit­
jobs in advanced technology, the num­ areas," says Don Klepper-Smith, cor­ ters covering geographiC "cells:' This
ber of industrial research laboratories porate economist at Southern New advanced technology makes high­
per capita, the number of patents England Telephone Company (SNET). quality phone service also highly por­
granted per capita and the number of "The communications industry now table. SNET has received its first con­
engineers per capita. These were some employs approximately 25,000 in the struction permits from the FCC for the
of the strengths on which the Council state, about 1. 4 percent of the man­ Hartford and New Haven areas and ex­
would build. ufacturing work force." After more pects to be in business before the end of
Since Eli Whitney's day, the taciturn than a century of service to Connect­ 1984.
Connecticut Yankees who work at, icut industry and consumers, SNET Monteith, summing up SNET's pas­
manage or seek to attract advanced­ entered the newly unregulated mar­ sage into a new competitive era, says,
technology firms have tended to be ketplace in January, 1983. "We have relearned that as our com­
modest about their accomplishments. At the same time, SNET guided its pany moves into the future, we cannot
They are too busy getting on with core business, the basic Connecticut move away from the fundamentals
business. Telephone Business, through a num­ that have given Southern New En­
In a quiet grove overlooking the Trap ber of changes and achieved the best gland Telephone its strength. We enter
Falls Reservoir in Shelton, the ad­ finanCial year in its recent history. into new ventures with the full under­
vanced-technology center of ITT was Revenues reached nearly $1. 2 billion. standing that our first responsibility
built. There, 700 or more scientists, SNET president and CEO Walter H. is to Connecticut. We go forward with
engineers, programmers and techni­ Monteith, Jr., emphasizes that "while the same commitment to quality that
cal and support personnel work on our new developments have received has characterized our business for the
new circuits and systems for tele­ the most media coverage, we remain past century:'
communications, very-large-scale in­ fully committed to providing service to
tegrated circuits and dramatic in­ 1.3 million Connecticut customers." I n Connecticut, innovation is a tradi­
creases in computer power. To meet large Connecticut businesses' tion. But even Connecticut Yankee in­
The Connecticut site was selected need to move vast quantities of voice, genuity can benefit from financing to
largely because it is close to New York, data and video images over the same turn that spark of genius into reality.
Boston, Washington and the research circuits, SNET has pioneered in the In Connecticut, help for the entrepre­
laboratories of many leading universi­ installation of state-of-the-art fiber neur can come from CPDC-the Con­
ties and so provided the amenities that optic transmission. By the end of this necticut Product Development Corpo-


This content downloaded from on Sat, 24 Jun 2023 06:34:07 +00:00
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ration, the first state agency of its kind tion. CPDC is the centerpiece of Gover­ rules and influences that don't affect
in the nation. nor O'Neill's high-technology strate­ them at CPDC. Our proposal was
Through specially tailored pro­ gy for the 1980's: keep Connecticut weighed in a straightforward manner
grams, CPDC helps Connecticut entre­ industry competitive, growing and im­ and the arrangement has worked out
preneurs meet the ever increasing portant for new technologies. well for all of the parties involved. "
costs of designing, developing and Millions of CPDC dollars have made David Coffin, chairman of Dexter
marketing new products and proces­ possible new Connecticut products as Corporation of Windsor Locks, is the
ses. CPDC Risk Capital Financing can diverse as computer programs and seventh-generation descendant of the
cover the costs of developing a new bathroom scales, robot cutting instru­ founder of the firm; Dexter was found­
product or process from initial con­ ments and car-top ski carriers, all re­ ed in 1767 and is the oldest company
cept through fabrication of a proto­ sulting in hundreds of new jobs. listed on the New York Stock Ex­
type. CPDC Innovation Development As of mid-1984, CPDC has delivered change.
loans provide low-cost working capital good performance to match its eco­ Harold V. Fleming is Dexter senior
to get products manufactured, mar­ nomic promise. Royalty income more vice president for corporate develop­
keted and distributed. than equals CPDC's operating-over­ ment. "We work closely with the state,"
CPDC is a not-for-profit state agency; head expenses and is drawn from a he says, "to review ideas and seek out
it does not require equity participa­ score or more of developed products on new technologies appropriate for Dex­
tion or a management position in the market. The corporation is enjoy­ ter Corporation. WeU go anywhere to
exchange for financing. Risk Capital ing an ever growing flow of new appli­ look at a promising commercial idea. "
investments by CPDC are repaid by cations from companies that have Stiles 1\vitchell, a Yale graduate, re­
limited royalties on successful sales of learned that being in Connecticut is ports to Fleming as manager of techni­
financed products. Innovation Devel­ advantageous. cal development. "We're in frequent
opment loans are direct loans made George Martin, president of OWL contact with the Connecticut Product
by CPDC at below-market interest ElectroniC Laboratories of Old Say­ Development Corporation," 1\vitchell
rates. Either or both programs may be brook, approached CPDC with a pro­ states. "They know us as an excellent
utilized. posal for a new project two years ago. prospective resource and we are al­
New products equal new jobs. Since His firm was then four years old. "The ways ready to talk with them. "
its formation in 1973, CPDC has members of CPDC's board of directOIs The Connecticut Development Au­
played a key role in the state's aggres­ were all people in business or finance thority (CDA) is in its lith year of de­
sive efforts to expand Connecticut's or the univerSities," Martin recalls. "In veloping public financing for private­
job base through economic diversifica- their regular jobs, they're subject to sector job-generating investments.

