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English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas

) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

ESSAY WRITING : HEALTHY EATING Eating healthy, being active and feeling good about you, are the key ingredients to having a healthy lifestyle. One of the important thing we should do to have the healthy lifestyle is, we should practice healthy eating. Healthy eating also is an important factor towards family health. Thus, family should make activity that related to food such as menu planning, and preparation of food as a familys activities. Meanwhile, the meals can also be used to educate families about healthy food practice. In addition, the main purpose of this is to strengthen the relationship of the family. House is the best place to promote healthy eating practices. Each family member must help each other in creating awareness about the benefits of healthy eating practices. The parents attitude is an important influence in shaping the eating habits and food choices of children. To instill healthy practices, first we have to start our day with breakfast. Breakfast is very important because it provides energy and nutrients for a productive morning. We should take our breakfast at the appointed time. We can drink milk or fruit juice for breakfast. Eat food that can provide us energy such as bread, cereals, noodles and pasta. The principles we should be practiced in a healthy diet is to eat in moderation types of food from all food groups. We should balance food intake with physical activity because it helps the body to burn energy from food and also can help control our weight. Eat more fruits and vegetables because they are excellent sources of many essential vitamins and minerals as well as providing fiber for roughage. In particular these food, contain carotenes which is use to form Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, folic acid and minerals such as iron and calcium. Fruits and vegetables are also rich in fiber and low in fat. But we must remember, avoid overcooking vegetables as this destroyed the vitamins. We also can take fruits as our desserts or snacks. 1

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

It is important for us to choose the low-fat and cholesterol food. Fats are a good source of energy and it needed to absorb fat-soluble vitamin. It also dissolves food and improved the texture of food. However, excess fat can improve risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity and health problem of others. Excess fat from food will be stored in the body as fat and this will lead to weight gain. So, we have to balance our fats intake.

Salt and sugar intake should be reduced to practice healthy eating. Most of preserved food is high in salt and sugar. So, select recipes and dishes of less salt and sugar and we should be preferred fresh food. Use less sugar when preparing drinks and cakes. When were cooking, do not add salt for the cooking that has been added to soy sauce or ketchup. Cereal sources food was the main source of energy. A large proportion of our diet should comprise food from this category. So, we should eat lots of grains and legumes because both these foods are rich in fiber. By taking fiber, is essential to ease bowel movement and diseases of the intestines and reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Try to include whole-grains breads or brown rice product in our diet. Finally, we should drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of plain water daily. Water is essential for physiological functions in the body. It is also can regulate our body temperature and production of waste materials from the body. We need to replace fluid lost from the body particularly if engaging in physical activities. So, in order to stay healthy, we have to eat right kinds of food and of course healthy foods. When a person eats healthy food, they will be able to have enough strength and energy to last then a whole day. ( 646 words )

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh


English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

TOPIC 1 : Parts of Speech Nouns A. Circle the PROPER NOUNS in the box below. Elephant Dr. Willimas India Home Jazz School Baseball The Olympics New York Tennis

B. Directions: Underline the PROPER NOUNS and circle the COMMON NOUNS in the following sentences. 1) The house is in Ipoh. 2) The Ford truck is missing one door. 3) I am from Selama Perak. 4) Jaime lives at 25, Taman Menteri Selama. 5) Monaco is an expensive city. 6) The Harimau Malaya won the game last night. 7) Basketball is so fun. 8) Mrs. Lyenda needed to know my phone number, said Jamilah. 9) SK Rantau Panjang is a nice school. 10) Birds are my favorite animals.

C. Form ABSTRACT NOUNS from the following. man - ___________________ king - ___________________ sell - ____________________ scholar - __________________ know - ___________________ think - ____________________

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

D. Complete each sentence by choosing the correct COLLECTIVE NOUNS from the box at the bottom of the page. 1. Swimming in the shallow water was a ______________ of herrings. 2. A ___________ of sheep was happily grazing in the field. 3. All night we could hear the _____________ of wolves howling. 4. Looking out to sea, we noticed a ___________ of dolphins swimming. 5. The _____________ of lions slept all day on the African plains. 6. A long ______________ of steps led to the top of the tower. 7. Our cat has just had a _______________ of seven kittens. 8. We each picked a _______________ of juicy grapes from the vine. 9. The hen waddled by with her _______________ of chicks. 10.A ______________ of thieves stole the precious diamonds. pod brood pride pack flight flock litter bunch band shoal

