Updated-Proposal No 1120 - AI Teddy

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Request for

Prepared For
Mr. Ankit Narsi

Project Name
AI Powered Teddy

Proposal No
Table of Contents

About us 3
Our Past Clients 4
Scope - Features & Functions 5
Customer (Mobile Apps) 5
Admin Panel 10
Quality Analysis 12
Technology Stack 14
Project Management 17
Execution Timeline 20
Your Investment 21
Payment Milestones 22
Annual Maintenance Plan 23
Solution Warranty & Terms 27
Other Important Information 31
Definition of Done 31
Scope Change Process 32
Escalation Process 32
Help & FAQs 33
Contact Us 35
Next Steps 36
Terms & Conditions 37
Annexure I 41
About us
Henceforth Solution is a leading provider of digital solutions such as Mobile apps
for iOS & Android, interactive Websites, Web Apps, Progressive Web Apps(PWA),
IoT, Blockchain, and Branding solutions. We have been providing Full Stack
solutions across a wide set of verticals such as
● IoT Solutions
○ Smart Homes
○ Smart Agriculture
○ Smart Industries
○ Smart Cities
● Cryptocurrency & NFT
○ NFT marketplaces
○ Blockchain
● E-commerce Solutions
○ Custom
○ WooCommerce
○ Shopify
● An on-Demand economy such as
○ Ride-Hailing apps like Uber,
○ TaskRabbit like marketplaces for local freelancers,
○ Airbnb-like travel marketplaces,
○ Tinder-like Dating marketplaces,
○ Fitness Solutions for gym trainers
● Fintech solutions like Robo investment Advisor,
○ Financial Planner,
○ Real estate pricing solutions
● Business Automation apps
● Social media apps
● Chatting apps
Our Past Clients
Scope - Features & Functions
Customer (Mobile Apps)
● Splash Screen
○ It will be a loading screen animation of the app’s logo and slogan.
○ The loading icon will be a simple circle spinning when within the app"
● Signup - Social
○ Signup With (this requires integration of google, facebook, apple sdk)
■ Google
■ Apple
■ Facebook
○ Signup-Social Process
■ Can add profile picture (optional)
■ Email (automatically filled in)
■ Full name (automatically filled in)
■ Accept terms and conditions (required)
● Bottom Navigation Menu
○ Home Button Icon
○ Voice Prompt - a Microphone Button
○ Story Creation section
○ Settings Icon
● Home Section
○ Welcome Message
○ Information of the app - Tutorials, Help Section, FAQ,
○ Couple of slides showing illustrations created on the platform
○ Subscriptions
● Prompt Section-
○ Ability to name the teddy and have teddy address child by their name
○ Prompt will be activated when user says “Hey (teddies name)”
○ There will be two types of prompt: one is text prompt, and another is
voice prompt. Users can either type in their prompt or they can use
an in-built MIC to record the prompt in the form of voice.
○ A text input field where users can type in their prompt based on their
○ This section allows the parents to record their voice prompt that will
serve as the basis for their story or poem.
○ It will record the voice prompt along with a playback button to allow
the parents to listen to their voice prompt before moving on.
○ Detailed step by step Functionality of the Voice prompt is as
● Tapping on the icon will start taking the voice input from the
user(parents), and the parents can speak into the microphone
and input their voice prompt.

● USDio waveform: When users start recording their voice

prompt, it will display an USDio waveform to give them visual
feedback that their voice is being recorded. This can help
reassure users that their prompt is being captured.

● Progress bar: Depending on the length of the voice prompt, it

will display a progress bar or countdown timer to indicate how
much time is remaining. This can help users pace their prompt
and ensure that they're not speaking for too long.(Voice
prompt should meet certain duration threshold)

● Text input box: After the voice prompt has been recorded, we
will use use a speech recognition library or API such as Apple's
Speech Recognition API or Google's Cloud Speech-to-Text API
to enable speech-to-text conversion to display a text input box
where users can review and edit the text transcription of their
prompt. Users can confirm and submit it to the OpenAI API for
● AI Generator Settings
● Parental controls - moral, story type, name of child, age
of child, ability to see what the child is prompting,
database to store stories and replay.
● Ability to adjust the temperature/variance of chatgpt
● Ability to choose different languages.

● Story display area: Once the user's voice prompt has been
processed and a story has been generated, it will display the
resulting story in a clear and readable format.

● Feedback and customization options: Parents can modify or

provide feedback on the generated illustrations. A "Like" or
"Dislike" button that allows the parents to give feedback on the
generated illustrations. There will also be customization
options that allow the parents to change the color or style of
the generated illustrations.

