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When you see a number after a question, for example (3), this is the number of answers you will be
expected to give in your final assessment. Questions will be worded differently in final assessment.
What is the meaning of the term HAZARD?

• A hazard is a situation or something that can cause harm to


What is the meaning of the term RISK?

• The possibility that the hazard will cause injury or harm

(for example, death, injury or illness).

What is your duty of care as a worker? (2)

• Take care of your own health and safety while at work

• Take care not to affect others health and safety by your acts or
• Cooperate with your employer on Work Health and Safety Policies
and Procedures
• Not intentionally misuse or interfere with anything in the workplace

What can WorkSafe do to a High-Risk Work licence holder if they fail to

work safely? (2)

They can –
• Suspend your licence
• Cancel your licence
• Prosecute you
• Refuse to renew your licence
• Order a reassessment on your licence

Where could you find workplace safety information? (3)

• OHS/WHS Policies
• Operators Manual
• Manufacturers Instructions
• OHS/WHS Representative
• Legislation and Regulations
• Australian Standards
• Codes of Practice
• Management Plans
• Safe Work Procedures

What must an employer do to ensure the health and safety of an

employee? (3)

• Provide and maintain a safe workplace

• Provide and maintain safe equipment
• Provide and maintain safe work systems
• Provide adequate facilities (e.g. toilets)
• Provide instruction, information, training and supervision
• Ensure the safe use, handling and storage of equipment and
You have just got your Forklift Licence and are using an unfamiliar forklift.
What should your employer do? (2)
• Training,
• Instruction
• Information
• Supervision.
Who could you talk to about hazards before you start work? (3)
• Workmates
• Supervisors
• Managers
• Safety Representatives
• Workplace engineers
• OHS Reps and OHS committee members
Why should we talk to people about hazards before we start work? (1)
• To identify any workplace hazards
• So we understand and follow workplace rules and procedures
• To identify any hazards and controls
What are some workplace hazards you need to plan for? (7)
• Powerlines
• Underground Service Lines
• People / Pedestrians
• Doorways / Exits
• Other Equipment
• Weather / Wind
• Vehicle Traffic
• Blind Corners
• Uneven Ground
• Ramps or Slopes
• Wet Surfaces
• Loading Docks
• Surrounding buildings
• Bridges
• Dangerous Materials
• Bad lighting
What is the minimum distance you have to keep away from overhead powerlines?
(The information below refers to rules in the state of Victoria)


WITHOUT A SPOTTER – 6.4 metres WITHOUT A SPOTTER – 10 metres
How can you find out the voltage of overhead powerlines?

• Call the power company

What 5 steps do you take if you hit powerlines with your forklift?

1. Warn others to keep away

2. Try break contact with the powerlines

3. Stay in the Machine if Safe. If unsafe jump clear from machine, land
with two feet together and shuffle or hop away with two feet still
together at least 8 metres from the forklift.

4. Report to management/power authority.

5. Do not use the forklift until it has been checked.

What visual systems can be used to identify overhead powerlines? (2)

• Tiger Tails
• Warning Signs
• Powerline marker balls
• Different coloured markers
• Painting the bottom part of the power pole

What hazard control measures can be used in the workplace to protect

people? (3)

• Warning signs
• Barriers / Fencing
• Flashing hazard lights
• Flag people
• Traffic management plans
• Pedestrian exclusion zones
• Vehicle exclusion zones

If you’re operating a forklift in a dark area, what must you do?

• Make sure you have good lighting so you can see the work area

Why is it dangerous to use an internal combustion engine (such as a gas

forklift) in a confined area?

• You can breathe in dangerous gases.

What would be the best type of forklift to use in this situation?

• An electric (battery operated) forklift as it does not produce these

dangerous gases.

However, if charging batteries, why do you need good airflow?

• When charging, batteries release explosive gases. Good airflow

reduces the risk of an explosion.
Why do you turn off the engine if refuelling a forklift?

• The fuel can catch fire.

What would you do to be safe when driving a forklift on a wet or slippery

surface? (2)

• Drive slowly
• Be extra careful
• Avoid ramps and slopes
• Avoid sudden braking

What could be an advantage of checking the weather forecast before you

begin work? (1)

• This can help you plan the work environment

• This can help you reduce risks
• This can help you schedule work activities

Forklifts steer with their rear tyres which causes ‘rear end’ swing. Why is
this dangerous?

• Rear end swing is a risk to people and structures due to the rapid
speed of turning.