Consider America's first computer­
ized energy audit program, provided
by Northeast Utilities as a service to

a revolutionary Connecticut businesses statewide. In

the last two years, more than 3,500
businesses have used it to cut their

advance in energy costs. And that'sjust the


energy conservation:
In connecticut, NU works with
businesses and towns to create
programs that:
• provide builders and deSigners of

new buildings with recommenda­
tions that can reduce energy use
by nearly half
• assist municipalities in energy
• and even help cities and towns
improve the efficiency of street

Conservation. It brightens the
NORTHEAST UTILITIES SERVICE COMPANY bottom line for business. And it's
NORTHEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY COMPANY easy when we all work together
Paid for by NU shareholders.


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Chaired by commissioner of economic

development John J. Carson, CDA has
arranged approval of $1.5 billion for
1,100 projects, which have created or
retained nearly 125,000 jobs. CDA's
excellent performance of its task is ex­
emplified by Connecticut's jobless
rate-one-third lower than the nation­
al average, and eighth lowest In the
"Though the support of Connecti­
cut's financial community may not be
highly visible to the public, its commit­
ment behind the scenes has made the
whole job-creating process work," says
CDA executive director Richard Hig­
gins. "Connecticut's banks and Insur­
ance companies ... are, In many cases,
the purchasers of CDA bond Issues,
and in other cases they are the lenders
extending mortgage credit or con­
struction, interim or matching-fund
program financing."
TIE/communications has expanded
in 12 years from a Greenwich garage to
sales of nearly $300 million as a man­
ufacturer of advanced-telecommuni­
cations eqUipment. Gerald Poch, pres­
ident of its subsidiary Technicom In­
ternational, attributes CDA's "aggres­
sive assistance " as a key factor In TIE's
corporate growth. Gerber Scientific
employed CDA partial financing to add
nearly 200 people to its work force In
Manchester and South Windsor in just
seven years. During the single year
ending June 30, 1983, CDA financing
programs for over 50 Connecticut
companies totaled In excess of $400 ColruleCtiCILlt has miDjons of-dollars .
",;Y �'""-"n.. for qualified high-tech entrepreneurs
million and 18,500 jobs.
Zygo Corporation, based in Middle­
field, started up in the bedroom of for risk capital, product developmen.t,a.nd
a house on Wesleyan University's near­ ma*eting. More 'millions are going into . ."
by campus. The company designs,
special job training and technieai 'e(lucation:
manufactures and markets high-per­
formance, laser-based, noncontact u
And new tax red ctions are iIi place. for
electro-optical measuring Instru­ technical research and development. .
ments and systems. Zygo president
Paul Forman describes his company's
In othe�' words, Connecticut today
is <

"Our funding came partly from Wes­ packagii!g i better tomorrow for your�..
leyan, partly from Canon in Japan
and later from the Connecticut Devel­
company's high-tech
::- '
growth and 'prosperity.
opment Authority." Zygo leases its
100,000-square-foot Middlefield facili­ Contact CommiSsioner John Carson, "
ty under a net lease with CDA. Room
. 406, Connecticut Department of
Most business and industry In Con­
necticut is electric-powered by North­ . Economic Development,
east Utilities, a holding company 210 Washington Street,
based near Hartford. The United Il­
luminating Company services the Better: Yet Hartford, CT 06106.
Or call (203)566-5426.
Bridgeport-New Haven coastal area.
NU has concentrated heavily on proper
management of the power needs of
Connecticut industry; the utility has
standing plans to use fuel cell technol­
ogy, Its existing and successful nu­
clear facilities and conservation to en­
sure that the state's present and future

