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Dear Amazon USA Seller Performance Team,

thank you for providing me the opportunity to appeal my seller account's suspension due to
intellectual property complaints.

I understand that Amazon takes complaints about violations of intellectual property rights of
brands or rights owners very seriously and I would like to share with you my Plan of Action in
which I explain what I have done to resolve the .rssue and what will I do to prevent similar
complaints in the future.

What happened:
- I received a trademark infringement complaint from the rights owner xxxxx.xx.xx for the AS114
- The rights owner has rmstakenly reported my Amazon store, despite the goods were authentic
and sourced directly from their company-
- I believe that this happened because my store name was recently changed and the rights
owner did not recognise my store name on the ASIA_

What I have done to address this problem-

- I have immediately removed atll listings from my store for which I received complaints. I will not
relist therm until Amazon allows me to reinstate the content.
- I have contacted the ri-ghts owner xxxxxxxxx from xxxxxxxxx to let her know that their
company mistakenly reported my Amazon store and I asked them 10 send a retraction notice to
Amazon as soon as possible,
I have carefully reviewed my entire Amazon account and inventory 10 make sure that all my
listings we fully compliant with the Amazon policies and guidelines, especially the ones
regarding trademarks and intellectual property.
- I contacted all my other suppliers to let them know that I am selling on Amazon and provided
them my new store name to prevent them erroneously reporting me for trademark infringement

What I will do to prevent similar complaints in the future!

- Before listing any new products for sale on Amazon. I will verify that the products Of listings
don't violate anyone's intellectual property, trademark, copyright or a patent..
Also, k will be contacting my suppliers to ask them if I can offer their merchandise on Amazon_
I will continue sourcing all my inventory directly from the manufacturers_
- I will regularly read and reread the Amazon guidelines and $3olicies to make sure that I am riot
in violation of any of the rules. Also, I will monitor all changes of the policies or any applicable
laws, which could affect me or my account and read proactively.

I believe that this plan sufficiently addresses the issue and I hope I will be able to continue selling on


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