E. Underline the correct COUNTABLE / UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS. 1. There is so (many, much) smoke coming out of the chimney. 2. There are (plenty of, a large amount of) fish in the pond. 3. (A little, A few) minutes is all it takes for him to shave. 4. The postman put (a great deal of, a lot of) letters into the bag. 5. He threw (a little, some) nuts to the monkeys

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

TOPIC 1 : Parts of Speech Pronouns A. Underline the pronouns in the following sentences. 1) He is on the telephone. 2) We cannot get there from here. 3) It is hers. 4) I am the only one left. 5) This is not mine. 6) Those came from the store on Jalan Tambun. 7) What time is it? 8) Hey, that is mine! 9) Wasnt your dad supposed to speak at their wedding? 10) Everybody knows how to do that! B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronouns.

1. He - does his best shall will. 2. I know you mean. 3. She has gone to Singapore - is her birthplace. 4. There is no one has not lost a friend. 5. You get - you deserve. 6. Is this the street - leads to the station? 7. Did you receive the letter I sent yesterday?

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

C. Fill each blank with a suitable Reflexive Pronoun.

1. He rewarded _____ with an ice-cream. 2. They agreed amongst _____ that they would not tell anyone. 3. I taught _____ to draw. 4. You must explain _____ more clearly. 5. He has a bad temper so he must learn to control _____.

D. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

1. Does _____ (her, she) know that _____ (me, I) was absent? 2. Please tell _____ ( he, him) _____ (I, me) have obtained a degree in Chemistry. 3. I remember that _____ (they, them) bought the fruits from _____ (we, us). 4. Please don't tell ______ (she, her) about _____ (I, me). 5. _____ can swim because _____ has webbed feet.

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

TOPIC 1 : Parts Of Speech : Verb A. Underline the verbs (or verb phrases) in the following sentences. 1) The dog runs and jumps. 2) We are studying biology. 3) The tennis player is going to hit the ball. 4) We like to sing, dance, and play. 5) I do not know if I should go to the party tonight. 6) The first car couldnt have avoided hitting the second car. 7) Hmmm, right now I am thinking about thinking! B. Fill in the blanks with is' or are'. 1. The rose _____ a beautiful flower. 2. His two sons _____ still small. 3. My brother _____ doing his degree at that university. 4. Dogs _____ the most faithful animals. 5. There _____ a lot of ants on the tree.

C. Fill in the blanks with does' or do'. 1. _____ you know him? 2. That _____ not mean I _____ not like her. 3. Please _____ not smoke here. 4. _____ anybody know the answer? 5. They _____ not want to play. 8

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

D. Fill in the blanks with has' or have'. 1. He _____ a law degree. 2. They _____ gone to the cinema. 3. Only one of the students _____ failed the test. 4. I _____ come here to borrow your book 5. "_____ you ever done online banking?"

E. Choose the correct word for each sentence. 1. The earth _____ (go, goes) round the sun. 2. He _____ (go, goes) to school by bus. 3. I often _____ (go, goes) to the library. 4. She wants to _____ (go, goes) to the library? 5. Everyone of us usually _____ (go, goes) to school early.

F. Choose the correct word for each sentence. 1. She _____ (read, reads) every day. 2. I _____ (drink, drinks) milk every day. 3. We _____ (like, likes) to swim. 4. My neighbours _____ (talk, talks) to us every day. 5. He _____ (speak, speaks) good English. 9

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

TOPIC 1 : Parts Of Speech : Adverbs A. Circle the adverbs in the following sentences. 1) The fire spread rapidly. 2) Astronauts are really cool. 3) He did rather well on the test. 4) He told us to talk quietly in the library. 5) We swam right before the storm. 6) The old man drank the juice slowly. 7) It is exactly 3:00 in the afternoon. 8) The cat quickly pounced on the mouse. 9) We walked happily through the forest. 10) Jenna is always so late.

B. Choose the most suitable adverb in bold to fill each blank: angrily, enough, never, outside, yesterday

1. She left _____ for the university where she is doing a degree course. 2. We are standing _____ his house waiting for him. 3. He told us _____ not to walk on the grass. 4. I am not strong _____ to help him carry that box. 5. She will _____ be happy in that job.


English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

C. Choose the most suitable adverb in bold to fill each blank: down, last week, often, quickly, rarely

1. _____, I saw him walking to the church. 2. My father is _____ late for work. 3. He drove _____ to avoid being late. 4. I _____ play badminton with my sister. 5. This is the place where he fell _____.

