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Name : Muhammad Naufal Fayyadl

NIM : 21291074

Class : 3/B English Departmen

#2 Responses

Descriptive Grammar

Study language objectively to observe how speakers use, interpret, and perceive different
structures of language. Differences found between speakers are not necessarily’s due to

 language change
 social factor
 geographical barrier

The example compare sentence in Descriptive Grammar are :

Informal Sentences :

1. He don’t never eat.

2. He tried to completely ignore the situation.

3. I ain’t going to the store.

4. So wat, u tink da kine, pidgin language, no get propa words no moa?

Formal Sentences :

1. He does not eat. / He never eats.

2. He completely tried to ignore the situation/ He tried to ignore the situation completely

3. I am not going to the store

As we can see in the informal sentence, the sentence often used in informal situation like the
conversation between close friends. But in the formal sentence, the sentence often used in formal
conversation,like in academic life.

From a descriptive point of view, none of the above sentences are wrong as spoken by a native
speaker. Instead, it represents the difference between dialects.We define dialects as different
languages spoken by groups of people who have systematic differences in grammar,
pronunciation and vocabulary.Grammar is the sharing and acceptance of syntactic structures
among speakers of a language or dialect.

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