How can you communicate with other people to ensure their safety? (3)

• Signs
• Writing
• Verbally / Talking
• Hand signals
• Eye contact
• Warning devices (horn)
• Worksite protocol

If your communication stops working or you don’t understand what a

workmate said to you, what would you do?

• Stop the forklift and get them to repeat the last signal

Other than hazards, what else do you need to plan for to ensure you work safely? (5)

• What you’re lifting

• How you will lift it Permits
• Communication with others
• Location of your task
• Specifics of your task Attachments or Access to load
• Permits you might need
• Equipment you might need Capacity or Communication
• Forklift capacity
• Blind spots or blind corners
• Path you will travel
What are some pre-start checks you would conduct on the forklift before
you begin using it? (6)

Tyres –
• Secured, in good condition, no wear or damage, air pressure.
Forks/Tynes –
• Evenly spread, no sharp edges and locking pins are in place.
Guards –
• Overhead Guard and Load Backrest.
Structure –
• No cracks, bends, dents, distortion or any broken parts.
Mast –
• Chains are level, rams not pitted or leaking, no wear. Check no
damage or leaks to hydraulic hoses.
Log book –
• Correct for forklift and up to date.
Controls –
• Clearly marked, steering wheel is secure.
Seat –
• Check seat is secure and seatbelt is in good working order.
Lights and beacons –
• All working and in good condition
Data Plate –
• In place, legible and correct. Determine Safe Work Load (SWL).
Battery –
• Working and in good condition.
Battery Charge –
• Charge metre is green or at least at 75% when raising forks.
Gas bottle –
• Gas levels, secured, in date and no damage.
Liquid levels –
• Oil
• Hydraulic Fluid
• Fuel
• Coolant
• Brake Fluid
• Transmission Fluid
• Power Steering Fluid
• Check for any leaks on or under the forklift including hoses.
If the data plate is damaged and you can’t read it, what would you do?

• Don’t use the forklift

• Isolate the forklift
• Tag out the forklift
• Report the issue
• Fill out the problem in the log book
What are some hazards associated with weather that can affect your
forklift operations? (3)

• Snow and/or ice

• Wet and/or slippery surfaces
• Strong winds
• Smoke
• Heat and sun exposure
• Poor visibility

Why is it important to keep tyres at the correct air-pressure?

• To make sure the forklift remains stable.

What defects would you check for on wheels and tyres? (4)

• Any large chunks missing

• Uneven wear
• Tyres are worn down
• Damage to sidewall
• Flat tyre
• Tyre and wheels are insecurely fitted

Where would you find out the correct way to secure an attachment on the

• In the manufacturers instructions.

What will likely happen to the load capacity of the forklift when you add
an attachment? (1)

• The load capacity will be reduced.

• The load centre distance could increase

What are some guards fitted to a forklift and what do they do? (2)

Overhead Guard –
• Protects the operator from falling objects.

Load Backrest –
• Protects the operator and stops the load from hitting the mast.

Foot Guard –
• Protects the operators feet.

What are some pre-operational checks you would carry out before starting
to work on the forklift? (3)
• Brakes are working
• Steering is working
• Hydraulics (controls) working
• Warning devices work
• Horn and reverse beeper work
• Lights are working
• Gauges for any warning
How can you find out the weight of the load you are about to lift? (3)

• Check the weighbridge or consignment note

• Read the weight on the load
• Weigh the load
• Calculate the load
• Check inventory systems

You can’t see where you’re going, what should you do? (2)

• Drive in reverse
• Use a guide or spotter
• Repack the load

Why should you watch and monitor your load when you’re moving?

• To ensure the load is stable

Which way would your load face when driving up a ramp?

• With the load facing UP the ramp.

(When driving down a ramp the load should also be facing forward UP the
ramp and you should travel in reverse)

What can happen if you turn a loaded forklift on a ramp or slope? (2)

• The load can fall off and you might tip over the forklift.

Why is it unsafe to raise or lower a load near people?

• The load or part of the load could fall and injure or kill people.

When can you carry passengers on a forklift?

• When the forklift is designed to do so, with an extra seat and


Why is it dangerous to travel with the load raised in the air?

• The forklift has a higher chance of tipping over.

When carrying a load, what is a safe height to carry the load at?

• At axle height or as low as practicable to ground.