D. Choose the most suitable adverb in bold to fill each blank: always, just, nearly, online, unusually

11. It took _____ two hours to get here. 12. They were _____ very friendly. 13. He has _____ strong hands. 14. She has _____ completed her degree course. 15. This dictionary went _____ in 2010.


English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

TOPIC 1 : Parts Of Speech : Adjectives A. In each sentence, circle the adjective that describes the underlined noun. 1. Hadi and Hani walked up to an old castle. 2. Ahmad put the golden key in the lock. 3. Today is the fifth day of January. 4. The baby birds flew from the nest. 5. Amirs truck has a flat tire. B. Circle the adjective in each sentence. Underline the noun that it describes. 1. I am holding a marker in my left hand. 2. Munirah played beautiful music on her guitar. 3. Has anyone read Azizah's latest story? 4. The sly fox outsmarted the chicken. 5. Maniam ordered a large Coke. C. Pick the correct words in the brackets.

1. My father is as (strong, stronger, strongest) as his father. 2. She is (pretty, prettier, prettiest) than her sister. 3. You are not as (tall, taller, tallest) as your brother. 4. That pond is the (shallow, shallower, shallowest) in this area. 5. That has to be the (interesting, more interesting, most interesting) film I have seen. 6. Which university offers (the good, the better, the best) degree courses?. 7. This clown is not as (funny, funnier, funniest) as the other one. 8. He is easily the (bad, worse, worst) player in the team. 12

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

D. Fill in the spaces using the appropriate superlative adjective. 1.. That building is the __________ (tall) in the neighborhood. 2.. Tok Pian is the __________ (old). 3.. My bicycle is the __________ (nice) thing I own. 4.. The komodo dragon is the __________ (large) lizard in the world. 5.. Mt. Denali is the __________ (high) mountain peak in North America.

E. Fill in the spaces using the appropriate superlative adjective. 1.. Rahim is always the ____________ (early) to work. 2.. Dogs are the ____________ (friendly) animals on earth. 3.. That is the ____________ (pretty) ring I have ever seen. 4.. The Black Mamba is the ____________ (deadly) snake in the world. 5.. It is the ____________ (costly) in North Carolina.

F. Fill in the spaces using the appropriate superlative adjective. 1.. Her house is the _______ ____________ (expensive) in the neighborhood. 2.. 10th st. is the _______ ____________ (dangerous). 3.. Billy is the _______ ____________ (courageous) person I know. 4.. The grey one is the _______ ____________ (colorful) of the three. 5.. Alaska is the _______ ____________ (northern) state in the US.


English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

TOPIC 1 : Parts Of Speech - Conjuction A. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.

1. I waited he returned. a) till b) after c) before

2. You will not succeed - you work hard. a) unless b) if c) whether

3. He asked he could go. a) whether b) unless c) until

4. He is very rich he is unhappy. a) and b) or c) but

5. Three three make six. a) and b) into c) or

6. He deserves success he works hard. a) because b) whether c) lest

7. We can travel by land water. a) or b) and c) with


English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

B. Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences. 1) Mariam made a cake before the dinner party. 2) He is a good basketball player because he is very tall. 3) We will go only if our friend can come too. 4) I am very athletic, but I cannot play soccer or tennis very well. 5) Even if it is raining, I will not take my umbrella. 6) I need milk, eggs, towels, and oranges from the grocery store. 7) After we are finished with the test, can we go outside? 8) Your friends can come over whenever they want to. 9) Although we played hard, we still lost the game. 10) I practice English often, for that is the best way to learn. 11) We need to make a reservation in order to eat at the new restaurant. 12) I know my mission is almost impossible, nevertheless I will try my best to accomplish it. 13) I am ready to go whenever you are. 14) Both me and my brother are going to the soccer game. 15) Either Johan or I will help you study for the test.


English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

TOPIC 1 : Parts Of Speech : Preposition Directions: Describe the pictures by completing the sentences with the correct preposition of place.

1) The apple is __________________________ the plate.

2) The apple is __________________________ the plate.

3) The apple is __________________________ the plate.

4) The apple is __________________________ the cup.

5) The apple isnt close to the cup. It is ______________________________ the cup.

6) The apple is __________________________ the cup.

7) The cup is __________________________ two apples.


English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

8) The hands are __________________________ the cup.