● Save and share buttons:There will be an option that allows the

parents to save or share the generated illustrations. Options
like "Save Image" or "Share on Social Media".
○ Ability to Browse all the Saved Voice Prompts and Stories.
○ Story Templates and Prompts:
■ A collection of story templates or prompts to inspire parents
and provide creative ideas.
■ It Offers various genres, themes, or age-appropriate prompts
to suit different storytelling needs.
■ Allow parents to customize the templates or prompts
according to their preferences.
● Story Creation Section: This section allows the parents to create their story
based on the voice or text or using template prompts
○ Editing
■ This section includes text input fields where they can type in
their story or poem, or AI-generated text based on their voice
prompt or the template. This basically allows the parents to
edit their story or poem.
■ There will be options to add or delete text, as well as
formatting options such as bold, italic, and underline.
○ Preview and Finalisation
■ This section allows the parents to preview their final story or
poem, and make any final edits or revisions before submitting
○ Share or Save
■ Finally, the parents could save their completed story or poem
to their device in the Gallery Section from where they can
browse, edit or share it with others via social media or email.
■ View all the previously generated stories
● AI Narration section: This section will enable the users to push the stories
generated to the AI narrator that will process the stories from text to voice
using AI-powered text-to-speech (TTS) technology to generate high-quality,
natural-sounding voices. It will use deep learning models and neural
networks to produce human-like intonation, rhythm, and expression.
○ Customisation section:
■ Ability to select voice options based on gender and age.
■ Ability to change the pitch, speed and volume.
■ Ability to change language as well.
● Gallery Section:
○ In this section parents can browse stories created by them with
ability to
■ Browse
■ Make edits and re-generate the stories
■ Ability to share it via social media
■ Allow parents to organize stories into categories or collections.
○ Story Playback:
■ Enable children to listen to the stories using the mobile app.
■ A player interface with controls for play, pause, and skip.
○ There will be engagement buttons enabling parents to
■ Like
■ Dislike
■ Save/Download
■ Print
■ Share it on Social Media
● Subscription Section
○ View all the subscription Tiers
■ a free version with limited features,
■ a basic version with more features, and
■ a premium version with more and advanced features
○ View their Pricing
○ Select a tier and checkout
○ Setting up & Integration of Payment Gateway such as Stripe, Paypal
○ Implementation of in-app purchase
● Settings Screen
○ Allows the parents to manage their profile
○ Ability to view profile details, ability to make changes
○ Parental controls: Enabling parents or guardians to monitor their
child activity within the app, set usage limits, and customize settings
based on their child age and needs.
○ Change Password
○ Log Out
● About
○ Help and tutorials: This section explains how to use the drawing tools
and other features of the app.
○ Rate App
○ Legal
○ Terms & Conditions
○ Cancellation Policy

Admin Panel
● Authentication
○ Login: Login into the email using
■ Email ID /Username(unique - database that generates unique
usernames - auto generated
■ Password (Password Policy - system locks after 3 failed
attempts; reset password must be sent to secured email;
reminder to reset password before 90 day expiration date;
password changes every 90 days; multi - faceted
authentication; password character 8 - 12 characters -
○ Forgot Password:
■ Option to reset the password( 2 factor authentication)
● Dashboard
○ View app's subscription metrics and analyze them using
■ Number of subscribers,
■ Revenue,
■ User engagement Levels,
■ New Signups,
■ Subscription Churn rate, and
■ Retention rate.
○ Ability to export the data into excel, csv
● Users management
○ View complete profile of registered Users
○ Option to activate or deactivate Users account
○ Option to search for particular Users /Email/ or by his name
○ Management of Subscriptions
■ The system will provide information about the user's
subscription tier, pricing, features, billing cycle, and billing
■ Notification and Alerts: The system will send notifications and
alerts to users regarding upcoming billing cycles, subscription
renewals, and any billing or payment issues that may arise.
● Payment management: A payment management interface that allows
admin to view
○ Payment data including transaction history, payment amounts, and
payment method used.
○ Management of Payment Gateways
○ Refunds and cancellations: Ability to process refunds and
cancellations quickly and efficiently.
○ Export data into .excel, .csv
● Help topics
○ It enables the admin to create help topics for the users for all the
basics about using the platform.
○ View all the help topics
■ Ability to edit the topic
■ Ability to remove
○ Add new help topic
● Content Management System
○ It enables the admin to create all the static pages such as Terms of
Service, Privacy policy, Driver Agreement, Legal policy, Promo Code
policy, etc.
○ View all the static pages
■ Ability to edit the information of the page
■ Delete the page
○ Create a new page
● Support Requests
○ View all the queries raised by users
○ Respond to a query (not in real time)

Clients will be provided with the below listed deliverables during the project.
1. Mobile Client Application built after completion of every milestone.
2. Source code: Front end and back end.