This content downloaded from on Sat, 24 Jun 2023 06:34:07 +00:00
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Why should a forest products company

be concerned about the quality of life
in Fairfield County?
Although it's a long way from our While we recognize that our first including Fairfield County -depends on
forests, mills, and plants, Fairfield County obligation is to remain a strong and profit­ strong and responsive business enter­
is home to the 700 Champion people able producer of building materials, prises. And, in turn, the long-term viability
who work at our corporate headquarters paper, and packaging, we also believe a of business is linked to how well it meets
in Stamford-and to their families and company's responsibilities include how all its responsibilities to the society of
friends. In Fairfield County, and in all the whole business is conducted, every which it is part.
communities where Champions live and day. In our complex and demanding . That's why our company and our
work, contributing to a healthy, vital world, that means corporations must people are concerned about the
social and cultural environment is, we strive to rise above the bottom line and quality of life in the communities where
believe, more than a nine-to-five job. consider thoughtfully the impact of their they live and work. Champion and
So Champion and Champion people actions: on the communities where they Champions: Planting seeds for the future
are involved: in social services, in education, operate and on the society as a whole. in Fairfield County.

CJ)J £�e�"���
in community organizations, in the arts. The economic future of the nation-

One Champion Plaza

Stamford, Connecticut 06921

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electric power needs will be met.

"I am interested in fresh, new ideas,"
says NU's young (44) chairman, Bill
Ellis. "There is no inertia at Northeast
when it comes to applying industrial
methods to utility operations. "
Chairman Ellis is also president of
the Connecticut Economic Develop­
ment Corporation, a consortium of in­
dustry leaders who work to keep Con­
necticut at the forefront of American
economic growth.
"For technological growth to con­
tinue in Connecticut," says Lane De­
Camp of General Electric's GEVENCO
venture-capital unit, "the fundamen­
tals must be there. Connecticut tends
to attract the kind of advanced-tech­
nology firm that needs the state's triad
of adequate financing, excellent man­
agement and access to markets. "
GEVENCO is the largest of the fra­
ternity of Connecticut venture-capital
Bob Sorenson is chairman and CEO
of Norwalk-based Perkin-Elmer and
also a member of Governor O'Neill's
High Technology Council. "Our com­
pany depends not on what we have
been but on what we can become,"
Sorenson says. "Advancing the fron­
tiers of technologies is the name of our
game. " Perkin-EImer's Connecticut fa­
cilities extend from the manufacture
of analytical instruments to comput­
erized chemistry to optics for NASA's
space telescope.
The Connecticut Technology Insti­
tute at the University of Bridgeport has
been established to help incubate new
advanced-technology industry. Both
Perkin-Elmer and the High Technol­
ogy Council were instrumental in
building CTI, the only such facility in
Fairfield County.
CTI is an attempt to provide a crit­
ical mass of personnel, research
Scientific instruments are important to Connecticut's economy. Perkin­
grants, financing, ideation and prod­
Elmer optics technology made NASA's space telescope possible.
uct development.
CTI's Technology Council includes
100 of the state's senior scientists and ganizations already working within ating themselves with the new Park
encourages the free flow of informa­ the state. The Science Park Develop­ have access to Yale's research, librar­
tion about what is on the frontier of ment Corporation was created with ies, student interns, laboratories and
development between the laboratory, two important goals: to create a center faculty. Linkages to advanced-technol­
the classroom and the private sector. for high-technology economic activity ogy industry are likely to prove sub­
Paul Phelpo, project director of the and expansion, and to upgrade disad­ stantial given the university's strength
U. S. CongreSSional Office of Technol­ vantaged surrounding New Haven in computer science, medicine and the
ogy Assessment, says New Haven's neighborhoods. Governor O'Neill, the physical sciences. Says Mayor DiLieto,
Science Park "has all the best features Connecticut Office of Economic Devel­ "The dynamism and creativity demon­
. . . . In fact, if there's anything that's opment and New Haven mayor Biagio strated by the entrepreneurs who will
unique about it, it's the degree to DiLieto hammered out a system of tax­ develop their businesses here repre­
which all of the parties to the game based incentives that created an "en­ sent the highest ideals of our free-en­
are participating. " In Connecticut, co­ terprise zone " in the area. A $5 million terprise system. "
operation among industry, academia venture-capital pool was formed. Yale Olin Corporation, one of three dozen
and government is looked on as good University, which adjoins the new major international corporations head­
business sense, with the Park as one Park, contributed its own human and quartered in Connecticut, is responSi­
case in pOint. financial resources. ble for much of what Science Park will
An interested and powerful coalition Yale made its Office of Cooperative become. Olin faced a problem common
was assembled from among strong or- Research available. Companies associ- to other industrial leaders: departure