9) The dog isnt inside the car. The dog is __________________________ the car.

10) The dog is __________________________ the car.

11) The dog is__________________________ the car.

12) The dog is __________________________ the car.

13) The dog is __________________________ the car.

TOPIC 1 : Parts Of Speech : Interjection A. Underline the interjections in the following sentences. 1) Whew, that was close. 17

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

2) Careful, the tiger is hungry! 3) Yes, I think I will have more tea please. 4) Thanks, I needed that. 5) For example, you could make a model of the city. 6) Wow! That was easy!

B. Fill in the blanks with correct INTERJECTIONS Eek!, Oh!, Oops!, Wow!, Hey!, Aha!, Ouch!, Ah!, Well, Ugh! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ________ He stole my watch. ________ That hurts. ________ I think Ill go. ________ I hate rats. ________ What a cute kitten. ________ I lost my pencil. ________ The bus left. ________ How exciting.

TOPIC 2 : Tenses Present Tense A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of words given. 18

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I _______________ (read) a very interesting book now. Aminah ________________ (work) eight hours a day. Tonight we _________________ (see) a play at the theatre Who __________________ you _________________ (speak) to just now? I _________________ (not know) him very well. What will you do if she ____________________ (come) late? My wife ___________________ (like) coffe for breakfast. What _______________ Herry usually _____________ (have) for lunch? Your train ______________ (leave) at 5.25pm from platform 4. Listen! The phone ______________ (ring) in the other room .

B. Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I / to read a book - _________________________________________________ it / to rain - _______________________________________________________ he / to repair his bike - ______________________________________________ they / to watch a film - ______________________________________________ the cat / to sleep on the chair - ________________________________________ Ali and Ahmad / to do their homework - _________________________________ Lina / to wait at the bus stop - ________________________________________ we / to listen to the radio - ___________________________________________ the children / to play a game - ________________________________________ Laura / to walk the dog - ____________________________________________

C. Choose the answer you think is correct. 1. When ___________ the school? a) have you joined b) did you joined c) did you join d) have you ever joined 19

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

2. ___________in Australia? a) Did you ever worked b) Have you ever worked c) Worked you d) Didn't you have worked 3. That's the best speech____________ a) I never heard b) I didn't hear c) I used to hear d) I've ever heard 4. He's the most difficult housemate______________ a) I never dealt with. b) I never had to deal with. c) I've ever had to deal with. d) I've never had to deal with. 5. ____________ to him last week. a) I spoke b) I've already spoken c) I didn't spoke d) I speaked 6. ___________ a contract last year and it is still valid. a) We have signed b) We signed c) We haven't signed d) We have sign

TOPICS 2 : Tenses Past Tense A. Complete the sentences with the correct answer 1. At noon, she _______________ (wash) her car. 2. ________________ (you / see) Mary last night ? 3. Last Monday Peter ______________ (not look) for Chelsea in the shopping center. 4. He _________________ (watch) the match all the night. 5. I __________________ (live) in Paris. 20

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

6. Did she _________________ (live) in England ? 7. Joan _________________ (look) for Pretty at the fun fair 8. Yesterday, Maggy ______________________ (go) to school 9. Saturday night Mike _________________ (take) the tube. 10. At ten, Shella _______________ (write) a letter. B. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in past progressive tense. Example: Two turtles (slowly, cross) were slowly crossing the dusty road when we passed by. 1) When I was young, Grandma (usually, bake) _______ _______ _______ bread on Monday mornings. 2) When he attended football games, Jack (always, wear) _______ _______ ______ his team's colors. 3) Although you bought a beautiful new car, you (still, drive) _______ _______ _______ your old one when we saw you downtown. 4) When we arrived at the track meet, Juanita (already, run) _______ _______ _______ the 100-meter race. 5) Seagulls (frequently, steal) _______ _______ _______ from the fishermen's nets as they pulled them in.

C. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past perfect tense. Example: He (wrote) had written a book about bass fishing before he began the one on fishing boats. 1) You (know) _______ _______ about conditions in the Middle East long before you made that trip. 2) Muthu (begin) _______ ______ to research his family history a year before he visited 21

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

Indonesia. 3) The Kowalske family (eat) _______ ______ organic vegetables even before they planted their garden. 4) Before the treasure hunt started, Ryan's mother (hide)_______ ________ clues in the yard. 5) Jenna (ride) _______ _______ her bike 12 miles; now she was sore. 6) The geese (fly) _______ _______ from Michigan to Florida before the first snow fell. 7) Mrs. Lim (fall) _______ _______ several times in the past, so she decided to get a walker. 8) The choir (sing) _______ _______ together many times before its tour of Singapore last month. 9) Suzi (write) ______ _______ three cookbooks before his book on baking with chocolate was released. 10) Caren was amused when Seventies styles returned; she (wear) _______ ______ them since high school!

D. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past perfect tense or past perfect progressive tense. Jill knew that her friend Sasha (feel) _______ _______ _______ (1) sad lately. Sasha's mother (die) _______ _______ (2) two months before, and the two friends (not, have) _____ _______ _______ (3) a chance to talk since it happened. Sasha arrived at Jill's house at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Jill (call) _______ _______ (4) her friend on Friday to invite her to over for coffee and cookies. 22

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

Glancing at the mess in the kitchen, Sasha guessed that Jill (bake) _______ _______ _______ (5) cookies all day. The women talked for a couple of hours. They (always, enjoy) _______ _______ _______ (6) each other's company in the past, and were happy to be together again. Sasha recalled some of the things that she (find) _______ _______ (7) as she (sort) _______ _______ (8) through her mother's belongings. "It seems that, for some time before Mom died, she (make) _______ _______ _______ (9) three scrapbooks," said Sasha. _______ _______ (10) completed." "What did they contain?" asked Jill. "One contained all of the awards I (win) _______ _______ (11) before I reached sixth grade," answered Sasha, "along with pictures of my friends and me. I knew that mom (always, take) _______ ______ _______ (12) lots of pictures, but I didn't know how many. The second was a collection of memorabilia from my high school years." "And the third?" prompted Jill. Sasha paused and smiled before answering, "Mom and I (often, go) _______ _______ _______ (13) on walks together to gather wildflowers before I became a teenager," Sasha replied. "Before she died, she (make) _______ _______ _______ (14) a scrapbook to hold all of the flowers we (collect) ______ _______ (15)." "The last one (never, be) _______

TOPICS 2 : Tenses Future Tense A. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple future tense. Example: Ling (paint) is going to paint a picture for the art fair. 1) Chong and I (run)_____ _______ _____ _____ in the race next week. 2) The department store (have) ______ ________ _____ _______ a sale. 23

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

3) The nurse (bandage) _____ ________ ______ ________Maniams leg. 4) Mr. and Mrs. Mohan (buy) ______ _______ _____ ______ a houseboat. 5) We (grow) ______ ________ _____ _______ grapes to make wine. 6) Arif and Dina (name) _______ ________ _____ _______ the baby Salina. 7) The store owner (hire) _____ _______ _____ ________ an accountant to do her taxes. B. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in future progressive tense 1) Professor Bakar (teach) _______ _____ ________ Malaysian history next semester. 2) I (clean) _____ _______ _____ _____ ________ the house while you are doing the laundry. 3) The forecast says that it (rain) ______ _____ ________ all night. 4) Grandma (smile) _______ _____ ________ when she answers the door. 5) On Tuesday, the girls (take) _______ ________ _____ _____ ________ a taxi to the airport. 6) The plumber (connect) ______ _____ _________ the water pipes to the house tomorrow. 7) Bobby (supervise) _______ _____ _________ the construction crew for a few days. 8) The Fergusons (fishing) _______ _____ _______ while they are on vacation. 9) Daniel (play) _____ _______ _____ _____ _________ the solo for the concert. 10) Mimi and Lili (look) _____ _______ _____ _____ _______ for a new house while they are in Kuala Lumpur.

C. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in future perfect tense 1) _______ you (retire) _______ ________ by 2014? 2) _______ the party (end) _______ _______ by 2:00 a.m.? 3) Do you think the prisoner (confess) _______ _______ ________ his crime when he appears in court? 4) _______ Aini (give) _______ ________ her speech by the time Kamal gives his? 24

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

5) How much rent _______ the tenants (pay)_______ _______ by the end of the year? 6) _______ Abu (read) _______ _______ more books than Siti by the end of the summer? 7) _______ you (finish) _______ _______ your student teaching when the semester ends? 8) _______ the farmer (harvest) _______ _________ all of his corn by the middle of August? 9) Is it true that Mr. Alex (become) _______ _______ ________ a millionaire by the end of next year? 10) How many trees _______ the crew members (plant) _______ ________ when they finish today?

