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-The sermon on the mount is a collection of sayings spoken by Jesus of Nazareth
found in the gospel of Matthew that emphasizes his morals teachings.
-According to the Gospel of Matthew Jesus began His ministry soon after His
cousin John the Baptist baptized Him in River Jordan from there Jesus went into
Judea wilderness where he was tempted by satan.
-After these events Jesus returned to Israel left Nazareth and went to live in
Carpenaum by the sea .There he began preaching and gathered His first disciples.
-Speaking at the sermon on the mount ,Jesus spoke with devine authority to the
crowds gathering and went up the mountain side there,he sat down and begun to
teach .
-The sermon on the mount and Revelation on Sinai.The last time Jewish people
gathered in great crowds to receive great teachings from the lord as at Sinai .Here
is where God gave the ten commandments to the Israelites .God visited His
people in the ten commandments to the Israelites.God visited His people in the
form of a man.
-Main points on the sermon on the mount on the mount of beatitudes ,Jesus
pointed our weakeness .He showed us that we are not able to keep the Torah in
the spirit.
-What are beatitudes ? The sermon on the mount reveals our inability to keep
the the law in power of our own strength and fortitude .Realizing our weakenss
and our needs leaves us hungering for more.
-Between law and love ;The sermon on the mount teaches us another way.Love
is not consolation or acceptance of sin but love is fulfilling the law .Our
relationships with one another are so important to God.
-The sermon on the mount encourages us to love our enemies as we love
ourselves and to be gentle with one another.

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