This content downloaded from on Sat, 24 Jun 2023 06:34:07 +00:00
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from a community with which it had

shared three-quarters of a century of
life and work. The solution came from
Olin's resourceful chairman and presi­
dent, John Henske. A Yale graduate
and former manager of the New Haven
operation, Henske was determined to
move honorably and responsibly.
So Olin donated all its land and
buildings to the Science Park Develop­
ment Corporation. Olin will maintain
and secure the property until the Park
can assume such tasks and has also
loaned the Development Corporation
$500,000 to renovate and adapt the
Henry Chauncey, Jr., former secre­
tary of Yale and president of Science
Park Development Corporation, says,
"We are very pleased that the Sonecor
Systems division of Southern New
England Telephone Company will in­
stall its new telecommunications sys­
tem in the Park. This will give en­
trepreneurs and established firms
access to a modern telecommunica­
tions system."
Says Hugo Kranz, Jr., of Data­

Quality of Life
Graphics, another Park tenant, "We
left Houston and chose Science Park to
start up our company for three rea­
sons: a university setting would en­
courage the interactive computer
graphics technology in which we are
"Quality of life " is often cited by 1\vain. The capital city's huge in­ interested, New Haven would provide a
Connecticut companies recruiting surance industry and several col­ competitive operating cost advantage
managerial and technical person­ leges and universities support a long term, and Connecticut would be
nel. Visitors find themselves sur­ wide range of restaurants, opera, an enjoyable place to live."
rounded by 300 years of living his­ ballet, the Wadsworth Atheneum Science Park offers a variety of
tory amid some of New England's art museum, a symphony orchestra opportunities that demonstrate the
stunning scenery, ample recrea­ and acres of parkland. O'Neill administration's commitment
tional opportunities and a diversi­ "I was drawn first to the miles to strengthening the state's competi­
fied cultural atmosphere. Along the of rivers and streams, the glowing tiveness in luring and nurturing
Sound, one can spend days explor­ forest pools, and the meandering advanced-technology industry and of­
ing Mystic Seaport with its Charles marshes and coastal inlets," writes fering additional benefits to the high­
W. Morgan, last of the great wood photographer Steve Dunwell in technology firms already in place.
whaling ships. There is live theater Connecticut-A Scenic Discovery, Besides several million dollars for site
year-round at the Hartman in whose cover photograph of the improvement, the state Office of Eco­
Stamford, the Long Wharf in New Charles W. Morgan appears above. nomic Development has made market­
Haven, the Westport Playhouse and Connecticut's coastline gives access ing aid available. The state benefits as
more. to Manhattan's Broadway theatre development attracts more and larger
The Berkshire foothills in north­ district, less than an hour's drive companies to the greater New Haven
west Connecticut offer excellent from Stamford, and to the America's area.
skiing and golf. One can spend the Cup races in Newport, Rhode Island, "The relationship to Yale is key to
night at historic Under Mountain an equal distance from eastern our success," says Chauncey. "Virtual­
Inn near Salisbury, where enter­ Stonington. ly all of our embryo companies have
prising Yankees hid naval supplies One night during the War of some relationship to Yale-a faculty
for the King's Rangers before the 1812, British forces moved up member, a laboratory, students­
Revolution, and then canoe along the Connecticut River, pausing for some sort of working together."
the Housatonic. their officers to dine comfortably at A. Bartlett Giamatti, president of
One can walk the trails through the Griswold Inn. Having paid their Yale, agrees. "Science Park is a tre­
the Mianus Gorge Reservation in bill, they then set fire to the ele­ mendously exciting venture that will
northern Stamford and see wood­ ments of the American navy an­ help to revitalize the center of our city, "
lands that have remained un­ chored in Essex Harbor. he says.
touched for three centuries. Save only for that last act, a Con­ The Rogers Corporation, founded in
"Of all the beautiful towns it has necticut Yankee might duplicate 1832 in Manchester, applies polymer
been my fortune to see, this is the both the trip and the dinner this chemistry and process technology to
chief," said Hartford resident Mark very weekend. meet needs in electronics and other
industrial markets for engineered

This content downloaded from on Sat, 24 Jun 2023 06:34:07 +00:00
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There is a communications
network that meets the
voice and data transmission
demands of the nation's
second largest concentration
of Fortune 500 corporations.
Connecticut has it.
We built it. Count on it.