Quality Analysis
The process is aimed at making sure the deliverable is highly qualitative and meets
the client's expectations and business objectives, as well as industry standards. It
starts with requirements analysis and runs continuously throughout the
development process.
The process ownership lies with a dedicated Testing Team that ensures
conformance to predefined Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC)
● Quality Assurance Process
The Quality assurance process starts from requirement analysis and is
integrated with the complete development lifecycle. Various stages of the
process are:
● Requirement Analysis
○ The requirement analysis phase involves walkthrough and inspection
○ validate the requirement.
○ The requirement is analyzed by the technical team and the QA team
○ The feedback is taken and incorporated in the Requirement
● Test Plan Definition
○ Based on the Requirement Specification, the Test Engineer prepares a
test plan
○ independently and uses it to test the deliverable at a later time.
● Unit Testing: TestComplete and Appium are our primary tools which are
being used for writing Unit tests (testing each component of the app
individually), integration tests(testing integration of the different
components/modules to see if they are functioning in harmony). It allows
creating, maintaining and executing UI tests for web, desktop and mobile
applications and allows testing of both hybrid & native apps.
● Performance testing: Performed for testing client application performance,
server performance, and network performance.
● Memory testing: Mobile devices come with limited memory as compared to
computers, this type of testing is performed to test the optimized memory
usage by an application.
● Interruption Testing: Used to check for interruptions due to incoming calls
or SMS, low memory warning, low battery warning, etc while running the
● Installation Testing: Installation Testing is used to check for the easy and
smooth installation process including updating and uninstalling as well.
● Usability Testing:As always it used to check the efficiency, effectiveness, and
satisfaction of the application.
● Code Review
○ As part of continual quality improvement, we have peer code review
processes in place.
● Quality Control Process
○ The Testing team validates the developed build extensively before it is
delivered to the client. The deliverable is tested for:
■ Functionality
■ Performance
■ Security
■ User Acceptance (commonly known as User Acceptance
Technology Stack
The following table will detail the technology, tools, platforms, and 3rd party APIs
we are going to use for obtaining the best results.

Particulars Technology/Tools
UI/UX Designing Figma, Adobe XD
iOS Mobile App Flutter
Android Mobile App Flutter
Website/landing Page React, Next.js, HTML, JS, CSS
APIs for AI Open AI, Chat GPT 3, Stable Diffusion
Back End Node JS
Admin Dashboard HTML, CS, JS, Bootstrap
Database MySQL
Web Server nGinx
Cloud/Hosting AWS
Security SSL, Cloudflare, AWS Cognito
File Storage AWS S3
Content Delivery Network CloudFront
Load Balancer Elastic Load Balancing
DNS Amazon Route53
Push Notification AWS SNS
Project Management Trello, Basecamp
Bugs Tracking Basecamp, Google Sheet
Code Versioning Github or BitBucket
CI/CD Tools Jenkins
3rd Party APIs
● Google Maps
● Stripe Payment Gateway
● Email integration(Amazon SES),
● SMS integration(Twillio)
● Payment Gateway(Stripe)
Language Support English
Social Media Integration Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc
Testing Methodology ● Functional Testing
● Usability Testing
● Interface Testing
● Compatibility Testing
● Performance Testing
● Security Testing
● Load/Capacity/Stress Testing
Code Repository ● Code will be pushed to the client’s github
repository after the completion of every
milestone. Clients will have sole
ownership of their code.

Server Architecture(Recommended)
● EC2 :-
○ OS type - ubuntu 16.04(LTS)
○ Ram - 32GB
○ CPU - 8 Core
○ Storage - 30GB
○ Platform - Node Js
● SSL Certificate:- SSL certificate with tls v1.2 for all Domains.
● Security:- AWS shield Managed DDOS protection and AWS WAF Web
Application Firewall.
● Maintenance :- Server request increases then server scaling.
Server Security(Recommended)
● Install DDOS protection tools(Optional)
● Set maximum of 3 attempt in web-server configuration file.like as nginx or
● Server ssh is only working on a particular IP address.
● Login the server Password Required and Password Expiration Policy.
● Create Multi-Server Environments.(Optional)
Project Management
We use the Scrum framework to set up meetings, tools, and roles that work in
concert to help teams structure and manage their work.

● Team roles
○ Product owner: Person who represents the stakeholders, and is the
voice of the customer.
○ Development team: Group of professionals who deliver the product
(developers, programmers, designers).
○ Scrum master: Organized team-leader/project-manager who ensures
the understanding and execution of Scrum is followed.
● Scrum events
○ Sprint: Iterative time boxes in which a goal is accomplished. The time
frame does not exceed one calendar month and is consistent
throughout the development process.
○ Sprint planning: Where the entire Scrum team get together — at the
beginning of every Sprint — to plan the upcoming sprint.
○ Daily Scrum: 15-minute time-boxed meeting held at the same time,
every day of the Sprint, where the previous day’s achievements are
discussed, as well as the expectations for the following one.
○ Sprint review: An informal meeting held at the end of every Sprint
where the Scrum team present their Increment to the stakeholders,
and discuss feedback.
○ Sprint retrospective: A meeting where the Scrum team reflects on the
proceedings of the previous Sprint and establishes improvements for
the next Sprint.
● Scrum Artifacts
○ Product backlog: Managed by the Product Owner, it’s where all the
requirements needed for a viable product are listed in order of
priority. Includes features, functions, requirements, enhancements,
and fixes that authorize any changes to be made to the product in
future releases.
○ Sprint backlog: A list of the tasks and requirements that need to be
accomplished during the next Sprint. Sometimes accompanied by a
Scrum task board, which is used to visualize the progress of the tasks
in the current Sprint, and any changes that are made in a ‘To Do,
Doing, and Done’ format.
● The Benefits of the Agile Methodology are:
○ Stakeholder Engagement
○ Transparency in development
○ Early and Predictable Delivery
○ Room for change requests
○ Focuses on Business Value
○ High-Quality Product