Why is dangerous to carry a load only using one fork arm? (2)

• The forklift will be unstable

• The load will be unstable
• Can damage the tynes
• Can damage the mast or carriage
What can cause the forklift to tip over SIDEWAYS? (3)

• Turning too fast

• Driving too fast
• Uneven ground
• Uneven load
• Turning with load in the air
• Side shift not in the middle
• Turning on a slope
• Flat tyre

Other than fork tynes, what other attachments can be used on a forklift? (3)
Bale clamps Carpet Spike Drum carrier Jib

Paper roll clamps Personal work Rotators Slippers/Fork

platform extensions

What can cause the forklift to tip over FORWARDS or BACKWARDS? (3)

• Uneven ground
• Uneven load
• Driving too fast
• Braking too hard
• Overloaded
• Load centre too far forward
• Load not pushed back
• Using tilt incorrectly
• Operating on a slope
• Driving with a raised load
• Hitting overhead obstructions

What do you do if your forklift is tipping over? (2)

• Stay in the forklift

• Brace yourself
• Lean away from impact

Why must you always wear your seatbelt on a forklift? (1)

• It stops the operator falling out if the forklift tips over.
• It stops the operator being thrown in the forklift structure in a
A forklift has a point of balance (fulcrum), where is it?

Why should you keep your side-shift centralised when traveling with a

• To keep the forklift and the load stable.

You’re stacking things on top of each other, what do you need to make
sure? (3)

• Loads are stacked on a level surface

• Stack doesn’t not become too high and unstable
• Heavy goods are at the bottom
• The load below can support the load above

What should you place over the gap between a truck and a loading dock?

• A secured bridge plate or dock plate.

Where do you find the rated load capacity for a forklift and attachments?

• On the forklifts data plate.

What is the main hazard using a jib attachment?

• The load swings causing less stability and a change to the loads
centre of gravity.

What would you do in the event of machine failure, such as loss of brakes,
steering or failure of hydraulic system? (2)

• Stop the forklift

• Activate emergency stop procedure
• Return forklift to lowered position
• Lock out and tag out the forklift
• Report to management
• Have machine checked before use

Where is the load centre distance on this forklift load?

The load centre distance is measured from the vertical face of the forks
to the loads centre of gravity.
If the load is not pushed back touching the heel of the forks, what affect
does this have on the forklift?

• The forklifts capacity is reduced and stability is affected.

What is the most common load centre distance on a forklift?

• 600mm 600mm
Why? Because standard Australian pallets are 1200mm x 1200mm

Where would you not park your forklift? (3)

• First aid stations

• Fire-fighting equipment
• Doorways
• Emergency Exits
• Ramps or slopes
• Pedestrian walkways
• Blocking traffic
• Under overhead powerlines* (where clearance is not sufficient)
• Within 2m from a rail track.
What steps do you take when parking your forklift? (3)
• Forks lowered and flat to the ground
• Forklift put in neutral
• Parking brake applied
• Turn off forklift
• Remove key

Why do you take out the key when you leave the forklift?
• To prevent someone who is not authorised using the forklift.

(The questions and answers in the final assessment will be different from the ones in this book).
You have to move a load.
The load is stacked cartons on a pallet.

• 4 Cartons per layer

• 6 layers of cartons
• The pallet weighs 15kg
• Each carton weighs 25kg

What is the total weight?


There are 6 layers and each layer has 4 cartons (4 x 6 = 24)
There are 24 cartons in total and each carton weighs 25kg (24 x 25 = 600)
Total weight of cartons is 600kg. Now we have to add the pallet weight of 15kg (600 + 15 = 615kg)

Total weight = 615kg

You have to move a load.
The load is bags of flour on a pallet.

• 45 bags of flour
• Each bag weighs 20kg
• The pallet weighs 30kg

What is the total weight?


There are 45 bags weighing 20kg each (45 x 20 = 900)
Total weight of flour is 900kg. Now we have to add the pallet weight of 30kg (900 + 30 = 930kg)

Total weight = 930kg

You have to move a load.
The load is drums full of water on a pallet.
Each drum contains 200 litres of water.
An empty drum weighs 13kg.

• There are 4 drums

• Each contains 200 litres of water
• The Pallet weighs 20kg

What is the total weight?


Each drum has 200 litres of water (1 litre of water weighs 1kg) and the weight of the empty drum is
13kg so one drum with 200litres would weight (200 + 13 = 213kg)
There are 4 drums with 200 litres of water (4 x 213kg = 852kg)
Total weight of drums is 852kg. Now we have to add the pallet weight of 20kg (852 + 20 = 872kg)

Total weight = 872kg

These forklifts have a rated capacity of 1670kg at a 600mm load centre distance.
Which load/s are unsafe to be lifted?