Southern NewEngland

227 Church Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06506 1-800-255-8000


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"There's obviously a broad aware­
ness of the 'megalopolis' that stretches
from Boston to Washington, but not so
many people know there's a gap right
in the middle of it," states Russ Meyer­
and, vice president for technology at
United Technologies Corporation.
"That gap is Connecticut, and there's
room here for a lot of growth, activity
and expansion."
United Technologies, based in Hart­
ford, has become one of the world's
largest companies, with over $14 bil­
lion in 1983 sales and over 190,000
employees worldwide. UTC's Pratt
& Whitney division in East Hartford is
a major state employer in the tech­
nologically sophisticated aero-engine
industry. Norden Systems develops
radar and gUidance products in Nor­
walk. Hamilton-Standard manufac­
tures astronaut space suits in its com­
plex near Bradley International Air­
port. Otis Elevator is headquartered
in Farmington. The famous Sikorsky
helicopter is manufactured adjacent to
the Merritt Parkway in Stratford. A
new Building Systems division, merg­
ing the technologies of UTC's Otis
people-movers and Carrier tempera­
ture-control operations, develops "in­
telligent buildings."
"High technology is in fact the com­
mon denominator of all we do," Meyer­
and states. A physicist himself and
holder of 20 patents, Meyerand rapid­
fires his firm's broad commitment to
applied and basic research, in cooper­
ation with academia and through
UTC's own East Hartford Research
Center. "We have a number of profes­
sional people who are adjunct pro­
fessors at local colleges and universi­
ties. We're close to UConn's Institute
Connecticut's skilled people make advanced technology work. of Materials Sciences. We've funded
Above: Production under way at TIE/communications, Shelton. 10 science fellowships in Wesleyan's
teaching program. I'm on the execu­
tive committee at the Hartford Gradu­
materials and components. Rogers UConn has come a long way since its ate Center, which started several years
maintains a number of cooperative re­ founding as a land-grant college in ago as an extension of Rensselaer Poly­
search programs with leading univer­ 1881. Some 24,000 students now pop­ tech in New York but now has become a
Sities; a Rogers director, Leonid V. ulate UConn's main Storrs campus separate institution."
Azaroff, is also director of the Institute and regional campuses at Avery Point The United Technologies Research
of Materials Science at the University In Groton and at Hartford, Stamford, Center employs well over 1,000 scien­
of Connecticut, 20 miles from Rogers' Torrington and Waterbury. tists and engineers in four key areas:
corporate headquarters. UConn president John DlBlaggio, a electronics and electro-optics, materi­
UConn's Institute of Materials Sci­ member of Governor O'Neill's High als technology, power and industrial
ence represents a successful example Technology Council, reflects on the systems technology and manufac­
of Connecticut Yankee ingenUity. "The university's role as a catalyst in Con­ turing technology, particularly indus­
mission of the Institute," writes Azar­ necticut: "To really take advantage of trial lasers. The Research Center was
off, "is to foster quality graduate pro­ our resources, we need more rapid founded in 1929 in support of UTC's
grams in the materials sciences and to technology transfer, a hand-In-glove aircraft operations and has since
provide graduates suitably trained to process. I believe we will see the period paced the company's expansion and
meet the needs of Connecticut's ma­ of time between research and applica­ diverSification. The Center's charter is
terials-based industries .... 1\venty­ tion abbreviated. There is incredible clear: conduct basic and applied re­
one chief scientific officers of Connect­ potential at UConn and I feel very posi­ search that will help to gUide the cor­
icut's leading technological corpora­ tive about the new ways it's beginning poration's technological future.
tions serve on the advisory board." to be used." The Center resembles an engineer-

This content downloaded from on Sat, 24 Jun 2023 06:34:07 +00:00
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YOU SlVE THE Till 5?