Communication with Project Team

Collaboration Tools
The developer engagement process is designed for feedback wherein you as a key
stakeholders are constantly impacting the different aspects. Collaboration and
● Communication Tools are Slack, Team viewer, Emails, Google Meet, Upwork,
Fiverr, Skype.
● During the initial stages of the project, till the design phase scheduled calls
are held with the client on every alternate day to gather feedback on
specification documents, customer journey flow charts, navigation,
wireframes and design themes. All calls are conducted in a timezone
convenient for the client.
● Basecamp will be used as a collaboration tool to share information and real
time updates on progress of the project. Links to documents, to-do lists,
questions for clients, discussions, wireframes and design powerpoint and
meeting summaries with action items are posted on basecamp.
● Development Phase: During the development phase, the project manager
leads daily scrum calls with the development and QA team. Clients are
welcome to participate in these calls. Also, there are fixed bi-weekly status
update meetings with the client and regular updates as required.
● Project Documentation
On different stages of the project, we will create and share following
documents as a part of project delivery:
● Discover
● Define
○ Customer Story Document
● Design
○ Mockups
○ Design Theme
○ Design Files
● Develop
○ Product Backlog
○ Test Plan Document (Test Cases, Execution Plan, Exit Criteria)
○ Test Reports for Each Build
○ API Documentation
○ DB Schema
● Deploy
○ Deployment Document
○ Commented Source Code
Execution Timeline
We're available to begin work on this project after the successful onboarding. The process takes
10-12 weeks depending on how quickly we get approvals at each point. The following table
details our projected execution timeline.

Stage Activities Completion

Project Kickoff Meeting Collaboration between client and 1-2days
project manager to discuss a set of
functionalities & features

Functional Prototype, User Mobile Apps will be deployed on the 10-12 days
Stories, Designs staging server(Testflight) and all the
functionalities can be tested and
suggestions /improvements can be
asked for.

Research & Development, Mobile 50 % Completion of Mobile Apps and 25-30 days
Apps/Dashboard/Admin Panel admin panel
Development Complete

Completion of Mobile Apps, 100% completion of mobile apps. 15-20 days

Admin panel, In-house testing as per our Mobile
Testing Apps testing policy & it will also be
available to the client for testing

Mobile Apps Launch, Production The Mobile Apps will be deployed on 4-6 days
deployment, Code Handover the stores after approval.

Disclaimer: The dates in the table above are estimates based on our experience with similar website development projects.
While we strive to estimate project timelines in every proposal accurately, we reserve the right to move delivery dates in
response to unforeseen delays or changes to project requirements.
Your Investment
The table below details the costs associated with the development of this project.

Name Price
Complete Package includes

+ Mobile Apps USD 10000

+ Backend USD 0

+ Admin Dashboard USD 0

+ Free 12 months
maintenance USD 0

+ Landing
Page(including CMS) USD 0

Total(ex - AMP) USD 10000

Disclaimer: Following are exclusions

1. App deployment on more than 1 production server and 1 development server.
The platform would need cloud server access, preferably AWS. AWS provides a free-tier plan:

AWS Costing depends on the resources taken, depending on the traffic that platforms
receive. In the future for 10k users per month, the pricing may remain under
$200-300 per month. If you plan an event that would get a lot of users in a very short
time then we can scale the AWS resources for that accordingly.

Scalability and Monitoring: AWS has inbuilt monitoring tools, database, and storage
solutions that relieve us of Performance management. We will only have to take care
of computation performance which we can monitor from the AWS panel.

2. Google and Apple Developer Account Payment Details

Payments for the Google($25) and Apple($99) developer account.
Once your enrollment information has been verified and you have agreed to the
associated program license agreement, you can purchase your membership.

Pricing: The Apple Developer Program annual fee is 99 USD and the Apple Developer
Enterprise Program annual fee is 299 USD, in local currency where available. It is
suggested that you buy the Enterprise program.

3. Payment to acquire the payment gateway.

Note* - The payment gateway can be anyone that is supported locally in the client's
region which will be given by the client.

4. SMS Gateway or Email Gateway setup fee and charges per SMS or Promotional Email.

5. Any additional graphic design changes or additional functionality coding that is

outside the scope of the project or related to 3rd party tools.

6. Interfacing with the third-party provider (if any), other than specified in SOW.

7. Any extensions or add on is out of scope. The client will provide the extensions.

Payment Milestones
The table below details the payment milestones. The milestones are set following
the deliverables mentioned in the execution timeline, and invoices will be sent to
the client on the dates indicated below, are payable via wire transfer, and are due
on a net-30 basis.

No. Milestone Deliverable ETA Acceptance Criteria Payment

1 ct Kick-Off Acceptance of the proposal. 15%
User Stories, Adobe XD 15-18
2 Designs Designs days Meeting the Scope of work 20%
User acceptance testing (UAT) has been
Research & completed, and the Senior User/Project
Development, Server Setup, Executive has signed off on user
Apps, APIs, acceptance testing.
Database Landing Page, 38-40 All requirements have been formally
3 development Seller Apps, days approved. 25%
Mobile Apps User acceptance testing (UAT) has been
development, completed, and the Senior User/Project
Completion of Admin Panel Executive has signed off on user
Mobile Apps, Development, acceptance testing.
Admin panel, Unit Test, 25-30 All requirements have been formally
4 Testing Integration Test days approved.. 30%
Backup and Restore testing has been
completed successfully.
Deployment Deployment on Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is in
on server & App, play stores place to be used in situations where the
code and server on the 15-20 IT system is unavailable, for whatever
5 handover production days reason. 10%

