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Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Term: Jan-May 2023

Class : B.E. Computer Subject Name :ADS

Semester : VIII Subject Code : CSDC8013

Assignment No: 2

Date of Performance:

Roll No: 9089

Name of the Student: Quincy Gonsalves

Indicator Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent

Timeline (2) More than

More than
three Two sessions One session Early or
two sessions
sessions late late (1) late (1.5) on time
late (0.5)
(0) (2)

Efforts(4) Not Partially

N/A N/A Completed Completed Completed(4)
(1) (2)

Legibility(2) N/A N/A Poor(1) Good(1.5) Very Good(2)

Oral Assessment Partially

N/A N/A N/A Understood
(2) Understoo the
d the concept(2)
concept (1)

Total Marks :

Signature of the Teacher :

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