A smoke bomb has been set to explode in Grand Math Railway

by the evil Numerians. However, they have left instructions for
you to defuse it.
On a computer screen appears the number array above, and a
message: "Pick any combination of four numbers in both different
rows and different columns. T here is an arithmetic operation
which, with any four such numbers, produces the same 3-digit
result. W hat, doomed one, is this operation?"
T his puzzle is part of our continuing effort to attract problem­
solvers. We're United Technologies, a worldwide company that's
ambitious, innovative and growing. We operate on the leading
edge of technologies such as microelectronics, aerodynamics,
lasers, fiber optics, composite materials, and metallurgy. During
the remainder of this decade, we plan to spend an average of
$1 billion annually on R&D at our Research Center, Microelec­
tronics Center and operating units to keep us out in front. Our
operations include Pratt & W hitney, Otis, Carrier, Norden,
Mostek, Sikorsky, Building Systems, Lexar, Inmont, Hamilton
Standard, Essex, Elliot, and Automotive.
If you're an engineer or scientist interested in solving problems
and growing with us, please write to Mr. Ray Lambert, United
Technologies, Hartford, CT 06101. He'll send you more informa­
tion about United Technologies - and, if you like, he'll also let
you know whether your answer to our puzzle is correct .



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ing campus at a large university. Huge Albert Phelps, Jr., owner-developer corporate aircraft and service their
wind tunnels facilitate aircraft and of Merritt 7 Corporate Park in Nor­ crews. We've outgrown our current
engine design. Elsewhere, metals are walk, has been part of Fairfield's quarters; we're building newer, larg­
tested against extremes of heat and growth for years. Merritt Ts strategiC er service facilities on the airport
stress. Diesel-engine research and location 35 miles northeast of New grounds nearby."
experimentation, laser spectroscopy, York City has attracted firms such as The Thames River flows from Nor­
computer-aided manufacturing and IBM, GE and Merrill Lynch. The Park wich down to Long Island Sound,
robotic automation, advanced ceram­ adjoins the Merritt Parkway. through quaint towns such as Uncas­
ics and metals composites, and energy "Every productive facility or amenity ville and Gales Ferry and past the tall
and communications systems for has been built into Merritt 7," Phelps ship Eagle berthed at the U.S. Coast
buildings are all subjects of ongOing says. "Business needs a lot of things Guard Academy in New London.
research. beyond office space." Across the Thames from New London,
Five years ago, Meyerand received Champion International Corpora­ Groton's waterfront harbors a differ­
the Eli Whitney Award from the Con­ tion, one of the nation's largest paper ent sort of vessel: Trident-class nuclear
necticut Patent Law Association in and forest product companies, is submarines, built by the Electric Boat
recognition of his sCientific achieve­ headquartered in Stamford at One division of General Dynamics. EB,
ments. United Technologies is the true Champion Plaza, designed by the with a Connecticut staff of over
successor to inventor Whitney in Con­ renowned architect Ulrich Franzen. 20,000, occupies about 100 acres of
necticut. Through its R&D facilities, About 40,000 people pass through the riverfront. Its first Groton-built sub­
its manufacturing and other sites Champion headquarters lobby each marine was contracted for by the Peru­
across the state and chairman Harry year-not on company business, but vian navy in 1924.
J. Gray's constant focus on well-man­ to visit the Whitney Museum of Ameri­ "New technology is obviously impor­
aged technology, the Whitney tradi­ can Art , Fairfield County. This branch tant to us," says assistant general
tion continues strongly in the 1980's. of the Whitney is the first to be outside manager Emmett Holt. "We work with
Ridgefield, in upper Fairfield Coun­ New York and is supported by Cham­ universities in Connecticut and across
ty, is a small, classically picturesque pion. "We believe the Whitney project the nation. We assign specific projects
New England town. In late 1977 Ridge­ represents the kind of partnership to UConn. We've even arranged for the