Annual Maintenance Plan

Maintenance of Platform includes

● Third party integration update reviews
● App feedback monitoring
● Server monitoring
● App crash monitoring
● Analytics monitoring
● Security reviews
● Performance monitoring
● App store management & monitoring
● Hosting & third-party payment monitoring
● Source code repository & versioning

Following are the details of modules, testing items, frequency, results and

Testing Reporting
Modules Testing Items Frequency Test Results Frequency Comments
Server Health Daily Daily
Server Memory Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
Server Crash logs Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
Checking Disk Usage Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
Application Updates Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly
Server Utilization Daily Passed/Failed Daily
Change Passwords Quarterly Passed/Failed Quarterly
SSL Certificates Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly
Hosting Check Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly

APIs(platform and 3rd party)

Checking APIs Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
APIs Performance
Test Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly

iOS Apps
Installation Testing Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
Basic flow of app
testing Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
Verifying Code
upgrade Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly
Checking Crashlytics
Data Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly

Android Apps
Installation Testing Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
Basic flow of app
testing Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
Verifying Code
Structure Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly
Checking Crashlytics
Data Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly

3rd Party Plugins Check(if any)

Facebook oAuth
check Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
Google oAuth check Weekly Passed/Failed Weekly
Verify & update
Facebook guidelines Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly
Verify & update
Google guidelines Monthly Passed/Failed Monthly
Payment Modules Weekly tical/Urgent

● Terms & Conditions

○ Modules in the package may vary from project to project. For
instance the website maintenance package will have different
modules compared to the mobile apps maintenance modules.
○ Testing items shown above are not fixed there will be
additions/deletions from the list, clients can ask for checking more
○ Testing frequency: our engineers have carefully drafted the testing
schedule for all the modules and items under such modules. In case
you are unsatisfied with the testing frequency and need more
frequent checks you can always change that. Moreover, all the
checking days will be working days and during the operational
business hours.
○ Testing Results: The results of testing are categorized into 3 types
Passed, Failed and Critical. Passed is basically a green signal and
requires negligible attention for that check. Failed items will be
immediately reported to the concerned developer handling that
particular module. Critical results require immediate attention and
they will be dealt with in real time.
○ All the non critical issues will be dealt in the regular business hours
and the turnaround time for such issues will be 2-3 days.
○ Reports: The reporting frequency is a function of testing frequency
and whenever the engineers will conduct the test, a report will be
drafted and sent to you over email along with comments.
○ For any server upgradation or enhancements, the client has to bear
the cost of resources charged by the service provider.

● Website/App Monitoring Services

○ Server Monitoring
■ It's a continuous process of gaining visibility into the activities
of the servers, checking server logs, checking of critical events
like routing failures, SSL change, router mapping, downtime.
Since we are using 3rd party services such as AWS, there are
inbuilt tools that allows us to proactively manage, monitor and
take quick remedial action to prevent server failure, potential
attack, etc
○ Crash & Uptime monitoring
■ Server crashing & downtime is very rare in case of AWS, Azure
or GCP but we are using tools such as Uptrend,
Dotcom-Monitor to make sure that website stays up for 24 x &
without any issues.
○ Analytics Monitoring
■ Monitoring is the process of observing systems and testing
whether they function correctly. Analytics is the process of
turning data (usually behavioral data) into insights. We use
several tools for operations including handling complaints,
ticketing, USDiting, monitoring performance and reporting
○ Security Reviews
■ A security review is a collaborative process used to identify
security-related issues.
○ Third party integration monitoring services
○ Performances Monitoring
○ Hosting
○ Source Code & Repository services monitoring
● Security Upgrade Services
● Charges
○ We will charge USD 7000/year for the maintenance package. It
includes all kinds of bug fixing, patchworks, loophole plugins, and all
the works related to maintenance services. It excludes any feature
addition or enhancement.

