Iex 3e Pre-Intermediate Tests U7

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Progress Test UNIT 7 Grammar

1 Correct the underlined mistakes in each conversation. Write the correct words. Score
1 A Did you ever been _________________________1 on a management training course? __
B Yes, I done _______________ a course last year.
A Has it _________________________3 useful? __
B It was OK, but I think I did learned _______________ more by just doing my current job.
2 A Were the team met _________________________5 the new sales manager yet? __
B Yes, Helen was just introduce _________________________ us. 6
A What have you think _________________________7 of him? __
B He’s very experienced. He did worked _______________ in six countries in his
career already.
A Yes, he always has get _______________9 the best sales results in his last job. __
3 A How long was Takuya been _________________________10 self-employed? __
B Since _______________ about a year.
He was set up _________________________12 the business with a university friend __
last summer.
A Did it _________________________13 successful so far? __
B They didn’t made _________________________ much money yet
– about £10,000 ever _______________15 they started. __
2 Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets or short answers.
1 A Tell me about Ewa. _________________________1 (she / ever / give) a presentation? __
B Yes, she _______________2, just last week. __
A _______________ (she / do) a good job then?
B Yes, she _______________4. __
She _______________5 (give) an excellent presentation. __
2 A Can I just check on progress? Misha, _______________6 (you / send) the report yet? __
B No, I _______________ . 7
I’m sorry, but I _______________8 (not have) time so far this week. __
A OK, but it needs to go today. The client _______________9 (phone) me earlier this __
morning to ask for it.
B Oh, I _______________10 (not know) that. I’ll send it after lunch. __
A Great. So, Alex, _______________ (you / get) my email yesterday – about the
production meeting?
C Sorry, I _______________12 (be) on holiday yesterday __
and I _______________13 (not check) my email yet today. __
A Well, in the message I _______________14 (ask) you to update the schedule. __
C That’s no problem. I _______________ (do) that already. I’ll send it after the meeting.

International Express Third Edition Pre-Intermediate

Progress Test UNIT 7 Vocabulary
1 Look at the graph. Complete the conversation with these words. Score
dramatically fall fallen and risen go up grown increase peaked rise slight steadily

A So, Bruno, can you talk us through the graph for cinema revenue last year?
B Sure. So, as you can see, revenue has _______________1 three times over the last twelve months. __
From $150 million in January, revenue dropped _______________2 in the following __
three months.
C So why did it _______________3 again in May? __
B The _______________ then was because a lot of family films were released in the spring quarter.
Then there was a _______________5 drop, followed by a __
_________________ to just over $250 million in July.
A Then revenue fell _______________7 back to $100 million in September. __
B Yes, a _______________ of more than $150 million – because of poor summer sales and some
bad films!
Things improved and revenue has _______________9 significantly in the autumn and winter. __
Christmas sales meant that revenue _______________10 in December. __
2 Find two mistakes in each sentence. Write the correct sentence.
1 There was a slightly decrease of the number of orders in the first quarter.
___________________________________________________________________ __/2
2 After a rise, sales levelled up in the second quarter for 1,000 units a week.
___________________________________________________________________ __/2
3 Unemployment rise but then fell again sharp in the following six months.
___________________________________________________________________ __/2
4 The euro went up of 0.04, at 0.78 to 0.82 pounds sterling.
___________________________________________________________________ __/2
5 Inflation remained stably for the first two quarters of 5.4%.
___________________________________________________________________ __/2

International Express Third Edition Pre-Intermediate

Progress Test UNIT 7 Work skills
1 Complete the advice. Choose the correct words (a, b, or c). Score
The key to a good presentation is to _______________ as early as possible and to
_______________2 things simple. __
_______________ out who your audience is and _______________ the main aim
3 4
of the presentation.
_______________5 your presentation a few times before the day of the presentation. __
_______________6 the equipment on the day before the presentation if you can. __
Don’t _______________ your presentation word for word, just use your notes.
_______________8 the audience time to read what’s on your slides and __
_______________ eye contact with them as much as possible.
If you are nervous, _______________10 deeply and try not to speak too fast. __

1 a prefer b prepare c present

2 a keep b hold c have
3 a Find b Look c Make
4 a give b keep c decide
5 a Practice b Take c Include
6 a Check b Check in c Check up
7 a write b use c read
8 a Let b Give c Make
9 a give b keep c do
10 a breathe b speak c rest

International Express Third Edition Pre-Intermediate

Progress Test UNIT 7 Functions
1 Complete the interview. Use the prompts to write the questions. Score
1 A you / ever / work / abroad?
______________________________________? __/2
B Yes, I worked in Russia two years ago.
2 A where / you / work?
______________________________________? __/2
B I was a tour guide in Saint Petersburg.
3 A how long / you / work / there?
______________________________________? __/2
B Just over nine months. It was a great experience.
4 A what / you / learn / during that time?
______________________________________? __/2
B A lot – about dealing with people and being organized.
5 A what / you / do / now?
______________________________________? __/2
B I’m responsible for promoting cultural tours in Eastern Europe.
2 Complete the interview. Choose the correct words (a, b, or c).
A Can you tell me something about your qualifications?
B Yes, of course. I have a _______________1 in graphic design. __
I _______________ three years _______________ .
2 3
A _______________4 any other courses _______________5 then? __/2
B Yes, I _______________ . I _______________ a course in website development last year.
6 7
A How _______________ that helped you so far?
B I am more confident with the technical side now.
A What about management? Have you _______________9 managed a team of designers? __
B Not really. In my last job, the team _______________ too small for management opportunities.

1 a course b degree c graduate

2 a finalized b graduated c passed
3 a since b for c ago
4 a Did you do b Have you done c Are you doing
5 a for b ago c since
6 a did b am c have
7 a have completed b am completing c completed
8 a did b has c was
9 a ever b already c yet
10 a are b was c has been

UNIT 7 TEST: Grammar __/30 Vocabulary __/20 Work skills __/10 Functions Total __/80

International Express Third Edition Pre-Intermediate

International Express Third Edition Pre-Intermediate

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