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Macbeth Act 1 notes

● Act 1, Scene 1: The play begins with three witches (also known as the
Weird Sisters) who plan to meet Macbeth after a battle. They set an
eerie tone by discussing their next meeting with him.
● Act 1, Scene 2: King Duncan learns of Macbeth's victory in battle
against the traitorous Macdonwald and the Norwegian forces.
Macbeth and his loyal companion Banquo are introduced as brave
warriors. Duncan declares that Macbeth will be rewarded with the
title Thane of Cawdor.
● Act 1, Scene 3: The witches meet again and await Macbeth and
Banquo. They prophesy that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor
and then king, while Banquo's descendants will also be kings. The
witches vanish before Macbeth and Banquo arrive. Macbeth is
informed by Ross that he has indeed been made Thane of Cawdor,
fulfilling the first part of the prophecy.
● Act 1, Scene 4: Macbeth and Banquo meet King Duncan, who praises
Macbeth's bravery and declares his intention to visit Macbeth's
castle. Macbeth contemplates the possibility of murdering Duncan to
fulfill the witches' prophecy, but he also acknowledges his loyalty to
the king.
● Act 1, Scene 5: Lady Macbeth reads a letter from Macbeth about the
witches' prophecies. She becomes ambitious and decides to
manipulate Macbeth into killing Duncan so that he can become king.
Lady Macbeth calls on supernatural spirits to make her more
masculine and ruthless, willing to do anything to achieve their
● Act 1, Scene 6: King Duncan arrives at Macbeth's castle and is
warmly welcomed by Lady Macbeth, who acts hospitably while
secretly planning Duncan's murder.
● Act 1, Scene 7: Macbeth debates whether or not to go through with
the murder. He acknowledges Duncan's virtues as a king and fears
the consequences of regicide. Lady Macbeth questions his
masculinity and manipulates him, convincing him to proceed with the
plan. Macbeth ultimately agrees to the murder.
● Act 1, Scene 8: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth finalize their plans for the
murder. Lady Macbeth instructs Macbeth to act normal and
welcoming towards Duncan while she prepares for the crime.

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