field attracted Dr. Harvey Sadow, pres­ modern corporations need to establish University of New Haven to conduct
ident of Boehringer Ingelbeim, an with other institutions in our society," degree programs on-site here, for our
American specialty pharmaceutical says Champion chairman Andrew employees."
and health-care company. Sadow be­ Sigler. Pfizer Central Research has just
came involved in Connecticut educa­ The world's first passenger bus was formally opened a 110,OOO-square­
tion by renovating and occupying the manufactured in Sweden by Scania­ foot, $50 million expansion of its Gro­
columned, red-brick former Ridgefield Vabus in 1911; soon the latest models ton facility adjoining Electric Boat.
High School as Boehringer Ingelbeim's will be transporting people in cities The worldwide research-based com­
headquarters. By 1979 the company across America. "We look to about 200 pany attained sales of nearly $4 billion
had completed a research center for units per year," says Saab-Scania of in 1983, with research and develop­
the discovery and development of America vice president and general ment well in excess of $200 million at
products to diagnose and treat disease manager Rolf Sundeman, "and well centers in England, France, Terre
on 193 acres of land at the Ridgefield­ assemble them here in Orange." Haute and the important 137-acre
Danbury town line. At present some Saab-Scania evaluated many North Groton site.
225 chemists, pharmacologists and American locations before selecting Pfizer's presence in Groton dates to
other scientific personnel staff the Orange. "I received telephone calls 1948, when Connecticut's economy
center, along with over 600 personnel while I was still in Sweden," Sunde­ was adapting to the falloff of war-reiat­
at Boehringer Ingelbeim's manufac­ man recalls. "Some Canadian develop­ ed industry. Formerly a shipyard, Pfi­
turing and headquarters facilities. ers flew over to talk to me. zer's Groton compound now encom­
Sadow encourages his people to un­ "But Governor O'Neill assured me passes 75 buildings and employs
dertake university research and ser­ we would be both welcome and pro­ 3,000 people in the firm's chemical,
vice. Dr. Kurt Freter, head of the firm's ductive in Connecticut. And this has central research, quality-control
chemistry department, is also adjunct proved to be so." and Howmedica divisions. Howmedi­
professor of chemistry at Wesleyan. New York City, Boston's Route 128, ca makes orthopedic implants.
Other employees share their expertise Albany, Long Island and Providence all In the new expansion, 86 biology
with students at Fairfield University, fall within a 100-mile radius of Hart­ and chemistry laboratories have been
Western Connecticut State and schools ford's Bradley International Airport. added to Pfizer's Groton complex. Sci­
in nearby New York. The airport, equipped to handle over entists can jog through the campus­
"Advanced technology in Connecti­ 160 scheduled flights daily plus corpo­ like facility at noontime and extend
cut is logical," says Dr. Sadow. "It's rate and charter service, benefits from their exercise to the adjacent Avery
here because of the people-they're its inland location: it rarely closes due Point campus of UConn's Marine Sci­
the attraction." to weather conditions. ences Institute.
Ray Fitzgerald is general manager The preSidents of the University of
of the growing Combs Gates service Illinois and the Memorial Sloan-Ket­
Fairfield County has displaced Chi­ center at Bradley; Combs Gates, a tering Cancer Center serve on Pfizer's
cago as the second most popular area division of Gates Learjet, provides board. Pfizer president Gerald Lau­
for corporate headquarters in Ameri­ fueling and other ground service for bach, himself a chemistry Ph.D., has
ca. GE, Xerox, Olin and Champion In­ scheduled and private aircraft. "We're encouraged support of chemistry re­
ternational are among 20 of the largest expanding to meet increasing de­ search at New London-based Connect­
U.S. industrial corporations head­ mands from corporate and industri­ icut College. "The relationship with
quartered in GreenWich, Stamford al customers," Fitzgerald states. "We Pfizer has been a wonderful one for
and surrounding towns. maintain the arriving and departing us," says' college president Oakes

