COC1 COC2 SCRIPT Trainers Methodology

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I already checked all the workshop stations, the availability of supplies and materials, the condition of
tools and equipment, and prepare the electronic media that I am going to use.

Good morning, please rise for a prayer… I am Mia A. Avenido, your trainer in Computer Systems
Servicing NCII. Welcome to Metro Dumaguete College. Can I have your Admission Slip?

 Get the Admission Slip

Now, let me first check your attendance. Affix your signature for me to determine whether the person
applying the training here is really you.

 Give the attendance to students

 Collect the Attendance
 Tan Awon ang attendance

So, Mr. Brayan Maquilang and Micah Mae Absin? Again, Welcome to Metro Dumaguete College, One of
the Best IT School here in Dumaguete City. I just hope out of your 1 month training here, you will
acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in Computer Systems Servicing NC11.


Before we start with the formal orientation, Please fill-up these structured questionnaires.

 Learner’s Characteristics Form- that will determine your background and learning styles.
 Please encircle the letter that best describe you as a learner.
 I’ll give 20 minutes to answer it.
 Give and collect the LC Form……. Okay! Very good.
 Self-Assessment Checklist (SAC)- determine if you have prior knowledge regarding this
qualification and also determine your current competencies and training needs.
 Kindly Check Yes/No and answer it honestly. I’ll give you 20 minutes to answer it.
 Give and collect SAC form……. So, later on I will check this.

Notice the Advance and Zero Learners (Brayan and Micah)

So, Brayan Maquilang (Advance Learner)? I noticed you check the first module which is Set-up
Computer Servers, let us validate tomorrow. Bring tomorrow with your Certificate of Employment, So
that I can validate if you are really competent in this competency. OKAY?

And you Micah Mae? You check all the NO. So, you will start your training from the very beginning of the
module, the first module..OKAY?

 Turn on projector
 So, we will now proceed with our General Trainees Orientation
 Your qualification is Computer Systems Servicing NC2
 In this Training we adapt CBT. So what is CBT?
 10 Principles of CBT
 Explain only 3
 1. Training is based on competency standards- Competency standards are the written
documents that specify the knowledge, skills, attitudes required by the industry.
Meaning our training is based on actual industry practice.
 2. Learning is modular in structure- in this training you have to undergo a series of
modules. You have to learn one competency and after another competency until you
attain all the competencies of this qualification.
 3. Training delivery is self-paced- in this training I will give you the freedom to learn by
your own rate. If you are a slow-learner I give you time to practice, if you are a fast
learner you can proceed to the next competency.

So later on, you will know some of the other principles along our training.

Role of the Trainer

 In this training I have an important role in order for you to achieve your goal which is attained
and learn all the competencies for this qualification.
1. Serves as Team Leader- I am here to guide you. Don’t hesitate to call me if you have
questions. We will be working together as I will determine what specific module you are going
to learn/perform.
2. Stimulates trainee’s motivation- it is my role to motivate you so that you can perform well
all the task that should be done during our training. Your success is my success..
3. Manages Learning- And if you have questions? As I said don’t hesitate to call me. If you have
problems regarding the different modules/tasks. We will work on that. I am willing to help you.

I have my roles. You trainees also have your role.

Role of the Trainee

 1. If you think that the first module that you are to undergo I much difficult…. So you have the
right to proceed and select what module you want to learn/perform.
 2. Our training here is self-pace. I will give you opportunity to perform the tasks at your own
rate. If you are a slow learner. I will give you time to practice until such time you will able to
master the competency.
 3. If confirmed that after your assessment I found out that you are already competent to that
specific competency. I will give you reward by means of a certificate of achievement. In
Computer Systems Servicing NCII we have 4 units of competencies. I will give 8 certificates if I
found you competent in all modules. After having all 8 will give your Certificate of

All about CSS NCII Presentation.

Conduct Pre-Test
Do you have any further questions, clarifications with regards to the orientation?

Proceed to Pre-Test- the purpose of this test is to determine your baseline knowledge regarding this
qualification so that along the way of the training I have guide on what competency that you are going
to focus.

 This 60 items, answer this in 60 Minutes/1 hour

 Times-up, okay so later on I will check this to determine your points.
Now, I will bring you to our training facilities or work areas.