Solution Warranty & Terms

1. Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd shall give a warranty for all its code provided a
third party does not alter the same. The period and terms of the warranty
are as mentioned below:
○ Warranty Period: 12 months*
○ Terms: Warranty will cover corrective maintenance/Bug support. Any
future development or enhancements to be programmed in the app
will be analyzed and estimated as per the requirements.
2. Authorization ${{Company_Name}}is engaging Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd,
as an independent contractor for the ${{Company_Name}}website, mobile
apps development, deployment, hosting, & support.
3. Clients will be responsible for providing timely feedback within 48 Hrs and
only 2
feedback iterations will be taken up.
4. Payment Fees to Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd are due in accordance with
the above-listed pricing table. Fees for monthly services will be invoices on
the 1st business day of each calendar month and are due on a net-30 basis.
All payments will be made in USD.
5. Completion Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd and ${{Company_Name}}must
work together to complete the project in a timely manner. Henceforth
Solutions Pvt Ltd agrees to work expeditiously to complete the project no
later than the launch date (depending on the date of acceptance of
6. Assignment of Project Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd reserves the right to
assign subcontractors to this project to ensure the right fit for the job as
well as on-time completion.
7. Revision During Execution ${{Company_Name}}may be charged additional
fees if it decides to make changes to the agreed-upon project scope and
8. Legal & License Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd warrants that the functions
contained in this project will meet ${{Company_Name}}requirements and
that the operation will be reasonably error-free.is with your company. In no
event will Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd be liable to ${{Company_Name}}or
any third party for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or
other incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of the
operation of or inability to operate the website, even if Henceforth
Solutions Pvt Ltd has been advised of the possibility of such damages. If any
provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason is
unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this
agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any
remaining provisions.
9. Copyrights & Trademarks ${{Company_Name}}represents to Henceforth
Solutions Pvt Ltd and unconditionally guarantees that any elements
furnished to Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd. for inclusion in the project are
owned by ${{Company_Name}}, or that ${{Company_Name}}has permission
from the rightful owner to use each of these elements and will hold
harmless, protect, and defend Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd and its
subcontractors from any claim or suit arising from the use of such elements
furnished by SuperOrganic Global.
10.Copyright to Project Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd guarantees that all
aspects of design and construction of the project will be disclosed to
${{Company_Name}}upon completion, and full code, copyrights, and
ownership will be the sole property of your company.
11.Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd retains the right to display graphics and other
design elements as examples of its work in its portfolio.
12.Sole Agreement
The agreement contained in this Contract constitutes the sole agreement
between Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd and ${{Company_Name}}regarding
this project. Any additional work not specified in this contract must be
authorized by a written change order. All prices specified in this contract will
be honored for three (3) months after both parties sign this contract.
Continued services after that time will require a new agreement.
13. In the event of any dispute in connection with this Agreement, the parties
hereto shall negotiate and resolve such dispute under principles of good
faith and honesty. Where the parties fail to resolve the dispute by
negotiation, they may submit to arbitration or legal proceedings.

14.Initial Payment & Refund Policy.

If ${{Company_Name}}halts work and applies for a refund within 4 days,
work completed shall be billed at the hourly rate of (USD 25/hr), and
deducted from the initial payment, the balance of which shall be returned
to your company. If at the time of the refund request for the work that has
been completed beyond the amount covered by the initial payment,
${{Company_Name}}shall be liable to pay for all work completed at the
hourly rate.
Other Important Information

Definition of Done
● "Done means every task under the User Story has been completed and any
work created is attached to the User Story so the Product Owner can review
it and make sure it meets his or her expectations."
● Our team is committed to meet the definition of done to ensure quality. It
lowers rework, by preventing user stories that don’t meet the definition
from being promoted to higher level environments. It will prevent features
that don’t meet the definition from being delivered to the customer or user.
● Here are couple of things that needs to be ensured at the User Story level
before the team can claim it’s done:
○ Unit tests passed
○ Code reviewed
○ Acceptance criteria met
○ Functional tests passed
○ Non-Functional requirements met
○ Product Owner accepts the User Story
● Following things needs to be checked at the feature level:
○ Acceptance criteria met
○ Integrated into a clean build
○ Promoted to higher level environment
○ Automated regression tests pass
○ Feature level functional tests passed
○ Non-Functional requirements met
○ Meets compliance requirements
○ Functionality documented in necessary user user documentation
Scope Change Process

Following are the steps that needs to be done before making any changes in
● Understanding and communicating the need behind the change
● Does new data indicate the existing project outcome won't be successful or
meet strategic objectives?
● Does a new launch date require a shift in the deadline?
● Is a new feature required?
● How urgent is the change?
● Implement a process to ensure requesters are carefully evaluating the
● Documentation of the change request.
● Evaluate the change and understand the impact in scope, schedule, and
● A trade-off or priority matrix can help us in evaluating whether the
requested changes will help the team stay focused on the organizations'
most important strategic priorities and keep all relevant projects on track.
● Once the evaluations are complete, it must also be approved by any
necessary executive stakeholders outlined in your scope change approval
● If the scope change is deemed unnecessary, it will be communicated.

Escalation Process
Step 1: Inform about the problem to the decision-making body (Director-you can
find the contact in the contact us section).

Step 2: Find what’s causing the problem and analyze what potential impact it can
cause on the project (For example, delays or cost overruns).
Step 3: The alternative options for the resolution of the problem are elaborated
along with their benefits and drawbacks.

Step 4: The situation is presented to the decision-making body along with a

recommendation for the future.

Step 5: It is explained to the decision-making body about what may happen if no

decision is taken today (For example, delays or cost overruns).

Step 6: The results of the escalation are documented to the decision-making body
while also capturing the key points.