Topic 3 : Sentences Types Simple Sentences A: Draw line under the subject of each sentence and circle the predicate of each sentence. Example: The small squirrel scampered across the yard. 1. Three pelicans flew over the beach. 25

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

2. The children built a sandcastle. 3. Ben played chess with Alex. 4. Everyone in the stadium watched the game. 5. The microwave beeped. 6. Malcom is a very thoughtful person. 7. The seagulls feathers were white. 8. The moon shines down on the water. B. Identify the subject and predicate in these simple sentences. Circle the simple subject and underline the simple predicate. 1. My best friend in the whole world is coming over to my house to visit me this afternoon. 2. Three beautiful little kittens looked up at me from inside a box of old clothes. 3. At the stroke of midnight, the carriage turned into a huge orange pumpkin. 4. A really friendly old man with long white whiskers lives in the apartment above my aunts and uncles apartment. 5. Several of her favorite romantic love songs were playing on the radio that afternoon in the park.

Topic 3 : Sentences Types Compound Sentences A. In the following exercises, turn the sentence pairs into single compound sentences, each with a coordinating conjunction. You can rearrange or add words in the sentence to make it sound better, but only if it's necessary. 1. The black dog has won many prizes. He doesn't know many tricks. ________________________________________________________________ 26

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

________________________________________________________________ 2. She saw a cat run in front of her. She fell down while roller-skating. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. There was a meteor shower. The crew did not know how to avoid the meteors. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. I wanted to buy a baby Chihuahua. I started to save my money. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. Gillian did not like to read. She was not very good at it. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. Pam liked Wayne. Leena also liked Wayne. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

7. The little boy did not like going to school. He went anyway. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 8. You can cry like a baby. You can clean your room like an adult. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 27

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

9. She didn't want to play with Jill. She didn't want to play with Tim. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 10. Arleen could not play with that boy. Arleen could not play with that other boy. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 11. Let's go to the swimming pool. It's hot inside the house. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 12. I dont want to eat. I don't want to drink. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 13. I dont want to practice playing my violin. I dont want to disobey my mother. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 14. I want to own my own company. I want to pay all my workers a lot of money. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Topic 3 : Sentences Types Complex Sentences A. The following sentences are made up of two independent clauses with one or more dependent clauses. Underline independent clause and circle noun clause, adjective clause or adverb clause. 1. John went to school, but James remained at home because he had a sore throat. 2. If he changes his mind, we shall know for sure that Joe has learned his lesson, but only time will tell. 28

English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

3. Those clouds promise rain; we should hurry before we get caught in a flash flood. 4. Here is the money that I owe you, and I am happy to be free of debt. 5. Were you ever in a storm that was full of lightning, or don't you recall? 6. Since we had gone only a mile from camp, we could return before dark, and we would not become lost. 7. After the tornado had hit, my house was gone, but my neighbor's house was not touched. 8. Mary heard the frightening noise again, and the sound was one that would frighten the bravest of people. 9. The route can be changed, but I know several people who will not like the change. 10. Dr. Mathews did what could be done, but it simply was not enough to save his life.

Jawapan Complex.

1. John went to school = independent clause, James remained at home = independent clause, because he had a sore throat = adverb clause 2. If he changes his mind = adverb clause, we shall know for sure = independent clause, that Joe has learned his lesson = noun clause, only time will tell = independent clause


English Language & Proficiency NOR SHAKIAH BINTI HUSSAIN PPG PJJ Ambilan Jun 2011( Pendidikan Khas ) IPGM Kampus Ipoh

3. Those clouds promise rain = independent clause, we should hurry = independent clause, before we get caught in a flash flood = adverb clause 4. Here is the money = independent clause, that I owe you = adjective clause, I am happy to be free of debt = independent clause 5. Were you ever in a storm = independent clause, that was full of lightning = adjective clause, don't you recall = independent clause 1. Since we had gone only a mile from camp = adverb clause, we could return before dark = independent clause, we would not become lost = independent clause 2. After the tornado had hit = adverb clause, my house was gone = independent clause, my neighbor's house was not touched = independent clause 3. Mary heard the frightening noise again = independent clause, the sound was one = independent clause, that would frighten the bravest of people = adjective clause 4. The route can be changed = independent clause, I know several people = independent clause, who will not like the change = adjective clause 5. Dr. Mathews did = independent clause, what could be done = noun clause, it simply was not enough to save his life = independent clause


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