1. Practical Work Area – this area where you will acquire the skills and knowledge components of
the competencies prescribed by the standard.
2. Learning Resource Area – this area will provide you with the knowledge requirements in the
various modules.
3. Institutional Learning Area- this is where recognition of prior knowledge is done.
- This is where I will assess you after you finished your modules and record it to Progress
Chart and Achievement Chart. (This may serves as my monitoring tool for me to
determine how far you are done on your training)
4. Contextual Learning Area- this is where the underpinning knowledge, science, mathematics and
communication principles as applied to the technology and provided to the trainee.
This is where you can find our Training Activity Matrix- It serves as guide to day to day activity.
5. Distance Learning Area- this is where you can access information OUTSIDE the training
institution in terms of print and non print media.
6. Trainer’s Resource Area- this is where you can find me.
7. Support Service Area- this area where you can gain and acquire value adding competencies
8. Computer Laboratory- this where you can develop your I.T Competencies, like MS word, Excel,
PowerPoint and Internet Browser and etc.
9. Quality Control Area- this area where outputs, projects are scrutinized.


Any questions trainee? OKEY! That’s all for today. See you tomorrow. God bless. 

Good Morning Class, how are you?

 Please sign the attendance.

 RECAP OF yesterday.

# So yesterday, we fill up some structured questions like Learners Characteristics Form,

Self- Assessment Check (SAC), General Orientation regarding your qualification which is
Computer Systems Servicing NCII.

# I also introduce to you the CBT (CURRICULUM BASED TRAINING), 10 principles of CBT,
Role of Trainer, and also the roles of you…trainees, and also, we have a tour to the
different training facilities. And I have conducted pre-test.


(Advance Learner) Brayan Maquilang

 Yesterday, I ask you Brayan to bring your Certificate of Employment. Kindly give your certificate.
So you work at Paradise Techno as a computer technician. I will validate it later on.

(Zero Learner) Micah Mae Absin

 You Micah, you check all the NO of core competencies. Perhaps, you don’t have any prior
knowledge regarding this qualification. So I want you to start at the first module.
 Common follow me at Learning Resource Area.
 This is your CBLM, module 1, (Install and Configure Computer Systems). Read the Information
Sheet 1.1, after that, answer the self check, compare your answer to the answer key, might as
well, review and perform your task. Call my attention if you are ready to be assessed. OKAY !


MR. Brayan, you have given me your COE. I’m going to call your previous employer for me to verify the
veracity and authenticity of your COE.


 Come follow me to Institutional Assessment Area- I want you to answer a written exam
about Setting-up Computer Servers. This is 20 items, for 20 minutes. Give the
questionnaire. Time starts now!
----Time is up, I’m going to ask you to demonstrate on how to Set-up Computer Servers.
This is your materials and tools.
----I’ll give you 1 hour. Time starts now… time is up.
Before Feed Backing (Oral Questioning)
But before I will give you your feedback on your demonstration I will ask you some questions.

 What are the different normal functions of a server?

 Why do we need to run DCpromo and install Active Directory when we can already access the
network via peer to peer?

Okay. Thank you!

Based on the evidences that I have gathered, in written exam you’ve got 15 out of 20 and the passing
score is 14 and during your demonstration, I observed you perform well, and meet the standards. And I
recognized you as a competent on this competency.

 Record Monitoring Chart

-----Proceed to Contextual Learning Area

 Give the Certificate of Achievement… CONGRATULATIIONS!

Let’s proceed to the next module which is set-up computer networks, proceed to the Learning
Resource Area, here is your CBLM. I want you to read first information sheet 2.1-1 after that,
answer the self-check, compare your answers to answer key, review your task and after that call
my attention.


Micah? How are you? Let me check your work.

 I noticed that you are not able to perform your task well, next time you call me so that I can
assist you..
 Let me demonstrate to you on how to install and Configure Computer Systems and Networks.
 (Do the demonstration to Micah)
 This is how you Install and configure Computer systems and networks.
 Ok


 So can you perform now? Okay go ahead….

 (PROCEED INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT AREA)… Very good , you have done it correctly. so, are
you ready to take the assignment?
 Now. I will give you written exam- this is 20 items, you have to finish this in 20 mins., read the
instructions carefully, Good luck and time starts now…
 Thank you Time is up.
 LATER on I will check this to determine your points.

Next,We’ll go to practical area I’m going to ask you to demonstrate on how to install and
Configure Computer Systems. This is your materials and tools. Please Observe Safety at all

 I’ll give you 1 hour. Time starts now….Go..!

 Time is up…

So before I will give you feedback on your demonstration I will ask you some questions:
 How often should you reboot or restart your computer?

 What will you do if the computer doesn’t have a power? (OKAY, Thank you.)