Help & FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Sr. No Question Answer
Which project management system is to be
1 used? Basecamp/Trello
What will be the experience of the Project
2 Manager? More than 5 Years
3 Will there be weekly sprints with the team? Yes
What will be the escalation method, if General Manager
4 required? and CTO
5 How many design revisions will be there? Unlimited
Yes for the first 12
6 Will I get free bug support or a warranty? months after the
delivery date
Yes, But it will be
Can I change my requirements during payable in
7 development? accordance
Will your point of contact be available during
8 my time zone? Yes
What type of contracts do you work with?
9 Engagement models? Fixed & Hourly
No, but you can
choose to end the
Will I get a refund if I don’t like the app contract at the
10 developed by you? milestone level.
Who is responsible for the interaction with 3rd Project Manager
11 party APIs?
12 Who owns the idea and the source code? Client
Are you able to write the scope, pertaining to Yes
13 the project?
14 Are you willing to advise us with ideas? Yes

Who owns the legal rights to technology
1 developed by you? Client
The Signing of NDA
prior to starting of
2 How do we ensure that our IP is protected? contract
Contact Us

Phone: +91 8418866099 , +91 8054377604

Email: info@henceforthsolutions.com

Escalation Point of Contact

Name Role Team Contact-Mobile Contact - Email

Project Henceforth WhatsApp - +91
Harman Preet Manager Solutions 80543 77604 harman@henceforthsolutions.com
Director /
Escalation Henceforth WhatsApp - +91 omji.9142811@gmail.com
Omji Pandey Point Solutions 84188 66099 omji@henceforthsolutions.com
Next Steps
As outlined in the Investment section, our pricing is valid for 15 days from the date
of receipt. To take advantage of this proposal and proceed with the project as
outlined, sanctioning authority’s next steps must be to:

1. Take a look at the proposal and if you have any questions about what it
includes, go ahead and ask. We want to make sure that we have everything
completely covered before we jump in.
2. Once we get the proposal looking good to you, and decide that you’d like to
proceed, we’ll send an invoice to get started on the project.
3. We move forward based on the timeline.
4. At each "milestone" of website development and design, you'll sign off with
your approval so we know that we're on the right track.
5. We’re happy to make changes to the project scope on sanctioning
authority’s request at any time, but may be subject to additional billing.
6. Once completed, Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd will contact sanctioning
authority’s concerned personnel to schedule a project launch meeting to
make introductions and gather information before beginning the work.
7. You sign off on the completed project, 100% delighted! And, since you love
your new site, you tell others about how we helped you accomplish what
you wanted with your website. Perfect!
Terms & Conditions
1. A delay in processing invoice beyond Net 7 days OR providing any feedback
or being non responsive for more or equal to 7 days, Henceforth Solutions
Pvt Ltd. will put a hold on the project and release the resources. Project
re-initiation fees will be applied when the
the project is restarted which will be 25% of the total cost.
2. The cost of any third-party tools, stock images and licenses, if required, has
not been included in our proposal.
3. Clients will be responsible for providing timely feedback within 48 Hrs and
only 2 feedback iterations will be taken up.
4. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with a cause, upon thirty (30)
days’ advance written notice to the other party, unless otherwise mutually
agreed upon. Agreement will only be terminated by Henceforth Solutions
Pvt Ltd. in case the code has been breached, changed or updated by other
5. In the event of any dispute in connection with this Agreement, the parties
hereto shall negotiate and resolve such dispute under principles of good
faith and honesty. Where the parties fail to resolve the dispute by
negotiation, they may submit to arbitration or legal proceedings
6. Operational hours: Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd. commits to work at most
160 hours per month per resource (Requirement of resource will be defined
by the project manager and based on same his/her hours will be calculated
OR as per the contract defined) Operational days and timeline: Monday to
Friday with working hours from 09.30 AM IST to 06.30 PM IST. Although the
project manager will be available for the feedback calls as per the client’s
desired time. Timeline does not include National holidays (for which client
will be intimated 14 days prior and holidays calendar will also be shared)
7. Acceptance/Rejection of Deliverables. Client (with the reasonable
assistance of Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd. if requested by Client) will
examine and test the Deliverables promptly upon delivery to determine
whether the Deliverables conform to the Specifications for such
Deliverables and with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Within
_Fifteen__ (_15__) days of receipt of Deliverables, Client will provide
Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd. with a written statement that Client accepts
the Deliverables or a written statement of errors setting forth in detail each
specific instance in which the Deliverables do not conform to the
Specifications. Any Deliverables not accepted or rejected in the manner set
forth in the immediately preceding sentence within such time period will be
deemed accepted. Within _15 Days__ (15 ) days of receipt of Client's
statement of errors, Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd. will either.
a. correct each instance of non-conformance set forth in the statement
of errors
b. notify Client that Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd. has determined that
the Deliverables conform to the Specifications, setting forth in detail
the basis for such determination or
c. notify Client that Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd. does not have
sufficient information or materials to determine whether the
Deliverables conform to the Specifications or to make any necessary
changes or corrections, setting forth in detail the additional
information or materials needed by Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Changes: Client may request changes to this Statement of Work, and in such event
Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd will submit to Client any price or schedule impact of
such changes. Changes accepted by Client will be specified in an amendment to
this Statement of Work signed by both parties. Changes are broadly defined as
those materials or activities not originally considered within the Deliverables or
the Services, in each case as specified above. Without limitation, changes will
include the following changes from the information included in this Statement of
1. scope items not originally included;
2. participation in activities not originally included in the list of work activities;
3. provision or development of additional Deliverables;
4. impact caused by a change in the assumptions defined herein;
a. delays or rework caused by items identified as Client responsibilities;
b. change in responsibilities between Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd. and
Client, including reallocation of project staffing;
c. rework of completed Services or accepted Deliverables;
d. delays caused by a change in previously agreed-upon acceptance
criteria; or
e. investigative work to develop impact statements for major change
requests During the UAT stage, only two consolidated feedback will
be entertained. Any further feedback or any feedback which doesn’t
fall in above scope will be treated as Change Request. Change
requests must be submitted by the party proposing such a change
request in writing signed by the submitting party's Project Manager.
In either case, Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd. will prepare a time and
cost estimate, including payment terms, for the requested change(s)
(“Change Order”) and the agreed-upon cost will be required to be
processed upfront. Upon approval in writing by Client of the Change
Order, the Change Order will be deemed to be part of and governed
by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and Henceforth
Solutions Pvt Ltd. will begin the work specified therein. This
Statement of Work, including the Exhibits, may only be amended by a
writing signed by both parties. Executed as of the date set forth
above, as a document under seal, by the duly authorized
representatives of the parties hereto.
I/we accept the scope, technical process outlined in the proposal. Any change to this contract
shall be subject to a mutual written agreement of the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have so agreed as of the date written below:

Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd

C-196a | Times Square | 3rd Floor |Sector 74 |Punjab 160071 | India

__________________ __________________________
[Client’s Name, Title] [Director, Henceforth Solutions]

Annexure I

NDA Confidentiality Agreement

Dated: 06/07/2023

Ankit Narsi
[Please insert your business Address here]

Company's address

(Hereinafter called “The Owner”)


Omji Pandey
Title: Director
Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd
C-196a, 3rd floor, Sector 74, Mohali, PB, India
Registration Number: U72900HR2017PTC068543

(Hereinafter called the “The Developer”)

“The Owner” and “The Developer” wish to enter into discussions regarding the possibility of
cooperation, collaboration and support.

For this purpose “Company“ will disclose to “Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd” confidential
information, access, database, data and documents (hereinafter the “INFORMATION”). In order
to maintain the confidential nature of the INFORMATION exchanged in the discussions, “The
Developer” will treat all INFORMATION received from “The Owner” with the utmost

INFORMATION according to this Confidentiality Agreement shall mean all business, financial,
technical or other information regarding “The Owner” not publicly available, regardless of
whether this INFORMATION has been disclosed in writing, orally, electronically or by physical
inspection and or physical access.
By signing the Confidentiality Agreement, “The Developer” undertakes to “The Owner” as

1. Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd shall treat all INFORMATION which is disclosed by
“Company” and marked confidential or discernible as confidential with the utmost
confidentiality and shall use it exclusively for the examination, preparation and execution of
the strategic options.

2. The number of persons, who have access to the INFORMATION, shall be limited to the
smallest possible number. Suitable contractual agreements with these persons will ensure
that these persons will respect and meet the requirements of this Confidentiality Agreement.

3. No INFORMATION received directly from “The Owner” will be made available to third
parties. Dissemination of INFORMATION to third parties is only permitted upon the express
written authorization of “The Owner” and if the third party has committed itself to keep the
INFORMATION confidential pursuant to the terms of this Confidentiality Agreement.

4. Upon termination of the discussions “The Developer” will, upon written request, immediately
return all documents received as well as photocopies or other duplications and also destroy
any memoranda, notes and any other written items whatsoever that have been prepared on
the basis of the INFORMATION. The return or destruction of the documents does not
release “the Developer” of the ongoing observation of confidentiality. The preceding
obligations, however, do only apply if they are not prohibited by legal regulations.

5. “The Developer '' WILL NOT DOWNLOAD AND OR LOG FROM “The Owner” servers any
data or database unless it's required by the service agreement.

The obligation to maintain confidentiality does not apply to INFORMATION that is already in
the public domain or becomes part of the public domain during the course of the
discussions or negotiations regarding the strategic options, but not through the fault of “The
Developer”. This also applies if “The Developer” had the INFORMATION already in its
possession prior to its disclosure or the information becomes part of the public domain
without violation of a confidentiality agreement, legal regulations or official directives.

Should “The Developer” be legally obliged to disclose the INFORMATION via third parties or
official authorities, “The Developer” will immediately inform “The Owner” in writing as soon as
“The Developer” has been made aware of this obligation, to avoid a violation of the
Confidentiality Agreement.

If this Confidentiality Agreement is violated to the detriment of “The Owner”, by the “The
Developer”, then “The Owner” has the right to claim compensation and copyrights reserved.

The legal jurisdiction for any disputes is going to be the Supreme Court of India as per Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC).

“BuyNGo Services LLC” and “Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd” are bound by the obligations of
this Confidentiality Agreement until March 31st, 2026 following the signing of the agreement.
In the event that any provision set forth in this confidentiality agreement should become wholly
or partially legally invalid or impracticable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining
provisions. Where, through the legal invalidity or impracticability of a provision, it becomes
necessary to amend or replace a provision in this agreement, an arrangement in accordance
with the spirit and purpose of this confidentiality agreement shall be made.

Amendments of this Confidentiality Agreement require a written form.

“The Owner”

________________________________ ___________
(Signature) Date

Omji Pandey
Henceforth Solutions Pvt Ltd
C-196a, 3rd floor, Sector 74, Mohali, PB, India

Jun 7, 2023
(Signature) Date

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