This content downloaded from on Sat, 24 Jun 2023 06:34:07 +00:00
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Ames. "We hope Pfizer has found bene­

fits here as well."
AnnouncineW g .
om ple te Busmess
The Most c lopment center

Connecticut has emerged as a site of Deve England

preference for a growing number of
In southern NeW
biotechnical companies and institu­ nter. is ready for
w Enterpn. se Ce
tions. Richardson-Vicks and Chese­ Science Park'S Ne Video conf
Yale Facilities

Copy Cent
e-� Tel eph
• •
ones wering
brough-Pond's are both Fairfield • St �te- of-th • Receptionist
• Phone Ans
processing pu ter Cre dit unio
word • Com
County-headquartered firms with

• He
�lth Plan Telex
Consultants , s . •

arch uorane. Mail Room J

R ms
sales in excess of $ 1 billion. Bristol­ • conference o:o
• Rese

speed FaC

• 24
Hour SeCU • High
Myers' world-known Clairol products • State
Ente rprise

have been manufactured in Stamford

for years. The $3 billion firm is becom­
ing a world leader in pharmaceuticals
as well. In December, the architectural
Science Park's New Enterprise Center offers dedicated fIVe million dollars venturecapital
design was decided for the firm's new the complete business or hi-tech environ­ poo l for resident companies. Call Mark
consolidated pharmaceutical research ment. Space is available from 100 to 10.000 Van Allen at 203/436-2300.
center in Wallingford. The $45 million sq ft for office suites or research and devel­
first stage of the center will house opment purposes. Nearby. at Yale Univer­
sity. there is access to laboratories. libraries
basic research for anti-infective, anti­
and computers. as well as distinguished fac­ CENTER
cancer and central nervous system ulty and students interested in Science Park AT
therapeutic areas; it will be completed
Science Park
companies. To help in developing and fi­
next year. nancing your business concept. the New
Wallingford is just 10 miles north Enterprise Center can assist in writing your
business plan and direct you to money A Non-profit Working to
of the Yale University School of Medi­ Make You More Profitable
sources in the venture and investment
cine, with which Bristol-Myers signed banking worlds. Science Park also has a 5 Science Park New Haven, CT 065 11
a unique agreement in 1983. For the
next five years, Yale scientists will Why don't youjoin these companies already benefitting from the Center:
Software and Computers' CyberResearch • Datagraphlcs • Iris' lexitech • Omega Associates
share with Bristol-Myers researchers . Informat Ion and Consulting' Aquatec International' Marketing Sciences ' Marine Surveys •
P.B. SVlgals & Associates Research and Development · American Sunsystems • Applied Technology and
their insights into the mechanism of Invention • Impulse Engineering 'Inremational Bi!>technologles' Olin Urethane Systems'
cancer cell development and spread. U. S. Composites Othe. ScIence Park CompanIes' Olin Brass·Metals Rese arch laboratories '
U.S. Repeating Arms Company' Yale University
"We want to develop some entirely new
approaches," says Dr. Alan Sartorelli,
chairman of Yale's department of phar­
macology and director of Yale's Com­
prehensive Cancer Center. "We have
Connecticut technology means sub­ IS SPONSORED BY ITS ADVERTISERS AND BY :
marines, electronic computing equip­
ment, optics, industrial controls, tele­
communications, surgical appliances, GREAT PlORTBERN MERRITT 7
office machines, scientific instrumen­ PlEKOOSA CORPORATIOPI CORPORATE PARK
tation, guided missiles, gUidance 75 Prospect Street 101 Merritt 7
technology, helicopters, chemicals, fi­ P.O. Box 9309 Norwalk. CT 06851
ber optics, semiconductors, photo
Stamford. CT 06904 John P. Crosby
equipment. control instrumentation
Cheryl Hutchins Vice President
and ophthalmic eqUipment, made by
Connecticut-based companies whose
Manager. Investor Relations (203) 847-8087
names are a kind of litany of technol­ (203) 359-4000
ogy leadership. Burndy (electrical con­
nectors), Olin (industrial chemicals),
Pitney Bowes (mailing devices and of­
For reprints of "Connecticut: Catalyst for Corporate Growth,"
fice machinery). Alderson Research write: Manager-Industrial Sections
(medical equipment), Bunker-Ramo, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
Vitramon, Frigitronics, Branson Ul­ 415 Madison Avenue. New York. NY 10017
trasonics, Notsuko America, Samar­
L-________ __ ________ ___._____.____--'
ius, Kaman, Emhart, GE, General Dig­
ital, Loctite, Data Switch, Gerber Sci­ Connecticut's corporate concentra­
entific, Ex-Cell-O, Mite, Combustion tion results from good location, amen­ "Connecticut: CatalystJor Corpo­
Engineering, Union Carbide, Colt, ities and the "hiving" of already well­ rate Growth" was written by
Surgicot, Echlin, Sigma Instruments, established industrial activities. Charles Stokes with contribu­
American Cyanamid, Unholtz-Dickie, It is the Connecticut Yankee's un­ tions Jrom Henry Chauncey. Jr. .
General Data-Com, Unimation, Hol­ usual ability to turn things around, to and David Driver oj the Connect­
grath, Arrow Hart, Boehringer Ingel­ take the familiar and bond it to new icut Department oj Economic De­
heim, Qualitron, Canberra, Bicron ideas and markets. that makes Con­ velopment. Graphics: Sherin &
Electronics-some are household necticut's advanced-technology indus­ Matejka. New York. Photo credits:
words, others are known only in lim­ try work. Old Eli Whitney would have Conn, DED, Steve Dunwell.
ited fields. been impressed.

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