Kepung Kebumen Natural Disaster Inggris

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Kepung Kebumen Natural Disaster, Regent : 16 Villages

Flooded and 12 Landslide Affacted

Sunday, 06 November 2022 – 21.30.00 WIB

The Kebumen Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that there were 16
villages in Kebumen that were hit by floods and 12 villages that had landslides. In
response to this, the district government (Pemkab) of Kebumen held a coordination
meeting (Rakor) for disaster management at the Sub-District Head Office of Ayah,
Sunday (6/11/2022).
This coordination meeting was chaired by the Regent of Kebumen Arif Sugiyanto,
attended by the Regional Secretary, BPBD, a number of OPDs and volunteers.
According to the regent, Kebumen Regency is currently surrounded by natural
disasters, including floods, landslides and tornadoes. Even in the village of Argopeni
Ayah, landslides hit houses and caused two people to die.
"Data from BPBD as of November 6th, flooding in Kebumen occurred in 16 villages in 5
sub-districts, then landslides in 12 villages in 4 sub-districts, and tornadoes in 1 village
and 1 sub-district," said the Regent.
The flood disaster occurred in Ayah Village, Argopeni, Pasir, Mangunweni, Ayah
District, then several villages in Buayan, Kutowinangun, Buluspesantren, Padureso, and
Petanahan sub-districts. The average flood height is 10-20 cm, and some locations
have receded.
Meanwhile, landslides occurred in a number of villages in Ayah, Sadang, and
Poncowarno sub-districts. Some of the landslides hit people's houses and closed
access roads, such as on the TPI Menganti road.
For refugee data, it was recorded that there was one family head with three members in
Karangduwur Village, Ayah District. This family took refuge in a relative's house. "Many
residents choose to stay in their homes even though their houses are flooded, while
cleaning up the mud," said the Regent.
The Kebumen Regency Government has also deployed heavy equipment to a number
of landslide disaster points to transport materials. In addition, assistance from BPBD,
Social Service Office and health services from the Health Office has also been
distributed. "We will continue to intensify the reforestation program by planting large
trees such as Trembesi, Ketapang, Bringin and so on," said the regent.

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