Based on the evidences that I have gathered, in written exam you’ve got 15 out of 20 and the
passing score is 14. And during your actual demonstration, I observe you perform well, and
meet the standards. And I recognized you as competent on this competency.
 Record Monitoring Chart
-----Proceed to Contextual Learning Area
 Give the Certificate of Achievement.. Congratulations..
-----Proceed to Practical Work Area
Let’s proceed to the next Module which is Setting-up Computer Systems, LRA area, Here is your
CBLM. I want you to read first information sheet 2.1.1 after that answer the self assessment
Check, Compare your answers to the answers key, review your task and after that call my


Okay, Brayan, let me check your work.. hmmm.. you’ve performed very well in SET-up computer
networks...Okay, are you ready to take the assessment? Okay let’s proceed to Institutional assessment

So, now to evaluate your performance. I will give you written exam- this is 20 items, you have to finish
this in 20 mins., read instructions carefully, good luck and time starts now.. (Thank you, time is up..)
Later on I will check this to determine your points.

Next, I’m going to ask you to demonstrate on how to Set-up Computer networks. This is your materials
and tools. Please Observe safety at all times.

I’ll give you 1 hour. Time starts now... Go!..

Time is up..

Okey, so before I will give you feedback on your output demonstration I will ask you some questions..
 What is the importance of setting permission to your folder?
 In what way does creating folder in the computer could help you?

Based on the evidences that I have gathered, in written exam you’ve got 15 out of 20 and the passing
score is 14. And during your actual demonstration, I observe you perform well, and meet the standards.
And I recognized you as competent on this competency. I will now record this on my monitoring charts...

Proceed to Contextual Learning Area

 Give the Certificate of Achievement.. Congratulations..(shake hands)


MICAH? Check the output. You should have to do more practice in this module. Maybe, we will finish
your activity tomorrow.

 Proceed to Contextual Learning Area

OKAY! That’s all for today. See you tomorrow. Don’t forget to perform 5s before leaving the area.



 Yesterday, you perform your different modules.

Recognize Brayan Maquilang

 For finishing all modules
 Base on the progress chart. You, Brayan have completed all the modules. And you Micah, you
only have 1 module left. You may now proceed to the learning resource area for your last
module. I want you to read information sheet 4.1-1 after that, answer the self-check, compare
your answers to the answer key, review your task and after that call my attention.


And you Brayan since you finished all the modules.. Now I will give you post-test—the purpose of
this post test is to determine how much you learn from this training so you answer this 50 items in
50 mins. (OKAY THANK YOU)


 Our training institution is always wanted to improve, so we want to conduct this

performance evaluation for us to know what are the things that need to improve for
upcoming trainings.


 Since you have completed the trainings, so I would like to give you this certificate of
 Thank you for choosing METRO DUMAGUETE COLLEGE as part of your journey in acquiring
your skills in Computer System Servicing NCII.
 Kindly come back tomorrow for the application of assessment, bring passport size ID with
white background with collar. 50 pesos processing fee.

Let me check your work. I think you are ready to take the assessment and we will continue it tomorrow,
so be ready.

Proceed to Contextual Learning Area

 Okey that’s all for today. Thank you. God bless.





I have already called the assessment center to check the availability and completeness of the
tools, equipments and facilities.

 Good Day Everyone. I am Mia A. Avenido, your Competency Assessor for Computer
Systems Servicing NC11
 I would like to acknowledge the presence of the Tesda Representative, Asessment
Center Manager. Goodmorning Sir/maam.
 Not to worry about their presence, they are just here to oversee if the Conduct of
Competency Assessment is in accordance with the procedures and methodologies of
TESDA, they are not here to assess you.


 Kindly submit your Admission Slip, (THANK YOU)

 As I call your name please acknowledge by raising your hand and sign the attendance
 I have here w/ me your accomplished application form w/ Self- Assessment Guide, this
is an indication that you can perform all units of competency enumerated in Computer


 I would like to welcome all of you to Metro Dumaguete College Assessment Center for
Computer Systems Servicing NCII, this assessment is to determine the level of your
 Today, I am going to administer Competency for Computer Systems Servicing NCII. The
qualification or Units of competency to be assessed are the BASIC, COMMON and CORE
 For the CORE COMPETENCIES we have 4 Unit of Competency
 Install and Configure Computer Systems
 Set-Up Computer Systems
 Set-Up Computer Servers
 Maintain and Repair Computer systems and Networks

 I will collect evidence through Demonstration, Oral Questioning and Written Test. This
assessment method can help measure your underpinning knowledge and skills.


 For your personal needs the comfort room is located at the end of the hallway.
 If you want to take your meal, we have a canteen outside the assessment center.
 However during the assessment you are not allowed

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