The rated capacity of these forklifts is 1670kg and all the forklift diagrams are carrying 1670kg so the
weight of the load is fine, however at that weight the load centre distance must be 600mm.
(1 diagram) The length of load is 1300mm, the load centre distance (half the length) is 650mm.
(2nd diagram) The length of load is 600mm, the load centre distance (half the length) is 300mm.
(3rd diagram) The length of load is 800mm, the load centre distance (half the length) is 400mm.
So which load is unsafe to be lifted?
The first diagram as the load centre distance is 650mm and therefore 50mm over the allowed
distance at a weight of 1670kg.
These forklifts have a rated capacity of 2280kg at a 600mm load centre distance.
Which load/s are safe to be lifted?


The rated capacity of these forklifts is 2280kg and all the forklift diagrams are carrying 2280kg so the
weight of the load is fine, however at that weight the load centre distance must be 600mm.
(1 diagram) The length of load is 1300mm, the load centre distance (half the length) is 650mm.
(2nd diagram) The length of load is 1000mm, the load centre distance (half the length) is 500mm.
(3rd diagram) The length of load is 1200mm, the load centre distance (half the length) is 600mm.
So which load/s are safe to be lifted?
The 2 and 3 diagram as the load centre distance of the 2nd diagram is 500mm and therefore
nd rd

100mm under the allowed distance at a weight of 2280kg.

In the 3 diagram the load centre distance is 600mm, so this load is right on the capacity of this
forklift at a weight of 2280kg. Any heavier and any longer load centre distance would make this
forklift unsafe.

Look at the following forklift data plate to find out what this forklift is capable of safely lifting.

How high can this forklift lift? 3609mm

What is the load centre distance on this forklift? 600mm
What is the rated capacity of this forklift with the mast in a vertical position? 1920kg
What is the rated capacity of this forklift with the mast tilted forward three degrees? 1650kg
Can a load weighing 1920kg with a load centre distance of 700mm be lifted in the vertical position?
No, because the rated capacity is 1920kg with a load centre of 600mm so the load
centre distance is 100mm over the allowed distance at a weight of 1920kg.
Can a load weighing more than 1920kg be lifted in the vertical position?
No, because the rated capacity of the forklift is 1920kg, so any heavier and the forklift
will be overloaded.
Can a load weighing 1920kg with a load centre distance of 550mm be lifted in the vertical position?
Yes, because the load centre distance is 50mm under the allowed 600mm.
Can a load weighing 1730kg be lifted with the mast tilted forward 3 degrees?
No, because the rated capacity of the forklift with the mast tilted forward 3 degrees is
1650kg so the forklift would be overloaded.
Look at the following forklift data plate to find out is the following loads can be lifted safely.

A Pallet 1140mm in length by 1140mm width with a height of 1100mm and a total weight of 1850kg.

Is this load safe to lift?


1850kg is less than the rated capacity of 6180kg so the weight is safe.
The load centre distance (B) of 1140mm is 570mm so it is within the allowed 920mm load centre.
The load centre distance (C) of 1100mm is 550mm so it is within the allowed 920mm load centre.
So YES, this load is safe to be lifted.
A shipping container containing a 5700kg load.
The tare weight of the container is 2400kg.
The container size is –
2.0m wide, 2.6m high and 2.6m long

Is this load safe to lift?


The container has a 5700kg load. The weight of an empty container (tare weight) is 2400kg.
You will have to add the weight of the load and empty container (5700kg + 2400kg = 8100kg)
The container is over the permitted rated capacity of this forklift which is 6180kg.
Not only that but if the width of the load as stated is 2.0 metres (2000mm), the load centre distance
will be 1000mm and therefore also over the 920mm load centre distance on this data plate.
What about if the container in load two was empty?


If the container was empty then it weighs 2400kg which is under the rated capacity, however, the
width of the container is 2.0m (2000mm) wide so therefore the load centre distance is 1000mm.
The data plate states that the load centre distance of this forklift is 920mm at a weight of 6180kg.
Even though the container weight is well below the forklifts capacity the load centre is too long.
You cannot take a guess of how much you can lift and must refer to the data plate. If the rated
capacity or load centre distance is over, do not lift the load.
(***Most forklifts have a load chart on the machine or in the manufacturers instructions
which will inform you of rated capacities at different load centre distances).
Star Training and Assessing
16 Laser Drive, Rowville VIC 3178
153 Australis Drive, Derrimut VIC 3026

Contact us –
VIC, NSW, and TAS: (03) 9720 7666
QUEENSLAND: (07) 3556 5327
WA: 0412 224 168

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